Wastewater Engineering

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tertiary treatment

The third level of sewage treatment; chemicals are used to remove all harmful chemicals and bacteria.

biological filter

A natural filtering system consisting of helpful bacterial colonies that convert pollutants in water to harmless nitrate

Cl2 vs. N a OCl

Cost,, N a OCl more expensive. Cl2 more stable. No Risk management for N a OCl. Safety training--much more with Cl2. Containment and Scrubbers required for Cl2.

A change in the pH of digesting sludge in anaerobic digester is the best early warning indicator of potential digester upset.


A grab or composite sample may be used interchangeably for all laboratory tests


A rise in DO will be accompanied by a drop in pH in a facultative wastewater treatment pond that is operating normally


Acre-feet is a measure of a wastewater treatment pond's surface area


Anaerobic bacteria prefer to live and reproduce in an environment containing free molecular oxygen


Mechanical aerators are often used to provide supplemental oxygen in a facultative pond


Most wastewater treatment plants have a separate Industrial wastewater collection system


Organic loading to stabilization pond is pounds of BOD per day per 1000 cubic feet of pond volume .


Sodium Thiosulfate is routinely used to dechlorinate a secondary wastewater effluent prior to its discharge into the receiving water


The glass tube on the front of a chlorinator cabinet, called a rotometer, measures the chlorine feed rate in units of pounds per million gallons of flow.


V notch weirs attached to a primary effluent launder measure the flow rate.


Wastewater ponds are usually started during the cold winter months in order to take advantage of oxygen's greater solubility in cold water as compared to warm water


A facultative pond is normally aerobic throughout its entire depth

False It's aerobic on top and anaerobic on the bottom

Comminutors cup up or shred large objects normally found in raw wastewater and remove them from the wastewater flow

False they cut up and shred but DO NOT REMOVE them.

Storm waster runoff flowing into a sewer through a flooded or unsealed manhole is referred to as INFILTRATION

False Infiltration from ground , Inflow from top


NH₄⁺ fuel of nitrification process


NO₂⁻ produced by nitrosomonas


NO₃⁻ produced by nitrobacter

Advantages of UV

No Cl2 residual, reduction in chemical costs, Less safety training, Avoids problems with nitrified effluent

ORP probe position

Show example of Q * T/A


The biological oxidation of ammonia/ammonium to the nitrite ion , and to the nitrate ion using the bacteria, nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.

cm2 centimeters squared

The cross sectional area that effluent flows through. UV dosage is proportional to this area. UV lamps bundled in narrow channels.


compounds that consist of one or more elements combined with sulfur


conversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas


converts nitrite to nitrate

primary treatment

first step of sewage treatment; eliminates most particulate material from raw sewage using grates, screens, and gravity (settling). Physical/Mechanical process

CEPT or advanced primary treatment

involves application of F e Cl3 and Polymer. Dosage and point of dose are important considerations


level of alkaline in a substance; pH 7.1-14. A buffer against rapid increases in acidity

Cl2 or sodium hypochlorite

oxidizers that oxidize dissolved sulfides to harmless sulfur, thus removing hydrogen gas

Mechanical filter

physical barrier to particles

point-source pollution

pollution that comes from a specific site

nitrogen fixation

process in which bacteria convert nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds plants can use to make proteins

chemical process

process that happens in the water or soil in the presence of other chemicals, no organisms are required


rapid growth of algae in bodies of water, due to high levels of nitrogen and often phosphate

ORP probe position

reactions with NH3 are not instant--allows time from point of addition of Cl2 and site of ORP probe to allow reactions to complete.

Ferrous chloride

reacts with dissolved hydrogen to form insoluble ferrous sulfides that precipitate out. Also removes H2S.


recirculation aquaculture system

CEPT energy savings

reduce organic loading to Activated sludge, Less air required. Reduction of DAFs in service. Loading to digester increased for gas production.

ORP probe

reduces the amount of Cl2. Cl2 by-products are toxic to bio-assy.

anoxic sediments

sediments lacking any oxygen.

negative feedback system

system that works to maintain the system as is, or maintain equilibrium.


the biological reduction of nitrate to nitrite and then to nitrogen gas


the process by which nitrites and nitrates are produced from ammonium by bacteria in the soil

nitrogen cycle

the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and back to the atmosphere

physical process

things being filtered by physical barriers like sand and stones

nonpoint-source pollution

water pollution that does not have a specific point of origin


water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground

Calcium Nitrate

Trade Name "Bioxide". Nitrate ion provides chemically combined O2. Bacteria use it instead of sulfate that produces H2S. Releasing harmless Nitrogen gas.

secondary treatment

Treating wastewater biologically, by using microorganisms to decompose the suspended organic material; occurs after primary treatment

A "launder " in a primary clarifier is a trough used to convey flow


A Parshall flume is often found in the "headworks" area of a wastewater plant.


A flame arrestor is a safety device commonly associated with an anaerobic digester


A graduated cylinder may be used to measure the settleability of mixed liquor


A major purpose of preliminary treatment is to protect pumps and other equipment from plugging, waring or possible damage


A one acre wastewater treatment pond operated at a depth of 3 feet holds approximately1 million gallons


A progressive cavity pump is often used to pump raw sludge.


A properly operating grit chamber should yield grit that is high in fixed solids ( inorganic material) and low in volatile solids


Although chlorine is a greenish - yellow hazardous gas at atmospheric pressure, some of the chlorine is a liquid when under pressure in a one- ton chlorine container


An air-lift pump is often used to pump return activated sludge in a so-called "package Plant".


Chlorine demand = Chlorine dose -- Chlorine residual


Daily visual observations of a wastewater treatment pond's color and surface condition should be routine for pond operation


Either pounds of BOD or COD can be used as a measure of the food applied to the aeration tank of an activated sludge plant


In an anaerobic digester, some organic matter in raw sludge is converted to other organic compounds and to gases


In some primary clarifiers water or air sprays may be used to push scum toward the scum removal point


MCRT refers to the average number of days that a "cell" or "Organism" spends in an activated sludge system.


Operators may use sludge blanket levels in primary clarifiers to adjust sludge pumping rates.


PRIMARY EFFLUENT is the wastewater flowing into an aeration tank in a conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant


Photosynthesis is an essential part of the biological activity occurring in a facultative wastewater treatment pond.


Pre-chlorination is used for odor control at wastewater treatment plants.


Raw sludge pumped from a primary clarifier generally contains about 3 - 6% total solids


Settling and scum removal are both important to the success of primary treatment


The F to M ratio is an important consideration in the operation of an activated sludge wastewater plant.


The lowest concentration of dissolved oxygen in a well-operating facultative wastewater treatment pond typically occurs just before sunrise because algae use up oxygen at night


The minimum operational depth of a facultative wastewater treatment pond is considered to be 3 feet


The presence of hydrogen sulfide CANNOT always be always be detected by its characteristic odor


The underdrain of a trickling filter both drains and allows ventilation to the typical standard rate trickling filter


The units ppm and mg/L are considered to be equivalent for wastewater calculations.


The volatile acid concentration is an important lab test used to monitor an anaerobic digester


Uneven weirs may result in short circuiting in a primary clarifier


Hydrogen Peroxide

(50%) strong oxidizer. Reacts with dissolved gasses to oxidize them to harmless sulfur, indirectly removing hydrogen gas.


Bacteria that convert ammonia into nitrite

Hydrogen Sulfide

Can be oxidized to sulfuric acid in the slime layer in a concrete pipe--destroys concrete


Chemical reaction in which electrons are gained by the oxidizing agent and lost by the substance being oxidized. Lost electrons cause bonds to be broken in the organic matter and thus destroy it.

Considerations for UV disinfection

Clarity of Water, Cleanliness of lamps, water hardness


Detention time. UV dosage proportional to detention time. Two or more bundles of lamps in a series in a channel allow longer detention time.

Oxidation Potential

Direct measure in millivolts, of the potential for electron transfer to the oxidating agent, Cl2. More Cl2 increases oxidation potential.. More organics lower the oxidation potential.


Dissolved oxygen, gaseous oxygen in the water

(mW) milliwatts

Power output of UV lamp. Dosage directly proportional to output of UV lamp.

CEPT benefits

Reduces H2S in digester gas. Reduces struvite in digester,, belt presses and centrifuges.

positive feedback system

a change that amplifies rather than reverses the change

biological process

a process occurring in living organisms


a state of balance

hydrogen sulfide

a sulfide having the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs


a value that indicated the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale of 0-14, based on the proportion of H+ ions.

anaerobic bacteria

bacteria that do not require oxygen to survive

Aerobic bacteria

bacteria that use oxygen for cellular respiration


biolochemical oxygen demand, amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic decomposers to break down organic materials

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