Waves Study Guide warm ups and vocab

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Sound is a type of mechanical wave and must have a medium through which to travel. Sound will move at different speeds when which of the following occurs?

The sound pitch increases

The speed of sound will be different if which of the following happens?

The sound travels through different materials.

How will a sound moving through air be different when it moves through water?

The sound will move at a different speed.

Which of the following is the best example of an object absorbing light?

A black sweater in the sun

Which of the following is most accurate regarding the speed of light?

The speed of light can change as it moves through different materials.

Which of the following is most accurate statement about both light and sound waves?

The speed of the waves can change depending on the medium

Place the following mediums in order from fastest to slowest for sound waves: gas, liquid, solid solid, gas, liquid solid, liquid, gas liquid, solid, gas

solid, liquid, gas

example of longitudinal wave

sound wave

Sound is different from light because it must have __________________. a vacuum to travel through a medium to travel through a definite source to travel from empty space to travel through

a medium to travel through


Distance from crest to crest of a wave

Which is not true about longitudinal waves? Sound waves are longitudinal waves Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal waves High pitch sounds have higher frequencies. Longitudinal waves have to travel through a medium

Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal waves

radio waves

Electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies

gamma rays

Electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies

Sound waves do NOT need a medium to travel. True False


Sebastian places a pencil in a glass of water and observes that the pencil appears to be broken. Which of these provides the best explanation for why the pencil appears broken?

Light rays are bent by the water in the glass.


Light that is bounced off the surface of an object


Light that is deflected from a straight path

Which of the following has a long wavelenght Police sirens Whistle Screeching tires Bass drum

bass drum

Which of the following best describes the radiation our planet receives from the Sun?

The radiation is in many different wavelengths.

When sound moves through a medium, it makes the particles of the medium squash together and spread out in other places creating a wave known as _______________________. beach waves transverse waves compression/longitudinal waves surface waves

compression/longitudinal waves

Sound waves move forward through air, pushing air particles together and pulling them apart. The areas of spread out particles are called ___________________. compressions diffractions rarefactions diffusions



Allowing light to pass through


Height of a wave


Highest point of a wave

A light wave is traveling through the air and then enters water. How will the light change?

It will move at a different speed.

Adrian is observing a piece of white paper. His eye perceives the paper to be white because his eye is receiving what kind of light?

Light in all the colors of the visible spectrum

Which statement is incorrect about light energy? Light energy travels as electromagnetic waves. Light is absorbed at a higher rate if the color of the object it hits is brighter. Refraction is when light bends when it passes through another medium. We can only see light if the wavelengths are in certain part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Light is absorbed at a higher rate if the color of the object it hits is brighter.


Lowest point of a wave

Which of the following is demonstrated when light bounces off of mirrors or shiny surfaces?


Our eyes perceive colors because of differences in which of the following properties of light?


Caleb is sitting near the window on a sunny day. When he closes the curtain, the room becomes darker. What property of the curtain allows it to make the room darker?

The curtain absorbs light.

Jason is swimming in his backyard pool and notices that sounds underwater are different than sounds above water. What best explains the difference in sounds?

The different speed of sound waves in water and in air

Ella is playing with a flashlight, observing how light behaves in different situations. Sometimes she sees the light bend, indicating that it is moving at a different speed. What situation would result in this change in speed?

The light moves from one material to another

The speed of light will change in which of the following situations?

The light moves through glass, then air.

Light rays from any light source travel outward in all directions along a straight path until they hit something. Which of the following best represents what occurs when light rays hit a glass of water?

The light rays will bend at the boundary of air and water.

The speed of sound is the measure of how far it travels in a certain amount of time. The speed of sound will differ depending on which of the following?

The material the sound is traveling through


The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.


The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart


rhythmic disturbance that carries energy

The glass of most fish tanks is considered to be _____________.


Sound waves travel at different speeds through different mediums. True False


Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelengths? Radio waves Ultraviolet Visible light Infrared


Sound can travel through everything but a ____________________. Solid Liquid Gas Vacuum


What portion on the EMR can be detected by the human eye?

Visible Light

A combination of all the wavelengths within the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum will result in which of the following colors?


Brooke wakes up in the morning to find a rainbow produced by light shining through the fish tank near her window. Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation produced the rainbow that Brooke saw?

White Light

Andy and Mario were playing baseball in the summertime. Andy was wearing a black shirt and complained about it being excessively hot. What characteristic of how light transfers would cause this problem?


White light is made up of

all the colors of light mixed together


allowing light to pass through, but blurring it so that images cannot be seen clearly

visible light

electromagnetic waves that you can see


impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light


light that is taken in by an object

Sound waves are a form of - transitional wave electromagnetic wave longitudinal wave

longitudinal wave

Black light is made up of

none of the colors

Sound energy is produced when things vibrate. As these vibrations cause air to move, the energy is carried ________________. in an up and down motion out in all directions through empty space in only one direction

out in all directions

Which has the longest wavelenght? radio, microwave, ultravoilet or infared


electromagnetic spectrum

the complete range of electromagnetic waves placed in order of increasing frequency


the matter (solid, liquid, gas) through which a mechanical wave travels

transverse wave

the matter in the medium moves up and down or back and forth at right angles to the direction the wave travels


the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time

example of a mechanical wave

water wave

longitudinal waves

waves in which matter in the medium moves back and forth in the same direction as the wave

electromagnetic wave

waves that DO NOT require matter to carry energy

Mechanical Wave

waves that NEED matter (medium) to transfer energy

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