Weeks 1 & 2 - Introduction and Survey Research, Week 3 - Attitudes, Week 3 - Job Satisfaction, Week 4 - Job Satisfaction, Week 5 - Job Satisfaction (Macro-Level), Week 5 - Happiness, Week 7 - Organizational Commitment, Week 8 - Organizational Commitm...

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(Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001)

A Meta-Analytic Review of 25 Years of Organizational Justice Research The results demonstrate the overall and unique relationships among distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice and several organizational outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, evaluation of authority, organizational citizenship behavior, withdrawal, performance). Distributive justice had high correlations with outcome satisfaction , job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust, agent-referenced evaluation of authority, and withdrawal Distributive justice had moderate correlations with system-referenced evaluation of authority, OCBs-organization referenced (OCBOs), and negative reactions Distributive justice was weakly related to OCBs-individual referenced (OCBIs) and performance Procedural justice had high correlations with outcome satisfaction, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust, and agent-referenced evaluation of authority Procedural justice had moderate correlations with system-referenced evaluation of authority, OCBOs, withdrawal, negative reactions, and performance Procedural justice had weak correlations with OCBIs Interpersonal justice was strongly related to agent-referenced evaluation of authority and moderately related to job satisfaction, system-referenced evaluation of authority, OCBIs, and negative reactions Interpersonal justice was weakly related to outcome satisfaction, organizational commitment, withdrawal, and performance Informational justice was strongly related to trust, agent-referenced evaluation of authority, and system-referenced evaluation of authority, and was moderately related to outcome satisfaction, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, OCBIs, withdrawal, and negative reactions Informational justice was weakly related to OCBOs and performance

(Ashforth et al., 2016)

A managerial lens on employee fit with dirty work (and also can be applied to other vocations). First, recruitment/selection involves overcoming individuals' aversion to dirty work by selecting individuals with an affinity for the work and providing a realistic stigma preview. Second, socialization involves helping newcomers adjust to distasteful tasks and to stigma by using targeted divestiture, developing perspective taking, helping newcomers manage external relationships, and utilizing desensitization or immersion. Third, ongoing management roles involve cementing individuals' fit by fostering social validation, protecting workers from dirty work hazards, and negotiating the frontstage/backstage boundary. The practices identified as congruence work highlight the important role that managers can play in facilitating adjustment for both "dirty workers" and presumably their less stigmatized counterparts. This research is important because a lot of other research focuses on professional occupations, and this one focuses on lower wage/not professional. This gets at longitudinal aspects of fit and how it could change over time and the tactics managers can use to help.

(Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999)

A meta-analysis of 128 studies examined the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. As predicted, engagement-contingent, completion-contingent, and performance-contingent rewards significantly undermined free-choice intrinsic motivation (d = -0.40, -0.36, and -0.28, respectively), as did all rewards, all tangible rewards, and all expected rewards. Engagement-contingent and completion contingent rewards also significantly undermined self-reported interest (d = -0.15, and —0.17), as did all tangible rewards and all expected rewards. Positive feedback enhanced both free-choice behavior (d = 0.33) and self-reported interest (d = 0.31). Tangible rewards tended to be more detrimental for children than college students, and verbal rewards tended to be less enhancing for children than college students. Careful consideration of reward effects reported in 128 experiments leads to the conclusion that tangible rewards tend to have a substantially negative effect on intrinsic motivation, with the limiting conditions we have specified. Even when tangible rewards are offered as indicators of good performance, they typically decrease intrinsic motivation for interesting activities. Although rewards can control people's behavior—indeed, that is presumably why they are so widely advocated—the primary negative effect of rewards is that they tend to forestall self-regulation. In other words, reward contingencies undermine people's taking responsibility for motivating or regulating themselves. When institutions—families, schools, businesses, and athletic teams, for example—focus on the short term and opt for controlling people's behavior, they may be having a substantially negative long-term effect. Main Takeaways: - If it's already something interesting, then tying tangible rewards to it can undermine intrinsic motivation - Main motivational theory in this paper: cognitive evaluation theory - According to CET, receiving verbal feedback increases intrinsic motivation

(Colquitt, Scott, Rodell, Long, Zapata, Conlon, & Wesson, 2013)

A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives Procedural justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes and the degree to which they are consistent, accurate, unbiased, and open to voice and input. Distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision outcomes, especially the degree to which outcomes are equitable. Interpersonal and informational justice reflect the perceived fairness of the enactment and implementation of decisions, with the former reflecting the respectfulness and propriety of communications and the latter reflecting the truthfulness and adequacy of explanations. With respect to social exchange theory, our results revealed that the significant relationships between justice and both task performance and citizenship behavior were mediated by indicators of social exchange quality (trust, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and leader-member exchange), though such mediation was not apparent for counterproductive behavior. The strength of those relationships did not vary according to whether the focus of the justice matched the target of the performance behavior, contrary to popular assumptions in the literature, or according to whether justice was referenced to a specific event or a more general entity. With respect to affect, our results showed that justice-performance relationships were mediated by positive and negative affect, with the relevant affect dimension varying across justice and performance variables. Main takeaway: you should look at affect and social exchange quality Such implications often revolve around redesigning formal policies to be more consistent, accurate, equitable, or correctable.

(Diefendorff et al., 2002)

A recent meta-analysis by Brown (1996) concluded that job involvement was unrelated to job performance. These authors did not believe they were unrelated and investigated further. Given the fact that work centrality and job involvement represent different constructs, use of measures confounding the two is inappropriate and may have contributed to the non-significant relationships with performance reported previously. The current study found that job involvement, when assessed with a recently published measure, is a significant predictor of supervisor ratings of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) and in-role performance, controlling for work centrality and other individual difference variables.

(Ruedy et al., 2013)

Affective benefits of cheating. People like to cheat for the thrill of it (cheater's high) without harming another person.

Williams et al. (1999)

Aimed at trying to increase public FS. FE also manipulated before FE was even a construct. Found that FS in private > supportive FS but negative peer rxn's > FS unsupportive but positive peer rxn's > FS is neutral and no peer rxn's > FS unssuportive and negative peer rxn's. Manipulations aren't complex, and can easily be applied in org: encourage FS, lower costs, and better relations b/n employees and feedback source.

(Maertz & Campion, 2004)

An integration of process and content theories of turnover. Classified people into 4 groups of turnover: -impulsive: quitting b/c lack of attachment (no job offer or advance plan) -comparison: quitting for alternative job (job offer but no advance plan) -preplanned: quitting with a definite advance plan (maybe job offer but advance plan) -conditional: quitting w/ a conditional plan (maybe job offer but ambiguous advance plan) Each type related to different motivations. Preplanned harder for orgs to avoid than other types. Another way of saying that people go through different processes of quitting. -Impulsive quitters had stronger negative affect than comparison and preplanned quitters ----------------> Link to impulse driven CWB's -Conditional quitters had lower contractual and constituent attachment than preplanned quitters -Comparison and conditional quitters had higher attraction to alternatives than preplanned and impulsive quitters -Conditional quitters had lower calculative attachment -Preplanned quitting was found to be less avoidable and less manageable

Levy & Williams (2004)

Appraisal effectiveness based off of rater errors and biases, rating accuracy, and appraisal reactions. Rater issues: - affect - motivation - accountability - attributions - perf ratings and liking Ratee issues: - motivation - reactions Structural and proximal variables: - lead to self-awareness then to behavioral change - need good, unique info from raters/ratings

Ferris et al. (2016)

Approach-avoidance framework of workplace aggression. Anger leads to approach-oriented CWBs, anxiety leads to avoidance-oriented CWBs. Abusive/undermining supervision (unambiguous motivations) elicits anger; ostracism (ambiguous motivations) elicits anxiety. Their work highlighting the differential emotional consequences associated with different forms of workplace aggression is of use to workplace wellbeing initiatives. In particular, by outlining how anxiety or anger arise in response to different forms of workplace aggression, their research allows for the development of more targeted (and useful) interventions designed to ameliorate stressful situations. That is, interventions designed to reduce anxiety would have little practical impact when dealing with abusive or undermining supervisors, but would be particularly relevant when dealing with workplace ostracism.

Lance et al. (2008)

Argue that we should take an ecological perspective instead of a psychometric perspective when evaluating multi-source feedback. The ecological perspective assumes that perceptions are adaptive towards goal attainments and people have certain affordances offered by their environments (including social environment). Thus, rating sources are assessments of behaviors and that these views are equally as valid as the actual behaviors themselves. Found support for this perspective, which is not something new but is underdeveloped psychometrically.

Dimotakis et al. (2017)

Assessment Centers's can motivate individual behavior that influences career outcomes There are mechanisms (internal/external resources) that can buffer individuals from downsides of neg feedback while allowing the feedback to be delivered. It is possible to deliver neg feedback while avoiding undesirable effects by capitalizing on boundary conditions (i.e. social support & implicit theory beliefs). Feedback seekers achieve better career outcomes of being promoted-Seeking is valuable for advancing one's career

DeRue & Wellman (2009)

Based off of FIT and law of diminishing returns; if resources are drawn away from the task to the self then we get distracted/nervous and the intervention doesn't work. People who have high feedback availability --> overall developmental challenge --> leadership skill development. People who have low feedback availability have a curvilinear relationship with overall developmental challenge --> leadership skill development. Implies that we need to look at social support more in the future.

Hunt (2016)

Basically, the title says it all: performance rating is a difficult process that has failed at times. Still, even though it's seldom implemented in a manner which is truly beneficial to employees and the organization it is necessary. You can't make many of the important decisions regarding employees such as compensation and promotion without it.

(Hale et al., 2016)

Blending theory on collective turnover and group adaptability, this paper develops a two-phase longitudinal model that explains how and why an individual-level turnover event has effects on collective performance. Phase 1 (disruption) is marked by a sudden and negative change in unit-level performance, while Phase 2 (recovery) entails a gradual increase in unit performance over time. ----------------------------> (Summers, Humphrey, & Ferris, 2012) In Phase 2, units recover more quickly if they lose an employee as opposed to a manager. They found that it will take 10 to 11 months to recover from an employee turnover event. Given these results, managers must understand that the impact of a turnover event on branch performance lingers for several months after the turnover event takes place, even after controlling for number of replacements. Branches with higher levels of interdependence may take longer to recover from a turnover event. Managers should be conscious of this impact and proactively work to balance interdependence (perhaps by using cross-training) so that members can fulfill multiple responsibilities.

(Kristof-Brown & Guay, 2010)

Book Chapter Review of Person-Environment Fit Defined most broadly, PE fit refers to the degree of compatibility or match between individuals and some aspect of their work environment. PE fit requires that a constellation of P and E attributes influence outcomes. Simply because both P and E are included as predictors does not imply that PE fit is at work. Supplementary fit (we fit because we are the same) is the basis for many traditional fit theories (ASA model too). This is great for teams! (think personality) Complementary fit is labeled demands-abilities fit or needs-supplies fit. The first one is the basis for traditional research on selection in which individuals are hired based on whether they possess the requisite abilities. The second one is viewed from the person's perspective and is concerned with whether the environment is meeting the individual's needs. Evidence from recent meta-analyses of PO fit suggests that direct measures of perceived fit (how does the person perceive the fit) generally have stronger relationships with attitudinal outcomes than do indirect measures of subjective fit, followed by indirect measures of objective fit (Table 1.1). Direct measures aren't always the answer though. Think about applicants versus incumbents. Maybe indirect makes more sense for a job applicant and direct makes more sense incumbents. There is a debate between indirect measures concerning whether you should be getting the information from the same source (subjective) vs different sources (objective). Not all fit are equivalent. Think about outcomes. How bad is it if there is misfit with a specific kind of fit? Sometimes it could lead boredom, sometimes it could lead to anxiety. The ASA model is discussed as an important antecedent to PE fit.

Ilgen et al. (1993)

Call for shift from cognitive processes towards contextual variables. Going forward: narrow the gap between research & practice, integrate b/n research & practice/findings, and look at other ignored factors (e.g. interpersonal relationships).

Landy & Farr (1980)

Call for shift from rating formats towards cognitive/information processing, including: how people make errors, perceptions/biases, where people store these errors, etc. Also emphasized to rate behaviors, not traits, and to not collect ratings for one purpose then use them for a bunch of purposes.

(Li et al., 2016)

Came up with proximal withdrawal states, which introduces the notion that people aren't always in control of voluntary turnover. We need to keep in mind reluctant stayer and leavers, who don't have much control over whether they leave or stay in an org. Reluctant stayers (those who want to leave but have to stay) are similar to enthusiastic leavers (those who want to leave and can leave) in affective commitment, job satisfaction, and job embeddedness, and that reluctant leavers (those who want to stay but have to leave) are similar to enthusiastic stayers (those who want to stay and can stay) on these dimensions. They found that job satisfaction and job embeddedness more strongly influence the intent to leave and job search behavior for enthusiastic stayers and leavers than for reluctant stayers and leavers. More important, they show that for those experiencing low control over their preference for leaving or staying (i.e., reluctant stayers and leavers), traditional variables such as job satisfaction, job embeddedness, and intent to leave are poor predictors of their turnover behavior. Focusing on enthusiastic stayers and leavers can significantly enhance the accuracy of job satisfaction, job embeddedness, and intent to leave for predicting actual employee turnover.

Kraimer et al. (2011)

Career mentor, program participation, LMX --> perceptions of org support development (OSD) --> turnover, performance. Perceived career opportunity (PCO) moderates OSD and performance, such that this relationship is stronger when PCO is high. Low PCO moderates OSD and turnover making this relationship positive, and high PCO makes this relationship negative = if there aren't opportunities here, then I want to leave, but in order to do that I need to perform well to be marketable.

Dahling et al. (2016)

Coaching skill accounts for practically meaningful differences in goal attainment between sales districts Some of these effects occur via gains in team role clarity that happen when managers resolve ambiguity with skillful coaching behaviors Coaching frequency is unrelated to performance when coaching skill is high Lowest sales goal attainment observed when low skill managerial coaches engaged in frequent coaching with subordinates

(Deci, 1971)

Cognitive Evaluation Theory: CET asserts that underlying intrinsic motivation are the psychological needs for autonomy and competence, so the effects of an event such as a reward depend on how it affects perceived self determination and perceived competence. Rewards can be interpreted by recipients primarily as controllers of their behavior (decrease satisfaction/need for autonomy/undermine intrinsic motivation) - OR - As indicators of their competence (positively informational, provide satisfaction/need for competence/enhance intrinsic motivation) Task-Noncontingent Rewards: given for something other than engaging in the target activity, such as simply participating in the study Task-Contingent Rewards: given for doing or completing the target activity Completion-Contingent Rewards: dependent upon completing the target task --- rewards are likely to be experienced as even more controlling - BUT - to the extent that the rewards do represent competence affirmation, implicit positive feedback could offset some of the control (however, expected to undermine intrinsic motivation at a level roughly comparable to engagement-contingent rewards) Engagement-Contingent Rewards: dependent upon engaging in the activity but do not require completing it --- predicted to undermine intrinsic motivation Performance-Contingent Rewards: given specifically for performing the activity well, matching some standard of excellence, or surpassing some specified criterion rewards = linked to performance = stronger control (to meet some standard) = a strong tendency for these rewards to undermine intrinsic motivation can also convey substantial positive competence information when the individual does well --- affirming competence, offsetting some negative effects of control.

(Meyer, Becker, & Vandenberghe, 2004)

Commitment researchers seldom address the motivational processes through which commitment affects behavior, and motivation researchers have not recognized important distinctions in the forms, foci, and bases of commitment. To encourage greater cross-fertilization, the authors present an integrative framework in which commitment is presented as one of several energizing forces for motivated behavior. The two most substantial changes involved (a) the introduction of a new concept, goal regulation, as a linchpin and (b) drawing a distinction between two forms of motivated behavior: nondiscretionary and discretionary. Goal regulation refers to a motivational mindset reflecting the reasons for, and purpose of, a course of action. The concept derives from, and builds on, self-determination theory and regulatory focus theory First, the inclusion of variables such as goal choice, self-efficacy, and goal mechanisms in the model should help commitment scholars explain and investigate the processes through which forms, foci, and bases of commitment affect work behavior. Second, by building the concept of goal regulation and the multidimensional view of commitment into the model, motivation scholars can now more thoroughly study how environmental factors like leadership, social influences, and the nature of work affect behavior. Finally, by recognizing distinctions among forms, foci, and bases of commitment, a deeper understanding of goal regulation, choice, and volitional action should be possible.

Maas & Torres-Gonzalez (2011)

Compared men and women appraise the attractiveness of an org and perceptions of bonuses depending on whether or not they're likely to be appraised by a woman in that org. Found that, for women, they found org attractiveness and perceptions of receiving bonuses spikes when they're more likely to be appraised by a woman, whereas for men this didn't matter.

Heslin et al. (2012)

Conceptual paper on social cognitive processes and the discrimination of stigmatized minorities to be discouraged workers. Discouraged workers are defined as looking for a job, but have given up b/c they're not even getting in the door. A stigmatized minority experiences discrimination, has low power, and are aware of those 2 things. Proposes that a large proportion of discouraged workers are stigmatized minorities. Access discrimination prevents a member of a subgroup to getting the full access to all selection methods (e.g. interviews), so this means there is obvious discrimination taking place outside of performance standards.

Dahling et al. (2012)

Conceptualized FO as a quasi-trait. Found FO --> feedback inquiry --> supervisor performance and LMX ratings. There's a strong relationship b/n feedback inquiry and the FE, but FO is the dominant relationship once you do multivariate.

Levy et al. (1995)

Concerned with initial intent to seek feedback and people changing their minds. Posited that high public self-consciousness would seek feedback more b/c feedback helps to reduce uncertainty about public self-image and you're focused on that. Found that public self-consciousness and social anxiety interact: low in PSC and low in SA = no FS; low PSC and high in SA = FS. Also found that self-esteem matters less in a private condition, and is strongest for semi-public and public contexts. Over time, FS falls for public contexts, but then increases over latter trials for semi-public and private conditions.

Skarlicki & Turner (2014)

Conducted 3 studies that showed manager biases. Study 1 showed that managers have a negative bias towards employees they know went through some sort of injustice (weird because you'd think it'd be the opposite). Study 2 found that the more you believe in a just world, the more you believe that the employee got what they deserved. Study 3 found that when you prime for moral identity, then the just world view doesn't matter.

Rosen et al. (2006)

Connects FE to (perceptions of) org politics. FE --> Org politics --> Morale --> Task perf & OCB. FE is negatively related to org politics because there is less role clarity and more ambiguity; org politics also become important when there are less resources so there's more competition. Orgs should develop FE to offset org politics to overall improve morale and performance. Used both OCB-O and OCB-I separately.

Anseel & Lievens (2007)

Connects FE to job satisfaction (long-term), using a Belgian sample. FE --> LMX --> Job satisfaction; but didn't control for role clarity or org perceptions of politics. Main contributions are the LMX mediator and the cultural sample.

Sparr & Sonnetag (2008)

Connects FE to personal control. FE --> personal control over decisions, personal control over information, and helplessness --> well-being. Didn't test FE favorable and unfavorable dimensions. Helplessness was the strongest mediator. Contributed culturally with a German sample.

(Call et al., 2015)

Context-emergent turnover (CET) conceptualizes turnover within flows of human capital resources (HCR), and defines "collective turnover" as the quantity and quality of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAO) depleted from a unit. The authors thought it was important to differentiate turnover rate change (turnover rate change over time) and turnover rate, since a static number of turnovers at the end of the year (turnover rate) is probably not telling the whole story. Uses context-emergent turnover theory to piece apart turnover into quality and quantity. Turnover rate changes have a negative relationship on unit performance, which is moderated by quality of turnover and turnover dispersion (how distributed turnover events are over time). Static turnover rates set the tone for the interventions and actions needed, as turnover rate change matters less when rates are high. In this situation, drastic actions may be necessary because modest changes are less likely to improve performance. In contrast, at lower turnover rates, small changes can matter. Thus, managers should be sensitive to small changes because these can accumulate into larger negative performance effects.

Smith et al. (2016)

Dark triad research related to impression mngmt and performance ratings. Found that narcissism and psychopathy matter; were unable to replicate previous findings for Machiavellianism from Boyle et al. (2012). For Narcissism: relationship b/n narcissism and task performance is stronger and negative for those that are high promotion focus, and helping relationship shows a similar pattern. For psychopathy: Similar relationships as narcissism...strongest relationship shown. Raises the question that are those with dark triad traits worse performers or are they rated worse by supervisors despite actual performance?

Steelman et al. (2004)

Development of the Feedback Environment Scale (FES). Proposes that the FE is made up of 7 dimensions: 1. Source credibility 2. Feedback quality 3. Feedback delivery 4. Frequency of favorable feedback 5. Frequency of unfavorable feedback 6. Source availability 7. Promoting feedback seeking Proposes that the FE is related to satisfaction with feedback, motivation to use feedback, feedback-seeking frequency, and LMX quality

Linderbaum & Levy (2010)

Development of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS). The FOS is made up of 4 dimensions: 1. Utility 2. Accountability 3. Social awareness 4. Feedback self-efficacy FO is also based on the protean career, in which individuals are responsible for their own career development.

Sheldon et al. (2014)

Dunning-Kruger effect and Peter Principle. Found that low EI overestimated actual EI and ability, and if accuracy is restrained then participants will attack relevance. Lower percentage of skill = unaware = unwilling to take developmental opportunity. Good performers + related to evaluation of feedback + related to intentions to self-improve.

(Schneider et al., 2003)

Employee attitude data from 35 companies over 8 years were analyzed at the organizational level of analysis against financial (return on assets; ROA) and market performance (earnings per share; EPS) data to see whether or not employee attitudes or the organizational outcomes come first. Although the implicit belief both in practice and academea is that the relationship runs from employee satisfaction to organizational performance, their data reveal some support for reciprocal relationships (for Satisfaction With Pay) and good support for the causal priority of organizational financial and market performance appearing to cause employee attitudes (OJS and Satisfaction With Security). To better claim causal inference, (for example) they should have put performance at T2 as the DV and performance at T1 and attitudes at T1 predicting it in a regression equation. This would have controlled for previous score on performance. If you cannot do an experimental study, this is the next best thing. These authors did not do it. Their proposed framework: (a) high-performance work practices are seen as leading to organizational financial and market performance through improvements in production efficiency; (b) financial and market performance yields increased levels of Satisfaction With Security (through improved benefits) and Overall Job Satisfaction (through improved reputation); and (c) financial and market performance also yields increased pay levels, resulting in increased Satisfaction With Pay, which gets reflected in improved production efficiency through the display of OCB. This framework is saying that we should focus on making employees productive (the I part of I/O) and that will lead to their happiness, whereas general organizational psychology would say we should focus on them being happy and that will lead to positive outcomes.

Gregory & Levy (2011)

Employee coaching using "manager-as-coach." Perceived quality of employee-coaching relationship influenced by transformational leadership and individual consideration leading to trust; EI leading to perceptions of empathy; IPT (no support); FE. Biggest predictor was individual consideration, but trust was also sizeable.

Yam et al. (2014)

Employees who choose late start times subject themselves to the negative stereotype of being less conscientious This stereotype leads supervisors to perceive late-starting ees as lower performers, but only among supervisors who prefer morningness

Dahling & Whitaker (2016)

Employees who hold an image enhancement motive are more likely to seek feedback from supervisors. This FSB mediates the relationship b/n the image enhancement motive and task perf. ratings, consistent w/ the self-concept enhancing tactician (SCENT) model. Political skill moderated this relationship such that the image enhancement motive related only to FS when political skill was high. Collected opinions about FS from supervisors. Based in socioanalytic theory that states personality traits are expressions of either an acceptance or achievement motive.

(Byrne, Peters, & Weston, 2016)

Engagement is a positive motivational state directed toward deriving meaningfulness at work. It manifests as the expression of affect, attention, and physical energy, which results in key behavioral and attitudinal outcomes, such as performance and commitment. The UWES may be a better measure in applied settings if the goal is to cast a wide net and gather information on multiple engagement constructs in order to find where a problem with engagement might light and develop a plan to remedy the problem. The JES is more recommended for research settings, when the aim is to extract and delineate between concepts. This study provides construct validity evidence of engagement. Engagement is distinct from commitment, and is distinct from and highly correlated with psychological meaningfulness. This study empirically found that engagement is not the same as the opposite of the burnout construct.

(Welsh et al., 2015)

Engaging in unethical behavior leads down a slippery slope of doing more increasingly unethical behavior, but inducing a prevention focus moderates this relationship by reducing one's propensity to slide down the slippery slope. They use social-cognitive theory to explain how the mechanism of moral disengagement can reduce ethicality over a series of gradually increasing indiscretions. They use time in this study, which is interesting.

(Adams, 1963)

Equity Theory: Individuals compare the ratio of their own inputs (e.g., contributions to the job, including effort, skill, ability, and time, among other things) and outcomes (e.g., compensation, rewards, recognition) to the ratios they perceive that referent others have

Heilman & Chen (2005)

Examined altruistic behavior b/n men and women in the workplace. Found that you tend to automatically assume that a woman will perform altruistic behaviors, but you don't expect it for men. Therefore, women are punished when they don't do these behaviors but aren't rewarded when they do, and men are rewarded when they do these behaviors but aren't punished when they don't. This holds true across different jobs.

(Crossley et al., 2007)

Examined how job embeddedness may be integrated into a traditional model of voluntary turnover. This study also developed and tested a global, reflective measure of job embeddedness that overcomes important limitations and serves as a companion to the original composite measure. Job embeddedness represents a general attachment construct that assesses the extent to which people feel attached, regardless of why they feel that way, how much they like it, or whether they chose to be so attached. Job embeddedness has been operationalized as a composite of two mid-level subfactors: on-the-job embeddedness and off-the-job embeddedness Both of these types have three underlying facets: -fit (employees' compatibility or comfort with work and nonwork environments) -links (formal or informal connections between a person and institutions, locations, or other people) -sacrifice (cost of material or psychological benefits that one may forfeit by leaving one's job or community) The global measure makes a lot of sense, because it allows for an infinite number of reasons someone could be embedded, whereas the composite measure only allows for 6 factors. However, this might not be the best global measure due to some issues with the items. If you're highly embedded with high satisfaction, then you have less job search behaviors than if you had low satisfaction; however, if you're not very embedded, your satisfaction doesn't matter and you're more likely to search for jobs either way.

(Luksyte et al., 2015)

Examined presenteeism (showing up to work when you're sick) under the black sheep hypothesis (we tend to evaluate the behaviors of others more harshly if they're similar to our behaviors because "you're making the group look bad"). When people were of the same race or sex, coworker presenteeism led participants to feel less positively and exhibit lower physical engagement (investment of effort, physical energies, and hard work toward task completion) and more organizational deviance (withholding of effort aimed at disrupting work processes) (Study 1). When coworkers were more racially similar to the participant, coworker presenteeism triggered fear of contagion and negative affect resulting in more organizational and interpersonal deviance (Study 2). Accordingly, managers whose employees work in teams should be made aware of these deleterious consequences of coworker presenteeism. To combat this, managers might either (a) formally establish explicit rules and procedures regarding attendance norms when one is sick, or (b) informally create a health-promoting culture for all employees.

Stauffer & Buckley (2005)

Examined racial bias in supervisory ratings using previous data from Sackett & DuBois (1991). Found that overall, white workers were rated higher than black workers for both black and white raters, but we see that especially for white raters (b/n group). Also found that black raters assigned higher ratings to black workers than to white workers than white raters did (w/n group).

Donia et al. (2016)

Examining motives behind OCB's (e.g. does a less selfless person get better rewards b/c they're perceived to making more of an org. contribution). Used supervisor and self-ratings for examining motives (prosocial values; impression mngmt; and org concern), and found that they were pretty highly correlated. Supports the idea that supervisors can pick up on your motives for doing OCB's pretty well. Collectivistic sample.

(Lee et al., 1999)

Expanded on Lee and Mitchell's (1994) path model of the theory of turnover. Suggests that people leave orgs for different reasons divided into different paths based on shocks or dissatisfaction. Paths take a different amount of time and are related to different types of shocks. The unfolding model Path 1: Shock triggers the enactment of a preexisting action plan or script. Person experiencing the shock leaves w/o considering attachment to org + alternatives. Levels of JS are essentially irrelevant. Impulsive decision. Path 2: Shock prompts the person to reconsider org attachment bc image violations occurred. Person leaves w/o search for alternatives Path 3: Shock produces image violations that initiate eval of both current job + alternatives. Leaving typically includes search + evaluation. More rational and thoughtful decision. Path 4: Lower levels of JS are the precipitator (instead of shock) 4a --- lower levels of JS become so salient people leave w/o considering alternatives 4b --- lower levels lead to job search + subsequent eval of alternatives (very similar to the Hom and Kinicki model) Path 3 was by far the most common path. Among accountants and nurses, for instance, more people reported leaving because of a shocking event than because of lower levels of satisfaction. The current study confirmed that different paths take different lengths of time to unfold. For example, leaving by paths initiated by a shock took less time than leaving by paths initiated by lower levels of satisfaction.

(Hom & Kinicki, 2001)

Expanded on the Hom-Griffeth (1995) model of job dissatisfaction and turnover. Supports the model that turnover is a slow-burn and involves multiple processing steps as a person comes to a decision to leave a company. Big turnover cite. However, it is hard to know for sure that the process functions as described by the authors. This model also mostly ignores involuntary turnover. Using a national survey of retail store personnel, they found that interrole conflict (family, personal, community) and job avoidance (quality, absent, effort, sick) influence turnover indirectly, and that unemployment rates directly affect turnover. Job avoidance represents an early phase of organizational withdrawal rather than a substitute for exit, as traditionally presumed. Job avoidance facilitates rather than dissipates the exit-inducing effects of poor attitudes. Organizations should thus regard excessive absences or tardiness as signs of impending resignation. If they punish avoidance acts, they may inadvertently provoke dissatisfied employees into taking further steps toward leaving. In sum. these findings endorse the advice that companies address underlying attitudinal causes of withdrawal rather than surface symptoms.

(Vroom, 1964)

Expectancy Theory: Expectancy is the perceived link between effort and performing at a certain level and reflects one's confidence in attaining a goal Valence is the desirability, attractiveness, importance, or anticipated satisfaction with outcomes associated with goal pursuit Instrumentality is the perceived probability that if the goal is attained, the outcomes will be received

Bolino et al. (2015)

Explores citizenship fatigue, or feeling worn out being attributed to engaging in OCB's. Taiwanese sample. Found citizenship fatigue to be very much a thing; everything revolves around what cognitive choice people are making. Supports conservation of resources theory.

Koch et al. (2015)

Explores stereotyping jobs (i.e. women should be in women jobs and men should be in men jobs) and individuating information (i.e. decision-making relies less on gender to make a judgment about somebody if they have more credentials about that person). This ties more into deep processing and bias. Discusses accountability as well. Meta. Results indicate that: -overall men are rated higher than women -individuating information was mixed; more information pointing towards competence made more of a difference in male-dominated jobs.

Koopman et al. (2016)

Explores the costs and benefits of OCB's. OCB's are related to a positive affect b/c people feel good about helping others; promotion focus strengthens this b/c those people like to take opportunities. OCB's are also related (-) to work progress goal, because too many OCB's can lead to less work done; prevention-focus strengthens this b/c people are scared about not getting work done. Found that the more you feel you're progressing through the work, the less exhaustion you feel, and if you aren't making the progress you want, then you tend to feel more exhausted. Maybe one should train ppl before worrying about selection.

Kluger & Denisi (1996)

Feedback Intervention Theory. Meta looking at the effectiveness of feedback interventions. FIT has 5 basic arguments: - behavior is regulated by comparisons of feedback to goals - goals are organized hierarchically - attention is limited - attention in normally directed to a moderate level of hierarchy - feedback interventions change locus of attention and thus affect behavior Meta showed that there are moderators to feedback interventions being effective. Perf. increases when directed towards task learning and task motivation. Perf. decreases when directed towards the self (internalization of traits)

Dahling et al. (2015)

Feedback environments seem to activate motives for both personal growth & development (instrumental) and image enhancement. When controlling for these personal motives, feedback environment perceptions show a non-significant direct effect on feedback inquiry. Feedback inquiry was significantly and positively related to supervisors' task performance ratings for those employees with a low image enhancement motive. Employees w/ high image enhancement motives tend to receive uniformly high performance ratings regardless of their inquiry levels.

Gregory & Levy (2015)

Feedback textbook. When in doubt, use this.

(Fiedler, 1967)

Fiedler's contingency theory: (situation focused) This theory is often credited as the first true contingency theory of leadership. The theory categorizes leaders as either task-motivated or relationship-motivated. In particular, contingency theory draws attention to three dimensions that may characterize a situation: (a) leader-follower relations, (b) performance goal clarity, and (c) formal authority or power. Fiedler created eight "situations" based on the various combinations of these three dimensions, which ranged on a continuum from the most favorable situation (i.e., strong leader-follower relations, high task clarity, and high power) to the least favorable situation (i.e., weak leader-follower relations, low task clarity, and low power).

Mero et al. (2014)

Focused on accountability. Measured managerial checking up for making sure that subordinates are monitoring themselves in order to increase accountability. The more you ask for clarification and justification for employees' work, then employees will work towards performance b/c the perception that the managers are checking up on them, so they're increasing accountability. Found that checking up on employees --> perceived accountability --> performance. Suggests that employees use managerial cues for performance.

Grant et al. (2009)

Focused on people actively seeking OCB opportunities rather than just responding to requests, in using the behaviors of voice, rational issue-selling, taking charge, and helping. There is the highest perf. eval when there's high proactive behavior and either high prosocial values and low negative affect; there is the lowest perf. eval when there's low proactive behavior and either high prosocial values and low negative affect. If I see you as valuing prosocial behaviors yet not doing them, then that doesn't sit well w/ me.

(Gino et al., 2011)

Found a robust relationship between self-control resource depletion and unethical behavior. Their results suggest that cheating may be the result of a self-regulatory failure: when self-control resources are depleted, people do not have enough cognitive resources to recognize the moral component of the decision they are facing, and thus give into the temptation to cheat. They also demonstrated that resisting unethical behavior consumes self-regulatory resources. This finding suggests that good conduct that involves refraining from unethical behavior may result in subsequent cheating. When moral identity was high (1 SD above its mean), depletion did not influence unethical behavior. Thus, depletion was not found to have an effect on people who had strong moral identities. Managers and organizations should focus on removing temptations, developing self-control, and monitoring individuals who are likely to be depleted (e.g., individuals who are frequently interrupted at work).

Rapp et al. (2013)

Found an inverted U relationship b/n performance and helping behaviors if a person has low time management. If a person has high time management, however, then high helping behavior had better performance than low helping behavior. Performance in this study was call activity. Supports that if you can't manage your time, then your OCB's can compete with your taskwork, and if you're a good time manager, then you are adept at making everything all work. Supports resource allocation theory.

Hekman et al. (2017)

Found clear and consistent evidence of conceptual model, suggesting that ethnic minorities and women who engage in diversity-valuing behavior tend to be negatively stereotyped and receive lower competence and performance ratings. Engaging in behaviors that increase organizational diversity hurts non-white and female leaders in the sense that minority leaders who engage in diversity-valuing behavior fall victim to negative stereotypes, even though this behavior does not appear to harm white or male leaders

LePine et al. (2002)

Found support that OCB is latent (reflective) as opposed to aggregate (formative). Meta. Emphasized that there should be more research done on moderators. Also found no empirical evidence for differences b/n OCB-I and OCB-O.

Rasheed et al (2015)

Found that all the study constructs—utility, accountability, self-efficacy, and social awareness including satisfaction with feedback—had positively significant impacts on performance, consistent with our Hypotheses 1 through 5 Hypotheses 6 through 9 were strongly supported by our finding that satisfaction with feedback positively mediates the relationship between the four measures of FOS (utility, accountability, self-efficacy, social awareness) and performance Results suggest that individual differences in accountability and self-efficacy may predict their satisfaction with feedback. Furthermore, satisfaction with feedback plays a fully mediating role between accountability and performance, and likewise between self-efficacy and performance, as their direct interaction with performance becomes insignificant in the presence of satisfaction with feedback

(Hausknecht et al., 2008)

Found that commitment, local labor market conditions, and job satisfaction predicted absenteeism at the unit-level. Found interactions among the 3 predictors as well, but found that absenteeism at the unit-level is highest for those w/ low commitment, low satisfaction, and low unemployment (less alternatives). A loose labor market from the organization's perspective means there are more workers than jobs. If this is the case, workers are less likely to act on their attitudes regarding leaving the organization.

Whitaker & Levy (2012)

Found that feedback sources who supply high quality and specific feedback help stimulate self-enhancement by influencing the emergence of feedback utility. That perception of feedback utility positively influence frequency of FS, perceptions of role clarity, leading to task and performance OCBs. Also linked LGO to utility, by having LGO moderate the relationship b/n quality and utility, such that this link is weaker w/ high LGO.

Wang et al. (2011)

From a within-person analysis, found that on days when customers mistreated a call-center representative more, a call-center representative was more likely to retaliate by sabotaging the customer. Negative affectivity was found to strengthen this relationship, while self-efficacy for emotion regulation, service rule commitment (the rules surrounding being professional and nice to customers), and job tenure were found to weaken it. The authors argued that those higher in negative affectivity are more sensitive to negative stimuli in their environment and are more emotionally reactive to those stimuli. As for job tenure, the authors argued employees who have longer job tenure may have higher automaticity in performing their jobs and can allocate more resources to regulating service-related emotions and behaviors in the face of resource loss due to customer mistreatment. Provide training to employees on how to deal with mistreatment from customers and encourage strong social networks among fellow coworkers. Both of these would be higher with longer job tenure, and since you cannot affect job tenure, you can artificially increase these instead.

Kim et al. (2013)

Grouped together the OCB motives. Found that prosocial behaviors and img mngmt are related to helping role cognitions, which are related to helping OCB. Coworker support moderates the earlier relationship, finding that low supp had a stronger relationship b/c individual diff's matter, and that high supp had a weaker relationship b/c individual diff's don't matter then. Org concern is related to voice role cognitions which are related to voice OCB. Org support moderates the earlier relationship, finding that low supp has a weaker relationship whereas high supp has a stronger relationship, b/c you need both org concern and org support for there to be really anything there.

Farr & Levy (2007)

History of PA. Used to focus on selection then shifted towards development. Basically mirrors historical info from Austin and Villanova, minus a few key examples: - Scott's Man-to-Man scale: rate everybody against 1 person you have in your head - Peterson's 12 Principles of Psych. Ratings - Wherry's model: Rating = true score + observations + random error + bias - Hermert Meyer: split PA into 2 parts: 1 for compensation and 1 for development

Heslin et al. (2005)

IPT on PA, specifically can we see how managers' IPT's affect views of performance and ratings. Found across 3 studies that overall, if a manager is an entitist then they don't notice performance changes over time, but if that manager is an incrementalist then they do notice performance changes over time. Found in a fourth study that we can use self-persuasion techniques to change entitists to incrementalists, at least over the short-term.

(Kish-Gelphart et al., 2010)

Identifies unethical behavior, which is different from deviant behavior and illegal behaviors. Says that unethical behaviors (and intentions) are due to bad characteristics, moral issues, and bad organization environments. Sometimes unethical behaviors are less of a slow-burn and spurned by reactivity. Although, workplace deviance, unethical behavior, and illegal behaviors have very similar antecedents. Is it worth separating these or should we combine them? Their results reveal that individuals who obey authority figures' unethical directives or act merely to avoid punishment (i.e., are lower in cognitive moral development), who manipulate others to orchestrate their own personal gain (i.e., are Machiavellian), who fail to see the connection between their actions and outcomes (i.e., have an external locus of control), or who believe that ethical choices are driven by circumstance (i.e., hold a relativistic moral philosophy) are more likely to make unethical choices at work.

(Lord & Maher, 1993)

Implicit leadership theory (ILT) originates from leadership categorization theory, which suggests that expectations and beliefs about the "ideal leader" serve as standards against which we compare our actual leaders. If a feedback loop exists, then individuals should update their ILTs when they are confronted with contrary evidence.

(Barsky, Kaplan, & Beal, 2011)

In contrast to traditional conceptualizations of organizational justice as representing isolated judgments stemming from a "cold" rational calculus, justice judgments are instead part of a "hot" and affectively laden appraisal process, emerging over time through the interplay of work and nonwork experiences as well as through emotions and moods. The authors' model argues that emotions is/are integral to the process of forming justice judgements, as appraisals of events inform both emotional reactions and justice judgments in a fast and reciprocal fashion, resulting in a phenomenological experience of bidirectionality or even simultaneity. We describe justice-related events as situations in which some external agent (e.g., supervisor, coworker, committee, etc.) acts in a manner that impacts an employee's goals. - integral and incidental emotion refers respectively to affective states that are either directly connected or not directly connected to a focal justice-related event. Incidental affect impacts the generation and nature of the justice judgment process.

(Zaccaro, Rittman, & Marks, 2001)

In this article, we focus on leader-team dynamics through the lens of ''functional leadership.'' This approach essentially asserts that the leader's main job is to do, or get done, whatever functions are not being handled adequately in terms of group needs. The authors are looking at vertical leadership and not shared leadership here. Functional leadership is distinct from other models of leader-team interactions by focusing on what needs to be done instead of what should be done In this article, we have specified a number of fundamental components of team effectiveness. These are succinctly categorized in terms of cognitive, motivational, affective, and coordination processes We have also suggested that as teams become more experienced and achieve a significant level of expertise, other members take over more of the leadership functions, while designated leaders retain their boundary spanning responsibilities.

(Maertz & Boyar, 2011)

In this review, the authors differentiate work-family (WF) research that conceptualizes and measures conflict as a consolidated level versus as a conflict event or episode. overwhelming majority of empirical studies focusing on people's "levels" of work interfering with family (WIF) and family interfering with work (FMW) and relationships between these levels and other constructs Theoretical Implications: First, there are two theoretically and empirically distinct research approaches to the W-F interface (levels vs. episodes). Neither approach is inherently superior, but researchers must match their approach to their research objective. Second, there is clearly construct proliferation with several highly conceptually overlapping constructs around enrichment (e.g., enhancement), whereas balance has varying meanings and measurements under a purportedly single construct Third, it seems that levels and episodes conceptualizations must be reconciled and integrated in some systematic Way and not simply accepted as completely independent ways of looking at conflict, enrichment, and balance. Practical Implications: First, managers can help employees prevent or avoid conflict episodes in the first place, perhaps through providing several key forms of flexibility or support. Second, managers can help employees resolve conflict episodes that do arise more effectively. The key is for future WF research to determine the relative efficacy of conflict resolution and prevention methods. In turn, these methods could be counseled or trained Third, managers may be able to create the potential for enrichment episodes to occur in the workplace.

(Robinson & Bennett, 1995)

In this study, they developed a typology of deviant workplace behaviors using multidimensional scaling techniques. Results suggest that deviant workplace behaviors vary along two dimensions: minor versus serious, and interpersonal versus organizational. Employee deviance appears to fall into four distinct categories: production deviance (leaving early, etc), property deviance(sabotaging equipment, etc), political deviance(showing favoritism, etc), and personal aggression(sexual harassment, etc). This is the dominant view of CWBs, but it is not the only view. Authors define employee deviance as voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and in so doing threatens the well-being of an organization, its members, or both. Organizational norms, or those prescribed by formal and informal organizational policies, rules, and procedures, are specified here because deviance must be defined in terms of the standards of a specified social group rather than in reference to a system of absolute moral standards. HOWEVER, we do not typically measure norms along with the behaviors... This typology incorporates personal forms of deviance which hadn't been done. This refocusing is important in light of growing concerns about reducing social injustice, discrimination, and interpersonal violence in workplaces.

Bordia et al. (2008)

Investigates revenge-seeking cognitions after a psych contract breach leading to retaliation (deviant behaviors). Uses social exchange theory, which may be related to the unfolding model of turnover (shocks model). The authors proposed that breach (a cognitive appraisal) and violation (an affective response) initiate revenge seeking. They found support for the overall model. In addition, self-control was found to be a moderator of the relationship between revenge cognitions and deviant acts. People high in self-control were less likely to engage in organizational and interpersonal deviant acts. Also, high self-control seems to have kept people from acting on the revenge cognitions. Relational breaches have stronger results than transactional.

(Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005)

Is there evidence that happiness (the frequent experience of positive emotions) causes successful outcomes? Review of evidence. The cross-sectional evidence reveals that happy workers enjoy multiple advantages over their less happy peers. Individuals high in subjective well-being are more likely to secure job interviews, to be evaluated more positively by supervisors once they obtain a job, to show superior performance and productivity, and to handle managerial jobs better. They are also less likely to show counterproductive workplace behavior and job burnout. Their review of the cross-sectional and longitudinal empirical literature suggests that happiness is positively correlated with indicators of superior mental and physical health. As for experimental literature, there is compelling evidence that positive affect fosters the following resources, skills, and behaviors: sociability and activity, altruism, liking of self and others, strong bodies and immune systems, and effective conflict resolution skills.

(Hackman & Oldham, 1976)

Job Characteristics Model (JCM): This model assumes that all jobs can be described along five core dimensions: (a) skill variety, or the degree to which a job requires a person to perform different activities; (b) task identity, or the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work; (c) task significance, or the degree to which the job has a positive impact on the lives of others; (d) autonomy, or the degree to which the job provides freedom and discretion in performing the work; and (e) feedback, or the degree to which the individual receives feedback on his or her performance. These five job characteristics impact employee outcomes (e.g., motivation, performance, satisfaction) through three psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility, and knowledge of results) and combine to determine the motivating potential of a job The model postulates that an individual experiences positive affect to the extent that he learns (knowledge of results) that he personally (experienced responsibility) has performed well on a task that he cares about (experienced meaningfulness) Skill variety, task identity, and task significance contribute to experienced meaningfulness; autonomy contributes to experienced responsibility; feedback contributes to knowledge of results The potential of a job to enhance internal work motivation is highest when: 1) Job is high on one of the 3 dimensions leading to experienced meaningfulness 2) Job is high on autonomy 3) Job is high on feedback Higher correlations btw attitudinal states and employee outcomes than btw job characteristics and outcomes ---> more distal outcomes Outcomes: high internal work motivation, high quality work performance, high satisfaction with the work, low absenteeism and turnover.

(Hausknecht, Sturman, & Roberson, 2011)

Justice as a dynamic construct: Effects of individual trajectories on distal work outcomes The authors conducted longitudinal, confirmatory factor, and regression analyses. Findings also reveal that change in procedural justice perceptions affected distal work outcomes more strongly than any other justice dimension. Given our findings that justice trajectories influence employees' distal attitudes and intentions, managers may find it useful to consider employees' unique histories of perceived treatment. When doing attitude survey, don't just look at a single survey result. Consider the present results in combination with past results.

(Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995)

LMX theory is best described in the relationship domain. Leadership should be assessed in multiple domains: the leader (charisma), the follower (follower innovative role expectations; follower's attitude toward innovation), and the dyadic leadership relationship (LMX) Stages of LMX Theory 1) Stage 1: Discovery of Differentiated Dyads: when asked to describe the behavior of their manager, different professionals generated very different descriptions of the same person. 2) Stage 2: Focus on the Relationship and its Outcomes: (1) development of LMX relationships is influenced by characteristics and behaviors of leaders and members and occurs through a role-making process, and (2) higher-quality LMX relationships have very positive outcomes for leaders, followers, work units, and the organization in general. 3) Stage 3: Description of Dyadic Partnership Building: Using this approach, emphasis is placed not on how managers discriminate among their people but rather on how they may work with each person on a one-on-one basis to develop a partnership with each of them. ---> Leadership Making: Stranger > Acquaintance > Maturity ---> The thrust of this stage is that since these relationships are beneficial for dyadic members and organizations, managers should be encouraged (and trained) to make the offer of high quality relationship (partnership) building to all of their subordinates. 4) Stage 4: Expansion of Dyadic Partnership to Group and Network levels: rather than independent dyads, LMX should be viewed as systems of interdependent dyadic relationships, or network assemblies. ---> involves investigating patterns of relationship quality within the leadership structure, taking into consideration the criticality of relationships for task performance, as well as the effects of differentiated relationships on each other and on the entire structure. LMX is both transactional and transformational: it begins as transactional social exchange and evolves into transformational social exchange. ---> Think of Judge & Piccolo (2004)

(Bass, 1985)

Laissez-faire leader behaviors Transactional leadership: -Active management-by-exception takes place when leaders focus vigorously on followers' mistakes and failures to meet standards -Passive management-by-exception managers do not actively monitor for mistakes; instead, they wait until the mistakes are of such consequence that they can no longer be ignored. -Contingent reward involves managers setting goals, providing feedback, and ensuring that employee behaviors have consequences, both positive and negative. Transformational Leadership: Idealized influence: these behaviors include providing a vision for the future and creating a collective sense of mission. Inspirational motivation: encourages employees to achieve more than what was thought possible, either by themselves or by those around them. Intellectual stimulation: encourage employees to think for themselves, question their own commonly held assumptions, reframe problems, and approach matters in innovative ways. Individualized consideration: characterizes leaders who pay special attention to employees' personal needs for achievement and development and act as mentors

(Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975)

Leader-member exchange theory LMX (relational theory) LMX is a theory of neither leader nor follower traits or behaviors; instead, it focuses primarily on the leader-follower dyad. High-quality LMX relationships are defined by mutual support, trust, liking, provision of latitude, attention, and loyalty Downward influence, role distinctions, social distance, contractual obligations, and distrust, have been used to define low-quality LMX.

Ely et al. (2010)

Leadership coaching. Use evals for different parties: stakeholders; coaches (process); clients (what is expected); client org (ROI). Use both summative and formative evals in leadership coaching.

Hays & Williams (2011)

Linked 3 FS motives (trust, values, and cost [impression mngmt]) to FSB. FS is a self-regulation tool used to reduce anxiety and uncertainty that comes with ambiguous situations and standards. People seek feedback to monitor and inquire about situations/performance. They weigh the cost and benefits of FS using the motives above. Costs and values had direct effects on FSB. When costs are high, there's a stronger relationship b/n FS value and FSB; if value is high enough, it may trump effects of FS costs. When value is low and costs are high, employees reduce FS as a way to avoid unnecessary costs. Results also show that when trust in supervisor is high, FS will not increase when individuals perceive high costs to related FS (value trumps costs, but trust does not).

Chen et al. (2007)

Look at FS for negative feedback. Found that LMX predicts negative FS behavior which predicts in-role performance. Uses empowerment as a moderator, such that high empowerment = weaker relationship b/n LMX and FS behavior, but low empowerment = stronger relationship b/n LMX and FS behavior b/c LMX acts as a buffer.

Heslin & VandeWalle (2011)

Looked at IPT of managers and PA of procedural justice w/ managers. Found that IPT --> Procedural Justice --> Org commitment and OCB. Found support that OCB and org commitment are both latent as opposed to aggregate constructs.

(Biron & Bamberger, 2012)

Looked at absenteeism with job hazards, subjective referent group absence norms, and supervisor support. They found that when supervisor support is low, group norms have more of an effect on the relationship between absenteeism and perceived job hazards. However, when supervisor support is high, the group norms have less of an effect. Still, though, the more prevalent the permissible group norm is the more absenteeism regardless of supervisor support. This is a 3-way interaction. They found no direct impact of aversive work conditions on absenteeism (maybe because people who apply for those jobs like the danger), but did find that both group absence norms and perceived supervisor support independently moderate the aversive conditions-absence relation. In terms of practical implications, the results suggest that while more permissive group absence norms may encourage employees to respond to perceived aversive conditions by taking more days off than they might have otherwise, supportive supervision may be a way to manage such normative influences. This suggests that organizations faced with higher than desired absenteeism may find it useful to encourage frontline supervisors to be more supportive and to provide them with the resources, such as training, necessary to develop more supportive supervisor-employee relations. Indeed, adopting such a strategy as a means to mitigate the salience of permissive referent group absence norms is likely to generate less resistance than the alternative strategy, namely, attempting to shift often deeply embedded referent peer norms

Smither & Walker (2004)

Looked at amt of favorable vs unfavorable narrative comments as given from multi-rater feedback. Found that raters should focus on behaviors, not traits, and found that small bits of unfavorable feedback is more actionable than a lot of unfavorable feedback which can be overwhelming. Based in resource allocation theory.

Huang et al. (2013)

Looked at impression mngmt and job insecurity saying that impression mgnmt can make it so we feel less insecure. Found that that those high in the impression mngmt that is not attributed to altriusm are punished, and those that are attributed to altruism, it doesn't really matter. Also found that if you're liked by your supervisor, then impression mngmt helps to reduce job insecurity, while if you're not liked by your supervisor then your impression mngmt doesn't help to reduce job insecurity.

Spence & Keeping (2011)

Looked at regulatory focus theory and regulatory fit (do my viewpoint and your behaviors match up) to explain rating motives and distortion. Looking at whether people are promotion or prevention focused may help explain conscious rating distortion (regulatory focus theory). Suggest that people will rate accurately to the extent that rating accurately achieves other goals (e.g. maintaining a positive relationship with the employee). Conscious rating distortion includes politics, leniency, impression mngmt, etc.

(Reynolds & Certanic, 2007)

Looks at moral judgment, moral identity, and moral behavior. Moral judgment is divided into consequentialism (end justifies the means) and formalism (be moral throughout the process), and moral identity is divided into internalization (self-concept very moral) and symbolization (you publicly act moral). Cognitive processes you go thru and the identity you possess both combine a lot of times with a high social consensus.

Sue-Chan et al. (2012)

Looks at prevention vs promotion focus (IPT-related). Promotion = focus on achieving + outcomes; prevention = focus on stopping negative - outcomes. Uses regulatory fit to match the coach's regulatory focus to coachee's IPT. Found that prevention coach went with entitist coachee, but promotion coach was better for both coachee IPT's.

Gabriel et al. (2014)

Looks at the darker side of FE. Found that while FE is generally beneficial, trying to have a supportive supervisor FE can actually be inhibiting for those with low FO for the competence and self-determination dimensions of psychological empowerment. Implies that it is beneficial to gauge FO before doing FE interventions.

Meinecke et al. (2017)

MAIN TAKEAWAY: Appraisal interviews should be conducted as a dialogue between equal partners and not as a one-way monologue. Supervisors should involve employees in the appraisal interview process by showing relation-oriented behavior and triggering active employee contributions.

Zingoni & Byron (2017)

MAIN TAKEAWAYS Individuals' implicit beliefs about ability determine how they perceive + respond to feedback messages. Meta-cognitions influences EEs' self-regulation after receiving negative feedback --- seeking self-improvement OR discount + shift attention elsewhere.

Ashford & Northcraft (1992)

Main FS research starts here. Looks at self-impression costs of FS. Found that the more public evaluative (vs. non-evaluative) the context, the less feedback is sought. Nervousness is a mediator for this relationship (context --> nervousness --> FS). Hypothesized that norms would matter, but they didn't. Did a second study that investigated impression management; people tend to not evaluate others negatively when they seek feedback, and high performers were seen as more favorable when they sought feedback. Sometimes we get too hung up on impression management costs.

Peng & Lin (2016)

Main Takeaway: Authors find support for model suggesting the relationship between supervisor feedback environment contextual performance (e.g. OCBs and WDB) is mediated by LMX. Organizations should develop and improve the paired relationships between supervisors and subordinates, and promote high-quality exchange relationships to influence employee behavior and attitudes

Gabriel et al. (2017)

Main Takeaway: Based off ego depletion theory, study found that daily depletion was related to a decrease in subsequent helping acts and in increase in subsequent political acts. For employees with higher prevention focus, draining of personal resources from helping others leads to a reduction in subsequent helping but also an increase in self-serving acts.

(Fulmer & Gelfand, 2012)

Main Takeaway: In the past, trust has only been considered from the individual level. The authors propose that it is important to consider the impact of trust at different org. levels (i.e. individual, team, and org), and taking into account different referents (i.e trust in leaders, trust in teams, and trust in organizations). The authors also discuss antecedents and consequences of trust at each level for each referent and offer suggestions for future research.

(Yakovleva, Reilly, & Werko, 2010).

Main Takeaway: The authors considered the development of trust in coworker dyads (taking into account dyads that were colocated and ones that met virtually). The authors found that there were reciprocal effects for propensity to trust and trust in these dyads (propensity to trust had a greater impact on trust in virtual dyads, BUT trust also had less of an effect on org. citizenship in virtual dyads). Additionally, the authors found that trustworthiness mediated the relationship between trusting propensity and trust.

(Colquitt, LePine, Piccolo, Zapata, & Rich, 2012)

Main Takeaway: The authors created a comprehensive model of trust mediation which included procedural, interpersonal, and distributive justice. These forms of justice predicted affect-based and cognition-based trust (with these forms of trust predicting uncertainty-based and exchanged-based mechanisms). The authors found that trust variables mediated the relationship between org. Justice dimensions, and job performance (affect-based trust drives the exchange-based mediation; cognition-based trust drives the uncertainty-based mediation).

(Ferguson & Peterson, 2015).

Main Takeaway: The authors were interested in trust spirals in small groups. They found that diversity to propensity to trust had affective and cognitive consequences related to trust, which in turn decreased intragroup trust early in the trust development process. This process continued over time and led to greater relationship conflict and lower group performance.

Heslin et al. (2007)

Main article discussing IPT (incrementalists vs entitists). Quasi-trait. Use self-persuasion intervention to change IPT from entitist to incrementalist, and also found that incrementalists are better at coaching techniques than entitists.

Ashford et al. (2017)

Main takeaway: Both CEO feedback seeking and vision articulation exhibit positive direct relationships w/ firm performance. However, only feedback seeking displays an indirect effect on performance via TMT potency. CEO feedback seeking has its strongest effects on firm perf and TMT potency for CEOs who are not seen as having a vision

Dahling et al. (2017)

Main takeaway: There are three distinct profiles of feedback environment perceptions (moderate quality feedback environment, high quality FE, and unfavorable FE), each of which were differentiated by antecedents tied to SET, and uniquely related to outcomes tied to employee well-being, motivation, and supervisor-rated performance.

Pulakos et al. (2015)

Main takeaway: To deliver on its promise, PM needs to shift from focusing on the formal system to focusing on the PM behaviors that matter every day. We describe a 5-step PM reform process that helps organizations achieve this change and that shows promise for increasing satisfaction and positive outcomes from PM processes. Central to the intervention is that organizational members need to intentionally practice and solidify effective PM behavior through a structured, on-the-job, experiential learning intervention that yields meaningful behavior change. The change-management and training interventions discussed here provide a model for organizational culture and behavior change efforts beyond PM.

Yam et al. (2017)

Main takeaway: When employees feel compelled to engage in OCB by external forces, they will subsequently feel psychologically entitled for having gone above and beyond the call of duty. Furthermore, these feelings of entitlement can act as moral credentials that psychologically free employees to engage in both interpersonal and organizational deviance. In addition, we demonstrate that OCB-generated feelings of entitlement transcend org boundaries and lead to deviance outside of the org.

Parks et al. (2007)

Mastery = LGO, and prove vs avoid = PGO. Found that: -mastery related to expectancy and appraisal value -prove related to expectancy and appraisal and ego -avoid related to ego costs and self-presentation -expectancy related to diagnostic -appraisal related to normative, assurance, and no feedback (-) -ego not related to anything -self-presentation cost related to assurance and no feedback -as performance improves, then diagnostic feedback decreased

Hoffman et al. (2007)

Meta looking at the distinction b/n OCB and task perf (found some relationship there). Still indicates that OCB is latent and unidimensional construct. Predictors of OCB have relatively low corr's w/ dimensions of OCB, but even lower corr's with task perf. Better relationship b/n OCB and attitudes than task perf. & attitudes.

Smither et al. (2005)

Meta of longitudinal studies. Found little support that multi-source feedback improves perf., therefore proposes that there are a lot of moderators at work. Over time (time 1 to time 2), they found that performance did improve, but that the effects were very small. After analyzing moderators, they found that the closer time 1 and time 2 were, the more of an effect there was. Main implications are that multi-source feedback won't lead to improvements for everybody, and effects of some factors on perf. improvement will be indirect and direct.

Podsakoff et al. (2009)

Meta on OCB's. Found support for single-source data/common method variance. Also found support for looking at both OCB-I and OCB-O b/c moderating eff's of OCB target on OCB-I were non-significant but were significant for OCB-O. Otherwise, OCB-I and OCB-O had similar outcomes at individual level. Implies that OCB's do affect evals, unless there's an ulterior motive for employee's benefit as recognized by supervisor.

(Griffeth et al., 2000)

Meta on turnover. Good place to start if you are designing an organizational survey. General finding is that proximal precursors in withdrawal process predict turnover (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, comparison of alternatives, withdrawal cognitions, and quit intentions). Organizational commitment > job satisfaction in predicting turnover. Quitting intentions best predictor. More proximal = better in prediction. Small to moderate effect sizes for distal determinants include characteristics of the work environment, such as job content, stress, work group cohesion, autonomy, leadership, and—to a lesser extent—distributive justice and promotional chances. If you want high performers to stick around, enact a pay-for-performance system. If you don't, high performers will be more likely to turnover and you will be left with the low performers.

(Riketta, 2005)

Meta-analysis of organizational identification (OI) All of the definitions of OI imply that the organizational member has linked his or her organizational membership to his or her self-concept, either cognitively (e.g., feeling a part of the organization; internalizing organizational values), emotionally (pride in membership), or both. Results indicate that: (a) OI is correlated with a wide range of work-related attitudes, behaviors, and context variables (tenure, job scope/challenge, organizational prestige, intent to leave, and in-role and extrarole performance) (b) OI is empirically distinct from its closest conceptual neighbor, attitudinal organizational commitment (AOC) (c) the two most common OI measures (the Mael scale and the Organizational Identification Questionnaire) produce very different results. It is argued that OI scales, especially the Mael scale, may be preferable over AOC scales for studies aimed at explaining, and partly also for studies aimed at predicting, work behavior.

Anseel et al. (2013)

Meta-analysis on the outcomes and antecedents of FSB. Antecedents include: value perceptions; org tenure, job tenure, and age (-); external feedback propensity; FO; self-efficacy; amt. of + feedback received; transformational leadership of source; and LMS w/ source. Outcome found was job satisfaction. Provides a basis for viewing FSB as an aggregate/formative multidimensional construct, and there's use in examining antecedents/outcomes separately b/n monitoring and inquiry.

(Sachdeva et al., 2009)

Moral licensing is having a surplus of moral sense of self-worth, so we do something unethical (or don't engage in moral behavior). Moral cleansing is overcompensating for doing something unethical. 3 experiments supported this. Model of self-regulation. They suggest that affirming a moral identity leads people to feel licensed to act immorally. However, when moral identity is threatened, moral behavior is a means to regain some lost self-worth. This would imply organizations should threaten the moral identity of employees to encourage them to do moral behaviors, but this is not feasible.

Lam et al. (2016)

Most people look at OCB's through a depletion-based perspective, but they propose an enrichment-based perspective. Proposes that the more role ambiguity can strengthen a relationship b/n OCB and meaningfulness of work at the end of the day because role ambiguity makes you search for meaning and OCB helps to give you that meaning. This meaningfulness is then related to vigor at the end of the day. Also proposed in-role performance moderated the first relationship (alongside role ambiguity) as well. Supports taking this enrichment-based approach.

Organ (1997)

OCB is important b/c we need to look beyond the job description and task. Contextual performance can be rewarded, but OCB cannot by its very nature. OCB is discretionary traditionally, but due to research and examples by practitioners that's not really true any longer. Need to look at OCB as OCB-I and OCB-O, and also need to identify antecedents of OCB.

Wang et al. (2014)

Older workers had higher FO with social awareness dimension, but lower with utility dimension. Older workers also had a strong relationship between favorability of feedback and feedback reactions, meaning that they have different reactions to favorable and unfavorable feedback dimensions of FE. Older workers also had strong relationship b/n delivery of feedback and feedback delivery (they want a good delivery). Provides evidence that FO does change. Eastern culture data set.

(Ellingson et al., 2016)

Organizations that employ a low-wage/low-skill service workforce face annual voluntary turnover rates that easily exceed 50% and often exceed 100%. Thus, this high employee turnover poses a unique challenge as managers are faced with recruiting and training new employees continually. The authors investigate constituent attachment (social ties with people in workplace) in low-wage, low-skill service workers who worked as restaurant servers and hosts in ONE organization (will it generalize?) The rationale was if the development of social bonds that constitute constituent attachment can actively mitigate daily, on-the-job challenges for service workers, such bonds represent a compelling reason to stay. ---------------------------->Vancouver and Schimitt 1991. Hypothesis 1 (supported): Controlling for other predictors known to affect turnover, constituent attachment will be negatively related to turnover for low-wage/low-skill service workers. The low-wage/low-skill service labor market can be further segmented into two groups of workers:

(Colquitt, Greenberg, & Zapata-Phelan, 2005)

Outlined four waves of organizational justice research: 1) distributive justice, dealing with the subjective process involved in judging equity and other allocation norms; 2) procedural justice, focusing on rules that foster a sense of process fairness; 3) interactional justice, dealing with interpersonal treatment; & 4) the integrative wave.

(Klein, Molloy, & Brinsfield, 2012)

Past assumptions: bond types and targets: (1) all workplace bonds are commitment, and (2) commitment to the employing organization is generalizable to all other workplace targets. This article challenges these two existing assumptions by (1) reserving the term commitment for a particular type of bond—one reflecting volitional dedication and responsibility for a target—and (2) reconceptualizing commitment in a target-free manner—one applicable to any workplace target. A bond is not commitment unless one chooses to accept responsibility for and dedicate oneself to the target. Defining commitment as a state distinct from an attitude further conceptually differentiates commitment and affective constructs such as satisfaction and explains the reciprocal relationship between them

Anseel & Lievens (2007)

Past research supports that more uncertainty = more FS; however, this study shows that people are interested in feedback at low certainty (self-assessment motive) and high certainty (self-verification motive), but not at moderate levels of certainty. Also found that people satisfy both self-verification and uncertainty-reduction striving when seeking feedback through monitoring, and that uncertainty was negatively related to inquiry. Certainty orientation moderated the effect of uncertainty on FS, such that this negative relationship was stronger with a higher orientation.

(House, 1971)

Path-goal leadership theory: (contingency theory/situation focused) Similar to Fiedler's contingency theory This theory had two objectives: (a) identify the role and behaviors of effective leaders, and (b) explore the situational contingencies that modify those behaviors. path-goal leadership theory identifies four categories of leadership behaviors that motivate followers to achieve their goals Participative leadership behavior: includes followers in decision making Directive path-goal-clarifiying leaderhsip: provides task structure and reduces task ambiguity Supportive leadership behavior: concerns for the needs of the followers and demonstrates the importance by removing obstacles that hinder their goals Achievement-oriented leadership behavior: creating challenging and high standard performance goals and expressing confidence in followers' abilities

(Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt, 2002)

Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review: Meta Purpose of article: provide quantitative review of relationship between personality and leadership Authors estimate personality-leadership relations according to two criteria: 1) Leader emergence: whether an individual is viewed as leader by others 2) Leadership effectiveness: leader's performance in influencing and guiding activities of unit toward achievement of goals Results: Emergence: extraversion and conscientiousness showed strongest correlation. Openness to leader emergence also generalized across studies Effectiveness: neuroticism, extraversion, openness showed correlations that generalized across studies Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness were significantly correlated with the combined criteria of leadership emergence and effectiveness. Relatively strong multiple correlation between Big Five traits and leadership criteria. Suggests Big Five typology is fruitful basis for examining dispositional predictors of leadership Extraversion emerged as most consistent correlate of leadership. ---> Suggests extraversion is most important trait of leaders and effective leadership. ---> Results confirmed extraversion more strongly related to leader emergence than leader effectiveness. Conscientiousness and openness strongest and most consistent correlates of leadership after extraversion. ---> Conscientiousness more strongly related to leader emergence. ---> Openness most controversial and least understood. Agreeableness predictive of just emergence in negative direction ---> Agreeableness least relevant of Big Five traits Big Five traits predicted student leadership better than leadership in government or military settings ---> Extraversion only trait that generalized across all three settings Overall, the authors found support for trait theories of leadership

Dahling & O'Malley (2011)

Positive feedback environments have a beneficial effect on a variety of organizational outcomes (individual performance, morale, trust, etc.), and building effective PM systems successfully might be more likely in climates that are supportive of feedback exchanges.

Oc et al. (2015)

Powerholders w/subordinates who provide candid FB about their prior allocation decisions behave very differently than those w/subord. who provide compliant FB When powerholders received candid FB, their inclinations toward self-interest were held in check + trend in self-allocations remained flat OT Candid FB appears to trigger moral self-regulation preventing individuals from self-interested behavior

Peterson (2002)

Practitioner-oriented paper. Talks about developmental pipeline (Peterson & Hicks, 1996) for what steps are important for people (coaches) to learn, including: insight, motivation, capabilities, real-world practice, and accountability. Coaching used to be for weaker employees, but now it's more positive and proactive for stronger/upper-mngmt employees.

(Maltarich et al., 2010)

Proposes a U-shape relationship between cognitive ability and voluntary turnover, due to the gravitational hypothesis (push and pull). The gravitational hypothesis posits that over time, there will be greater homogeneity of cognitive ability within job levels due to a desire among employees to match their cognitive abilities to the cognitive demands of the job (ASA?). This implies that employees will leave jobs where there is a mismatch between their cognitive ability and the cognitive demands of the job. Found weak support, but did find that low-cog demands job has a (-) relationship between cog ability and voluntary turnover, but high-cog demands job does have this U-shape, more evident on the left-hand side of the U (low cog ability = leave the job either way). The results suggest that managers of low cognitive demand jobs should select high cognitive ability employees, particularly if seemingly overqualified workers intend to achieve a job with a broader fit with their values than just the cognitive ability-cognitive demands fit of the job. Such hires could result in higher employee performance and greater employee longevity. Results also reveal that job satisfaction is most strongly related to voluntary turnover in jobs with high cognitive demands. Thus, managers should pay close attention to the job satisfaction of their most valued employees.

Garofano & Salas (2005)

Proposes a cyclical model of development at work, including continuous employee development. Outcome expectations --> intention to engage in development activities --> development behavior --> appraisal of outcomes by self/others. Outcome expectations are cognitive processes that are related to VIE. Found LGO, IPT, and personal non-work environment to be moderators of the cycle.

Levy et al. (2015)

Pulakos et al. (2015) came up with a "revolutionary" approach to performance management. Levy et al. agree it's a good approach but facepalm at the idea that it's revolutionary, since everything Pulakos suggests has already been discussed in the lit.

(Diestel et al., 2014)

Regarding absenteeism, the social and normative expectations within the immediate environment constitute relevant boundary conditions. To capture such social-contextual influences, the authors adopted the concept of situational strength, which encompasses two contextual cues: the degree and the consistency of meaningful organizational behavior (namely, absenteeism). In other words, the combination of both pieces of information (mean and dispersion) reflects the strength of the absence context within a work unit and provides behavioral guidance for employees in aligning their behavior with the social and normative expectations of their work unit. Their results indicated that an individual's level of externally focused job satisfaction predicted subsequent absenteeism only when both the mean and the dispersion of work-unit absenteeism were high (a weak context). As for internally focused job satisfaction, it predicted subsequent absenteeism only when both the mean and the dispersion of work-unit absenteeism were low (a strong context). The present findings suggest that simultaneously improving individual internally focused satisfaction (referring to the work unit) and reducing work-unit absenteeism is the most promising approach to reducing individual absenteeism.

(Harrison & Shaffer, 1994)

Regardless of attendance context, time interval, type of estimate, or administration condition, individuals reported (on average) having roughly half the absenteeism of the perceived norm among their peers; 85% to 95% of respondents reported being above average in their attendance record. This "Lake Wobegon effect" was traced to a small negative bias (underreporting) in self-reports and a large positive bias (overreporting) in perceived norms. Self-presentation and availability processes were proposed as explanations for these biases. In a study in which direct observations of past and future absenteeism were collected, self-reports correlated .69 (not too bad) with the direct observations. Perceived norms explained unique variation in future absenteeism. So regardless of the social reality of absenteeism, however employees perceive the norm to be will predict future absenteeism. Employees/students have a strong tendency to perceive their coworkers/classmates to be more absent from work/school than themselves.

VandeWalle (2003)

Relates goal orientation to FS: LGO: - (-) relationship to self-presentation costs - (+) relationship to expectancy value (uncertainty reduction) - (-) relationship to effort costs - all leads to FS behavior - will seek negative feedback - do both monitoring and inquiry, regardless of ego and effort costs - less delay to FS behavior when a bad thing happens - Seeks process feedback, but will seek both process and outcome - want expert feedback PGO: - (+) relationship to ego costs - (+) relationship to effort costs - (+) relationship to impression value (can be performance prove, which is related, or performance avoid, which can be related or unrelated) -all leads to FS behavior - PGO Avoid will not seek negative or positive feedback - PGO prove will not seek negative feedback but will seek positive. - depends on ego and effort costs for monitoring and inquiry; ego and effort both have negative relationship w/ inquiry, and ego and effort both have a positive relationship w/ inquiry - more of a delay to seek feedback when bad thing happens - only want outcome feedback if successful - don't care about expert v. nonexpert feedback

(Tyler & Lind, 1992)

Relational Model (group-oriented conceptualization of procedural justice) Focuses on factors that determine the legitimacy of authorities Bias suppression, benevolence, and interpersonal justice influence the degree to which individuals view their authorities as legitimate Central tenets of the relational model: i. "A good relationship with authorities promotes feelings of procedural fairness and this in turn leads on to feel valued by the group" ii. "This group-value belief is a potent determinant of various attitudes and behaviors, including judgments legitimacy and obedience to authority"

Berardin at el. (2016)

Results extend the provocative findings from Wood et al. (2010) regarding both "perceiver effects" and "positivity effects" in the ratings of others and the findings of Kane et al. (1995) on the stability of mean rater rating levels across very different rating situations. Results also indicate that, under the most common appraisal circumstances, more agreeable, less conscientious, less assertive, and less competent managers are more likely to rate leniently and perhaps less accurately.

(Kabins et al., 2016)

Results revealed that a five cluster solution provided the best fit to the multilevel data; the five clusters were interpreted as (a) Moderate, (b) AC-dominant, (c) Low, (d) AC/NC-dominant, and (e) High commitment profiles. Pg. 885 has a helpful figure. Value-based profiles are associated with higher levels of organizationally desirable behaviors and organizational identification appears to be a key factor related to value-based commitment profiles. Therefore, increasing employees' identification with the organization may help to increase positive attachments to the organization, and subsequently greater retention. Further, value-based profiles were associated with the highest levels of all forms of workplace satisfaction (e.g., job, pay, leader, etc.). Therefore, providing a greater number of positive workplace experiences may increase work-related satisfaction, which in turn may increase value-based commitments. Their results suggest that a person needs a high level of some mindset—any mindset—to be committed. This is the differentiation between weak profiles and others. Their research also shows that NC and CC both qualify the experience of AC and thus both are important to retain in order to understand the nature and experience of commitment. This study raises some doubts about using profile analysis instead of variable analysis in regards to looking at commitment. A variable centered approach would have done the same thing, with the same interpretation.

(Barling, Christie, & Hoption, 2011)

Review of leadership literature LMX and Transformational have been extremely popular in research (up to 2007) whereas Consideration-initiating structure has lost popularity.

(Diefendorff & Chandler, 2011).

Review of motivation literature. Motivation is often described as an unobservable force that directs, energizes, and sustains behavior over time and across changing circumstances There are four primary sets of influences on action goals: 1. Distal external - National Cutlure, Organizational Culture & Climate, and Compensation System 2. Proximal external - Job Characteristics, Equity and Fairness, Assigned Goal Characteristics, and Social Influences 3. Distal person - Needs/Motives, Values, Gender, and Personality 4. Proximal person - Affect, Instrumentality, Commitment, Expectancy/Self-Efficacy, Valence, and Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation

(Hom et al., 2017)

Review of the seminal publications on employee turnover during a 100 year period. Birth of Turnover Research -Recognition of Turnover Costs -Incipient Inquiry into Turnover Causes Formative Years of Turnover Research -Predictive Test Validation—WABs -Centrality of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Foundational Turnover Models -March-Simon Foundational Constructs: Job Satisfaction and Job Alternatives -Mobley, 1977 Model: Intermediate Linkages between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Normal Science: Theory Testing and Refinement -Alternative Intermediate Linkages between Job Satisfaction and Turnover -Theoretical Refinements of Price-Mobley Models -Expanded Set of Causal Antecedents: Job Performance, Organizational Commitment, Labor Market Features -Multiple Pathways to Leave, including Impulsive Quits -Functional Turnover: Recognition that Turnover is not Always Bad The Counter Revolution: The Unfolding Model -Introduction of "Shocks"-Critical Events Prompting Thoughts of Leaving-as Key Turnover Driver -Identify Multiple Turnover Paths: Script-Based, Job-Offer, Affect-Based Leaving 21st Century Theory and Research -Job Embeddedness-Identifying Job and Community Forces Embedding Incumbents -Relationships between Collective Turnover and Organizational Performance

Levy et al. (IP)

Similar to Levy & Williams (2004). Talks about halo and frame of reference training. Also discusses accountability, such that if you hold people accountable to the rating then you see leniency, but if you need to defend that rating to the supervisor then that leniency is reduced; accountable face-to-face vs over paper. Concludes that info that is gathered outside of a rating context may help improve rating accuracy.

(Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005)

Social exchange theory (SET) is one the most influential conceptual paradigms in organizational behavior. Despite its usefulness, theoretical ambiguities within SET remain. As a consequence, tests of the model, as well as its applications, tend to rely on an incompletely specified set of ideas. The authors suggested 3 foundational ideas of Social Exchange Theory: Rules and norms of exchange: Parties must abide by certain "rules" of exchange. Rules of exchange form a "normative definition of the situation that forms among or is adopted by the participants in an exchange relation" Rules and norms of exchange are "the guidelines" of exchange processes Resources being exchanged: Two-dimensional matrix: 1) resource's particularism (resource's worth varies based on its source); 2) resource's concreteness (how tangible or specific the resource is) Examples of a resource's particularism: Money is low in particularism; Love is highly particularistic Examples of a resource's concreteness: Services and goods are somewhat concrete; Less concrete resources provide symbolic benefit The less particularistic and the more concrete a benefit is, the more likely it is to be exchanged in a short-term, quid pro quo fashion (i.e. money) Benefits that are highly particularistic and symbolic are exchanged in a more open-ended manner (i.e. love) Social exchange relationships: Social exchange relationships evolve when employers "take care of employees," which thereby engenders beneficial consequences Social exchange relationship is a mediator or intervening variable: Advantageous and fair transactions between strong relationships, and these relationships produce effective work behavior and positive employee attitudes

Yang & Diefendorff (2009)

Stressors --> emotions --> CWB's. This is an emotion based model. They argue that perceived ambiguity and perceived supervisor and/or customer interpersonal injustice (stressors) would lead to negative emotions, which would lead to CWBs (O and I). They also argue negative affectivity would moderate between the stressors and negative emotion, and that agreeableness and conscientiousness would moderate between negative emotion and CWBs. Similar to Affective Events Theory. They found support for both relationships. Negative affectivity moderated supervisor interpersonal injustice leading to negative emotion (stronger), and conscientiousness and agreeableness moderated committing CWB's (weaker). Specifically, results were consistent with the mediation hypotheses whereby daily negative emotions partially mediated the effect of perceived ambiguity on daily CWB-O, fully mediated the effect of supervisor interpersonal injustice on daily CWB-I, and fully mediated the effect of customer interpersonal injustice on daily CWB-O. One practical suggestion derived from their findings is that managers seeking to decrease the incidence of CWB may target either stressors or felt negative emotions in the stressor-emotion-CWB chain. One of the first within-person frameworks of CWB's.

(Diener, 2000)

Subjective well-being refers to people's evaluations of their lives--evaluations that are both affective and cognitive. There are a number of separable components of SWB: life satisfaction (global judgments of one's life), satisfaction with important domains (e.g., work satisfaction), positive affect (experiencing many pleasant emotions and moods), and low levels of negative affect (experiencing few unpleasant emotions and moods). Because different methods of measuring SWB can produce different scores, a battery of diverse measures will produce the most informative composite. Temperament and personality appear to be powerful factors influencing people's SWB, in part because individuals usually adapt to some degree to good and bad conditions. Depending on the country and culture, happiness levels vary This article kicked off a discussion about happiness between countries.

Borden, Levy, & Silverman (2017)

Subordinates with more arrogant supervisors reported less favorable feedback environment perceptions, and subsequently, lower levels of feedback seeking, morale, and higher levels of burnout. Perceived organizational support and feedback orientation were identified as significant moderators in these relationships. Subordinates were less vulnerable to the negative outcomes of leader arrogance when they experienced higher levels of perceived organizational support. Finally, subordinates with favorable feedback orientations exhibited lower levels of feedback seeking in the face of the unfavorable feedback environments associated with arrogant leaders.

Gong et al. (2017)

Summary: · They wanted to develop a feedback-seeking typology that considered both the foci (self or peer) and nature (positive or negative) of feedback information. In other words, are you seeking feedback on yourself or your colleague? Is it negative or positive feedback? · They use goal orientation theory to conceptualize this typology · Their second goal was to advance the goal-orientation approach to feedback seeking · Their third goal was to advance research on feedback seeking and job performance using the new typology. · Every part of this study was conducted in Chinese and in Chinese culture. Developed a new conceptual typology of feedback seeking, a standalone theoretical contribution of this study to the feedback-seeking literature. · A learning orientation is more likely to prompt self-negative feedback seeking, whereas a performance approach orientation is more likely to prompt self-positive feedback seeking.

(Maslach & Jackson, 1981)

The Burnout Model Three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment. 1) Emotional exhaustion describes feelings of being emotionally overextended; 2) Depersonalization refers to cynical and detached responses to others 3) Reduced personal accomplishment refers to a decline in efficacy and feelings of competence and productivity The three dimensions of burnout are part of a theoretical process whereby exhaustion leads to actions that distance the individuals from elements of their work that are stressful, resulting in cynicism and depersonalization. Overtime, these actions and withdrawal result in decreased experiences of efficacy. The causal sequence among dimensions has been controversial

(LePine, Podsakoff, & LePine, 2005)

The Challenge-Hindrance Model Within this framework, stressors may be appraised as either challenges or hindrances. Challenge stressors: - When stressors are appraised as challenging, positive emotions are evoked and active coping strategies, such as problem solving, are engaged. Challenge stressors include job and role demands, pressure, time urgency, and workload. ---> Associated with high motivation Hindrance stressors: - When stressors are appraised as threatening, negative emotions ensue and a passive or emotion-focused style of coping is used. These are described as hindrance stressors and include constraints, hassles, role ambiguity, role and interpersonal conflict, role overload, supervisor-related stress, and organizational politics. ---> Associated with low motivation

(Hobfoll, 1989)

The Conservation of Resources Model The conservation of resources (COR) approach to stress proposes that people fundamentally seek to obtain, retain, protect, and restore resources. Resources describe a wide range of objects (e.g., shelter), personal characteristics (e.g., self-esteem), conditions (e.g., status), or energies (e.g., knowledge) that are important for adaptive functioning Resources are valued in their own right or because they lead to other valued resources. Strain results from the threat of resource loss, the actual loss of resources, or failure to gain sufficient resources.

(Cummings & Cooper, 1979)

The Cybernetic Model Cybernetic models define goals and feedback loops as the central feature of the stress process. Through a feedback cycle, individuals monitor the discrepancy between a preferred or reference state and the actual work conditions as they are perceived. The perceived discrepancy is a source of strain for the individual and motivates action to reduce the discrepancy by changing or adapting to the environment in some way. The feedback cycle assumes that individual behavior is directed toward a steady state of balance between the individual and the environment. This

(Karasek, 1979)

The Demands-Control Model proposes that job demands and job control play the key role in the stressor-strain relationship. Job demands refer to aspects of the job that require additional or sustained physical, psychological, or emotional effort; job control, or decision latitude, refers to the degree of control over decisions concerning the job The model predicts that excessive job demands increase strain, whereas high job control mitigates these adverse effects (moderation). Together, these effects constitute the strain hypothesis.

(Kerr, Schriesheim, Murphy, & Stogdill, 1974)

The Ohio State studies: Initiating Structure and Consideration. Initiating Structure describes leadership behaviors that create clear guidelines and procedures to facilitate the achievement of specified goals Consideration depicts leadership behaviors that are centered on reciprocal trust, respect, and a concern for the welfare of followers

(Ilgen & Hollenbeck, 1991)

The Role Stress Model Roles describe the behavioral patterns and expectations of individuals in complex systems and the process through which work roles create the experience of stress was one of the earliest and most fruitful approaches to work stress Role conflict describes two or more sets of incompatible work demands, whereas role ambiguity describes a lack of specificity or predictability in role functions and responsibilities. Role overload is the third most common form of role stress and is sometimes viewed as a particular form of role conflict. Role overload is a function of too much work, time pressures, and a lack of resources to meet commitments and responsibilities

Anderson et al. (2015)

The SM strategy was shown to be most effective (resulting in more positive ratings and evaluations and less general statements for female leaders) among those with lower levels of implicit bias. Contrary to expectations, results reveal that the strategies became more effective as levels of implicit bias decreased. The findings of our study are promising in that the SM and SFR strategies are most effective among certain populations (those with low levels of implicit bias) in terms of ratings, positivity of open-ended evaluations, and reducing the number of general statements used in evaluations.

(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984)

The Sociocognitive Model Emphasizes the ongoing interaction between the person and the environment. As such, stress is not located in the person or the environment but in the relationship between the environment, individuals' appraisals of the environment, and ongoing attempts to cope with issues that arise Distinction is commonly made between problem-focused coping, which seeks to solve the demands of a stressor, and emotion-focused coping, which helps the individual to feel better about the stressor

Motro & Ellis (2017)

The authors are concerned with how feedback providers receive reactions from an employee who has been given negative feedback, and how gender plays a role in this process. Specifically, the authors are interested in crying. Do supervisors treat men differently when they cry in response to negative feedback as compared to women who do the same? The authors draw on Role Congruity Theory as the basis of their theoretical arguments. Societal norms discourage men from crying because they are expected to be strong, authoritative, and agentic. Women are expected to be communal and passive. Find support for all hypotheses

(Becker et al., 1996)

The authors argue that although overall commitment to organizations appears to be largely unrelated to job performance, it is possible that there is a relationship between commitment as a multidimensional phenomenon and performance. They found that employees in many organizations distinguish between commitment to supervisors and commitment to the organizations and between identification(yeah, I get it) and internalization (I want to do it!) as bases of commitment to these two foci. The authors found that commitment to supervisors was positively related to performance and was more strongly associated with performance than was commitment to organizations. Further, internalization of supervisors' and organizations' values was associated with performance but identification with these foci was not. The OCQ looks at identification. One should use a different scale if trying to predict Job Performance with organizational commitment.

(Meyer et al., 2002)

The authors conducted meta-analyses to assess (a) relations among affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization and (b) relations between the three forms of commitment and variables identified as their antecedents, correlates, and consequences in Meyer and Allen's (1991) Three-Component Model They found that the three forms of commitment are related yet distinguishable from one another as well as from job satisfaction, job involvement, and occupational commitment. All forms of commitment were related negatively to withdrawal cognition and turnover, and affective commitment had the strongest and most favorable correlations with organization-relevant (attendance, performance, and organizational citizenship behavior) and employee-relevant (stress and work-family conflict) outcomes. Normative commitment was also associated with desirable outcomes, albeit not as strongly. Continuance commitment was unrelated, or related negatively, to these outcomes. If you have to measure two, choose affective and continuance. Normative does not really predict above and beyond affective.

(O'Reilly et al., 1991)

The authors created the Organizational Culture Profile (Q-sort Approach) They are coming from an interactional psychology perspective. They use correlation to compare someone's Q-sort to the organization's Q-sort. This is a highly cited paper for PO fit, but other authors have challenged this approach to measuring PO fit. Results suggest that the dimensionality of individual preferences for organizational cultures and the existence of these cultures are interpretable. Further, person-organization fit predicts job satisfaction and organizational commitment a year after fit was measured and actual turnover after two years. This evidence attests to the importance of understanding the fit between individuals' preferences and organizational cultures.

(Colquitt, 2001)

The authors developed and validated a measure of organizational justice. The model he concluded was best was one included distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational. Outcomes such as leader evaluation, rule compliance, commitment, and helping behavior. It feels like he cherry-picked the items from pioneering work in each wave. The measures are all worded differently. They are written to represent the 4 dimensions. He kind of stacked the deck in his favor b/c they are written distinctly for each dimension. The questions (and directions) are extremely distinct. As in of course he would find 4 distinct factors

(Edwards et al., 2006)

The authors distinguished 3 approaches to the study of perceived person- environment fit (P-E fit): (a) atomistic, which examines perceptions of the person and environment as separate entities measured by the SAME source; (b) molecular, which concerns the perceived comparison between the person and environment; and (c) molar, which focuses on the perceived similarity, match, or fit between the person and environment. Some support was found for correspondence between the atomistic and molecular approaches, in that the perceived discrepancy between the environment and person was positively related to the environment and negatively related to the person. However, for most job dimensions, the coefficient on the environment was larger, meaning that people gave greater weight to the perceived environment than the perceived person when forming perceptions of discrepancies between the person and environment. In contrast, the correspondence between the molecular and molar approaches was very weak. Hence, the atomistic, molecular, and molar approaches to P-E fit are not interchangeable, which calls into question the assumption that the three approaches represent the same concept. How are things going? (Molar) What is the discrepancy? (Molecular) Separate perceptions of P and E and the researcher evaluates it (Atomistic)

(Johns & Hajj, 2016)

The authors meta-analytically investigate a long-standing methodological rule of thumb, the idea that the frequency of absenteeism from work approximates an expression of voluntary behavior while total time lost better reflects involuntary behavior and ill health. Time lost refers to the total number of days an individual is absent from work over some period of time, excluding vacation days, jury duty, and the like. Frequency refers to the number of inceptions of absence over the same time frame, irrespective of the duration of those inceptions. They conclude that the idea that time lost and frequency reflect different degrees of voluntariness is an unsupported urban research legend. In their opinion, researchers should measure both frequency and time lost but not make undue attributions as to their relative voluntariness.

(Flynn & Schaumberg, 2012)

The authors posit that higher levels of guilt-proneness are associated with higher levels of affective organizational commitment. The authors suggest that a dispositional tendency to feel guilt motivates individuals to exert greater effort on their work-related tasks that, in turn, strengthens their affinity for the organization. They suggest this relationship can be explained by psychological justification— guilt-prone people tend to work harder than those who are less guilt-prone, and they rationalize this extra task effort by strengthening their feelings of commitment to their employer. The authors tested this idea using a laboratory study and field data from 2 samples of working adults. Individuals who are more guilt-prone reported higher levels of organizational attachment compared with less guilt-prone individuals. Also, the tendency to experience guilt is positively related to individual task effort, which in turn is positively related to feelings of attachment to the firm. Going forward, managers should be more precise in judging the impact of negative affectivity, lest they fail to harness the potential benefits of guilt-proneness.

(Lavelle, Rupp, & Brockner, 2007)

The authors proposed the target similarity framework, which takes a multi-foci approach to studying justice. Employees form justice perceptions about multiple parties Second, we acknowledge that justice evaluations, made by employees about a particular party, will impact the level of social exchange between the employee and that party. Third, employees will react to felt justice and social exchange by directing their attitudes and behaviors toward the focal party. The multifoci model of organizational justice argues that it is necessary for research to explicitly specify the source of justice. Main Takeaway: it is important to look at each foci when looking at justice. In conclusion, we hope this review and our target similarity framework encourages researchers to continue the recent trend of integrating multifoci perspectives across relevant organizational behavior constructs to provide a more complete representation of the employee experience at work.

(Hackett & Guion, 1985)

The authors reevaluate the absenteeism and job satisfaction relationship. Earlier reviews of lit show general support for the proposition that workers that are less satisfied with their jobs are more likely to be absent from work, some researchers have cautioned that the relationship is likely to be indirect and/or weak. They found weak relationships between absenteeism and job satisfaction. They recognize people are reluctant to say that attitudes are unrelated to this kind of withdrawal behaviors, and they say a possible explanation for the weak relationships is that the relationship is actually curvilinear. Rather than continuing to conceptualize absence primarily in terms of a process of withdrawal from a negative work environment, which from a managerial perspective conveniently places such behavior under the direct control of organizations, it is likely to prove more fruitful to view absence more in terms of a process in which workers are drawn out of the workplace by valued features of their nonwork environments. Personal values might be more important than personal attitudes in regards to absenteeism. This is a heavily cited paper.

(Locke & Latham, 2002)

The authors summarize 35 years of empirical research on goal-setting theory. Relationship of goal difficulty to performance: - Positive, linear function - Specific, difficult goals consistently have led to higher performance than "do-your-best" goals - Goal specificity does not necessarily lead to high performance because specific goals vary in difficulty - it does however reduce variation in performance by reducing the ambiguity about what is to be attained. Moderators: - Goal Commitment - the goal-performance relationship is strongest when people are committed to their goals - Feedback - revealing the progress of goal attainment is more effective than goals with no feedback - Complexity - specific, difficult learning goals may be best for complex tasks - Satisfaction - people with high goals produce more b/c they are dissatisfied with less - the bar for their satisfaction is set at a high level Practical Applications: - Productivity & Cost Improvement - setting a specific difficult goal leads to significant increases in EE productivity (significant correlation b/w goal setting & org. profitability) - Performance Appraisal - higher performance and satisfaction with performance appraisal process when specific high goals were set - Selection - situational judgment tests - Self-Regulation (i.e. Control Theory) - the cyclical process of (a) setting a goal, (b) striving to reach the goals, (c) monitoring progress toward the goal, (d) using performance feedback to modify behavior & set new goals, and (e) proving self-rewards or punishments after goal striving - The High Performance Cycle - explains the lack of direct connection b/w job satisfaction and productivity; a puzzling issue psychologists have long been facing; satisfaction is the result of high performance, not the cause.

(Powell & Meyer, 2004)

The authors test Becker's (1960) side-bet conceptualization of commitment within the context of Meyer and Allen's (1991) three-component model of organization commitment. The effect of making side bets is to increase the cost of failing to persist in a course of action. In the case of organizational commitment, the course of action is staying with the company. Side-bets fall into these several categories: Generalized cultural expectations - expectations of important reference groups regarding what constitutes responsible behavior (e.g., how long one should stay at a job). Self-presentation concerns - when a person attempts to present a consistent public image that requires behaving in a particular fashion. Impersonal bureaucratic arrangements - rules or policies put in place by the organization to encourage or reward long-term employment (e.g., a seniority-based compensation system). Individual adjustments to social positions - efforts made by an individual to adapt to a situation, but that make him or her less fit for other situations (e.g., investment of time and effort to acquire organization-specific skills). Non-work concerns - side bets made outside the organization itself, as when an employee establishes roots in a community that would be disrupted if he or she were to leave the organization and be forced to seek employment in another geographic location. The three component model: continuance, affective, and normative. Their results provide strong support for side-bet theory. Their findings support Becker's (1960) contention that there can be both economic and social costs associated with leaving an organization, and that some of the costs of leaving come from side bets made outside of the workplace. Although increased continuance commitment can contribute to decreased turnover, research has consistently demonstrated that it is a less desirable form of commitment compared to affective and normative commitment.

(Meyer & Allen, 1984)

The authors test the methodological issues with "Side-Bet Theory" of Organizational Commitment Side-bets have been used to refer to anything of value the individual has invested (e.g., time, effort, money) that would be lost or deemed worthless at some perceived cost to the individual if he or she were to leave the organization. This and similar views of commitment can be labelled "continuance commitment" (i.e., commitment to continue a certain line of action). The results of the present study suggest that the measure used to test Becker's side-bet theory of commitment is saturated with affective commitment and, as such, does not allow the theory to be tested appropriately. Furthermore, they suggest that researchers examining this conceptualization of commitment should use measures that more directly assess individuals' perceptions regarding the number and magnitude of the side bets they have made.

(Mowday, Steers, & Porter, 1979)

The authors validated the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) They define OC as the relative strength of an individual's identification with and involvement in a particular organization. It can be characterized by three factors: 1) a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization's goals and values, 2) a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization, 3) a strong desire to maintain membership in the organization. This definition has some issues. Some of these parts are antecedents to commitment and some are outcomes. Parts of this definition aren't really defining what commitment is, but describing antecedents and outcomes. Some of the discriminant validity had higher correlations than the convergent validity. This is backwards... Their measure is contaminated with other stuff. It is hard to say that organizational commitment is really driving the results. It could be other stuff.

(Vancouver & Schmidt, 1991)

The central proposition underlying this study was that agreement among organizational members regarding goals (non-operational) for that organization is related to the attitudes of its members regarding the organization. Both between- and within-constituency goal congruence were significantly and meaningfully related to the measures of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intention to quit. However, what is especially interesting is that goal congruence with peers appeared to be more important than congruence with one's supervisor, even with organizational commitment. These were teachers, however, which could have made a difference here. This study confirms the idea that person-organization fit relates to positive employee attitudes and intentions. Viewing organizations as a collection of constituencies and members with multiple goals and multiple priorities produced results that highlight the importance of peer goal congruence.

(Zimmerman et al., 2016)

The multifaceted role of a given psychological trait in influencing the likelihood of certain work behaviors can be effectively articulated through its direct connections with different CAUs that are likely to be activated in response to certain situational features. Certainly, hiring people with traits consistent with less frequent or less likely withdrawal is desirable, but even highly conscientious, agreeable, and emotionally stable workers may actually be more likely to withdraw under certain circumstances. Although people may behave predictably based on their traits, one must account for the situation to fully understand and anticipate their likely behaviors. Managers should not always assume that employees who possess certain traits (e.g., intelligence, conscientiousness, ambition, or proactivity) that typically result in beneficial behaviors for an organization will always result in behaviors beneficial to the organization. These same traits may incline employees to miss work to care for a sick child or pursue alternative employment opportunities consistent with their longterm goals.

(DeRue & Morgeson, 2007)

The present research addresses recent calls for the study of fit as a dependent variable over time. Results suggest that person-team fit, when conceptualized as values congruence, is generally stable over time, but perceptions of person-role fit in teams are dynamic. Individuals' growth satisfaction and performance were positively related to increases in person-role fit over time. Furthermore, the effect of performance on person-role fit was moderated by individuals' general self-efficacy. The finding that higher levels of individual performance lead to increases in person-role fit also has considerable implications for performance feedback systems in organizations. For example, accurate and informative performance feedback is critically important for ensuring that individuals have accurate perceptions of person-role fit.

Meier & Spector (2013)

The present study extends previous research by examining the reciprocal relationship between work stressors and CWB in a longitudinal design. Looks at reciprocal relationship between stressors (org constraints and incivility) and CWB (org and interpersonal). Stressor --> CWB = regulation model. Found support for reciprocal relationship between stressors and CWB's, but not for incivility (CWB --> incivility, but not the other way around). So organizational constraints were the only stressor that was involved in the reciprocal relationship with CWBs. -Experienced incivility refers to low intensity antisocial behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target (another employee is perceived as being a jerk to you). -Organizational constraints refer to situations or conditions that prevent persons from translating ability and effort into job performance. Our results indicate not only that work stressors are prospectively linked to CWB but that CWB is also prospectively linked to work stressors. This suggests the need for more complex models and theories that recognize the dynamic interplay between employees and their work environments. Such theories need to treat behavior at both the input and output stages, including feedback loops from behavior to environment and the reverse. CWB has negative effects not only for its target but for the perpetrator in the form of increased work stressors. This points to a vicious cycle with negative consequences for all parties involved.

Steelman & Wolfeld (2016)

The relationships uncovered in this study provide the first empirical evidence in support for the role of feedback orientation in the coaching process It could be the managers select and hire employees who are similar to them, and this extends to feedback receptivity. Alternatively, employees who identify with their manager may over time display characteristics similar to their manager. Through the identification process of sense making, employees might come to mirror the characteristics of their supervisor. In the process of developing a reciprocal exchange relationship between the leader and the subordinate (LMX), employees demonstrate a receptivity to their manager's feedback and communication

(Vandenberghe, Bentein, & Stinglhamber, 2004)

These authors follow up on Becker et al. (1996). Three commitment foci were addressed in the present research: the global organization, the supervisor, and the work group. They examined whether affective commitments to these specific foci could be distinguished from one another and whether they related differentially to theorized antecedent variables (Study 1). The validity of these measures was further examined by determining how the commitments influenced major work outcomes such as intent to quit and turnover (Study 2) and job performance (Study 3). All three studies were longitudinal. POS contributed uniquely to affective organizational commitment, LMX was uniquely related to affective commitment to the supervisor, whereas perceived group cohesiveness was the sole significant predictor of affective commitment to the work group. The results of this study were also consistent with the view that the psychological salience and relevance of the supervisor with respect to issues related to performing well in ones job made commitment to this target more critical in explaining job performance. On the other hand, the reduced salience of the organization and work group foci rendered the effect of commitment to these entities on performance only indirect, if any.

(Ostroff, Shin, & Kinicki, 2005)

They examine relationships among multiple types of fit and three key employee attitudes—job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intentions to quit—and they investigate the extent to which these relationships vary across different dimensions of organizational values, as well as between managers and workgroups. Both P-E fit (between an individual's personal values and the cultural values of the organization) and perceptual fit (between an individual's perception of the organization's values and the organization's values as perceived by others) were found to be related to satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intentions, while P-P fit (between an individual's personal values and the personal values of others) was not. These results suggest that for values pertaining to customer relations fit between an individual's personal values and the cultural values of the workgroup is important, whereas for values pertaining to work processes such as innovation or flexibility similarity in perceptions between the individual and manager about what the organization values is important.

(Schaumberg & Flynn, 2017)

They propose that the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism depends partly on guilt proneness. Drawing on withdrawal and process models of absenteeism, they argued for and found that job satisfaction predicts absences for employees who are low (but not high) in guilt proneness because low guilt-prone people's behaviors are governed more by fulfilling their own egoistic desires than by fulfilling others' normative expectations. Further, they looked at 2 traits that are conceptually comparable to guilt proneness (i.e., moral identity and agreeableness), showing that these traits similarly moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism. For low guilt-prone people who are less concerned with fulfilling others' expectations, job satisfaction may be an appetite process where they are motivated to be in a satisfying context (i.e., at work) regardless of the effect this has on others.

Pulakos & O'Leary (2011)

This article argues for a shift in focus. They argue that we should stop trying new systems because they rarely work and can even make things worse. More attention should be devoted to improving manager - employee communication and aspects of the manager - employee relationship that are foundational for effective performance management.

(Knight, Patterson, & Dawson, 2017)

This article does not have much to say. Dr. Diefendorf doesn't really like it.

(Iliescu et al., 2015)

This article focuses on establishing a link between vocational fit and 1 domain of job performance: counterproductive work behaviors (CWB). The authors offer a model explaining from a self-regulation perspective how the lack of vocational fit generates CWB and test this model in 2 studies and 3 multisource samples. Vocational interests: relatively stable individual preferences for certain types of work activities and environments. The 1st study offers support for the mediation model linking vocational lack of fit to CWB through frustration. The 2nd study shows across 2 samples, using both self- and supervisor ratings of CWB, that vocational fit has incremental validity for the prediction of CWB over established predictors, such as broad and narrow personality traits and affect. Vocational fit may be useful in selection settings.

Carpini et al. (2017)

This deals with individual work performance research: Patterns have begun to emerge linking antecedents and consequences with various forms and levels of contribution. Analysis highlights the considerable lit on individual task proficiency as well as the dearth of scholarship on individual task adaptivity and proactivity. The lack of research differentiating between team and org. member contributions clouds the nomological network in regard to both antecedents and consequences, giving the illusion of convergence. Consistent with our review of the antecedents, we find a clearer nomological network related to the form of individual work performance relative to the level of contribution.

(Rhoades, Eisenberger, & Armeli, 2001)

This paper was based in organizational support theory and social exchange. The authors argue that based on the reciprocity norm, perceived organizational support would create a felt obligation to care about the origination's welfare and help the organization reach its objectives (affective commitment). They found that POS mediated positive associations of organizational rewards, procedural justice, and supervisor support with affective commitment. They also found evidence saying that POS leads to AC. Taken together, the findings suggest that favorable work experiences operate via POS to increase AC, which, in turn, decreases employee turnover. Remember: this was not an experiment, so true causality cannot be inferred.

Bing et al. (2007)

This study presents an integrative typology of personality assessment for aggression. In this typology, self-report and conditional reasoning methodologies are used to assess 2 separate, yet often congruent, components of aggressive personalities. Specifically, self-report is used to assess explicit components of aggressive tendencies, such as self-perceived aggression, whereas conditional reasoning is used to assess implicit components, in particular, the unconscious biases in reasoning that are used to justify aggressive acts. If you use just one method in isolation, the resulting assessment of aggression may be incomplete. The authors describe four different prototypes of aggressive and nonaggressive personalities. Manifest aggressives and latent aggressives should engage in counterproductive behaviors indicative of retaliation, and they should be more likely to do so than both prosocials and overcompensating prosocials. However, latent aggressives, preferring to manifest their implicit aggression in subtle ways to maintain their nonaggressive self-perceptions, should be less likely than manifest aggressives to engage in active counterproductive behaviors. We should use conditional reasoning tests (CRT) for measuring aggression. More aggression = more likely to do CWB's, even if you're not aware you're aggressive (latent aggression). This has implications for personnel selection, work team composition, and executive coaching.

(Liu et al., 2012)

This study takes a dynamic multilevel approach to examine how the relationship between an employee's job satisfaction trajectory and subsequent turnover may change depending on the employee's unit's job satisfaction trajectory and its dispersion. Job satisfaction trajectory dispersion - reflects the extent to which individuals in a business unit differ in their job satisfaction trajectories (some become much more satisfied, some less so, and some more dissatisfied). Results demonstrate a significant three-way interactive effect of unit-level job satisfaction trajectory and its dispersion and individual job satisfaction trajectory on individual job exit. Specifically, an increase in individual job satisfaction had the strongest negative relationship to individual turnover when unit members experienced a uniform growth in their job satisfaction. Managers need to move beyond looking only at their current job satisfaction scores and focus on the change trajectory of job satisfaction over time to predict the likelihood of turnover.

(Harter, Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002)

This study used meta-analysis to examine the relationship at the business-unit level between employee satisfaction-engagement and the business-unit outcomes of customer satisfaction, productivity, profit, employee turnover, and accidents. They utilized the Gallup Workplace Audit items. Their definition of engagement is not the same as how science defines it. Their definition is a conglomerate of a bunch of different constructs. It is not really engagement. Their results are still useful though. The strongest effects were found relative to employee turnover, customer satisfaction-loyalty, and safety (probably because they are proximal, whereas the financial variables are distal) By utilizing utility analysis, the authors show just how significantly satisfaction-engagement can affect an organization's bottom line, especially for larger companies. They conclude from this study that employee satisfaction and engagement are related to meaningful business outcomes at a magnitude that is important to many organizations and that these correlations generalize across companies.

Levy et al. (2017)

Though some have called for the outright abandonment of many PM practices, others have presented more constructive solutions. This review identified three areas (i.e., feedback processes, accountability in the rating system, and alignment of PM systems with organizational strategy) where research and practice converge, which allowed them to make recommendations. Three areas where practice has outpaced research (i.e., technology, strategic alignment, and peer to-peer accountability) - these provided areas for future research.

(Markham, Scott, & McKee, 2002)

Three motivational theories (need, goal, and reinforcement) suggest that recognition programs should increase employee attendance. The personal recognition treatment showed (a) significant decreases ranging from 29% to 52% for each quarter's baseline assessment, and (b) significant decreases when the control groups showed no decrease. Employees had favorable perceptions of the public recognition program. This program may have come closest to providing an optimal reinforcement schedule to employees (reinforced employees on a monthly, quarterly, & annual basis & allowed for public recognition of employees with perfect or near-perfect attendance). Low cost to design and administer -> very high return to organizations. However, is this sustainable over a long period of time? Would people adjust and eventually regress? A possible solution to this would be to change up the program over time to account for this!

(Wang, Waldman, & Zhang, 2014)

Title: A meta-analysis of shared leadership and team effectiveness. Shared leadership - an emergent team property of mutual influence and shared responsibility among team members, whereby they lead each other toward goal achievement Results: - Overall positive relationship (r= .34) btw shared leadership and team effectiveness - What is actually shared among members appears to matter with regard to team effectiveness ---> Shared traditional forms of leadership (e.g., initiating structure and consideration) show a lower relationship (r= .18) than either shared new-genre leadership (e.g., charismatic and transformational leadership; r= .34) or cumulative, overall shared leadership (r= .35) - Shared leadership tends to be more strongly related to team attitudinal outcomes and behavioral processes and emergent team states, compared with team performance. ---> performance is more distal, so we would expect this - Effects of shared leadership are stronger when the work of team members is more complex. - Our findings further suggest that the referent used in measuring shared leadership does not influence its relationship with team effectiveness and that compared with vertical leadership, shared leadership shows unique effects in relation to team performance. - The authors found that new-genre leadership was more strongly related to team effectiveness than was shared traditional leadership. *** Shared leadership has unique effects on team outcomes above and beyond vertical leadership

LePine, Piccolo, Jackson, Mathieu, & Saul (2008)

Title: A meta-analysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria Draws from Marks et al. (2001) - 10 teamwork processes load onto 3 higher-order dimensions, which load onto a teamwork process factor All 10 processes are positively associated with team performance and member satisfaction ---> these relationships were consistent across types of processes and levels of process specificity Moderators: Task interdependence & team size: - Relationships btw teamwork processes and team perf tended to be stronger in studies where teams had higher task interdependence and where the teams were larger in size - Neither task interdependence nor team size were statistically significant for teamwork process-member satisfaction relationship Teamwork processes and emergent states were positively correlated ---> this relationship does not vary as a result of the process in question Implications: - Findings regarding team process-outcome relationships, in general, appear to be consistent w/ Marks et al. (2001) framework - Applied perspective: results attest to importance of team processes as related to important outcomes

Mathieu, Tannenbaum, Donsbach, & Alliger (2014)

Title: A review and integration of team composition models: Moving toward a dynamic and temporal framework Team composition research - attributes of team members & the impact of the combination of such attributes on processes, emergent states, and outcomes ---> inputs side of the IMO model Aggregation processes: 1. Compositional: simple combination rules (e.g. average competencies representing human capital) 2. Compilational: complex combination of diverse lower-level contributions (e.g. team performance being influenced by the least (or most) competent individual) 4 models of team composition effectiveness: 1. Traditional personnel-position fit model: treats each position in a team as though it is an individual job in an organization ---> ignores team context ---> more talented members on a team the increased likelihood of success 2. Personnel model w/ teamwork considerations: consider members contributions to the team as a collective ---> team effectiveness is enhanced to the extent that members all possess generic team-related competencies ---> Marks et al. (2001) taxonomy & LePine et al. (2008) 3. Team profile model: indexes composition with descriptive statistics of members' KSAOs, focusing on the distributional features of member composition ---> value in some balance of some attribute in the team that is not tied to position requirements ---> diversity research 4. Relative contribution model: compilation model; focuses on attributes such as competencies of weakest or strongest member noting that particular individuals can carry or undermine the entire team effort ---> Humphrey et al. (2009) - experiences and skills of members occupying "core" team roles have a greater influence on team outcomes ---> Barrick et al (1998) - one neurotic team member can sink the whole team Looking at team composition over time is important b/c there are numerous models that say that teams change over time

(Hinkin, 1995)

Title: A review of scale development practices in the study of organizations 3 stages of measurement development include: 1. Item Generation (either inductive or deductive) 2. Scale Development -> Issues in designing the developmental study include: sample, negatively worded items, number of items in a scale, scaling, & sample size needed to appropriately conduct tests of statistical significance -> Scales comprised of 5 or 6 items that utilize 5 or 7 point Likert scales would be acceptable for most measures -> Factor analysis is most popular procedure for constructing a scale -> Some "best practices" include assessing reliability of a measure using multiple methods & administering the measure to an additional sample 3. Scale Evaluation -> Not just criterion-related validity; construct validation is essential for the development of quality measures

Marks, Mathieu, & Zaccaro (2001)

Title: A temporally based framework and taxonomy of team processes Team process - members' interdependent acts that convert inputs to outcomes thru activities directed toward organizing taskwork to achieve collective goals Emergent state - describes cognitive, motivational, and affective states of teams; dynamic in nature; arise out of the interactions that occur within teams Performance episode - distinguishable periods of time over which perf accrues and feedback is available; teams engage in multiple episodes at one time Recurring Phase Model of Team Processes: - Action phases- periods of time when teams are engaged in acts that contribute directly to goal accomplishment - Transition phases- periods of time when teams focus primarily on evaluation and/or planning activities to guide their accomplishment of a team goal or objective Taxonomy of Team Processes: - Interpersonal processes - expected to occur throughout transition and action phases (i.e. conflict management, motivating/confidence building) - Transition processes - i.e. mission analysis, goal specification, strategy formulation and planning - Action processes - i.e. monitoring progress toward goals, team monitoring and backup responses ---> here, think of Porter et al. (2003) for backup behavior This taxonomy works really well for the action teams, but if you're talking about problem-solving or decision-making teams, these don't map on very well to the things they're doing

(Li et al., 2016)

Title: Are genetic and environmental influences on job satisfaction stable over time? A three-wave longitudinal twin study Two distinct perspectives on antecedents of JS: situational (importance of work env) and dispositional (genetics of the person) Results: -> Genetic influences on job satisfaction decreased over time -> PA and NA mediated the influence of genetic influence on job satisfaction, but GMA did not -> Mediating role of the three individual difference variables did not change substantially over time -> With possible genetic influences partialed out, environmental influences from occupational status and interpersonal conflict at work still affect job satisfaction over time; did not seem to change over time Implications: -> There is a big trait influence on JS; this is stable over time -> During early adulthood, ee JS may be more shaped by environmental factors (i.e. org practices), and that these external factors may become increasingly important over time

(Bohner & Dickel, 2011)

Title: Attitudes and attitude change Attitude = evaluation of an object of thought; object = anything a person may hold in mind Attitudes on a continuum (stable in LTM to temporary judgments constructed on the spot) -> File drawer perspective vs. constructionist perspective Measuring attitudes -> Self-report scales -> Implicit attitude measures (IAT) Attitude change -> Constructionist perspective: different set of information being activated and considered at the time an attitude judgment is made -> Filedrawer perspective: change in the underlying memory representation of the attitude in question Attitude change function: Associative (basis of implicit attitude) & Propositional (basis of explicit attitude) Attitudes are closely linked to bodily sensations; these sensations can render evaluative information about an attitude more accessible Attitudes affect information processing and behavior

Porter, Hollenbeck, Ilgen, Ellis, West, & Moon (2003)

Title: Backing up behaviors in teams: The role of personality and legitimacy of need ***Relates well to Judge et al. (2002) - personality and leadership Investigated the interaction between legitimate need and personality in predicting backup behavior Backing up behaviors: discretionary provision of resources and task-related effort to another member of one's team that is intended to help that team member obtain the goals as defined by his or her role when it is apparent that the team member is failing to reach those goals Legitimate need: when a team member is faced w/ a higher level of task demands, but has not been compensated w/ extra resources, this creates a legitimate need for back up Model of backup behavior: based on IPO model ---> Team inputs: (a) characteristics of the team's task (using the extent to which the nature of the task is one that legitimately calls for some members of the team to back up other members of the team); (b) characteristics of the team's composition (using FFM of personality here) as it relates to both back up recipients and providers Results: - Strong support for the role of the legitimacy of the need for back up as an important predictor of backing up in teams - Extraverted individuals are more likely to request backup - Conscientious people will both ask for/receive backup - We need to think about team composition and workload in a team b/c it influences backup

(Kreiner, Hollensbe, & Sheep, 2009)

Title: Balancing borders and bridges: Negotiating the work-home interface via boundary work tactics (Qualitative study) We investigated how people manage boundaries to negotiate the demands between work and home life We discovered and classified four types of boundary work tactics (behavioral, temporal, physical, and communicative) that individuals utilized to help create their ideal level and style of work-home segmentation or integration We also found important differences between the generalized state of work-home conflict and "boundary violations," which we define as behaviors, events, or episodes that either breach or neglect the desired work-home boundary We present a model based on two qualitative studies that demonstrates how boundary work tactics reduce the negative effects of work-home challenges Behavioral Tactics: 1) Using other people - Utilizing the skills and availability of other individuals who can help with the work-home boundary 2) Leveraging technology - Using technology to facilitate boundary work 3) Invoking triage - Prioritizing seemingly urgent and important work and home demands) 4) Allowing differential permeability - Choosing which specific aspects of work-home life will or will not be permeable Temporal Tactics: 1) Controlling work environment - Manipulations of one's regular or sporadic plans 2) Finding respite - Removing oneself from work-home demands for a significant amount of time Physical Tactics: 1) Adapting physical boundaries - Erecting or dismantling physical borders or barriers between work and home domains 2) Manipulating physical space - Creating or reducing a physical distance or "no man's land" between the work and home domains 3) Managing physical artifacts - Using tangible items such as calendars, keys, photos, and mail to separate or blend aspects of each domain Communicative Tactics: 1) Setting expectations - Managing expectations in advance of a work-home boundary violation 2) Confronting violators - Telling violator(s) of work-home boundaries either during or after a boundary violation These findings suggest that boundary work tactics represent actionable knowledge that can be taught to others for more successful self-management.

(Wright et al., 2017)

Title: Best practice recommendations for scale construction in organizational research: The development and initial validation of the character strength inventory (CSI) 1. Provide a theoretical justification for each scale item 2. Devote proper attention to initial scale development and content validity 3. Pilot test the preliminary scale 4. Conduct an item analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and validity analysis of the preliminary scale 5. Assess reliability, validity, and factor structure of the revised scale in a new sample 6. Establish criterion validity 7. Report confidence intervals for all reliability and validity coefficients 8. Assess scale bias in the final version of the scale

Harrison, Price, & Bell (1998)

Title: Beyond relational demography: time and the effects of surface and deep-level diversity on work group cohesion Surface-level diversity - differences among group members in overt, biological characteristics that are typically reflected in physical features (i.e. age, sex, race) VERSUS Deep-level diversity - differences among members' attitudes, beliefs, and values (only learned thru interaction) (i.e. personality) Underlying framework: Contact hypothesis ---> As people interact to get to know one another, stereotypes are replaced by more accurate knowledge of each other IVs: Surface and deep level diversity --- Age, race/ethnicity, and sex were used as surface-level variables --- Deep-level diversity - job satisfaction and org commitment (organizational data - these are attitudes) DVs: Group cohesiveness Moderator: Time They found support for their hypothesis at the .10 significance level and after combining the two samples

Heath & Sitkin (2001)

Title: Big O vs Big B Big-B = emphasis on interesting behaviors relevant to the organization - disadvantage is that it does not meet the Core Competency test (Do OB researchers have unique insights that are not shared in related disciplines? (i.e. psychology) - researchers from other disciplines could come up with the same research Contextualized-B = emphasis on behavior that occurs in an org context - does not satisfy the Org Centrality test (How much would we understand about orgs if we understood everything about a behavior?) - Disadvantages: - relabeling problem - changing the setting to an organization doesn't mean you're answering an O question - peripheral topics Research tends to be contextualized-B; it needs to move beyond that to Big-O - emphasis on behavior central to the task of organizing - Advantages: Points out centrality of organizing; eliminates irrelevant behaviors; calls attention to process; requires cross-level research

(Van de Ven & Sun, 2011)

Title: Breakdowns in implementing models of org change Examined implementation breakdowns and possible remedies for 4 process models of org change 1) Teleology 2) Life cycle 3) Dialectics 4) Evolution Different models of change should applied to different types of organizations When breakdowns usually trigger action or reflection: Action= To take actions intended to correct the people or processes in the organization that prevent the change model from running as expected.

(Boswell et al., 2009)

Title: Changes in newcomer job satisfaction over time: Examining the pattern of honeymoons and hangovers Tested the temporal nature of work attitudes ---> Specifically how job satisfaction changes across the 1st year of employment for a sample of organizational newcomers Satisfaction with the present job was found to be higher initially than satisfaction with the prior job (i.e., honeymoon) but declined over time (i.e., hangover) Reason for the job change did not moderate the pattern of job satisfaction ---> voluntary job change was not associated with a stronger peak (i.e., honeymoon) and a stronger decline (i.e., hangover) in job satisfaction Satisfaction with the prior job partially moderated the pattern of job satisfaction, such that lower satisfaction with the prior job was associated with a stronger peak (i.e., honey- moon) and a stronger decline (i.e., hangover) in job satisfaction Perceived fulfillment of commitments and extent of socialization (i.e. knowledge of the organization, department, and job role) did not moderate the change in job satisfaction

Boswell, Shipp, Payne, & Culbertson (2009)

Title: Changes in newcomer job satisfaction over time: Examining the pattern of honeymoons and hangovers Tested the temporal nature of work attitudes ---> Specifically how job satisfaction changes across the 1st year of employment for a sample of organizational newcomers Satisfaction with the present job was found to be higher initially than satisfaction with the prior job (i.e., honeymoon) but declined over time (i.e., hangover) Reason for the job change did not moderate the pattern of job satisfaction ---> voluntary job change was not associated with a stronger peak (i.e., honeymoon) and a stronger decline (i.e., hangover) in job satisfaction Satisfaction with the prior job partially moderated the pattern of job satisfaction, such that lower satisfaction with the prior job was associated with a stronger peak (i.e., honey- moon) and a stronger decline (i.e., hangover) in job satisfaction Perceived fulfillment of commitments and extent of socialization (i.e. knowledge of the organization, department, and job role) did not moderate the change in job satisfaction

(Schneider, Salvaggio, & Subirats, 2002)

Title: Climate strength: A new direction for climate research Climate strength moderates the relationship btw employee perceptions of service climate and customer satisfaction Climate strength - within-unit variability in employee perceptions of service climate ---> developed based on two literatures: compositional models and culture strength Service climate - employees' shared perceptions of the policies, practices, and procedures that are rewarded, supported, and expected concerning customer service Results: - Service climate predicted customer perceptions of service quality when climate strength was strong - Managers have a more direct and immediate impact on employees than do the other climate constructs

(Gonzalez-Roma & Hernandez, 2014)

Title: Climate uniformity: Its influence on team communication quality, task conflict, & team performance Definitions: - Climate uniformity - pattern of climate perceptions of org support within the team - Uniform climates - single-modal pattern with a single grouping of climate perceptions comprising all members - Non-uniform climates - multimodal (highly skewed) patterns involving arrays that exceed a single grouping of climate perceptions - Strong dissimilarity non-uniform patterns - distinct subgroupings within the team are observed - Weak dissimilarity non-uniform patterns - only one subgroup is distinct from all others; members not in this subgroup do not form a coherent cluster General hypothesis: Climate uniformity is indirectly related to team performance through its relationship with quality of team communication and team task conflict Results: - Weak Dissimilarity --- directly related to task conflict + team communication quality and indirectly related to team performance ---> Teams with weak dissimilarity (non-uniform) climate patterns had lower levels of team communication quality, higher levels of task conflict, and lower levels of team performance than teams with uniform climate patterns - No sig findings for the strong dissimilarity pattern (range restriction) Practical Implication: - Team managers should be aware of the disruptive consequences associated with some nonuniform patterns of climate perceptions of organizational support

De Dreu (2011)

Title: Conflict at work: Basic principles and applied issues Discusses three origins of conflict (i.e. where conflict comes from): 1. Outcome interdependence 2. Diversity 3. Justice Main Takeaway: Conflict arises for a number of reasons; the extent to what that does on different outcomes depends on type of conflict and management strategies

(Gelfand, Leslie, Keller, & de Dreu, 2012)

Title: Conflict cultures in organizations: How leaders shape conflict and their organizational-level consequences 3 types of conflict cultures were examined: - Conflict culture - socially shared and normative ways to manage conflict 1. Collaborative - collective constructive dialogue, negotiation, and joint problem solving 2. Dominating - org members collectively seek competition and victory 3. Avoidant - org members collectively suppress and withdraw from conflict Results: - Collaborative conflict cultures were pos. related to viability - Dominating conflict cultures were neg. related to viability - Avoidant conflict cultures were negatively related to unit-level creativity Implications: - There should be policies that support the collaborative cultures ---> Leaders' behaviors influence those cultures; train leaders to promote the norms for how we handle conflict - ASA model - b/c orgs attract and select individuals with different personalities, they develop distinguishable conflict cultures

Higgins & Thomas (2001)

Title: Constellations and careers: Toward understanding the effects of multiple developmental relationships Having a network of mentors is more important for long-term success It's more impactful to have an extraorganizational network on career outcomes than intraorganizational network

(Weiss, 2002)

Title: Deconstructing job satisfaction: Separating evaluations, beliefs and affective experiences 3 key constructs have been obscured by current definitions of job satisfaction: evaluations of jobs, beliefs about jobs, and affective experiences on jobs. JS = an attitude Attitude research: -> Affect and beliefs were separated out consistently by factor analysis -> Affect (average mood levels) and beliefs both showed independent and significant predictive contributions to the global satisfaction judgments Subjective well-being: split into three different constructs similarly to how the author describes job satisfaction Facets of job satisfaction don't exist, only discriminable objects in the work environment that we evaluate In order to measure job satisfaction, need to be able to measure affective states, beliefs, & global evaluations

(Huang et al., 2015)

Title: Detecting insufficient effort responding (IER) with an infrequency scale: Evaluating validity and participant reactions This study examines the validity of the infrequency approach to detecting IER and assesses participant reactions to such an approach IER - lack of motivation to comply with survey instructions and to correctly interpret item content Infrequency approach - uses counterfactual or improbable items that have clear correct responses and it equates incorrect responses with IER Results: -> Study 1: evidence for the construct validity -> Study 2: support for the criterion-related validity -> Study 3: participants exposed to the infrequency IER items did not react more negatively, compared to social desirability and impression management scales -> Study 4: presence of infrequency items did not result in significantly adverse rxns toward the survey Practical Implications: -> Infrequency approach is flexible; survey designer can write items to fit context -> Infrequency items are useful in short surveys

Humphrey, Morgeson, & Mannor (2009)

Title: Developing a theory of the strategic core of teams: A role composition model of team performance ***Relates well to Summers et al. (2012) - Team member, flux in coordination, and performance Role composition approach - investigates how the characteristics of a set of role holders impact team effectiveness Strategic core - the role or roles on a team that: a) encounter more of the problems that need to be overcome in the team b) have a greater exposure to the tasks the team is performing c) are more central to the workflow of the team ---> The more that a role meets the above criteria, the more "core" the role is to the team Results: - The relationships between experience, job-related skill, and performance are stronger when the characteristics are possessed by core role holders as opposed to non-core role holders Implications: - Strategic core matters: resource allocation in many organizations may be inefficient and firms may benefit from reallocation of investments toward strategic core roles - Managers should place emphasis on the core roles when they build/change teams

(Inglehart et a., 2008)

Title: Development, freedom, and rising happiness: A global perspective (1981-2007) What did they do? -> Investigated the happiness of nations w/data from the World Values Survey + European Values Study (5 waves of surveys; 1981 to 2007) -> Examined trends on SWB index + its two components (happiness + overall life satisfaction) in 52 societies Results: -> Curvilinear relationship with economic development-happiness/life satisfaction -> Economic development increases SWB up to a point but above and beyond that, freedom of choice and tolerance have stronger & more stable effects Implication: -> Hedonic treadmill model should be revised but not abandoned -> Human happiness is not fixed but can be influenced by belief systems and social policies

(Podsakoff, Lepine, & Lepine, 2007)

Title: Differential challenge stressor-hindrance stressor relationships with job attitudes, turnover intentions, turnover, and withdrawal behavior: A meta-analysis A 2-dimensional work stressor framework is used to explain inconsistencies in past research with respect to stressor relationships with retention-related criteria (meta-analysis) Definitions: Challenge stressors - those that people tend to appraise as potentially promoting their personal growth and achievement - Examples: high levels of workload, time pressure, job scope, and responsibility and was labeled challenge-related stressors Hindrance stressors - those that people tend to appraise as potentially constraining their personal development and work-related accomplishment - Examples: role ambiguity, organizational politics, and concerns about job security Results: Hindrance stressors - negatives relationships with job satisfaction and org commitment ---> positive relationships with turnover intentions, turnover, and withdrawal Challenge stressors - positive relationships with job satisfaction and org commitment ---> negative relationships with turnover intentions Challenge stressors have incremental variance above and beyond hindrance stressors ---> it makes sense to break them down and talk about them separately Results also suggested that the differential relationships between challenge stressors and hindrance stressors and the more distal criteria (withdrawal behavior and turnover) were due, in part, to the mediating effects of job attitudes Implication: Hindrance stressors tend to have a larger negative impact and should thus be avoided in the workplace

Sun, Song, & Lim (2013)

Title: Dynamics of the job search process: Developing and testing a mediated moderation model Self-regulation with a promotion focus is sensitive to gains and probability of success and involves higher level desires for advancement and accomplishment ---> pursue their goals through approach-oriented strategies ---> may increase their effort in response to negative job search experience to tackle the challenges Self-regulation with a prevention focus is sensitive to losses and probability of failure and involves higher level concerns about protection and security ---> pursue their goals vigilantly through avoidance-oriented strategies ---> may decrease their effort in response to negative affect from job search These results suggest that strongly prevention-focused job seekers are motivated and obtain better search outcomes when they have high job search efficacy, while (novel and contrary) those with strong promotion focus are more likely to be motivated to take action to acquire better search outcomes when they have low job search efficacy Conventional practice of efficacy-enhancing interventions is supported by the finding that high self-efficacy is positively related with job search effort and number of interview offers among seekers who are strongly prevention focused. Big Takeaway: - If doing efficacy-enhancing interventions, take into account the regulatory focus of the job seeker

(Sun, Song, & Lim, 2015)

Title: Dynamics of the job search process: Developing and testing a mediated moderation model The authors developed and tested a mediated moderation model that delineated how regulatory focus moderated the within-person relationship between job search efficacy and number of interview offers, and whether job search effort mediated the cross-level moderated relationships Prevention-focused job seekers, who are strategically avoidance-oriented, may decrease their effort in response to negative affect from job search, whereas promotion-focused job seekers, who are strategically approach-oriented, may increase their effort in response to negative job search experience to tackle the challenges. These results suggest that strongly prevention-focused job seekers are motivated and obtain better search outcomes when they have high job search efficacy, while (novel and contrary) those with strong promotion focus are more likely to be motivated to take action to acquire better search outcomes when they have low job search efficacy Conventional practice of efficacy-enhancing interventions is supported by the finding that high self-efficacy is positively related with job search effort and number of interview offers among seekers who are strongly prevention focused. If doing efficacy-enhancing interventions, take into account the regulatory focus of the job seeker

(Rice, McFarlin, & Gentile, 1991)

Title: Facet importance and job satisfaction Job facets: individual components that make up one's experience at work (e.g., promotion opportunity, pay, co-workers, autonomy) Facet satisfaction = affective evaluations of individual job facets Facet description = affect-free perceptions about the experiences associated with individual job facets ***Hypotheses were derived from Locke's (1969,1976) theory of job satisfaction Results: 1. The relationship between facet amount and facet satisfaction was stronger for respondents reporting high facet importance than for respondents reporting low facet importance 2. The relationship between facet satisfaction and overall job satisfaction was just as strong for respondents reporting low facet importance as for respondents reporting high facet importance -> Facet-satisfaction scores are already weighted implicitly by facet importance Main Takeaway: necessary & valuable to know what facets are important to individuals, to know where diagnoses/interventions may be useful

(Ordóñez, Schweitzer, Galinsky, & Bazerman, 2009) (initial)

Title: Goals gone wild: The systematic side effects of overprescribing goal setting - Authors argue that goal-setting should be presented in "doses" with a warning label and close supervision rather than a one-size-fits-all approach Examples of goals gone wild: - i.e. Sears - auto service overcharged and made unnecessary repairs in order to meet high sales goals - i.e. Ford Motor Company - failed to perform necessary safety checks regarding the creation of a new vehicle, that would be competitive in the market, in order to meet a tight deadline How Goals Go Wild: 1) Goals that are too specific - Narrow focus (blind people from important issues that appear unrelated to the goal) - Too many goals - Inappropriate time horizons 2) Goals that are too challenging - Risk taking (adopt riskier strategies, choose riskier gambles) - Unethical behavior (goal setting can promote unethical behavior) - Interplay between organizational culture & goal setting (goal setting impedes ethical decision making by making it harder for employees to recognize ethical issues and easier for them to rationalize unethical behavior) - "Postulate that aggressive goal setting within an organization increases the likelihood of creating an organizational climate ripe for unethical behavior"

(Wilson, Goodman, & Cronin, 2007)

Title: Group learning Explicitly state that research on group learning should focus on change in group's repertoire of potential behavior

(Locke & Latham, 2009)

Title: Has goal setting gone wild, or have its attackers abandoned good scholarship? Claim that the argument made by Ordóñez et al. (2009) is flawed in the nature of "good scholarship" Poor Scholarship: - Making causal inferences on the basis of anecdotal stores - Ignoring confounding variables - Citing unrepresentative studies from a research domain - Misreporting results - Using emotionally laden language to garner reader support rather than writing dispassionately and striving to remain objective ***Locke and Latham (2009) assert that Ordóñez et al. (2009) made all of the above mistakes in their article Criticisms of the Ordóñez et al. (2009) Article: - Their language is a flagrant appeal to emotion - Drawing causal inferences improperly - Misquoting/Quoting out of context - Treating anecdotes as evidence - Failure to gather evidence, document effect sizes (No scientific evidence to backup claims) - Reporting/citing selective and irrelevant sources (Failure to recognize recent, logical, compelling, and empirically scientific research; Selectively reported only negative studies) - Use of metaphors to garner attention (Flawed logic) - Lack of theoretical, valuable, and unique contribution to the literature - Use of extreme statements, unverified assertions, unrepresentative references, and scare tactics ***"The tone of their article and the presentation of the content do not suggest an objective search for truth."

(Harrison, Newman, & Roth, 2006)

Title: How important are job attitudes? Meta-analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences. Predictors: Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment and overall job attitude Criteria: Focal versus contextual performance Hypotheses: 1. Contextual performance was negatively related to turnover 2. Contextual performance was negatively related to absenteeism 3. Contextual performance was negatively related to lateness 4. Contextual performance was positively related to focal (task) performance Results: -> Models with more general or more unified conceptualizations of behavioral criteria fit better than models with more diversified criterion conceptualizations -> Superiority of models with progression of withdrawal (lateness → absence → turnover) *Support for compatibility principle: as behavioral criteria are measured at higher levels of abstraction, the empirical connection between overall job attitudes and such criteria should become stronger

(Avolio, Howell, & Sosik, 1999)

Title: Humor as a moderator of leadership style effects. Leadership style was moderated by the use of humor in its relationship w/ individual and unit-level performance. Results: - Use of humor was pos related to individual and unit-level perf - Transformational leadership and contingent reward leadership were both positive related to use of humor, but laissez-faire was neg related - Transformational had positive relationship w/ performance. Contingent, neg relationship w/ performance Moderation: - Contingent reward leadership was more neg related to perf when leaders used humor more - By using humor, laissez-faire leaders may have been able to reduce the neg effects usually associated w/ their lack of leadership, including neg impact on perf - Humor is good for laissez-faire but not for contingent-reward - Not sure why moderating effects were diff for diff performances for transformational A possible limitation of this study was that the sample was mostly male. Implications for organizations: - You could test the workplace and see what type of leadership style is being used; look at makeup of the company and training them to be transformational

(Humphrey, Nahrgang, & Morgeson, 2007)

Title: Integrating motivational, social, and contextual work design features: A meta-analytic summary and theoretical extension of the work design literature Meta-analysis of the work design literature integrated motivational, social, and work context characteristics. Has meaningful correlations. The results demonstrate that work design has a large impact on worker attitudes and behaviors, explaining on average 43% of the variance in these outcomes. Organizations may benefit by utilizing the results of the meta-analysis in their work redesign process to pinpoint those work characteristics that maximize the outcomes they are interested in and minimize the negative impact on other desirable outcomes. - Work Characteristics: Autonomy, Skill variety, Task significance, Task identity, Feedback from the job (original Hackman & Oldham (1976) model) They extended the job characteristics model: - Motivational Characteristics: Information processing, Job complexity, Task variety - - Social Characteristics: Interdependence, Feedback from others, Social support, Interaction outside the organization - Work context characteristics: Physical demands, Work conditions Social support correlated highly with attitudinal outcomes indicating social stuff matters. Autonomy matters too. Social characteristics explain unique variance in behavioral and attitudinal outcomes beyond motivational characteristics!

(Dunford, Shipp, Boss, & Angermeier, 2012)

Title: Is burnout static or dynamic? A career transition perspective of employee burnout trajectories Relates to Boswell et al. (2009) in that they tracked newcomers' job satisfaction over time They advance existing burnout theory by articulating how the 3 burnout dimensions should differ in their pattern of change over time as a result of career transition type: organizational newcomers, internal job changers (e.g., promotions or lateral moves), and organizational insiders (i.e., job incumbents) Burnout was relatively stable for organizational insiders but slightly dynamic for organizational newcomers and internal job changers Burnout defined: - Emotional exhaustion - feeling of "being over-extended and depleted of one's emotional resources" in response to "chronic interpersonal stressors on the job" - Depersonalization - "negative, callous, or detached response to various aspects of the job" - Reduced personal accomplishment - "decline in one's feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work" They also found that the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were more sensitive to career transition type than reduced personal accomplishment Implications: - When interpreting and designing interventions to minimize burnout, managers should consider career transitions - Newcomers and internal job changers make better candidates for burnout interventions than do org insiders, particularly around the first year after the change when emotional exhaustion and depersonalization are expected to peak. However, it is important to note that even then, burnout levels may be only slightly elevated and this increase is temporary.

(Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012)

Title: Job Attitudes Job attitudes = evaluations of one's job that express one's feelings toward, beliefs about, and attachment to one's job -> Job attitudes have statelike and traitlike properties Job satisfaction: -> Recent research has used ESM to study job satisfaction, suggesting it varies on a daily basis -> Of the major job satisfaction facets, work satisfaction is most important in predicting overall job satisfaction -> Social environments are important to job satisfaction (i.e. relationships with coworkers and supervisors; POS predicts job satisfaction above/beyond job characteristics) Job attitudes predict many organizational behaviors (i.e. task performance; creative performance; OCBs; withdrawal/counterproductivity)

(Tims, Bakkerm Derks, & van Rhenen, 2013)

Title: Job crafting at the team and individual level: Implications for work engagement and performance Job crafting - specific type of proactive work behavior that employees engage in to adjust their job to better fit their needs, skills, and preferences Previous research suggests that employee job crafting is positively related to job performance through employee work engagement. The present study expands this individual-level perspective to the team level by hypothesizing that team job crafting relates positively to team performance through team work engagement. Job crafting is seen as a specific type of proactive work behavior that employees engage in to adjust their job to their needs, skills, and preferences. - comes from the individual (individual is shaping characteristics of the job) Job crafting can be grouped under the general heading proactive person-environment fit behaviors, as job crafting entails proactive behaviors to change the situation or oneself (e.g., through developing more skills) to achieve greater compatibility between one's own attributes and the organizational environment. Specifically, team job crafting was associated with individual performance via the hypothesized sequential mediation paths. Job crafting can be simultaneously used at the team and individual level to improve job performance. Managers should assist employees with job crafting in such a way that it aligns with the organizational goals, as not every type of job crafting was found to contribute to employee and team performance

(Reay, Golden-Biddle, & Germann, 2006)

Title: Legitimizing a new role: Small wins and microprocesses of change 4-year investigation of the introduction of a new work role (nurse practitioner) into a well-established health care system in Alberta, Canada Embeddedness - degree to which actors and their actions are linked to their social context ---> Actors used their embeddedness as a pos. foundation for implementing desired change Legitimizing a Role: - 3 microprocesses of change plus a series of small wins: 1) Cultivating opportunities for change 2) Fitting a new role into prevailing systems 3) Proving the value of the new role Implications: - Micro-level processes can affect org change - Recognize and encourage middle management involvement in change initiatives

(Edwards & Rothbard, 2000)

Title: Mechanisms linking work and family: Clarifying the relationship between work and family constructs Linking mechanism - relationship btw a work construct and a family construct The authors organize the mechanisms linking work and family into 6 categories: 1. Spillover - effects of work and family on one another that generate similarities between the two domains 2. Compensation - efforts to offset dissatisfaction in one domain by seeking satisfaction in another domain ---> decreasing involvement in the dissatisfying domain and increasing involvement in the satisfying domain ---> respond to dissatisfaction in one domain by pursuing rewards in another domain (Reactive and Supplemental compensation) 3. Segmentation - the separation of work and family, such that the two domains do not affect one another 4. Resource drain - transfer of finite personal resources, such as time, attention, and energy, from one domain to another 5. Congruence - similarity between work and family, owing to a third variable that acts as a common cause 6. Work-family conflict - form of interrole conflict in which work and family role demands are mutually incompatible so that meeting demands in one domain makes it difficult to meet demands in the other 3 forms of work-family conflict: 1) Time-based conflict - when devoting time to the demands of one domain consumes time needed to meet demands of the other domain 2) Strain-based conflict - when strain (i.e. dissatisfaction, tension, anxiety, fatigue) from one domain makes it difficult to meet demands of the other domain ---> Think of Halbesleben (2006) 3) Behavior-based conflict - when behaviors developed in one domain are incompatible with role demands in the other domain (i.e. a confrontational approach to solving work problems may be applied to solving family problems)

DeChurch, Mesmer-Magnus, & Doty (2013)

Title: Moving beyond relationship and task conflict: Toward a process-state perspective Meta-analysis on the distinction btw conflict states (source and intensity of teams' perceived incompatibilities) & conflict processes (how teams interact regarding their differences) Emergent states vs. team processes (Marks et al, 2001): They are uniquely related to team perf and team affective outcomes Individualistic conflict processes - avoiding and competing VS Collectivistic conflict processes - openness and collaboration ---> Collectivistic processes may be more advantageous for team perf and affective outcomes than individualistic ones Process variables went above and beyond the states in predicting the outcomes Practical Implications: - Collectivistic conflict processes should be promoted in the workplace; perhaps by creating an org climate that uses "we" & "partner/teammate" to refer to the collective

Dabos & Rousseau (2004)

Title: Mutuality and reciprocity in the psychological contracts of employees and employers Research directors were identified as primary agents for the university (employer) in shaping the terms of employment of staff scientists (employees) Present study examines the extent to which workers and employers share beliefs regarding specific terms of the exchange (mutuality) and their reciprocal commitments (reciprocity) ---> Mutuality - agreement of terms; reciprocity - agreement of the exchange Three types of contracts: 1. Transactional - collaborations of limited duration with well-specified performance terms that can be characterized as easy-to-exit agreements with relatively high turnover (i.e. a single class) 2. Relational - open-ended collaborations with only loosely specified performance terms (i.e. advisor and advisee) 3. Hybrid - (i.e. being in class with a faculty member who you're not an advisee under) Both mutuality and reciprocity are positively related to archival indicators of research productivity and career advancement Main Takeaway: Reciprocity is important in relational and transactional contracts; Mutuality is important in relational and balanced contracts

(Ajzen, 2001)

Title: Nature and operation of attitudes Important article for comps! Attitude: summary evaluation of a psychological object or affect for or against a psychological object Attitude object: model of dual attitudes: People can hold two attitudes about the same object or issues, one being implicit and the other, explicit (e.g., different attitudes for the same behavior based on context) Strong attitudes (assumptions): Relatively stable over time, Relatively resistant to persuasion + change, Predict manifest behavior Functions of attitudes: Facilitate adaptation to the environment, Value-expressive function, Knowledge function, Ego-defensive function, Social-adjustive function, Utilitarian function Biasing effects --- likely to bias judgments + memory One of the biggest factors in relation to attitudinal is job characteristics

Bauer, Bodner, Erdogan, Truxillo, & Tucker (2007)

Title: Newcomer adjustment during org socialization: A meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods Tested a model in which adjustment mediated the relationship of organizational socialization tactics and information seeking on socialization outcomes Organizational socialization: refers to the process by which newcomers make the transition from being organizational outsiders to being insiders ---> Socialization process is rooted in uncertainty reduction theory - newcomers desire to increase the predictability of interactions between themselves and others within the new organization Information seeking facets: 1) referent info (what is required on the job); 2) appraisal info (degree of functioning successfully on the job); 3) relational info (nature of relationships w/ others) Socialization tactics facets: 1) content (clear stages exist for training); 2) context (learning task requirements as part of a group); 3) social (receiving pos. feedback from insiders & having an insider to guide them) Results: - Role clarity, self-efficacy, and social acceptance emerged as three important indicators of newcomer adjustment - Information seeking was significantly related to role clarity and social acceptance, whereas socialization tactics were related to all three adjustment types ---> important role that information seeking plays in uncertainty reduction Information seeking: - Referent and appraisal information were related to most of the adjustment indicators, but the relational facet was unrelated Socialization tactics: - Authors found that majority of the tactics were related to all three types of adjustment, consistent with the proposed role of socialization tactics for newcomer uncertainty reduction Outcomes of adjustment: - Social acceptance was related to all outcomes, self-efficacy was related to all of the outcomes except job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and role clarity was related to all of the outcomes except turnover

(Ordóñez, Schweitzer, Galinsky, & Bazerman, 2009) (response)

Title: On good scholarship, goal setting, and scholars gone wild They did not intend to review the goal-setting literature in their "Goals Gone Wild" article; rather, their aim was to highlight the possibility of systematic harm resulting from goal setting Points of Contention: - Locke and Latham's (2009) characterization of Ordóñez et al.'s (2009) view of scholarship is incorrect - Ordóñez et al. (2009) continue to believe that anecdotes, case studies, & journalistic accounts inform important research questions. - Aim was not to report new results, rather the goal was to "make information about empirical research in management accessible to the nonexpert" - Ordóñez et al. (2009) believe that Locke and Latham's 2007 paper fell short in examining the downsides to goal setting; slightly opposite of the authors perception - Locke and Latham (2009) described Ordóñez et al.'s (2009) practice of citing out of context --- Ordóñez et al. (2009) believe that they were then also cited out of context when Locke and Latham (2009) quote their "assertion" that "goals should be used only in the narrowest of circumstances" Good Scholarship: - Must ask interesting questions that address important issues and/or challenge existing beliefs - Must generate new knowledge (Locke and Latham (2009) prove that Ordóñez et al. (2009) did not do this based on many years of previous research dating all the way back to nearly half a century ago) - Sound empirics (not done by Ordóñez et al. (2009)) - Generating implications - Broadly disseminated and widely consumed

(Kerr, 1975)

Title: On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B Illustrations are presented from society in general, and from organizations in particular, of reward systems that "pay off" for one behavior even though the rewarder hopes dearly for another - i.e. Military: rewarding disobedience, while hoping soldiers would obey orders - i.e. Universities: society hopes that teachers will not neglect their teaching responsibilities but rewards them almost entirely for research and publications - i.e. Business: reward systems which reinforce behaviors not desired by top management Four general factors may be pertinent to an explanation of why fouled up reward systems seem to be so prevalent (1) Fascination with an "objective" criterion --- Desire to establish simple, quantifiable standards which can be measured and thus objectively rewarded (2) Overemphasis on highly visible behaviors (3) Hypocrisy - hollow statements ; say you want something, but you actually want something else (4) Emphasis on morality or equity rather than efficiency Three possible remedies (1) Selection - employ only those individuals whose goals and motives are wholly consonant with those of management ---> ASA model - bring people in who match company values (2) Training (3) Altering the Reward System ---> We need to identify if it is actually rewarding the right behavior; if not, then adjust accordingly

Rousseau (1997)

Title: Org behavior in the new org era There is a shift in how we think about OB from organization to organizing behavior - This research is extending many of the traditional concepts within the field Similar argument as Heath & Sitkin (2001) had about Big-O

(Luscher & Lewis, 2008)

Title: Org change and managerial sensemaking: Working thru paradox Investigated org sensemaking using action research

(Hartnell, Ou, & Kinicki, 2011)

Title: Org culture and org effectiveness: A meta-analytic investigation of the competing values framework's theoretical suppositions Competing values framework was used to meta-analyze the relationship btw culture types and org effectiveness criteria: - 3 underlying dimensions include focus, structure, and means-ends (competing core values that "represent what people value about an organization's performance") - Culture types are expected to relate to different org effectiveness indicators Effectiveness criteria: EE attitudes, operational & financial effectiveness ---> Clan, adhocracy, and market cultures are pos. associated with the effectiveness criteria Culture Types: 1. Clan - human affiliation - satisfaction & commitment (attitudes) 2. Adhocracy - change - innovation 3. Market - achievement - increased market share, profit) Avg. correlation among the culture types was .54 ---> a lumping approach would be more appropriate

Bauer & Erdogan (2011)

Title: Org socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees Presented a model for the process of socialization Inputs: 1. New employee characteristics - proactive personality, extraversion, openness, Veteran employee 2. New employee behaviors - info seeking, feedback seeking, relationship building 3. Organizational efforts - socialization tactics, formal orientations, recruitment/realistic job previews, organizational insiders Mediator (just like in Bauer et al, 2007): 1. Adjustment - role clarity, self-efficacy, acceptance by org insiders, knowledge of org culture Outcomes: 1. Satisfaction 2. Commitment 3. Turnover 4. Performance

(Martins, 2011)

Title: Organizational Change and Development (OCD) There are several general conclusions that this chapter makes that can be cited. - Lewin's model: change implementation progresses thru unfreezing, moving, & refreezing - OCD - creating or responding to differences in the states of individuals, groups, orgs, and collectives over time Very difficult to study OCD because we're only taking a snapshot; we need to change our methods to a more dynamic approach ---> We don't have very good methods for tracking that change ---> Each snapshot has different theoretical underpinnings - there is not a unified one in the OCD literature Episodic v continuous change - Episodic - change is intentional and planned and can be defined by relatively discrete start and end points - Continuous - change is an ongoing process w/o temporal boundaries Deterministic v managerial choice - Deterministic - change is prompted by forces external to the org, and to remain effective orgs must change to conform to changing environmental demands - Managerial - change is prompted by managers intentionally choosing strategies in response to demands Conclusion: - Newer conceptualizations assign EE roles of empowered creators or co-creators of change along with org leaders - Involve the employee more in change efforts - There has been a trend in the research of making manager a crucial agent in Org change.

(Schulte, Ostroff, Shmulyian, & Kinicki, 2009)

Title: Organizational climate configurations: Relationship to collective attitudes, customer satisfaction, and financial performance Investigated three profile characteristics representing climate configurations 1) Elevation - mean score across climate dimensions (do we have shared perceptions of climate and how much?) 2) Variability - extent to which scores vary across dimensions (SD and climate strength) 3) Shape - pattern of dimensions Psychological climate - an individual's perception of the work env Unit/org climate - shared perceptions among employees within work units regarding what the unit is like This study used a configural approach to study org climate Results: - Elevation = related to internal effectiveness outcomes (EE affect, intentions to stay, & EE perceptions of service quality) - Shape = related to external effectiveness outcomes (customer satisfaction and financial performance) - Results were mixed for profile variability Implications: - It's important to look at multiple dimensions of climate b/c they are differentially related to outcomes

(Probst, 2015)

Title: Organizational safety climate supervisor safety enforcement: multilevel explorations of the causes of accident underreporting - Tested the extent to which org safety climate and perceptions of supervisor enforcement of safety policies are related to accident underreporting Results: - Employees who perceive low supervisor enforcement of safety policies engage in greater underreporting - In orgs with poor safety climates, greater supervisor enforcement is related to reduced employee underreporting - When there was a positive safety climate, the relationship btw supervisor enforcement behaviors and accident underreporting was weakened Implications: - Management plays a big role; they determine how policies are enacted on a day-to-day basis - Important for supervisors to provide regular feedback in response to observed employee safety behaviors - Effective supervisors should demonstrate transactional leadership by providing clear rewards and punishments dependent on enacting safety behaviors

Huber (2011)

Title: Organizations: Theory, design, future Organization - socially constructed, goal-directed, boundary-maintaining, hierarchically differentiated, open systems of human activities 3 org perspectives: 1. Rational - organizations are driven by goals; they are purposeful; they try to achieve some outcome (think Taylor & scientific management) 2. Natural - people have unique goals; they have thoughts, feelings, and ideas (i.e. Hawthorne Study) 3. Open - organizations depend on their environment for basic resources (i.e. employees, materials)

Rhoades & Eisenberger (2002)

Title: Perceived org support: A review of the literature POS - employees' general belief that their work organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being 3 major categories of beneficial treatment received by employees were associated with POS: 1. Fairness 2. Supervisor support 3. Organizational rewards and favorable job conditions Fairness had the greatest relationship with POS, followed by supervisor support, with rewards and favorable job characteristics having the weakest relationship Person characteristics and demographic variables were weakly related to POS POS was related to favorable outcomes for employees and the org Organizational support theory - employees' belief that the organization's actions were discretionary, feeling of obligation to aid the organization, fulfillment of socioemotional needs, and performance-reward expectancies ---> employees 1st figure out if the org cares about their well-being and develop expectancies about the org fulfilling their needs Orgs should treat employees fairly; don't select people based on demographic characteristics

(Schneider, Ehrhart, & Macey, 2011)

Title: Perspectives on Organizational Climate and Culture Org climate - focus on psychological issues ---> concerns policies, practices, and procedures as well as behaviors that get rewarded, supported, and expected in a work setting Org culture - focus on collective (sociology, anthropology) ---> beliefs, ideologies, and values; ways these are transmitted thru symbols, language, & practices, especially during socialization to the workplace Climcult model

(Venkataramani, Labianca, & Grosser, 2013)

Title: Positive and negative workplace relationships, social satisfaction, and organizational attachment Examined how employees' centrality in positive networks & their negative interactions at work may impact their organizational attachment Social ledger approach: individuals generally have positive and negative ties at work; must be studied in combination Centrality in positive tie networks: extent to which others in the network seek out this person for voluntary positive ties such as friendship and advice Centrality in negative networks: extent to which an individual is the target of negative ties from several other work group members Results: -> Employees' centrality in the positive ties network was positively related to their satisfaction with their workplace relationships -> Employees' in-degree centrality in negative networks was negatively related to their satisfaction with their workplace relationships -> Employees' centrality in positive networks interacted with in-degree centrality in negative networks such that positive centrality was more strongly related to their satisfaction with workplace relationships as their negative centrality increased -> Employees' satisfaction with their workplace relationships was positively related to their overall attachment with their organization, indicated by their job satisfaction, affective commitment, and intentions to remain with the organization

Lambert (2011)

Title: Promised and delivered inducements and contributions: An integrated view of psychological contract appraisal Psychological contract - promised inducements, promised contributions, delivered inducements, and delivered contributions 3 approaches for integrating the 4 elements of psychological contracts were drawn from: 1. Discrepancy theory 2. Equity theory 3. Need theory Focus was on job satisfaction as the outcome Results disconfirmed the first two approaches ---> Needs model was supported - elements proximal to need satisfaction matter more than distal elements ---> What is delivered (for pay and for work) matters more than what is promised, and pay matters more than work Main Takeaway: Mean levels matter; crappy pay and work is not the same as good pay and work

Barrick, Stewart, Neubert, & Mount (1998)

Title: Relating member ability and personality to work-team processes and team effectiveness Used IPO framework Methods of operationalizing team composition: 1. Mean score of individual measures 2. Variability of individual characteristics 3. Highest or lowest individual-trait score for the team (max or min) Taxonomy by Steiner (1972): 1. Additive tasks (mean level) - require summing of resources for performance 2. Compensatory tasks (variance) - require that individual inputs be averaged together to arrive at a team outcome 3. Conjunctive tasks (minimum)- require each group member to perform at a minimally acceptable level for the team to succeed 4. Disjunctive tasks (maximum) - require only one team member to perform well Results: - Conscientious teams (mean, variance, and min.), high GMA teams (mean), more agreeable teams (mean) and emotionally stable teams (mean) had higher performance - Teams with higher GMA (mean), extraversion (mean and min), and emotional stability (mean) had higher levels of team viability - Social cohesion mediated the relationship between extraversion (mean) and emotional stability (mean) and viability What would we tell organizations? - GMA and different personality factors affect performance - Don't just look at the mean ---> variability in conscientiousness created problems for team performance - Minimum level of extraversion was related to performance (it only takes one really introverted person to bring down the team)

Cascio & Aguinis (2008)

Title: Research in I/O Psychology from 1963 to 2007 Content analysis of all articles posted to the Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology from 1963 to 2007 Academic-practitioner divide: disconnect btw what researchers are saying is best and what practitioners are actually doing - Research often lags behind human capital trends (what we're seeing as issues important in real-world organizations) - Authors recommended practitioners take research sabbaticals & vice versa JAP and PPsych are sound indicators of common underlying trends in the research produced in the field of I-O psychology - i.e. Work motivation and attitudes; Predictors of performance; Methodology-psychometric issues; Performance measurement-work outcomes Modal author is an academic based in the US; there is a rise in number of authors publishing from outside the US ---> trend toward globalization 13 research areas could be targeted to help narrow the divide (i.e. compensation & benefits, work-life issues, retirements of baby boomers, increasing diversity, globalization)

(Shin, Taylor, & Seo, 2012)

Title: Resources for change: The relationships or org inducements and psychological resilience to employees' attitudes and behaviors toward org change Drew upon COR theory to argue that tangible organizational inducements (rewards) increase an individual's commitment and support for change efforts ---> Intangible inducements do not Someone's psychological resilience (ability to bounce back from an emotional trauma) also has an effect on commitment to org change.

(Beus, Payne, Bergman, & Arthur, 2010)

Title: Safety climate and injuries: An examination of theoretical and empirical relationships Meta-analysis to investigate safety climate: - Safety climate - employees' perceptions of org safety policies, procedures, and practices - Investigated the distinction of safety climate -> injury and injury -> safety climate relationships Results: - Length of time only moderated the org safety climate -> injury relationship ---> ability of an assessment on safety climate to predict future injuries is attenuated as time increases - Injury-safety climate relationship was not moderated by length of time for org and psych climates ---> influence of injuries on safety climate perceptions is not affected by length of time - Management commitment to safety is most robust predictor of injuries Practical Implications - Managerial safety training should emphasize the manager as a safety referent - Org efforts to increase the extent to which employees share safety climate perceptions may aid in decreasing future injuries What we can conclude: • Injuries have a long-term effect on the climate; time did not have an effect

Swider, Zimmerman, & Barrick (2015)

Title: Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process Decision-making theory (differentiation-consolidation theory - decision makers positively or negatively adjust and update preferences and attitudes toward individual alternatives as they gather more information over time) Participants in this study were students enrolled in a combined graduate degree program in accounting at a large southwestern university ---> Surveys were given out throughout the recruitment process for a total of 8 times This study shows that the higher and more differentiated an applicant's PO fit perception is throughout the recruiting process for a specific organization, the stronger the relationship with later job choices. It is important for each organization to actively manage the information they make available to applicants, including the information shared right at the start of the recruiting proces

(Swider, Zimmerman, Barrick, 2015)

Title: Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process The authors extend the emergent PO fit development literature as well as the established recruiting literature by integrating a decision-making theory Differentiation-Consolidation Theory argues that decision makers positively or negatively adjust and update preferences and attitudes toward individual alternatives as they gather more information over time The authors examine initial and changes in differentiation of applicant PO fit perceptions toward multiple organizations to better understand how these fit perceptions develop simultaneously across several possible future employers and predict offer acceptance decisions This study shows that the higher and more differentiated an applicant's PO fit perception is throughout the recruiting process for a specific organization, the stronger the relationship with later job choices. These results highlight the importance of each organization actively managing the information they make available to applicants, including the information shared right at the start of the recruiting process. It is critical that organizations take steps to ensure that applicant PO fit perceptions continue to increase, and do not drop, throughout the recruiting process.

(Halbesleben, 2006)

Title: Sources of social support and burnout: A meta-analytic test of the COR model COR model proposes that stress is the result of a threat to resources ---> Related to burnout, it assumes that resources are differentially related to burnout dimensions Burnout - psychological strain that is a response to chronic work stress In this paper, I provide a meta-analysis of the social support and burnout literature ---> Social support, as a resource, did not yield different relationships across the 3 burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment), challenging the COR model Source of social support (work vs. nonwork) as a moderator: ---> Work-related sources of social support, because of their more direct relationship to work demands, were more closely associated with exhaustion than depersonalization or personal accomplishment ---> Nonwork-related sources of social support were more closely associated with depersonalization and personal accomplishment than exhaustion

(Griffin & Clarke, 2011)

Title: Stress and well-being at work Review article of stress literature. Work stress is not a single event or a specific psychological state. Rather, work stress describes a general process in which individuals respond to and manage demands to meet multiple goals over time. ---> stressors -> stress -> strain A basic distinction between stressors (e.g., excessive workloads) as the primary drivers of this process and strains (e.g., anxiety and depression) as its primary outcomes has proved useful for building a more complete picture of the stress process Integrating Framework: The framework highlights two key processes of work stress: 1) a transactional process linking the person and environment and 2) a dynamic process that unfolds over shorter time periods. Primary Interventions: often focus on the reduction of stressors in the workplace and take place at an organizational level (i.e. job design; level of autonomy) ---> Job design - think Humphrey, Nahrgang, & Morgeson (2007) ---> Autonomy - think Hackman & Oldham (1976) & Humphrey et al. (2007) - Job Characteristics Model Secondary Interventions: operate by developing individuals' skills in identifying and managing stressors, and by improving their coping strategies and/or replacing maladaptive coping styles with more successful ones. ---> Coping can be broken down into problem- and emotion-focused strategies Tertiary Interventions: Try to fix the strain; act to mitigate individual stress outcomes ---> i.e. helping individuals to cope with their anxiety through stress counseling ---> i.e. organizations often provide workers with access to employee assistance programs (EAPs) in order to help those who are experiencing stress outcomes. If the problem can be resolved thru primary intervention, then secondary and tertiary are unnecessary Future Directions: We propose three questions to be considered: (a) What is the time lag of effects? (b) How does reciprocal causation operate? and (c) What is the link between short-term and long term processes?

(de Jonge & Dormann, 2006)

Title: Stressors, resources, and strain at work: A longitudinal test of the triple-match principle Two longitudinal studies investigated the issue of match between job stressors and job resources in the prediction of job-related strain. ---> Triple match principle was used Job stressors - degree to which the work environment contains stimuli that require sustained cognitive, emotional, or physical effort Job resources - similar to coping options; energetic reservoir that an individual taps when he/she has to cope with job stressors Strains - negative effect that a stressor has on physical, emotional, or cognitive well-being Researchers have proposed that specific stressors and specific resources should match to show the moderating effects in the prediction of strain ---> Referred to as the matching hypothesis - if the type of available resources corresponds to existing stressors, then those resources are best able to mitigate the effects of those stressors, and less strain Triple match grid: 1) Emotional - stressor = irate customers; resource = training or encouragement; strain = anxiety/burnout 2) Physical - stressor = lifting heavy machinery; resource = safety equipment; strain = back pain 3) Cognitive - stressor = intense mental processing; resource = ability to set one's own goals; strain = no motivation to learn new things The likelihood of finding moderating effects was linearly related to the degree of match, with 33.3% of all tested interactions becoming significant when there was a triple match, 16.7% when there was a double match, and 0.0% when there was no match. Findings were most consistent if there was an emotional match or a physical match

De Dreu & Weingart (2003)

Title: Task versus relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction: A meta-analysis Conflict - process resulting from the tension between team members b/c of real or perceived differences ---> Examples of relationship conflict - personal taste, political preferences, values ---> Examples of task conflict - distribution of resources, procedures, and policies Info processing perspective - both types of conflict interfere with team perf IVs: relationship vs. task conflict Moderator: task type DVs: team perf and team member satisfaction Group tasks were categorized using McGrath's (1984) group-task circumplex: Planning-production tasks, decision-making tasks, project tasks, and mixed tasks Results: - Task conflict had a weaker neg relationship with team member satisfaction than did relationship conflict - Task and relationship conflict had almost equal neg relationship on team performance (lends support to the info processing perspective) - Conflict had stronger negative relations with team performance when tasks were more complex (in other words, stronger neg relations for project & decision making task types compared to production tasks) - Relationship conflict worse for decision-making teams Main Takeaway: both types of conflict are bad

Mathieu, Maynard, Rapp, & Gilson (2008)

Title: Team effectiveness 1997-2007: A review of recent advancements and a glimpse into the future Team - collectives who exist to perform organizationally relevant tasks, shared one or more common goals, interact socially, exhibit task interdependencies, maintain and manage boundaries Team Effectiveness Framework: 1. IPO - input-processes-outcomes (does not account for time) 2. IMO - input-mediators-outcomes (includes processes & emergent states) 3. IMOI - emphasis on cyclical nature of team functioning Team Outcomes: Team Performance (org level perf, team level perf and outcomes, role based perf, & perf composites) & Members' Affect and Viability Mediators: Team Processes (taskwork vs. teamwork; Marks et al., 2001 taxonomy) ---> Emergent States - i.e. team confidence, climate, trust, cohesion, collective cognition ---> Blended mediators - i.e. team learning and TMSs Team Composition Inputs: 1. Composition: simple combination rules, such as averaging lower level units to represent a higher level construct (Approaches: mean value and diversity) 2. Compilation: higher-level phenomenon is a complex combination of diverse lower-level contributions (e.g. team perf may be unduly influenced by the least/most competent member) (Approaches: complex combinations) Team Level Inputs: 1. Interdependence 2. Team Training 3. Team Leadership

(Summers, Humphrey, & Ferris, 2012)

Title: Team member change, flux in coordination, and performance. Effects of strategic core roles, information transfer, and cognitive ability Flux in coordination - Emergent state; period btw the action and transition phases (Marks et al., 2001) ---> Member change --> jolt to coordination patterns --> thrusts team out of equilibrium - IVs: information transfer and strategic core - Mediator: Flux in coordination - Moderator: New member cognitive ability - DV: Task performance Results: - More strategically core the team role experiencing member replacement, the higher the level of flux in coordination - When a core member goes from high to low cog. ability, you have the most flux - Information transfer neg. related to flux - Flux in coordination neg. related to team task performance Implications: - Proper socialization of new team members will help them learn group norms and share information (info transfer)

Marks, DeChurch, Mathieu, Panzer, & Alonso (2005)

Title: Teamwork in multiteam systems Multiteam System (MTS): - Two or more teams that interface directly and interdependently in response to environmental contingencies toward the accomplishment of collective goals - MTS boundaries are defined by virtue of the fact that all teams within the system, while pursuing different proximal goals, share at least one common distal goal - Exhibit input, process, and outcome interdependence with at least one other team in the system Component teams: teams within an MTS Teamwork Processes: - Applied Marks et al. (2001) framework to MTS-level processes Goal hierarchy can be: pooled (performance is additive sum), sequential or long-linked (one team must perform task/accomplish goal for the other team to able to) and intensive (teams' functions are intertwined) Results: - The highest performing MTSs were those that had high action processes both within and across teams - Cross-team (MTS) action processes are most valuable when working in highly interdependent goal hierarchies - Contrary to expectations, MTS transition processes were more positively related to MTS performance when teams worked in less interdependent goal hierarchies

Schneider, Goldstein, & Smith (1995)

Title: The ASA framework: An update Two central propositions of the ASA model: (a) the role of founders and top management in determining organizational goals and the ASA cycle. The authors found empirical and anecdotal support for the contention that organizations (their structure, process, and culture) are a reflection of their founders, leaders, and top managers. (b) homogeneity of personality attributes within organizations as a consequence of the ASA cycle. The authors found support for the tendency for organizations to become homogeneous with regard to person types which can POSSIBLY (no actual support for negative outcome) be dangerous for long-term organizational effectiveness. This was based on direct and indirect evidence. Attraction process - people are attracted to organizations like them Selection - formal and informal procedures used by organizations in the recruitment and hiring of people with the attributes the organization desires Attrition - persons who do not fit the organization they join will leave, leading to increasing homogeneity of persons in the organization There is some laboratory and field study evidence that has emerged from direct tests of ASA theory to indicate that the ASA hypothesis regarding homogeneity has some validity This direct evidence is sparse but, combined with the earlier indirect evidence we found in the research literature, there appears to be a growing body of validity evidence for the homogeneity hypothesis Contribution: - Small orgs/businesses must guard against the inclination towards homogeneity, especially family businesses

(Schneider, Goldstein, & Smith, 1995)

Title: The ASA framework: An update We review the current literatures that are relevant to the issues of attraction, selection, and attrition regarding two central propositions of the ASA model: (a) the role of founders and top management in determining organizational goals and the ASA cycle. The authors found empirical and anecdotal support for the contention that organizations (their structure, process, and culture) are a reflection of their founders, leaders, and top managers. (b) homogeneity of personality attributes within organizations as a consequence of the ASA cycle. The authors found support for the tendency for organizations to become homogeneous with regard to person types which can POSSIBLY (no actual support for negative outcome) be dangerous for long-term organizational effectiveness. This was based on direct and indirect evidence. Attraction process: people's preferences for an organization depend on implicit estimation of the similarity between own personal personal characteristics and the attributes of potential work organizations. Selection refers to the formal and informal procedures used by organizations in the recruitment and hiring of people with the attributes the organization desires. Attrition process refers to the idea that people will leave an organization they do not fit ASA is an alternative to the situationally dominated theories currently accepted in the field, i.e. situationist perspective and interactional psychological models

(Locke, 1976)

Title: The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction Hawthorne research emphasized that workers have minds, and that the appraisals they make of the work situation affect their reactions to it Job Satisfaction: pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences Major Content Theories of Job Satisfaction -> Maslow and Herzberg's theories Causal factors in job satisfaction -> Events + conditions (work, pay, promotion, verbal recognition, work conditions) -> Agents (the self, supervisors, co-workers, subordinates, company, management) JS affects other attitudes, physical health and longevity, mental health, and actions (job behaviors)

Jehn, Rispens, & Thatcher (2010)

Title: The effects of conflict asymmetry on work group and individual outcomes Took a multilevel approach to studying conflict asymmetry and its effect on outcomes - Outcomes were performance, creativity, and satisfaction with a team - Mediators: group atmosphere and social processes Definitions: - Individual conflict asymmetry - individual-level aspect of conflict asymmetry; whether a member perceives more/less conflict than other group members - Group conflict asymmetry - group members perceive different levels of conflict (not just the mean conflict level) Results: 1. At the group level... - Task conflict asymmetry was neg correlated with creativity ---> no significant effect of task conflict asymmetry on perf - Relationship conflict asymmetry was neg correlated with perf ---> no sig effect of relationship conflict asymmetry on creativity 2. At the individual level... - Task conflict asymmetry and relationship conflict asymmetry were neg correlated with satisfaction - Only task conflict asymmetry was neg correlated with performance 3. Members who perceived more conflict than others in their group experienced a less positive group atmosphere and thus decreased satisfaction 4. When members perceive more conflict than others, they experience less positive social processes (communication and cooperation) and thus decreased satisfaction and performance Theoretical Implications: - Usually the focus is on mean levels; that may not give the whole picture - Variability in individual and group perceptions of the level of conflict can have serious consequences Managerial Implications: - Everyone must recognize that their perception of what is occurring in the group is not likely to be shared by all - Conflict resolution - bring the conflict into the open so that everyone can either agree that there is a certain level of conflict

(Judge, Piccolo, & Ilies, 2004)

Title: The forgotten ones? The validity of consideration and initiating structure in leadership research Meta-analysis Definitions: - Consideration - degree to which leader shows concern for followers, looks out for their welfare, and expresses appreciation/support - Initiating structure - degree to which leader defines/organizes roles, is oriented toward goal attainment, and establishes well-defined channels of communication Hypotheses: 1) Consideration will be positively related to: - Follower satisfaction (leader satisfaction, job satisfaction) - Leader performance or effectiveness (leader job performance, group-organization performance, leader effectiveness) ***Supported! 2) Initiating structure will be positively related to: - Follower satisfaction (leader satisfaction, job satisfaction) - Leader performance or effectiveness (leader job performance, group-organization performance, leader effectiveness) ***Supported! 3) Compared with initiating structure, consideration will be more strongly related to follower satisfaction whereas compared with consideration, initiating structure will be more strongly related to leader performance or effectiveness ---> Contrary to hypothesis 3, consideration more strongly related to leader effectiveness 4) Validities of consideration and initiating structure will vary by measure ---> supported 5) There will be a significant (nonzero) correlation between consideration and initiating structure ---> mixed results 6) Intercorrelation of consideration and initiating structure will vary by measure ---> supported Results: - Results reveal that both consideration and initiating structure have important main effects on numerous criteria that most would argue are fundamental indicators of effective leadership - Consideration was more strongly related to leadership (collapsed across outcomes and measures). The study-level moderators were as follows: Criteria (which of the six criteria was used in the study), Measure (which of the five measures [LBDQ, LBDQ-XII, LOQ, SBDQ, other] was used in the study), Research Design (cross-sectional or longitudinal), Independence of Data Sources (same source or different source), Study Setting (business, college, military, public sector), and Level of the Leader (supervisory or mid- to upper-level leaders). - Nonsignificant correlations of consideration with leader job performance and correlation of initiating structure with follower job satisfaction - Measure used in leadership studies did moderate validity of both consideration and initiating structure ---> measures matter! Main Takeaway: What we are arguing is that it is inadvisable, at this point, to abandon Consideration and Initiating Structure in leadership research.

Rousseau (2011)

Title: The individual-organization relationship: The psychological contract Psychological contract - an employee's understanding of what they owe that employer and what they expect of that employer over time ---> An individual's beliefs about a commitment with another Contracts come about through higher level routine processes using schemas and scripts as well as lower level processes attending to new experiences Individual differences (i.e. personality) influence the likelihood that an individual's contract will contain certain beliefs ---> Conscientious people will be better performers ---> Neurotic people will be more likely to see violation b/c they attribute unmet obligations to the organization doing something that is willingly wrong (breach) 4 things can occur within a contract: fulfillment, breach, violation, and change Breaches (extent to which a party falls short in upholding an obligation) come before violations (emotional response to the breach) Our conceptualizations and measurements of psychological contracts are very messy

(Judge, et al. 2001)

Title: The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review The most valid models of the relationship between JS and JP... Model 5: The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance Is Moderated by Other Variables Model 7: Alternative Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction and/or Job Performance -> JS as affect -> Job performance should include both task and contextual -> study organizational level of analysis, not just individual Estimated population value of the correlation between overall job satisfaction and general job performance = .30 -> substantially stronger in high-complexity jobs than low-complexity jobs -> similar to 4 of the strongest and most consistent correlates of job performance (conscientiousness, biodata inventories, structured interviews, & assessment centers) Research on the satisfaction-performance relationship should not be abandoned

House, Rousseau, & Thomas-Hunt (1995)

Title: The meso paradigm: A framework for the integration of micro and macro org behavior Meso paradigm - framework that accommodates research that incorporates both micro and macro variables Macro Theory - impersonal aspects of orgs ---> Criticism: gives little attention to the human processes by which organizations operate Micro Theory - behavior and attributes of individuals and small groups in organizations ---> Criticism: little in these theories is strictly organizational in nature Meso theory: research that includes at least two levels of analysis wherein (a) one or more levels concern individual or group behavioral processes or variables, (b) one or more levels concern organizational processes, and (c) the processes by which the levels of analysis are related are articulated in the form of bridging, or linking, propositions Micro and macro processes cannot be treated as separate and added up to understand behavior in orgs

(Seo, Taylor, Hill, Zhang, Tesluk, & Lorinkova, 2012)

Title: The role of affect and leadership during org change Looked at affect, commitment to change, and transformational leadership Affective events theory - events occur in org that have immediate affective consequences for their EEs ---> relates to episodic change Affective commitment to change - feel that it will be advantageous for you; want to Normative commitment to change - ought to; reciprocate pos. treatment received by org Results: - EE positive and negative affective experiences both positively and negatively predict their commitment to change - Managers' transformational leadership shapes EE affective reactions and commitment to change Implications: - Managers should consider actively promoting positive affective experiences and minimizing negative ones for their employees in order to increase the likelihood of building enduring, long-term commitment and support for organization change - Employees' direct managers may play a critical role in promoting positive affect among employees, as well as reducing their negative affect during the organizational change by displaying transformational leadership

(Ilies, Wilson, & Wagner, 2009)

Title: The spillover of daily job satisfaction onto employees' family lives: The facilitating role of work-family integration Work-family spillover: effects of work + family on one another that generate similarities b/w the 2 domains; behavioral or affective This study was concerned w/spillover of a work role attitude (job satisfaction) from work to family → EEs' satisfaction w/their jobs influences their feelings + attitudes experienced in the family role Results: -> On days when employees experience high daily job satisfaction, they experience higher positive affect at home, compared to days when they experience low daily job satisfaction. -> On days when employees experience high daily job satisfaction, they experience lower negative affect at home, compared to days when they experience low daily job satisfaction. -> On days when employees experience high daily job satisfaction, they report higher daily marital satisfaction, compared to days when they experience low daily job satisfaction -> The tendency for employees with higher (rather than lower) daily job satisfaction to experience higher positive affect at home is stronger for employees who are more rather than less work-family role-integrated. -> The tendency for employees with higher (rather than lower) daily job satisfaction to experience lower negative affect at home is stronger for employees who are more rather than less work-family role-integrated -> EEs w/support roles (e.g., secretary) experienced less spillover b/w their daily job + marital satisfaction than those w/more autonomous work roles

Ployhart, Weekley, & Baughman (2006)

Title: The structure and function of human capital emergence: A multilevel examination of the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model We integrated multilevel theory and the ASA model to clarify the structure and function of homogeneity, and hence human capital, at individual, job, and organizational levels The authors examined the structure of personality homogeneity emergence. They examined the functional relationships between job- and organization-level personality and individual-level job satisfaction and performance. Measured personality homogeneity as job average personality and organizational average personality. They looked at the unit variances as well. They found when units have the same favorable mean, those with less variance are more satisfied and better-performing individuals Selection should not only be based on job specific factors, but also on the match between an applicant's personality and that of coworkers in the job and organization After heeding appropriate legal concerns, firms hire individuals with more emotional stability, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion, individual performance and satisfaction will increase

(Ployhart, Weekley, & Baughman, 2006)

Title: The structure and function of human capital emergence: A multilevel examination of the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model We integrated multilevel theory and the ASA model to clarify the structure and function of homogeneity, and hence human capital, at individual, job, and organizational levels The authors examined the structure of personality homogeneity emergence. They examined the functional relationships between job- and organization-level personality and individual-level job satisfaction and performance. Measured personality homogeneity as job average personality and organizational average personality. They looked at the unit variances as well. They found when units have the same favorable mean, those with less variance have more satisfied and better-performing individuals In all cases, individuals and jobs composed of individuals with more emotional stability, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion were associated withmore satisfaction and performance. During the selection phase, managers must recognize that it is not better to hire or tolerate otherwise competent individuals who differ markedly from the unit average personality, because these people can disrupt the performance and satisfaction of coworkers. The implication is that selection should not only be based on job specific factors, but also on the match between an applicant's personality and that of coworkers in the job and organization.

(Judge & Piccolo, 2004)

Title: Transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Transformational leaders - offer a purpose that transcends short-term goals and focuses on higher order intrinsic needs ---> Transactional leaders - focus on proper exchange of resources 4 dimensions of transformational leadership: 1) Idealized influence (charismatic leadership) - degree to which leader behaves in admirable ways that cause followers to identify with leader 2) Inspirational motivation 3) Intellectual stimulation 4) Individualized consideration 3 dimensions of transactional leadership: 1) Contingent reward - leader sets up constructive transactions/exchanges with followers 2) Management by exception: a) Active: monitor follower behavior, anticipate problems, take corrective actions before behavior creates serious difficulties; b) Passive: wait until behavior has created problems 3) Laissez faire - avoidance or absence of leadership Leadership dimensions: Follower satisfaction with leader, Follower motivation, Leader job performance, Leader effectiveness Hypotheses: 1) Transformational leadership will have positive, nonzero relationships with following leadership criteria ---> supported 2) Transformational and charismatic leadership will exhibit similar overall validities ---> supported 3) Contingent reward transactional leadership will have positive, nonzero relationships with the following leadership criteria ---> supported 4) Management by exception-passive and laissez-faire leadership will have negative, nonzero relationships with the following leadership criteria ---> minimal support 5) Transformational leadership will significantly predict leadership criteria controlling for the 3 transactional leadership behaviors and laissez-faire leadership ---> supported Results: Transformational leadership showed highest overall validity, then contingent reward leadership. Laissez-faire had moderately strong, negative average relationship with leadership criteria. Transformational leadership and contingent reward leadership display strongest and most consistent correlations across leadership criteria. Q statistic for transformational and Q statistic for contingent rewards suggested presence of moderators - Effect sizes for transformational leadership not nearly as strong as those in Lowe et al (1996). - Contingent reward leadership appeared to have validity levels comparable with those of transformational leadership. - High correlations between transformational leadership and several dimensions of transactional leadership. ---> makes it difficult to separate unique effects - In predicting outcomes, controlling for other forms of leadership tended to undermine validities of transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership Furthermore, when controlling for contingent reward and the other forms of transactional leadership, we found transformational leadership to be generally a stronger predictor of the leadership criteria. It may be more robust (less dependent on access to resources)

Colquitt & Zapata-Phelan (2007)

Title: Trends in theory building and testing: A five-decade study of the Academy of Management Journal Theory building - degree to which an empirical article clarifies or supplements existing theory or introduces relationships and constructs that serve as the foundations for new theory (i.e. introducing mediators/moderators of an existing relationship) Theory testing - degree to which existing theory is applied in an empirical study as a means of grounding a specific set of a priori hypotheses - Degrees of theory testing were inspired by Sutton and Staw's (1995) discussion of "what theory is not" 5 different types of articles in Academy of Management Journal: 1. Reporters - low levels of both theory building and testing 2. Testers - high testing; low building 3. Qualifiers - moderate levels of both 4. Builders - high building; low testing 5. Expanders - high on both Builders, testers, and expanders tend to be higher in their theoretical contribution ---> Reporters and qualifiers tend to be lower in their theoretical contribution Articles rated moderate to high on both dimensions (building and testing) had the most citations Concluding Points: - Most important finding from this study --- Increase in theory building and theory testing in management research - There is an upward trend for both theory building and testing with reporters getting replaced by qualifiers and expanders

(Ritter et al., 2016)

Title: Understanding role stressors and job satisfaction over time using adaptation theory Adaptation theory: people are able to adjust to both positive and negative stimuli, with an eventual return to baseline Role theory: when roles are unclearly disseminated and unpredictable, role theorists predict that employees will experience stress and dissatisfaction, as well as performance decrements -> Role clarity: having firm understanding of what behavior is expected on the job with regard to tasks and social interactions -> Role conflict: occurs when employees are faced with conflicting demands or tasks Results: -> Levels of job satisfaction were negatively associated with changes in job satisfaction (proportional change) -> Support adaptation theory! After accounting for the positive experience of role clarity, employees tended to adapt, with job satisfaction regressing to a more moderate level over time. Similarly, after accounting for the negative experience of role conflict, levels of job satisfaction tended to rebound over time

(Ilies & Judge, 2002)

Title: Understanding the dynamic relationships among personality, mood, and job satisfaction: A field experience sampling study

Sutton & Staw (1995)

Title: What theory is not There is a lack of consensus on what is strong and what is weak theory ---> More consensus on what theory is not! Parts of an Article That are Not Theory: 1. References 2. Data 3. Lists of Variables or Constructs 4. Diagrams 5. Hypotheses (or predictions) However, authors routinely use these five elements in lieu of theory If the field is serious about producing stronger theory, journals need to reconsider their empirical requirements We argue that journals ought to be more receptive to papers that test part rather than all of a theory and use illustrative rather than definitive data

Harrison & Klein (2007)

Title: What's the difference? Diversity constructs as separation, variety, or disparity in organizations Separation (position) - differences in position or opinion among unit members Variety (knowledge) - differences in kind of category, information, knowledge, and experience Disparity (possession) (inequality) - differences in concentration of valued social assets If the specified conceptualization and index of diversity are mismatched, research conclusions may be misleading Measures of perceived diversity should not substitute for measures of actual diversity Implication: - It is important for consultants to conceptualize diversity in these terms b/c diversity means different things at minimum and maximum levels; you wouldn't want to make the wrong recommendation - Researchers must use the correct statistical indices for each type of diversity so as not to make inaccurate conclusions

Suddaby, Hardy, & Huy (2011)

Title: Where are the new theories of organization? Theories are borrowed from other disciplines without fully adapting them to the management context - think of contextualized B from Heath & Sitkin (2001) Org theories that originated in the 50s and 60s are still prominent, but orgs have become larger and more complex since then Borrowing from other disciplines is perpetuating the academic-practitioner divide already mentioned in Cascio & Aguinis (2008) Competing for rankings and the "publish or perish" phenomenon may be reasons for the lack of new ideas

(Fisher, 2003)

Title: Why do lay people believe that satisfaction and performance are correlated? Possible sources of a commonsense theory Happy-Productive Worker Hypothesis: EEs who are happier/more satisfied w/their jobs will also be better performers Study 1 showed that this belief is pervasive Possible sources of lay belief: 1) levels of analysis - lay people may be aware of a strong relationship at a higher or lower level of analysis, or at a longer or shorter time span, than usually investigated by scholars 2) limited operationalizations - lay persons may have observed strong relationships b/w roughly 'satisfaction-like' + 'performance-like' variables + formed their beliefs accordingly Study 2: -> Individuals may mistakenly generalize from their own within-person experience of feeling satisfied when performing well to conclude that more satisfied EEs perform better than less satisfied EEs -> Mean mood at work may be the closest to what lay people mean when they think of 'happiness' at work

(Ford, Heinen, & Langkamer, 2007)

Title: Work and family satisfaction and conflict: A meta-analysis of cross-domain relationships A meta-analysis that examines the relations among stressors, involvement, and support in the work and family domains, work-family conflict, and satisfaction outside of those domains Results suggest that a considerable amount of variability in family satisfaction is explained by work domain-specific variables, whereas a considerable amount of variability in job satisfaction is explained by family domain-specific variables, with job and family stress having the strongest effects on work-family conflict and cross-domain satisfaction. Work-family conflict - A one-dimensional, bidirectional construct. It refers to both the influence of work on family and the influence of family on work as part of one dimension WIF had a small, yet significant, effect on family satisfaction, however it was small (.15) The higher the job stress, the more work interference with family (.48) Family interference with work was not significantly related to job satisfaction Work hours and WIF had stronger negative correlations with family satisfaction for employees with children that for those without children. The results suggest work hours are only indirectly related to family satisfaction through reduced work-to-family conflict. Given the changing nature of the workplace, official time spent at work may in the future have even less influence on nonwork satisfaction. The most successful organizational stress interventions with respect to work and family issues would probably aim to address more than one type or source of strain.

Jackson, & Joshi (2011)

Title: Work team diversity Diversity - wide range of physical, cultural, psychological, and behavioral differences (not just gender and ethnicity) Unit of analysis: work team 4 different types of diversity: 1. Relations-oriented - distribution of attributes instrumental in shaping interpersonal relationships (i.e. gender, age, personality) 2. Task-oriented - distribution of attributes relevant to the team's work (i.e. education, cognitive ability, tenure) 3. Readily-detected - differences among team members on attributes that are easily discerned (i.e. gender, age, nationality) 4. Underlying diversity - differences among team members on attributes that become known thru interaction (i.e. personality, attitudes, and skills) Theories for viewing diversity: ASA model, organizational demography perspective, social identity theory, information processing perspective, social capital theory, faultlines perspective Empirical Findings: - Task conflict is more productive to the team than emotional - Greater diversity = greater commitment & cohesion and less turnover - Diversity = more availability to be creative and innovative b/c you have those uncommon connections shared by the group - Task-oriented diversity is more beneficial for team performance than relations-oriented

Berdahl & Moore (2006)

Title: Workplace harassment: Double jeopardy for minority women Double jeopardy hypothesis - minority women are the primary targets of harassment and discrimination because they face both sexual and ethnic prejudice Two versions of this hypothesis: 1. Additive version - discrimination of sex and race adds together 2. Multiplicative version - sex ties into racial harassment and race ties into sex harassment (interactions) They found support for the additive version Implications: - You have to address both types of harassment - Minority women were disproportionately affected by not-man-enough harassment (i.e. part of being a real man is being white)

(Fulmer, Gerhart, & Scott, 2003)

To examine whether having an attractive workplace is related to sustained superior organizational performance, the authors considered companies included in the list of 100 Best Companies to Work For in America in comparison with two sets of other companies, a matched group and the broad market of publicly traded firms. They found that organization-level employee attitudes of the 100 Best firms were both highly positive and stable over time, that the accounting ratios (ROA and market-to-book value of equity) of these companies were generally better than those of a matched comparison group, and that for stock returns these companies outperformed the broad market when considering cumulative returns (though not consistently annually) At a minimum, these companies are able to create attractive workplaces without huritng the bottom line, and in many cases the 100 Best exhibit superior performance. So encourage companies to try and be the best for employees!

Adler et al. (2016)

Two sides to a debate. Getting rid of ratings argues that ratings are composed of: disappointing interventions; widespread disagreement amongst raters; failure to develop criteria; weak relationship w/ perf.; conflicting purposes; inconsistent eff's w/ feedback; too much of a practitioner-research gap. Keep ratings side argues that ratings are: not PM; always implemented in some fashion; have merits; provide value of differentiated evals.

Ladegard & Gjerde (2014)

Use feedback plus support to do facilitative coaching. Developed two outcome measures of leadership coaching: leader role-efficacy (LRE) and trust in subordinates (LTS). LTS is also negatively related to a decrease in turnover intentions.

Anseel et al. (2009)

Used a reflection strategy to have people reflect on feedback at a deeper level. Based in dual-processing theory (has a similar argument to feedback intervention theory). Found that feedback + reflection = better performance than feedback w/ no reflection. Also found that reflection was less important for those low in need for cognition, low in LGO, and low in person importance.

Spence & Keeping (2010)

Used policy capturing to measure motives for rating distortion. This supports the argument that managers don't always rate for accuracy. The within-person results show that avoidance and rate accuracy were negatively related to performance, while everything else (conscientiousness, agreeableness, self-interest, and self-enhancement) were positively related. The between-person results found no individual differences effects, supporting that a strong situation doesn't allow space for individual differences to operate. Also found that an avoidance cue had managers give lower performance ratings when they thought the employee would confront them (aggression?).

Halbesleben et al. (2010)

Used social responsibility theory of attribution model. Found that all hypotheses were supported: locus, controllability, and stability --> impression mngmt, org concern, and prosocial values --> anger, happiness --> perf. rating. Big weakness of this paper is common source bias, so there are common method variance issues.

Baltes et al. (2007)

Used structured free recall to identify good and bad behaviors. Found that without structured free recall that black ratees w/ negative bias score black managers as low overall perf., and black ratees w/ non-negative bias score them as higher perf. Using the structured free recall = bias made no difference. Also found support that structured free recall is better than unstructured free recall.

(Felps et al., 2009)

Uses social comparison theory to propose a model of turnover contagion, in which your coworkers' turnover behavior (resume-building, job searching, etc.) influence your own. Finds that coworkers' job embeddedness (fit, links, and sacrifice) is negatively related to individual voluntary turnover, and that coworkers' job search behaviors mediate this negative relationship (When an employee sees and hears about coworkers looking for other jobs, leaving becomes a more salient option for her/him, which leads to a greater propensity to quit). Broadly speaking, these results suggest that coworkers' job embeddedness and job search behaviors play critical roles in explaining why people quit their jobs. Increase job embeddedness by utilizing collective socialization tactics (newcomers experience common learning experiences with a group or cohort).

Ferguson & Barry (2011)

Uses social information processing theory to understand how the bystander effect plays into deviant behaviors in the work group. Found that indirectly hearing about group member interpersonal deviance leads to subsequent deviance of the focal person, and that high work group cohesion enhances a relationship between directly seeing interpersonal deviant behaviors and engaging in those. These results seem very counterintuitive.

Kim et al. (2016)

Using MSF for both administrative and developmental purposes has the potential to simultaneously (a) capture the value of feedback as a guide to set goals and focus performance improvement efforts, and (b) motivate employees to take the feedback seriously because their use of the feedback (and the extent of their performance improvement) has tangible consequences. In sum, the findings seem to suggest that developmental and administrative purposes are complementary.

(Fowler & Christakis, 2008)

While there are many determinants of happiness, whether an individual is happy also depends on whether others in the individual's social network are happy. Happy people tend to be located in the centre of their local social networks and in large clusters of other happy people. Their data do not allow them to identify the actual causal mechanisms of the spread of happiness, but various mechanisms are possible. Happy people might share their good fortune (for example, by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous to others), or change their behaviour towards others (for example, by being nicer or less hostile), or merely exude an emotion that is genuinely contagious (albeit over a longer time frame than previous psychological work has indicated). Psychoneuroimmunological mechanisms are also conceivable, whereby being surrounded by happy individuals has beneficial biological effects.

Chawla et al. (2016)

argue that discarding performance ratings is "throwing out the baby with the bath water" because we actually know a low about how to improve the delivery and receptivity of feedback (my note: I think this rationale is slightly misleading because, although they speak about how to improve feedback, they really don't touch on ratings). They cover three areas of research that can be used to improve feedback delivery and receptivity (I think receptivity is a general term for feedback orientation, feedback-seeking, etc.): supportive feedback environments, employee coaching, and characteristics of feedback recipients. Many articles assigned for class are cited. Commentary to Adler et al. (2016)

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