Verbal test

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57.SF will not take part in the control of picketers/demonstrators, nor assist civil authorities uhleas specifically directed by whom? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.51.-7.51.2.)

-99 SFS/CC or Higher Authority

29.How many restricted area sweeps must be conducted per shift and for how long? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 4.5.3)

-A minimum of two and a minimum of 30 minutes unless terminated earlier by FC.

69.What is the minimum amount of personnel required to conduct vehicle inspections? (Ref. 99 SFS 31-101 para.

-A minimum of two personnel will conduct the inspection

51. When conducting a field interview, what form is it documented on'? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.48.1.)

-AF IMT 3907, Security Forces Field Interview Data card.

80. Define Protection Level 4? AFI 31-101 para 4.9

-AF operational or MSAS that directly or indirectly support PPAS and the war fighting mission which loss, theft, misuse, compromise or destruction would adversely affect mission capability PPA - Poner projection assets

78. In the event of a gate runner and upon activation of the anti-vehicle barriers, whether the vehicle stops or fails to stop and defeats/bypasses the active vehicle barriers, What will the IEC initiate? 99 SFS OI 31-101 para

-IEC will radio the BDOC and advise "Hostile Gate Runner at XXX-Gate." Along with vehicle description, number of occupants and direction of travel

19.When and why will DBIDS be utilized at NAFB? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101 Tab C to Appendix 1 to Annex J)

-IECS will use DBIDS as the primary means of ID verification for entry. -At all times with the exception of peak inbound traffic hours Mon-Fri between 0600-0800 and 1100-1300

31.When will vehicle operators use the Airfield as a shortcut to access any location? (Ref. NAFBI 13-213 para. 3.21.1)

-Vehicle operators shall never use the airfield as a shortcut. Perimeter or access roads should be used to the maximum extent

25. Who is authorized to authenticate EALS? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. be Seardnd Through tves What vohiues have t EST Lovae vehide inskectan Sife

-Vehicles driven non-DoD credentialed personnel -Trucks or Vans above % Ton (Ram 2500/Silverado 2500/F250) -Semi Trucks, dump trucks, tow trucks, delivery vans -All must be searched and verified by LVIS (Area II Gate)

18. When are Entry Controllers authorized to activate the AVB (Active Vehicle Barriers)? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 6.12.2-

-When a vehicle shows Hostile Intent and fails to stop and provide proper ID or Obey IECS instructions -Prevent a known perceived threat against persons, property, operations, or resources -Prevent a subject from departing the installation or from harming themselves or others

72.Exposure to bloodbome pathogens will be reported to who? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101, para. A7.5.2)

-You will report all exposures to your supervisor, FC, and Infection Control Officer immediately.

When will suspects be advised of their rights? And IAW to what?

Prior to asking questions related to the offense under investigation Military: Article 31, UCMJ Civilian: 5th Amendment, US Constitution

20.How many hours prior to Presidential arrivals/departures will personnel be positioned in the Nellis or Creech control tower? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101 CHAP XVII 4.B.4)

-1 hour prior to Presidential arrivals/departures

23.During Vehicle inspections who is authorized to para. - open and close compartments? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101

-Vehicle drivers are only authorized.

66. What are the procedures for taxis/limousines to enter the installation? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-113 para. 1.2.13)

-All drivers will be vetted though NCIC and all vehicles will be searched -If code 4 is negative, a DBIDS pass will be issued for only the time needed to drop off personnel -Taxi drivers will be briefed that soliciting fares are unauthorized while on the installation -If an authorized ID card holder needs a taxi/limousine pick up they will be directed to the VCC to get a DBIDS pass -Authorized ID card holders will provide an email pre- taxi/limousine company name name, rank, location and on base contact number and verification to the VCC from a .mil account with requestor's

41. Who is authorized to authenticate EALS? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para.

-An SF member E-5/GS07 or above will -An SF member E-6/GS07 or above will authenticate for PL-I authenticate for PL-2/3

17.What are the restricted area badge number designations? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101 Appendix N.4.B)

-Area (3) Three- 57 WG/CP, Bldg 620 -Area (4) Four- Nellis Flight Line restricted areas. -Area (6) Six- Nellis AFB, Bldg. 47 Creech AFB Bldg. 718, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1019, and Bldg. 1009. -Area (8) Eight- Creech AFB Flight Line. -Area (10) Ten- Munitions Storage Area (MSA) -Area (11) Eleven- Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) headquarters, Bldg. 200. -Area (12) Twelve- Red Flag, Bldg. 201. -Area (20) Twenty- Nellis AFB Flight Line adjacent to the restricted area.

46.Describe Article 2 of the UCMJ. And provide examples. (Ref. AFI 31-118 para. 5.3.1)

-Article 2 of the UCMJ states exactly who is subject to military jurisdiction. Those personnel subject to military jurisdiction with which SF personnel are likely to come into contact include not limited to: -Members of the regular component of the Armed Forces -Cadets, aviation cadets and midshipmen -Retired, regular component members of the military entitled to pay. -Retired, reserve component members receiving military hospitalization

49.Describe Article 5 of the UCMJ? (Ref. AFI 31-118 para 5.3.2)

-Article 5 of the UCMJ states that the Code applies in all places and there is no restriction on where the case may be heard. The military has jurisdiction to prosecute any offense committed on or off base.

37.Rule 302 MCM & Article 7 (b) UCMJ give what authority to Security Forces? (Ref. AFI 31-118 para. 5.4)

-Authority to apprehend any person subject to trial by court- martial upon probable cause if the Security Forces member is executing security/law enforcement duties

63. What steps will help reduce the exposure to bloodborne pathogens? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. A7.13.1.1)

-Avoid contact with blood or other bodily fluid if you have any open cuts, scratches or sores

48.If you are exposed to bodily fluids, what steps will you take? (Ref. 99 SFS OI-31-101 para. A7.13.1.2)

-Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth whenever you are exposed to bodily fluids

65. What are three on for a DUI? (Ref. 99 SFS 31-101 para. 7.42.4 - things you should evaluate a motorist

-Behavior -Appearance -Motor Skills

33. What are the three types of vehicle inspections at NAFB? (Ref NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101, Appendix 3 to Annex J)

-Commercial Vehicles -Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive (AA&E) Vehicles -Random Installation Entry /Exit Vehicles

62.A patrol will be considered under duress if they? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.44.-7.44.3.)

-Communicate the current duress word over the radio net or verbally to another post or patrol. -Fail to respond to three (3) consecutive radio broadcasts. -The patrol activated the duress button on the portable radio (orange button).

45. What must flightline patrols conduct upon assuming post? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 4.5.-

-Conduct visual check of all physical security aids to include free zone boundaries -Entry Control Points (ECPS) -Restricted Area Boundaries and signs within assigned AOR -Notify area supervisor and BDOC of any discrepancies

76. What will identify a Gate Runner as hostile? 99 SFS OI 31-101 para 6.3.

-Driving at a high rate of speed -Driving aggressively -Driver or passenger visibly wielding a firearm -Driver disobeying IEC directions

70.A Security Forces member must be what grade to be positioned in the Nellis or Creech control tower for Presidential arrivals/departures? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101 CHAP XVII 4.B.4

-E5 or higher

30.Explain Emergency Entry into Restricted Areas? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 5.1.2)

-Entry must not be based only on sirens & flashing lights unless notified by area supervisor, BDOC, or FC -Must maintain visual until personnel leave the area and a purge must be conducted. -Patrols will document all personnel entering/exiting on AF Form 1109 (Do not stop emergency vehicles/obtain info after emergency)

28. What must the SF individual be equipped with for Presidential arrivals/departure in the Nellis or Creech Control tower? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101 CHAP XVII 4.B.4)

-Equip this individual with field glasses and a radio

52. Who is responsible for establishing a temporary restricted arca and what items are required? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para.

-External SRTS (ESRTS) and will need red rope, stanchions, and restricted area/ECP signs.

64. Who will Foreign Military members on base be released to? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para.

-Foreign Military members will be released to civil authorities (if they accept custody), their unit, or team leader. If no contact is made contact SJA.

42.A field interview is an investigative tool used for what purposes? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.48.1.)

-Gather information -Deter Criminal Activity -Identify possible suspects

indicate? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-113 para. 2.6.1 - 2.6.3) 24. What do the three colors on the DBIDS scanner

-Green: cardholder is allowed access to the installation at the current time, day, and FPCON level -Yellow: a problem or alert that merits investigation but does not automatically prohibit access -Red: cardholder is not allowed access to the installation

50. What are the Stop, Check, and Pass procedures? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para, 6.13-

-Inbound lane: Will be blocked with inbound vehicles to prevent suspect(s) from exiting -Member will obtain first vehicles Driver's ID/CAC and instruct driver to remain stopped until directed by SF personnel to enter the installation -After the second vehicle has been cleared, member will maintain credentials and instruct them to remain stopped -The first vehicles driver's ID/CAC will be returned and be instructed to enter the installation -Outbound lane: All traffic will be stopped. The first vehicle will be cleared by SF personnel -Driver and any passengers will be positively identified to ensure no suspect(s) is within the vehicle -FC will determine if trunk will be opened by the driver and cleared by SF personnel

71.What are the changeover procedures for Installation Gates? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 6.6)

-Inspect Gate for cleanliness and all required items are present and refer to SSI's -Post damage or discrepancies will be corrected prior to off-going IEC departing. Notify BDOC and FC -Must have all required paperwork -Must ensure all EALS, debarment/revocation rosters, pick- up/restriction orders and Be-On-The-Look-Out (BOLO's) are posted

Forces jurisdiction? (Ref. AFI 31-118 para. 5.1) 58. Who is the focal point for determining Security

-Installation Staff Judge Advocate

26. What is the definition of child neglect? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101, para. 7.37)

-Is an act of omission that results, or could reasonably be expected to result in physical or emotional harm to the child

59. Who purges expired Entry (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. Authority Lists (EAL) on a daily basis?

-Midnight shift BDOC Controller and patrols.

55.Lighting checks will be conducted no later than what time? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 4.5.5)

-No later than 0100 in assigned AOR.

61. Who do you notify of any discrepancies or damage to the vehicles, cquipment, or facilities? (Ref. 99 SFS O1 31-101 para. 6.6)

-Notify BDOC.

47.What BAC would constitutes a DUI for a driver? (Rel. 99 SFS O 31-101 para 7.42.-

-Over the age of 21: BAC meeting or exceeding 0.08% -Under the age of 21: BAC meeting or exceeding 0.02% -Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Holders: BAC meeting or exceeding 0.04%

is it applied at NAFB? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101 para 1.1- 22. What type of Jurisdiction does NAFB have and how 1.2)

-Propriety Jurisdiction other persons will be released to sponsors or LVMPD -SF personnel have jurisdiction over military members only. All

40. What Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) are authorized to drive or park in restricted areas containing PL 1, 2, and 3 resources? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 5.9.5.)

-Rental vehicles used for official military duties in lieu of government vehicles, and contractor/delivery company vehicles, whom the installation commander has authorized entry through established procedures.

38. What must you do in order to get a blood sample from a person involved in an alcohol related incident involving a vehicle? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.31.-

-Request consent to search via AF Form 1364, or request authorization to search via AF Form 1176 and through SJA.

68. What Explosive Detection Technology does NAFB utilize at LVIS Gatè? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 6.15.8)

-SABRE 4000 Explosive Detection Device

56. Who and when will Presidential/SENEX aircraft be shadowed? (Ref NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101, Appendix 25 to Annex L. Task Org E.)

-Security Force Flightline patrols will shadow presidential/SENEX A/C during arrivals or departures

39. When is sign/countersign used? (Ref. NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101, Appendix 3 to Annex G & Appendix 12 to Annex L)

-Sign/Countersign will apply when emergency entry is required by fire department, medical or other emergency personnel to protection level 2/3 restricted areas.

67.Define Manual Inspection Techniques? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 6.15.7

-The "baseline" of any vehicle inspection and consist of a visual and physical inspection of a vehicle

36. What authority does Military Jurisdiction give? (Ref. AFI 31-118 para. 5.1) SFL Q

-The right to charge a person with an offense, try them in a court and make a final determination of their case through the courts of appeal.

74.Emergency response equipment is used for? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 7.27)

-To signal other drivers and pedestrians that an emergency condition exists and you are requesting the right-of-way

75. What are examples of considerations for employing active vehicle barriers? 99 SFS OI 31-101 para 6.2.1

-Traffic patterns and density -Speed, size and direction of subject vehicle -Risk of harm to bystanders -Perceived danger represented by the subjects vehicle -Perceived actions of the subject to prevent escape

21.Who has escort authority for access to the installation? (Ref. 99 SFS O1 31-113 para.

-US DoD Military (Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserve), DoD Civilians, US military retirees and adult dependents (18 yrs old and above) -May only escort up to 10 personnel in one vehiele from 0600- 2200 hours without receiving a pass or vetting

35.If DBIDS is down what is your secondary verification measure tool?

-UV lights as a secondary verification measure

73. What are the procedures for a code 11 on The Nellis Command Post (NCP)? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. -

-Upon notification the BDOC will dispatch sufficient patrols to contain the incident until terminated. -The BDOC will designate a patrol as Incident Commander (IC). -The IC will establish a 360 degree cordon on the affected facility as soon as possible. -The IC will notify the BDOC when 360 degree cordon is in place. -BDOC will attempt to telephone inside the facility and attempt to contact an authorized custodian. -The IC will identify a patrol to conduct an exterior sweep of the facility. Utilize an MWD if available. -When determined non-hostile, the IC will designate a patrol to stand-by for custodian

77. If a vehicle approaches the ECP at a high rate of speed or in a reckless manner, What will the IEC do? 99 SFS OI 31-101 para 6.3.

-Use verbal commands, whistle and/or hand and arm signals -Use cover to protect against vehicle ramming

53. What are the curfew hours at NAFB? (Ref NAFB/CAFB/NTTR Plan 31-101, Appendix 5 to Annex J)

2200-0500 Sun night-Friday -When school -Exceptions: late hours of work, special is not in session: 2400-0500 morning, 2400-0500 Fri-Sat Juveniles 15-17 YOA School Year Juveniles 14 YOA or below 2200-0500 everyday events, or sponsored functions that will be routed through the 99 SFS/CC

What are three examples of a major accident and who investigates the accident?

An accident that causes injury Death, disabling damage Difficult to explain accidents or accidents involving fraud Damage over $10,000 to USAF vehicles and/or property Traffic management collision investigator

Explain FPCON Delta

Applies to the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent. Normally the FPCON is declared as a local warning.

What are the procedures BDOC will conduct if a Security Forces Patrol is under duress?

BDOC will announce Code 11 and instruct all post and patrols to change the alternate frequency BDOC will identify and locate duress patrol Once patrol under duress is located, all personnel will be challenged and their status ascertained

43.Explain the Compensatory measures for Creech/Nellis AFB?

COMP MEASURES: Aggressive patrolling by patrols around the perimeter and built up areas. -Increased vigilance by all SF and personnel working in area. control canal to prevent or delay unseen access. -Wire mesh fencing emplaced within ravines and the flood -Allied foreign nationals will provide an EAL for approval.

What actions will a SRT take when responding to a restricted area violation?

Challenge Determine if the situation is hostile or non-hostile If it is hostile and it affects PL-3 or higher resources, initiate a CoveredWagon Immediately report findings and observations to BDOC using the "SALUTE" format Neutralize threats by using the minimum force necessary Apprehend/detain the perpetrators as required Quickly remove perpetrators from the restricted area and away from the resources Ensure a purge of all affected areas is accomplished immediately Transport perpetrators for processing and/or release to their supervisor as appropriate.

34.Explain search/inspection compromise procedures? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101 para.

Drivers/Occupants will not be allowed to observe or monitor the search to the fullest extent possible -All passengers must exit the vehicle and remain in the pre- designated holding area until inspection is completed

When will SF members not report their post?

During actual or simulated emergencies and contingencies

32.What are EALS used for? (Ref. 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 5.

EALS are used on a temporary basis for granting unescorted entry in conjunction with home base credentials. Additionally, they are used as a support technique for single badge entry procedures or in conjunction with escorted entry procedures as a means of identification prior to allowing entry.

What are the entry pre-requisites for escorted access to flightline restricted areas?

Entry to the restricted areas requires in NELLIS/Creech AFB issue AF form 1199, RAB, with the appropriate open areas Home station RAB used in conjunction with properly authenticated EAL If personnel do not have the required open areas or a Rab they must must be escorted by an individual with a RAB with the required open area

60. Which FPCON will be implemented when there is activity exists an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist


What FPCONwill be implemented when incident occurs or intelligence receive indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilitates is likely?


What is the definition of Military Jurisdiction?

Military Jurisdiction is the authority, capacity, power or right to apply the law.

What are the physical security deficiencies for Creech/Nellis AFB?

No physical barriers off the restricted areas Numerous high speed avenues of approach to resources The flightline is flat, surrounded by buildings on the west, and upward sloping terrain on the east providing areas for undetected observation There are numerous ravines on the east side of the flight line, which can allow undetected approach The flood control canal on the south side of the base could allow a force to penetrate the base giving direct access to the flight line The close proximity of the perimeter fence on the north,south, and east side could allow immediate access to resources, with minimal reaction time from on duty forces Numerous military personnel form Allied nations require unescorted entry into the NAFB flight line. These personnel do not possess Air Force Restricted Area Badges(AF Form 1199 series). Due to the configuration of hangar doors it is impractical to affix hasps. Use chains which provide security commensurate to hasps.

Who will you report your post to?

On duty flight chief, inspectors, evaluators, SNCOs and officers within your chain of command.

What is an interview?

The questioning of a person who has, or is believed to have information of official interest to the interviewer

When initiating a traffic stop, what information do you provide the BDOC with?

Time Location Reason for stop Vehicle description Number of occupants Positive or negative request for assistance

What are Aircrew orders and what are they used for?

Used when transient aircraft arrive at NAFB Do not possess an authenticated EAL Obtained by Aircraft Commander only and will be used as an EAL for military members possessing a RAB/DoD Credentials Must be signed by Aircraft Commander Original will be maintained at BDOC and copies will be maintained by ALL flightline patrol

27.Describe vehicle tum around procedures. (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101, para 6.1.3.)

When instructing an unauthorized individual to exit the installation, obtain their driver's license or some form of ID and hold it until vehicle has entered the outbound lane, then return it.

54. When are SF patrols authorized to enter the active runway during and IFE? (Ref 99 SFS OI 31-101 para. 5.8.1)

the Air Traffic Control Tower -At no time unless directed by the Fire Chief and cleared through

44. What vehicle operators are authorized to operate on the runways? (Ref. NAFBI 13-213 para. 3.9.5 and 3.21.1

the runways. At no time will SF enter the runway without proper -Only vehicle operators whose duties require them to operate on permission from the Nellis Control Tower.

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