User-Centered Design

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A design concept that refers to how easily the user can navigate through the pages of a website to find information.


A general idea or thought about something


A narrative that describes a particular set of future conditions.


Are those for whom the product is not designed.

Secondary personae

Are those who are not the primary target audience for a product, but whose needs the product should meet. They are able to provide valuable alternative insights to the development of a product.


Carrying out the interventions identified during planning.

Inclusive design

Designs that are accessible by all members of society.

Usability laboratory.

Its where the usability testing is carried out in.

Participatory design

Systems are designed by designers and users working together. Workers consulted on new implementations rather than being ignored and the designing falls to experts who don't know the workers' real needs.


The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others

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