US History Unit 5

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Election of 1860

Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery, and ended up with both a northern and southern Democratic candidate. Lincoln won no states in the south. As a result of these two things, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.

Harper's Ferry

Location of federal arsenal that John Brown raided to get guns to arm slaves

What were the major technological advancements during the Civil War?

Rifles, Minie balls, ironclad warships, submarines, Gatling gun, aerial reconnaissance, heavy artillery, trench warfare

Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.

What was Lincolns viewpoint on slavery prior to the Civil War?

He opposed slavery, and thought it was immoral, but did not think the president had the legal authority to end it.

What were the advantages of the union during the Civil War?

Industry and railroads, larger population, legitimate government, strong, political leadership

Why did the North fail to win major battles early in the Civil War?

Inexperienced generals and troops, without a clear strategy, had trouble mobilizing its industrial strength, was surprised at the determination of the south


Wooden ships with metal armor that were employed by both sides during the Civil War.

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

Appomattox courthouse

the Virginia town where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865, ending the Civil War

John Wilkes Booth

was an American stage actor who, as part of a conspiracy plot, assassinated Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave three state through popular sovereignty, repealing the Missouri compromise

First Battle of Bull Run

1861, first major land battle, at Manassas, Virginia, confederate victory, gave Stonewall, Jackson, his name

Battle of Shiloh

1862, Corinth, Mississippi, union victory, but suffered greater casualties, bloodiest battle in North America up to that point, confederate general Johnson, dies

Second Battle of Bull Run

1862, Manassas, Virginia, confederate victory, Union had to retreat to Washington, Confederates cross Potomac river into north

Battle of Antietam

1862, in Maryland, new confederate general, Robert E Lee, tries to invade north, bloodiest in US history, union victory, allowed Lincoln to announce emancipation proclamation, McClellan fired after

Battle of Gettysburg

1863, three day battle, union victory, turning point of war, Confederates lost 1/3 of army, Lee unable to rebuild army after that

Battle of Vicksburg

1863, two months, long barrage of city by general grant, Tennessee, union victory, gave control of Mississippi River

Dred Scott Decision

A Missouri slave sued for his freedom, saying that because he had lived in a free area, he should be free. The Supreme Court ruled that because he was a slave, he was not a citizen, could not sue in court.

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people to decide things, such as whether a state Site should be free or slave

Stephen Douglas

A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty. He debated against Lincoln in seven debates on the issue of slavery in the territories, in the election of 1858 for senator from Illinois. Douglas won the election

Bleeding Kansas

A sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery elements that took place in Kansas-Nebraska Territory.

War of Attrition

A war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses

What were the disadvantages of the confederacy during the Civil War?

A weak economy, a smaller population, ineffective, central government, and leader ship

John Brown

Abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858)

Uncle Tom's cabin

Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe, became powerful statement about impact of slavery, convinced many Northerners slavery would ruin US society

What were similarities of the north and south prior to the Civil War?

Both had economy somewhat based on agriculture, both discriminated against black Americans.

Compromise of 1850

California admitted as a free state, New Mexico, and Utah, get to decide their own status regarding slavery, Fugitive Slave Act strengthened to help return slaves, who had escaped

14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. including slaves are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

What was the greatest cause of death in the Civil War?

Disease, especially dysentery

Who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation?

Enslaved people living in rebelling areas against the Union

Fort Sumter

Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina; where the Civil War started

What were the advantages of the confederacy during the Civil War?

Fighting a defensive war on their own turf, all had a common cause, had a strong military tradition and outstanding leaders

Where did Shermans famous march to the sea begin and end.?

From Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia

What were the disadvantages of the union during the Civil War?

Funding difficulties, had to fight an offensive war, lack of skilled military leaders

Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

He did this to cause slaves to leave the south and join the union army to strengthen it

Anaconda Plan

Northern Civil War strategy to starve the South by blockading seaports and controlling the Mississippi River

Ford's Theatre

Place where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in Washington DC

What was Lincolns main goal at the beginning of the Civil War?

Preservation of the union

Emancipation Proclamation

Proclamation issued by Lincoln, freeing all slaves in areas still at war with the Union.

What was the Union's goal at the beginning of the Civil War?

Reunification. Strategy was to starve the southerners via naval blockade

What was the outcome of the Dred Scott case?

Slaves are property of their owners, and not citizens. Thus, they cannot sue in court, and are not free, if living in a free state.

In what ways were the north and the south different prior to the Civil War?

The north had a more industrial economy, based on manufacturing, with more urban centers, while the south was more agricultural and rural agriculture in the north consisted of smaller farms, while the south often had large plantations, requiring much more labor, ultimately slavery to farm them.

Why did the South expect Britain and France's help during the Civil War?

The south provided them cotton for textiles

At the beginning of the Civil War, what was the south's basic strategy?

To defend its territory

15th Amendment (1870)

U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed

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