Weather & Climate Test 1

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(Weather) is the study of the atmosphere and atmosphere processes. Meteorologists focus on short-term weather forecasting

Air Temperature

-Air temperature is one of the basic elements of weather and climate -Air temperature varies from place to place due to: Time of year (covered in Earth-Sun relations) Latitude Cloud cover Slope aspect Proximity to water Altitude Surface Cover

4 Ways Cities Affect Temperature

-Change of surface affects absorption/storage of solar radiation and release of terrestrial radiation -City surface impermeable (greater runoff) and less evaporative power -Heat sources (from heating, power generation, air conditioners, industry, transportation) add to temperatures -Pollutants in air act as a "blanket" over city and absorbs terrestrial radiation

Urban Cool Island

-Cities air temperature AND precipitation patterns erratic -Some studies have found an "urban cool island" effect 1. Cooler in mornings (longer for concrete/asphalt to heat) 2. Microclimate of buildings (shade) 3. Potentially more rainfall due to 1) increased particulate matter in air and 2) convection cells with buildings acting like mountains (orographic effect)

Cloud Cover

-Cloudy day Loss of energy through clouds (scattered, reflected and absorbed), so temperatures cooler on Earth's surface -Cloudy night Clouds trap terrestrial radiation leaving Earth, so temperatures warmer on Earth's surface

Daily Air Temperature

-Daily air temperature is controlled by a lot of factors: 1. Incoming solar radiation 2. Terrestrial radiation 3. Latitude; slope aspect; elevation; surface cover; etc. 4. Others (forthcoming) - e.g., winds, humidity, air masses, fronts -Daily air temperature varies rhythmically on a daily basis with minimum temperatures at sunrise and then temperatures climbing steadily throughout the day to a maximum temperature around 2 - 5 pm

Differential Heating - Land vs. Water

-Different surfaces reflect and absorb varying amounts of solar energy -Land heats and cools faster than water -Water has unique properties: 1. Water is mobile 2. Water is transparent 3. Water has a high specific heat 4. Water evaporates

Tilt of the Earth

-Earth remains at a constant angle relative to the plane of ecliptic -The Earth has a vertical tilt of 23 ½ degrees

Plane of the Ecliptic

-Earth revolves around the sun in a plane (called the "plane of ecliptic") -This imaginary plane is based on the plane formed by the sun and Earth's orbital path


-Earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit - 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes (365 ¼ day). -The day Earth is farthest from the sun is July 4th (94.5 million miles) - Aphelion -The day Earth is closest to the sun is January 3rd (91.5 million miles) - Perihelion -Earth's revolution does NOT cause seasons. Earth receives 7% more solar radiation in January.


-Earth rotates on an imaginary axis every 24 hours. This is what causes day and night. -At any one time, ½ of the earth is in darkness, while the other ½ is in light. The area of light is called the "circle of illumination".

Heat Energy

-Heat energy (thermal energy) - is the total kinetic energy in an object -Units = calorie, joule or BTU -Heat energy ALWAYS moves from higher temperatures to lower temperatures

Gases in the air

-Nitrogen 78% -Oxygen 21% -Argon .93% - Carbon Dioxide .036% - Water Vapor 0-4%

Slope Aspect

-North vs. South-facing Slopes* 1. North-facing slopes - receive less solar energy (cooler and more moist) 2. South-facing slopes - receive more solar energy (warmer and more arid) *in the Northern Hemisphere around 45°N **phenomena does NOT occur at equator, just mid-latitudes

Earth-Sun Relations

-Our solar system is heliocentric (sun-centered). -The Earth's diameter is 7,900 miles vs. the sun's diameter which is 864,000 miles -Earth is not a perfect sphere

4 Main Principles of Earth-Sun Relations

-Revolution -Rotation -Plane of the Ecliptic -Tilt of the Earth

Solar radiation

-Solar radiation is the ultimate source of energy that drives our weather -As solar radiation enters Earth's atmosphere, it is either reflected, scattered, or absorbed -Approximately 30% of incoming solar radiation is reflected or scattered (albedo) -Only 50% of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth and 15% absorbed by the atmosphere

Terrestrial radiation

-Solar radiation reaches Earth's surface and the Earth then radiates that energy (heat). -Terrestrial radiation and greenhouse gases (e.g., water vapor, carbon dioxide) are responsible for temperatures on Earth -Actual air temperature varies from place to place due to latitude, time of year, time of day, cloud cover, slope aspect, proximity to water, altitude, and surface cover

Summer Solstice

-Sun striking the Tropic of Cancer (23 1/2°N) on June 21st or 22nd (the day the North Pole is leaning the maximum towards the sun). Day length at the Arctic Circle is 24 hrs; Equator is 12 hrs; Antarctic Circle is 0 hrs. -Longest Day of the year

Winter Solstice

-Sun striking the Tropic of Capricorn (23 1/2°S) on December 21st or 22nd. Day length at Arctic Circle is 0 hrs; Equator is 12 hrs; Antarctic Circle is 24 hrs. -Shortest day of the year


-Temperature - is the measure of the average kinetic energy in a substance -When temperatures increase, molecules move faster and faster and the substance expands. As a result, in regards to air, heated air rises while cold air descends.

Stratosphere (10-50 km)

-Temperature inversion - increase elevation, increase temperature -Ozone layer (shields Earth from UV rays)


-The seasons are influenced by these 4 principles BUT is primarily controlled by the Earth's tilt. -Equinox occurs when the sun strikes the Equator directly and all latitudes have 12 hrs. of light and 12 hrs. of darkness -Solstice occurs when the sun is striking the maximum extent from the Equator (i.e., 23 ½° N or S). For the North Hemisphere

Temperature Lag

-There is a lag in daily air temperature between solar insolation receipt and heating 1.Insolation greatest at noon 2.Hottest time of day around 3 pm 3.Lag due to transfer of energy from the surface to the lower atmosphere by terrestrial radiation -Seasonal lags occur as well 1.Maximum insolation in June, however hottest temperatures in July 2.Minimum insolation in December, yet coldest temperatures occur in January 3.Coastal locations show even more lag times (August maximum temperatures; February minimum temperatures)

Urban Heat Island

-Urban climate warmer than rural climate due to the change in surface cover (roads, buildings, factories, etc.) -City components store more heat and release it more slowly -This urban heat island effect is most pronounced at night City temperatures hottest at 6-7 pm

Troposphere (0-10 km)

-Where most weather takes place -Increase elevation - temperature and pressure decreases

Role of the Atmosphere

-supplies oxygen for us and carbon dioxide for plants - shields earth from UV rays - acts as a blanket to hold in heat (greenhouse gases) & redistribute heat across the globe (wind circulation) -helps maintain the water cycle

** Over a 12 month period the Sun would shift across how many degrees of latitude? a. 0 b. 23.5 c. 47 d. 94


What is Geography?

A broad, all encompassing discipline that examines both human and physical phenomena that shapes the worlds environment and places.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A computer based map with information. One can then use the map & Information to manipulate, analyze and graphically display referenced information

** Isotherm

A line connecting locations having the same average temperature

Wind Chill

A temperature measurement that takes into account the effect of wind speed on the rate of heat loss from the body For example, actual air temperature may be 45°F, but the wind chill temperature is 34°F

Remote Sensing

A tool used in Geography that involves obtaining information (images) about an area without having physical contact with that area. Ex satellite, radar, infrared imagery

** Solar radiation reaches the surface of the Earth as: a. ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation b. ultraviolet radiation only c. infrared radiation only d. visible and infrared radiation only

A. ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation

** monthly mean

Add the daily means and divide by the number of days in a month

** The strength of the greenhouse effect in keeping surface temperatures warm can vary from place to place due to changes in -Elevation -Humidity -Cloud Cover -All of the above

All of the above

What is the Hydrosphere?

All the water areas on Earth. Includes oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and glaciers. (70% of Earth's surface)

What are the 4 main spheres of Earth?

Atmosphere, Hydrosphere ( and Cryosphere) , Biosphere, Lithosphere

** An efficient absorber of the radiant energy of the Earth is: a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. argon d. carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere

Changed over time

** Two cities are located at the same latitude, 40 degrees. City A is in the Southern Hemisphere and City B is in the Northern Hemisphere. Assume the two cities reflect the general characteristics of the hemispheres where they are located. Which city should have the warmer winter temperatures? a. City A b. City B c. Both cities should have nearly identical winter temperatures d. can not tell from information provided

City A

Heat is transfered in 3 ways

Conduction, Convection, Radiation

** A heat transfer process in the atmosphere that depends upon the movement of air is -Conduction -Absorption -Reflection -Convection


Dot Density Map

Dense vs. not dense areas

Chloropleth Map

Different categories and intensity

What is the ultimate cause of changes in daily air temperature?

Earth's Rotation

Topographic Map

Elevation or temperature differences

Proportional circle map

Emphasizing volume


Energy is transfered by direct contact


Energy is transfered by electromagnetic radiation


Energy is transfered by the mass motion of molecules

** Annually, on the basis of latitude alone, this latitude would be expected to experience the warmest temperatures: a. Equator b. 30 degrees c. 60 degrees d. 90 degrees


** T/F Cloud Cover reduces both the daily high and daily low temperatures.


** T/F The State of the atmosphere at a given time and place defines the term "Climate"


** T/F During a typical day, the lowest temp usually occurs around midnight

False, 6 AM

Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

GHG are responsible for the actual heating of the Earth. Without them Earth would be freezing with no liquid water. -Carbon Dioxide 56% - Methane 18% -CFC's 13% -Ozone 7% -Nitrious Oxide 6%

What are the 2 main branches of geography?

Human & Physical

What is the Cryosphere?

Includes all frozen water on Earth (Glaciers, Snow cover, permafrost)

Mesosphere (50-80 km)

Increase elevation, decrease in temperature

What is the Biosphere?

Is the zone of life that includes all of the Earth's plants, animals, and soil.

** New York City has the greatest length of daylight on: -June 21 -March 21 - September 22 - December 21

June 21


Leeward side of a mountain - drier area with desert conditions

Longitude Lines

Lines that go from 0-180 degrees east or west of the prime meridian. Always written second, also called "meridians"

Latitude Lines

Lines that go from 0-90 degrees north or south of the equator. Always written first, also called "parallels"

** Day to day changes in the conditions of the atmosphere: a. pedology b. astronomy c. meteorology d. climatology


** When is the earth closest to the sun?

Northern Hemisphere autumn

** Which relates to weather rather than climate? -Outside it is cloudy and snowing -The lowest temp ever recorded in Frozen Lake, Minn. is -57 F -the foggiest month of the year is december -I like warm humid summers

Outside it is cloudy and snowing

** Causes day and night: a. rotation b. revolution c. inclination d. parallelism


Flow line map

Show diffusion patterns

** Which of the following has the highest albedo? -Snow -Sand -Forests -Water


What kind of science is geography?


**Which of the following was NOT involved with the formation and evolution of our present atmosphere? -stratification -cooling -photosynthesis -outgassing



Study of weather conditions for longer periods. Climatologists focus on average conditions & predict long range changes.

What is the Lithosphere?

The Uppersurface of Earth's crust and all the landforms on Earth. Includes the surface of the seafloor.


The ability to do work

What is the Atmosphere?

The envelope of gas that surrounds the planet and is held by Earth's gravitational attraction (10 km)

** The Annual temp range at most latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere is much smaller than in the Northern Hemisphere. Why?

There is more area covered by water in the Southern Hemisphere

Time Zones

Time is dependant on longitude, there are 24 time zones on earth, time zones dont exactly coincide with meridians of longitude the zig-zag to match political boundries. *If you go right you add time, left you subtract time

** Land cools off faster than water. a. True b. False


** On an annual basis the low latitudes experience the warmest temperatures. a. True b. False


** T/F March is the beginning of fall in the Southern Hempshere


** T/F On an annual basis the low latitudes experience the warmest temperatures.


** T/F The lithosphere is rock layers at and beneath the earth's surface


** The seasonal shift of isotherms is greater over the continents than over the ocean. a. True b. False


Statistical Analysis

Using statistical analysis to verify a statistically significant relationship.

Thermosphere (80 km and higher)

Very few molecules - cold; essentially outer space


Windward side of a mountain - coastal area with a mild climate (cool summers; mild winters)

** Widely spaced isotherms indicate: -an impending weather shift -the presence of a mountain range -a gradual temp change rate -the absence of a temp gradient

a gradual temp change rate

Ionosphere (60-1000 km)

area dominated by ions (particles with electrical charges); area important for radio transmission and both northerly and southerly lights

International Date Line (IDL)

at the 180 meridian of longitude, where each new day begins and proceeds westward. The west of the line is always on day later than east of the line.

Monthly mean temperature

average temperature of the month (summing daily mean temp/# days in a month)

** Transfer of heat within gases or liquids is called: a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. advection


** A location along a seacost will probably have summer temperatures that are: -warmer -cooler -similar -none of these


High Albedo

cooler temperatures (absorbs less solar radiation)

** WOTF correctly describes the equinoxes -they occur in June and December -the vertical rays of the Sun are striking either the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn -days and nights are equal in length in all parts of the world -the length of daylight in the arctic and Antarctic circle is 24 hours

days and nights are equal in length in all parts of the world


displaying a phenomena in relation to area

** The absorption of terrestrial radiation by certain gases in the lower atmosphere is called the: -adiabatic effect -greenhouse effect -photon effect -gray-body effect

greenhouse effect

** In the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, between Christmas and New Years the length of daylight is?


** Water vapor represents which fraction of the air near the surface of the earth?

less than 4%

**Which of the following is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? -Oxygen -Argon -Carbon Dioxide -Nitrogen


** You would expect the greatest annual range in temperature to occur: a. over the interior of continents b. at the poles c. near the equatorial areas d. over the oceans

over the interior of continents


percent of sunlight reflected off of a surface

Annual mean temperature

summing the monthly mean temperature and dividing by 12

Daily mean temperature

the average maximum and minimum temperature for a day

Daily range of temperature

the difference between the high and low temperature on a given day

Annual temperature range

the difference between the means of the warmest and coldest month

** Almost all the weather on Earth occurs in the: -thermosphere -stratosphere -mesosphere -troposphere


** The Greenhouse effect causes the surface temperature of the Earth to: a. warm b. remain the same c. cool


** A poleward- moving northward moving in the Northern Hemisphere - ocean current is: -warm current -cold current -either warm or cold -warm in summer and cold in winter

warm current

Low Albedo

warmer temperatures (absorbs more solar radiation)

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