W. Geo. Ch. 4, Sec. 3-5, Page 2

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What are the basic land use patterns found in all cities?

1. RESIDENTIAL: including single family housing and apartment buildings 2. INDUSTRIAL: areas reserved for manufacturing of goods 3. COMMERCIAL: used for private business and the buying and selling of retail products

What are 3 factors that influence the location of cities in the world?

1. the availability of good transportation (river, lake, coast) 2. places with easy access to natural resources (i.e. Scaramento, CA grew after gold was discovered.)(Pittsburgh, PA is close to iron ore and coal sources; it became a steel-producing center.) 3. Because of the geographical advantages of cities, cities can serve as economic bases attractng businesses and people to work in the businesses. Cities are often places where goods are shifted from one form of transportation to another. For example: Chicago, IL on Lake Michigan is a transportation hub for goods produced in the upper Great Lakes states. Goods are sent to Chicago and then to the US and the rest of the world.

How can artificial boundarlies lead to conflict?

?? Please check this answer. When a conquering country imposes boundaries on lands it has taken over, the lines may not match boundaries that were previously in that location. This can lead to internal problems or war. For example: Africa is an example of how a boundary can divide groupos of people or put groups that have been long-time enemies together in 1 state. Parts of Africa were divided by Europeans in the 1800s, and the boundaries of Nigeria included lands of 3 different groups. They were forced to follow British rules. When Britain left, there was controversy over control of the lands. So 1 goup tried to withdraw from Nigeria, and a civil war broke out.

Which Urban Area Model on p. 89 shows the developement of transportation routes?

???? The Sector Model Sector Model: activities are concentrated in wedges or sectors, which may follow transportation lines or natureal features such as a river.

What is a megalopolis?

A megalopolis is formed when several metropolitan areas grow together. Example: The first US megalopolis developed in the Northeast; it is called "BosWash" megalopolis. It is the corridor in the northeastern US including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimaore, and Washington, D.C.

What is a natural boundary?

A natural boundary is based on PHYSICAL FEATURES of the land, such as rivers, lakes, or chains of mountains. For example: The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between partof Mexico and part of the US. Potential Problem: Usually, if the boundary is a river or a lake, the boundary is fixed in the middle of the body of water. What happens if the river changes course (Rio Grande does.)?

What is the difference between a natural and artifical boundary?

A natural boundary is based on physical features of the land such as rivers, lakes or chains of mountains; whereas, an artificial boundary is a fixed line generally following latitude or longitude lines.

What is an artificial boundary?

An artificial boundary is a FIXED LINE generally following LATITUDE OR LONGITUDE LINES. Example: The 49 N latitude line separates the US and Canada. Sometimes conquering countries impose boundaries on lands it has taken over. Example:

How do industrial and commercial land use patterns differ?

Industrial areas are reseved for manufacturing of goods; whereas, commercial land use is used for private business and the buying and selling of retail products.

Which Urban Area Model on p. 89 contains multiple outlying business districts and industry?

Multiple Nuclei Model districts, called nuclei, specialize in 1 urban activity, and are found throughout the urban area.

What is the central business district?

The central business district (CBD) is the core of the city based on commercial activity. Business offices and stores (and sometimes expensive housing) are located in the CBD.

What areas create a metropolitan area?

The city, its suburbs, and exurbs link togetehr economically to form a functional area called a metropolitan area.

What are suburbs and exurbs?

Urban areas develops around a main city called the central city. Suburbs are the built up areas around the central city that are political units that TOUCH THE BORDERS OF THE CENTRAL CITY or TOUCH OTHER SUBURBS that touch the city. Exurbs are smaller cities or towns with open land between them and the central city.

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