Warning Signs

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Bicycle Crossing

Provides you with an early warning that the road you are traveling on will have a bicycle crossing up ahead. Slow down and be on the look-out for cyclists entering and exiting the road. Remember the rules of sharing the road with cyclists.

Cross Traffic

Slow down and watch for cross traffic. Look carefully in all directions for traffic.

Lane Ends Merge Left

Tells you that one of the lanes on a multi-lane roadway will end ahead. In this example, the traffic in the right lane must merge left.

Left Lane Ends

Tells you that the left lane on the roadway will end ahead. You are required to merge right. This road sign is frequently installed in advance of the upcoming road work zone.

Divided Highway Ends

The divided highway on which you are traveling ends 350 to 500 feet ahead. You will then be on a roadway with two-way traffic. Keep to the right of approaching traffic.

Divided Highway Begins

The highway ahead is split into two separate roadways by a median or divider and each roadway is one-way. Keep to the right.

Road Entering Curve

The main road curves to the left with a side road entering from the right. Approach the intersection with extra caution. A driver preparing to enter the main road may not be able to see you approaching from around the curve and may pull out in front of you, leaving you little room to avoid a crash, if you are traveling too fast.

One Direction Arrow

The road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle. Before you reach such an extreme curve, slow down as much as you would to make a turn at an intersection.

Pavement Ends

The road surface ahead changes from a hard-surfaced pavement to a low-type surface or earth road. Slow down and check vehicle control on the changed surface.

Sharp Left Turn

The road will make a sharp turn to the left. Slow your speed, keep to the left, and do not pass other vehicles.

Sharp Right Turn

The road will make a sharp turn to the right. Slow your speed, keep to the right and do not pass other vehicles.

Highway Intersection Ahead

The road you are traveling on intersects a highway ahead. Slow down, look to the right and to the left for other traffic, be prepared to stop and yield to crossing traffic.

Left Curve

The roadway ahead curves to the left. Slow your speed and keep well to the right. The sign may be accompanied by an advisory speed placard, helping you navigate the curve safely. Remember that the speed specified on the placard is safe only under ideal conditions. If the road is covered in ice, snow or water, reduce speed even further. Remember, you should brake in advance and enter the curve at safe speed. Braking through the curve may lead to losing control over the vehicle.

Right Curve

The roadway ahead curves to the right. Slow your speed and keep well to the left.

Shoulder Drop Off

The sign is used where the shoulder is more than three inches below the level of the road. If you stray off the roadway and one wheel drops off onto a low shoulder or a soft shoulder, do not slam on the brakes or steer sharply to try to get back onto the roadway - you can easily lose control of your vehicle!

Loose Gravel

The surface of the road is covered with loose gravel. Go slow enough to keep complete control of your vehicle. Do not apply brakes suddenly or make sharp turns as this may cause a skid.


The traffic sign warns you that there is a bump up ahead on the road. Reduce speed and make sure to have both hands on the steering wheel as you approach the bump to avoid losing control of the vehicle. You should react in the same way when you see a DIP sign.


There is a low place up ahead in on the road. In most situations, a dip in the road is harmless. However, you have to watch out for low areas of the road when it is raining or just after the rain. Water may accumulate in the dip and driving through the water at high speeds may cause hydroplaning, a condition when water accumulates under the tire and you lose control of the vehicle. Slowing down when you see a dip road sign is always the safest choice.

Set of Curves (Left-Right)

There is a series of curves up ahead on the road. The road will first curve to the left and then to the right. The sign is frequently accompanied by a placard that indicates the recommended speed for the curve. Slow down to negotiate these curves safely.

Set of Curves (Right-Left)

There is a series of curves up ahead on the road. The road will first curve to the right and then to the left. The sign is frequently accompanied by a placard that indicates the recommended speed for the curve. Slow down to negotiate these curves safely.

Watch for Ice on Bridges

This traffic sign is usually installed if there is a bridge ahead and serves as a reminder to drivers that ice may form on the bridge even if the rest of the road is not covered in ice or snow. Slow down whenever the weather requires it.

Chevron Signs

This sign warns you of a change in direction or narrowing of the road. You may find several of these signs on the outside of a sharp curve or on approaches to a narrow bridge.


A circular intersection that usually does not include a traffic signal and flows in a counter-clockwise direction around a central island. Motorists must enter from the right - yielding to traffic already in the roundabout - and follow the circle to the right until the desired roadway is reached.

Railroad Crossing Ahead

A round yellow warning sign with an "X" symbol and black "RR" letters. This sign is posted a few hundred feet in front of the tracks and alerts you to slow down, look, listen, and prepare to stop. If necessary, roll down a window and listen carefully for an approaching train. If a train is approaching, stop! Do not try to calculate whether you can "make it" across the track. Never try to beat a train through the intersection. Passing is prohibited at all railroad crossings.

Side Road

Enters the highway from the right. One of the warning intersection traffic signs that can help you navigate an approaching intersection.

School Zone

Five-sided sign back on yellow is used only to warn of schools and school crossings. Slow down - school zones have a speed limit you must observe. Watch out for children crossing the street or playing. Be ready to stop. Obey signals from any crossing guards. New fluorescent yellow-green signs may also be used.

Island Ahead

Indicates traffic is permitted to pass on either side of a traffic island or an obstruction.

Added Lane

Merging is not required, watch for other vehicles changing lanes.

Cross Road

One of the intersection traffic signs. Another road crosses the highway ahead. Look left and right for other traffic. Be alert for cross traffic and regulatory signals.

T Intersection

One of the intersection traffic signs. The road you are traveling on ends straight ahead. Slow down and prepare to stop before turning. Most of the time, this sign will feature a YIELD sign or a STOP sign to remind you to give the right-of-way to cross traffic.

Y Intersection

One of the intersection traffic signs. There is a three-way intersection up ahead on the road, with all roads being of equal size and importance.

Narrow Bridge Ahead

Room for two lanes of traffic but potentially dangerous. Slow down and watch out for oncoming vehicles.

School Crossing Ahead

Signs may display horizontal lines indicating the point where a crosswalk exists. School zone crosswalk traffic signs may have a separate downward-pointing arrow plaque, which indicates the actual location of the crosswalk.

Traffic Signal Ahead

Slow down and be prepared to come to a complete stop on a red signal.

Sharp Turns (Left-Right)

There is a series of sharp turns up ahead on the road. The road will first turn to the left and then to the right. The sign is frequently accompanied by a placard that indicates the recommended speed for these turns. Slow down to negotiate sharp turns safely.

Sharp Turns (Right-Left)

There is a series of sharp turns up ahead on the road. The road will first turn to the right and then to the left. The sign is frequently accompanied by a placard that indicates the recommended speed for these turns. Slow down to negotiate sharp turns safely.

Advisory Speed

These cautionary signs show the safe speed around curves, corners, and off-ramps. It is often posted under other warning signs that warn you of the nature of the danger ahead. Keep in mind that advisory speed signs display recommended speed under ideal conditions. If the road is slippery and is covered in ice, snow, or water, you should reduce your speed even further to negotiate the turn or the curve safely.

No Passing Zone

This pennant-shaped yellow and black traffic sign marks the beginning of a no-passing zone. The sign is placed on the left side of the road, facing the driver. You may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane. If you started passing another vehicle and you see the sign up ahead on the road, you must complete passing before you enter the no-passing zone.

Truck Rollover

This sign identifies curves where trucks traveling at excessive speeds have the potential to rollover.

Winding Road

This sign indicates there are 3 or more curves in a row on the road ahead. The sign is frequently accompanied by an advisory speed sign. Slow down to the recommended speed before you enter the curves.

Two Direction Arrow

This sign is placed at the intersection. Yield the right-of-way or stop before turning right or left. You cannot travel straight through the intersection and must turn either right or left.

Lane Ends Ahead

This sign is used on multi-lane highways to warn you of a reduction in the number of traffic lanes in the direction you are traveling. Be prepared to change lanes or to allow other vehicles to merge into your lane.

Weave Area

This sign is used to warn that you will be merging with another roadway as some traffic is exiting and crossing your path. In most cases, it is installed at highway interchanges that don't have dedicated merge and exit lanes, where traffic entering the highway may intersect with traffic exiting the highway. In most situations, traffic exiting the highway through a weave lane has the right of way over traffic entering the highway.


This traffic sign warns you about a hill or a downgrade up ahead on the road. Slow down and be ready to shift to a lower gear to control speed and save brakes. Remember that making U-turns and passing other vehicles on hills is forbidden, these maneuvers become dangerous due to low visibility. If you intend to park the vehicle in the area covered by this warning sign, make sure to follow the rules of parking on hills. Always set the parking brake, leave the vehicle inappropriate gear and turn the wheels so the vehicle rolls away from traffic should the brakes fail.

Road Narrows

This traffic sign warns you that the road ahead is not as wide as the road you are currently traveling on. This sign is frequently used along with other warning signs that provide additional information regarding the danger, such as "LANE ENDS AHEAD" or "LANE ENDS MERGE".

Merging Traffic

Traffic may be merging into your lane from another roadway. Be ready to either change lanes or allow other traffic to merge into your lane. Merge signs appear on expressways just before expressway ramps. Drivers entering from the right must yield to traffic on the main route, and must make use of speed-change lanes to merge smoothly and safely with the main traffic flow.

Deer Crossing

Watch for deer crossing the road.

Pedestrian Crossing

Watch for people crossing the street. Slow down or stop if necessary. Remember that people crossing the street on the pedestrian crossing have the right-of-way. Slowing down is important since pedestrians may be obscured by parked vehicles and you may not see them the moment they enter the roadway. If you are traveling on a multi-lane road and the vehicle has stopped in an adjacent lane in the same direction of travel, be observant in case the other car has stopped for a pedestrian crossing the street.

Low Clearnace

When a bridge has an overhead clearance less than 14 feet, this sign is posted indicating the actual legal overhead clearance of a bridge or elevated structure. Do not enter if your vehicle is taller than the height listed on the sign. Overheight vehicles must take another route around restricted clearance.

Slipper When Wet

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed. Do not brake hard or change direction suddenly, if you need to negotiate a sharp turn, do so slowly. Increase the distance between your car and the one ahead. These actions are needed on all wet roads and especially on roads where this sign is posted.

Two Way Traffic Ahead

You are leaving a separate one-way roadway and entering a two-way roadway. Also used to remind drivers they are on a two-way road.

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