US History WWII Review

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Why didn't the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations create a "lasting peace"?

- Not enough countries joined or were allowed in the League of Nations - The Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany and only angered them

Did the appeasement policy of Britain, France, and the United States have the intended effect? Explain your answer.

Appeasement policy of Britain, France, and the United States was to satisfy the claims of dissatisfied counties in an attempt to maintain peace. The policy did not have the intended effect because it did start a war. It just enabled the dissatisfied countries to demand more.

How were the causes of the Detroit race riots and the Los Angeles zoot suit riots similar?

Both were caused by migration.

Why was the location of Midway Island so significant? What impact would a Japanese victory at Midway have on the war in the Pacific?

Critical port location for trade and navy- "midway" between US and Asia. Japan would have gained control over the Pacific.

How did Americans on the homefront contribute to the war effort?

Donating material and rationing; buying war bonds

GDP, gross domestic product, is the yearly value of the goods and services created in a nation. Explain the relationship among the three graphs shown here.

During the war and the months leading up to it, the US spent most of its money on defense, the federal spending and national debt went to an all time high and then all of this decreased after the war.

Describe trends in women working during and immediately after World War II.

During the war, the amount of women working outside the home went up a lot, and then after the war, the numbers were still higher than before, but not close to as high as during the war.

What was blitzkrieg warfare? What evidence supports the idea that the German blitzkrieg was successful?

German term meaning "lightning war", which involved the rapid movement of infantry, tanks, and airpower over large areas. It was what allowed them to defeat France, and Russia later copied these tactics.

Why do you think Roosevelt compared war to a disease in his Quarantine speech?

He compared war to disease because both are contagious.

How did the Great Depression affect political life in Germany and Japan?

Hitler emerged in Germany as a totalitarian dictator while Japan continued as a traditional monarchy but built up its military.

Read the quote from Winston Churchill after the evacuation from Dunkirk: We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. —Winston Churchill, June 4, 1940 What effect did this speech have on the Germans and the British?

Hitler's plan to invade Britain, codenamed Operation Sea Lion, depended upon Germany's Luftwaffe, or air force, destroying the British Royal Air Force and gaining control over the skies above the English Channel. The Battle of Britain occurred and Germany and Britain both lost planes. The British held on and Hitler postponed the invasion.

Do you think this cartoon is arguing for a policy of isolation or intervention? Explain your answer.

Intervention because it is showing FDR and the British diplomat trying to drag congress and America into the quarrels in Europe

What were the main arguments in the debate between isolationists and interventionists?

Interventionists - U.S. should work with nations for collective security Isolationists - U.S. should avoid alliances

How did the D-Day invasion and then the Allied invasion of France affect Germany's strategy during World War II?

It forced the Germans to fight a two front war

Why did the League of Nations fail to halt German and Italian aggression?

It had never recovered from America's refusal to join it. had not standing army and no real power to enforce its decrees. It was only as strong as its members resolve and during the worldwide depression of the 30s the members lacked resolve

Why were Japanese Americans placed in internment camps, while Italian Americans and German Americans were not?

Japanese Americans were easily to recognise; the major cause of Japanese Americans being put into internment camps was racial prejudice. Italian Americans and German Americans still faced backlash; however, it was not as racially prejudice when compared to Japanese Americans.

How did the combination of fear and propaganda help Stalin maintain power?

Propaganda was used to make Stalin appear like godly figure. Example if someone did not apply him in the conference that person would be arrested.

How were the Allies able to keep the planned invasion at Normandy a secret from the Nazis?

The Allies set up fake headquarters in southeast England with wood and cardboard tanks, useless ships, and radio messages.

The world's first atomic bomb, code-named Trinity, was detonated in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945. Why do you think it was important to the Allies that they successfully develop an atomic bomb before the Axis?

The Allies want the ability to bring fear to the Axis by having them know that they could detonate it at any time.

Explain what the Neutrality Act of 1939 stated.

The Neutrality Act of 1939 changed our stance on isolationism. It stated that Allied countries and China could buy our weapons but they had to use their own ships and pay in cash.

This poster shows (left to right) women in the Marines, Navy, Army, and Coast Guard. What strikes you about their appearance? Why did the artist portray them like That?

The women look like men and the artist portrays them this way in order to evoke emotion and to get the women involved with the war efforts

What was the world reaction to these aggressive actions? What was the effect of this reaction on the aggressors?

The world was appalled; League of Nations tried to condemn and endore guilty actions to the aggressors; but, because of no representation in the army, no action was taken against the aggressors. The effect of this reaction on the aggressors just made them angrier; they continued to invade other countries.

How did Pearl Harbor change American opinion about the war?

This unified the American opinion about being involved in the war

Hitler was a powerful speaker who attracted masses of people with promises of "Germany Over All." Why would mass meetings and marches be important in a totalitarian state?

To have everyone be on his side and to hear what he has to say, bring everyone together.

What did Truman state was his main goal in his decision to use the atomic bomb?

To save lives of American and Japanese people, by causing Japan to surrender, end the war.

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