VT Quiz 11

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In a database, a ________ stores data in rows and columns. field table cell matrix


________ is the application of information technology to the field of biology. Bioengineering Bioinformatics Biocenosis Biofeedback


Which of the following is not a SQL relational keyword? SELECT FROM WHERE QUIT


In a transaction-processing system, ________ insures that transactions are either completed or not begun. consistency atomicity durability isolation


In a transaction-processing system, ________ insures that transactions, once completed, cannot be undone. atomicity consistency isolation durability


In blockchain, each block has a unique ________ that converts the data into an encrypted output of a fixed length. chain hash block code


A(n) ________ is a set of rules that are used to apply a knowledge base to each situation. difference engine cognitive computing system inference engine decision support system

inference engine

To ensure that a person does not misspell Wednesday in a field, a(n) ________ list can be used. master Find feature inference lookup


In a one-to-one relationship, both tables use the same ________ to link two records. primary key foreign key form query

primary key

To print data or display it in an easy-to-read format, a ________ can be used. record form table report


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