Web Application Development

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An HTML tag and an HTML element are the same thing.


VARCHAR is a MySQL data type used to store variable length strings.


Which of the following correctly illustrates the proper syntax for an HTML entity?


Which of the following is needed in order to get connected to the Internet?


If an HTML element has the style margin: 10px 20px 30px 40px, what is the number of pixels of margin spacing on the right of that element?


Which of the following is not a valid IP address?

Which of the following are the PHP script delimiters?

<?php and ?>

The syntax of an empty element in HTML5 is illustrated by which of the following?


The acronym API stands for which of the following?

Application Programming Interface

What is the problem that AJAX is so helpful in solving?

Avoiding the need to refresh an entire web page when only a part of it changes

To put a first table into a relational database that you have set up, what SQL command would you use?


The acronym DOM stands for which of the following?

Document Object Model

If you want one of the cells in your table to span three columns in that table, you would use the attribute or value pair numcols="3" on the appropriate table element.


If you want to place a list on a web page, you must enclose the list in an li tag pair.


In a typical client-server interaction, the first thing that happens is that the server sends a message to its client.


In order to begin web development, you first need to make sure you are connected to the Internet.


You should use UDP rather than TCP/IP if you want to be sure that every last bit of your transmitted data arrives safely.


What does the acronym FTP represent?

File Transfer Protocol

Which of the following is a false statement?

HTML tags are always in pairs

A simplified version of responsive design was achieved by using which of the following?

HTML5 and CSS3

Ideally, CSS styles should be placed in which of these locations?

In an external document linked to the document being styled

For which of the following things should CSS not be used?

Indicating that some text should be a paragraph

Which of the following browsers was dominant for many years but lost much of its market share by 2016?

Internet Explorer

When you are thinking about setting up a database for your business, which of the following is the least important?

Making sure you have a proprietary solution rather than an open-source solution

For which of the following do web developers have many other choices or alternatives?


Which one of the following commands is used most often to retrieve data from a database?


Which of these does not belong in the context of a relational database?


What is the first thing to appear in the definition of a JavaScript function that is to be used to validate web form data?

The JavaScript keyword function

What is used to help programs like a browser distinguish between various kinds of files?

The MIME type of a file

Which of the following can be used if we want a PHP script to display the date and time on our home page?

The PHP date() function for both the date and the time

JavaScript is mostly concerned with which of the following?

The behavior of a web page

Who is the person generally credited with starting what eventually became the World Wide Web?

Tim Berners-Lee

A title element is part of the basic structure of every web page.


Before submitting a web page to a validator, a DOCTYPE declaration should be appropriately placed at the beginning of the page.


Communication protocols are used by humans as well as by computers.


In general, if an opening HTML tag <tag2> follows the opening HTML tag <tag1>, then the closing tag </tag2>must precede the closing tag </tag1>.


Suppose you had a plain text file with a .txt file extension and you displayed that file in a browser. Then, suppose you changed the file extension to .html and, without making any other changes, displayed the file again. The most obvious difference you would notice would be any formatting, such as line breaks, in the plain text file would be lost.


The ! character appears in the opening delimiter of an HTML comment.


The Internet was at first called ARPANET.


Which of the following is not a common web protocol acronym?


Which of the following acronyms does not represent one of the "wireless" Internet service technologies?


Which of the following reasons is the best for using a browser add-on like the Web Developer add-on for Firefox?

You should validate any web page you are working on frequently as you are developing, and something like Web Developer makes this very easy.

The character used to separate a CSS property and its value is a semicolon (;).


JavaScript originated from the Java programming language.


JavaScript programs are compiled.


The acronym SQL stands for Standard Query Language.


Although CSS should be kept in an external file, JavaScript should always be included in the HTML document where it is used.


If a PHP script appears on an HTML page, it must immediately follow the opening body tag or immediately precede the closing body tag.


If you are at the command-line interface to MySQL and are using some database, the command to see a listing of all the tables in that database could be this one:VIEW tables;


In JavaScript, every variable used must be declared to have a specific type.


In PHP, if you want to send any data from a browser to a web server to be processed, you have to create a form, have someone enter data into that form, and then "submit" the form to the server.


In a CSS style rule for a font family, if there is a comma-separated list of properties, the generic font family to be used if none of the specific font families requested is available should be listed first.


In a company's database, the relationship between its Customer table and its Order table is likely to be a many-to-many relationship.


In a style rule like h1 {color: blue;}, color is called a selector.


True or False? In addition to its use on the web, PHP (like Java and C++) is also used for large projects as a "standalone" programming language.


When the primary key column from one table is placed in a second table to establish a relationship between the two tables, the column in the second table is referred to as which of the following?

foreign key

Which of the following elements is not a part of the basic structure of every web page?


What is the name of the built-in PHP function that can be used to generate a random number?


The two color values #ABC and #AabbCC are equivalent.


When a new kind of HTML form element attribute called an event attribute was used, when we validated our data, the particular event attribute we used is best described by which of the following?


When we decide that the values in one column of a table will be unique and will be used to identify the information in the corresponding row, we refer to that column as which of the following?

primary key

What is the value of the rel attribute in the HTML link element that links to a CSS style file for a web page?


For pedagogical or illustrative purposes, it is OK to put JavaScript in the document where it is used, because this makes it easy to see "everything in one place".


In JavaScript use of the method getElementById() is the preferred way to get access to a DOM object.


JavaScript is used for both client-side and server-side computing.


PHP is used for server-side computing.


The PHP include() function reports an error and lets the script carry on.


The em is one of the relative measurement units in CSS.


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