USA and Canada EXAM 2

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A first Nations (aboriginal) people, indigenous to the northeastern American region of New England, Canada's Atlantic Provinces, and the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec.


A group of people who share a common identity and who are usually interested in maintaining their own government.

Grand Banks

A group of underwater plateaus southeast of Newfoundland on the North American continental shelf. These areas are relatively shallow, ranging from 80-330 feet (24-100) in depth.

Seigneurial system

A land system used in early French Canada that defined, controlled, and divided up settled area and agricultural lands.

What is the seigneurial system, and how did this feudal system encourage the settlement of New France by selected groups of migrants?

A land system used in early French Canada that defined, controlled, and divided up settled areas and agricultural lands. Like feudal system in France, peasant farmers (habitants) pay feudal lords (seigneurs) in kind and in labor. The people who lived on the and were dependent on the Seigneur. It was regulated by laws, and it made it so that everyone got a little portion of the river instead of one little farmer owning the best land right along the river.

Long Island Express

A major hurricane in 1938, the first to strike New England since 1869.


A member of an indigenous group who formerly lived in Newfoundland

Somali Bantu

A minority ethnic group in Somalia who are the descendants of people from various Bantu ethnic groups who were sold into Somalia as part of the Arab place trade in the 19th century.


A native or inhabitant of Quebec (especially one who speaks French)


A person with fluency in two different language


A policy first developed


A region and former French colony of eastern Canada, During the French and Indians (1755-17630, MANY ACADIANS MIGRATED OR WERE DEPORTED BY THE British to southern territories, including Louisiana, where their descendants came to be know as Cajuns.

Bedroom community

A suburban or urban community that is primarily residential from which most of the workforce commutes to earn their livelihood.

Treaty of Utrecht

Agreement signed by the belligerents in the War of Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March and April 171 that marked the defeat of French ambitions in North America.


An extensive urban area formed when two or more cities coalesce to form a continuous metropolitans

Planned Cities

Any community that was carefully planned from its inception and is typically conducted in a previously undeveloped area.

How did the major landform features of the Atlantic Periphery provide opportunities and constrains for early settlement?

Because of the high climate, this area doesn't have a lot of farming. It is apart of the Appalachian mountain range. Because of the ice movement, there is a lot of exposed bed rock that doesn't allow for great farming. Because it is along the Atlantic coast, trade was made easy for this area. There also a lot of fishing (Cod) and lobster. It is a great climate for cranberries, blueberries, maple syrup, and potatoes, and apples in New Brunswick. Forest provided needed wood.

Ellis Island

Best known as the historical gateway for millions of immigrants to the United States from 1892 to 1934

What are some of the economic, locational, and environmental challenges of the Canadian part of this region, especially the province of Labrador and Newfoundland?

Economic: it is a bunch of small towns with no large economy. This region relies on the megapolis. Overfishing. Locational: it is so far away from mainland Canada Environmental: Because of the over fishing, there are not a tons of jobs. They do have a lack of natural resources.


English-speaking Canadians

Truck Farming

Farms near urban area that specialize in fresh fruits and vegetables

What are the differences between Francophones, Anglophones, and Allophones?

Francophones: Anglophones: Allophones: Residents of Canada whose mother tongue us neither French nor English


French-speaking Canadians who may live in any of the Canadian provinces to territories but who primarily reside in Quebec.

Channelized Development

Growth has occurred along major arterial highways. Development is both commercial and residential.

L'Anse aux Meadows Acadia

Historic Viking site located on the northern tip of Newfoundland, Canada

Plains of Abraham

In 1759 the British defeated the French in a decisive battle of the French and Indian War in this field outside Quebec City leading to British supremacy in Canada.

Racial Covenants

In the 1920s and 1930s, laws tat restricted the sale or occupation of real property on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, or social class in the USA.

Why were the port cities so strategic to the economic success of Megalopolis in its early years of Euro- American settlement and expansion?

It allowed for Trade, they became economic centers (so the suburbs were built around them). It also allowed for Europeans to come take the goods grown in North America back to Europe.

What geographer first came up with the term Megalopolis, and how have geographers used this concept to understand urban patterns in the Atlantic Northeast?

Jean Gottmann. The same type of pattern of city after city has followed throughout the United States

Farmland Assessment Law

Law passed in 1964 providing for reduced taxes on farmland in New Jersey in an effort to reduce the sale of farmland o developers for housing and commercial space.

Fall Line

Linear pattern of colonial towns and cities...located on rivers flowing from the Piedmont through the Atlantic Coastal Plain

What caused the collapse of the cod industry in the Atlantic Ocean, and what has been the impact on the people living in this area?

Overfishing so people were taking out more than what was being replaced. Because of this, many people lost their generational-owned jobs to allow for the fish to repopulate. The government paid those in the cod industry money so they could go be retrained in another field.


People in the original 13 British colonies who remained loyal to the British during and after the Revolutionary War in the United States

What are some of the economic challenges that Quebec has faced over the years in its primary sector as compared to its secondary sector?

Primary: lumbering and paper Secondary: a lot of hydroelectric power production. Because of this, a lot of companies come in for cheaper electricity. Lots of manufacturing in this area as well. It has natural resources but it mainly takes the resources from the other places and makes it. There is good farming along the St. Lawrence river but to the north it is too cold and there is no good soil because of the canadian shield. They have competitors who are better at using the same primary sector things.


Process of adopting some aspect of another culture

How has Quebec maintained its intense connection to its French cultural and linguistic heritage for almost three centuries?

Remains Catholic (rest of Canada is Protestant and Christian), names of places are after the french area to remind them of the french catholic history. BILL 101-all signage and schooling/business dealings are in French.


Residents of Canada whose mother tongue is neither French nor English

Quota Laws

Restrictions on how many immigrants may be admitted to a country.

Sense of place

Subjective and sometimes emotional connections to our immediate environment.

Why is the region discussed in this chapter referred to as a peripheral area?

The Atlantic Periphery is known to be a peripheral area, meaning it is economically weak and depends on choices and policies founded in other areas, like New York City or other Megalopolis areas (lack of natural resources, relative isolation, marginal agriculture, and lack of urbanization).


The Quakers (friends) are a form of Protestant Christianity that was started by George Fox in 1652 and who migrated to the early Pennsylvania colony.


The advocacy of culture, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental, or tother separation from the larger group often referring to political secession.


The external attributes of a place (Aspects of the region's location relative to other places- a good location relative to Europe in terms of trade and immigration, good routes into the interior, fortuitous location along the Europe-Caribbean and South American trade route)

Great Expulsion

The forced relocation of Acadian people from Nova Scotia to France, Louisiana, and other parts of North America

Ethnic identity

The identification of one'e cultural heritage or that of a group of people


The internal attributes of a place, (Coastal location, relatively flat or gently rolling terrain, northern climate-long cold winter, short, relatively cooler summers


The name given to an area of North America by the Norsemen, about the year 1000 C.E.

Quiet Revolution

The rise of active nationalism among Francophone Quebecers.


plateau region located in the central United States between the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the main Appalachian Moutnains, stretching from New Jersey in the north to central Alamaba in the south.

Louisiana Purchase

Thomas Jefferson purchased the Unite States' acquisition of 828,800 square miles o France's claim to the territory of Louisiana in 1803.

Paris Peace Treaty

Treaty ending the Seven Years' War/French and Indian War and (1783), ending the American Revolution War.

How is climate change affecting the natural environmental and indigenous cultures of northern Quebec at the present time?

Warming temperatures are causing melting of glaciers and ice which is causing flooding and coast line disturbances alone the hudson bay and along other major bodies of water. Increasing salinity along the coast of st lawerence. (WHY COULD THEY NOT MAINTAIN THEIR CULTURE?)Housing wasn't stable and the food sources were moving away. ( A lot of freeze thaw makes the ice roads which is a seasonal road and it is melted). not building roads.

What is "white flight," and how did this process help determine the socioeconomic and racial character of U.S suburbs in the immediate post-World War II years?

When white city dwellers move from the city to a suburban area to escape the income minorities. After WWII, many white veterans wanted to escape the crime from the major cities so developers built many low-cost houses to support the families. A cheaper bigger factory could be built in the suburb, access to highways away form the crowded cities, the land was cheaper. The downtown areas were not inhabited by the wealthy people. GI Bills

What are some of the distinctive cultural landscape features that contribute to the Atlantic Periphery's unique sense of place?

(Trees, forests, rock beaches), lighthouses, boats, fishing, small towns, dairy farms,


A 17th century religious group from England who settled in the Maeican colonies

What are three of the most important specialty crops grown in the rural parts of the Megalopolis region?

Dairy products, tomatoes, lettuce, bearers, and vegetables. (Truck gardening).

What are some of the environmental impacts of the dense populations and historical legacy of industrial development in Megalopolis?

Poor air quality (fossil fuel during caused by dense transportation networks). Increased transportation needs.

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