US history Unit 14 Great Depression

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Which factor encouraged an American policy of neutrality during the 1930s?

disillusionment with World War I and its results

The Dust Bowl experiences of the Oklahoma farmers during the Great Depression demonstrated the

effect of geography on people's lives

The creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority is an example of

federal intervention to meet regional needs

The National Industrial Recovery Act and the National Labor Relations Act are often cited as evidence that New Deal legislation

sympathized with the interests of workers

The Sherman Antitrust Act, the Social Security Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are examples of

the Federal Government's response to changes in the economy

The minimum wage was set to how much money?

25 cents

___ % was unemployed due to Great Depression


Who were not offered skilled labor jobs?

African Americans

Revenue act of 1935

Also know as the wealth tax act raised the tax rate on individuals making over $50,000

A lasting result of the New Deal in the US has been

Assumption by the federal government of greater responsibility for the nations well-being

The strongest opposition to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs came from

Business leaders

The clash between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the United States Supreme Court over New Deal laws best illustrates the operation of

Check and balances

The main purpose of the New Deal measures such as Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was to

Develop rules to limit speculation and safeguard savings

The power of labor unions increased during the New Deal mainly because

Federal legislation guaranteed labor's right to organize and bargain collectively

Which event is most closely associated with the end of the Great Depression?

beginning of World War II

How did the power of government change during the Civil War and the Great Depression?

Presidential powers were expanded.

"You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily working life of the people without, at the same time, making it the master of the people's souls and thought." -President Herbert Hoover The idea expressed in the quotation is a basis for President Hoover's belief that the problems of the Great Depression could best be solved by

Relying mostly on private enterprise and individual initiative to improve economic conditions

Which New Deal program was chiefly designed to correct abuses in the stock market?

Securities and Exchange commission

"Come all of you good workers, Good news to you I'll tell Of how the good old union Has come in here to dwell . . . Don't scab for the bosses, Don't listen to their lies. Us poor folks haven't got a chance Unless we organize." — Florence Reece, "Which Side Are You On?" This song from the 1930s expresses

Support for the right of workers

Statement A: "The best way to economic recovery is to subsidize industry so that it will hire more workers and expand production." Statement B: "If jobs are not available, the government must create jobs for those who are unemployed." Statement C: "According to human nature, the most talented people will always come out on top." Statement D: "Our government is responsible for the nation's economic well-being." Which statements most strongly support the actions of President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Speaker B & D

Speaker A: "The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that." Speaker B:"Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise." Speaker C:"Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good." Speaker D:"Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved." Which speaker best expresses the main idea of rugged individualism?

Speaker D

Which statement is accurate about American culture during the Great Depression?

The Federal Government provided money to support the arts.

In the 1930s, one factor that accounted for the westward migration of farmers from the Great Plains was

The dust bowl

A major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was

an expansion of the power of the Federal Government

New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were primarily intended to help

Unemployed workers

The effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the Great Depression is difficult to measure because

United States involvement in World War II rapidly accelerated economic growth

The main causes of the Great Depression

Unstable economy, overproduction of consumer goods, over speculation, government policy

lasting effect of the New Deal has been a belief that government should

assume responsibility for the well-being of its citizens

The New Deal changed political thinking in the United States because it supported the idea that the

government should become more involved in the social and economic life of the people

The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Presidency in 1932 reflected the desire of many Americans to

have government take an active role in solving economic problems

Which conditions are most characteristic of an economic depression?

high unemployment and overproduction

Passage of the Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937 indicated that the United States desired to

isolate itself from conflicts in Europe and Asia

A major criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs to combat the Great Depression was that these programs

made people dependent on the Federal Government

The main reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to increase the number of Justices on the United States Supreme Court was to

make the Court more supportive of New Deal programs

A major effect of the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act, 1935) was that labor unions

obtained the right to bargain collectively

Which situation was a basic cause of the Great Depression?

overproduction of consumer goods

"Section 202. (a) Every qualified individual shall be entitled to receive.. . on the date he attains the age of sixty-five,.. . and ending on the date of his death, an old-age benefit. . ." A major purpose of this section of Federal legislation was to

provide economic assistance to retired workers

Which New Deal reforms most directly targeted the basic problem of the victims of the Dust Bowl?

providing farmers low-cost loans and parity payments

Deficit spending by the Federal Government as a means of reviving the economy is based on the idea that

purchasing power will increase and economic growth will be stimulated

significant cause of the Great Depression of the 1930's was that

some banking policies were unsound and had led to the overexpansion of credit

When the Great Depression began in 1929, the most common economic belief supported by the Republican Party was that

the economy would recover on its own

An important factor contributing to the start of the Great Depression in the United States was the

uneven distribution of wealth

Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?

widening income gap between the rich and the poor

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