Warehouse Management

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A portable platform on which goods can be moved, stacked, and stored, especially with the aid of a forklift (2-way pallet, 4-way pallet, CP-1 pallet, Plastic pallet).

Conceptual Definition of a Warehouse

A site for storage and throughput of objects or data

Sit-down Counterbalanced Truck (Forklift)

A vehicle with a pronged device in front for lifting and carrying heavy loads. Sit-down counterbalanced trucks work well for long-run operations with very few on and off vehicle requirements.

Block stacking advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Inexpensive Easy (low effort) to implement Fast (short lead time to prepare and execute) Great flexibility Disadvantages: Limited to stackable products Temptation to overstock leading to product damage Does not support struck FIFO Honeycombing Low height utilization in tall building compared to racks

Mobile Racks

Also known as storage systems or storage units, can be used in your home and workplace to store a large number of things in an organized manner. These mobile racking systems are usually placed on wheels or rollers for better portability.

Pneumatic Tire Truck

Are similar t your regular car or truck tired, and are most commonly used outdoors. There are two types, solid pneumatics and air pneumatics. The wire pneumatics are filled with air, while the solid pneumatics are made of rubber and more puncture proof.

Drive-Through Racks

Are used with forklifts and pallet jacks. Systems let lift trucks enter from either side to access pallets. The loads are supported by rails that are attached to upright frames. Lift trucks can be driven through the upright to access the pallets.

Dock Design Considerations

Automatic dock levelers variations in truck floor heights Dock seals or shelters to proctologist's from outside weather, reduce hear loss, and prevent unauthorized entry Dock lighting illuminate entire interior of trailer

Typical cross-docking candidates:

Backorders Special orders Opportunity cross-dock

Lift trucks

Basis for significant warehouse productivity increases compared to manual labor based operations

Double-Deep pallet racks

Better storage density Expensive lift trucks Slower handling More honeycombing

Types of pallet storage

Block stacking Stacking frames Selective pallet rack (single-deep) Double-deep rack Drive-in rack Drive-through rack Pallet flow rack Push-back rack Mobile pallet racks

Blind receiving

Checker counts received quantity first without referring to accompanying paperwork

Truck Classification (OSHA)

Class 1 - electric counterbalance rider trucks Class 2 - electric narrow aisle and very narrow aisle trucks Class 3 - electric hand trucks Class 4 - internal combustion counter-balanced trucks (cushion tires) Class 5 - internal combustion counter-balanced trucks (pneumatic tired) Class 6 & 7 are for heavy duty outside applications

Aisle Width & Type of Lift Truck

Counterbalanced truck 12' AISLE Reach Truck 9' AISLE Drexel SwingMast 4 1/2' AISLE

Cushion Tire Truck

Cushion tires are made of smooth solid rubber and are fitted around a metal band. Cushion tires are best for smooth surface applications. primarily indoors or on loading docks. They also help with handling in smaller spaces, as they facilitate a smaller turning radius.

Basic Receiving Process (12 Steps)

Delivery appointment Verify ASN Dock assignment Safety check at dock Inspect seal and match # with ASN Inspect load-accept or refuse Unload unitized material Unload floor-loaded material Stage for count & final inspection Document and dispose of carrier damage Repalletize, label, ect. Put away into storage & cross-dock

Direct Putaway

Directly to storage, no stop on the dock. Also, directed by warehouse management system (WMS).

Reach Truck advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantage: Poor visibility for high lift man-down trucks Advantage(s): Camera & display (expensive) Programmable height selector Cabin tilt

The Six Key Warehouse Resources

Doors (enters and leaves the WH) Dock (loading dock space) Storage (any storage system) Personnel (people who make things move) Warehouse Management System (any process in a modern WH)

Order Picker Truck

Electric lift truck specifically designed for filling individual customer orders which require piece-part to case picking, rather than full pallets or unit loads.

Walkie Pallet Truck

Electric-powered lift truck operated by a person on foot also called Walkie, is defined as a walk-behind pallet truck with a mast for lifting pallets to heights.

Rider Pallet Truck

Electric-powered pallet jack in which an operator stands on an integrated platform while operating. They are designed to easily move products through a warehouse or distribution center.

Class 2 Trucks Types

Electric/Low Lift Pallet Truck Straddle Reach Double-Deep Reach Turret Order Picker Sideloader Hybrid

Lift Truck Design Issues

Ergonomics - interface of operator to machine Productivity - amount of goods moved or turned over in a given period of time Intelligent lift trucks - the direction the industry is moving in

Selective pallet racks

Every pallet faces the aisle-easily accessible Flexibility (multiple SKU's and load sizes Recommended for faster moving product Most common A tradeoff between storage density and handling cost

Theory of Constraints (E. Goldratt)

Every systems has a constraint that limits the system ability for throughput and ultimately money generation if we speak about a business.

Man-down Turret Truck

Expensive; Trucks are designed to provide maximum versatility in very narrow aisle (VNA) warehouses.

Pitfalls of Receiving

Failure to note damage Confusion of cause of damage Need to document damage with camera Poor control of inbound damage In-transit theft need when carefully counting and verification In-transit theft when voids in unitized loads In-transit theft when determining the share of intense check for high-volume operations Collusion theft to dishonest driver and dishonest receiving employs Collusion theft when carefully inspect of vehicle after unloading Need to recycle pallets or other load unitizing devices Improper cross-docking Improper balancing of work activities cause delays leading to long carrier waits, detention, demurrage, and stockout.

Challenges of Warehousing

Growing number of SKUs Increased customer service requirements Demands to reduce inventory Greater efficiency and space utilization Increased product customization Increased use of efficient equipment options Greater use of technology Role of partnerships and virtual integration of inventories Enhanced measurements and operational accountability Increased emphasis on globalization

Truck Classifications

Height tend to be either low (4 - 6") or high (up to 40") Mechanical Power assistance

Man-up Turret Truck

High Costs; Optimist stacking and order picking efficiency in very narrow aisles (VNA) and high racking.

Reach Truck for Narrow Aisles

Ideal for quickly placing or retrieving pallets from racks. Typically stays in the aisle, while another, more suitable machine moves pallets between the dock and the buffer area in front of the aisle.

Rider stacker

Ideal for stacking and retrieving goods at various heights, Rider stacker transports goods over short and longer travel distance and maneuvers in racking and shelving in tight spaces, ensuring low ownership costs.

Electric Pallet Truck/Low Lift Pallet Truck

Inexpensive solution for high intensity loading dock operations. Can maneuver well within trailer but cannot stack pallets.

Push-Back Racks

Is a pallet storage method that allows pallets to be stored from 2 to 6 deep on either side of an aisle, giving you higher storage density than other forms of racking.

Gravity Flow Racks

Is a storage system that relies on gravity flow to load, organize, and retrieve stored cartons or pallets within a warehouse. Maximizing space and efficiency, gravity flow racks will save your business money, improve your productivity, and increase safety for your employees.

Block Stacking

Is the cheapest pallet storage option May still require an investment in packaging (thicker cardboard, pallet corners, etc.) WMS Upgrades (calculating stackability, managing the new layout & addresses, minimizing honeycombing, managing weight limits, tracking expiration dates, etc.)

Possible Variations in the Process

Isolate from salable goods, select in the WMS Ship every carton with visible damage back to supplier Salvage and repair goods Destroy goods beyond repair Immediate and detailed checking Saleable condition vs. reconditioning needed

Key Warehouse Resource (KWR)

It is a component of a warehouse design or operation that is critical to the mission of the warehouse, is not easily acquirable or modifiable and has a finite or limited capacity, at least in the short term.

Wooden pallet

It is the workhorse of the industry Inexpensive (from $20 & up) Readily available from many sources for overnight delivery Can order or build you own for specific load sizes Do not have to order in large quantities to make it economical Stackable Special treatment for export may be required

Lift Truck Design Considerations for Loading/Unloading

Lift trucks with biggest, widest tired possible to reduce floor damage Lowered height for lift truck masts (Less than 83") for clear low trailer heights Specify side-shift attachment to move cargo away from trailer wall to allow for more precise stacking

Lift trucks Primary Functions:

Loading and unloading trailers at shipping and receiving docks Transporting materials to storage locations Placing materials on racks and retrieving them Picking and redistributing products to final point of use

Long-term Contract

Long-term contract is a contract to perform work for another over an extended period of time.

Plastic pallet

Lower weight Good load-bearing capacity Typically lower height Durable Stacks very compactly Easily customizable when ordered Eliminates loose nails and splinter in the WH Cleanable Expensive (100+) Even though cheap export pallets exist

Hand Trucks

Manually operated equipment generally used to move small items short distances.

The Plight of a Warehouse Manager

More: Smaller transactions to execute Items to handle and store Product and service customization to provide Value-added services to perform Returns to process International orders to receive and ship Less: Time to process and order Margin for error Young, skilled, English-speaking personnel WMS capacity

Block stacking factors

Multiple pallets per SKU Inventory turns in large increments (multiple pallets) LIFO discipline Relatively low ceilings (most products will not be stacked higher than 15-20 ft; the rest of the building height is not utilized)


Obtain from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source.

Swing-mast Counterbalance Truck

Operated to use on unimproved natural pallets and disturbed pallets designed to be used primarily outdoors.

Pallet Stacker Truck

Operator would typically sit or stand while driving like a counterbalanced, each or straddle lift truck.

Drive-In Racks

Pallets are placed so they can slide backwards on a rail, thus storing them more deeply and creating more space in the warehouse. Drive-In Racking involves the forklift entering the racking from one side to load or retrieve the pallets which are stored more deeply.

Class 3 Trucks

Pedestrian ("Walkies" - walk next to the machine while it is moving) Electric motors Electronically or manually controlled Powered vertical and horizontal movement

Common Classification

Private Public Contract

Private Warehouse

Private warehouse is a warehouse which is privately owned by wholesalers, distributors or manufacturers. Large retail and online marketplaces also have their own privately-owned warehouses.

Public Warehouse

Public warehouse is a business that provides short or long-term storage to companies on a month-to-month basis. The public warehouse is not only a facility where a company can store their products, but the public warehouse offers inventory management, physical inventory counts and shipping functionality.

Types of Warehouses (WH)

Raw material and component warehouses Work-in-process WH Finished goods WH Distribution WH/centers Fulfillment WH/centers Local WH Value-added service WH Commodity WH Bulk storage WH Temperature-controlled WH Household goods WH General merchandise WH Mini WH

Product flow in Warehouse System

Receiving Putaway Storage Order Picking Shipping

Traditional Warehouse Functions

Receiving the goods from a source Storing the goods temporarily Picking (selecting) the goods when required Shipping/releasing the goods to the appropriate user

Very Narrow Aisle Counterbalance Truck advantages

Reduces rack, product, and truck damage in high vertical storage Wire Guidance (Wire in the WH floor) Rail Guidance (Small lateral guide rollers on the truck run on WH floor mounted angle iron) Vision Guidance (Safety issues usually make it inappropriate for modern WH very narrow aisles.

Class 2 Lift Trucks

Rider operated Electric motors Load carried over wheels (not counterbalanced)

Class 4 Trucks

Rider operated Internal Combustion engine (ICE) Counterbalanced Cushion tires

Class 5 Trucks

Rider operated Internal combustion Counterbalanced Pneumatic tires

Class 1 Lift Trucks

Rider-operated Counterbalanced Electric motors Batteries

Value of Warehousing

Right product in the right place at the right time n the right condition in the right quantity at the right price.

Types of Racks

Selective pallet rack (single-deep) Double-deep rack Deep pallet lane racks Drive-in racks Drive-through racks Push-back racks Pallet flow racks Shuttle racks Mobile pallet racks Cantilever racks

Short-term Contract

Short-term contract is meant to provide temporary cover for the absence of a staff member for a minimum of 3 months and maximum of 12 months.


Sort inbound load(s) into multiple outbound loads. Mix existing warehouse inventory with inbound load(s) into multiple outbound loads.

Metal pallet (Aluminum, Galvanized Steel)

Special applications Durable Expensive ($300+)

Warehouse Functions

Storage and flow (Measured by capacity & throughput)

Cantilever Rack

Storage system designed to store long, awkward, or bulky materials of virtually any length. Also used in the storage of odd sized and/or awkward loads such as furniture. Good for long products. Sideloader helpful for narrow aisle width, forks wide apart for load stability, and base to rest the load on for stability while in movement Can be with shelving/decking

Case Flow Racks

System designed for maximizing depth space, case flow uses a conveyor that is slightly inclined to make vases or totes move easily along a sloped plane.

Double-Deep Reach Truck

The double reach truck has deeper access into the racking system, letting a forklift operator load/unload static pallets on both racks


The empty space that results by storing only one item in the storage area. Honeycombing most often occurs as cases or pallets are removed from the storage area. It can also occur upon receipt of the product if there is not enough to completely fill the lane or pick position.

Stand-up Counterbalanced Truck

The most common type of forklift equipment, counterbalance forklift trucks feature forks that protrude from the machine's front. There are no outraging legs or arms.

Receiving process

The process of receiving, checking and marketing incoming goods or materials and routing them to storage or the sales floor.

Walkie Straddle Fork Truck

The straddle design refers to mostly obsolete trucks whose outriggers are outside the width of the rest of the machine for better load stability. The outriggers must go under the pallet, thus making floor storage in the first level of racks impossible. To address that, straddlers have been replaced with reach trucks with horizontally moving masts or carriages with a pantograph design.

Slip Sheets

Thin pallet-sized sheets made of plastic, heavy laminated Kraft paperboard, or corrugated fiberboard used in commercial shipping.

Third-party Logistics (3PL)

Third-party logistics provider offers outsourced logistics services, which encompass anything that involves management of one or more facets of procurement and fulfillment activities.

Recyclable pallets (Environmentally friendly)

Typically pressed wood or paper Cheap but may have a lesser load capacity Typically within the firm's own supply chain Mostly for shipper rather than storage, and often one-way Has future potential as acceptance and technology improves

General Storage Truck Requirements

Unload Trailers Ramp issues for lift trucks Move pallets between different areas in the WH Ambient temperature storage Bulk storage Storage racking system Order picking

Very Narrow Aisle Counterbalance Truck

Very-narrow aisle truck (VNA) pallet carrying counterbalanced for truck with an articulating carriage allowing the forks to rotate 180 degrees within the storage aisle.

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