U.S History WWII Test Study Set

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During which time span was WWII?


What year was Pearl Harbor Bombed?


Texan, Movie Star, Medal of Honor winner

Audie Murphy

a group of countries that opposed the Allied powers in World War II,


US General in Charge in Washington DC during the War


Allied Commander in the Pacific


Turning Point in War in the Pacific Japanese Fleet destroyed


Wanted limited immigration is to the-


The U.S. and Britain decided to invade German Controlled europe-

To force the german army to fight on two fronts

Japanese leader


True or False: Women became factory workers, pilots, and gardeners to support the troops.


Which group of African-Americans became fighter pilots for WWII? __________________ Airmen


Which countries' fighting efforts caused Germany to surrender in 1945?

U.S. & Russia

What made Japan surrender?

U.S. sent atomic bombs.

African American Medal of Honor Winner, in the infantry while serving in Italy

Vernon Baker

Which leader was NOT in the Axis Powers side?

Winston Churchill

Which pair of leaders are being described?

Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt

Historians often cite one of the reasons for the allied victory of world war II was-

the americans at home were more involved in the war effort than those in germany

How did the leadership of President F.D.R. better prepare the U.S. for WWII?

His use of the Lend-Lease Act led to Mobilization

the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps duringWorld War II


How did the U.S. govt. increase the availability of critical materials and supplies for war?

Imposed civilian rationing of needed products and supplies

What was the effect of Executive Order 9066?

Internment of Japanese Americans

What Strategy did the US use to get closer to the Japanese Mainland

Island Hopping

Japanese bombs not only destroyed ships but American's foreign policy view of...?


Which of these countries was NOT an Allied Power?


What country suffered a defeat at the Battle of Midway


What day in infamy did President Roosevelt refer to?

Japan attacking Hawaii

What caused America to join WWII?

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.

Which event was the immediate cause for U.S. entry into WWII?

Japanese navy attacking Pearl Harbor

Which group of people were gathered into harsh Internment camps in America during WWII?


The American Expeditionary Force

John J. Pershing

What do we call the Japanese fighter pilots who died flying planes into allied ships


The bataan death march was used by the japanese to-

Kill american prisoners of war by having them march through the jungle 60 miles without water

ships used to send supplies to American Allies

Liberty ships

Which set of events is correctly sequenced in chronological order?

1) Nazism begins 2) Poland's invasion 3) France surrenders

Zoot Suiters

A men's suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulder. Became popular in African-Americans.

Navajo Code Talkers

A person employed by the military during wartime to use a little-known language as a means of secret communication

The Tuskegee Airmen were what during WWII

African American Pilot Group

name given to the alliance of countries in opposition to the Axis Powers in World War II.


Which side were Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Harry Truman on?

Allied Powers

Which group won WWII


A.Philip Randolph

An American labor unionist, civil rights activist, and socialist politician

Who was Rosie the Riveter?

An Icon of the period for working women

discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.


a swift intensive military attack, designed to defeat the opposition quickly


How did civilians help the U.S. government pay for the war effort?

Bought war bonds

June 6, 1944, the day of the invasion of Western Europe by Allied forces in WorldWar II.


What was the Manhattan Project

Effort to build atomic bomb by the US

Commander of the Allies in Europe


Helped people buy homes


governmental system with extreme nationalism and militarism usually led by a dictator


Which reason did the government give for placing Japanese Americans in internment camps?

Fear Japanese Americans may support forces fighting the U.S.

American pilots flying to help China against Japan before Pearl Harbor

Flying Tigers

Why did the U.S. government urge civilians to plant Victory Gardens during WWII?

Food was needed for the soldiers overseas.

The american commander that led allied forces to victory in africa was-

George Patton

Prior to WWII, how did the actions of Germany and Japan cause concern among their neighbors?

Germany and Japan expanded by border changes and land.

Which event started World War II?

Germany invades Poland.

Which countries were Axis Powers?

Germany, Japan, Italy

Why did Germany retreat from Russia?

Harsh weather in Russia

Naval Commander


Which beach did America surprise Germany on during D-Day?


What US agency spread propaganda?

Office of War Information

Tank Commanding Hero Battle of the Bulge


Conference where the Allies plan to divide up a conquered Germany


Lend Lease Program

Program under which the U.S. supplied to other countries with food, oil, and other material between 1941 and 1945

Initiate, referendum, recall are to the-

Progressive State Reforms

How did the U.S. contribute to WWII prior to officially declaring war?

Providing arms and ships to friendly nations fighting Hitler

How did Hollywood help the war effort?

Released patriotic films

Japanese were sent to internment camps without

Right to trial to prove they were disloyal

Which issue best characterizes the years leading to WWII?

Rise of dictators and totalitarian states

What is the name of the icon that encouraged women to go work in factories?


Who best symbolized working women?

Rosie the Riveter

One technological advanced developed during world war II that is still beneficial today is-

Sonar and Radar

What battle was fought in the Soviet Union


After Germany Surrendered-

The united states turned its attention to fighting the japanese

Which contribution of women during WWII is reflected by the image?

Working in factories

Before launching a european attack, the allied powers first-

attacked axis powers in africa

What naval battle turned the tide of the war in the pacific

battle of midway

in order to bring the war to a close the U.S.-

dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki

According to the political cartoon, a chief concern of critics of Roosevelt's policies was he —

expanded presidential powers during a national emergency

After controlling the land in europe, hitler proceeded to-

invade the soviet union hoping to take control of more land

What is rationing?

limiting the amount of a certain product each person gets

Why did women go to work?

men went to war, jobs opened up, people needed to take them

What materials were short in supply?

metal, glass, rubber, gasoline

What factor contributed to the end of the Great Depression?

military spending

What were victory gardens?

places Americans grew food

What did war bonds pay for?

shipping, aircraft, weaponry

One problem of WWII considered urgent by the U.S. Office of War Information was-

unintentional distribution of sensitive information to enemy

at the end of world war II, germany-

was divided into four sections controlled by the U.S., France, Britain, and the Soviet Union

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