Web Development Quiz 8 (Chapters 8 - 10)

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Getting the first img element from a group (Page 271)

$("#caption img:first-child");

Selecting all elements with a specific ID (Page 233)


Selecting all elements in a class, like the "minus" class in this example (Page 233)


All adjacent siblings (Page 233)

$("p + div")

All children (Page 233)

$("p > ul")

All siblings (Page 233)

$("p ~ ul")

Selecting all p elements


Short way to code the ready event handler (Page 237)

$(function() { alert("The DOM is ready"); }); // (document).ready is assumed in this

Click event handler (Page 237)

- .click(handler) - Event handler runs when the selected element is clicked

Ready event handler (Page 237)

- .ready(handler) - The event handler runs when the DOM is ready

Coding img elements within a elements (Page 253)

- Allows them to be clickable and be able to receive focus - The href of the a element chooses which element is swapped and shown instead of the original when the element is clicked

Chapter 10 below


Chapter 9 below


Chapter 8 below


Moving the focus to a selected control or link (Page 235)


Getting the next sibling of an element or the next sibling of a specified type if the parameter is coded (Page 235)


Submitting a form (Page 235)


Get the text of an element (Page 235)


Setting the text of an element (Page 235)


Getting the value of a text box or other form of control (Page 235)


Setting the value of a text box or other form of control (Page 235)


Standard duration for effects (Page 263)

400 miliseconds or .4 seconds

Example of autofocus and placeholder attributes (Page 293)

<input type = "text" id = "email_address" name = "email_address" autofocus placeholder = "[email protected]">

What is the callback parameter (Page 263)

A function that is called after the effect has finished

What is JQuery (Page 258)

A javascript library that provides methods that make javascript programming easier, and are cross-browser compatible

What does setInterval() method return (Page 271)

An ID that can be used by the clearInterval() method to stop the function

What does the animate() method do (Page 273)

Changes the properties of a selected element

What does a form contain (Page 290)


What does toggleClass() method do (Internet)

Creates the specified class or removes it if its already there

Easing with animations (Page 279)

Determines the way an animation is performed, i.e., start quick and finish slow, start slow end quick - $(this).next().slideDown(1000, "easeOutBounce");

What does slideToggle() method do (Page 263)

Displays or hides the selected element based on its present state

What does Subresource integrity (SRI) do (Page 258)

Helps ensure safety from third party tampering

What does JQuery do

JQuery provides dozens of methods for common web features that make it easier to add JavaScript features to your web pages

JQuery Data validation (Page 304)

JQuery provides some selectors, methods and events for working with forms, but nothing for data validation. For this reason many developers use normal javascript semantics to test for data validation

JQuery cross-browser compatibility

JQuery works on all browsers

JQuery animate() method (Page 286)

Lets you change the CSS properties for an element over a specific duration

What are the two easings JQuery provides without downloading plugins (Page 286)

Linear and swing (Moves slower in beginning / end but faster in middle)

Using the pattern, autofocus, and autocomplete attributes in HTML 5 forms (Chap 10 slides)

Must be included in the attributes section of the element

Putting JQuery script element in head section (Page 258)

Must include the file for the JQuery core library, and must be assed through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) if not downloaded onto computer

How to load jquery code

Page 239

Editing the span element when you need to insert an error message

Page 241

List of useful JQuery selectors

Page 243

List of useful JQuery methods

Page 245

List of useful JQuery event methods

Page 247

Nice method / event call examples

Page 249

Basic JQuery effects methods

Page 263

Code for a slideshow

Page 269

Special animation attributes and effects

Page 281

Common HTML 5 controls for input data

Page 293

HTML5 attributes for data validation

Page 295

JQuery selectors for form controls

Page 297

JQuery event methods for forms and JQuery methods for triggering events

Page 299

Order of processing of animate methods (Page 275)

Put into a queue, unless coded in a specific way in the callback function of a previous animate method is still running while a second animate method is triggered

What must the position property be set to for the animate() method to work (Page 273)

Relative positioning

What does a reset button do (Page 291)

Resets all of the controls to their starting HTML value

How to code multiple selectors (Page 233)

Separate with commas

What does the css() method do (Page 285)

Sets or returns one or more style properties for the selected element

Why would we use the get method rather than the post method?

So we can bookmark the form

JQuery relation to JavaScript

Technically, JQuery is JavaScript

What do effects methods return (Page 263)

The object it called the effect on

Where is the thorough data validation done (Page 291)

The server (The browser does minor data validation)

What must you do when referring to the properties in the animation method (Page 273)

Use camel-casing or put in quotation marks

Difference between post and get method when submitting a form (Page 290)

When you use post the data is hidden

Syntax for animate() method (Page 273)

animate({properties} , duration , callback function)

Basic HTML5 attributes for working with forms (Page 293)

autofocus, placeholder

Useful animation methods (Page 277)

delay(duration), stop([clearQueue], [jumpToEnd]), finish([queue]) - All parameters in brackets take booleans as input

What two parameters does the hover method take (Page 258)

hover(inFunction, outFunction)

Difference between JQuery ready and JavaScript onload events (Page 237)

ready event will run any methods as soon as the DOM is ready, whereas the JavaScript onload will wait until all of the contents of the page is loaded

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