Vocabulary (Comprehension)

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(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health


(of a person's voice) loud and powerful


1. (adj.) (literary) haughty; proud


1. (adj.) (of a work) marked by the highest quality; polished to the highest degree of excellence: -- workmanship; a dazzling and -- piece of writing 2. (adj.) (of a person) highly skilled or accomplished: a -- violinist; a -- writer


1. (adj.) (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace


1. (adj.) (rare) having a prophetic quality: this inadvertent statement may also be --


1. (adj.) (rare) menacing; threatening


1. (adj.) (rare) of or relating to the present day


1. (adj.) (rare) of or relating to yesterday: every other individual of our party wasted in enervating slumbers, from the -- dissipation or debauch


1. (adj.) (rare) pertaining to or being the origin of something; that gives rise to, or causes the existence of, something: the Big Bang was the -- explosion of the universe


1. (adj.) (rare) presented or set forth dogmatically; arbitrarily prescribed


1. (adj.) a mixture; medley


1. (adj.) admitting of passage or entrance; permeable: -- soil; -- pavement 2. (adj.) open or accessible to reason, feeling, argument, etc.; receptive to new ideas: he had the virtue of a -- mind


1. (adj.) adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful: a climate -- to health; forces -- to democracy 2. (adj.) having the disposition of an enemy; hostile: -- factions 3. (adj.) reflecting or indicating hostility; unfriendly: his father's -- glare; an -- alien power


1. (adj.) affected with swelling 2. (adj.) being of or marked by a decrepit or broken-down condition: a -- old school bus abandoned in a field


1. (adj.) arousing or expressive of sexual desire; lustful; lecherous 2. (adj.) having a smooth or slippery quality: a -- skin


1. (adj.) assertive of authority in a domineering way, especially with regard to trivial matters: the security people were very --; hospitals could be pointlessly -- on such matters as visiting rights for parents 2. (adj.) objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an -- little man who was always telling everyone else how to do their jobs; an -- bystander


1. (adj.) avidly and indiscriminately taking in everything as if devouring or consuming; interested in a variety of subjects or things: an -- reader; -- curiosity


1. (adj.) bearing or secreting sweat: -- glands


1. (adj.) bewildered; perplexed; confused; unsure what to think, say, or do: Henry looked completely --


1. (adj.) casting or making shade


1. (adj.) causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: -- teachings; a -- lie 2. (adj.) deadly; fatal: a -- disease


1. (adj.) characterized by sickly or childish sentimentality, often exaggerated or false; weakly emotional; maudlin: a -- ode to parenthood; a -- love story 2. (adj.) having a faint sickly flavor; slightly nauseating: the -- smell of warm beer


1. (adj.) characterized by vagaries; erratic; capricious: a -- foreign policy 2. (adj.) roving; wandering: -- artists


1. (adj.) characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm: he was greeted with -- applause; it had opened to less than -- reviews


1. (adj.) cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a -- disposition; -- expectations 2. (adj.) reddish; ruddy: a -- complexion 3. (adj.) (humoral physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc. 4. (adj.) bloody; sanguinary 5. (adj.) blood-red; red


1. (adj.) clearly or manifestly demonstrative 2. (adj.) ostensible


1. (adj.) cloudy, foggy, misty: trade-wind clouds which are constantly piling up in -- traffic jams 2. (adj.) obscure; vague; indefinite; some -- notions about an ideal society


1. (adj.) conceiving of or presenting as a fundamental conflict between two opposing forces, often in moral terms


1. (adj.) conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable; stylish: -- hats; a -- writer; -- jargon


1. (adj.) coyly playful 2. (adj.) like or in the manner of a kitten


1. (adj.) devouring; voracious; consuming


1. (adj.) difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily: -- distinctions; -- evils; any difference between the two sound systems is -- to all but the most discerning audiophiles; how would anyone come to a decision about something so -- as personhood?


1. (adj.) given to making excursions in speech, thought, etc.; wandering; digressive 2. (adj.) of the nature of such excursions; rambling; desultory: -- conversation


1. (adj.) giving or sharing in abundance and without hesitation: a group of school volunteers who are -- with their time


1. (adj.) good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank; heartily outspoken: a big, --, generous man 2. (adj.) presenting a bold and nearly perpendicular front, as a coastline: a --, precipitous headland


1. (adj.) having heavy projecting eyebrows 2. (adj.) scowling or sullen


1. (adj.) having one meaning only 2. (adj.) unambiguous: in search of a morally -- answer

plucky (pluck)

1. (adj.) having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties; brave: the -- youngster has astounded medical staff


1. (adj.) holding an indicated position, role, office, etc., currently: the -- officers of the club 2. (adj.) necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility; obligatory (often followed by on or upon): the government realized that it was -- on them to act 3. (adj.) (archaic) resting, lying, leaning, or pressing on something: -- upon the cool grass


1. (adj.) ill-constructed; unpolished: -- prose 2. (adj.) crude; rough; unmannerly


1. (adj.) impressively or ostentatiously fancy or stylish; fashionable; posh 2. (adj.) snobbish; haughty: I don't appreciate your -- advice about whom I "should" associate with


1. (adj.) in a brave, spirited way: he battled -- but was outclassed by his more experienced opponent


1. (adj.) inadequately thought out: -- ideas 2. (adj.) having vague, unsubstantiated, or unrealistic ideas or opinions: a -- idealist


1. (adj.) incapable of mixing or attaining homogeneity: benzene is -- with water


1. (adj.) inclined to sniff, as in scorn; disdainful; supercilious; haughty: he was very -- about breaches of etiquette; she wrote a -- letter rejecting his offer


1. (adj.) inclining or nodding, as a plant; pendulous; dropping: her body was half turned away, her neck stretched forward, head --


1. (adj.) indecent; smutty; vulgar: -- humor


1. (adj.) industrious, as a person 2. (adj.) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort


1. (adj.) internal; domestic; civil, especially of or relating to the internal affairs of a state or country: -- war; -- strife


1. (adj.) long-limbed and long-bodied; tall and slim with long, slender limbs: a pale, -- boy in his late teens; -- cattle


1. (adj.) made entirely of wood


1. (adj.) marked by ease and informality; nonchalant; easy or unconstrained, as actions or manners 2. (adj.) having a ready flow of words but lacking thought or understanding; superficial; shallow: -- solutions to knotty problems 3. (adj.) marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful: a -- politician


1. (adj.) narrow-minded and subjective; unwilling to understand another viewpoint: a small-minded, -- approach


1. (adj.) not having the usual or standard color: an -- gem 2. (adj.) of doubtful propriety or taste; somewhat indecent: an -- joke 3. (adj.) not in one's usual health: to feel --


1. (adj.) not neat or becoming in appearance; shabby: a -- old hat 2. (adj.) lacking smartness or taste; unfashionable: a -- room; why do you always wear those -- old dresses? 3. (adj.) old-fashioned: a -- institution


1. (adj.) noting or pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise: the play provides a classic, simplistic portrayal of an -- mother-in-law 2. (n.) such a person

antemeridian (postmeridian)

1. (adj.) occurring before noon 2. (adj.) of or relating to the forenoon


1. (adj.) of or relating to a child or to childhood 2. (adj.) childishly foolish; immature or trivial: a -- piece of writing


1. (adj.) of or relating to rain or rainfall


1. (adj.) of or relating to seas and oceans 2. (adj.) of or relating to smaller bodies of water, as seas and gulfs, as distinguished from large oceanic bodies 3. (adj.) growing, living, or found in the sea; marine


1. (adj.) of or relating to sleep or hypnosis 2. (adj.) characterizing a state that resembles mild hypnosis but that is usually induced by other than hypnotic means


1. (adj.) of or relating to song; intended to be sung; lyric

pharisaical (pharisaic)

1. (adj.) of or relating to the Pharisees 2. (adj.) (lowercase) marked by hypocritical censorious self-righteousness; practicing or advocating strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion or conduct without regard to the spirit


1. (adj.) of or relating to the changes in a linguistic system between successive points in time; historical: -- analysis


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or involving a parable


1. (adj.) overly introspective and inclined to navel-gazing: the -- process of self-construction and discovery


1. (adj.) performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial; careless or indifferent: -- courtesy; a -- smile; he did a -- job washing his dad's car 2. (adj.) lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic: in his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a -- speaker


1. (adj.) pertaining to teaching by question and answer


1. (adj.) presumptuously conceited, overconfident, or proud: a brash, insolent, -- fellow 2. (adj.) exaggerated, excessive, or arrogant: -- prejudice; -- pride


1. (adj.) reaching far into the air; high; lofty: -- spires 2. (adj.) lacking substance: -- distinctions 3. (adj.) visionary; fanciful; ethereal: -- fancies; -- flights of the imagination; visions of -- joy 4. (adj.) having a light and graceful beauty; ethereal: -- music


1. (adj.) resembling fat; oily or greasy


1. (adj.) tending or used to cure disease or relieve pain; medicinal


1. (adj.) tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy 2. (adj.) intended to cause delay, gain time, or defer decision: a -- strategy


1. (adv.) inwardly 2. (adv.) intimately; deeply


1. (n.) (archaic) a cowardly or effeminate man


1. (n.) (archaic) intense darkness; blackness


1. (n.) (formal) conversation, dialogue: a -- between senators; an evening of sophisticated -- 2. (n.) a high-level serious discussion; conference: a -- between the trial judge and defendant; the company's employees worried and speculated as the executive team remained closeted in an intense -- for the entire morning


1. (n.) (formal) delight; enjoyment; pleasure: here is some chocolate for your --; tourists enjoying the -- of this tropical paradise for the first time


1. (n.) (formal) lack of modesty; shamelessness


1. (n.) (formal) the act of advising, urging, or attempting to persuade; persuasion as opposed to force or compulsion: the U.S. could use moral and political -- to encourage American companies to cut links to Rangoon 2. (n.) (formal) an instance of this; a persuasive effort


1. (n.) (formal) the period of legal minority, or of an age below 21 2. (n.) the period of a person's immaturity or youth 3. (n.) any period of immaturity: with the masterpiece he emerged from his literary --


1. (n.) (humorous) (often capitalized) standard English, in contrast to English that is overly technical, politically correct, euphemistic, etc.


1. (n.) (in ancient Greece) an official expounder of rites of worship and sacrifice, specifically the chief priest of the Eleusinian mysteries 2. (n.) any interpreter of sacred mysteries or esoteric principles; mystagogue 3. (n.) a person who explains; expositor 4. (n.) one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal; advocate: as an early -- of birth control, Margaret Sanger had to face down often vehement opposition


1. (n.) (informal) a clumsy, stupid person


1. (n.) (informal) a composer of popular music or songs: a superb tribute to this legendary --; a British -- whose songs were equally popular in America


1. (n.) (informal) a mistake, especially an embarrassing one in speech or writing, that evokes laughter; a very humorous mistake or a funny blunder


1. (n.) (informal) a usually inferior work (as of art or literature) produced chiefly for profit, as opposed to creative expression: the film plummeted into a predictable pastiche of previous --


1. (n.) (informal) insignificant and out-of-the-way: a -- town


1. (n.) (informal) one's own way, choice, or preference: if I had my --, I'd dance all night


1. (n.) (informal, US) nonsense; bosh: four hundred pages of mystical --; a clear-eyed assessment of the problem minus the usual --


1. (n.) (literary) a drug or drink, or the plant yielding it, mentioned by ancient writers as having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble 2. (n.) (literary) anything inducing a pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness, especially of sorrow or trouble


1. (n.) (literary) a foretaste


1. (n.) (literary) a watery fluid that collects in or drips from the nose or eyes


1. (n.) (literary) muscular strength 2. (n.) (literary) muscles and tendons perceived as generating physical strength


1. (n.) (often capitalized) ambiguous euphemistic language used chiefly in political propaganda; an official or semiofficial style of writing or saying one thing in the guise of its opposite, especially in order to serve a political or ideological cause while pretending to be objective: 'deterrence' is just -- for plain old threatening; "revenue enhancement" is -- for increased taxation


1. (n.) (often plural) something, as an action or speech, that tends to flatter, coax, entice, etc.; allurement: our -- left him unmoved; we succumbed to the -- of tropical living; the -- of the travel brochure


1. (n.) (usually plural) mysterious or specialized knowledge, language, or information accessible or possessed only by the initiate; secret or mystery: the -- of his profession 2. (n.) a supposed great secret of nature that the alchemists sought to discover 3. (n.) a secret essence or remedy; an elixir


1. (n.) a conceited, foolish dandy; pretentious fop


1. (n.) a demon in female form, said to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep 2. (n.) any demon or evil spirit 3. (n.) a strumpet or prostitute


1. (n.) a governor of a province under the ancient Persian monarchy 2. (n.) a subordinate ruler, often a despotic one


1. (n.) a gratuity; tip 2. (n.) a conciliatory gift or bribe


1. (n.) a greedy person


1. (n.) a natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind 2. (n.) any covering, coating, enclosure, etc.


1. (n.) a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching: a solitary tree stood as -- over the field 2. (n.) a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack 3. (v.t.) to guard or watch over as such


1. (n.) a rebel; rioter


1. (n.) a thick-headed or stupid person; blockhead


1. (n.) a village of scattered dwellings; an unfortified town


1. (n.) an arboretum of pines and coniferous trees


1. (n.) an extensive area of rather level open uncultivated land usually with poor coarse soil, inferior drainage, and a surface rich in peat and coarse grasses: not much grows on the -- besides heather; drove through a vast, empty -- that seemingly had no end

rigorism (rigoristic)

1. (n.) extreme strictness in interpreting or enforcing a law or principle: he worked with -- accentuated by simple form and minimalist details


1. (n.) keenness of mental perception and understanding; discernment; penetration


1. (n.) knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge


1. (n.) overabundance; excess: a -- of advice and a paucity of assistance 2. (n.) profusion; abundance: Allen won a -- of medals during his illustrious career


1. (n.) rigorous and persistent questioning, as in a test or interview


1. (n.) something of tawdry design, appearance, or content created to appeal to popular or undiscriminating taste


1. (n.) something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety; a seemingly inescapable moral or emotional burden, as of guilt or responsibility 2. (n.) something that greatly hinders accomplishment; encumbrance: fame has become an -- that prevents her from leading a normal life


1. (n.) the act of coming into the possession of a right, title, office, etc.: -- to the throne 2. (n.) an increase by something added: an -- of territory 3. (n.) something added, especially to an existing collection of books, paintings, or artifacts: a list of -- to the college library 4. (n.) consent; agreement; approval: -- to a demand


1. (n.) the clasping together and squeezing of one's hands, especially when distressed or worried 2. (n.) an excessive display of concern or distress: his customary -- about the need for more local aid


1. (n.) the condition or quality of being a fact; factuality


1. (n.) the fear of the passing of time, or more generally of time itself


1. (n.) womanly nature or qualities; femininity 2. (n.) womanhood


1. (v.i.) to produce or discharge pus, as a wound; maturate


1. (v.i.) to send forth sprouts, buds, etc.; germinate; sprout 2. (v.i.) to breed, produce, or create rapidly 3. (v.i.) to increase rapidly; multiply 4. (v.i.) to exist abundantly; swarm; teem 5. (v.i.) to be produced as offspring


1. (v.i.) to use or enjoy something without restriction: to -- on TV movies 2. (v.t.) to use, enjoy, or imbibe (something) without restriction: -- coffee all day long


1. (v.t.) (informal) to copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgment: he was doing an exam and didn't want anybody to -- the answers from him 2. (v.t.) to collect one or more passages and/or references for use in a speech, written document or as an aid for some task: I -- the recipe from the Food Network site, but made a few changes of my own 3. (n.) (informal) a translation of a text for use by students, especially in a surreptitious way: an English -- of Caesar's Gallic Wars


1. (v.t.) to bring into or keep in equilibrium; balance 2. (v.i.) to bring about, come to, or be in equilibrium: these conditions -- to an icy world with a furrow around the equator


1. (v.t.) to cause to become knotted and intertwined; tangle: the novel's -- morality 2. (v.t.) to render complicated or confused: the questions -- him up 3. (v.i.) to become tangled; get into a tangle 4. (n.) a knot or tangle, especially of thread or hair: -- of wild raspberry plants 5. (n.) a complicated or confused condition or matter: a traffic --


1. (v.t.) to drive (as from bed) roughly or unceremoniously; cause to get up or start moving; rouse: I -- him out of his bed with a cup of tea


1. (v.t.) to enforce norms or standards upon: the regulations will be -- by factory inspectors; he was responsible for -- the grammar


1. (v.t.) to foresee 2. (v.t.) to forewarn


1. (v.t.) to free (someone, such as oneself) from something troublesome, superfluous, or embarrassing: he would do well to -- himself of his too officious advisers; still struggling to -- herself of the emotional baggage of a failed relationship


1. (v.t.) to get ahead of; anticipate: detailed explanations intended to -- questions; we will make a few suggestions here in an attempt to -- readers from making avoidable mistakes


1. (v.t.) to move (a baby or young child) up and down in a playful or affectionate way: he -- his son on his knee

prize (prise)

1. (v.t.) to move, raise, or open by leverage; pry


1. (v.t.) to thrash, pound, or bruise


1. (v.t.) to thrust out or away 2. (v.t.) to thrust or force down


1. (v.t.) to treat as a pet; pamper; coddle: she had a safe, -- childhood; the hotel -- its guests with friendly service; all her life she'd been -- by her family


1. (v.t.) to voice abroad; rumor (used chiefly in the passive and often followed by about): the report was -- through the village; word of his imminent dismissal was -- about; I didn't want to have our relationship -- about the office


1. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler 2. a lover of an art or science, especially of a fine art


1. a ridiculous, hypocritical, or pretentious ceremony or performance, especially of a religious nature: that's all it is, mere --


1. dung; manure; excrement, specifically human


1. serving to admonish or warn; admonitory


1. the condition of being abundantly supplied or filled; fullness 2. overfullness resulting from excessive eating or drinking; surfeit synonyms: profusion; plenitude


(archaic) strange; uncommon


a battleship; one that is among the largest or most powerful of its kind


a bracket for candles or other lights, placed on a wall, mirror, picture frame, etc; the hole or socket of a candlestick, for holding the candle


a descendant


a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying; apothegm


a thing to be added; an addition


(of a speech sound) sounded with a hissing effect


(of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor


adding to that which is already known


agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor; pleasantly biting or tart


agreeing; harmonious


an adventurous or chivalric enterprise


an incidental payment, benefit, privilege, or advantage over and above regular income, salary, or wages; perk


any confusing or troublesome situation, especially one from which it is difficult to free oneself; entanglement; welter


(of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others


becoming red or reddish; blushing


behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade (someone)


being characteristically pinched and nasal in tone quality


complete or perfect; supremely skilled; superb


dried or darkened as by heat




from side to side; crosswise


given to aphorisms; abounding in aphorisms; given to excessive moralizing


given to begging


given to joking; merry; humorous


giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place


holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action


honesty, frankness


hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature


in direct opposition


in existence; still existing; not destroyed or lost


inattentive because of distracting worries, fears, etc.; absent-minded


indolent; having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful


lower in rank; subordinate


mutual courtesy; civility


narrow-minded or illiberal; provincial; detached; standing alone; isolated; of or relating to islands; parochial


narrowness of mind, ignorance, or the like, considered as resulting from lack of exposure to cultural or intellectual activity


occult learning; magic


occurring before the Fall; characteristic of or pertaining to any innocent or carefree period


of a sickly, yellowish color


opaque or clouded because of stirred up sediment or the like


overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style


perceiving or capable of perceiving; discerning of discriminating; a person or thing that perceives


persistent mild depression


possessing or expressing great wisdom


rural, rustic, or pastoral, especially suggesting simple, innocent contentment


sanction or approval


showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper


showing incapacity for observation or discrimination


sleight of hand; trickery; deception; any artful trick; prestidigitation


the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance


the blare of a trumpet or horn


the original form of a text, especially of a musical composition


the quality of being transitory or perishable; senility


the study of causation


the time of full moon; a full moon


to drink moderately but regularly


to enrapture


to examine or analyze; to judge the quality of; assess; evaluate; to try or test; put to trial


to put or hold in slavery; subjugate


to speak vaingloriously of; boast of


wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping


a bit, scrap, or fragment of something; a brief spell of effort, activity, or any experience; to work in --; -- of conversation


a blessing or benediction


a brief treatise or pamphlet for general distribution, usually on a religious or political topic


a central point; hub or focal point


a closing phase; a closing piece of music


a coarse, open fabric of worsted or cotton for flags, signals, etc; patriotic and festive decorations made from such cloth


a colleague or comrade


a coming into place, view, or being; arrival


a complex system of beliefs


a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts; a unified whole


a confused mixture; hodgepodge; medley


a container, usually covered, in which incense is burned, especially during religious services; thurible


a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc


a counterpart or opposite


a course of action; a petition or protest through diplomatic channels


a crown; royal dignity or authority; to adorn with or as if with a crown


a descendant or offspring, as a child, plant, or animal; such descendants or offspring collectively; not scion


a difficulty encountered in establishing the theoretical truth of a proposition, created by the presence of evidence both for and against it


a dirty, untidy woman; sloven; trollop


a disparaging or abusive word or phrase


a distinctive uniform, badge, or device formerly provided by someone of rank or title for his retainers, as in time of war; characteristic dress, garb, or outward appearance


a fake, frozen smile


a fictitious name; a pen name


a formal discourse or treatise in which a subject is examined and discussed; dissertation


a frame or stand on which a corpse or the coffin containing it is laid before burial


a gradual decrease in quality or quantity; the quantity lost by waste


a group of illustrious persons


a group of servile flatterers


a group or lot of indeterminate number


a hymn, psalm, or other song of praise taken from biblical or holy texts other than the Psalms


a joker or wag; a writer or actor of farce


a landing place, especially one of solid masonry, constructed along the edge of a body of water; wharf


a light, cold meal that people may take at their pleasing


a male admirer or lover


a man of high social position or eminence, especially a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman


a married woman who is mature, staid, or dignified and has an established social position


a marvelous example (usually followed by of); something wonderful or marvelous; a wonder; something abnormal or monstrous


a member of the highest order


a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items


a mishap or misfortune


a novice; tyro


a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity


a person who learns late in life


a procession, especially a ceremonial one; a line or train of attendants; retinue


a protective, shell-like covering likened to that of a turtle or crustacean


a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something; encomium; panegyric


a quantity of food taken or provided for one occasion of eating


a rapid decline or deterioration


a ready insight into things; shrewdness; perspicacity


a receptacle or place where things are deposited, stored, or offered for sale; an abundant source or supply; storehouse; a burial place; sepulcher; a person to whom something is entrusted or confided


a remark or comment, especially an adverse criticism; a restriction


a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite


a severe test; a place or situation in which forces cause change


a shelter where a dormant animal hibernates


a shield or shieldlike surface on which a coat of arms is depicted; an ornamental or protective plate around a keyhole, door handle, drawer pull, light switch, etc.


a sphere of operation or influence; range; scope


a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing


a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance


a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault


a visible sign of an inward grace; an oath, solemn pledge


a withered, witchlike old woman


accustomed; used (usually followed by an infinitive); to accustom (a person), as to a thing


acting in consort; cooperating


advocate or champion of


an abnormal outgrowth, usually harmless, on an animal or vegetable body; a normal outgrowth, as hair or horns; any disfiguring addition


an absurd or comically exaggerated imitation of something, especially in a literary or dramatic work; a parody


an apparition or specter; a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy


an appointment to meet at a certain time and place, especially one made somewhat secretly by lovers


an arbitrary decree or pronouncement, especially by a person or group of persons having absolute authority to enforce it


an artless, innocent, or inexperienced girl or young woman


an office or position requiring little or no work, especially one yielding profitable returns


any low protective wall or barrier at the edge of a balcony, roof, bridge, or the like


any source, real or imaginary, of needless fright or fear; a persistent problem or source of annoyance


any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion


approval; commendation


assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty


assimilate (a smaller entity) into a larger one


associated with something by chance rather than as an integral part


attracted to legs


baggage or other things that retard one's progress, as supplies carried by an army


be tinged, flavored, or imbued with a slight amount of; a slight trace of


being of many or various colors; decorated or executed in many colors, as a statue, vase, or mural


being or situated beyond the mountains; foreign


being reborn; springing again into being or vigor


being such or so designated for many reasons; of many kinds, numerous and varied; having numerous different parts, elements, features, forms, etc.


belonging or suited to polite society; affectedly or pretentiously polite, delicate, etc


belonging to a person or thing by nature or from birth or origin; inborn


belonging to or deriving from heaven


biting; caustic; mordant; remarkably clear and directdant




brevity of speaking


brilliance of success, reputation, etc.; showy or elaborate display; acclamation; acclaim


browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one's wife, girlfriend, etc.


capable of being changed


capacity for sensation or feeling; sensitivity


catch sight of


cessation; end


chaotic; random; disorganized


childishly foolish; immature or trivial; puerile


clothe or equip, typically in something noticeable or impressive


cloying sentimentality or flattery


clumsy, inept, or heavy-handed


comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure; rude, crude, or poor poetry


coming before; antecedent; anticipatory


connection or link; a connected group or series; center or focus


consisting or made of flour or meal, as food; containing or yielding starch, as seeds; starchy; mealy in appearance or nature


containing gold


corresponding in size or degree; in proportion


dash; impetuous ardor


denoting an element of a set that is unchanged in value when multiplied or otherwise operated on by itself




deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable


deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy


dogmatic about others' acceptance of one's ideas; fanatical


domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing


done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably; without regard for what is right, just, humane, etc.; careless; sexually lawless or unrestrained; extravagantly or excessively luxurious


doting upon, foolishly fond of, or affectionately submissive toward one's wife


downright; thorough; unmitigated; notorious


dry; withered


edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate


enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves; serving to indicate or point out; stimulating interest as a means of furthering investigation


enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others


exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing


excessive plumpness; stoutness


excessively fond of alcohol


excessively gloomy


exemption or from freedom from punishment, harm, or loss


exhaustion from lack of nourishment; starvation


exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal; having a milky iridescence


exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks


flowing back


fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent


food consumed primarily as a source of sustenance and not enjoyment


force; power


foreknowledge of events; anticipation of the course of events; foresight


formally precise or proper, as persons or behavior; stiffly neat


formally reject or disavow a belief


frothy or foamy


full of windings and intricate turnings; tortuous


general; universal; interreligious or interdenominational


generally considered or reputed to be


generally pleasing due to childlike charm or innocence; cheerful


generous bestowal of gifts


going beyond the requirements of duty; superfluous


good-natured ridicule; banter


hanging down loosely


harmful to living things


hatred or dislike of what is new or represents change


haughty manner or spirit; arrogance


haughty, disdainful, or supercilious; unceremonious


have a restraining or moderating effect on


having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force


having a dull or lusterless surface


having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination


hellish; fiendish; diabolical


highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, anticipation, etc.


hungry or greedy


impatient of control, restraint, or delay, as persons; restless; uneasy


impossible to understand or interpret


improper use of language


in the dark; growing dark; being or occurring in the dark; dark; obscure; vaguely threatening or menacing


incapable of being appeased or mitigated


incapable of being expressed or described; not to be spoken because of sacredness


incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring


incapacity or speechlessness caused by extreme anger


inclined to or heavy with sleep; sleep-inducing; somnolent


insouciant or nonchalant; blase; indifferent


instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)


intellectually or morally ignorant; unenlightened; overtaken by darkness or night


intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive


intense hatred or dislike, especially toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, despicable, or repugnant


invested with or possessing full power




irrelevant; not restrained within proper bounds of propriety; insolent or rude; impudent


lack of knowledge; ignorance; agnosticism


lack of social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkwardness; crudeness; tactlessness; an act, movement, etc., that is socially graceless, awkward, or tactless


lacking harmony


lacking in freshness or originality


leadership; predominance


lend greater dignity or nobility of character to


like a clump or tuft of wool; fluffy


like stone, especially in hardness; stony; rocky


marked by or suggestive of conscious effort; not spontaneous or natural; affected; carefully deliberated; learned


mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas


monetary reward or gain; money


most wonderful or exciting; most isolated or undesirable (of a location, circumstance, etc.)


moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating


mutability; random changes




nearly or partially blind; dim-sighted; slow or deficient in understanding, imagination, or vision


neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce


night blindness


noisome; offensive or disgusting, as an odor; harmful or injurious to health; noxious


not able to be refuted or disproved; indisputable


not being what it purports to be; false or fake


not likely to offend or upset anyone; relieving pain; soothing to the mind and feelings; anything that relieves distress or pain


of or relating to poetry or poetic inspiration; of or relating to the Muses


of or relating to redemptive power


of or relating to rogues or rascals


of or relating to spring


of or relating to the day


one that presides over mysteries


one who frustrates or ruins a plan by meddling


one who under oath vouches for the character or conduct of an accused person


one's range of knowledge or sight


ornamental work consisting of ramified ribs, bars, or the like, as in the upper part of a Gothic window, in panels, screens, etc


out-and-out nonsense; bunkum; elements of low comedy introduced into a play, novel, etc., for the laughs they may bring; sentimental matter of an elementary or stereotyped kind introduced into a play or the like; false or irrelevant material introduced into a speech, essay, etc., in order to arouse interest, excitement, or amusement


outmoded; older than a typical representative of a group


passing aimlessly from one subject to another; digressive; rambling


passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; startlingly unusual; bizarre


passive permission resulting from lack of interference; tolerance, especially of something wrong or illegal (usually preceded by on or by)


peevish; irritable; cranky; extremely unpleasant or distasteful; irascible


personal belongings; any article of tangible property other than land, buildings, and other things annexed to land


pertaining to or living in still water


pity or compassion; sorrow; self-reproach


playing lightly on or over a surface; softly radiant; marked by lightness


profit, salary, or fees from office or employment; compensation for services


randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely


reckless boldness; rashness


red or reddish; ruddy


refusing to submit, comply, etc; obstinate in refusal


reigning; ruling (usually used following the noun it modifies); exercising authority, rule, or influence


relating to priests or the priesthood; priestly


remaining within; indwelling; inherent


repeal or do away with


resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid


respect or reverence paid or rendered




restoration after decay, lapse, or dilapidation


rich clothing; adornment


secure from violation or profanation; secure from assault or trespass


seeking to emulate or imitate someone or something


self-possessed, calm, or composed


sensation; feeling


sepulchral monument erected in memory of a deceased person whose body is buried elsewhere


seriously impoverished condition; poverty; penury


serving utilitarian purposes only; mechanical; practical


severe; cruel


shaped like or of the nature of a point or dot


shining brightly; radiant; gleaming; resplendent


shining; translucent, clear


snowy or resembling snow


something (such as a decorative object) considered novel, rare, or bizarre; any unusual article, object of art, etc., valued as a curiosity


something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for pleasure; hobby


something large or formidable


something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time


startling; shocking; stimulating; energizing


state or condition of health, fitness, wholeness, spirit, or form; in fine --


steadfastly courageous and resolute; valiant


stimulate or excite (someone), especially in a sexual way


striking as with lightning; sudden and overwhelming in effect; stunning; dazzling


superficial covering or exterior


superficially plausible, but actually wrong


swollen, or affected with swelling, as a part of the body


tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly or mawkishly sentimental because of drunkenness


tending to promote peace or reconciliation; peaceful or conciliatory


that once was; former


the abode of the blessed after death


the act of mentally undressing someone


the act of spying


the act or process of measuring


the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation


the action or process of flowing out; efflux


the important or essential part; essence; core; significant weight; substance


the introductory words or opening phrases in the text of a medieval manuscript or an early printed book


the lightness and grace of movement that make a dancer appear buoyant


the practice of deliberately preventing the facts of some subject matter from becoming known; the deliberate restriction of knowledge—opposition to disseminating knowledge; deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style (as in literature and art) characterized by deliberate vagueness


the science of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures


the senior member, as in age, rank, or experience, of a group, class, profession, etc


the sound of wind in the trees and the rustling of leaves


the state of being behind or late, especially in the fulfillment of a duty, promise, obligation, or the like


the state of being close to someone or something; proximity


the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry


the use of tricks to deceive someone


the way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public, typically in a political context


threefold; triple; trial


tinged with rose; rosy; bright or promising; incautiously optimistic


to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually followed by to)


to make valid or binding; to give authoritative approval or consent to


to make whole again; restore to a perfect state; renew; reestablish


to manage or play awkwardly


to mention or suggest for the first time


to moisten and rub with a liniment or lotion


to overspread with or as with a liquid, color, etc.


to polish (a surface) by friction; to make smooth and bright


to tangle or entangle; to involve; confuse; perplex; to make clear; unravel (often followed by out); a tangle or complication


to teach; instruct; give a lesson to


to tear or rend apart


to thicken, as by evaporation; make or become dense


to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality; to attribute real identity to (a concept); to reify


to treat with insolence; bully


to try; attempt


to uphold, follow closely, or conform (usually followed by to)


to walk or go aimlessly or idly or without finding or reaching one's goal; perambulate


undue or exaggerated praise; publicity, acclaim, etc., that is full of undue or exaggerated praise


unfavorable or unfortunate; unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient


universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all


unpleasant or sordid; low; disagreeable


unprecedented; unparalleled; unlike anything previously known


use of the wrong word for the context; strained metaphor


using few words; expressing much in few words; concise


very eager or anxious to perform a certain act; enthusiastic


very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent; delicately hazy


very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect


washing oneself as a religious rite; the act or bathing


waste matter; refuse; detritus


wavering; diffident


weak or ineffective; worthless or irresponsible


with hand on hip and elbow bent outward


withdrawing from contact with others; reserved; shy


withered; shriveled; blighted; ruined; damned; confounded


wreck or wreckage; damage or destruction; a trace of something destroyed


1. (adj.) (Brit.) very bad or incompetent: I'm -- at names; this edition of Herbert is --


1. (adj.) (Classical mythology) of, relating to, or suggestive of a western people believed to dwell in perpetual darkness 2. (adj.) intensely dark and gloomy as with perpetual darkness: deep, -- caverns


1. (adj.) (US, derogatory) of or characteristic of an unsophisticated rural person, especially from the South; down-home; countrified: a -- accent


1. (adj.) (archaic) destructive; pernicious: a -- superstition 2. (adj.) (archaic) deadly; poisonous: -- herbs


1. (adj.) being or coming in incidentally or extraneously: -- circumstances 2. (adj.) intervening, interceding, placed or coming between: deep -- ravines 3. (n.) one who intervenes


1. (adj.) bringing a period of rest


1. (adj.) characterized by or making extremely fine distinctions; overly detailed or subtle; hairsplitting: eccentric musicians draw -- distinctions between obscure recordings; your cubicle mates pouring over their brackets with all of the serious intent and fevered diligence of -- scholars


1. (adj.) characterized by or showing interest or concern: she was always -- about the welfare of her students; a -- enquiry 2. (adj.) full of concern or fears; apprehensive; anxious (usually followed by about, for, etc., or a clause): -- about a person's health; -- about the future 3. (adj.) anxiously desirous: -- of the esteem of others 4. (adj.) eager or anxious to do something (usually followed by an infinitive): he was always -- to please; he was -- to cultivate her mamma's good opinion 5. (adj.) meticulously careful or particular: a -- housekeeper; -- in matters of dress


1. (adj.) characterized by shrewdness, acuteness, or sagacity: an -- critic 2. (adj.) shrill: a rich but too -- guitar


1. (adj.) cheery, cheerful, or joyous; optimistic: a sunny --; the lead actor is sunny and --


1. (adj.) clamorous; noisy 2. (adj.) compelling or pressing; urgent; forcing itself urgently on the attention: a -- need for reform


1. (adj.) clearly established or beyond dispute 2. (adj.) expressing or of the nature of necessary truth or absolute certainty


1. (adj.) easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding: a -- child; a -- disposition; a -- horse 2. (adj.) easily handled, dealt with, or wrought: trying to make the mathematics --; the idea of mapping the early Universe with 21-cm photons received only sporadic attention for three decades, but technological advancements in the past few years have made the technique look more --


1. (adj.) examining carefully or thoroughly: a -- inspection 2. (adj.) acutely observant or penetrating: a -- glance; a -- mind 3. (adj.) piercing or sharp: a -- wind


1. (adj.) existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden; concealed: a -- network of criminals; the -- world of the behind-the-scenes television power brokers


1. (adj.) expressed in or of the nature of short, pithy maxims or aphorisms: -- utterances 2. (adj.) given to the composition of such writing: a -- poet; these law professors can be succinct, not to say --, not to say utterly obscure 3. (adj.) difficult to understand because enigmatic or ambiguous: I had to have the -- response interpreted for me


1. (adj.) expressing agreement; suited 2. (adj.) done by common consent; unanimous


1. (adj.) expressive of suffering or woe; melancholy; mournful: a -- sigh; the puppy's -- expression after we put the toy away was rather amusing; the -- ringing of the church bells


1. (adj.) extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition: the -- roots of human spirituality; stories passed down from time --


1. (adj.) extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted in character or style; characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance: a truly -- act of sabotage; the -- prose of the novel's more lurid passages 2. (adj.) irregular in shape: -- pearls


1. (adj.) extremely high or elevated; lofty; exalted: the -- atmosphere of a scholarly symposium 2. (adj.) of, belonging to, or appealing to an exclusive group; select; esoteric: -- tastes 3. (adj.) (of air, especially that at high altitudes) of lower pressure than usual; thin


1. (adj.) extremely poisonous or venomous; intensely noxious: a -- insect bite 2. (adj.) bitterly hostile; full of malice; malignant; spiteful: -- racists; returning to the -- nationalism of its past; the -- look on her face; -- criticism


1. (adj.) extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly: a tight-fisted, -- boss 2. (adj.) extremely poor; destitute; indigent: -- peasants 3. (adj.) poorly or inadequately supplied; lacking in means or resources


1. (adj.) falling or fallen into ruin; dilapidated; ramshackle: a -- house at the edge of town; he lived in a -- shack


1. (adj.) favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a --, fruitful land; a -- coincidence 2. (adj.) notably fitting, effective, or well adapted, as actions, utterances, or ideas; felicitous: a -- choice


1. (adj.) feeling, showing, or expressing grief, injury, or offense: an -- plea; he felt himself -- 2. (adj.) (law) suffering from an infringement or denial of legal rights: the -- person may present their petition to the court for review; the -- parties 3. (adj.) troubled or worried in spirit; distressed


1. (adj.) forbidden, as by law, authority, or dictate; prohibited: a college campus on which any form of hate speech was strictly --; Venice made certain areas -- to non-residents


1. (adj.) former; formerly of times past: -- friends; cultures, -- unknown to each other


1. (adj.) fraudulently substituted or pretended; spurious; not genuine 2. (adj.) (of a child) falsely presented as a genuine heir; illegitimate 3. (adj.) hypothetical; of the nature of or based on a supposition


1. (adj.) fruitful in offspring or vegetation; prolific: a -- breed of cattle; -- farmland 2. (adj.) intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree: a -- imagination; a -- source of information; the -- years of the Italian Renaissance


1. (adj.) fulfilling its function adequately; usable: an ageing but still -- water supply system; a -- argument; her -- but not exceptional voice


1. (adj.) full of or characterized by bloodshed; bloody: a -- struggle 2. (adj.) ready or eager to shed blood; bloodthirsty 3. (adj.) composed of or marked with blood


1. (adj.) fussily and excessively respectable; overly prim and precise so as to seem prudish and finicky: she was too -- to wear jeans; a middle-class family with two -- children; an extreme overachiever who has set her -- little heart on becoming president of the school council


1. (adj.) given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating: a -- wastrel who went through the family's once-fabulous fortune in less than a decade; I was a little too -- to register what had happened 2. (adj.) suffering from or due to such excess


1. (adj.) glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light


1. (adj.) grouchy; ill-natured; irritable; churlish; cantankerous; pessimistic: a --, unhappy middle age; a -- view of human nature 2. (of handwriting) very small and difficult to decipher: his handwriting is -- and hideous 3. (adj.) (of style) contorted and difficult to understand: -- legal language


1. (adj.) having a heavy offensive smell; stinking: a -- swamp; the -- water of the marsh

frowsy (frowzy)

1. (adj.) having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance; scruffy: a couple of -- stuffed chairs; seedy-looking doormen in -- uniforms 2. (adj.) musty; stale; ill-smelling: a -- smell of stale beer and stale smoke; a -- drinking-club


1. (adj.) having multiple meanings, especially of words


1. (adj.) having no equal; peerless: the -- beauty of Helen of Troy; her performance was --; our baker's cakes are --; a -- drummer 2. (n.) an individual of unequaled excellence; paragon: among the knights of the Round Table, Galahad stood alone as the -- of nobility and selflessness; Elvis was the -- of early American rock and roll


1. (adj.) having or giving off a smell, especially an unpleasant or distinctive one: an -- pile of fish remains; spicily concocted with -- herbs 2. (adj.) morally offensive: -- legislation


1. (adj.) having or showing a definite tendency, bias, or purpose; expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one: a -- reading of history; a -- novel


1. (adj.) having qualities (such as placidity or dullness) characteristic of oxen or cows; dull; stolid: he had a stupid, -- expression on his face


1. (adj.) having reference to the facts of a linguistic system as it exists at one point in time without reference to its history: -- analysis; -- dialectology


1. (adj.) having the clear, musical tone of silver; soft, clear, high, and melodious in sound: her --, childlike laugher; a -- voice


1. (adj.) having the form of an animal 2. (adj.) of, relating to, or being a deity conceived of in animal form or with animal attributes: pottery decorated with anthropomorphic and -- designs


1. (adj.) having the position of guardian or protector of a person, place, or thing: -- saint 2. (adj.) of or relating to a guardian or guardianship 3. (n.) a person who has such powers, as a saint, deity, or guardian


1. (adj.) having the power of molding or shaping formless or yielding material: the -- forces of nature 2. (adj.) capable of being molded or of receiving form: clay and other -- substances 3. (adj.) being able to create, especially within an art form; having the power to give form or formal expression: the -- imagination of great poets and composers 4. (adj.) pliable; impressionable: the -- mind of youth 5. (adj.) offering scope for creativity: the writer is drawn to words as a -- medium 6. (adj.) artificial or insincere; synthetic; phony: jeans made of cotton, not some -- substitute; a plastic smile 7. (n.) lacking in depth, individuality, or permanence; superficial, dehumanized, or mass-produced: a -- society interested only in material acquisition 8. (adj.) (fine arts) relating to moulding or modelling in three dimensions, or to produce three-dimensional effects; sculptural: the -- arts 9. (adj.) (fine arts) characterized by an emphasis on formal structure: -- requirements of a picture


1. (adj.) having the power or quality of attracting or drawing towards; that attracts or entices; attractive: and yet his heart beat faster as he watched her -- movements


1. (adj.) high-toned; stylish: a -- nightclub


1. (adj.) highly impressionable or unquestioning, especially in following a leader or embracing an idea; lacking independence or originality of thought; intellectually servile 2. (adj.) tending in a continuous intellectual direction; not rambling or discursive; following with smooth or logical regularity


1. (adj.) intrepidly daring; adventurous: an -- mountain climber 2. (adj.) recklessly bold; rash: an -- maneuver 3. (adj.) contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum; insolent; brazen: an -- maverick; he made an -- remark 4. (adj.) marked by originality and verve; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: -- experiments 5. (adj.) lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: an -- interpretation of her role


1. (adj.) involving or affecting disposition or settlement: a -- clue in a case of embezzlement


1. (adj.) involving or engaged in a headlong or potentially disastrous rush to do something; precipitate: the -- rush to war in 1914; a -- rush to the cities etymology: from the demon-possessed swine in Matthew 8:28 that rushed into the sea


1. (adj.) irregular or abnormal; anomalous 2. (n.) a person or thing that deviates from the ordinary rule or form


1. (adj.) juvenile; immature; childish: -- behavior; -- reflections on life and art 2. (adj.) without interest or significance; dull; insipid: a -- novel; -- lectures 3. (adj.) lacking knowledge or experience; uninformed: -- attempts to design a house 4. (adj.) deficient or lacking in nutritive value: a -- diet


1. (adj.) lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order; disconnected; fitful: a few people were left, dancing in a -- fashion; -- conversation 2. (adj.) digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a -- remark


1. (adj.) lacking in resourcefulness; inefficient 2. (adj.) lacking in incentive, ambition, or aspiration: -- freeloaders


1. (adj.) lacking in spirit or vitality; without vigor, zest, or energy: a dull, insipid, -- young man; a -- chorus 2. (adj.) without emotion or feeling; cold-hearted: a shrewd and -- Hollywood mogul; -- statistics


1. (adj.) lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow: a -- manner 2. (adj.) lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent 3. (adj.) drooping or flagging from weakness or fatigue; faint


1. (adj.) lacking interest or imaginativeness; sterile; jejune: an -- treatment of an exciting topic; -- textbooks; his -- years in suburbia


1. (adj.) lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless: their exquisite manners always make me feel --


1. (adj.) light, especially in form, appearance, or movement; airy; buoyant; agile; nimble; graceful 2. (adj.) cheerful; lighthearted 3. (adj.) frivolous; changeable


1. (adj.) ludicrously descending from the exalted or lofty to the commonplace; anticlimactic: the serious message of the film is ruined by its -- ending 2. (adj.) of insincere pathos; sentimental; mawkish: the -- emotionalism of soap operas; the movie manages to be poignant without becoming -- 3. (adj.) trite or trivial in style; exceptionally commonplace


1. (adj.) made airtight by fusion or sealing 2. (adj.) not affected by outward influence or power; isolated 3. (adj.) (sometimes capitalized) of, relating to, or characteristic of occult science, especially alchemy 4. (adj.) (capitalized) of or relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the writings ascribed to him

stridulous (stridulant)

1. (adj.) making or having a harsh or grating sound


1. (adj.) moving or shifting toward the west: the -- sun; a -- wind


1. (adj.) narrow and rigid in opinion; inflexible: a -- pedant; you are -- by your petty laws 2. (adj.) oriented toward or confined to the past; extremely conservative; unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention: a -- philosopher


1. (adj.) narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned: a -- insistence that we follow the rules exactly 2. (adj.) excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous: his analyses are careful and even painstaking, but never --


1. (adj.) netted; covered with a network 2. (adj.) netlike; retiform 3. (v.t.) to form into a network 4.. (v.i.) to cover or mark with a network


1. (adj.) of huge size; gigantic; tremendous 2. (n.) a being of tremendous size; giant


1. (adj.) of or relating to fields or open country; rural


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or living or occurring in the open sea; oceanic: among -- animals the undisputed king is the blue whale, the largest creature currently roaming the face of the earth; at one time -- whaling was the cornerstone of the island's economy


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or occurring in the evening 2. (adj.) active, flowering, or flourishing in the evening


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or of the nature of a testament or will 2. (adj.) given, bequeathed, done, or appointed by will: a -- bequest 3. (adj.) set forth or contained in a will


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or on the left side; left (opposed to dextral) 2. (adj.) left-handed: the struggles of our -- friends


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling a homily 2. (adj.) of or relating to the art of preaching 3. (adj.) preachy


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling a rabbit or hare


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling tentacles: yet no firm can match these tech titans' -- reach into the everyday lives of Chinese consumers; I spent years writing a novel in which three characters get pulled into an elaborate and -- conspiracy; the grands corps were the powerhouses of the state, and established a -- grasp on other key institutions


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling that of sugar: a powdery substance with a -- taste 2. (adj.) containing or yielding sugar: -- vegetables 3. (adj.) overly or sickishly sweet: -- flavor; a -- dessert 4. (adj.) cloyingly agreeable or ingratiating; affectedly friendly: a -- personality 5. (adj.) exaggeratedly sweet or sentimental: a -- smile; a -- song of undying love


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling the orchids: the -- theme of the wedding 2. (adj.) ostentatious; showy: the fashion press regarded her red-carpet attire with derision, calling it -- and overly designed


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or serving as a limit 2. (adj.) (archaic) subject to limits; limited


1. (adj.) of, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion: a handsome, -- profile; a -- mane of hair


1. (adj.) relating to, being, or having the effect of a shot fired while in real or feigned retreat


1. (adj.) remarkable; outstanding; noteworthy; excellent: the restaurant serves -- grilled lobster; a -- bargain on a watch; a singer with a -- voice; made a -- name for himself 2. (adj.) audacious in a way considered admirable; bold; brazen: those -- dudes have an excellent time playing games with death; that's a -- jump 3. (adj.) sexy; voluptuous: -- babes


1. (adj.) tastelessly gaudy; superficially attractive but having in reality no value or substance; falsely alluring: the paradise they found was a piece of -- trash; -- souvenirs for the tourist trade 2. (adj.) (archaic) pertaining to or characteristic of a prostitute; having the nature of prostitution: -- relationships


1. (n.) (chiefly British) a small room or section of a pantry in which food is cleaned, trimmed, and cut into cooking portions before being sent to the kitchen 2. (n.) (chiefly British) a small room or section of a pantry or kitchen in which cooking utensils are cleaned and stored


1. (n.) (chiefly British) toward or relating to the cheaper or less prestigious sector of the market; appealing or catering to lower-income consumers: a -- tabloid


1. (n.) (usually plural) funeral rites or ceremonies; obsequies


1. (n.) a bird's wing as used in flight: far as eagle's --, or dove's light wing can soar 2. (n.) a feather 3. (n.) the flight feathers collectively 4. (v.t.) to cut off the flight feathers of (a wing) or bind (the wings), as in order to prevent a bird from flying 5. (v.t.) to disable or restrain (a bird) in such a manner 6. (v.t.) to bind (a person's arms or hands) so they cannot be used: I struggled to rise but my arms were -- 7. (v.t.) to disable (someone) in such a manner; shackle: he was -- to the ground 8. (v.t.) to bind or hold fast, as to a thing: to be -- to one's bad habits

fallal (fallalery)

1. (n.) a bit of finery; a showy article of dress


1. (n.) a blank space or a missing part; gap: the evident lacunae in his story; the journal has filled a -- in Middle Eastern studies 2. (n.) deficiency: despite all these --, those reforms were a vast improvement 3. (n.) a missing portion in a book or manuscript: this gap must be seen as a serious -- in the surviving texts, a gulf that will critically limit our analysis


1. (n.) a bookseller, especially a dealer in rare or used books


1. (n.) a boor; churl 2. (v.i.) to produce noisy exhaust or exhalations: the -- and snorting of switch engines


1. (n.) a boorish, crass, or stupid person: would-be entertainers with an almost hallucinatory shortage of talent would enact their dismal showbiz fantasies before an audience of hostile --


1. (n.) a brood or small flock of partridges or similar birds 2. (n.) a group, set, or company


1. (n.) a brothel; a building in which prostitutes are available


1. (n.) a buffoon 2. (adj.) fancifully varied in color, decoration, etc.: -- pants


1. (n.) a collection of poems or of elegant literature 2. (n.) the world of poetry or poets collectively: a rhymester striving to enter -- 3. (n.) any center of poetry or artistic activity: Greenwich Village was once the -- of the U.S.


1. (n.) a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering of people or things at one point; concourse: a happy -- of weather and scenery; a -- of cultures; the -- of art and science in his work 2. (n.) a crowd or throng; assemblage


1. (n.) a complete rogue or rascal; a habitually unscrupulous person; scamp


1. (n.) a complete scale of musical notes; the range of a voice or instrument: the orchestral -- 2. (n.) the complete range or scope of something: the whole -- of human emotion; the actress's work runs the -- from goofy comedies to serious historical dramas


1. (n.) a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts: a -- of the book's plot; a -- of the bill that the legislature is currently considering


1. (n.) a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease: an infected person will feel a general -- 2. (n.) a vague or unfocused feeling of mental or moral uneasiness, lethargy, or discomfort: a society afflicted by a deep cultural --; his literary quiescence was the result of a deep intellectual --


1. (n.) a contemptuous law violator, especially one who fails to pay fines owed or comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively: -- who have accumulated large debts in unpaid parking tickets; officers have had, on occasion, to wade into the water to remonstrate with wave-catching --, many of whom scaled fences or clambered down cliffs to ride the breakers


1. (n.) a convivial party (as after a banquet in ancient Greece) with music and conversation 2. (n.) a social gathering at which there is free interchange of ideas 3. (n.) a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics: all of the developer conferences and -- are talking about how Web services will revolutionize the world 4. (n.) a collection of opinions expressed or articles contributed by several persons on a given subject or topic, especially one published by a periodical


1. (n.) a credulous person; one who believes everything he or she hears


1. (n.) a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something; misrepresentation: denounced his opponent for his defamatory insinuations and -- 2. (n.) the act of uttering such; slander; defamation: he was the target of -- for his unpopular beliefs


1. (n.) a fashionable or wealthy man of immoral or promiscuous habits: her dissolute -- of a son; a resort popular with wealthy -- and the women who love their money


1. (n.) a female schoolteacher, especially of the old-time country school type, popularly held to be strict and priggish


1. (n.) a florid bombastic literary style fashionable in 17th century Italy marked by extravagant metaphors, farfetched conceits, and forced antitheses


1. (n.) a flourish made after a signature, as in a document, originally as a precaution against forgery


1. (n.) a freckle or other pigmented spot


1. (n.) a frenzied or raging woman: these were the eyes of a girl who had raved like a -- the night through


1. (n.) a long speech characterized by lofty and often pompous language; a highly rhetorical speech 2. (n.) the concluding part of a speech, typically intended to inspire enthusiasm in the audience: he again invoked the theme in an emotional --


1. (n.) a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner; dandy


1. (n.) a newly married man, especially one who has been long a bachelor


1. (n.) a person who breaks open and robs safes; a safecracker


1. (n.) a show or threat of military power, especially as used by a nation to impose its policies on other countries


1. (n.) a small bundle, tight cluster, or the like, as of pine needles or nerve fibers


1. (n.) a sudden, passing sensation of excitement; a shudder of emotion; thrill: the movie offers the viewer the occasional -- of seeing a character in mortal danger; a genuine -- of disquiet


1. (n.) a superficial show of learning; the practice, or an instance, of expressing opinions on something which one knows only superficially or has little real understanding of


1. (n.) a surprise a sudden or irregular invasion or attack for war or spoils; raid: a -- into enemy territory; attempted sneak and surprise -- 2. (n.) an initial and often tentative attempt to do something in a new or different field or area of activity: the novelist's -- into nonfiction; he spearheaded his family's first -- into international wine production 3. (v.i.) to make a raid or brief invasion: -- into enemy territory; Nicaraguan troops were -- along the frontier 4. (v.i.) to do or attempt something outside one's accustomed sphere; enter into a new or different field or area of activity: Tesla, known for its high-end electric cars, has -- into the trucking industry


1. (n.) a surrounding or adjoining region in which something exists in a lesser degree; fringe: the seventeenth century lay in the -- of the middle ages 2. (n.) something that covers, surrounds, or obscures; shroud: a -- of secrecy; a -- of somber dignity has descended over his reputation; a -- of despair fell over the doomed city


1. (n.) a teacher or propounder of mystical doctrines 2. (n.) someone who instructs others before initiation into religious mysteries or before participation in the sacraments 3. (n.) a person whose teachings are said to be founded on mystical revelations


1. (n.) a temporary or supplementary fortification, typically square or polygonal and without flanking defenses


1. (n.) a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior, especially relapse into criminal behavior: criminal justice reforms are often weighed against hard data points on -- risk and crime


1. (n.) a thicket, grove, or growth of small trees: a small -- of trees shaded the back of the house


1. (n.) a thin and usually oval or oblong board or tablet with a thumb hole at one end, used by painters for holding and mixing colors 2. (n.) the range of colors used by a particular artist: the designer's -- consisted mostly of earth tones 3. (n.) the variety of techniques or range of any art: a lush but uneven musical --; a rich -- of tones and timbres 4. (n.) a range, quality, or use of available elements: a -- of flavors; a -- of vegetables


1. (n.) a thing that conceals or obscures something: a thin -- of fog covered the island; it is nature as seen through a -- of culture


1. (n.) a thing which is determined by and reproduces the essential features or qualities of something else: politics was no more than a -- of economics


1. (n.) a thug or hired assassin; desperado: men have before hired -- to transact their crimes, while their own person and reputation sat under shelter


1. (n.) a track or trail, especially that of a wild animal pursued as game 2. (v.a.) to track by or follow such


1. (n.) a universal remedy; panacea


1. (n.) a usually brief survey or summary (as of an extensive subject) often providing an overall view 2. (n.) outline, synopsis


1. (n.) a vagabond or wanderer, especially a gypsy 2. (n.) a person (such as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life usually in a colony with others 3. (adj.) pertaining to or characteristic of the unconventional life of a -- 4. (adj.) living a wandering or vagabond life, as a Gypsy


1. (n.) a vainglorious and cowardly soldier, especially appearing as a stock character in the commedia dell' arte


1. (n.) a variety of something abstract; kind; sort: discussions of a lofty --; a -- of music that has a direct lineage to folk song; the common -- of men 2. (n.) inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition; a particular tendency as part of a person's character: there's a -- of Victorian rectitude in him; a -- of weakness in the family 3. (n.) a trace; streak: a -- of fanaticism in his comments 4. (n.) the tenor, spirit, style, or tone of an utterance or of a course of action or conduct: a humorous -- 5. (n.) a particular degree, height, or pitch attained: a -- of courageous enthusiasm 6. (n.) a flow or burst of language, eloquence, etc.; a stream or outburst of forceful or impassioned speech: the lofty -- of Cicero


1. (n.) a vulgar person, especially one whose vulgarity is the more conspicuous because of wealth, prominence, or pretensions to good breeding: these two -- were politely asked to desist, but resumed their irritating chatter one minute later


1. (n.) a wall hanging made of a rich tapestry fabric, typically used to conceal an alcove: he pulled back the -- on the far wall and went into his secret chamber


1. (n.) a way, course, or direction of thought or action; a course into which something may be directed: new -- of exploration; he hoped to direct the conversation to a new --


1. (n.) a wine merchant 2. (n.) a producer of wine; a winegrower


1. (n.) a woman who is the senior member, as in age or rank, of a group, class, profession, etc.


1. (n.) a woman who mediates, especially between parties at variance


1. (n.) a woman who procures prostitutes


1. (n.) a wooden framework erected on a post, with holes for securing the head and hands, formerly used to expose an offender to public derision 2. (v.t.) to set (someone) in such a device 3. (v.t.) to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse: the candidate mercilessly -- his opponent


1. (n.) a wretched coward; craven 2. (adj.) marked by utter cowardice


1. (n.) access or resort to a person or thing for help or protection: to have -- to the courts for justice; settled the matter without -- to law 2. (n.) a person or thing resorted to for help or protection; a source of help or strength; resort: had no -- left; surgery may be the only --


1. (n.) acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance; homage; deferential respect: makes -- to her mentors; players paid -- to their coach 2. (n.) a movement of the body expressing deep respect or deferential courtesy, as before a superior; a bow, curtsy, or other similar gesture: the slaves collapsed into reverential -- as the angelic flight passed overhead; after making his -- he approached the altar


1. (n.) an act or instance of involving or entangling; involvement: a strange -- of tone and form 2. (n.) complexity; intricacy; the state of being complicated: periods of artistic --; and the -- of plot become if anything more elaborate than in the first half of the poem 3. (n.) something complicated or complex


1. (n.) an appendix or digression that contains further exposition of some point or topic: this biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine contains an interesting -- on the status of women in the Middle Ages

blue blood (blue-blooded)

1. (n.) an aristocrat, noble, or member of a socially prominent family 2. (n.) aristocratic, noble, or socially prominent lineage or relatives: they boasted a lineage of pure --


1. (n.) an authoritative order; command: the meeting was called at the senator's -- 2. (n.) an urgent prompting: at the -- of her friends, she read the poem aloud


1. (n.) an ecstasy supposed by the ancients to be inspired by nymphs; passion or rapture aroused in men by beautiful young girls 2. (n.) a frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable


1. (n.) an extreme softness, smoothness, or delicacy, especially in works of art, sculpture, music, etc.: had too heroic a style for the -- of the music he played; marveled at the -- of the Italian women


1. (n.) an inferior, incompetent, or petty critic


1. (n.) an instrument for acquiring knowledge, especially a body of principles of scientific or philosophical investigation


1. (n.) an intervening episode, period, space, etc. 2. (n.) a short dramatic piece, especially of a light or farcical character, formerly introduced between the parts or acts of miracle and morality plays or given as part of other entertainments 3. (n.) one of the early English farces or comedies, as those written by John Heywood, which grew out of such pieces 4. (n.) any intermediate performance or entertainment, as between the acts of a play 5. (n.) an instrumental passage or a piece of music rendered between the parts of a song, church service, drama, etc.


1. (n.) an unsophisticated person from a rural area; a country bumpkin


1. (n.) an utterance (such as a speech) designed to instruct and persuade 2. (adj.) intended to instruct or persuade


1. (n.) anecdotal evidence based on personal observations or opinions, random investigations, etc., but presented as fact: biased arguments supported by --


1. (n.) any basic process of organic functioning or operating: changes in the country's economic --


1. (n.) any group of three persons, nations, etc., acting equally in unison to exert influence, control, or the like: a -- of countries signed the agreement; early in his Senate career Mr. Lee came to be known as one third of a conservative --


1. (n.) books, pamphlets, etc., dealing with unusual subjects


1. (n.) boy kept for homosexual practices


1. (n.) dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.: everyday social -- 2. (n.) exchange, especially of thoughts or feelings; communion: as Europe's economy and society were relatively integrated, intellectual -- was easier than it seemed


1. (n.) degree of capacity or competence; ability: a mathematician of high -- 2. (n.) degree of merit or excellence; quality: the high moral -- of the era


1. (n.) deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: -- that goes unpunished; he decided to forgive his wife's --, choosing to ascribe it to a moment of uncharacteristic weakness 2. (n.) an act or instance of faithlessness or treachery


1. (n.) excess; overabundance: -- of mere niceties in conversation 2. (n.) an instance of this


1. (n.) excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted: he discloses, as a guide, a way to avoid the extremes of Puritan --, without compromising the primary stature of the Bible 2. (n.) extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books


1. (n.) extravagant boasting; boastful talk 2. (v.i.) to boast extravagantly; bluster


1. (n.) food, especially, a suspension or solution of nutrients in a state suitable for absorption: roots deliver -- to the plant 2. (n.) intellectual sustenance or nourishment: -- for consideration and reflection 3. (n.) something (such as writing or speech) that is insipid, simplistic, or bland: wrote -- that was intended to offend no one


1. (n.) foolish, stale, worthless, or offensive talk or ideas; nonsense; rubbish: that magazine prints a lot of -- about celebrities; tried to justify his bigoted tirade with a lot of stale and insincere --


1. (n.) formal politeness; courtesy; decorousness: the suave, circumlocutory -- of a consular official; the manners and -- of the Old World; with flattery and French --, President Emmanuel Macron delicately maneuvered around Trump, partly by playing to the President's ego


1. (n.) freedom of action, opinion, etc.; freedom from narrow restrictions: he allowed his children a fair amount of --; journalists have considerable -- in criticizing public figures


1. (n.) insulting display of contempt in words or actions; harsh or humiliating treatment arising out of contempt or haughtiness: the Church should not be exposed to gossip and -- 2. (n.) an instance of such language or treatment; a humiliating insult


1. (n.) miscellaneous articles of little worth; odds and ends 2. (n.) (informal) trash or rubbish: that's a lot of -- 3. (n.) (informal) dealings: I'll have no -- with him 4. (n.) a bargain or deal 5. (n.) the payment of wages in goods instead of money 6. (v.t.) to exchange; trade; barter 7. (v.i.) to exchange commodities; barter 8. (v.i.) to traffic; have dealings


1. (n.) miscellaneous items, especially a miscellany of literary works


1. (n.) one of the spots on dice, playing cards, or dominoes 2. (n.) a small seed, especially of a fleshy fruit, as an apple or orange 3. (v.t.) to peep or chirp


1. (n.) one that explodes into prominence or popularity; superstar: tragically, a shoulder injury cut short the pitching career of one of baseball's brightest --; such a practice would be more valuable to athletes like Sarah Robles than a multimillion-dollar NBA -- like Wade


1. (n.) the act or process of superintending; direction; supervision; oversight; under his vigilant --, a building was erected; the school was under the -- of the nuns of the convent


1. (n.) the action or process of giving birth to offspring; childbirth


1. (n.) the art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines: courses in --


1. (n.) the entire stock of skills, techniques, or devices used in a particular field or occupation; a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses: his -- of threats, stares, and denigratory gestures: a magician's --

Pied Piper

1. (n.) the hero of a German folk legend, popularized in The -- of Hamelin (1842) by Robert Browning 2. (n.) (sometimes lowercase) a person who induces others to follow or imitate him or her, especially by means of false or extravagant promises


1. (n.) the husband of an unfaithful wife: jokes in literature about elderly -- and misers are rife 2. (v.t.) (of a man) to make (another man) such by having a sexual relationship with his wife: in the novel Humberto -- his employer 3. (v.t.) (of a man's wife) to make (her husband) such by being sexually unfaithful: he was repeatedly -- by his wife Aphrodite


1. (n.) the initial substance of the universe from which all matter is said to be derived


1. (n.) the interlunar period 2. (n.) a period of darkness or blankness


1. (n.) the investment of emotional significance or energy in an activity, object, or idea 2. (n.) the charge of psychic energy so invested


1. (n.) the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk 2. (n.) a lofty nest of any large bird 3. (n.) a house, fortress, or the like, located high on a hill or mountain: mountaintop -- like the Aragats Cosmic Ray Research Station receded in the quest for ultimate knowledge 4. (n.) an apartment or office on a high floor in a high-rise building: a penthouse -- with a spectacular view; his 40th-floor -- in the tallest office building in Portland


1. (n.) the office of director 2. (n.) a board of directors (as of a corporation) 3. (n.) a section of a government department in charge of a particular activity: the Food Safety --


1. (n.) the part of the wreckage of a ship and its cargo found floating on the water: -- washed up by the tide 2. (n.) debris; remains: the dispirited family picked through the -- of their possessions after the hurricane, looking for anything that could be salvaged 3. (n.) useless items; odds and ends; miscellaneous or unimportant material (sometimes in conjunction with 'and jetsam'): a notebook filled with -- 4. (n.) a vagrant, penniless population (sometimes in conjunction with 'and jetsam'): the -- of the city slums in medieval Europe


1. (n.) the process of forgetting


1. (n.) the range of the range or limit of authority, competence, responsibility, concern, intention, etc.: this action is not within the -- of the school's obligations and responsibility; every human action takes place within the -- of moral judgment 2. (n.) the range of vision, insight, experience, or understanding: social taboos meant that little information was likely to come within the -- of women generally 3. (n.) (law) the purpose or scope of a statute 4. (n.) the full scope or compass of any document, statement, subject, book, etc.


1. (n.) the red banner of St. Denis, near Paris, carried before the early kings of France as a military ensign 2. (n.) any ensign, banner, or standard, especially one that serves as a rallying point or symbol


1. (n.) the remains of the culture of a people; antiquities: the -- of the Incas


1. (n.) the reward of honor due to a victor: in oratory she yields the -- to no one 2. (n.) victory; triumph; success: he carried off the -- by sheer perseverance


1. (n.) the usual or accepted meaning of a word, phrase, etc.: he would now be quite interested in the various usages of the term, its numerous -- and definitions


1. (n.) the worship of or excessive attention to animals


1. (n.) things excitingly different or unusual, especially literary or artistic items having an exotic theme or nature


1. (n.) vainglorious boasting or bragging; pretentious, blustering talk: the corrupting effect the vogue for macho -- may have even upon a civilized man; for all of its jingoistic --, the government had no thought-out plan for the war and its aftermath

vituperation (vituperative)

1. (n.) verbal abuse or castigation; violent denunciation or condemnation; sustained and bitter railing and condemnation


1. (n.) writing style characterized by refined affection and exaggerated sentiment originating from the writing of the French novelist Pierre de Marivaux


1. (v.a.) to belch forth, as gas from the stomach: he suddenly snapped and began -- his repressed anger noun: his flacks and surrogates hand out scraps of information grudgingly, infrequently, and beclouded by fragrant -- of doublespeak


1. (v.a.) to break or split into fragments 2. (n.) a fragment; splinter


1. (v.a.) to eat greedily or ravenously


1. (v.i.) (formal, U.S.) to last or endure, especially for a great length of time: bell music has -- in Venice throughout five centuries


1. (v.i.) (literary) to make a humming or buzzing noise: her head had become a -- vacuum


1. (v.i.) (of a man) to make love with a woman one cannot or will not marry; carry on flirtations 2. (v.i.) to have casual or illicit sex with a person or with many people, especially in unfaithfulness to one's spouse


1. (v.i.) (of the wind in trees, the sea, etc.) to make a rushing, rustling, sighing, moaning, or murmuring sound: the wind -- in the meadow


1. (v.i.) to act in a subservient manner; submit: the kind of guy who -- to anyone who has even a suspicion of money; -- to the powerful lobbyist


1. (v.i.) to be sparing or frugal; economize (often followed by on): he spends most of his money on clothes, and -- on food 2. (v.t.) to be sparing or restrictive of or in; limit severely: to -- food 3. (v.t.) to keep on short allowance; provide sparingly for: to -- their elderly parents


1. (v.i.) to come into close contact or union 2. (v.t.) to bring into close contact or union 3. (v.t.) to kiss


1. (v.i.) to cry querulously or weakly; whine; whimper: she's no -- infant


1. (v.i.) to have a good or bad effect or result, as to the advantage or disadvantage of a person or thing: new power alignments which may or may not -- to the faculty's benefit; there has never been an expansion of the investigatory or punitive power of the American security state which has -- to the benefit of racial and religion minorities 2. (v.i.) to result or accrue, as to a person (usually followed by on or upon): may his sin -- upon his head 3. (v.i.) to come back or reflect upon a person as to honor or disgrace: his latest diplomatic effort will -- to his credit; it -- to his credit that he worked so hard to prevent this crisis


1. (v.i.) to hurry; hasten 2. (adj.) hurried


1. (v.i.) to keep watch, especially to supervise students at an examination 2. (v.i.) to supervise; monitor


1. (v.i.) to march out from a narrow or confined place into open country, as a body of troops: the platoon -- from the defile into the plain 2. (v.i.) to come forth; emerge


1. (v.i.) to show activity, movement, or life; grow or spread gradually; germinate: interest in the idea has begun to -- 2. (v.i.) to become active, lively, or spirited: the night was -- with an expectant energy 3. (v.i.) to be diffused through; penetrate: these ideas have been percolating through time


1. (v.i.) to spread apart; branch; diverge 2. (adj.) spread apart; widely divergent


1. (v.i.) to utter long wailing cries, as cats in rutting time; howl or screech: some animal was -- in my backyard last night; he seems to think that singing soulfully is to whine and -- tunelessly 2. (v.i.) to protest or complain noisily: he continues to -- about having to take the blame; this lets Congress -- on behalf of special interests while blaming Presidents for not punishing foreigners


1. (v.i.) to withdraw one's attention from something; leave out of consideration (usually followed by from): such traditionalists have -- from novel practices and attitudes; here is an opportunity to -- from emotion and think critically about a very important subject; the methods of religious studies generally -- from any commitment to a particular tradition or any personal self-involvement in a religious path 2. (v.t.) to separate or single out in thought; detach for purposes of thought: his is an idea entirely -- from all of the others


1. (v.i.) to work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night 2. (v.i.) to discourse learnedly in writing; expatiate: -- in various scholarly journals


1. (v.t) (of an appearance) to fail to give a true notion or impression of (something); disguise or contradict: his lively, alert manner -- his years; his trembling hands -- his calm voice 2. (v.t) to misrepresent: the newspaper -- the facts 3. (v.t) to act unworthily according to the standards of (a tradition, one's ancestry, one's faith, etc.)


1. (v.t.) (humorous) to make bigger or more expansive; enlarge: you need to -- your vocabulary


1. (v.t.) to add as a supplement, accessory, or appendix, especially to a written text; subjoin: to -- a note to a letter; -- a diagram to the instructions 2. (v.t.) to attach or suspend as a pendant 3. (v.t.) to sign a document with; affix: to -- one's signature to a will


1. (v.t.) to be of use or value to; profit; advantage: all our efforts -- us little in trying to effect a change 2. (v.i.) to be of use; have force or efficacy; serve; help: his strength did not -- against the hostile onslaught


1. (v.t.) to cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation; to frighten with threats, violence, etc.: the intellectuals had been -- into silence


1. (v.t.) to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform


1. adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy (opposed to sumpsimus) 2. a person who persists in a mistaken expression or practice (opposed to sumpsimus)


1. an inhabitant; resident 2. a person who regularly frequents a place; habitué: the -- of a local bar


1. being something (such as money or a commodity) of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in paying a debt or settling an account: oil, wheat, and lumber are -- commodities; -- goods 2. capable of mutual substitution; interchangeable: the court's postulate that male and female jurors must be regarded as -- 3. readily changeable to adapt to new situations; flexible: batting orders are so -- that few players last long in one spot


1. favorable to or promoting health; healthful: -- air


1. free from many changes or variations; uniform: an -- climate; an -- temperament 2. uniform in operation or effect, as laws


1. late; tardy 2. behind in progress; backward: they were never -- in following artistic fads 3. in debt or arrears


1. of or like a peacock 2. resembling the feathers of a peacock, as in coloring


1. of or relating to a messiah, or any popular leader promising deliverance or an ideal era of peace and prosperity: this -- kingdom 2. marked by idealism and an aggressive crusading spirit: -- zeal; on a -- mission


1. resembling mother-of-pearl; lustrous; pearly; iridescent


1. to bet or gamble (an original amount and its winnings) on a subsequent race, contest, etc. 2. to use (one's money, talent, or other assets) to achieve a desired objective, as spectacular wealth or success: he -- a modest inheritance into a fortune


1. to bring into line; make parallel 2. to adjust accurately the line of sight of (a telescope)


1. (adj.) awkwardly tall and spindly; lank and loosely built; ungraceful in movements or bearing: he is a tall, rather -- man, with straggly dark hair, a sort of misshapen handsomeness and a crinkly smile; a -- youth with a trace of down on his cheeks


1. (adj.) subject to parching or burning heat, especially of the sun, as a geographical area: the -- sands of the Sahara 2. (adj.) oppressively hot, parching, or burning, as climate, weather, or air: the -- heat of the afternoon 3. (adj.) ardent; passionate: a -- love story; -- love letters


1. (adj.) following; successive 2. (adj.) following logically or naturally; consequent 3. (adj.) characterized by continuous succession; consecutive 4. (n.) something that follows in order or as a result

fatuous (fatuity)

1. (adj.) foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; vacantly silly; content in one's foolishness: a -- remark; a -- socialite with a near-pathological love of parties and shopping


1. (n.) (often capitalized) a volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors in honor of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of retirement, an important anniversary, or the like


1. (n.) a crown or coronet 2. (n.) wreath or garland of flowers 3. (adj.) relating to a crown or coronation quotations 4. (adj.) (astronomy) relating to the corona of a star


1. (n.) a legal or judicial inquiry, usually before a jury, especially an investigation made by a coroner into the cause of a death 2. (n.) a discussion or investigation into something that has happened, especially something undesirable: an -- by New York newspapers into a subway fire


1. (n.) a line, series, or assemblage, especially one that poses some sort of ordeal: a -- of autograph-seekers 2. (n.) a severe trial; ordeal: ran the -- of criticism and censure


1. (n.) a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of a previous work, artist, period, etc.: the operetta is a -- of 18th-century style; his building designs are -- based on classical forms 2. (n.) a musical, literary, or artistic composition borrowing from different sources or made up of selections from different works; potpourri: the research paper was essentially a -- made up of passages from different sources 3. (n.) an incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc., taken from different sources; hodgepodge: the house is decorated in a -- of Asian styles


1. (n.) a long parley usually between persons of different cultures or levels of sophistication: a -- between foreign ministers 2. (n.) a conference or discussion: a -- between union leaders 3. (n.) prolonged and idle talk; chatter: cut the -- and get down to business; an hour of aimless -- 4. (n.) misleading or beguiling speech: don't get taken in by the candidate's -- 5. (v.i.) to talk unnecessarily and at length: it's too hot for --


1. (n.) a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious: her criticism appeared in the form of -- in a local film magazine 2. (n.) a ranting piece of writing; a diatribe: in her -- against the recording industry, she blamed her producer for ruining her career 3. (n.) an informal piece of writing (such as a personal letter)


1. (n.) a loosely coiled length of yarn or thread wound on a reel 2. (n.) anything wound in or resembling such a coil: a -- of hair 3. (n.) something suggesting the twists or coils of such; tangle; a complex or complicated whole: an incoherent -- of words; he weaves together the -- of philosophy, ecology, folklore, and history; Twelfth Night's tangled -- of interwoven plots and deluded lovers 4. (n.) a succession or series of similar or interrelated things: a -- of tennis victories


1. (n.) a loud-voiced, ill-tempered, scolding, domineering woman; shrew: I mutely watched two petite -- lob insults at each other over the ethics of having a friend hold one's place in line


1. (n.) a man looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity


1. (n.) a man who moves in fashionable society 2. (adj.) characteristic of fashionable society; worldly


1. (n.) a man who obsessively seduces and deceives women


1. (n.) a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is disappearing or no longer present or in existence, as a city or building; a surviving evidence or remainder of some condition, practice, etc.: a few columns were the last -- of a Greek temple; these superstitions are -- of an ancient religion 2. (n.) a very slight trace or amount of something (usually with negative): not a -- remains of the former elegance of the house; he waited patiently, but without a -- of sympathy


1. (n.) a master or teacher of rhetoric 2. (n.) an orator


1. (n.) a medieval trumpet with clear shrill tones 2. (n.) the sound of or as if of such 3. (adj.) brilliantly clear: her -- top notes 4. (adj.) loud and clear: a -- call to action

Young Turk

1. (n.) a member of a Turkish reformist and nationalist party that was founded in the latter part of the 19th century and was the dominant political party in Turkey in the period 1908-18 2. (n.) an insurgent in a political party, especially one belonging to a group or faction that supports liberal or progressive policies: the leadership of the party passed from the cautious old-line conservatives to the zealous -- 3. (n.) (lowercase) any person aggressively or impatiently advocating reform within an organization


1. (n.) a minor dispute or contest; skirmish


1. (n.) a minor or insignificant author; a writer whose work has little or no value or importance: my wife's a banker, but I'm just a -- who writes for the newspaper


1. (n.) a mixture of dried petals of roses or other flowers with spices, kept in a jar or bowl for their fragrance


1. (n.) a moat or defensive ditch in a fortification, usually filled with water 2. (n.) any ditch, trench, or canal


1. (adj.) foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of ideals, and especially marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action: a vast and perhaps -- project; a -- crusade against capitalism 2. (adj.) impulsive and often rashly unpredictable; capricious


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or tending toward a yellow color, as of a flower: as you know, whisky straight from the still is gin-clear; its -- tint is produced by tannins in the oak casks in which it matures compare: cyanic


1. (adj.) of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular: uttering -- predictions of weal and woe 2. (adj.) mysterious; cryptic: his fascinating, if sometimes --, meditations on the nation


1. (adj.) of, resembling, or relating to seals: her -- mother


1. (adj.) open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: whether that was the cause of their troubles is a -- point 2. (adj.) of little or no practical value, meaning, or relevance; purely academic: in practical terms, the issue of her application is -- because the deadline has passed


1. (adj.) strangely diabolical or cruel; monstrous: a -- and questionable sense of humor 2. (adj.) showing fascination with death, disease, maiming, etc.; morbid: -- curiosity; she told the story with -- relish 3. (adj.) of, relating to, or like a ghoul or ghouls


1. (adj.) striking in extent, seriousness, or importance; outstanding; notable: he attacked the government for their -- failure of leadership; a -- achievement


1. (adj.) stubborn perverseness or rebelliousness; willful and obstinate resistance or disobedience to authority, especially willful contempt of court: a rogue archbishop who was excommunicated on grounds of --; if his officers call him up, he must come, or be thrashed for --


1. (adj.) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing: an unrepentant, -- sinner 2. (adj.) hardened in feeling: the -- enemy was merciless 3. (adj.) resistant to persuasion or softening influences: -- in his determination; remaining -- to her husband's advances


1. (adj.) stupefied with or as if with drink; drunken 2. (adj.) given to excessive drinking 3. (adj.) pertaining to or befitting a drunkard


1. (adj.) suave, urbane, and sophisticated: a -- performer 2. (adj.) (especially of men) confident, stylish, and charming: all the men looked -- and handsome in white tie and tails 3. (adj.) carefree; light-hearted; nonchalant


1. (n.) a pronunciation of the r- sound as an alveolar flap or trill, as in Scottish English 2. (n.) any pronunciation popularly considered rough or nonurban 3. (v.i.) to speak with such 4. (v.i.) to speak roughly, indistinctly, or inarticulately


1. (n.) a public figure, especially in a totalitarian country, who, for political or ideological reasons, is not recognized or mentioned in government publications or records or in the news media 2. (n.) a person accorded no recognition or consideration by another or by a specific group


1. (n.) any small, exclusive business offering customized service: our advertising is handled by a new Madison Avenue -- 2. (adj.) of, designating, or characteristic of a small, exclusive producer or business: one of California's best -- wineries


1. (n.) any state, process, or other activity that is the result of another; any secondary phenomenon: they are unapologetic about regarding museums as part of the -- of cultural studies


1. (n.) anything that gives mental, moral, or political stability or steadiness: the -- of a steady income 2. (v.t.) to give steadiness to; keep steady: parental responsibilities that -- a person


1. (n.) breaking out afresh or into renewed activity; revival or reappearance in active existence: at this time I was attacked with a -- of eccentricity in thought and behavior; I was upset by the -- of my hives


1. (n.) brothership; community; fellowship 2. (n.) an organized society or fellowship: a 19th-century observer of American society noted that Americans had a fondness for forming --; a tragic loss of life that was felt throughout the -- of firefighters 3. (n.) a devotional or charitable association of Roman Catholic laity


1. (n.) censure, blame, or abusive language aimed at a person or thing, especially by numerous persons or by the general public: held to their convictions in the face of -- 2. (n.) discredit, disgrace, or bad repute resulting from public blame, abuse, or denunciation: living out his days in the -- of one who had betrayed a solemn trust


1. (n.) civilian clothes, in contrast with military or other uniforms, or as worn by a person who usually wears a uniform


1. (n.) commotion; uproar 2. (n.) a heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do 3. (n.) a choking or suffocating cloud, as of smoke or dust 4. (v.a.) to worry; bother


1. (v.i.) to emit sparks 2. (v.i.) to sparkle; flash: a mind that -- with brilliance 3. (v.i.) to twinkle, as the stars 4. (v.t.) to emit as sparks; flash forth: -- witticisms


1. (v.i.) to engage in a drunken revel or dissolute behavior, often in a lively or noisy way: spent all of spring break -- with his friends 2. (v.i.) to drink freely or excessively: my brother and his friends went out -- last night 3. (n.) a drunken revel


1. (v.i.) to engage in petty argument or bargaining: Sam advised him not to -- over the extra fee; I tried to -- for a discounted price 2. (n.) an act or session of bargaining 3. (v.i.) to toy or fiddle with: the company was still -- with its pricing schedule


1. (v.t.) to impair; deteriorate; weaken or destroy gradually: manners and miserliness that -- the human spirit; the process -- the moral integrity of the institution; jealousy -- his character


1. (v.t.) to include or place (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) within something larger or more comprehensive; encompass as a subordinate or component element: red, green, and yellow are -- under the term "color"; most of these phenomena can be -- under two broad categories 2. (v.t.) to consider (an occurrence, case, instance, etc.) as part of a principle or rule; colligate


1. (v.t.) to inconvenience or discomfort; disturb; trouble 2. (v.t.) to impede; hinder


a volley of abuse or denunciation; contumely


a wasteful person; spendthrift


a wealthy and influential person, especially in business


a workshop or studio, especially of an artist, artisan, or designer


a written message; letter


a person, especially a child, who has no home or friends; a very thin, often small person, usually a young woman


something that evokes a memory


something that fills the place of something else that is lacking; temporary substitute; makeshift


something that provides sophisticated, knowing amusement, as by virtue of its being artlessly mannered or stylized, self-consciously artificial and extravagant, or teasingly ingenuous and sentimental


something that quiets or represses


something that softens or smoothes


something that strongly attracts attention by its brilliance, interest, etc.


sorrow for and detestation of sin arising from some inferior motive, as fear of divine punishment; imperfect contrition


spiritual or mental sloth; apathy


spray swept by a violent wind along the surface of the sea


sprightly in manner or appearance


a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity


the lowest throw at dice; something worthless or unlucky


to prove to be false, invalid, or defective; disprove


to punish by a fine; to defraud of money; to obtain by fraud, duress, or threat


to punish by inflicting any discretionary or arbitrary penalty


to recruit or convert someone to a new faith, institution, or cause


to reduce (laws, rules, etc.) to a code


to refuse or deny oneself (some rights, conveniences, etc.); reject; relinquish


to reject or cast aside (a lover or sweetheart), especially abruptly or unfeelingly


to remark or comment; refer; to turn attention to


to remove or dissipate by melting, vaporization, erosion, etc.; abrade


to render powerless or useless; thwart


to repeat something insistently or redundantly


to represent (a fault, offense, etc.) as less serious; to underestimate, underrate, or make light of


to roll or wind together; coil; twist


to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval; expostulate


to send back, remit, or consign again


to separate; part; divide; sever


to settle securely or snugly


to shelter in or as in a bower; cover or surround with foliage


to shine or polish to a high sheen, especially with wax


to shut out or exclude from a place or condition; to hinder or prevent; prohibit


to sketch out in a vague way


to smile in a silly, self-conscious way; to smile or gesture in an affectedly coquettish, coy, or ingratiating manner


to speak or converse rapidly and unintelligibly; jabber; to utter rapidly and unintelligibly; rapid, unintelligible talk


to spend the summer, as at a specific place or in a certain activity


to split into many sections, groups, factions, etc.; fragmentize; to reduce to fine particles or spray


1. (adj.) added or derived from something outside; not inherent: an -- habit rather than an inherent taste


1. (adj.) amounting to very little; trifling; negligible: a -- sum of money


1. (adj.) arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination: -- headlines; -- lyrics 2. (adj.) lecherous, lustful: have fiercely denounced the book's sketches of melodramatic lovers and -- partygoers


1. (adj.) associated as an accompaniment or consequence: the salary -- to a position 2. (adj.) attached or suspended as an appendage: a seal -- to a document 3. (n.) a person or thing attached or added


1. (adj.) avoiding the use of direct and plain language, as from timidity, excessive delicacy, or hypocrisy; inclined to mince words; insincere, devious, or compromising: -- excuses


1. (adj.) combined into one body, mass, or substance


1. (adj.) comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared: a brain and a computer are --


1. (adj.) complete and unmitigated; thoroughgoing; vociferous: a -- defense of the policy


1. (adj.) complete in every respect; unqualified; absolute: -- power; I believe the Bible is the completely sufficient, --, verbally inspired word of God; crusaders were offered a -- indulgence by the Pope 2. (adj.) (of a meeting) to be attended by all participants at a conference or assembly, who otherwise meet in smaller groups: a -- session of the European Parliament 3. (n.) a meeting or session attended by all participants at a conference or assembly: working parties would report back to the -- with recommendations


1. (adj.) consisting of, resembling, or pertaining to dung or feces


1. (adj.) consisting or characteristic of vapor: a -- cloud; -- poisons 2. (adj.) full of or abounding in vapor; foggy; misty: a -- twilight 3. (adj.) producing or giving off vapor: a -- bog 4. (adj.) dimmed or obscured with vapor: a low valley surrounded by -- mountains 5. (adj.) unsubstantial; diaphanous; airy; ethereal: -- fabrics; -- breezes 6. (adj.) vaguely formed, fanciful, or unreliable; lacking in substance or clarity; vague: -- promises; the -- notion of free will; the terminology is rather --


1. (adj.) constituting or having the form of a prelude; introductory; preliminary


1. (adj.) containing or resembling plums 2. (adj.) good or desirable: a -- part for a good actress 3. (adj.) richly or mellowly resonant: a -- speaking voice


1. (adj.) contemptible; despicable; mean; arousing disgust or scorn: a -- trick


1. (adj.) contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion; unorthodox: a Christian clergyman with a very -- opinion on the divinity of Jesus; her -- approach to teaching science initially met with some resistance from her peers 2. (adj.) holding unorthodox doctrines or opinions: a heterodox -- religious sect


1. (adj.) created, done, or existing within a company or organization: that seems like an -- debate within the camp of skepticism


1. (adj.) dead when born 2. (adj.) ineffectual from the beginning; abortive; fruitless: a -- plan of escape


1. (adj.) denoting language, especially burlesque verse, containing words or inflections from one language introduced into the context of another 2. (adj.) composed of a mixture of languages: a song, the words of which are in a -- mixture of Latin, Swedish and German 3. (adj.) mixed; jumbled: the cinema is incredibly -- and incredibly deep; what she experienced as her mind was the hideously -- jumble of the room in which she sat


1. (adj.) deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources: her musical tastes are --; he is very -- and his mix of abilities is so different from the common concept of an artist 2. (adj.) not following any one system, as of philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems


1. (adj.) describing a locality or a particular place


1. (adj.) designed to boost business; optimistic


1. (adj.) difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend; deep: geochemistry is a -- subject; any program that did would be too -- to stay on the air, the work of David Lynch being a glorious exception 2. (adj.) of, relating to, or dealing with something little known or obscure: -- fact about the origin of the holiday


1. (adj.) distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent, especially fluid, or expansive force; swollen; tumid: a -- and fast-moving river; -- limbs 2. (adj.) (of language or style) excessively embellished; inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic: -- prose; some -- verses on the death of Prince Albert


1. (adj.) drained of emotional or intellectual vigor or vitality; lacking interest, passion, or energy: a -- history of ideas; Singer's utilitarianism is so dry and -- that it drains the drama from philosophy


1. (adj.) dreamy and unaware of one's surroundings, for example because one is in love: she's not drunk, but still smiling in the same -- way


1. (adj.) easily flexed: rattan is such a -- material that it can be used for all manner of furniture and baskets; a --, limbo-dancing attitude to the vicissitudes of daily existence 2. (adj.) characterized by easy flexibility and grace; lithe: the kind of outfit that should be left to -- teenagers 3. (adj.) agile, nimble, or active: the -- actress's dance training is apparent in the way she moves on stage


1. (adj.) equal or coincident in space, time, or scope: the golden age of Dutch culture was roughly -- with the Netherlands' reign as a world power 2. (adj.) (of a term) denoting the same referent as another


1. (n.) a circular symbol of a snake or dragon devouring its tail, standing for infinity or wholeness


1. (n.) a cold, dry, northerly wind common in southern France and neighboring regions


1. (n.) a handle or shaft, especially of a knife, spear, sword, or dagger: gripping the -- of the knife


1. (n.) a harsh, grating, or creaking sound


1. (n.) a heavily wooded area forest: the -- of Kent 2. (n.) a wild or uncultivated usually upland region


1. (n.) a highly individual and usually eccentric opinion or preference: her one -- is a fondness for eating cookies while soaking in the tub 2. (n.) a perverse or unfounded belief or notion; an odd fancy or whimsical notion: the natural -- of inveterate bachelors


1. (n.) a jaw, especially the lower jaw 2. (n.) the cheek

top banana

1. (n.) a leading comedian in musical comedy, burlesque, vaudeville, etc.: for many years he was top banana on the circuit 2. (n.) the chief person in a group or undertaking


1. (n.) a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner


1. (n.) a small hole or vent, as one of the fingerholes of a flute


to free from faults or errors; correct


to frolic or sport; skylark; cavort


to fuss over one's dress, especially before the mirror


to grant or give, as by favor, graciousness, or condescension; to allow or permit, as by favor or graciousness; to condescend, deign


to happen to; come to; befall


to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly


to humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect; to subjugate (the body, passions, etc.) by abstinence, ascetic discipline, or self-inflicted suffering


to impose penance on (a sinner); to grant absolution to (a penitent); to hear the confession of (a person)


to inscribe or adorn with; to celebrate or extol


a logical refutation; an argument that refutes another argument by proving the contrary of its conclusion


a long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes


a lord, especially a feudal lord


a love for what is novel


a low-pitched tone; bass


a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint; aureole


a medicine sold with false or exaggerated claims and with no demonstrable value; quack medicine; a scheme, theory, device, etc., especially one to remedy social or political ills; panacea


a metal cup or basket often mounted on a pole or suspended from above, containing oil, pitch, a rope steeped in rosin, etc., burned as a light or beacon


a particular form or system of government


a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest; argot


a person characterized by irrepressible optimism, finding good in everything


a person devoted to contemplation, as a monk


a person in tattered clothing; a shabby person; ragged; unkempt or dilapidated


a person of unsophisticated taste


a person or thing detested, loathed, or condemned to damnation


a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another


a person related to one by marriage


a person who acts in place of another; substitute; a person who is authorized to perform the functions of another; deputy


a person who completely dominates another, usually with selfish or sinister motives


a person who cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine; connoisseur; gourmand--eating to excess; FIX


a person who executes without question or scruple a master's commands


a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc.


a person who has or professes to have refined sensitivity toward the beauties of art or nature a person who affects great love of art, music, poetry, etc., and indifference to practical matters


a person who invents or relates fables; a liar.


a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip; a gossip or busybody


a person who is fond of good eating, often indiscriminatingly and to excess; a gourmet; epicure


a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes


a person who partakes in dialogue or conversation


a person who stimulates or annoys by persistent criticism


1. (adj.) (especially of music or literature) extravagantly or excessively ornate; florid in speech, literary style, etc.: his labyrinthine sentences and -- usages


1. (adj.) (formal) excessively scanty; meager; very small in size or amount: wrest an -- existence from the land; -- evidence; my -- musical abilities; an -- income


1. (adj.) (formal) having a menacing quality; expressing or conveying a threat: he is unlikely to be deterred by -- finger-wagging; the novel's protagonist is haunted by a -- black specter

eristic (eristical)

1. (adj.) (formal) of or characterized by debate or argument; pertaining to controversy or disputation; controversial 2. (adj.) (formal) (of an argument or arguer) aiming at winning rather than at reaching the truth; characterized by disputatious and often subtle and specious reasoning; given to disputation, especially for its own sake: an -- sophist; a specimen of admirable special pleading in the court of -- logic 3. (n.) (formal) a person given to debate or argument; a person devoted to logical disputation 4. (n.) (formal) the art or practice of debate, disputation, argument, or polemics: Plato satirizes -- in the Euthydemus


1. (adj.) (formal) playful in an aimless way; showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness: the -- behavior of kittens; a -- novel


1. (adj.) (formal) relating to or expressing a wish or request: -- overtures; -- dress codes


1. (adj.) (formal) suitable for use as food; fit to be eaten; edible 2. (n.) (formal) something edible, especially a vegetable


1. (adj.) (heraldry) (of an animal) lying with the body resting on the legs and the head raised (usually postpositive): two lions --


1. (adj.) (humorous, archaic) a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie: the poem is not the sort of thing the sturdy -- of Manchester would wish to read


1. (adj.) (informal) excessively sentimental, as in music or art: -- ballads


1. (adj.) (informal) of acting or an actor, exaggerated or overly theatrical: there is some -- acting 2. (adj.) marked by exaggerated and usually self-conscious theatricality: a -- singer whose overwrought renditions of love songs just beg listeners to cry


1. (adj.) (of one thing) compatible or possible in conjunction with another: a theory -- with other theories; contradictory but -- statements


1. (adj.) (of speech or writing) expressed with extreme or excessive economy; relieved of irrelevant matter: to converse in -- sentences 2. (adj.) (of a style of speaking or writing) tending to be ambiguous, cryptic, or obscure: an -- prose that is difficult to translate


1. (adj.) (of the nose) shaped like an eagle's beak; hooked 2. (adj.) of or like the eagle


1. (adj.) (of the voice or speech) marked by fullness, strength, richness, and clarity of sound; sonorous; resonant; imposing: an -- voice; -- tones 2. (adj.) (of writing, style, or expression) pompous; bombastic; pretentious: an -- speech


1. (adj.) (of two or more problems or subjects) independent of or irrelevant to each other


1. (adj.) (often capitalized) playful, especially in a mischievous way; impish: a -- sense of humor; he takes a -- delight in teasing her about her love life, or lack thereof


1. (adj.) (often lowercase) hypocritically and unctuously affecting benevolence or high moral principles; pharisaical


engaged in or having the power of flight; moving lightly; nimble


equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as


eroding; erosive


evasion or trickery


evenness of mind under stress; right disposition; aplomb


exhibiting or influenced by envy, distaste, or hostility


extreme eagerness or enthusiasm


extremely bad or unpleasant


extremely small; tiny; diminutive




1. (adj.) fierce; cruel; dreadful; savage 2. (adj.) sinister; malevolent: a -- purpose 3. (adj.) very destructive; deadly: a -- disease; -- poison


of the same age, date, or duration; equally old


of the same blood or origin; cognate

congeneric (congenerous)

of the same kind or genus; offering a group of closely related services


of various kinds; several


of very great weight; unwieldy or clumsy; unpleasantly dull


of, relating to, or belonging to a neighborhood or district; neighboring; adjacent


of, relating to, or dependent on charity; charitable


of, relating to, or resembling twilight


offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive; overdone or gross


persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular field


1. (n.) (dated, informal) a detective: the firm hired a -- to find out who was fencing stock from their warehouse


pertaining to antiquaries or to the study of antiquities; of, dealing in, or interested in old or rare books


pertaining to bankrupt persons or bankruptcy; morally --


pertaining to or befitting a feast, festival, holiday, or gala occasion


powerlessness, weakness


practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills


practicing strict self-denial as a measure of spiritual discipline; austere


praise; an enthusiastic expression of approval; applause




present in excess of the normal or requisite number, in particular


readily assuming different forms or characters; extremely variable


to join closely and intimately; to weld


to lead or contribute to a result (usually followed by to or toward)


to link together; unite in a series or chain


to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger; a look of sullen dislike, discontent, or anger


to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger; shrink with fear


to lure by or as by music


to make a characteristic shrill, trilling sound, as a grasshopper


to make a crackling sound; crackle


to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate


to make limp and soiled, as with rain or dirt


to make miserable; to cause to become impoverished


to make pretensions (usually followed by to); to lay claim to (usually followed by to)


to make small cuts in; to wound the feelings of; to break up or loosen a surface


to make spiritual; especially, to purify from the corrupting influences of the world; to give a spiritual meaning to or understand in a spiritual sense


to make threefold; triple; to make in --; produced in or consisting of three copies or parts; threefold; triple


to prescribe (a course of action) with authority or emphasis; to direct or order to do something




indulgence in idle fancies and in daydreaming; absentmindedness


infatuated or obsessed; drunk; twitterpated


learned or extremely knowledgeable


learned persons as a class; literati; intelligentsia


leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative


living or located in the woods; of or relating to the woods synonyms: arboreal


lodging for a soldier, student, etc., as in a private home or nonmilitary public building; to obtain lodging, stay; to provide lodging for, quarter


lying down, decumbent; inactive, passive, or inert, especially from indolence or indifference


made, evolved, or developed a long time ago; ancient


make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter; pronounce


making marks that cannot be eliminated, forgotten, changed, or the like


marked by a willingness to consent to others' wishes


marked by an increase


marked by majestic dignity or grandeur


(of a difficulty or obstacle) impossible to overcome


(of a fault or offense) slight and pardonable


(of a glacier, an iceberg, etc.) to break off or detach (a piece)


(of a heavenly body) convex at both edges, as the moon when more than half full


(of a person) tending to find fault or raise petty objections; carping


(of a person, especially a man) suave, courteous, and refined in manner


(of a person, manner, or gesture) feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire; salacious; concupiscent


(of a young woman) suitable for marriage, especially in regard to age or physical development; marriageable; (of a young person, usually a woman) sexually developed and attractive


(of breathing) noisy and labored


(of punishment) deserved or appropriate


(of skin color, complexion, etc.) dark


(of the air or weather) hot and humid


1. (adj.) (often lowercase) marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances; tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means: a fixed -- rule


1. (adj.) (rare) showing fastidious or finicky tastes; particular; fussy: too -- a palate to enjoy junk food 2. (adj.) (obsolete) exacting in requirements or standards; punctilious: a -- code of honor 3. (adj.) minute, fine, or subtle: an overly -- distinction


1. (adj.) (archaic) precisely adapted to a particular situation, need, or circumstance; suitable; fitting; proper: it was not -- for us to see the king's dishonor


1. (adj.) (chiefly British) lacking in vitality or intelligence; stupid, dull, or clumsy: a comedy show that invariably portrays the British aristocracy as a bunch of -- twits


1. (adj.) (dated) roguish in merriment and good humor; jocular; mischievous: Fielding and Sterne are -- writers; a -- riposte 2. (adj.) (dated) characteristic of or befitting a wag: -- humor


1. (adj.) (disparaging) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Roman Catholic Church


1. (adj.) (especially of a leaf, shell, or shoreline) having a finely scalloped or notched outline or edge


1. (adj.) (informal) of, relating to, or being a style of journalism marked by a lack of objectivity due to the writer's immersion in the subject and often participation in the activity being documented; filled with bizarre or subjective ideas, commentary, or the like: his self-invented style of -- journalism which pushed the hack himself into the story even as it pushed any attempt at objectivity out, defined feature writing for the next few generations 2. (adj.) outlandishly unconventional, outrageous, or extreme: a -- comedian 3. (adj.) very strange or unusual; bizarre: -- notions; the woman was either -- or stoned


1. (adj.) (literary) (of a person or animal) full of spirit and courage; lively: their horses were beasts of burden, not -- chargers; the -- opening dance number got the audience all jazzed up a -- debate on the teaching of evolution in the schools


1. (adj.) (literary) eternal and unchanging; everlasting: the -- sadness of the industrial background; but law, and especially the -- distinction between right and wrong, is never predicated on contracts or consent; the breath of brooks caressed him, he was enveloped in the sorceries of a -- spring


1. (adj.) (literary) fleeting, as of emotions; transitory; lasting a short time; evanescent: a sensational story with but a -- claim on the public's attention; savor the -- pleasures of life as intensely as the more enduring ones; she was acutely conscious of her -- youth


1. (adj.) (literary) having or deserving to have the palm of victory or success; holding the first or highest place; outstanding: a -- achievement


1. (adj.) (literary) left alone and forlorn; desolate; forsaken: Romantic poets had a particular fondness for the lone, -- shore; -- beyond all description, the widow struggled to cope with her crushing grief


1. (adj.) (literary) likely to cause damage or injury; harmful; noxious: my habit of driving along looking at cars on the other side of the road could prove to be a bit --


1. (adj.) (literary) permitting no return to the original place or condition; irreversible: -- losses; an -- way


1. (adj.) (literary) relating to, indicative of, or occurring in winter; wintry: a -- night


1. (adj.) (literary) sooty; smoky: the -- air hanging over an industrial city 2. (adj.) (literary) murky; obscure: a -- prose style that's not exactly ideal for writing for the mass media; his -- soul 3. (adj.) dull; mournful; melancholy; dark: evokes a world that is garishly strange without lapsing into the clichés of -- futurism 4. (adj.) (literary) of the color of soot, as dark gray, dull brown, black, etc.; dark or dusky: his dark, -- eyes


1. (adj.) (literary) sycophantic; fawning; deceitfully flattering: somewhat of a -- and parasitic soul


1. (adj.) (literary) very fervent; extremely ardent; impassioned: -- patriotism 2. (adj.) marked by overwrought or exaggerated emotion; excessively fervent


1. (adj.) (obsolete) of or relating to the country or to a farm; rural


1. (adj.) (obsolete) of or relating to words; verbal 2. (n.) an inventor or coiner of words: Southey gives himself free scope as a -- 3. (n.) a person who is interested in words: this book, to the individual interested in childhood, is as important as a dictionary to the -- or a thesaurus to the writer


1. (adj.) (of a drug, plant, etc.) used for or useful in healing wounds; curative: -- plants 2. (n.) a healing drug or other agent used in healing and treating wounds: St. John's Wart is an excellent --


1. (adj.) (of a person or their behavior) childishly bad-tempered and petulant; peevish: he comes across in his journal entries as spoiled and --


1. (adj.) (of a person or their work or qualities) thoroughly excellent; conforming to the highest standard: a -- record of achievement; a man of -- worth; this organization does -- work for kids


1. (adj.) (of a person's temperament, mood, or manner) gloomy; melancholy; dejected; grim; not easily enlivened, enthused, or cheered: a -- cynic always finding fault; he was of a -- habit of mind, repulsive to his fellow creatures 2. (adj.) (of a person or their features) forbidding; stern; dark; moody; mysterious: his -- face and dark, watchful eyes; a woman still handsome in a -- way, with hair jet-black 4. (of a place, event, etc.): gloomy; dreary; melancholy: a -- setting; a -- masterpiece of death songs and sawing violas; the men awaiting interrogation by the police shared a -- silence


1. (adj.) (of a piece of speech or writing) in the style of Cicero; characterized by melodious language, clarity, and forcefulness of presentation: -- invective


1. (adj.) (of a price) grossly excessive; exorbitant: -- ticket prices 2. (adj.) using or given to extortion: the -- power of the unions


1. (adj.) (of a remark or tone of voice) sharp in character, spirit, or expression; cutting; biting: a -- remark; a -- rejoinder 2. (n.) (Brit., slang) a prostitute 3. (n.) (Brit., slang, derogatory) a promiscuous woman; a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered tasteless and sexually provocative


1. (adj.) (of a room or building) showing comforting signs of wear and habitation 2. (adj.) (informal) (of a person's face) marked by experience 3. (adj.) showing the effects of age or experience: a -- voice


1. (adj.) (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear: her low -- voice


1. (adj.) (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true; spurious: an -- story about a former president; his alleged description of opera as 'fat gits singing' is probably --


1. (adj.) (of colors) formed, separated, or distributed by an optical prism or something acting as one: a flash of -- light on the edge of the glass 2. (adj.) (of colors) varied and brilliant: a hundred -- tints 3. (adj.) highly varied or faceted: a -- existence


1. (adj.) bare, desolate, and often windswept: a -- plain 2. (adj.) cold and piercing; raw: a -- wind 3. (adj.) lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness; grim: a -- prison documentary 4. (adj.) not hopeful or encouraging; depressing: a -- prognosis; a -- outlook 5. (adj.) severely simple or austere: a -- hotel room


1. (adj.) beaming and bright with optimism, promise, or achievement: a -- boy


1. (adj.) becoming rigid and unresponsive, especially with age; losing the ability to adapt or compromise: -- management; the country's -- economy


1. (adj.) before a meal, especially before dinner; anteprandial: a -- apéritif


1. (adj.) beginning to come into being or to become apparent; in an initial stage: evidence of -- racial tension; an -- black eye; an -- cold 2. (adj.) (of a person) developing into a specified type or role: we seemed more like friends than -- lovers


1. (adj.) being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation; not real or genuine: -- turf; -- intellectuals; -- coffee made from grain


1. (adj.) being at once relevant and appropriate; relevant to a subject under consideration; fitting: omit details that are not -- to the discussion


1. (adj.) being at once verbose and ill-organized; characterized by great length or discursiveness in speech or writing: a -- report from the scene of the earthquake 2. (adj.) not concentrated or localized: the term has something of a -- meaning; such a diffuse effort is unlikely to produce good results; -- lighting 3. (v.t.) to pour out and permit or cause to spread freely, as a fluid: a drop of blue dye -- in a glass of water 4. (v.t.) to extend; scatter; spread over a wide area or between a large number of people: -- their ideas throughout the continent; the problem is how to -- power without creating anarchy 5. (v.t.) to spread thinly or wastefully: a government in which power is -- 6. (v.i.) to spread out or become transmitted especially by contact: the civilization -- westward; technologies -- rapidly noun: the -- of his ideas


1. (adj.) being in a state of confusion; lacking composure: trying to explain a mix-up in my mail order to a clearly -- clerk in customer service 2. (adj.) broken-down; worn; showing signs of age or fatigue: the abattoir worker's wife may be a prematurely -- crone; ravaged, --, redolent of hard-won experience, his voice sounds like something dreamed up by the Department of Health in order to scare people off smoking


1. (adj.) being in the state of dying; approaching death: in the -- patient deepening stupor and coma are the usual preludes to death 2. (adj.) in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigor; being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence; not progressing or advancing; stagnant: a -- political party; prune the -- files from your disk forever; the -- commercial property market


1. (adj.) belonging to or inherent in the character or makeup of a person's body or mind: a -- weakness for sweets 2. (adj.) of, relating to, or entering into the fundamental makeup of something : essential 3. (adj.) beneficial to one's constitution; healthful: -- exercise 4. (n.) (dated) a walk or other mild exercise taken for the benefit of one's health: she went out for a --


1. (adj.) bending readily without breaking or becoming deformed; pliant; flexible: a -- bough; -- leather 2. (adj.) able to perform bending or twisting movements with ease; limber; lithe: -- legs of a dancer 3. (adj.) easy and fluent without stiffness or awkwardness: sang with a lively, -- voice 4. (adj.) compliant, often to the point of obsequiousness; yielding to the will of others: a -- horse 5. (adj.) readily adaptable or responsive to new situations; characterized by ease, responsiveness, and adaptability in mental action


1. (adj.) biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style; incisive: a -- wit; -- humor; a -- review of the movie 2. (adj.) burning; pungent: -- pain


1. (adj.) bordered, shaded, or covered by willows 2. (adj.) (of a person) tall, slim, and lithe


1. (adj.) capable of being vended; salable: -- commodities


1. (adj.) careful; cautious; prudent: a -- reply; -- investments 2. (adj.) astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious: a -- negotiator; a -- lawyer 3. (adj.) skilled; expert 4. (adj.) frugal; thrifty: a -- housewife


1. (adj.) carefully or elegantly done, operated, or designed 2. (adj.) well-groomed; dressed very elegantly: she was dark, petite, and --


1. (adj.) causing fear or alarm; formidable: she was a -- debater 2. (adj.) commanding or evoking respect, reverence, or the like; illustrious; eminent: the -- NYPD


1. (adj.) cautious or careful; wary: he was -- of investing in oil wells 2. (adj.) shy; timid 3. (adj.) fastidious; choosy: she is excessively -- about her friends 4. (adj.) sparing (often followed by of): -- of his praise


1. (adj.) characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative: a -- spokesman for the cause


1. (adj.) characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug 2. (adj.) profusely polite, especially unpleasantly so and insincerely earnest; excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily: he seemed anxious to please but not in an -- way 3. (adj.) (of a wine, coffee, etc.) rich, lush, intense, with layers of concentrated, soft, velvety flavor


1. (adj.) characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity, such as an idyllic time in the past that is remembered as better than today: the -- days of youth; those who grew up in the supposedly -- years after World War II; the -- days of free trade 2. (adj.) calm; peaceful; tranquil: -- weather 3. (adj.) rich; wealthy; prosperous: -- times of peace


1. (adj.) characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk; open: grew -- after dinner 2. (adj.) marked by or indicative of exaggerated euphoria and delusions of self-importance: an -- patient 3. (adj.) characterized by richness, abundance, or magnificence: -- living; -- taste


1. (adj.) grossly or obscenely abusive; making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation: a -- attack on his integrity 2. (adj.) using or given to coarse language 3. (adj.) characterized by or using low buffoonery; coarsely jocular or derisive: a -- jest


1. (adj.) growing with excessive luxuriance; vigorous and tall of growth: tall, -- weeds 2. (adj.) producing an excessive and coarse growth, as land


1. (adj.) half-hearted or indifferent, especially with respect to religion or politics: this -- cant of tolerance 2. (n.) a person with such an attitude


1. (adj.) hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient: a -- child 2. (adj.) unresponsive or resistant to a process or stimulus: some granules are -- to secretory stimuli 3. (adj.) (of a person, illness, or diseased tissue) resistant to treatment or cure: a -- lesion


1. (adj.) having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn: the -- faces of the tired troops 2. (adj.) wild in appearance: -- eyes; we were shocked by his -- appearance


1. (adj.) having a glutinous consistency or sticky consistency; adhesive; viscous: honey that turned even more -- in the cold; the -- mucus lining of the intestine


1. (adj.) having a harsh, rough, or irregular quality: -- rhythms; her -- nerves adverb: a -- tender love story


1. (adj.) having a loud reverberating sound, as a bell: a -- roar 2. (adj.) having an expressive and especially plaintive quality: -- lyrics


1. (adj.) having a mutual relationship; corresponding: rights, whether moral or legal, can involve -- duties; a doctor's duties and a patient's -- rights; as demand increases, we'll see a -- increase in price


1. (adj.) having a rough surface because of minute points or projections 2. (adj.) indecent or scandalous; risqué; obscene: -- books 3. (adj.) full of difficulties; knotty: a -- problem


1. (adj.) having a soft, velvety surface, as certain plants; covered with a fine and dense silky pubescence


1. (adj.) having an allover pattern of small flowers and plants, as used in tapestry, on porcelain, or in other decorative items: he drew the traditional -- flowers


1. (adj.) having little or no money, usually habitually; penniless; poor


1. (adj.) having lost character, vitality, or strength: the -- monarchies of feudal Europe 2. (adj.) marked by weakness or decadence: the -- East 3. (adj.) soft or delicate from or as if from a pampered existence: peddled trendy tweeds to -- Easterners 4. (adj.) no longer fertile


1. (adj.) marked by prosperity; flourishing, especially of a previous period of time: they knew her in her -- days when she was living high; a -- suburb with lots of new homes and shopping malls; the -- days of the British drama


1. (adj.) marked by the qualities of a dunce; slow-witted; stupid: his -- explanation


1. (adj.) marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness; clamorous: -- merriment; an -- argument 2. (adj.) stubbornly resistant to control; defiant; unruly: -- behavior; an -- child


1. (adj.) meager, scanty, or poor: a -- emotional life 2. (adj.) (of an argument, excuse, idea, etc.) used so often that it is no longer effective; hackneyed; trite; ineffectively stale: -- arguments; the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés


1. (adj.) melodious; musical; pleasant-sounding: nightingales are -- birds


1. (adj.) mildly or sometimes engagingly disreputable or nonconformist; rakish; marked by a careless unconventionality: a matinee idol whose -- offstage behavior amused millions 2. (adj.) gaudily vulgar or cheap; tawdry; marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness


1. (adj.) moist, soft, and viscid


1. (adj.) not able, wanting, or allowed to communicate with other people: a prisoner held --; remained -- while working on her book


1. (adj.) not endowed with sensation; inanimate: -- stone 2. (adj.) without human feeling or sensitivity; cold; cruel; brutal: an -- ruler 3. (adj.) without sense, understanding, or judgment; foolish


1. (adj.) not pointed or acute; blunt 2. (adj.) lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect; insensitive; stupid: he is too -- to take a hint 3. (adj.) not clear or precise in thought or expression; difficult to understand, especially deliberately so: some of the lyrics are a bit --; it is ill-written and at times --


1. (adj.) of a dove 2. (adj.) dovelike; dove-colored


1. (adj.) of a timid disposition; fearful; nervous: reproached myself with being so -- and cautious 2. (adj.) expressing or suggesting timidity: proceed with doubtful and -- steps; he spoke in a -- whisper


1. (adj.) of enormous size or extent; immensely large; vast: an -- failure; an -- expanse of stars; the -- view of the novel


1. (adj.) of or befitting working days; characteristic of a workday and its occupations: the -- world of timecards and performance reviews 2. (adj.) ordinary; commonplace; everyday; prosaic


1. (adj.) of or characteristic of the earth or its inhabitants; terrestrial 2. (n.) an inhabitant of the earth


1. (adj.) of or characterized by the collective responsibility shared by each of a group of colleagues, with minimal supervision from above: there was an increasing tendency to turn from -- to one-man management 2. (adj.) marked by camaraderie among colleagues: -- relationships among faculty members


1. (adj.) of or relating to Paphos, an ancient city of Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite 2. (adj.) (literary) of or relating to love, especially illicit sexual love; erotic; wanton 3. (adj.) noting or pertaining to Aphrodite or to her worship or service 4. (n.) Aphrodite, so called from her cult center at Paphos 5. (n.) (literary) (often lowercase) a prostitute


1. (adj.) of or relating to a form of marriage in which a person of high rank, as a member of the nobility, marries someone of lower station with the stipulation that neither the low-ranking spouse nor their children, if any, will have any claim to the titles or entailed property of the high-ranking partner: he contracted a -- marriage with a German-born actress


1. (adj.) of or relating to a vortex 2. (adj.) suggesting or resembling a vortex; swirling 3. (adj.) moving in a vortex: the particles descend with -- motion


1. (adj.) of or relating to an order, as of animals or plants 2. (adj.) of or relating to order, rank, or position in a series


1. (adj.) of or relating to dreams; dreamy: those -- images that have had so profound an effect on certain kinds of twentieth-century art; reason's inability to understand, let alone tame and control the realm of dreams, suggests that dreams may be the sublime form of intelligence, an -- logic or law whose murmurs we ignore at our peril


1. (adj.) of or relating to fishermen or fishing: a -- treaty 2. (adj.) devoted to or dependent upon fishing: a -- people; -- birds


1. (adj.) of or relating to priests or the priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly: he raised both his arms in a -- gesture 2. (adj.) (of art) extremely stylized, restrained, or formal; highly restrained or severe in emotional import: some of the more -- sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved 3. (adj.) noting or pertaining to a form of ancient Egyptian writing consisting of abridged forms of hieroglyphics, used by the priests in their records.


1. (adj.) of or relating to tailors or their trade: -- workmanship 2. (adj.) of or relating to clothing or style or manner of dress: -- splendor


1. (adj.) of or relating to the faculty of divination 2. (adj.) having the power of divination


1. (adj.) of or relating to the ordinary, everyday, current form of a language; denoting or relating to the kind of language used by ordinary people; colloquial; vernacular: a poet with a keen ear for -- rhythms; a -- idiom 2. (n.) ordinary colloquial speech: he blinked in mild surprise at this uncharacteristic leap into the --


1. (adj.) of or relating to the prostate gland


1. (adj.) of or relating to the viscera or entrails; visceral: -- circulation


1. (adj.) of or relating to the west wind 2. (adj.) mild or favorable; propitious


1. (adj.) of or relating to traveling, a road, or a way


1. (adj.) of or relating to wasps 2. (adj.) resembling a wasp


1. (adj.) of or reminiscent of the novels of Charles Dickens, especially in suggesting the poor social conditions or comically repulsive characters that they portray: the backstreets of -- London


1. (adj.) of or suitable for a funeral 2. (adj.) befitting or similar to a funeral in mood; mournful, gloomy, or dismal; solemn or dignified; : a -- aloofness that was quite chilling; she was moving at a -- pace; the dark and -- Victorian mansion


1. (adj.) of the nature of or resembling glass, as in transparency, brittleness, hardness, glossiness, etc.: -- china 2. (adj.) of or relating to glass 3. (adj.) obtained from or containing glass


1. (adj.) of the same kind or genus 2. (adj.) offering a group of closely related services: a -- investment company


1. (adj.) of the spleen; splenic 2. (adj.) irritable; peevish; spiteful 3. (adj.) (obsolete) affected with, characterized by, or tending to produce melancholy


1. (adj.) of, belonging to, or occurring in the hours just before dawn: gray, -- translucence was spreading across the sky, gradually driving out the fainter stars; -- worship


1. (adj.) of, comprising, or relating to all varieties, forms, or kinds: -- interests; the views of passengers travelling on the Clapham omnibus these days are --


1. (adj.) of, consisting of, containing, or resembling copper; coppery: stained green with -- patina 2. (adj.) of the metallic reddish-brown colour of copper


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or capable of exciting the sensation of taste, especially full of flavor or taste; flavorful


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet; prophetic; oracular


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or characterized by percussion; caused by or related to the action of striking or pounding something: he massaged her shoulders with a gentle -- action


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or designating the moon


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or expressed in relation to stars or constellations; astral: the distance from Charleston to Birmingham is in some respects measurable only in -- terms; even Copernicus measured positions in a -- zodiac beginning from the fixed star Mesartim 2. (adj.) (literary) resembling, characteristic of, or reminiscent of a star or starlight; lustrous, bright, shining; splendid, outstanding: all he distills into -- wine; with her -- diamonds cutting into her flesh; a genuine countertenor voice silences all arguments, its -- sweetness shaming our pettiness, like the music of the spheres


1. (adj.) of, relating to, or serving as a tomb


1. (adj.) open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or willing to depart from traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.; permissive: her parents had -- ideas about child-rearing (adj.) characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts; openhanded: a -- donor (adj.) given freely or abundantly; generous: a -- donation; a -- meal (adj.) not strict or rigorous; free; loose; not literal: a -- interpretation of a rule; a -- translation


1. (adj.) opposite in order, nature, or effect; reversed in position, order, direction, or tendency 2. (n.) something that is such; the direct opposite


1. (adj.) overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: the award winner was in an -- mood at the dinner in her honor 2. (adj.) bubbling up like a boiling liquid


1. (adj.) overinflated; turgid; bombastic; pretentious: -- prose 2. (adj.) (of a flower) past the stage of full bloom; more than full-blown


1. (adj.) partaking in idolatry; worshipping idols or false gods: the priests of an -- religion 2. (adj.) engaging in excessive attachment or reverence; inordinately or profanely devoted: an -- veneration for antiquity 3. (adj.) used in or designed for idolatry; devoted to idols or idol-worship: an -- image or temple


1. (adj.) perilous; dangerous: a -- journey on stormy seas


1. (adj.) persuasive; eloquent: a -- orator


1. (adj.) pertaining to Gordius, ancient king of Phrygia, who tied a knot that, according to prophecy, was to be undone only by the person who was to rule Asia, and that was cut, rather than untied, by Alexander the Great 2. (adj.) resembling the -- knot in intricacy


1. (adj.) pertaining to Sappho or to certain meters or a form of strophe or stanza used by or named after her 2. (adj.) lesbian


1. (adj.) pertaining to or expressing a notion or idea 2. (adj.) of the nature of a notion or idea: a -- response to the question 3. (adj.) abstract, theoretical, or speculative, as reflective thought 4. (adj.) not real or actual; ideal or imaginary: to create a -- world for oneself 5. (adj.) given to or full of foolish or fanciful ideas or moods


1. (adj.) pertaining to or having finely developed buttocks: the quest for the -- ideal


1. (adj.) pertaining to or having the properties of a mirror


1. (adj.) pertaining to or resembling alchemy; alchemic


1. (adj.) pertaining to or resembling an elephant 2. (adj.) clumsy; ponderous: -- movements; -- humor; -- verse 3. (adj.) having enormous size or strength; massive: an -- ego


1. (adj.) pertaining to religious mysteries; mystical


1. (adj.) pertaining to the ministry of religion, or to a minister or other member of the clergy 2. (adj.) pertaining to a ministry or minister of state 3. (adj.) pertaining to or invested with delegated executive authority 4. (adj.) of ministry or service 5. (adj.) serving as an instrument or means; instrumental


1. (adj.) pertaining to, dealing with, or regulating expense or expenditure 2. (adj.) intended to regulate personal habits on moral or religious grounds: a -- tax on alcohol; -- laws


1. (adj.) pertaining to, situated in, or constituting the periphery: -- resistance on the outskirts of the battle area; the -- areas of Europe 2. (adj.) concerned with relatively minor, irrelevant, or superficial aspects of the subject in question; of secondary or minor importance; marginal: she will see their problems as -- to her own; a decade ago, NGOs were fairly -- to major international diplomacy


1. (adj.) playful; frolicsome 2. (adj.) of, relating to, or resembling a colt 3. (adj.) not trained or disciplined; unruly; wild


1. (adj.) playful; frolicsome; merry: -- leaps and frolics


1. (adj.) playfully roguish or mischievous; saucy: an -- smile


1. (adj.) possessing eyes 2. (adj.) relating to or resembling eyes; ocellated: -- markings


1. (adj.) prim, underwhelming, and ineffectual


1. (adj.) proceeding after; following (usually followed by to): -- to his studies he took a job in an office 2. (adv.) according (usually followed by to): to do something -- to an agreement 3. (adv.) in a manner conformable (usually followed by to): to act -- to the dictates of one's conscience


1. (adj.) produced by humans rather than by natural forces; made; manufactured: it seems probable that several of the mounds are --; a decoration of -- flowers and leaves 2. (adj.) not spontaneous or natural; artificial; contrived: -- laughter; created a -- demand by spreading rumors of shortage; a largely -- national identity


1. (adj.) producing, resembling, or resulting from ague 2. (adj.) easily affected by or subject to fits of ague 3. (adj.) shaking; quivering


1. (adj.) promoting or conducive to some beneficial purpose; wholesome; remedial: -- influences; --advice 2. (adj.) favorable to or promoting health; healthful; curative: the -- Atlantic air


1. (adj.) providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system; auxiliary; assisting: the development of -- services to support its products; one -- benefit of Beatrice's job at the movie theater is the ability to catch an early glimpse of new releases; an entire industry of -- companies has also sprung up 2. (adj.) of lower or secondary class or rank; subordinate; subsidiary: the main factory and its -- plants; his irritating pseudo-epilepsy stands out as one of several examples where the editing misdirects our attention to issues -- to the show


1. (adj.) readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable: a -- mineral; persons whose blood pressure is more -- will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack 2. (adj.) readily open to change, especially of mood or emotion: has so -- a face that some of her scenes rock with emotion; she may be -- and inconsistent, expressing strong emotions of various types without any solid reason


1. (adj.) refractory or unruly; tending to be troublesome: a -- crowd; a -- animal that would not submit to the harness; King Malcolm struggled to unite his -- kingdom 2. (adj.) readily angered; peevish; irritable; quarrelsome: a -- child; a -- political campaign


1. (adj.) related to the part of mental life having to do with striving, including desire and volition; opposed to cognition


1. (adj.) relating to or determined by the origin, development, or causal antecedents of something: the -- relations between languages


1. (adj.) relating to or producing knowledge or science 2. (adj.) having knowledge; knowledgeable


1. (adj.) relating to something designed to sell quickly; cheap, flashy, or sensationalistic: a -- newspaper 2. (n.) something that is such


1. (adj.) resembling or containing lead; leaden


1. (adj.) resembling or having the properties of oil; oily 2. (adj.) containing or producing oil 3. (adj.) marked by an offensively ingratiating manner or quality; exaggeratedly and distastefully complimentary: the office manager greeted the corporate bigwigs with an -- welcome that should have embarrassed him; candidates made -- speeches praising government policies


1. (adj.) resembling or made to resemble leather; tough but pliable


1. (adj.) resembling or relating to a a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple 2. (adj.) resembling or relating to a noisy boisterous parade; shivaree


1. (adj.) sacrificial; expiatory: required to make a -- offering for their sins 2. (adj.) requiring expiation: sinful, heinous -- offense


1. (adj.) sandy; gritty


1. (adj.) serving or designed for testing or trial; exploratory: it was a -- meeting, designed to test the client's interest in the new product 2. (adj.) affording proof or evidence; substantiating: it places the -- burden on the defendant


1. (adj.) sexually aroused; lustful; lecherous: as nervous as a -- adolescent on a hot date; he was making her more and more --


1. (adj.) shaping or having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole: the -- power of the poetic imagination; the -- power of a great mind to simplify the difficult


1. (adj.) sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid: the -- smell of smoke; a -- chili 2. (adj.) caustic, biting, or sharply expressive; incisive: -- remarks; the left has often complained that what it needs isn't polite speech, but voices as -- as those on the right 3. (adj.) mentally stimulating or appealing: -- wit


1. (adj.) showing a casual lack of concern or worry; nonchalant: an -- shrug


1. (adj.) sincere and undivided in feeling or spirit; characterized by sincerity and unity of purpose or dedication: he was -- in his patriotism; undermine the great -- unity of the people


1. (adj.) situated before or at the front of 2. (adj.) coming before in time or development: labor problems -- to the strike; events -- to the outbreak of war 3. (adj.) nearer the front, especially in the front of the body, or nearer to the head or forepart: the veins -- to the heart


1. (adj.) situated beneath the moon or between the earth and the moon 2. (adj.) characteristic of or pertaining to the earth; terrestrial 3. (adj.) mundane or worldly: fleeting, -- pleasure


1. (adj.) skillful at or given to pilfering, especially by picking pockets; thievish 2. (adj.) having light and nimble fingers


1. (adj.) skillful; dexterous; adroit


1. (adj.) slightly dark, dusky, or somber


1. (adj.) slyly crafty or cunning; deceitful; tricky; wily: -- schemes; an -- cross-examiner 2. (adj.) skillful or clever in adapting means to ends; ingenious: an -- choice of metaphors and similes 3. (adj.) done with or characterized by art or skill; dexterous: -- acting; -- repairs; an -- performance on the violin; an -- prose stylist


1. (adj.) smooth, especially having a surface without hairs or projections: -- skin; -- leaves; his -- old head


1. (adj.) softening, soothing, or mitigating, as medicines or applications; alleviating pain or harshness: and in the hospital of the mind, the -- and fostering measures have a still larger share in the work of a moral restoration


1. (adj.) somewhat swollen; slightly tumid 2. (adj.) exhibiting or affected with many ideas or emotions; teeming 3. (adj.) pompous and pretentious, especially in the use of language; bombastic


1. (adj.) spreading widely from a center: a tree with -- branches


1. (adj.) strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear; weird; eerie: and then, for the first time since she had first appeared in Belloc's garden, she began to sing, in a quiet, penetrating, wordless, altogether -- voice; it pulsed under a huge summer moon that cast -- light more revealing than sunbeams; an -- singsong


1. (n.) a collection of items or parts in one mass; assemblage; aggregation; heap; jumble: from the airplane the town resembled a -- of tiny boxes; a -- of European states


1. (adj.) subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse: an -- statement 2. (adj.) uncertain as an indication or sign: -- evidence 3. (adj.) of uncertain nature or classification: -- shapes 4. (adj.) of uncertain disposition toward a person or thing; undecided: an -- attitude 5. (adj.) of doubtful advantage, genuineness, or moral rectitude: -- behavior; aliens of -- loyalty


1. (adj.) suffering from constipation; constipated 2. (adj.) slow in action or in expressing ideas, opinions, etc.


1. (adj.) suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality: -- indulgence; a gifted speaker with an -- style who dresses casually and uses big hand gestures and punchy sentences 2. (adj.) of or relating to an uncle: two weeks of poker had led to his writing to his uncle a distressed, but confident, request for more funds; and the -- foot had come down with a joyous bang.


1. (adj.) tending to make or preserve peace; conciliatory: -- overtures 2. (adj.) not warlike; peaceable; mild: a -- disposition 3. (adj.) at peace; peaceful: a -- era in history 4. (adj.) calm; tranquil: the Wabash is a -- river


1. (adj.) tending toward or serving for the assigning of names: the -- function of some primitive rites


1. (adj.) tightly or immovably wedged in 2. (adj.) deeply entrenched; not easily changed or removed 3. (adj.) densely populated or crowded; overcrowded: an -- school district


1. (adj.) transparent: a -- thermoplastic, such as a copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile, is highly suitable 2. (adj.) easily understood; lucid: but some forms of truth are less -- than others, thus the reason uninformed and uneducated people are so easily misled; the illustration of the attitude of son to parent is so -- in the Oedipus legend, that the group of mental processes concerned is generally known as the 'Oedipus-complex


1. (adj.) transparently clear or lucid: a -- explanation 2. (adj.) convincing; cogent


1. (adj.) unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted; lacking discernment or insight: the government still has a -- attitude to public spending; higher learning can offer individuals and societies a depth and breadth of vision absent from the inevitably -- present 2. (adj.) lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded: -- chauvinists

submerged (submerge)

1. (adj.) under the surface of water or any other enveloping medium; inundated 2. (adj.) hidden, covered, or unknown: there are many -- facts which could have a bearing on the case; -- emotions 3. (adj.) poverty-stricken; destitute; impoverished: a program to aid the -- socioeconomic groups


1. (adj.) unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods; unable to use mathematics 2. (n.) such a person

hortatory (hortative)

1. (adj.) urging to some course of conduct or action; exhorting; encouraging: a -- speech


1. (adj.) used in, suitable for, or resembling an elegy 2. (adj.) expressing sorrow or lamentation: -- strains


1. (adj.) vividly or movingly expressive or revealing; clearly expressing or indicating something: looks -- of disgust; the bus journey alone is -- of class inequality


1. (adj.) wastefully or recklessly extravagant: -- expenditure; a -- feast 2. (adj.) giving or yielding profusely; lavish (usually followed by of or with): -- of smiles; -- with money; he dessert was crunchy with brown sugar and -- with whipped cream 3. (adj.) lavishly abundant; profuse: nature's -- resources


1. (adj.) well-suited for the occasion, as an action, manner, or expression; apt; appropriate: a -- remark; handled the delicate matter in a most -- manner 2. (adj.) pleasant; delightful: -- weather; the ride through the countryside is a -- journey for city people


1. (adj.) wild; fierce 2. (adj.) marked by shyness and lack of social graces: how -- you are—I refuse to stay and talk to you any longer


1. (adj.) willing to do what is asked; obedient; tractable; docile: a -- child; her heroines were neither flighty nor -- 2. (adj.) that may be acquired by bidding: -- merchandise


1. (adj.) willing to sell one's influence, especially in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary: a -- judge 2. (adj.) originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery: a -- arrangement with the police; a -- administration; -- agreements


1. (adj.) without displaying response, as surprise, confusion, or chagrin: an -- reaction to the charges 2. (adj.) not varying or wavering; fearless; forthright: -- devotion; -- frankness 3. (adj.) (of an assessment or account) direct, thorough, and honest: the film is an -- look at the porn trade; the book provides an -- view of the causes of the war


1. (adj.) without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid; dull: an -- personality; many artists continued to churn out --, shallow works 2. (adj.) without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland: a rather -- soup; mugs of -- coffee


1. (adj.) without firm methods or policy; weak or indecisive: -- handling of juvenile offenders 2. (adj.) lacking in character, directness, or moral or emotional strength: -- writing 3. (adj.) weakly sentimental, pretentious, or affected; insipid 4. (n.) such a person: written by and for -- 5. (n.) namby-pamby sentiment: the harmless -- of a birthday card 6. (n.) such verse or prose


1. (adj.) without fresh air; stuffy; not ventilated: a dark, -- hallway 2. (adj.) without wind or a breeze; still: an -- July day

ad hocism

1. (n.) (depreciative) a policy or method characterized by actions or decisions chosen to suit or fulfill immediate needs or goals; reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent, long-term plans: but the Supreme Court should use specific cases to lay down discernible principles that deter judicial --


1. (n.) a group or company with a shared characteristic: she has a -- of admirers; a similar -- of beliefs


1. (adj.) worked out with great care and nicety of detail; executed with great minuteness: -- security precautions; -- care 2. (adj.) marked by intricate and often excessive detail; complicated; ornate: -- wrought-iron gates 3. (v.t.) to work out carefully or minutely; develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail: he -- a theory of the relationship between music and money 4. (v.i.) to add details in writing, speaking, etc.; give additional or fuller treatment (usually followed by on or upon): to -- upon a theme or an idea; he would not -- on his news


1. (adj.) written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content; of or relating to the belles-lettres


1. (adj.) yielding something abundantly: a -- harvest; -- springs 2. (adj.) plentiful in number: -- references to other writers 3. (adj.) full of thought, information, or matter: Shakespeare, whose soul was so --; her -- intellect 4. (adj.) profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style: a -- talker; I had been a little too -- in talking of my country 5. (adj.) present in large quantity; taking place on a large scale: -- weeping; -- food and drink


1. (adj./adv.) taking place or located in the open air; outdoors: dining --; an -- cafe


1. (adv.) by inches; little by little; gradually: -- he advanced up the slope


1. (adv.) in an able manner; with skill or ability; competently: he has summed up our concerns very --; he was -- assisted by his partner


1. (adv.) in such a manner or to such a degree as almost to become invisible, non-existent, or negligible: the difference is -- small; an event of -- small probability


1. (adv.) one at a time; each by itself; separately: the partners are jointly and -- liable 2. (adv.) apart from others; independently


1. (adv.) side by side; beside each other in a line: they walked two -- down the street 2. (adv.) equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness (usually followed by of or with): to keep -- of scientific developments; keeping -- with the times


1. (adv.) with all one's might: the soul strives -- to live and work; conflicting ideals that social philosophers have struggled -- to reconcile 2. (adv.) (archaic) at full speed; in great haste: the wind now rising --, he in vain strove 3. (adv.) (archaic) to a high degree; exceedingly: they whom I favor thrive in wealth --


1. (adv.) with suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval: we looked -- at the dealer's assertion that the car had never been in an accident; they eyed the stranger --; many critics have looked -- at the proposal 2. (adv.) with a side glance; sidewise; obliquely: that experienced pilot of the Broads looked -- at his watch, and drew Allan aside at the first opportunity


1. (especially of a theory or argument) appearing neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial; arrived at without due care or effort: too -- a solution for so complex a problem 2. easily done, performed, used, etc.: a -- victory; a -- method 3. ready; fluent: -- prose 4. readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth: -- tears


1. (literary) a substitute


1. (n.) (Classical mythology) the god of ridicule 2. (n.) (sometimes lowercase) a faultfinder; a carping critic


1. (n.) (Classical mythology) the shield or breastplate of Zeus or Athena, bearing at its center the head of the Gorgon 2. (n.) protection; support: under the imperial --; under the -- of the Constitution 3. (n.) sponsorship; auspices; endorsement: a debate under the -- of the League of Women Voters; under the -- of the museum 4. (n.) controlling or conditioning influence: passed new laws under the -- of national security 5. (n.) control or guidance, especially by an individual, group, or system: under the -- of the government


1. (n.) (N. American, informal) a person who undertakes to predict the outcome of elections, sports events, or other contests that hold the public interest


1. (n.) (Span. and Port.) an older woman serving as escort or chaperon of a young lady 2. (n.) a governess


1. (n.) (US) a person who is independent (as in politics) or who remains undecided or neutral


1. (n.) (US, informal) an alliance or cartel of political, commercial, or financial interests engaged in exploiting the public


1. (n.) (archaic) a contemptible or cowardly person 2. (adj.) (archaic) cowardly; despicable: a -- knight


1. (n.) (archaic) a prayer


1. (n.) (archaic) an act of civility or respect 2. (n.) (plural, archaic) respects or compliments; courteous attentions 3. (n.) (archaic) something for which a person is responsible; duty

appetency (appetence)

1. (n.) (archaic) intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite 2 (n.) (archaic) instinctive inclination or natural tendency 3. (n.) (archaic) material or chemical attraction or affinity


1. (n.) (archaic) slowness; sluggishness


1. (n.) (archaic, literary) clothing; dress: a man garbed in ancient -- 2. (n.) (archaic, literary) something that covers like a garment; covering


1. (n.) (capitalized) a fat short humpbacked clown or buffoon in Italian puppet shows 2. (n.) an absurd or squat grotesque person


1. (n.) (chiefly Brit.) a very young child


1. (n.) (dated) a dissolute and licentious man, especially elderly; rake


1. (n.) (dated) a youngster; child


1. (n.) (dated, humorous) a vulgar or disreputable woman, especially one who engages in sex promiscuously or for money


1. (n.) (derogatory) a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability or interest: she was a --, to whom German, mathematics, church history, and medicine were pure pleasure 2. (n.) a member of a mid-18th-century London literary circle: Lady Montagu was a celebrated -- 3. (adj.) (derogatory) (of a woman) scholarly, literary, or intellectual


1. (n.) (derogatory) someone who is opposed or resistant to new technologies or technological change: a small-minded -- resisting progress 2. (n.) (historical) a member of any of various bands of workers in England (1811-16) organized to destroy manufacturing machinery, under the belief that its use diminished employment 3. (adj.) (derogatory) opposed to new technology or ways of working: this bill is really a -- approach to science; there'll still be plenty of -- customers like me who are yet to embrace the future


1. (n.) (derogatory, chiefly Brit.) a pert or impudent young woman: he really did love the conniving little --, and her betrayal broke his heart 2. (n.) a short official note, typically recording a sum owed: write out a -- for whatever you take from the drinks cupboard 3. (n.) a small slip of paper with writing on it


1. (n.) (facetious) idolatry or excessive admiration of William Shakespeare


1. (n.) (formal) a small circle or gathering of specialists (as writers, etc.): we gather a few times a year with other -- in our geographic region


1. (n.) (formal) a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action: the notion intrigued me, but remained a --


1. (n.) (formal) the state of being no longer used, exercise, or practiced; disuse; discontinuance: the docks fell into --


1. (n.) (informal) a person who makes a fuss, particularly about trivial things: my teacher is such a --, he marks us down for handwriting!


1. (n.) (informal) a person, especially a celebrity, with several professions or skills: her list of professional accomplishments puts other pop culture -- to shame 2. (adj.) (informal) having several professions or skills: the -- star added health-food advocate and entrepreneur to his list of credit; the -- actor-artist-author-presenter is listed as the director


1. (n.) (informal) an old man: you'll find the same old distinguished-looking -- at any awards dinner


1. (n.) (informal) foolish talk or activity; nonsense (often used interjectionally): don't believe a word she says—it's all --; a pseudoscientific examination of UFO claims that was utter --


1. (n.) (informal, N. American) one who is disapproved of or is held in contempt: she says her boss is a rotten --; the sneaky -- hacked my computer login 2. (n.) (informal, N. American) an informer; a person who informs on people to the authorities: he was assumed by some to be the management's -- 3. (v.i.) to inform to the police; squeal: everybody is -- on each other


1. (n.) (informal, US) a rowdy, mischievous, or troublemaking person, especially a child


1. (n.) (informal, US) heartburn; indigestion: he suffered some severe -- following the meal 2. (n.) a feeling of agitation or anxiety: there will be times when he causes the leadership some --; a six-year-old change in tax law is giving the Internal Revenue Service some --


1. (n.) (literary) shadow or darkness; shade: strange noises were coming from the wooded -- beyond our campfire 2. (n.) the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of a person or thing 3. (n.) a phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something not physically present; ghost; spectral image adj.: the estate's grounds include a delightfully -- grove


1. (n.) (literary) splashing sound: the -- of the fountain 2. (n.) (literary) a pool or puddle 3. (v.i.) (literary) to make a splashing sound: the oars -- in the silence 4. (v.t.) (literary) to strike the surface of (water) with a splashing sound: the summer rain / That [...] -- the azure of the river's flow


1. (n.) (literary) the color black, as in heraldry 2. (n.) (plural) (archaic) black garments worn in mourning: he still goes about in his -- 3. (n.) (literary) of the color black: brushed a lock of -- hair off her shoulder 4. (n.) dark; gloomy


1. (n.) (literary) the state of being dull or lethargic; weariness of body or mind; lack of energy: after convalescence I would probably fall back into --; faced with a class forever enveloped in a miasma of apathy and intellectual --, the professor had little hope of kindling an interest in medieval European history


1. (n.) (literary) the violent seizure and carrying off of another's property; plunder; pillage: the fruits of violence and --; there is no question about the general philosophy that underlay this great act of public pillage and economic --


1. (n.) (literary, archaic) clothing; apparel; attire: ladies clothed in -- bedecked with jewel


1. (n.) (lowercase) a fierce, ugly, or repulsive woman


1. (n.) (music) a florid passage or piece requiring great skill and spirit in the performer 2. (n.) a display of daring; brilliant performance


1. (n.) (often capitalized) a mythological, fire-breathing monster, commonly represented with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail 2. (n.) any similarly grotesque monster having disparate parts, especially as depicted in decorative art 3. (n.) a horrible or unreal creature of the imagination; a vain or idle fancy: he is far different from the -- your fears have made of him

magdalen (magdalene)

1. (n.) (often capitalized) a penitent woman, particularly a reformed prostitute: highlights of Matron Freeberger's days included visits from former and reformed --; she was crying like a --, but she never made a sound, and stood as upright as a post 2. (n.) a house of refuge or reformatory for prostitutes: the first -- asylums of the 1800s were smallish ventures offering prostitutes, expectant or post-pregnancy single mothers, and 'compromised' girls the option of temporary refuge and moral 'rehabilitation.'


1. (n.) (often plural) a limit or boundary which defines the scope of a particular process or activity: the -- within which the media work; the -- of science fiction; the investigation stayed within the -- set by the court 2. (n.) characteristic or factor; aspect; element: a useful -- for judging long-term success; political dissent as a -- of modern life


1. (n.) (often plural) the remote or less developed parts of a country; back country: the -- are usually much more picturesque than the urban areas 2. (n.) the land lying behind a coastal region 3. (n.) an area or sphere of influence in the unoccupied interior claimed by the state possessing the coast


1. (n.) (plural) characteristic apparatus; trappings: the -- of civilization; a circumscribed period during which one can put aside the -- of normal existence 2. (n.) (usually plural) the dress characteristic of an occupation, occasion, or way of life; the -- of the grave 3. (n.) (usually plural) clothes or clothing: the lady's rich --


1. (n.) (plural) environs or neighborhood 2. (n.) a place where one may range at large; confines or bounds 3. (n.) a person's haunt or resort 4. (n.) an outlying district or region, as of a town or city 5. (n.) a piece of land on the edge of a forest, originally land that, after having been included in a royal forest, was restored to private ownership, though still subject, in some respects, to the operation of the forest laws


1. (n.) (rare) slothfulness; laziness

opuscule (opusculum)

1. (n.) (rare, often plural) a small or minor literary or musical work: as it turns out, even the infidelities in this -- are fake; some notable instances are given in Professor Sir Rupert Cross's admirable --, Statutory Interpretation


1. (n.) (slang) a highly attractive or desirable person, especially a man 2. (n.) (slang) anything considered as highly desirable of its kind: his new car is a --


1. (n.) (slang) an unimportant or stupid person; dope


1. (n.) (slang) money, especially paper money 2. (v.t.) to steal; pilfer: he -- whole yards of cloth


1. (n.) (slang) the lot, pack, or crowd: send the whole -- back to the factory 2. (n.) (slang) a large quantity of something, especially money: he's worth a -- 3. (n.) (slang) a bribe or other illicit payment, especially to or from a politician; graft 4. (n.) (slang) stolen goods; loot; booty; swag 5. (v.i.) (slang) to obtain money dishonestly, as by bribery or swindling


1. (n.) (slang) worthless trash; junk; rubbish: this so-called art is pure --


1. (n.) (slang, US) a bundle carried by a hobo (usually containing bedding and others possessions), often on a stick slung over the shoulder:


1. (n.) (sometimes depreciative) a thinker; a person who thinks or reasons: Hume is a shallow --, narrow-minded, full of hate both for religion and science; the General, a very brilliant military --, however inapt on the field of battle


1. (n.) (usually plural) a feature or detail of a face, body, or figure, considered with respect to its outline or contour: his fine -- made him the very image of his father 2. (n.) (usually plural) distinguishing features; distinctive characteristics: the -- of sincere repentance


1. (n.) (usually plural) a shackle, especially for the leg; fetter 2. (v.t.) to shackle


1. (n.) (usually plural) accessory or other item associated with a particular activity or style of living: the -- of consumer culture; the -- suggest just another blah-blah conference: podium, screen, cookies, coffee 2. (n.) a subordinate part or adjunct: the -- of welcome is fashion and ceremony; for she was only an -- of my mattress, or self-acting bedstead on four castors


1. (n.) a blow or gesture made by the sudden forcible straightening of a finger curled up against the thumb 2. (n.) anything that tends to rouse, excite, or revive; a stimulus: praise is an excellent -- for waning ambition; the halving of car tax would provide a -- to sales 3. (n.) a trivial addition; embellishment: showy -- of language; a structural -- that will add much to the appearance of the building 4. (v.t.) to project quickly by or as if by such: -- crumbs off the table 5. (v.t.) to tap or strike smartly, as or as if by such: -- him on the nose 6. (v.t.) to drive by or as by such; stimulate: anticipation -- his passion; with this to -- his spirits; used a splash of orange-flavored liqueur to -- the otherwise ordinary cranberry sauce


1. (n.) a body fluid (such as blood) essential to life, health, or vigor 2. (n.) bodily health and vigor; vitality 3. (n.) a foolish gullible person; dupe


1. (n.) a book published usually under the jurisdiction of the government and containing a list of drugs, their formulas, methods for making medicinal preparations, requirements and tests for their strength and purity, and other related information 2. (n.) a stock of drugs


1. (n.) a book without artistic or literary merit or substance, especially one that has been developed primarily to exploit a fad or make a profit quickly 2. (adj.) being something other than a book; especially a library holding (such as a microfilm) that is not a book


1. (n.) a building, or architectural feature of a building, designed and situated to look out upon a pleasing scene: a Greek revival -- stands majestically on a grassy knoll overlooking the river


1. (n.) a burst of sound: -- of laughter 2. (n.) a grand swelling burst of harmony; a full, rich outpouring of melodious sound 2. (n.) the entire compass of musical tones 4. (n.) (literary) the entire compass, range, or scope of something: registers the full -- of her responses


1. (n.) a carved or engraved article, especially of whale ivory, whalebone, walrus tusks, or the like, made by whalers as a leisure occupation 2. (n.) such articles or work collectively 3. (n.) the art or technique of carving or engraving whale ivory, whalebone, walrus tusks, etc. 4. (v.i.) to produce such work


1. (n.) a cutter, polisher, or engraver of precious stones usually other than diamonds 2. (n.) the art of cutting, polishing, and engraving precious stones 3. (n.) an old book on the lore of gems 4. (adj.) of or relating to the cutting or engraving of precious stones 5. (adj.) characterized by an exactitude and extreme refinement that suggests gem cutting: a -- style; -- verse 6. (adj.) having the elegance and precision associated with inscriptions on monumental stone: a stanza that has a -- dignity 7. (adj.) of, relating to, or suggestive of inscriptions on stone monuments; sculptured in or engraved on stone


1. (n.) a daydreamer or absent-minded person: he was a helpless -- of a man, poorly equipped for a grueling life 2. (n.) a fool or simpleton 3. (n.) a congenitally deformed person


1. (n.) a decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state 2. (n.) a pall-covered coffin-shaped structure used at requiem masses celebrated after burial


1. (n.) a descriptive name or epithet; nickname: baseball player Ty Cobb was also known by the -- "The Georgia Peach"; tagged her with the -- "peanut" because of her diminutive size


1. (n.) a destroyer or debunker of myths


1. (n.) a diplomatic official attached to an embassy or legation, especially in a technical capacity: a commercial --; a cultural -- 2. (n.) a military officer who is assigned to a diplomatic post in a foreign country in order to gather military information: an air --; an army --; a naval -- 3. (n.) a flat, usually rigid, rectangular briefcase for carrying business papers, documents, or the like


1. (n.) a discussion or conference 2. (n.) a conference for discussion of points in dispute 3. (n.) an informal conference between enemies under a truce, especially to discuss terms, conditions of surrender, etc. 4. (v.i.) to hold an informal conference with an enemy under a truce, as between active hostilities: the government refused to -- with the rebels 5n. (v.i.) to speak, talk, or confer


1. (n.) a dispute about or concerning words


1. (n.) a disturbance, quarrel, or row: she acted as if there'd been no earlier --


1. (n.) a division or split in a group or union; schism: a -- of the dominant political party; a -- arose between the socialists and those further to the left


1. (n.) a document describing the major features of a proposed literary work, project, business venture, etc., in enough detail so that prospective investors, participants, or buyers may evaluate it: don't buy the new stock offering until you read the -- carefully 2. (n.) a brochure or other document describing the major features, attractions, or services of a place, institution, or business to prospective patrons, clients, owners, or members


1. (n.) a fever formerly supposed to affect sailors in the tropics


1. (n.) a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure: both counsel and judges follow the -- of court procedure and conduct; a stickler for --; to a -- they demand a due observance of decorum and propriety of conduct 2. (n.) strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities or amenities: there was thus an artificial element in his -- that at times might almost raise a smile


1. (n.) a formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles: the royal -- proceeded through the city; a motorcycle -- formed his funeral procession 2. (n.) a dramatic sequence or procession; series: a -- of natural disasters; the Warriors continue to make strides, but even significant progress often isn't enough to weather a -- of injuries


1. (n.) a freshwater stream flowing into the sea 2. (n.) a sudden rise in the level of a stream, or a flood, caused by heavy rains or the rapid melting of snow and ice


1. (n.) a fundamental point of a political or other program: the central -- of the bill is the curb on industrial polluters 2. (n.) any one of the stated principles or objectives comprising the political platform of a party campaigning for election: they fought for a -- supporting a nuclear freeze

handsel (hansel)

1. (n.) a gift made as a token of good wishes or luck especially at the beginning of a new year: gave little -- to their houseguests on New Year's Day 2. (n.) something received first (as in a day of trading) and taken to be a token of good luck 3. (n.) a first installment of payment 4. (n.) the initial experience of anything; first encounter with or use of something taken as a token of what will follow; foretaste. 5. (v.t.) to give such to 6. (v.t.) to inaugurate auspiciously; inaugurate with a token or gesture of luck or pleasure: he is delighted to have the honor of -- the new facilities 7. (v.t.) to use, try, or experience for the first time


1. (n.) a glass cabinet or case, especially for displaying art objects


1. (n.) a glove or cap cast on the ground to be taken up by an opponent as a pledge of combat 2. (n.) any token of defiance: the -- was down for a duel that would split the Democratic party and ensure the election of a Republican president in 1860


1. (n.) a group of 1000 things: you made my life one breathless thrill then left me on this lonely bed, with no instructions how to fill the -- of hours ahead 2. (n.) a period of 1000 years; a millennium


1. (n.) a group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually; a group producing a single effect; a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole: the buildings in the square present a charming provincial --; the painting was thus almost certainly intended as an independent work, rather than as part of a larger --


1. (n.) a group of things forming a unit or constituting a collection; a number of things used or classed together; set: a -- of tools; he was supported by a -- of campaign websites


1. (n.) a group or cluster of persons or things, often tightly packed: a -- of spectators


1. (n.) a monastic establishment 2. (n.) an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted 3. (n.) monastic life: young men and women choosing the -- as a way of life 4. (n.) any quiet, secluded place; a place or state of seclusion: the Internet broke out of its academic -- and started cavorting in the mainstream 5. (n.) a covered passage on the side of a court usually having one side walled and the other an open arcade or colonnade: the courtyard is surrounded with a -- 6. (v.t.) to confine in a monastery or convent 7. (v.t.) to seclude from the world in or as if in such: a scientist who -- herself in a laboratory


1. (n.) a nest or breeding place, especially a place or substance in an animal or plant where bacteria or other organisms lodge and multiply 2. (n.) (often depreciative) a place where something originates, develops, or is located: the channel is a -- of ignorance


1. (n.) a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows 2. (n.) a densely populated or labyrinthine building or district: a -- of narrow gas-lit streets; a neighborhood emerges out of a -- of walls, alleys, and roofs


1. (n.) a nonstandard or ungrammatical usage: everyone in the publishing process should report a -- that would otherwise go undetected 2. (n.) a breach of good manners or etiquette: the -- of asking one's hosts how much something in their house cost them; he never brooked any -- in behavior inside his courtroom 3. (n.) any error, impropriety, or inconsistency


1. (n.) a part of the brain or the brain itself regarded as the seat of sensation 2. (n.) the entire sensory apparatus of the body: virtual reality technology directed at recreating the human --


1. (n.) a particular form of expression; a word, phrase, expression, or idiom, especially as used by a particular person, region, group, culture, etc.: we were taught to avoid certain -- when speaking 2. (n.) a style of speech or verbal expression; phraseology: in the poet's somewhat affected --, word order is often reversed


1. (n.) a person affected with paralysis 2. (adj.) affected with or subject to paralysis 3. (adj.) pertaining to or of the nature of paralysis


1. (n.) a person appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings: the UN --


1. (n.) a person appointed by or under the authority of a sovereign or head of a government to some high office of state, especially to that of head of an administrative department: the -- of finance 2. (n.) a person or being acting as the agent or instrument of another: the angels are -- of the divine will 3. (v.t.) to administer or apply: to -- the last rites 4. (v.i.) to give service, care, or aid; attend, as to wants or necessities: to -- to the needs of the hungry


1. (n.) a person concerned with imaginary things; a fantasist 2. (n.) one who stresses the imagination


1. (n.) a person given to voluble, empty talk 2. (n.) nonsense; blather


1. (n.) a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities: he was the office --; he was employed as the general -- 2. (n.) a general servant


1. (n.) a person of great and varied learning; polymath


1. (n.) a person of humble origin who has recently or suddenly acquired wealth, importance, position, or the like, but has not yet developed the conventionally appropriate manners, dress, surroundings, etc.: the kind of trophy house that a -- buys to prove to people, and to himself, that he has indeed arrived; the political inexperience of a --; he presented himself as a supremely patrician figure, so different from the vulgar -- of the Thatcher cabinet 2. (adj.) being or resembling such: cynical -- bureaucrats 3. (adj.) characteristic of such


1. (n.) a person or thing of unusual beauty, excellence, purity, or the like 2 (n.) (literary) a poet or a person who sings sweetly 3. (v.i.) to wander idly


1. (n.) a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a -- of the fashion industry; but that show was treated as a cultural --, a supreme achievement in the TV arts 2. (n.) a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index: Basildon is now the -- of Britain's voting behavior; Disney's parks can be a -- for the broader economy, and their prospects are worryingly murky

wet blanket

1. (n.) a person or thing that dampens enthusiasm or enjoyment: nobody asked him to join the group because he's such a --; I'd love to go to the party, but with my cold, I'm afraid I'd just be a -- 2. (v.t.) to dampen the enthusiasm or enjoyment of (a person, group, etc.) FIX


1. (n.) a person or thing that precedes or comes before; forerunner; harbinger: the returning swallows, those -- of spring 2. (n.) a person or thing that proclaims or announces: a good newspaper should be a -- of truth 3. (v.t.) to give news or tidings of; announce; proclaim: a publicity campaign to -- a new film 4. (v.t.) to indicate or signal the coming of; foreshadow: the technology -- a new age of space exploration 5. (v.t.) to greet especially with enthusiasm; hail: doctors are -- a new drug


1. (n.) a person or thing that represents the opposite of someone or something else 2. (n.) something that is represented by a symbol: the ship in danger is easily understood to be its old --, the Commonwealth 3. (n.) something that is foreshadowed by a type or symbol, as a New Testament event prefigured in the Old Testament


1. (n.) a person possessed by or as if by an evil spirit or demon 2. (n.) a fanatical devotee, adherent, or enthusiast: military --


1. (n.) a person who betrays his or her own country by aiding an invading enemy, often serving later in a puppet government; fifth columnist etymology: 1940; after Vidkun -- (1887-1945), pro-Nazi Norwegian leader

stormy petrel

1. (n.) a person who causes or likes trouble or strife; a person who delights in conflict or attracts controversy 2. (n.) a harbinger of trouble


1. (n.) a person who exercises the ruling power in a kingdom during the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign 2. (n.) a person who rules or reigns; governor 3. (n.) a member of the governing board of a state university or a state educational system 4. (n.) a university officer who exercises general supervision over the conduct and welfare of the students 5. (adj.) exercising ruling authority in behalf of a sovereign during his or her minority, absence, or disability (usually used postpositively): a prince --


1. (n.) a person who functions in a specified capacity, especially in government service; an official: civil servants, bureaucrats, and other --


1. (n.) a person who has a hearty appetite; a heavy eater


1. (n.) a person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently: -- of the Shiva cult 2. (n.) a beginner or novice


1. (n.) a person who has retired to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion; hermit


1. (n.) a person who holds advanced liberal or moderately radical political or economic views: a closet -- 2. (n.) a person who leans toward communist ideology: Ryan Burgess is a -- 3. (adj.) holding such views: a bunch of -- liberal vegetarians


1. (n.) a person who is an adept conversationalist at table

votary (votaress)

1. (n.) a person who is bound by solemn religious vows, as a monk or a nun 2. (n.) an adherent of a religion or cult; a worshiper of a particular deity or sacred personage 3. (n.) a devout or zealous worshipper 4. (n.) a devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something, as a subject or pursuit; devotee; enthusiast: he was a -- of John Keats; a -- of jazz 5. (adj.) consecrated by a vow 6. (adj.) of or relating to a vow


1. (n.) a person who is fond of, develops, or cultivates roses, especially as a profession: some rosarians feed their roses something nearly every day

littérateur (litterateur)

1. (n.) a person who is interested in and knowledgeable about literature: a collaboration between the most distinguished poets and -- of the day 2. (n.) a writer of literary works


1. (n.) a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination): a gossip-- 2. (v.t.) to sell; hawk


1. (n.) a person who is skilled in the technique of an art, as music or painting: Liszt was one of the greatest piano -- of all time; he is fine character actor, a master -- of his craft; Petrarch is one of the greatest -- of the English language


1. (n.) a person who is skilled in the use of poetic meters: the great -- Percy Bysshe Shelley 2. (n.) a maker of verses


1. (n.) a person who is unduly anxious about their health: I replied by giving him a full, complete, and accurate history of my ailments, after the manner of -- 2. (n.) person suffering from poor health; an invalid 3. (adj.) showing undue concern about one's health: the -- English 4. (adj.) suffering from poor health: diseases cannot be cured by mummifying the -- victim's mortal vessel in bandages


1. (n.) a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer: a cultural --; pundits are political --


1. (n.) a person who organizes or manages public entertainments, especially operas, ballets, or concerts 2. (n.) any manager, director, or the like


1. (n.) a person who seeks solitude; recluse

hostler (ostler)

1. (n.) a person who takes care of horses, especially at an inn 2. (n.) an employee who moves and services trains, buses, or other vehicles after their regular runs or who does the maintenance work on large machines


1. (n.) a person who takes part in a discussion, especially a formal or prearranged one, or a symposium: -- from Europe provided a wide range of perspectives on the topic


1. (n.) a person who violates the law; criminal 2. (n.) a person who does harm or evil, especially toward another


1. (n.) a person who wears a mask; mummer


1. (n.) a person, especially a girl or woman, who is of fiery temper and easily provoked to outbursts: she has fast attained the reputation of being a -- who doesn't mince words and does not suffer fools gladly


1. (n.) a person, thing, or group that is set apart or isolated, as for purposes of study 2. (n.) something that has been isolated, as a by-product in a manufacturing process: an -- of soy flour


1. (n.) a pitifully ineffectual, luckless, and timid person


1. (n.) a position of dominance or controlling influence: possession of power, superiority, or preeminence: with his rivals in the --, he soon lost his position 2. (n.) an ancestor; forebear 3. (adj.) ascending; rising: the newly -- liberal party 4. (adj.) superior; dominant: the US has been the -- global power since WWII


1. (n.) a potion, charm, or drug supposed to cause the person taking it to fall in love, usually with some specific person 2. (n.) a magic potion for any purpose 3. (v.t.) to enchant or bewitch with such


1. (n.) a pouting expression used to convey annoyance or distaste, or mock-annoyance and flirtatiousness; little grimace: made a -- of disappointment; she made a -- that must have been quite fetching thirty or forty years ago


1. (n.) a process going on within a larger one: one more -- of the longstanding debate


1. (n.) a profound, usually spiritual, transformation; conversion


1. (n.) a quick, sharp verbal return; retort; repartee: a brilliant -- to an insult; I saw him cutting off distinguished authors at the ankles with short, savage -- that made one wince 2. (n.) a retaliatory maneuver or measure 2. (v.i.) to make a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism: "you've got a strange sense of honor," he --


1. (n.) a quick, witty reply: the -- to the reporter's question drew laughs from the bystanders 2. (n.) conversation full of such replies; a succession or interchange of clever retorts; amusing and usually light sparring with words: the two comedians engaged in witty -- 3. (n.) adroitness and cleverness in making such replies: he had a quick mind and a splendid gift of --


1. (n.) a recurrence, renewal, or resumption of an action; repetition: a -- of the violence last year in the region; a stale -- of past polemic 2. (v.t.) to execute a repetition of; repeat: they -- the elaborate dance number in the third act


1. (n.) a resident of or frequent visitor to a particular place: his uncle was a -- of the French theater


1. (n.) a revolving disk with sharp marginal points at the end of a spur 2. (v.t.) to goad with or as if with such: the upset customer attempted to -- the company into a policy change 3. (v.t.) to vex; trouble


1. (n.) a roll of parchment, specifically one formerly used in the English Exchequer to record receipts and expenditures


1. (n.) a satire or lampoon, especially one delivered or displayed in a public place: he delivered a long -- at the expense of my friend 2. (n.) satirical writing; satire: a -- of Washington society that features thinly disguised portraits of several political power brokers 3. (v.t.) to assail in such


1. (n.) a scheme of classification: a proposed -- of educational objectives; a -- of smells


1. (n.) a seat for two or more persons, having a back and usually arms, and often upholstered


1. (n.) a secret or unauthorized meeting, especially for religious worship, as those held by Protestant dissenters in England in the 16th and 17th centuries


1. (n.) a segment cut off or out of something; a corner; part; portion: a -- of land 2. (n.) the upward projecting rear part of a saddle


1. (n.) a segment of the general public composed of uneducated, uncultured persons; coined by H.L. Mencken in 1922


1. (n.) a sermon or exhortation, especially a tedious or unwelcome one; dogmatic instruction: successful leadership is a process of persuasion rather than --; his -- about climate change, to put a rational gloss on it, were a sales pitch


1. (n.) a servant or attendant, especially of a scholar or a magician


1. (n.) a servile follower; toady 2. (n.) a footman or liveried manservant 3. (v.t.) to attend as such


1. (n.) a set of characteristics or qualities that identify a type or category of person or thing: a -- of a typical allergy sufferer

cross-pollination (cross-pollinate)

1. (n.) a sharing or interchange of knowledge, ideas, etc. (as between different ideas, cultures, or categories), especially of a broadening or productive nature; cross-fertilization: -- of fantasy and realism; all this -- prompted Politico on Tuesday to question whether Obama and Facebook are getting too cozy verb: we can only hope the two genres -- in the next movie


1. (n.) a sheltered state or stage of being or growth; transitional state: a budding writer could not emerge from his -- too soon; she emerged from the -- of self-conscious adolescence; Haddon Hall lay in a -- of near-ruin for two centuries


1. (n.) a showy object of little use or value; gewgaw: he shelves were stocked with old-fashioned hand tools and cooking -- 2. (adj.) showy but cheap or poorly made: plastic -- cookware


1. (n.) a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw 2. (n.) a scepter of a fool: the licensed jester brandished his -- 3. (n.) something of trifling appeal


1. (n.) a side road taken instead of a turnpike or expressway to avoid tolls or to travel at a leisurely pace 2. (v.i.) to drive on such


1. (n.) a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic: he drew the necessary -- as he prepared the spell 2. (n.) (archaic) a seal, signet, or signature: the supply wains bore the High King's --; he endorsed the document with his -- 3. (n.) (literary) a sign or symbol: a 1925 Buick limousine, the -- of Tom's naturalization; the Democrats and Beltway media elites are back at it, driven to skin Trump alive, either through impeachment or just to hold the flayed man aloft as their -- for the 2018 elections


1. (n.) a signal, as of a drum or bugle, sounded early in the morning to awaken military personnel and to alert them for assembly: -- was at 0430 hours 2. (n.) a signal to arise


1. (n.) a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, especially one that is disagreeable or noxious


1. (n.) a slotted hinged metal plate that forms part of a fastening for a door or lid and is fitted over a metal loop and secured by a pin or padlock


1. (n.) a small bunch of flowers, typically one that is sweet-scented; bouquet; posy: a -- worn at the waist or bodice


1. (n.) a small compact group of individuals; cluster: a -- of sightseers massed at the entrance; a -- of spectators 2. (v.t.) to cause to become blocked or obscured: to -- the book's narrative with too many characters; -- streets


1. (n.) a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority 2. (n.) the plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue 3. (n.) a clique, as in artistic, literary, or theatrical circles 4. (v.i.) to form a group of secret plotters; intrigue; conspire; plot

taradiddle (tarradiddle)

1. (n.) a small or trivial lie; fib: his tales of adventure are peppered with tongue-in-cheek -- and obvious fabrications; this -- I invented to account for the look of my hands 2. (n.) pretentious nonsense; silly talk or writing; humbug: regards literary deconstruction as so much tenure-track --; this -- from him about his new radio show


1. (n.) a sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group: the civil service became the -- of the educated middle class


1. (n.) a star that is used to guide the course of a ship, especially the Pole Star 2. (n.) a person or thing that serves as an inspiration or guide: she was his intellectual --


1. (n.) a stock character in Italian commedia dell'arte and farce who is a cowardly braggart, easily beaten and frightened 2. (n.) a boastful but cowardly buffoon


1. (n.) a strange chance occurrence: a -- of fate had led her to working for him 2. (n.) a sudden twist, turn, or curve: wry humor put a slight -- in his mouth


1. (n.) a streak, stripe, or ridge produced on the skin by the stroke of a rod or whip; welt 2. (n.) the texture or weave of a fabric 3. (v.t.) to mark with such


1. (n.) a strict disciplinarian, especially a military one: the prison's warden was a cruel --; a -- of a staff officer 2. (n.) a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods: a -- in conducting meetings of the society, he never tolerated any sign of levity or indecorum; the woman in charge was a -- who treated all those beneath her like children


1. (n.) a study of a collection of persons or characters, especially their appearances, careers, personalities, etc., within a historical, literary, or social context: the work then presents an equally detailed -- of the families that kept said taverns


1. (n.) a stupid person; blockhead; dolt; oaf: it's a place where you are least likely to run into some -- yakking on a cell phone


1. (n.) a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period 2. (n.) dress or garb characteristic of another period, place, person, etc., as worn on the stage or at balls 3. (n.) fashion of dress appropriate to a particular occasion or season: dancing --; winter -- 4. (n.) a set of garments, especially women's garments, selected for wear at a single time; outfit; ensemble 5. (v.t.) to dress; provide appropriate dress for: to -- a play


1. (n.) a vain, conceited person: an overbearing -- through most of the film


1. (n.) a vessel with a beaked cap or head, formerly used in distilling 2. (n.) anything that transforms, purifies, or refines


1. (n.) a whirlwind or something resembling a whirlwind: he was swept into a -- of conspiracy, corruption, bloodshed, and potential revolution 2. (n.) a firework that rises spirally


1. (n.) a word or saying used by adherents of a party, sect, or belief and usually regarded by others as empty of real meaning: the old -- come rolling off their lips 2. (n.) a widely held belief: today this book publishing -- is a myth 3. (n.) truism, platitude: some truth in the -- that crime does not pay 4. (n.) a use of language regarded as distinctive of a particular group: accent was a -- of social class 5. (n.) a custom or usage regarded as distinguishing one group from others: for most of the well-to-do in the town, dinner was a --, its hour dividing mankind


1. (n.) a word or short phrase to be communicated, on challenge, to a sentinel or guard; password or countersign 2. (n.) a word or phrase expressive of a principle or rule of action; slogan: conservation has been our -- 3. (n.) a rallying cry of a party, club, team, etc.


1. (n.) a worthless and incidental residuum, such as scraps from a meal, or shavings or sawdust from wood: the -- were thrown to the dogs; skulls, shoulder-blades, thigh-bones, and other -- of Mortality were scattered upon the dewy ground 2. (n.) worthless surfeit of material, such as leftovers from a meal, or scrap lumber; refuse: the poor survive on the -- of the rich and wasteful


1. (n.) a writer who uses words for show or without particular regard for meaning: the high-school -- who first discover the resource of the thesaurus


1. (n.) a written or other artistic work, message, token, etc., expressing uncritical praise and affection for something or someone; a tribute: his photographic essay is a -- to Paris


1. (n.) abnormal enlargement of a part or organ; excessive growth 2. (n.) excessive growth or accumulation of any kind 3. (v.a.) to affect with or undergo such


1. (n.) an Irish accent in the pronunciation of English 2. (n.) any strong regional accent


1. (n.) an act of killing, especially the ritual slaughter of a sacrificial victim


1. (n.) an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding: a celebrated -- involving some big names in the New York literary scene 2. (n.) a scandal; a circumstance or action that offends propriety or established moral conceptions or disgraces those associated with it: survived the political -- 3. (n.) a violently confused or bitterly complicated altercation; embroilment 4. (n.) an intricate and perplexing state of affairs; a complicated or difficult situation, as in a novel or drama


1. (n.) an administrative district of certain large French cities, in particular Paris: this anonymous, seedy stretch of the 10th -- does not yet feature on the tourist track


1. (n.) an adolescent immature girl: two grown-up gawky sons and a -- daughter


1. (n.) an affluent retired person able to pursue an active lifestyle


1. (n.) an anthology of previously released material linked together by theme or author, especially in book form: the -- contained all of the author's short stories 2. (adj.) pertaining to, including, or dealing with numerous objects or items at once: -- editions of novels; the president's state of the union speech is usually an -- look at the issues that the country is confronting


1. (n.) an assembly of all the members of a group or committee: the seventh -- of the Communist Party central committee 2. (n.) a space completely filled with matter, or the whole of space so regarded: he had left the world a --, and he now finds it a vacuum 3. (n.) a state of fullness; a great quantity (of something): the -- of aloneness


1. (n.) an editorial revision of a work (especially of literature) on the basis of critical examination of the text and the sources used: through their numerous --, Sarah's memoirs became more rather than less embittered; the written text had gone through several -- by the accepted time of birth of Jesus Christ 2. (n.) a version of a text resulting from such revision


1. (n.) an element, feature, or factor that distinguishes one entity, state, or class from another: a major -- between philosophy and theology lies in each discipline's locus of authority and attitude toward its own past 2. (n.) a characteristic trait distinguishing a species from other species of the same genus


1. (n.) an environment that encourages rapid growth or development, especially in a stifling or intense way: my school was a thrusting -- of academic achievement; the Second World War was a -- for technological advance adjective: the -- atmosphere of the college


1. (n.) an establishment maintained by banks for settling mutual claims and accounts 2. (n.) a central agency for the collection, classification, and distribution especially of information 3. (n.) an informal channel for distributing information or assistance: the diversity of voices that come to the -- of the classroom and the political arena


1. (n.) an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like: the -- of a senator 2. (n.) a right, privilege, etc., limited to a specific person or to persons of a particular category: it was the teacher's -- to stop the discussion 3. (n.) a power, immunity, or the like restricted to a sovereign government or its representative: the royal -- exempts the king from taxation 4. (adj.) having or exercising such 5. (adj.) pertaining to, characteristic of, or existing by virtue of such


1. (n.) an idle, worthless person; a person who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit; good-for-nothing 2. (adj.) worthless; ineffectual; good-for-nothing


1. (n.) an imaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural or unnatural events or characters; a work (such as a poem or play) in which the author's fancy roves unrestricted: a sweeping -- that connects oppressive beauty standards and rape culture 2. (n.) something considered to be unreal, weird, exotic, or grotesque: a contingency to plan for, not just some dystopian --


1. (n.) an impelling mental force acting from within; divine inspiration, especially poetic inspiration 2. (n.) the communication of supernatural or spiritual knowledge


1. (n.) an informal talk, typically one on a literary subject 2. (n.) a short, informal essay, article, etc.

preceptor (preceptress)

1. (n.) an instructor; teacher; tutor 2. (n.) the head of a school


1. (n.) an inviolable refuge, as formerly for criminals and debtors; sanctuary: he sought -- in the church 2. (n.) a place of retreat and security; shelter


1. (n.) an irresistible urge; mania: pyromania is species of --


1. (n.) an item worn as a charm or amulet


1. (n.) an obsession with or a sexual pleasure derived from water, especially urination and urine


1. (n.) an official edict or announcement 2. (n.) (historical) a Roman emperor's written reply to an appeal for guidance, especially on a legal point 3. (n.) the pope's decision on a question of Roman Catholic doctrine or papal law


1. (n.) an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials, as from civilians for the military: I had to make various -- for staff and accommodation; the general issued a -- to the townspeople for eight trucks 2. (n.) a formal written demand that something should be performed or put into operation: -- for an Extraordinary General Meeting must state the business to be transacted 3. (n.) the state of being required for use or called into service: to put something in --


1. (n.) an open, often grassy, space in a wood or forest: he leapt lightly to the ground and led them through a charred forest to a small --


1. (n.) an opening provided with one or more slanted fixed or movable fins to allow flow of air but to exclude rain or sun or to provide privacy


1. (n.) an overabundant supply; excess: ended up with a -- of volunteers who simply got in each other's way; a -- of speechmaking. 2. (n.) an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something (such as food or drink) 3. (n.) disgust caused by excess 4. (v.t.) to feed, supply, or give to nauseating repletion: -- themselves with junk food; I am -- with shopping


1. (n.) an unattractive woman who wears dowdy old-fashioned clothes: if you think that once you become a mom, you suddenly turn into a --, you are in for one very dull ride 2. (n.) a staid, drab, old-fashioned person


1. (n.) any construction or practice, typically inelegant, designed to solve a problem temporarily or expediently; an ill-assorted collection of parts assembled to fulfill a particular purpose: the vertebrate eye does very well indeed, but it is a --; it wouldn't have been perfect, but it almost certainly would have been better than the -- we're ending up with 2. (n.) a software or hardware configuration that, while inelegant, inefficient, clumsy, or patched together, succeeds in solving a specific problem or performing a particular task

bricolage (bricoleur)

1. (n.) construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand; construction or creation from a diverse range of available things: the chaotic -- of the novel is brought together in a unifying gesture; the restaurant seems like an exercise in pop culture --, meant to pique one's interest without sustaining it with anything meaningful 2. (n.) something constructed or created from a diverse range of things: -- of painted junk


1. (n.) divination by a mirror or by crystal gazing


1. (n.) excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness: the article suffers from the -- that infects so much academic writing; practical explanations of the novel's -- are possible


1. (n.) expansion of a statement, narrative, etc., as for rhetorical purposes: n the revision, the story underwent considerable -- 2. (n.) a statement, narrative, etc., so expanded: the text of the second edition was an -- 3. (n.) the matter or substance used to expand an idea, statement, or the like: he added an extra paragraph to his speech as an --


1. (n.) extant copies of books produced in the earliest stages (before 1501) of printing from movable type 2. (n.) the earliest stages or first traces of anything


1. (n.) fun and entertainment, especially good conversation and company (often preceded by the): come for the beer, lads, and stay for the --! 2. (n.) mischievous fun; laughs: we did it just for the --


1. (n.) good-natured easy friendliness; geniality: an undying -- radiated from her; the -- of strangers singing together around a campfire


1. (n.) gossip; talk: his frequent absences gave rise to --


1. (n.) harmony or elegance of design especially of literary style in adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other


1. (n.) improvisation or experimentation (as in politics or military or foreign affairs) in the absence or in defiance of accepted plans or principles; actions, tactics, or attitudes regarded as daring or reckless: concerns about Iranian --


1. (n.) laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night: after sixteen years' -- he produced this account 2. (n.) the result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation 3. (n., often plural) any literary effort, especially of a pretentious or solemn nature: it was natural enough to return the compliment by endorsing his newest --


1. (n.) light, playful banter or raillery; humorous or witty conversation: cultured -- about art and life 2. (v.t.) to banter with or tease (someone) playfully


1. (n.) matters or things that are very unimportant, inconsequential, or nonessential; trifles; trivialities: we fill our days with meaningless --; dependent as it is on people spending on -- rather than giving to famine relief


1. (n.) meaningless speech or writing; nonsense; gibberish: the translation was slow and full of --; what sounds meaningful reads like -- 2. (adj.) (of words or writing) meaningless; senseless


1. (n.) mildness; gentleness: the -- of Christian love


1. (n.) often major or fundamental change (as in character or condition) based primarily on rearrangement of existent elements: the system has gone through several -- 2. (n.) a form or variety resulting from such change: technology available in various --; his thoughts raced ahead to fifty different -- of what he must do 3. (n.) the act or process of changing the lineal order of an ordered set of objects 4. (n.) an ordered arrangement of a set of objects


1. (n.) one of the bundles in which cereal plants, as wheat, rye, etc., are bound after reaping 2. (n.) any bundle, cluster, or collection: a -- of papers 3. (v.t.) to bind (something) into such


1. (n.) one that supplies capability for action; a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation: research is the -- of the academic community; he is the reader's eyes and ears and the -- of his judgment; by the 1770s it was the -- of the steel industry


1. (n.) one who pretends to knowledge or cleverness, especially a smart aleck; an obnoxiously conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions to smartness or cleverness: quit being such a -- and help your mother; a loudmouthed -- who thinks he is more amusing than he really is


1. (n.) people skilled with or knowledgeable about digital technologies, especially computers and the Internet


1. (n.) plates, dishes, cups, and other similar items, especially ones made of earthenware or china


1. (n.) promptness, efficiency, or speed in performance or transmission: proceed with all possible --


1. (n.) quantity or amount: the least -- of evidence 2. (n.) a particular amount 3. (n.) a share or portion 4. (n.) a large quantity; bulk 5. (adj.) sudden and significant: a -- increase in productivity


1. (n.) refreshment of mind, spirit, or body; nourishment 2. (n.) the taking of refreshment: the peaceful hours of the sacred night demand -- 3. (n.) food and drink together; repast


1. (n.) rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words: the -- of language 2. (n.) the beat, rate, or measure of any rhythmic movement: the chorus line danced in rapid -- 3. (n.) the flow or rhythm of events, especially the pattern in which something is experienced: the frenetic -- of modern life 4. (n.) the general modulation of the voice


1. (n.) rough or marshy land overgrown usually with one kind of plant 2. (n.) (literary, archaic) a place overgrown with bushes, brambles, or cane; a thicket


1. (v.i.) to discharge contents by pouring forth 2. (v.i.) to discharge water, as at the mouth of a stream: a river that -- into the ocean 3. (v.t.) to discharge; cast forth


1. (n.) roughness of manner or of temper; harshness of behavior or speech that expresses bitterness or anger; acrimony: he asked with some -- just what they were implying; he pointed this out with some -- 2. (n.) (often plural) hardship; difficulty; rigor; severity: the -- of polar weather; the -- of her grief; the -- of a harsh and divided society 3. (n.) roughness of surface; unevenness: the -- of the tongue 4. (n.) something rough or harsh


1. (n.) solid resilient strength; power: astonishing intellectual -- and clarity; a man of great moral -- 2. (n.) (plural) the chief supporting force, strength, or vigor; mainstay: providing the -- of better living; the -- of the nation


1. (n.) something desired as essential: airports supply the greatest -- of physical retail: foot traffic; a list of political --

fig leaf

1. (n.) something intended to conceal what may be considered indecorous or indecent: to approach the facts of life with the -- of roundabout expressions


1. (n.) something left over, typically from from a larger piece or set; remnant: a quilt made from -- of silk 2. (n.) (plural) miscellaneous articles; odds and ends: inside the room were supplies, blankets, water, and a few other --; these shelves held torches, candles, flint, a few swords, and other -- that could prove useful 3. (n.) something odd; oddity


1. (n.) something that covers, envelops, or conceals: the -- of darkness; the ground was covered with a -- of leaves 2. (v.t.) to cover with or as if with such; envelop; conceal; cloak: the encroaching jungle growth that -- the building 3. (v.i.) (of the face) to glow with a blush: her rich face -- with emotion 4. (v.i.) (of a liquid) to become covered with a head or froth: the poison -- in the bowl; the champagne -- in the glass


1. (n.) something that is conceived in the mind; a thought; idea: he jotted down the -- of his idle hours 2. (n.) an organizing theme or concept: found his -- for the film early; the historian's -- that the past is forever prologue 3. (n.) imagination; fancy 4. (n.) a fancy; whim; fanciful notion: he is alarmed by the widespread -- that he spent most of the 1980s drunk 5. (n.) an elaborate, fanciful metaphor, especially of a strained or far-fetched nature: the poem abounds in metaphysical -- 6. (n.) the use of such metaphors as a literary characteristic, especially in poetry 7. (n.) a fancy item or trifle: -- were fancy desserts, made either of sugar or pastry


1. (n.) something that provides a solution; that which solves, resolves, or explains: a -- of mystery 2. (n.) something that acts to weaken or dispel a particular attitude or situation: an unrivaled -- of social prejudices; rock music became a powerful -- of the state's credibility and power to inspire loyalty


1. (n.) something that returns: -- from his past 2. (n.) a person who returns, especially after a long absence or death as a ghost


1. (n.) something that surrounds, as the area, border, etc., around an object or central space: from urban centre to rural --; the vast, featureless -- of the desert was strangely appealing to him 2. (n.) (usually plural) the area encircling something; surroundings: the beautiful -- of Connemara; a stroll though the village and its -- confirms it is progressing well


1. (n.) something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form; the cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops: an atmosphere of understanding and friendliness that is the -- of peace; the Greco-Roman world was the -- for Western civilization


1. (n.) speed in a course, especially full speed: ran at full -- 2. (n.) course; passage: the sun's -- across the sky


1. (n.) statues collectively 2. (n.) a group or collection of statues 3. (adj.) of, relating to, or suitable for statues


1. (n.) supreme power or absolute dominion; control: an outpost of their economic -- 2. (n.) area of dominion; sphere of control or monopoly; empire 3. (n.) a nation having or exerting supreme power; superpower: it was the high noon of the --, an age when there was something empowering about being an American


1. (n.) teaching or instruction, as of pupils: a school offering private -- in languages; pursued his studies under private -- 2. (n.) (archaic) guardianship or custody


1. (n.) temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension: let's hold that problem in -- for a while; matters were held in -- pending further enquiries


1. (n.) that with which to do something; means or supplies for the purpose or need, especially money: the -- to pay my rent; didn't have the -- for an expensive dinner


1. (n.) the acceptance of two contradictory ideas or beliefs at the same time


1. (n.) the act of anticipating; foresight


1. (n.) the act of cutting the hair or shaving the head 2. (n.) the shaving of the head or of some part of it as a religious practice or rite, especially in preparation for entering the priesthood or a monastic order 3. (n.) the part of a cleric's head, usually the crown, left bare by shaving the hair 4. (n.) the state of being shorn 5. (v.t.) to confer the ecclesiastical -- upon 6. (v.t.) to subject to --


1. (n.) the act of drinking, especially alcohol 2. (n.) (usually plural) a bout of drinking: he became somewhat bloated in middle age, and his -- did not improve his appearance 3. (n.) a drink or draft, especially of an alcoholic beverage: lite -- are very American


1. (n.) the disposition of the parts (as in a literary composition, artwork, building, etc.) with regard to one another and the whole; the systematic or orderly arrangement of parts: the novel's intricate -- might not be apparent to the casual reader; Joyce's book began attracting impassioned adherents who have declared it a masterpiece of care and --


1. (v.i.) to draw back or turn aside from lack of courage; flinch; quail: an unsteady eye that -- under another's gaze


1. (n.) the act of sending out or putting forth; promulgation; distribution: the -- of food and blankets to flood victims 2. (n.) something that is sent out or put forth in any form 3. (n.) a quantity of something that is officially offered for sale or put into circulation at one time: a new -- of commemorative stamps; a new bond -- 4. (n.) a point in question or a matter that is in dispute, as between contending parties in an action at law 5. (n.) a point, matter, or dispute, the decision of which is of special or public importance: the political -- 6. (n.) a point, the decision of which determines a matter: the real -- in the strike was the right to bargain collectively 7. (n.) a point at which a matter is ready for decision: to bring a case to an -- 8. (n.) something proceeding from any source, as a product, effect, result, or consequence: his words were the -- of an intelligent man; -- of a disordered imagination 9. (n.) any problem or difficulty: sorry I'm late—I had an -- with parking 10. (n.) the ultimate result, event, or outcome of a proceeding, affair, etc.: the -- of a contest 11. (n.) a distribution of food rations, clothing, equipment, or ammunition to a number of officers or enlisted soldiers, or to a military unit 12. (n.) offspring; progeny: to die without -- 13. (n.) a going, coming, passing, or flowing out: free -- and entry 14. (n.) a place or means of egress; outlet or exit 15. (n.) something that comes out, as an outflowing stream 16. (v.t.) to put out; deliver for use, sale, etc.; put into circulation 17. (v.t.) to mint, print, or publish for sale or distribution: to -- a new coin; to -- a reprint of a book 18. (v.t.) to distribute (food, clothing, etc.) to one or more officers or enlisted soldiers or to a military unit 19. (v.i.) to send out; discharge; emit 20. (v.i.) to go, pass, or flow out; come forth; emerge: to -- forth to battle 21. (v.i) to be sent, put forth, or distributed authoritatively or publicly, as a legal writ or money 22. (v.i.) to be published, as a book 23. (v.i.) to originate or proceed from any source 24. (v.i.) to arise as a result or consequence; result: a reaction that -- from the stimulus


1. (n.) the act of stretching oneself, especially while yawning


1. (n.) the act of throwing a thing or especially a person out of a window: the -- of the commissioners at Prague 2. (n.) a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)


1. (n.) the act or process of investing 2. (n.) the formal bestowal, confirmation, or presentation of rank, office, or a possessory or prescriptive right, usually involving the giving of insignia or an official title: the -- of bishops 3. (n.) the state of being invested, as with a garment, quality, or office 4. (n.) something that covers or adorns


1. (n.) the action or fact of ruining someone or something or of being ruined: commercial malpractice causes the -- of thousands of people; neglect and indifference have proved to be the -- of more than one marriage; Nazism left no stone unturned to bring about the -- of Germany 2. (n.) the state of being ruined: the headquarters fell into --


1. (n.) the aggregate of equipment, methods, and techniques available to one for carrying out one's duties: the stethoscope is still an essential part of the physician's -- 2. (n.) a fruitful source of devices or materials available or used for an undertaking: the new arts center is an -- for creative activity


1. (n.) the amount by which the contents fall short of filling a container, as a cask or bottle 2. (n.) the quantity of wine, liquor, or the like, remaining in a container that has lost part of its contents by evaporation, leakage, or use


1. (n.) the art and science of constructing and operating guns, especially large guns 2. (n.) the act of firing guns 3. (n.) guns collectively


1. (n.) the basic unit of an experience resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ; stimulus or an object of perception or sensation


1. (n.) the beginning of anything 2. (n.) (formal) the introductory part of an oration, treatise, discourse, etc.


1. (n.) the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment


1. (n.) the biosphere including and modified by such human activities as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, urbanization, and industrialization 2. (n.) the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity especially in regard to its influence on the biosphere and in relation to evolution


1. (n.) the body of college and university teachers at an institution or in society: he was the first graduate of the University to join its -- 2. (n.) the office, duties, or position of a professor


1. (n.) the body of peers of a country or state: he was elevated to the -- two years ago 2. (n.) the title and rank of peer or peeress: on his retirement as cabinet secretary, he was given a -- 3. (n.) a book containing a list of peers and peeresses with their genealogy and history


1. (n.) the capacity of one person or thing to react with or affect another in some special way, as by attraction or the facilitation of a function or activity: the -- between philosophy and literature

incantation (incantatory)

1. (n.) the chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power: an -- to raise the dead 2. (n.) a written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect; a spell or charm: there was no magic in such -- 3. (n.) magical ceremonies 4. (n.) magic; sorcery 5. (n.) repetitious wordiness used to conceal a lack of content; obfuscation: her prose too often resorts to -- adjective: the -- power of her words on his mind

syncretism (syncretic)

1. (n.) the combination of different forms of belief or practice; the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion: interfaith dialogue can easily slip into --; the result is a limited understanding of basic biblical truths, leading to corrupted theology, -- and shallow commitment


1. (n.) the confinement of childbirth; lying-in; the time or act of giving birth


1. (n.) the course of thought or meaning that runs through something written or spoken; the general meaning, sense, or content of something; purport; drift: the general -- of the debate; the suspect proclaims his innocence and can't believe the -- of the newspaper reports 2. (n.) a continuance in a course, movement, or activity: the meandering -- of his steps 3. (n.) a settled or prevailing character or direction, especially the course of a person's life or habits: the even -- of life in the kitchen was disrupted the following day


1. (n.) the crown or top of the head 2. (n.) the head 3. (n.) the brain


1. (n.) the degree to which a perfume's fragrance lingers in the air when worn: neither scent has a very strong --


1. (n.) the enclosing line or limits of any area; perimeter: you can find anything you want downtown within the -- of ten square blocks 2. (n.) space within limits; area; extent; range; scope: the narrow -- of the strait; the broad -- of the novel 3. (n.) due or proper limits; moderate bounds: their behavior stayed within the -- of propriety 4. (n.) a passing round; circuit: the -- of a year 5. (adj.) curved; forming a curve or arc: a -- timber; -- roof 6. (v.t.) to go or move round; make the circuit of: it would take a week to -- his property on foot 7. (v.t.) to extend or stretch around; hem in; surround; encircle: an old stone wall -- their property 8. (v.t.) to attain or achieve; accomplish; obtain 9. (v.t.) to contrive; plot; scheme: to -- a treacherous plan 10. (v.t.) to make curved or circular 11. (v.t.) to comprehend; to grasp, as with the mind: his mind could not -- the extent of the disaster


1. (n.) the foremost division or the front part of an army; advance guard; van 2. (n.) a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas: the experimental spirit of the modernist --; a style of jazz that the -- quickly recognized as new and exciting 3. (n.) a position at the forefront of new developments or ideas: the prototype was in the -- of technical development


1. (n.) the heavens or the sky, especially when regarded as a tangible thing; the vault or arch of the sky: stars twinkled in the -- 2. (n.) the field or sphere of an interest or activity; a sphere or world viewed as a collection of people: the international fashion --; she's a rising star in the city's artistic --


1. (n.) the internal organs in the main cavities of the body, especially those in the abdomen, as the intestines; bowels: the wound had spilled his -- onto the ground


1. (n.) the invocation of a blessing, especially the short blessing with which public worship is concluded: dismissed the congregation with a -- 2. (n.) something that promotes goodness or well-being: the Mexican sun is no pleasant -- like our northern sun 3. (n.) an expression of good wishes: yearning for the -- of the New York critics 4. (n.) the state of being blessed: he eventually wins --


1. (n.) the making of profit out of sacred things 2. (n.) the sin of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferments, benefices, etc.


1. (n.) the material or significant part of a grievance or complaint; the part of an accusation that weighs most heavily against the accused 2. (n.) a grievance


1. (n.) the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face: a clear, smooth, rosy --; a dark -- 2. (n.) overall aspect or character; appearance: his confession put a different -- on things; by changing the -- of the legislative branch; the -- of the game changed; successive governments of all -- 3. (n.) viewpoint, attitude, or conviction; outlook: one's political -- 4. (n.) the combination of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities held in medieval physiology to determine the quality of a body


1. (n.) the perfect form or example of something; quintessence: the -- of Hollywood glamour; this poem is the -- of lyric expression 2. (n.) the highest or best part of something; peak; culmination: the city reaches its -- at the holiday; his appearance as Hamlet was the -- of his career 3. (n.) the elevation or exaltation of a person to divine status; deification: the -- of Roman emperors


1. (n.) the period of or the movement for the liberation and unification of Italy 1750-1870 2. (n.) (lowercase) any period or instance of rebirth or renewed activity; resurgence: the company's -- surprised Wall Street observers


1. (n.) the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares


1. (n.) the physical characteristics of a person, especially appearance and constitution as related to disease


1. (n.) the place of origin or earliest known history of something: an orange rug of Iranian --; the -- of the ancient manuscript has never been determined 2. (n.) the beginning of something's existence; something's origin: they try to understand the whole universe, its -- and fate; some final comments about the -- of both contrasting theories are appropriate 3. (n.) a record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality: the manuscript has a distinguished --


1. (n.) the position of the limbs or the carriage of the body as a whole: poor --; a sitting -- 2. (n.) a particular approach or attitude: trade unions adopted a more militant -- in wage negotiations; his ideas reveal a defensive -- 3. (n.) a way of behaving that is intended to convey a false impression; a pose; an affected or unnatural attitude: he struck a comic --; despite pulling back its missiles, the government maintained a defiant -- for home consumption 4. (v.t.) to position, especially strategically: to -- troops along a border 5. (v.t.) to develop a policy or stance for (oneself, a company, government, etc.): the White House -- itself for dealing with the fuel crisis 6. (v.t.) to adopt an attitude or take an official position on (a matter): the company -- that the court's ruling could be interpreted as being in its favor 7. (v.i.) to act in an affected or artificial manner, as to create a certain impression: the companies may -- regret, but they have a vested interest in increasing Third World sales


1. (n.) the principles or doctrines of the cabala 2. (n.) an interpretation of something according to the doctrines of the cabala 3. (n.) any mystic or occult doctrine; mysticism; occultism 4. (n.) extreme traditionalism in theological conception or interpretation 5. (n.) obfuscation or obscurantism, especially resulting from an excessively recondite vocabulary: the -- of some modern literary criticism


1. (n.) the privilege of entering; access 2. (n.) a means of obtaining entry: his friendship with an actor's son was his -- into the theatrical world 3. (n.) the act of entering; entrance


1. (n.) the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right: the -- of our shared history; these memories are a conscious act of --; I understand her work as a -- of a lost Italian cultural legacy 2. (n.) the cultivation of waste land or land formerly under water: the aggressive -- of woodlands for agricultural production


1. (n.) the process of compounding, preparing, or making something: the -- of a class syllabus 2. (n.) a light but entertaining theatrical, cinematic, or literary work 3. (n.) something made up or confected; a concoction: he said the charges were a -- of the local police 4. (n.) something, as a garment or decorative object, that is very delicate, elaborate, or luxurious and usually nonutilitarian; a work of fine or elaborate craftsmanship


1. (n.) the process of exact thinking; reasoning: words seem to be the vehicles rather of -- than of emotion; as an expert in --, the detective Sherlock Holmes has few rivals 2. (n.) a reasoned train of thought: so, when the steaks were done, we besought him to lay bare his system of --


1. (n.) the proprietor of a hotel, nightclub, or restaurant


1. (n.) the pursuit of or indulgence in sexual pleasure 2. (n.) sexual intercourse

parsimony (parsimonious)

1. (n.) the quality of being careful with money or resources; thrift: the necessity of wartime -- 2. (n.) extreme or excessive economy or frugality; stinginess; niggardliness


1. (n.) the quality of being rudimentary or makeshift; primitiveness; the quality of being offensively coarse or rude; vulgarity


1. (n.) the quality or state of being impolitic; unsuitableness to the end in view; inexpediency 2. (n.) the act or an instance of being injudicious


1. (n.) the quality or state of being lenient, mild, or gentle, as toward others: a smile crossed her face, but this unexpected -- was short-lived 2. (n.) a lenient act


1. (n.) the quality that makes a thing what it is; the essential nature of a thing: he transcends the autobiographic into something quintessential, something close to the -- of experience 2. (n.) a distinctive feature; a peculiarity: his quirks and -- 3. (n.) a trifling nicety of subtle distinction, as in argument; quibble


1. (n.) the scientific study of human settlements, drawing on diverse disciplines, including architecture, city planning, and behavioral science


1. (n.) the set of values, institutions, laws, and symbols common to a particular social group and the corresponding society through which people imagine their social whole


1. (n.) the state or quality of being rustic 2. (n.) rural character or life


1. (n.) the study of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc., as a means of communication


1. (n.) the study of human action and conduct


1. (n.) the style of living befitting a person of wealth and high rank; elaborate or luxurious style of living: to travel in -- 2. (n.) formal dignity; pomp; ceremony associated with monarchy or high levels of government (usually preceded by in): he was buried in -- 3. (adj.) characterized by, attended with, or involving ceremony: a -- dinner


1. (n.) the unique essence or inner nature of a person, place, thing, or event, especially depicted in poetry or a work of art; inward significant character or quality belonging uniquely to objects or events in nature and human experience especially as perceived by the blended observation and introspection of the poet and in turn embodied in patterns of such specifically poetic elements as imagery, rhythm, rhyme, assonance, sound symbolism, and allusion


1. (n.) the use of symbols; symbolism: the -- of Chinese poetry


1. (n.) vigor or vivacity, often of style or performance; verve: she told her story with some --; sings with --; he admired her --


1. (n.) washing, especially the therapeutic washing out of an organ or part


1. (n.) waxed cloth for wrapping a corpse 2. (n.) any grave-clothes


1. (n.) willful and permanent deprivation of a bodily member resulting in the impairment of a person's fighting ability 2. (n.) willful and permanent crippling, mutilation, or disfigurement of any part of the body


1. (n.) work of little or no value done merely to keep or look busy 2. (n.) a project funded by the federal government out of political favoritism that is of no real value to the community or the nation 3. (v.t.) to deceive or attempt to deceive: to -- investors into a low-interest scheme 4. (v.i.) to do work of little or no practical value merely to keep or look busy


1. (n.) writing material (such as a parchment or tablet) used one or more times after earlier writing has been erased: 2. (n.) something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form; something having usually diverse layers or aspects apparent beneath the surface: Canada is a --, an overlay of classes and generations; Sutton Place is a -- of the taste of successive owners


1. (n.) wrongdoing or misconduct, especially the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law or in violation of a public trust: a campaign to impeach the governor for -- in office; the investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate --


1. (n.) zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory; jingoism: his fervent nationalism mutated into blatant -- 2. (n.) unwarranted bias, favoritism, or devotion to one's own particular group, cause, or idea: religious --; regional -- 3. (n.) the denigration, disparagement, and patronization of either sex based on the belief that one sex is inferior to the other and thus deserving of less than equal treatment or benefit: male --


1. (v.i.) to disagree politely with another person's statement or suggestion; object 2. (v.i.) to politely refuse to accept a request or suggestion, especially on the grounds of scruples (often used with to or at): they wanted to make him the treasurer, but he --


1. (n.) zero 2. (n.) one that has no weight, worth, or influence, especially one who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own; nonentity: journalists are not mere interchangeable -- in the propaganda battle 3. (n.) a secret method of writing, as by transposition or substitution of letters, specially formed symbols, or the like: secret communications written in -- 4. (n.) a message in code: the -- cannot be decoded without the key 5. (n.) any Arabic numeral 6. (n.) a combination of symbolic letters, especially the interwoven initials of a name; a monogram: coins that bore the -- of the sultan 7. (v.i.) to use figures or numerals arithmetically 8. (v.i.) to write in or as in code 9. (v.t.) to calculate numerically; figure 10. (v.t.) to convert into code


1. (of an organization or system) characterized by massiveness, total uniformity, rigidity, invulnerability, etc.: a -- society 2. made of only one stone: a -- column 3. consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken: a boat with a -- hull 4. constructed of monoliths or huge blocks of stone: the -- monuments of the New Stone Age


1. (often capitalized) rigorously strict or just; showing stern and inflexible judgment

distend (distention)

1. (v.a.) to expand by stretching, as something hollow or elastic from internal pressure; swell: habitual overeating had -- his stomach 2. (v.a.) to spread in all directions; expand; swell: the sea -- about them


1. (v.a.) to make or become confused: the alcohol -- his brain 2. (adj.) mentally confused; muddled


1. (v.a.) to toughen or temper; strengthen: in her, love has been -- to a hard diamond of ambition


1. (v.i.) (archaic) to hasten; speed; go in haste: thither we advise you to -- 2. (v.t.) (archaic) to cause (oneself) to go quickly: -- you to church


1. (v.i.) (archaic) to press together, especially in ranks 2. (v.t.) to crowd closely together


1. (v.i.) (formal) to express opinions: you may -- about anything you want 2. (v.t.) (formal) to state as an opinion: -- that the nominee was not fit to serve on the Supreme Court


1. (v.i.) (literary) to wander or stray from a course or subject; digress; diverge: Yeats -- into Virgil's territory only once; others have -- at length on the accuracy of these particular statements, and I will leave that task to them; willpower he was not acquainted with, lest he would have -- from his fated path long ago


1. (v.i.) (of a bird) to sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes: larks were -- in the trees 2. (v.i.) (of a person) to sing in a trilling or quavering voice: he -- in an implausible soprano 3. (v.i.) to sound with trills, quavers, and rapid modulations in pitch: she -- on the telephone 4. (v.t.) to render (something) with turns, runs, or rapid modulations; trill: he -- a tune 4. (n.) a melodious succession of low pleasing sounds: the -- of the river passing by


1. (v.i.) (of a fact or circumstance) to be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing; have a substantial effect; weigh heavily: his boyish appearance -- against his getting an early promotion; these fundamental differences will -- against the two communities coming together


1. (v.i.) to avoid noticing something that one is expected to oppose or condemn; give aid to wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak (usually followed by at): the policeman -- at traffic violations 2. (v.i.) to be indulgent toward something others oppose or criticize (usually followed by at): to -- at childlike exaggerations; the captain -- at the smuggling of goods aboard his ship 3. (v.i.) to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding: officials who -- with drug dealers


1. (v.i.) to be frugal; get along on a scanty allowance: don't -- on the food; they -- for years in order to save money 2. (v.t.) to limit to a certain amount, number, share, or allowance, often unduly; set limits to; restrict 3. (n.) an allotted amount or piece of work: to do one's daily -- 4. (n.) limitation or restriction, especially as to amount: to give without -- 5. (n.) a limited, prescribed, or expected quantity, share, rate, etc.: to exceed one's --


1. (v.i.) to bear fruit; become fruitful: with careful tending the plant will -- 2. (v.t.) to make fruitful or productive; fertilize: warm spring rains -- the earth


1. (v.i.) to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change; to become rigid or inflexible in habits, attitudes, opinions, etc.: so easy for the mind to -- and generous ideals to end in stale platitudes; a young man who began to -- right after college 2. (v.t.) to make rigidly conventional and opposed to change: -- institutions; -- ideologies

appertain (appurtenant)

1. (v.i.) to belong as a part, right, possession, attribute, etc.; pertain or relate (usually followed by to): privileges that -- to members of the royal family


1. (v.i.) to break or burst in suddenly 2. (v.i.) to manifest violent activity or emotion, as a group of persons 3. (v.i.) (of animals) to increase suddenly in numbers through a lessening of the number of deaths

recriminate (recrimination)

1. (v.i.) to bring a countercharge against an accuser 2. (v.t.) to accuse in return


1. (v.i.) to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; obfuscate in a deliberate manner; equivocate: the more she --, the greater grew the ardency of the reporters for an interview 2. (v.i.) to change one's loyalties; abandon a belief or principle; desert a cause, position, party, or faith:


1. (v.i.) to criticize, especially constantly or repeatedly, in a peevish or petty way; carp: to -- about the fine points of interpretation; preferring to -- rather than take steps to correct a situation 2. (v.i.) to spend too much time and effort on inconsequential details: it's difficult to be meticulous and not -- 3. (v.i.) to work ineffectively; trifle: to -- with an uninteresting task 4. (n.) a trivial criticism, discomfort, or annoyance: it is an excellent book except for my few --; he can only throw underarm at the moment because of a --


1. (v.i.) to curry favor with someone, especially in an obsequious or flattering manner 2. (v.t.) to curry favor with (someone)


1. (v.i.) to exceed something else in weight; be the heavier 2. (v.i.) to incline downward or descend, as one scale or end of a balance, because of greater weight; be weighed down 3. (v.i.) to be superior in power, force, influence, number, amount, etc.; predominate: evidence for the accused -- at the trial


1. (v.i.) to give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes; sparkle; scintillate; gleam: a classic car from the 1950s, replete with yards of -- chrome; dark lightning -- around James' hands as the point of light rose up into the air 2. (v.i.) to be brilliant or showy in technique or style: in February the group dropped Slag (Aerophonic), a live recording of a -- performance at London's Café Oto in 2015


1. (v.i.) to go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient, impetuous, or angry manner: -- about the room, jerking her shoulders, gesticulating 2. (v.i.) to go with sudden determination: the star -- out of the studio in a rage 3. (v.i.) to move so as to draw attention to oneself: she -- into the lobby 4. (v.i.) to throw the body about spasmodically; flounder: the shark -- around on the ship deck 5. (n.) an act or instance of such; such a movement: she left the room with a --


1. (v.i.) to make or become fixed, as ideas, sentiments, or principles: some philosophic systems lost their vitality and -- 2. (v.i.) to take shape or coalesce, especially to form a satisfying whole: the ballet failed to -- as a single oeuvre


1. (v.i.) to move from one place to another, especially to another locality or residence: we -- to Newport early in July 2. (n.) a moving from one place, as of residence, to another 3. (n.) the distance by which one person, place, or thing is separated from another: to see something at a -- 4. (n.) a mental distance from the reality of something as a result of psychological detachment or lack of experience: to criticize something at a -- 5. (n.) a degree of difference, as that due to descent, transmission, etc.: a folk survival, at many --, of a druidic rite


1. (v.i.) to pretend or exaggerate incapacity or illness (as to avoid duty or work): his boss suspected him of -- because of his frequent absences from work


1. (v.i.) to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily (usually followed by at or about): he finds something to -- at in everything I say; the author -- about the design of the book's cover 2. (v.t.) to oppose by inconsequential, frivolous, or sham objections: to -- each item of a proposed agenda 3. (n.) a trivial and annoying objection 4. (n.) the raising of such objections


1. (v.i.) to roll, toss, or heave, as waves or the sea 2. (v.i.) to roll, writhe, or tumble about; wallow, as animals (often followed by about): pigs -- about happily in the mud 3. (v.i.) to lie bathed in or be drenched in something, especially blood 4. (v.i.) to become deeply or extensively involved, associated, entangled, etc.: to -- in setbacks, confusion, and despair 5. (n.) a confused mass; a jumble or muddle: a -- of anxious faces 6. (n.) a state of commotion, turmoil, or upheaval: the -- that followed the surprise attack 7. (n.) a rolling, tossing, or tumbling about, as or as if by the sea, waves, or wind: they found the shore through the mighty --

jape (japery)

1. (v.i.) to say or do something jokingly or mockingly; jest; gibe: what cheered me up further was the readiness of the coach drivers to -- and joke about with people who didn't understand English 2. (v.t.) to mock or make fun of: he was ruthless to his actors, muscling them about, -- them pitilessly 3. (n.) a gibe; jest; quip: by the standards of today's no-holds-barred satire, Will Rogers' homespun -- about politicians seem awfully gentle 4. (n.) a trick or practical joke: the childish -- of depositing a stink bomb in her locker


1. (v.i.) to speak aloud in an oratorical manner; make a formal speech; utter or deliver words in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience: Brutus -- from the steps of the Roman senate building; speakers -- on a variety of issues 2. (v.i.) to inveigh (usually followed by against ): he -- against the high rents in slums 3. (v.i.) to speak pompously or bombastically; harangue: in presence of this historical fact it is foolish to -- about natural rights 4. (v.t.) to deliver rhetorically: an actor -- his lines


1. (v.i.) to speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight: he began to -- about Gaby's beauty and charm


1. (v.i.) to spread injuriously: street gangs have metastasized in our city; when politicians use ethnic mobilization to promote their agendas, violence can -- quickly 2. (v.i.) to transform, especially into a dangerous form: the KGB -- after the fall of the Soviet Union; truth -- into lurid fantasy; what starts out as Casual Friday must -- eventually into Slumming Sunday


1. (v.i.) to talk in a rambling, foolish, disconnected, or meaningless way: ask her a question and she'll -- for half an hour; he ran efficient and productive meetings, with a low tolerance for -- or side conversation 2. (v.i.) to move or act in a dreamy or idle manner: he -- through life without a single ambition; -- all over town on his day off


1. (v.i.) to use divination to discover hidden knowledge or future events, especially by means of a crystal ball or other reflective object or surface: a mirror used to --

nictitate (nictate)

1. (v.i.) to wink; blink: the lid of her left eye began to --

slew (slue)

1. (v.i.) turn or slide violently or uncontrollably in a particular direction: the Chevy -- from side to side in the snow 2. (v.t.) to swing around 3. (n.) a violent or uncontrollable sliding movement: I was assaulted by the thump and -- of the van


1. (v.t) to give evidence of; indicate: to -- one's fidelity with a vow; a kiss that -- one's affection 2. (v.t.) to be or give a token or sign of; portend: a thunderclap that -- foul weather; an angry word that -- hostility


1. (v.t.) (archaic) to make the sign of the cross on, as for protection against evil influences 2. (v.t.) (archaic) to bless; keep from evil influence


1. (v.t.) (chiefly British) to obtain or draw out by effort or with difficulty (usually used with out): no attempt to -- out why they do it; I swore I wasn't going to tell her, but she -- it all out of me


1. (v.t.) (formal) to cause to seem inferior; disparage; belittle: -- another's achievements 2. (v.i.) (formal) to detract, as from authority, estimation, etc. (usually followed by from): a few instances of inaccuracy or mediocrity can never -- from the superlative merit of Homer and Virgil; this does not -- from his duty to act honestly and faithfully 3. (v.i.) (formal) to deviate from (a set of rules or agreed form of behavior); act beneath or stray from one's position or character: one country has -- from the Rome Convention


1. (v.t.) (formal) to resign (a job, public office, etc.); relinquish: arguments within his congregation led to his -- his post 2. (v.i.) to resign


1. (v.t.) (formal, humorous) to take dishonestly, often by a breach of trust; steal; filch; pilfer: he must have managed to -- a copy of the key 2. (v.i.) to commit theft; steal


1. (v.t.) (informal) to attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will: reporters -- officials coming out of the press secretary's office


1. (v.t.) (informal) to cheat; swindle; hoax 2. (v.i.) (informal) to toy; fool (usually followed by with): the kids have been -- with the controls on the television set again 3. (v.i.) to waste time; dawdle (often followed by around): you would be finished by now if you hadn't spent the morning -- around 4. (v.t.) (informal) to move back and forth with short rapid motions; jiggle: -- the switch and see if the light comes on 5. (v.t.) (slang) to copulate with 6. (v.t.) (slang) to practice masturbation upon


1. (v.t.) (informal, N. American) to follow, watch carefully, or investigate 2. (v.t.) (informal, N. American) to search out or pursue with dogged determination: he ordered the vice president to -- Congress for funds 3. (v.i.) (slang) to steal or attempt to steal another person's date


1. (v.t.) (informal, N. American) to puzzle or baffle; confuse; mystify: he was -- by the problem; the problem has buffaloed the advertising staff 2. (v.t.) (informal, N. American) to impress or intimidate by a display of power, importance, etc.; overawe: the older boys -- him; she didn't like being --


1. (v.t.) (literary) to cloud over; becloud; obscure


1. (v.t.) (literary) to experience or form (a feeling); to take into one's mind: to -- a great love for music; I had -- a passion for another 2. (v.t.) to begin, originate, or found (something) in a particular way (usually used in the passive): a new nation -- in liberty


1. (v.t.) (rare) to defer; postpone: inclusive sexuality education can help virgins -- sex until marriage 2. (v.t.) to discontinue a session of (something, such as a British parliament) by royal prerogative: this week's ruling by the Scottish courts against -- Parliament lends independent support to his view of the matter 3. (v.i.) to suspend or end a legislative session


1. (v.t.) (rare) to reduce the edge or violence of; blunt; dull; deaden: -- reflexes 2. (v.t.) (medicine) (dated) to reduce the intensity or sensitivity of; make dull: agents that -- pain


1. (v.t.) (technical) to place (something) side by side with or close to something else: the specimen was -- to X-ray film; in the way that he -- the images and varies the pauses, he draws us into the evening's movement and its paradoxically calming effect; external pressure dressing was then applied to the stoma while -- the skin edges to hasten spontaneous wound closure


1. (v.t.) recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm


1. (v.t.) to adorn or embellish rhetorically, especially with ornate language or fictitious or exaggerated details: he -- the account of the shipwreck to hold his listeners' interest 2. (v.i.) to add embellishments; exaggerate (often followed by on or upon)


1. (v.t.) to advertise; promote: the movie was -- as a comedy, but it was more like a horror


1. (v.t.) to affect or alter noticeably; influence, especially in style or tone: an approach -- by feminism; rock -- by blues; clearly -- by the more profound nuances of Japanese tradition


1. (v.t.) to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unnecessary: to -- the risk of serious injury; the new medical treatment -- the need for surgery


1. (v.t.) to appoint as deputy 2. (v.i.) to act as a deputy; substitute


1. (v.t.) to approach and speak to (someone) often in a challenging or aggressive way; confront boldly: the beggar -- me for money 2. (v.t.) to approach, especially with a greeting, question, or remark 3. (v.t.) (of prostitutes, procurers, etc.) to solicit for sexual purposes


1. (v.t.) to arrange in grades or gradations; establish gradation in 2. (v.t.) to divide into or mark with degrees or other divisions, as the scale of a thermometer


1. (v.t.) to attack with false, malicious, and damaging charges or insinuations; slander 2. (v.t.) to sprinkle, especially with holy water


1. (v.t.) to become interlocked like the fingers of folded hands: the scales at the shell margins of opposing valves frequently --; so the days would have passed, literary labor -- with agricultural


1. (v.t.) to boil briefly as a preliminary or incomplete cooking procedure: -- potatoes before roasting them


1. (v.t.) to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: they -- their three companies; -- several small school districts 2. (v.t.) to discard the unused or unwanted items of and organize the remaining: she -- her home library 3. (v.t.) to make solid or firm; solidify; strengthen: to -- gains; -- their hold on first place; he -- his position as head of the political party


1. (v.t.) to carefully assess, set, or adjust (something abstract): the regulators cannot properly -- the risks involved; a mind well -- to virtue; the senior official said the proposals are -- to protect sovereignty


1. (v.t.) to carry on or conduct (business, negotiations, activities, etc.) to a conclusion or settlement; to carry to completion: -- a sale 2. (v.t.) to carry on the operation or management of; do: -- business 3. (v.t.) to exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc.: to -- new ideas 4. (v.i.) to carry on or conduct business, negotiations, etc.: he was ordered to -- only with the highest authorities


1. (v.t.) to cause (someone) to act in a particular way; motivate: -- by selfish motives 2. (v.t.) to make (a machine or device) operate: the pendulum -- an electrical switch


1. (v.t.) to cause (two or more things) to exchange places: the situation might have been the same if the parties in opposition and government had been -- 2. (v.t.) to transfer to a different place or context: an evacuation order -- the school from Kent to Shropshire; the themes are -- from the sphere of love to that of work 3. (v.t.) to render into another language, style, or manner of expression; translate: a sequence of French tales -- into English


1. (v.t.) to charm, delight, or captivate: a multitude of attractions to -- the tourist 2. (v.t.) to while away, especially by some agreeable occupation; pass time pleasantly; divert: the seven poems were written to -- the tedium of a sea voyage


1. (v.t.) to cheat by trickery 2. (v.t.) to swindle by a trick in which a small ball or pea is quickly shifted from under one to another of three small cups to fool the spectator guessing its location


1. (v.t.) to check, restrain, or inhibit; hinder: production was -- by a shortage of workers; sales had been -- by credit controls


1. (v.t.) to chronicle; record the progress or development of: the poems -- his descent into madness; a major series -- the history of country music


1. (v.t.) to coerce by crude means: such countries run the risk of being -- by protectionist tariffs initiated by neighboring nations; the election committee was -- into nominating the officers for a second term; 2. (v.t.) to thwart or cause to fail or be rejected, especially surreptitiously or without warning: he -- our proposal with his snide remarks to the boss 3. (v.t.) to conceal or misrepresent one's true position, potential, or intent especially in order to gain an advantage over: he claimed he was playing badly because of an injury, but I think he was -- 4. (v.i.) to hide the truth about oneself so as to gain an advantage over another: I think he is -- us


1. (v.t.) to combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into a composite whole: the urban crisis -- a number of different economic, political, and social issues: the editor -- the two texts; a city of -- races and cultures 2. (v.t.) to fail to properly distinguish or keep separate (things); to mistakenly treat (them) as equivalent: you are -- Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon


1. (v.t.) to compliment upon a happy event; congratulate


1. (v.t.) to condense or conflate so as to occupy less space or time; shorten; compress: to -- the events of five hundred years into one history lecture; a large portion of the past had to be -- and summarized for her 2. (v.i.) to be or become shortened or condensed 3. (v.i.) to be driven one into another, as railroad cars in a collision; crush (a vehicle) by the force of an impact: he drove right into another car and -- it


1. (v.t.) to cover or coat with soft, adhesive matter, as plaster or mud: to -- a canvas with paint; to -- stone walls with mud 2. (v.t.) to spread (plaster, mud, etc.) on or over something: to -- plaster on a brick wall 3. (v.t.) to apply something to (a surface) in hasty or crude strokes 4. (v.a.) to apply (something) to a surface in hasty or crude strokes 6. (v.a.) to paint (a picture, etc.) in a coarse or unskillful manner: they -- graffiti on the walls 7. (n.) a crude, inartistic painting: she stuck the painting up alongside the -- made by her children 8. (n.) a patch or smear of a thick or sticky substance: a -- of clay on her temple


1. (v.t.) to cover, as with facile or fluent words or explanations cleverly worded, etc.; obscure the faults of; gloss (often followed by over): the speech tended to -- over the terrible conditions


1. (v.t.) to cudgel; beat; punish severely 2. (v.t.) to criticize harshly; castigate: a new satire that -- bureaucratic shilly-shallying


1. (v.t.) to declare earnestly or solemnly; affirm positively; aver: he always -- that he did not know; he -- the need for a just, fair, and united country


1. (v.t.) to disconcert, embarrass, or abash: with his composure, he survived every attempt to -- him 2. (v.t.) to show disapproval of: the teachers -- smoking by the students 3. (n.) disapproval; disapprobation


1. (v.t.) to diversify by adding or interjecting something unique, striking, or contrasting (usually followed by with): to -- one's speech with oaths 2. (v.t.) to intersperse or embellish speech or writing with different material: a compendium of advertisements and reviews, -- with gossip; to -- one's writing with foreign phrases


1. (v.t.) to diversify in color; variegate 2. (v.t.) to diversify in character; vary with contrasting elements or situations; subject to alternations: sorrow and joy have -- his life


1. (v.t.) to divide (a country, territory, etc.) into small, quarrelsome, ineffectual states; opposes the partition of Germany, and holds that the economic consequences of -- the country would be serious 2. (v.t.) (often lowercase) to divide (groups, areas, etc.) into contending and usually ineffectual factions: a movement to -- minority voters; now pop culture has been --, as it is full of niches, with different groups watching and playing their own things


1. (v.t.) to divulge or indicate unwittingly (one's intention, next offensive move, etc.), as to an opponent or to an audience; broadcast: the fighter -- his punch and his opponent was able to parry it; if you act nervous too early in the scene, you'll -- the character's guilt; I don't own a wedding ring—this -- a sad story


1. (v.t.) to draw or paint on a surface: the artist -- a portrait 2. (v.t.) to outline in clear sharp detail; delineate: he was -- by a streetlight 3. (v.t.) to describe; portray in words: the novel -- the frontier life of the settlers 4. (v.t.) to suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright colour or light: a crescent moon -- each shred with white gold


1. (v.t.) to dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner


1. (v.t.) to enclose within walls 2. (v.t.) to shut in; seclude or confine: scientists at the research station in Alaska are -- by the frozen wastelands that surround them; -- by a controlling, possessive mother, the young woman had no outside social life; not the slightest sign of his becoming -- in his own work, as happens to so many creative artists 3. (v.t.) to imprison: -- them in a dungeon; the last slave had been immured within its walls 4. (v.t.) to build into or entomb in a wall


1. (v.t.) to endeavor to influence (a person) by smooth, flattering, or beguiling words or acts: we -- him incessantly, but he would not consent; she pleaded and --, but I wouldn't be swayed 2. (v.t.) to persuade (a person) by such words or acts: she -- him into going with her 3. (v.t.) to obtain (something) by artful persuasions: I -- a new car out of my father; he -- quite a bit of money from her 4. (v.i.) to use beguiling or artful persuasions: I always -- if I really need something

vivify (revivify)

1. (v.t.) to endow with life or renewed life; animate: rains that -- the barren hills 2. (v.t.) to impart vitality or vividness to; make more lively or interesting; brighten; sharpen: outings -- learning for children


1. (v.t.) to entertain sumptuously; feast with delicacies: he was -- with excellent home cooking 2. (v.t.) to give pleasure or amusement to, as with talk: -- us with tall tales; he -- her with a colorful account of that afternoon's meeting 3. (v.i.) to feast oneself; feed 4. (n.) a sumptuous feast 5. (n.) a choice article of food or drink


1. (v.t.) to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements (usually followed by into): to -- a person into playing bridge; -- her way into a promotion 2. (v.t.) to acquire, win, or obtain by beguiling talk or methods (usually followed by from or away): to -- a theater pass from a person


1. (v.t.) to examine by touch, especially for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness: the doctor -- his ribs to see if there was any tenderness


1. (v.t.) to extinguish the guilt incurred by: although the editorial had characterized the mayor's failure to disclose the details of the meeting as a lapse that could not be -- , many of the city's citizens seemed ready to forgive all 2. (v.t.) to make amends for: Batman sacrifices himself at the movie's climax—it's he who takes Dent's place, not the other way around—in an attempt to -- not only his own guilt but also to assume the sins of the entire city; Yom Kippur is the holy day on which Jews are expected to -- sins committed during the past year


1. (v.t.) to extort from, swindle, or overcharge 2. (v.i.) to engage in swindling, overcharging, or the like: I bought my clothes there before they began --


1. (v.t.) to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner 2. (v.t.) to destroy, damage, or cut off (something, such as an enemy line of supply) by firepower to stop or hamper an enemy 3. (v.t.) to intercept: -- drug shipments 4. (n.) a prohibitory decree


1. (v.t.) to foretell especially from omens 2. (v.t.) to give promise of; presage: this bad news -- disaster for all of us; they feared that these happenings -- a neo-Nazi revival 3. (v.i.) to predict the future especially from omens 4. (v.t.) (of an event or circumstance) to portend a good or bad outcome: the end of the cold war seemed to -- well


1. (v.t.) to free from error, fallacy, or misconception: was quickly -- of the idea that anything had changed; let me -- you of your foolish notions about married life; it is extremely difficult to -- people of their biases, especially when those biases become cultural norms


1. (v.t.) to give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of: to -- one's incompetence in business 2. (v.t.) to put on the appearance of; feign; simulate: to -- innocence; she lay down and -- sleep 3. (v.i.) to conceal one's true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; speak or act hypocritically: he had -- about the risks involved


1. (v.t.) to graft (feathers) into a wing 2. (v.t.) to furnish (a wing, tail, etc.) with feathers, as to make good losses or deficiencies and improve powers of flight


1. (v.t.) to grumble; complain about something trivial: I've never met anyone who -- so much about his work; -- about the higher prices 2. (n.) a complaint or grumble: our biggest -- was about the noise of construction work


1. (v.t.) to haul under the keel of a ship as punishment or torture 2. (v.t.) to rebuke severely


1. (v.t.) to hide or conceal (something, oneself, etc.) with or as if with foliage, greenery, or the like: to -- oneself within a grape arbor


1. (v.t.) to hit (a person) hard, especially on the face


1. (v.t.) to hold out or put forward (something) to someone for acceptance; tender; offer: she -- a glass of wine; he -- his resignation 2. (n.) an offer or proposal


1. (v.t.) to illustrate or demonstrate by an example: -- one particular incident as an illustration of their penchant for practical jokes 2. (v.t.) to mention as a case or example; cite: I -- him as someone whose commitment had certainly got things done; -- the latest astronomical research in her presentation on measuring star magnitude


1. (v.t.) to impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil: the comic impact is -- by obvious haste 2. (v.t.) to impair or weaken the effectiveness of: fraud -- a contract 3. (v.t.) to debase in moral or aesthetic status; corrupt; pervert: a mind -- by prejudice


1. (v.t.) to insert (something, such as a day) in a calendar 2. (v.t.) to insert or position between or among existing elements or layers, sometimes intrusively; interpolate; interpose: new chapters -- with the old; between the recipes for hearty peasant dishes, the author -- fond reminiscences of her year in the French countryside


1. (v.t.) to introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts; interpose; intercalate: illustrations were -- in the text; he kept -- his speech with a number of anecdotes, which made the interaction lively; the action of the bakery is -- with scenes of domestic discord; he smoothly -- fragments from other songs into his own 2. (v.t.) to alter (a text) by the insertion of new matter, especially deceptively or without authorization so as to give a false impression as to its date: -- her own comments into the report; the extract fits neatly between other entries, written in the same handwriting, and so there is no evidence that it has been -- at a later date 3. (v.t.) to interject (a remark) in a conversation: ''I dare say,' -- her employer; he -- a very critical comment in the discussion


1. (v.t.) to intrude into and take over (the autonomy, experience, social movement, etc, of a less powerful person or group); to commandeer or appropriate 2. (v.t.) to appropriate (a place or domain) for one's own use: a small town in a part of the Hudson Valley fast being -- by weekenders


1. (v.t.) to isolate (one system, process, department, etc.) from others: most companies have expensive IT systems they have developed over the years, but they are --


1. (v.t.) to jeer at or make fun of; ridicule, especially with wit or innuendo: he knew that he was being -- and had the charm to make it funny


1. (v.t.) to laugh loudly or immoderately: the villain began to -- and twirl his mustache; -- till his sides must have ached


1. (v.t.) to lay the responsibility or blame for (something) often falsely or unjustly: the economic sins -- to Tito had all been committed to a greater extent by the communist parties of neighbouring countries 2. (v.t.) to credit or ascribe (something) to a person or a cause; attribute: our vices as well as our virtues have been -- to bodily derangement; the children -- magical powers to the old woman


1. (v.t.) to leave out of consideration; omit; suppress; ignore; pass over 2. (v.t.) to join together; merge: whole periods of time are -- into a few seconds of screen time; this is particularly true because of the way in which the war on terror has -- into preparations for a war against Iraq


1. (v.t.) to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses); ease; relieve: unable to -- their grief 2. (v.t.) to pacify; quiet; soothe; calm; mollify: vainly strove to -- an implacable foe 3. (v.t.) to put an end to by satisfying; appease; quench: -- his thirst


1. (v.t.) to make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people by open declaration; proclaim: the huge meeting served primarily as the occasion on which to -- the official doctrine; from the beginning our objective has been to develop and -- new models for the calculus-based introductory course; her ideas were widely -- on the internet 2. (v.t.) to put (a law or rule) into action or force: more than 200 colleges and universities have -- behavioral codes that punish various forms of harassment; -- an edict of religious toleration


1. (v.t.) to make hard; harden, as rock, tissue, etc.: cold -- the soil 2. (v.t.) to make callous, stubborn, or unfeeling: transgressions that -- the heart 3. (v.t.) to inure; accustom; make hardy: to -- oneself to privation and suffering 4. (v.t.) to make enduring; confirm; establish: to -- custom through practice 4. (v.i.) to become hard; harden: 5. (v.i.) to become established or confirmed 6. (adj.) physically or morally hardened; unfeeling; callous; inured


1. (v.t.) to make insensible; deaden: they will do anything to stay in office; their consciences have been --


1. (v.t.) to make less harmful, potent, or tense: -- a crisis; -- a counterargument; one possible way to -- the financial incentives and advantages to doping is to legalize it


1. (v.t.) to make repayment or return for (service, benefits, etc.) 2. (v.t.) to make retaliation for (a wrong, injury, etc.); avenge 3. (v.t.) to make return to (a person, group, etc.) for service, benefits, etc. 4. (v.t.) to retaliate on (a person, group, etc.) for a wrong, injury, etc. 5. (v.t.) to give or do in return


1. (v.t.) to make up, compound, or prepare (especially something elaborate or dainty) from various ingredients or materials: to -- a herbal remedy for colds; a trifle -- from angelica and piped cream 2. (v.t.) to construct, form, or make: to -- a dress from odds and ends of fabric


1. (v.t.) to manage, especially with prudent economy 2. (v.t.) to use frugally; conserve: to -- one's resources


1. (v.t.) to mingle or permeate with some modifying, alleviating, or vivifying element, especially to lighten: a sermon -- with humor 2. (n.) a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it for the better; something that modifies or lightens: they acted as an intellectual -- to the warriors who dominated the city


1. (v.t.) to mislead or corrupt by sophistry: books of casuistry, which -- the understanding and defile the heart 2. (n.) a person with much worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture; a sophisticated person: he is still the butt of jokes made by New York -- 3. (adj.) sophisticated


1. (v.t.) to muddle or confuse: a jumble of sounds to -- the senses 2. (v.t.) to make drunk; intoxicate 3. (v.i.) to tipple 4. (n.) a confused state; muddle; jumble


1. (v.t.) to obtain by imposing on another's generosity or friendship 2. (v.t.) to borrow without intent to repay 3. (v.t.) to beg or obtain by begging: -- a free cup of coffee 4. (v.i.) to ask, expect, or encourage another person to pay for or provide one's drinks, meals, etc. 5. (v.i.) to beg


1. (v.t.) to obtain by labor, danger, sacrifice, flattery, etc.: the victory was -- by his death 2. (n.) firm contact or grip: the people who are meant to be our leaders no longer get any real -- on the public mind; as the liberal establishment moved left under radical pressure, conservatives gained -- on the political center 3. (n.) any means of applying or increasing power, influence, etc.


1. (v.t.) to organize according to a strict system or pattern, especially for the sake of regulation or control; to subject to order or uniformity: every aspect of their life is strictly --; -- an entire country


1. (v.t.) to picture or represent in the mind; imagine; conceive: it is possible for us to -- a society in which no one committed crime 2. (v.t.) to make an image of; portray in sculpture, painting, etc.: artworks which -- women's bodies 3. (v.t.) to project (photographs, film, etc.) on a surface: familiar scenes were -- on the screen 4. (v.t.) to reflect the likeness of; mirror 5. (v.t.) to describe or portray in language, especially in a vivid manner; describe 6. (v.t.) to symbolize; typify 7. (v.t.) to resemble


1. (v.t.) to place on an island; isolate


1. (v.t.) to place out of sight; hide; conceal: squirrels -- nuts in a hollow tree trunk


1. (v.t.) to present formally for acceptance; make formal offer of: to -- one's resignation 2. (n.) the act of such; an offer of something for acceptance 3. (n.) something offered, especially money, as in payment


1. (v.t.) to press or beset with solicitations; demand with troublesome urgency or persistence: -- viewers for contributions; reporters -- him with pointed questions 2. (v.i.) to make urgent or persistent solicitations


1. (v.t.) to provide blank leaves in (a book) for notes or written comments 2. (v.t.) to insert blank leaves between (the regular printed leaves) 3. (v.t.) to insert something alternately and regularly between the pages or parts of: -- the eight-page form with carbon paper 4. (v.t.) to insert (material) alternately and regularly between the pages or parts of something else: -- carbon paper between the pages of the form


1. (v.t.) to pull off or tear away forcibly, especially in medicine: to -- a ligament


1. (v.t.) to pull up by the roots; uproot; extirpate; eradicate: you cannot -- that wide-rooted dogma within your soul that more money means more joy 2. (v.t.) to isolate or alienate (a person) from their natural geographical, social, or cultural environment, especially removing the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from: a -- writer who has complicated relations with his working-class background


1. (v.t.) to purify by expiatory sacrifice, ceremonial washing, or some other ritual action: a soul -- in the baptismal waters


1. (v.t.) to purify or separate, especially by washing or by straining


1. (v.t.) to put a definite end to; crush; stamp out; foil: to -- a rumor; to -- a plan 2. (v.t.) to cut, gash, or score 3. (v.t.) to injure so as to make harmless 4. (v.t.) to block or prop with a wedge or chock 5. (n.) a cut, gash, or score


1. (v.t.) to put into difficulties, especially financial ones: his obligations had -- him 2. (v.t.) to restrict in range, extent, amount, pecuniary means, etc: poverty -- one's way of living


1. (v.t.) to put into movement or circulation: -- financial assets 2. (v.t.) to marshal (something, such as resources) for action: -- support for a proposal


1. (v.t.) to put into practice (an idea or suggestion); do; effect: real people formulate and -- political ideas; most of the committee's recommendations were --


1. (v.t.) to puzzle; mystify; confound: all this duncical nonsense has my brains --


1. (v.t.) to raise up; lift: the horse -- its head and whinnied 2. (v.t.) to build; erect: to -- a monument in stone 3. (v.t.) to elevate the dignity of; exalt: God -- Abraham by making him the father of many nations 4. (v.t.) to bring up; rear: to -- children in a good environment 5. (v.i.) to rise


1. (v.t.) to recover or regain: to -- the stray ball; to -- one's independence 2. (v.t.) to put right or improve (a damaged relationship or unwelcome situation): he made one last desperate attempt to -- the situation; the disaster could have been -- 3. (v.t.) to bring back to a former and better state; restore; revive: his writing -- the past; to -- one's fortunes 4. (v.t.) to make amends for; remedy the evil consequences of; correct: to -- an error 5. (v.t.) to call to mind again; recall: the police were hoping he would -- the memories


1. (v.t.) to reduce the mental or moral vigor of, as by luxury: a lifetime of working in dreary jobs had -- his very soul 2. (v.t.) to lessen the vitality or strength of, as by indolence: the surgery really -- me for weeks afterwards


1. (v.t.) to reduce the violence of (a disease); to ease (symptoms) without curing the underlying disease: drugs to -- the pain 2. (v.t.) to try to mitigate or conceal the gravity of (an offense) by excuses, apologies, etc.; extenuate: tried to -- his blunder 3. (v.t.) to moderate the intensity of: trying to -- the boredom; did nothing to -- the bitter disputes


1. (v.t.) to reestablish or rename in a new and especially stronger form or context: its female empowerment aside, Black Panther does -- patriarchy and respectability in disappointing ways


1. (v.t.) to reestimate the value of, especially on a basis differing from accepted standards; reappraise; reevaluate


1. (v.t.) to release from slavery, servitude, or restraint: though he was an outspoken defender of liberty, this son of Virginia did not -- his own slaves until he was on his deathbed


1. (v.t.) to remove a burden from; rid of a burden 2. (v.t.) to relieve of anything oppressive or annoying: confession -- his mind of anxiety 3. (v.t.) to get rid of (a burden); discharge: -- their merchandise in the town square 4. (v.i.) to unload a burden; discharge: the vessels -- at the dock


1. (v.t.) to reproach or denounce vehemently; upbraid harshly; berate sharply


1. (v.t.) to rule out or prevent (a course of action, etc.); preclude; hinder: the decision effectively -- any possibility of his early rehabilitation; it was not his intention to -- the possibility of his children ever buying a home of their own in their lifetimes


1. (v.t.) to sacrifice 2. (v.t.) to kill as a sacrificial victim, as by fire; offer in sacrifice 3. (v.t.) to destroy by fire


1. (v.t.) to secure tightly; bind; fasten 2. (v.t.) to tie or secure (the body) closely or tightly; bind (often followed by up): he was -- up in a heavily padded suit; I found him -- up in his cupboard 3. (v.t.) to arrange for cooking by binding close the wings or legs of (a fowl)


1. (v.t.) to seize by the collar or neck: we -- the little fellow and brought him, struggling all the while, into the house 2. (v.t.) to detain (someone anxious to leave) in conversation: the reporters -- the witness for an hour 3. (v.t.) to lay hold of, seize, or take 4. (v.t.) (informal) to place under arrest


1. (v.t.) to separate into component parts: -- sandstone; -- demographic data 2. (v.i.) to break up or apart: the molecules of a gel -- to form a sol


1. (v.t.) to set (a belief or matter) aside temporarily; eliminate from consideration: -- off politics: he -- off the question of God himself 2. (v.t.) to place (one or more people or things) in the same category or group: he is sometimes -- with the 'new wave' of film directors; -- in a tie for third


1. (v.t.) to soften, moderate, or weaken (one's words), especially for the sake of decorum or courtesy: -- no words in stating his dislike 2. (v.t.) to perform or utter with affectation: -- the word in the manner of the old lady 3. (v.t.) to subdivide minutely, especially to damage by cutting up: the director -- up the play


1. (v.t.) to sprinkle or bespatter, especially to spray 1. (n.) a sprinkling


1. (v.t.) to stain: he refused to -- his hands with the blood of more killing 2. (v.t.) to impregnate or imbue (usually followed by with or in): they are -- with the follies of youth


1. (v.t.) to steal or take dishonestly (money, especially public funds, or property entrusted to one's care); embezzle


1. (v.t.) to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand: he -- the water with his sword; she -- him on the back with her rarella 2. (v.t.) to kill or severely injure by such 3. (v.t.) (especially of a disease) to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously: -- by polio 4. (v.t.) to affect mentally or morally with a sudden pang: his conscience smote him 5. (v.t.) to affect suddenly and strongly with a specified feeling: they were smitten with terror; children -- with the fear of hell 6. (v.t.) to impress favorably; charm; enamor: he was -- by her charms


1. (v.t.) to subject to two difficult situations or opposing pressures at the same time: the army has been -- by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits; wage earners were -- by inflation and high taxes


1. (v.t.) to subjugate or persecute by harsh use of troops 2. (v.t.) to force into submission or compliance, especially by violent measures: she was -- into agreeing to the fraudulent scheme; she had been -- into helping with the housework; the authorities -- the peasants into leaving their farms


1. (v.t.) to support; guarantee the basis of: one of the central motivations that appears to -- the indifferents doctrine in older Stoic theory; as with music, publishers are learning that controlling the platform can be more lucrative than owning the content—a shift that has -- a variety of publisher experiments with open or hybrid access models


1. (v.t.) to surround by a defensive structure, such as a rampart


1. (v.t.) to swallow greedily or in great quantity, as food: some smoke grass, a few get stoned, most -- large quantities of beer, and all use constantly a pathetically tiny vocabulary of dirty words; fanatics -- the words of their idol 2. (v.t.) to engulf; swallow up: the floodwaters -- trees and houses 3. (v.i.) to drink or eat greedily; guzzle; swill


1. (v.t.) to take advantage of (one who is foolish or unwary); deceive: he had been -- into believing that the documents were authentic; Americans too easily let themselves be -- by the preachments of their leaders in wartime 2. (n.) a person who is easily deceived or cheated; dupe


1. (v.t.) to take away; subtract 2. (v.t.) to withdraw; remove 3. (v.a.) to push or move below something


1. (v.t.) to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: he -- many new experiences on his European trip; their stories were told again and again in an attempt to -- the tragedy, to comprehend the incomprehensible 2. (v.t.) to take into the mind and thoroughly understand: -- information; students need to -- new concepts 3. (v.t.) to take in and utilize as nourishment : to absorb into the system: the body -- digested food; the sugars in the fruit are readily -- by the body 4. (v.t.) to cause to resemble (usually followed by to or with): the only faculty that seems to -- man to the immortal gods; the Churches -- to a certain cultural norm 5. (v.t.) to compare; liken (usually followed by to or with): philosophers had -- thought to perception 6. (n.) something that has undergone such


1. (v.t.) to taste or savor carefully or appreciatively


1. (v.t.) to tear roughly; mangle: the barbed wire -- his hands 2. (v.t.) to distress or torture mentally or emotionally; wound deeply; pain greatly: his bitter criticism -- my heart 3. (v.t.) to criticize forcefully or severely: her true venom seems reserved for the media itself as she -- our obsession with celebrity

chivy (chivvy, chevy)

1. (v.t.) to tease or annoy with persistent petty attacks; harass; nag: a boss with a reputation for -- his workers about every little thing; -- the new student mercilessly 2. (v.t.) to tell (someone) repeatedly to do something: an association which -- government into action; after becoming prime minister in 2014, Narendra Modi -- bankers to open accounts for everyone 3. (v.t.) to move or obtain by small maneuvers: -- an olive out of a bottle


1. (v.t.) to throw (a country) into violent social or political upheaval: a wave of mass strikes -- the Ruhr, Berlin, and central Germany


1. (v.t.) to throw into disorder; disarrange: hatless, with tie -- 2. (v.t.) to disturb the condition, action, or function of: it was -- by even the slightest damage; stress -- the immune system; unforeseen accidents may -- our most profound schemes of policy


1. (v.t.) to thrust (something) forward or upon a person, especially without warrant or invitation: to -- one's opinions upon others 2. (v.t.) to thrust forth; push out 3. (v.i.) to thrust forward, especially unduly; intrude


1. (v.t.) to utilize present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs); state a fact about the past based on inference or deduction, rather than evidence: the only measure of success here is how well the models -- climate


1. (v.t.) to utter with a particular tone or voice modulation 2. (v.t.) to give tone or variety of tone to; vocalize 3. (v.t.) to utter in a singing voice (the first tones of a section in a liturgical service) 4. (v.t.) to recite or chant in monotone: he -- a short Latin prayer 5. (v.i.) to speak or recite in a singing voice, especially in monotone; chant


1. (v.t.) to widen in scope; increase in size or intensity; enlarge; extend: -- an estate; a generous grant, enabling the library to significantly -- its collection of books on tape 2. (v.t.) to make great or greater in power, wealth, rank, or honor: exploited the situation to -- himself; an action intended to -- the Frankish dynasty 3. (v.t.) to make (something) appear greater; praise highly: a movie that -- the bad guys and makes the cops look like dopes


1. (v.t.) to wipe or wash away; cleanse 2. (v.t.) to cleanse of impurities or undesirable matter, as a wound


1. to enlarge in discourse or writing; be copious in description or discussion; add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing: to -- upon a theme


1. to explode with a loud noise; detonate 2. to pronounce with vehement condemnation; to issue denunciations or the like (usually followed by against): the minister -- against legalized vice


1. to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail (usually followed by against): to -- against isolationism


1. to solemnly promise (oneself or another) in marriage; betroth: were he not already -- to the Church


1. vanishing; fading away; fleeting 2. tending to become imperceptible; scarcely perceptible; tending to vanish like vapor


a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit and enjoyment of luxury and sensual pleasure; of, relating to, or characterized by preoccupation with luxury and sensual pleasure


a person with a strong or irresistible propensity for fantasizing, lying, or exaggerating; of, relating to, or characteristic of such


a curse, expression of ill-will


a department or branch of learning or activity


a deranged condition of mind or body; a disorder or disease; disorder or disturbance, especially of a political nature


a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action


a feeling that something evil is about to happen


a field of work or other activity in which one has special ability or training; forte


a fit of hysterical excitement or anger


a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair


a green or bluish patina formed on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces exposed to the atmosphere for long periods of time, consisting principally of basic copper sulfate


a ladylove; sweetheart


a place or receptacle for the bones of the dead


a place that is idyllic, unaffected by time, or remote from reality


a poem, speech, or song of lamentation, especially for the dead; dirge; funeral song


a point or period of highest development, greatest prosperity, or thelike


a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity


a psalmbook


a repository for dead bodies; of or relating to a tomb or interment; sepulchral


a reward or recompense


a sacred or holy place


a sign, token, or emblem


a slender, graceful woman or girl; one of a race of supernatural beings supposed to inhabit the air.


a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance


a small or large modeled representation or tableau of Mary, Joseph, and others around the crib of Jesus in the stable at Bethlehem, as is displayed in homes or erected for exhibition in a community at Christmas season


a small, rapid, jerky movement of the eye as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading)


a soft murmur; whisper


a soft murmuring or rustling sound; whisper


a song in celebration of marriage


a song or melody


a song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom


a sovereign or a state exercising political control over a dependent state


a spark or trace


a state of mind consisting of pure sensation or emotion without cognitive content


a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values, as in the case of uprooted people


a stipulation or condition


a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior


a tangled mass of prickly plants


an elevated tract of open country


an establishment or reestablishment of harmonious relations


an exact copy, especially of written or printed material


an indirect way of expressing something


an inferior imitation or likeness


an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt


an interval of time between the close of a sovereign's reign and the accession of his or her normal or legitimate successor; any period during which a state has no ruler or only a temporary executive


an intimate and exclusive group of persons with a unifying interest or purpose


an intuitive sense of what is linguistically appropriate


an opening


an ornamental arrangement of flower beds of different shapes and sizes


an outcast


affected or unnatural manner; manifestation of pride or vanity; assumed haughtiness


an airship; designed for or capable of being directed, controlled, or steered


an article of food


an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion; a saying


an easy gallop; to ride at such a pace


an undistinguished imitator, follower, or successor of an important writer, painter, etc


an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance


any shelter or lodging


any woman who uses her beauty and charm to obtain wealth or social position


anything very delicate or fanciful; delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metal wires, especially lacy jewelers' work of scrolls and arabesques


arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later


belonging to, or partaking of the characteristics of, both sexes; flaccid; feeble; weak; effeminate; unmasculine


cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine


causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous


containing or implying a promise; of the nature of a promise


containing or presenting the essential facts of something in a comprehensive but concise way


corresponding or similar in form and relations


cowardly or craven; unfaithful, disloyal, or traitorous; pusillanimous


daily; ordinary; commonplace

lowering (louring)

dark and threatening, as the sky, clouds, or weather; overcast; gloomy; frowning or sullen, as the face or gaze; scowling; angry


devilishly; damnably


diabolic magic or art; sorcery; witchcraft; the domain or realm of devils




direction or course


having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change


having a tendency to wander


having or susceptible to many applications, interpretations, meanings, or values


having protrusive jaws


having some secret or mysterious meaning


having the same border or covering the same area; being the same in extent; coextensive in range or scope


not offering any basis for exception or objection; beyond criticism; unimpeachable


objects, as coins, tools, etc., used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living


obligatory; compulsory


of an indefinitely large number in succession


of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color; showing or suggesting ill health, fatigue, unhappiness, etc.


of great force or vigor; stalwart


of marriage or wedlock; matrimonial; conjugal


of or belonging to a snake; snakelike


of or occurring in the morning


of or pertaining to what should or ought to be


of or relating to a river; situated or dwelling beside a river


of or relating to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable


of or relating to conflict or struggle within a group; mutually destructive or harmful


of or relating to dawn; auroral


of or relating to intervening spaces


of or relating to law or laws


of or relating to rain; characterized by abundant rain


of or relating to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth


of or relating to the dog days of summer


of or relating to the leg proper


of or relating to the method used by Socrates of eliciting knowledge in the mind of a person by interrogation and insistence on close and logical reasoning


of or relating to the mind; originating in or apprehended by reason


of or relating to the principles of architecture; resembling architecture, especially in its highly organized manner or technique of structure


of or relating to the river Styx or to Hades; dark or gloomy; infernal; hellish


of or relating to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean


of or relating to the spirit


of or relating to victory or victorious celebration


of or relation to swimming


of or resembling a fox; cunning of crafty


of serpentine or winding form; marked by strong, lithe movement




taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret


the action or practice of imposing fraudulently upon others; deception using an assumed character, identity, or name, as by an impostor; an instance or piece of fraudulent imposition


the disgrace or reproach incurred by conduct considered shameful; infamy


the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a community


the exact opposite or contrary


the face or countenance when considered as an index to the character; mien if mood


the feeling or state of being sated


the human brain, typically in regards to logical capabilities


the loss of full control of bodily movements


the lowest point; point of greatest adversity or despair


the state of being dressed in a careless, disheveled, or disorderly style or manner; undress


the state of being first in order, rank, importance, etc.


the state of feeling remorseful and penitent; compunction


the state or a period of flowering; an example or result of growth and development


the state or period of being a novice of a religious order or congregation; the state or period of being a beginner in anything; a novice


the state or quality of being approachable; an attack or onset, as of a disease; a sudden and strong emotional outburst


the stress and intonation patterns of an utterance; a particular or distinctive system of metrics and versification


to act or portray (a character in a play, a part, etc.); to assume the character or appearance of; pass oneself off as, especially with fraudulent intent; impersonate; to represent in terms of personal properties or characteristics; personify


to act to suit the time or occasion


to allow (something) to exist or happen; tolerate


to arouse to sharp annoyance or anger


to ask or plead for something earnestly


to associate on very friendly terms (usually followed by with)


to be generally recognized or established; prevail


to be indecisive


to be of equal force in opposition; avail


to be of older date than; precede in time


to become wrecked; fail utterly; to break down


to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor in reverence or worship


to betake oneself; go, as to a place; to go frequently or customarily; a resort or haunt


to bewitch


to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters; to carry on a petty, shifty, or unethical law business


to break or crush (something) inward (often followed by in); to break (a hole) in


to bribe or induce (someone) unlawfully or secretly to perform some misdeed or to commit a crime


to brighten with or as with golden light


to cast oneself face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration


to cause to be rejected; destroy the repute of; discredit or disprove


to cause to grow pale, weakly, or sickened


to cause to ripple or undulate, as water


to cease, as from some action or proceeding; stop


to change one's course of action, conduct, ideas, etc


to cheat, deceive, or trick


to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right


to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate


to close, shut, or stop up (a passage, opening, etc.); to shut in, out, or off


to compel (someone) to go


to compose or write, as a poem


to contract into wrinkles; pucker; to rise in short, irregular waves; ripple


to convert (anxiety) into physical symptoms


to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper


to cut down, reduce, or diminish; curtail (expenses)


to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution


to demand or claim; to assume as true


to deny knowledge of or responsibility for


to depart quickly, secretly, or unceremoniously


to destroy completely; wipe out


to detest utterly; abhor; abominate; to curse; imprecate evil upon; damn; denounce


to dissolve or melt away; to become soft with age or maturity


to disturb keenly or painfully; distress the mind, feelings, etc., of


to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use


to exist permanently and inseparably in, as a quality, attribute, or element; belong intrinsically; be inherent


to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedly or more than is necessary


to force upon or impose fraudulently or unjustifiably (usually followed by on or upon)


to form or mark the outline or boundary of


to take back or cancel


to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value


to work hard; drudge; hard work or drudgery


to work very hard or industriously at something (usually followed by away)


translucently clear; limpid


trifling; insignificant; nugatory; picayune; piddling


truthful; veracious


twilight; dusk




weight or heaviness of a person


well-being, prosperity, or happiness


whimsical; strange; otherworldly; supernatural; unreal; enchanted


whirling; spinning; rotary; liable or threatening to cause vertigo; apt to change quickly; unstable; dizzy


wildly fanciful; highly unrealistic

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