Water cycle

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Collection, what is it?

It is a low point where water comes together after running off, including oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and even puddles.

Condensation, what is it?

It's the next stage of water cycle. Condensation occurs when water cools down in the atmosphere and turns into small droplets. These droplets mix up with particles of dust and smoke forming clouds.

Evaporation, what is it?

It's the start up on water cycle. Evaporation occurs when the Sun heats up the water and it turns into water vapor, climbing up in the atmosphere.

But, how the water heats up?

Mainly, by the action of the Sun. Also water can heat up if you boil water on your stove.

So, does water cycle one time event?

No, it happens every day, again and again.

How does water cycle start?

The Sun heat on the water on the surface of the Earth

Run off and collection, what is it?

The water hit the surface and run to rivers, streams, ponds, seas, oceans, underground and so on.

What is water cycle?

Water cycle is the process by which water travels through the environment.

Does collection part of water cycle?

Yes, it is. As the water gather on ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans, puddles, the water become able to be heat up by the sun, again and again. For this reason we call it water cycle, something that occurs again and again.

Condensation can occurs on my glass of water?

Yes, it is. If you have a glass with cool water surrounded by warm moist air you can notice some water droplets around the glass surface.

Why the water cycle is so important for living things on Earth?

because water is essential for living things on Earth.

What is the water cycle?

it is a process...

Which events?

mainly evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff and collection.

Who would take part on the water cycle?

mainly the water and the Sun.

Condensation, what it is?

means gas to liquid. The water vapor is light, thus climb high and it cools down forming water droplets.

Evaporation, what is it?

means liquid to gas. In fact, it occurs mainly when the Sun heat's up the water on the surface of the Earth.

How clouds are forming?

mix up between water droplets, particles of dust and smoke.

What is a process?

A sequence of events

Precipitation, what is it?

As more and more water droplets are added to the clouds, then clouds get heavier and heavier. As clouds can't hold to much water droplets, they falls back to the Earth as rain, sleet, snow or hail. We call this action precipitation and it's part of water cycle.

Runoff, what is it?

As water fell back to the Earth (precipitation), some water is absorbed by the ground and some water not. Then this water moves downhill (runoff) after precipitation.

Precipitation, what is it?

Clouds get heavier and heavier till fell down to Earth like rain, snow, sleet or hail. Which one depends of the temperature of the air.

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