Week 5 Integumentary System Test

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Accessory Structures of the Skin

"NHS National Honor Society of skin Accessories" Nails Hair Follicles Skin Glands

Color Variation

(areas of brown, tan, black, blue, red, white, or combination)


(not regularly round or oval; halves of lesion do not look the same)

The ABCDE's of skin cancer

Asymmetry (not regularly round or oval; halves of lesion do not look the same) Border irregularity (Notching, ragged edges, poorly defined margins) Color Variation (areas of brown, tan, black, blue, red, white, or combination) Diameter greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser), although early melanomas may be diagnosed at a smaller size Elevation or Enlargement

Subcutaneous Layer (Hypodermis) SubQ* Position Cell type

Beneath dermis Adipose tissue ~~~~~~~~~~~


Conduction: Loss of heat from a warm body to a cooler object in contact with the warm body Ex- A cooling blanket may be used to reduce a dangerously high fever. The warm body of a fever is patient loses heat to the cooler object, the cooling blanket.


Each nail consists of a nail plate and a nail bed The whiteish thickened half moon-shaped region (lunula) at the base of the nail plate is the most active growing region. The Epithelial cells here divide and the newly formed cells become Keratinized


Injected into the muscles Ex- Antibiotic; pain med


hyper(high) hidrosis(sweating)= high and excessive amounts of sweating

Epidermis position cell type

outer Layer Stratified Squamous Epithelium ===========

The Epidermis is thickest on the ______ and ______.

palms and soles

Border irregularity

(Notching, ragged edges, poorly defined margins)


(Old cell) + Keratin = Harden & (XoX) ^pushed up^ (Old Cell) Process in which older cells are pushed outward, accumulate keratin then harden and die

1st degree burn

1st degree (superficial partial thickness): limited to the outer layer of the epidermis; erythema(redness), tenderness, mild pain. basically a sunburn

2nd Degree burn

2nd degree (deep partial-thickness): damages epidermis and some of dermis; painful, red, blisters

3rd degree burn

3rd degree (full-thickness) damages the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous. Burn is painless because it destroys nerves in the skin. Skin is dry and leathery. Color may vary from red to black to white.

4th degree burn

4th degree: Extends though full thickness of the skin into the underlying bone, muscles, and tendons.

Normal oral boddy temp=



================= Lacks blood vessels Keratinized Has Five Layers CLGSB Rests on Basement membrane

What causes Goode bumps?

A bundle of smooth muscle cells forms the arrector pili muscle which is attached to the follicle. This muscle is positions so that a short hair within the follicle stand on end when the nerve contracts. If one is cold or upset nerve impulses can stimulate the arrector pili muscle to contract producing goose bumps.

A hair typically grows for __-__ years, rests for __-__ months and then falls out, a new hair then grows in its place.

A hair typically grows for 2-6 years, rests for 2-3 months and then falls out, a new hair then grows in its place.

A healthy person looses ____ to __ hairs a day as part of the normal growth cycle of hair.

A healthy person looses 20 to 100 hairs a day as part of the normal growth cycle of hair.

Intradermal Injection

An injection in the dermis Example- the TB skin test

3 Kinds of skin cancers

Basal cell Carcinomas Squamous Cell Carcinomas Melanomas

Basement membrane position

Between Epidermis & Dermis ___________

How does a patient get a pressure ulcer(bed sore)

Blood vessels in the dermis supply nutrients to the epidermis interfere with blood flow may kill epidermal cells. Ex- when a person lies in one position for a prolonged period of time in which the weight of the body presses against the bed blocks the skin's blood supply. If cells die, the tissues begin to break down (necrosis), and a pressure ulcer (also called a decubitus ulcer, bedsore or pressure sore) may appear.

Five Layers of the Epidermis *know in order*

CLGSB Can Lucas Get Some bagles? Stratum Corneum Stratum Lucidum Stratum Granulosum Stratum Spinosum Stratum Basale (Basale cell carcinoma(cancer)

What is the diff between a callus and a corn? What causes calluses and corns?

Calluses: area on the skin that have been rubbed or pressed regularly, causing thickening usually of the palms and soles Corns: pressure or friction on areas of the skin causing thickening, usually on the toes.


Cells in the skin that synthesize keratin


Convection(Like an oven) the loss of heat by air currents moving over the surface of the skin. Ex- a fan moves air across the skin, consistently removing text layer of heated air next to the body

What are some causes of Hair Loss (alopecia)*term on test*

Decreased estrogen in women (Post menopausal) Certain medications (anti depressants) STRESS Certain hair products Cancer treatments (Chemo and radiation) Heredity Aging Hormone (Testosterone) imbalance in males

Skin and Its Tissues levels

EBDS ================ Epidermis _________________ Basement Membrane |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dermis |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dermis |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dermis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subcutaneous layer

Hair Follicles

Hair Follicles Epidermal Cells Tube-like depression Extends into dermis 3 Parts Hair root Hair bulb Hair shaft (Dead, Epidermal cells) Hair papilla contains nourishing blood vessels Hair color is duet type and amount of melanin Arrector pili muscle


Hyper(high) thermia(body temp)= high body temp exceeding 140˚F


Hypo(below) thermia(body temp)= low body temp under 95˚F

Subcutaneous Injection

Injected under the cutaneous layer Example- Insulin

Dermis Position Cell type

Inner Layer Connective Tissue ||||||||||||||||||||||||

Functions of the integumentary system

Protective covering—Impaired Skin Integrity Helps regulate body temp Houses sensory receptors Synthesizes chemicals (produces vitamin D*) Excretes Wastes


Protein in the epidermis, hair, and nails


Provide melanin Located in the stratum(horizontal layers) basal, and produce the Melanin that gives skin color and absorbs UV light.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation

The skin- redden, swollen, warm, and painful to touch.

How do we prevent the patient from getting a pressure ulcer?

Turn them regularly, massage the skin, lotion and medicated creme

What can you do to prevent skin cancer?

Wear long sleeves, sun screen, and stay out of direct sunlight. Especially if you're a sexy vampire! Perform a monthly assessment. Wear protective clothing and ultraviolet blocking sunglasses. Wear a broad brim hat when outdoors. Wear sunscreen with SPF of 15 or greater one half-hour before going outside. Reapply every 2-3 hours. Avoid tanning beds

Danger signs for skin cancer

abnormal characteristics of pigmented lesions(any abnormality of the tissue) summarized in the mnemonic ABCDE


blood vessels in affected tissue billet and become more permeable, allowing fluids to leak into damaged tissue.

During the aging process the number of melanocytes...

decrease and hair turns from grey to white (b/c a decrease of melanocytes)

Hairs develop from...

epidermal cells at the base of a tube-like hair follicle.


excessive growth of hair or the presence of hair in unusual places, esp. in women

Acne results from...

excessive sebum secretion.


greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser), although early melanomas may be diagnosed at a smaller size

Sebaceous glands contain...

groups of specialized epithelial cells and are usually associated with hair follicles

Eccrine Glands

most numerous sweat glands, common on the forehead, neck, and back, also cause sweat on palms and souls. They are in the deeper layer of the Dermis

Sweat is

mostly water and contains salt and waste products

Sebaceous glands

secrete sebum*(Oily secretions) which softens and waterproofs both skin and hair.

Sebaceous glands are not found on...

the palms and souls


||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| On average 1mm-2mm thick composes most of the skin and is "nipple" shaped Contains Dermal papillae Binds epidermis to underlying tissues Muscle cells Nerve cell Processes Specialized sensory receptors Blood vessels Hair follicles Glands

______ is the largest organ on the body

The Skin


Across the skin Ex-Nicotine Patch Diffuses through the skin

Regulation of Body Temperature

RCC Radiation Conduction Convection


Radiation: heat lost from a warm object (the body) to the cooler air surrounding the warm object. Ex- A person loses heat in a cold room.

Additional symptoms of Skin cancer

Rapidly changing lesion, a new pigment lesion, and development of itching, burning, or bleeding in a mole. Any of these signs should raise suspicion of malignant melanoma and warrant referral.

Technical term for skin cancer

Skin Cancer Melanoma = mela(pigment) noma(tumor)

Aging Process

Skin loses its elasticity. It folds and sags Skin wrinkles and sags Sweat glands and sebaceous glands decrease in number and function, leaving the skin dry. Hair growth slows, hair thins, and the number of follicles decrease. Males may develop baldness. Females may develop facial hair due to male and female hormone imbalance A decrease in blood supply to the nail beds imparts nail growth, dulling, and hardening them.

Stratum Basale

Stratum Basale — Deepest layer, basal cell layer includes melanocytes (Basale cell carcinoma(cancer)

Stratum Corneum

Stratum Corneum — outermost layer of dead keratinized cells

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Granulosum — 3-5 layers of flattened granular cells

Stratum Lucidum

Stratum Lucidum — only in thick skin, palms and soles. I'm tough, and soulful!

Stratum Spinosum

Stratum Spinosum — may layers of cells with large oval nuclei, that develop keratin fibers and become flattened

Sweat glands

Sudoriferous glands) Each gland consists of a tiny tube that originates as a ball-shaped coil in the deeper dermis or superficial subcutaneous layer


integumentary system

Apocrine sweat glads

located on axillary regions, groins, and around the nipples, the glads moisten the skin when a person is emotionally upset, scared, in pain, or sexually aroused.

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