Victimology Ch.4

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Hot spots

Concentrated in urban settings and include crowded places (bus trains terminals)

Safest cities 2007-2010

Seattle, San Jose and San Diego


Second phase of robbing. Moving within striking distance

Supplementary homicide report (SHR)

UCR guidelines urge police to fill out a supplementary homicide report about each killing in their jurisdiction. The resulting supplementary homicide report database provides information about the age, sex, and race of the victim; and if detectives solved the case and made an arrest, the database also provides the accused person's age,sex, race, weapon, motive and relationship to the deceased.

First-degree murder

killing carried out intentionally (with express malice), in a rational state of mind (deliberate) and with advanced planning (premeditation)


the killing of one human being by another

Cost-benefit analysis


Stages of robbery

1-Planning, 2-co-presence, 3- co-orientation, 4-victims are searched and valuables are seized, 5-exit

Involuntary manslaughter AKA first-degree manslaughter

A homicide due to negligence on the part of another

Punitive resources

Ability of the robber to inflict injury on the victim

Instrumental Coercion

Applying force to accomplish a goal


Are usually complete strangers on the prowl for suitable pray. They are the most feared and hated it will stroke criminals. Robbers target males more often than females.

Vulnerability factors when it comes to robbery

Attractiveness: Fashionable items and equipment Proximity: whether the offender can get within range of an attractive target geographically or socially. Vulnerability: can the victim resist attack Routine activities: patterns of daily life. Lifestyle: thill seeking enviroment

Criminals as victims

Between 2000 and 2007 about 170 inmates were killed by other inmates, and 36 alone in 2006. Altogether there were 1330 dead in 2010.

Who faces the greatest threat of being murdered

Black males between 18 and 24 .The risks very greatly by region of the country,area of residence( urban suburban or rural), specific location, sex,age and race. Sex being a crucial determinant. Men die violently much more than women.

Deviant place factor

Calls attention to exact locations rather than to the lifestyle of the individuals.

Cummulative risks

Estimate their lifetime likelihood by projecting current situations into the future for example what are the chances that a person will be harmed by a criminal at least once during his entire life

The subculture of violence theory

Explains why fighting may be their first resort rather than a last resort for certain offenders and their victims. Ppl raised in an enviroment of violence. Fighting as means of conflict resolution was viewed as positive necessary in respectable in this subculture

Voluntary manslaughter

Homicide committed in the heat of passion as a result of the victim's provocation

Who gets robbed the most

Impoverished young black or Hispanic man living in an inner-city her neighborhood. By gender: Males By age: 12 to 24 years old By race: Hispanics and African Americans By status: single and widows

Differential risks

Indicated odds of unwanted event taking place for members of a social group. Race is the most important. African-Americans faced much more dangers of dying violently then Asian-Americans

Second-degree murder

Intent to inflict grievous bodily injury but no intent to kill. It's not a capital crime

Aggravated assault

Involves attacks was some type of deadly weapon in Gosses serious and sometimes fatal wounds

Those with highest risk of being murdered

Male African-American between 18 and 24 that are urban residents

Deaths in custody reporting act

Passed by Congress in 2010 requires all correctional facilities to notify the DJS about homicides in the facilities

Prevalence rate

Refers to the proportion of the population that has already experienced victimization

Most dangerous places to live

St. Louis was declared the homicide capital of the world in 2010 with 41 murders per hundred thousand population. New Orleans 49 murders per hundred thousand. Despite the decline of lethal violins from the 1990s two 2010, Residenz of Detroit Philadelphia Washington Atlanta and Miami face higher risks

Safer cities when it comes to murder

The risk is lower in Denver San Francisco LA New York and San Antonio.


The victim's/target's ability to resist and repel an attack,which ranges from well protected to largely undefended

Aggravated assault and attempted murder correlation

There is close correlation between aggravated assault an attempted murder-weather victim lives or dies depends on several factors such as type of weapon used, severity of the one, victims pre-existing health condition and the quality of healthcare received. Aggravated assault is a felony

Who faces the greatest threats of murder

They're not the same for everyone. Statistics indicate that a person sex is crucial determinant. Females are much more likely to be sexually violated . Men die violently much more frequently than women. Most murders can be categorized as a male on male (77% of corps in 2010 were male). In the rare occasions when females kill, they tend to kill their own children on the men in their lives rather than other women. Exactly half of those killed in 2010 were black, 47% white and 3% were other races.violent crimes in African-American community is a serious problem. Most murders turn out to be intraracial and not interracial. In 2010, 92% of blog victims were slain by black offenders and 85% of white victims were killed by a white perpetrators. By sex, risk raise during teenage, peaks at early 20's and then drops


Third stage. Robbers announce their intentions to dominate situation. Order victims to surrender valuables

Murders info

half of all murders happened one on one, and handguns account for about two thirds of all gun deaths. A person is most likely to be killed by someone here she knows rather than by a complete stranger. Family members killed each other in about 25% of all solved cases.

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