WGSS Final

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Debra Michals (1997) Explicit, violent "fantasy" rape depictions on the internet mimic real life events and normalize violence against women in a culture already saturated by violent acts and images.

Cyber-Rape: How Virtual Is It?

Guarantees up to 12 weeks of unpaid sick leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a sick child, parent, or spouse Covers only workers who have been employed continuously for at least one year and who work at least 25 hours a week Amount to unpaid leave - not an option for most parents Employers with fewer than 50 workers are exempt Only about 40% of the fulltime workforce is covered Employers can deny leave to any employee who is in the highest paid 10% of its workforce

Family and Medical Leave Act? (1993)

Sarah Ozello, The Center for Family Safety and Healing

Special Guest Speaker

Supreme Court ruled that schools have an obligation under Title IX to prevent and address students' sexual harassment complaints. Both men and women are protected from sexual harassment under Title IX. Sex/gender related bullying/harassment

What are the sexual harassment protections in Title IX?

Helped in preparing the American public for the prospects of an American woman president? High ratings-commanded the public's attention Geena Davis won Golden Globe for her portrayal of President Mackenzie Allen Will the show tip popular attitudes towards a woman president?

What are the shifting attitudes? - "Commander in Chief"

Informal labor market Unpaid labor Payments in-kind or unrecorded Bartering system payments (swapping babysitting/childcare)

What do we NOT count as work?

Sexual harassment includes any unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that significantly interferes with a student's access to educational opportunities.

What is sexual harassment according to Title IX?

Since 1789, only 2% of members of Congress have been women. A record 78 women will serve in the U.S. House including: 59 (42D, 17R) re-elected incumbents 4 (4D) women who defeated incumbent members of Congress 15 (12D, 3R) women who won open House seats A record 20 women will serve in the US Senate 11 Democrats, 9 Republicans

What is the history of women in congress?


"Engaging Women in Environmental Activism: Recommendations for Rachel's Network"


The Green Belt Movement

Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards (2000) What if the American women's movement never happened? What if conditions for women today resembled those of 1970? Describes a time when employment ads were segregated by sex, teachers could be demoted or fired for pregnancy, and women had little control over their own reproductive lives. Women today owe much to the changes activists initiated in the 1960s and 1970s, a period of the women's movement commonly referred to as the "second wave." Yet as the authors' "Third Wave Manifesta" details - much work remains to be done.

A Day without Feminism & Third Wave Manifesta: A Thirteen-Point Agenda

Marci McNaghten (1994) Explores that controversy of Title IX by focusing on its implications for collegiate athletics at OSU.

A Sporting Chance for Women


Amy Caiazza Institute for Women's Policy Research

Women are twice as likely as men to view themselves as "not at all qualified" to run for office. Men are 60 percent as likely as women to view themselves as "very qualified" to run for office. Women are less likely than men to have received the suggestion to run for office from party and elected officials, political activists, or family and friends. When women receive external support from formal and informal political and non-political sources, they are twice as likely to run.

Barriers to women in politics?

Charlotte Bunch (1987) Feminism's expansion around the globe and its evidence of women's increasing strength and power. Global interaction is neither a luxury nor an option in our complex, modern world, the development of global consciousness and "global feminism" is imperative for women's activism and continuing progress. Global feminism needs leaders by women and an understanding of feminism itself as a transformational perspective and politics. Not limited to women's issues but a multitude of issues and concerns, making connections.

Bringing the Global Home

Barbara F. Reskin (1987) Offers an explanation for the gender gap in wages and why it has been so hard to reduce in any substantial way the gap in earnings between men and women. Explores recent solutions that have been proposed to address the wage-gap problem and offers a new way to think about equity.

Bringing the Men Back In: Sex Differentiation and the Devaluation of Women's Work

Yes, No difference between success of men and women incumbents who ran for the House of Representatives between 1986-1994 African American women are now outpacing African American men in seeking and winning political office

Do women win when they run?

Amy Caiazza (2002) Reasons why women's representation in elected office is much lower than men's. The tendency of this culture to conceptualize leadership as "male" is a factor, as well as fewer pipelines in place to nurture young women from an early age toward assuming leadership positions as an adult. Importance in changing these patterns and increase the number of women in local, state, and national office. Lists state policy arenas that concern women (e.g., those that address violence against women, family issues, antipoverty, reproductive rights and civil rights for sexual minorities) and provides criteria for evaluating these patterns as "women-friendly." Relationship between number of women in elected state office and the ranking of women-friendly policies from state to state. Positive correlation between women's representation and policies that could contribute to change in women's social conditions.

Does Women's Representation in Elected Office Lead to Women-Friendly Policy?

D.G. (1994) Describes some of the challenges to prosecuting domestic battery. Captures psychological complexities for women when "love" and violence become blurred, and danger invades a home environment often associated with security and intimacy.

Domestic Violence: What's Love Got to Do With It?

Research has consistently shown that wives' and mothers' employment actually has very little negative impact on their family's well-being Yet, working women report feelings of guilt Popular media constructions prompt feelings of guilt for women "Wanting to have it all"

Guilt? Having it all?

Bryce Covert (2012) A premature victory for women once again reared its head. The fears of a mancession have returned in a new shape, as David Leonhardt wondered if we're about to move out of the "hecovery" period—in which men made job gains while women lost them—to a "shecovery." He points out that over the past two months, the number of employed men only rose by 83,000, while women were up 192,000 jobs. There may be a problem with this data.

Have We Gone From a Mancession to a Shecovery? Not Quite.

A minimum of 3 months of paid family leave to all employees regardless of the size of their employer.

How do Germany and Japan treat pregnancy?

Women make up 49.8% of the workforce 59.5% of women work compared with 73% of men Of the groups of women, African American women tend to work more 58.6% of African American women 57.3% of White women 53.4% of Latinas Women are more likely to be in the contingent labor force - temporal/seasonal workers - 58.5 of temporary workers are women - only 35% of the self-employed; independent contractors are women

How do women relate to the workforce?

Women earn less on average than men - even in the same occupations - women earn 77% of what men earn (2010) Larger gaps for women of color compared to all men's earning: African American women: 67.5% Latinas: 57.7% Asian American women: 90% Wages for women vary across states Highest wages: Wash D.C. 88% CA 85% AZ 83% Lowest wages: WY 64% WV 67% LA 67%

How do women relate to wages?

What we count as work is both socially and statistically defined Official GNP figures substantially underestimate women's contribution to economic performance Much of women's work is confined to the informal sector Women's work accounts for 60-80 percent of informal sector activity Women are engaged in unpaid work, such as child care, household maintenance, and care for the sick, which goes completely unrecorded Many women work but are paid in "love"

How do women relate to work?

Mothers can take up to 41 weeks off and be paid 60% of their salary for 15 of those weeks.

How does Canada treat pregnancy?

Pregnant women are given 8 weeks full paid leave before the baby is born, and either parent can remain at home for up to 9 months after the child is born while drawing 90% of his or her salary. Parents can also take 60 days off a year with 80% pay to care for sick children or to visit children at day care or school. Both fathers and mothers also have the right to reduce the workday to 6hours or the work week to 4 days in order to care for children

How does Sweden treat pregnancy?

Under Title IX, schools are not allowed to treat pregnant or parenting students differently from other students. Schools can have separate programs for pregnant moms, but enrollment in these programs must be voluntary and they must be of comparable quality to the other programs the school offers.

How does Title IX protect pregnant and parenting students?

Violence against women has become a key pillar of the global quest for women's rights The right to live free from violence is considered a human right Joining of women's rights and human rights "Women's right are human rights" - Vienna Conference on Human Rights (1993)

How does violence against women relate to the Global Human Rights Campaign?

Women have become a majority of all college students: 1960 - 35% of college graduates were women since 2004 - 58% of college graduates have been women

How has Title IX given women access to higher education?

800% in high school athletics in past 30 years 400% in intercollegiate athletics in past 30 years

How has Title IX increased women's athletics?

Equipment and supplies Scheduling of games and practice time Travel & per diem allowances Opportunity to receive academic tutoring Opportunity to receive coaching, assignment, and compensation Locker rooms, practice, and competitive facilities Medical and training facilities and services Housing and dining facilities and services Publicity Administrative/clerical support services Recruitment of student-athletes

How is it equal opportunity, not identical opportunity?

Male violence against women is a cultural constant - it happens in different contexts and under different guises in all cultures all over the world. Globally, studies of violence against women reveal that governments all over the world systematically tolerate violence against women and are complicit around this social problem.

How is violence against women a global issue?

Until the 1970s, universities frequently refused to admit women Women admitted to colleges and universities were often tracked into gender specific majors

How was Title IX access to higher education?

Katrin Bennhold (2010) Recent changes in parental leave policies which compel fathers to take parental leave after the birth of a child. Extending the popular American aphorism "women can have it all," the author argues that changes at the level of policies have led to significant social changes in Sweden. Examines both sides of the debate, including challenges that policies might pose for parents who are self-employed or run small businesses.

In Sweden, Men Can Have it All

Productive work in the economy made possible by (biological and social) reproductive work in the home Jobs in the economy assume the existence of a worker at home

What is the link between productive and reproductive work?

Bryce Covert (2012) Gender and Economics of the Recession Six years ago, the housing bubble imploded, igniting the recession. Construction and manufacturing soon crumbled, taking jobs mostly held by men down with them. Not long after, AEI's Mark J. Perry referred to the "mancession" when testifying before Congress, and hand-wringing trend pieces, worrying that men would experience a permanent slump in employment and wages, began to appear. What if, Rosin asked, women are better suited to today's economy? What if the mancession presages a new economy in which women's skills and talents are prized over men's, and men's economic prospects never recover?

One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy?

Alison M. Heru (2005)

Pink Collar Medicine: Women & the Future of Medicine

Natalie Adams (2003) From the passage of Title IX there is a new kind of cheerleader - one who is serious, focused and athletic; one who claims center stage as a competitor in her own right. Describes the rigors of contemporary cheerleading.

Pump it Up: Sports, Athleticism, and the New Cheerleader

White House Project and Barbie for President 2004 "Go vote. Go run. Go lead. Go girl." campaign Aimed at shifting girl's attitudes Shows girls they can aspire to the highest levels of leadership - including the presidency

Shifting Attitudes?

The majority of girls and boys believe that women and ethnic minorities will gain more high level government positions as a result of the 2008 election Most also feel confident a women will be elect to the United States presidency in their lifetimes 71% percent of girls believe it is "likely" that a woman will be elected as president in the United States within the next 10 years; 22% believe it will "definitely" happen.

Shifting attitudes?

Mia MacDonald (2005) Wangari Maathai's Nobel Peace Prize brings trees, women, democracy, and the continent of Africa into the center of global discussions of peace.

The Green Belt Movement: The Story of Wangari Maathai

Susan Douglas and Meredith Michaels (2000) Analyze representations of "celebrity" mothers. Sexy, glamorous, contented, images of wealthy, white mothers such a Christie Brinkley and Kirstie Alley - vision of mothers only attainable by extraordinary wealth. "Welfare mothers" seen as complaining and undeserving drains on the economy. This causes a catfight between women because they think of personal inadequacies rather than social and economic barriers. Ideals feed our consumer culture where energetic buying seems the only route to ideal motherhood.

The Mommy Wars: How the Media Turned Motherhood Into a Catfight

Wangari Maathai (2004)

The Nobel Prize

Latoya Peterson (2008) Our culture is permeated by several forms of sexual violence against women which go unnoticed and unreported because they are "not rape." She challenges the concept of consent which informs rape laws, examines the social constructions of female sexuality, and argues that these norms perpetuate sexual violence against women.

The Not- Rape Epidemic

Warshaw (1988) The prevalence of acquaintance rape on college campuses. Challenges the myth that a women is more likely to be raped by a stranger than by a man that she knows.

The Reality of Acquaintance Rape

Carol Bohmer and Andrea Parrot (1993) Rape in the context of college campuses. Most rapes are not committed by strangers leaping out of dark alleys, but by people the students know. Date rape and acquaintance rape are commonly heard, but they are not legal categories. The law requires the same proof whether the victim and defendant knew one another or not, more difficult to prove in trials involving acquaintances. Campus sexual assault usually handled by colleges, not court at all. How colleges respond vary tremendously.

The Scope of the Problem

U.S. Congress (1994) The first act to specifically address violence against women as a national concern, the VAWA calls for more funding and training to prevent violence before it begins, as well as legal and economic provisions for women who have already suffered from battering, rape, or sexual assault. Recognizing that violence is both a health concern and a civil rights issue, activists now have more comprehensive resources to help victims of gender-motivated crime.

The Violence Against Women Act

Denise Kiernan (2001) A law usually associated with women's increased participation in sports, Title IX originally was created to address broader issues of discrimination in educational institutions such as employment and admissions. This essay from Ms. magazine explains the history of the bill and the breadth and limits of its impact.

Title IX: The Little Law That Could

First national policy for pregnant workers Established pregnancy as a "temporary disability" Only employers with temporary disability insurance have to give benefits to pregnant workers As high as 60% of women workers have no income-protected leave for pregnancy

Title VII Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)?

Phyllis Rosser (2005) Also wrote the article "Do SATs Shortchange Women?" and has testified before congress on the gender inequality perpetuated through standardized tests.

Too Many Women in College?

Which mothers can stay at home and "mother" their children? Those who can rely on another's wages for support Reinforces culture of dependency Which mothers cannot? Poor women Welfare reform of the 1990s (TANF) required poor mothers to work in the paid labor force Why the mixed messages?

What are motherhood and class issues?

Original legislation addressed community responses to: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Stalking Expanded to address: Improved protections for battered immigrants, sexual assault survivors, and victims of dating violence Culturally appropriate responses Ability to obtain court custody orders across state lines Addresses the following areas: Data collection and training of first responders Training for justices and court officials Grants for domestic violence shelters Education and prevention programs Established a national violence hotline Strengthens federal penalties for sex crimes

VAWA (1994) (2000) (2006)?

No longer signature bi-partisan agreement Senate Bill 1925 -vs- HR4970

Violence Against Women Act 2012?

National Council for Research on Women National Council for Research on Women (1996) The Family and Medical Leave Act, signed into law in 1993, is a step toward increasing job security for those individuals - usually women - who must take time off from work to care for ill children. Yet, according to this brief article, FMLA does not go far enough.

We Are Family

Jobs and workplaces are not gender neutral: Appropriate and inappropriate spaces for men and women Marked by notions of femininity and masculinity Construction worker - masculine, strong, big biceps, daring Secretary/admin asst - helpful, caring, kind, giving, willing to serve (feminine characteristics) We must constantly question how these attitudes are developed and maintained Watch the development of new occupations. How will they be gendered and/or racialized? (Green Jobs Movement)

What are attitudes about gender and work?

Thinking to the future... Gender equity in coaching You can't be what you can't see?

What are continued challenges to gender equity?

Shift the debate to the issues of "working families" Affordable, safe, and accessible childcare Who accepts responsibility for child care? Revisiting equal pay initiatives Moving beyond societal ambivalence Changing workplace cultures

What are continuous conversation on women, work, and family?

Campaigns emphasize the connections between power/male dominance and sexual violence Emphasis on alternative visions of male strength Focused on building allies between men and women to shift cultural values

What are key approaches?

Stay at home moms and working mothers are pitted against each others Societal ambivalence towards working mothers Cultural wars Progressives and conservatives Women's rights advocates often split - support for stay at home mothers - support for working mothers (equality/difference debate

What are the "mommy wars?"

Regulations for Title IX prohibit discrimination based on gender and marital or parental status in: -Admissions (applies only to vocational, professional, graduate, and public coeducational undergraduate institutions) - Housing and facilities - Courses and other educational activities - Career guidance and counseling services - Student financial health and insurance benefits - Scholastic, intercollegiate, club, or intramural athletics - Military schools, religious schools, fraternities, and sororities are generally exempt from the provisions of Title IX

What are the Title IX Protections?

Why are women not moving into politics? What's holding them back? Structural issues Socialization issues Incumbency Advantage Pipeline Problem Occupational Background (business and law) Costs of campaigning Family demands Socialization Role Models

What are the barriers to women in politics?

Women receiving degrees in the maths and sciences: 18% of undergraduate engineering degrees are earned by women 12% of doctoral engineering degrees are earned by women

What are the continued challenges?

What types of sports programs have been added? Are these additional sports biased towards middle class, upper class women? Are these sports to which urban students have access? Does Title IX create more sports opportunities for some groups while neglecting others? Does Title IX account for the relationship between race, class, geography, and sports? Is Title IX encouraging inequalities while seeking equality?

What are the critical questions for continuously adding teams?

Meeting "substantial proportionality" has challenged athletic programs to examine their budgets -How to strike a balance between men and women's sports and meet budgetary obligations Title IX often cited for cutting non-revenue producing men's sports Less emphasis is placed on redistributing high profile sports' funds

What are the politics of Title IX?

To prepare workers To foster citizenship To improve society

What are the rationales for education towards men?

To prepare women for their special separate female roles in the family Until 19th c., brain size was linked to intelligence and capability

What are the rationales for education towards women?

All aspects of federally funded education programs or activities Traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools are covered Any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance

What does Title IX appy to today?

Offer male and female students equal opportunities to play sports Treat male and female athletes fairly Give male and female athletes their fair shares of athletic scholarship money

What does Title IX require in school sports?

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

What does the Title IX law state?

1984 Institutions could continue to receive federal funding even if non-federally funded programs within those institutions discriminated on the basis of sex, race, age, national origin, or disability.

What is Grove City College v. Bell?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is the federal statue prohibiting sex discrimination in education programs.

What is Title IX?

OSU Sexual Violence Education and Support RPAC

What is a campus resource?

Harm that evolves from the imbalance in power between people Usually occurs when masculine entitlements produce power that manifest itself in harm and injury (physical, sexual, economic, emotional, psychological) toward women. Violence is about the exercise of power over another person, so men too are susceptible Violence occurs in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships

What is gendered violence?

Represents a move beyond individual based responses to violence Feminist activists sought federal legislation to establish protections Attempt to create federal legislation gained bi-partisan support in Congress and popular support among the public

What is policy response to gender-based violence?

Clarified congressional intent that Title IX prohibits discrimination throughout an institution if any part of it receives federal funding.

What is the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988?

Extends the length of time employees have to file suit against employers for pay discrimination

What is the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?

Office of Civil Rights responsible for enforcement Few cases initiated by OCR Majority of Title IX violations are reported by parents and students

What is the Title IX enforcement?

Comprehensive policy response Federal legislation to protect women through interstate enforcement of protection orders

What is the Violence Against Women Act of 1994?

Sexual harassment protections Educational equity for pregnant and parenting students Persistent access to education questions: the STEM fields

What is the continued relevance of Title IX for Education?

Women change the way we do business in political institutions Men and women legislatures agree that the presence of women in the lawmaking body: Increases the extent to which legislators consider how a bill will affect women The number of bills dealing with women Spending priorities of the state Women are more likely to have an issue of concern to women as their top priority and to work on women's rights legislation African American women state legislators consistently identify women's rights, children's issues, and economic development as their top legislative priorities Women legislators are more willing to represent women outside their districts "surrogate representatives"

What is the impact of women in public office?

Companies attempt to accommodate women in the workplace by developing alternative work arrangements: part-time positions reduced workloads temporary positions flextime irregular shifts work from home strategies More than two-third of workers participating in alternative work arrangements are women Women in these mommy track positions: Often viewed as less committed Excluded from opportunities that lead to bonuses and promotions Assigned "easy" or "unimportant" low status projects Experience an overall slow down in career advancement Can end up on a professional dead-end

What is the mommy track?

Women and sports

What is the most controversial component of Title IX?

Growing interests in parenting Rejection of male breadwinner model Shift towards egalitarian marriages Men who do more housework and childcare report a better sex life with their wives Workplace cultures often do not support the new father

What is the new father?

I understand... • That what I do and say can either encourage or discourage stereotypes that can lead to sexual violence. • That sexual violence can happen to anyone. • That men and women are victims of sexual violence. • That sexual violence can be prevented. • That the overwhelming number of sexual offenders are men. • That real men don't use their power to rape. • That men must play a critical role in breaking the cycle of sexual violence. So, I promise... • To take a stand and never commit, condone, accept, or stay silent about sexual violence. • To challenge other men to recognize that they can be powerful without making others powerless. • To encourage all men to work together with women, using their collective voices and resources to END sexual violence - not only in Pennsylvania but across the nation.

What is the pledge?

Offers jobs which tend to have high wages, good working conditions, employment stability, job security, equity, due process of work rules and chances for advancement

What is the primary market?

Dominant gender roles (separate spheres ideology): - Women's roles as mothers and primary care givers limits time and energy they have to spend on their careers Gender based labor discrimination: - Gender based labor market segmentation drives women into mothering. - Women's unequal pay and their occupational segmentation in the lower rungs of the employment ladder make it a rational choice for women to assume care giver roles in lieu of their husbands with higher earnings

What is the relationship between care giving and women's lower work status?

low wages poor working conditions considerable variability in employment harsh and often arbitrary discipline little opportunity for advancement

What is the secondary market?

1. Substantial proportionality The percentage of female undergrads is roughly equal to the percentage of female athletes 2. Fully and effectively accommodating the interests and abilities of students Schools can show evidence that they are creating opportunities for the underrepresented sex (women) who express interests in sporting teams 3. History of continuously adding teams

What is the three pronged test?

Work is most often associated with: Earning wages Formal, structured arrangements with: - an employer - an employee - place of employment; job

What is work?

Civil Rights Movement and gains in educational protections Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Banned race, but not sex discrimination in education) National Organization for Women (NOW) Women's Equity Action League (WEAL) National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education Formation of women's groups on college campuses

What was the road to Title IX?

Protections for immigrants who are survivors of violence Extending violence protection services to LGBTQ victims Recognizing tribal court authority which addresses the protection of Native American women against non Native American perpetrators Restricts cultural sensitivity (2006) Limits housing protections used to relocate victims escaping violence Reduces efforts to mandate college campus reporting, procedures for addressing violence and campus education programs

What's at stake VAWA 2012?

Protects students from discrimination based on their "actual or potential parental, family, or marital status" or Based on a student's "pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom."

Who falls under pregnant and parenting students?

"To prepare women both to realize their intellectual and vocational potentialities and to fulfill their responsibilities to family, home, and community...." "...she also needs to continue her education in one form or another in order to provide the assistanceship, companionship, and stimulation needed by her husband and by her children as they develop." -1961 President Kennedy's Commission on the Status of Women

Why educate women?

Women's underrepresentation is not due to a lack of support for women candidates Women's underrepresentation is due to a lack of women candidates

Why so few women?

Women's wages viewed as secondary/auxiliary wages (actually in recession, married women contribute more) Where women are located in the labor hierarchy (types of jobs women occupy) Attitudes about the types of work women do (care work; support work)

Why? What accounts for a "woman's wage?"

Work is highly segregated (race and gender segregation) Horizontal segregation: Women are concentrated in certain occupations that often parallel gender role expectations Vertical segregation: Women are concentrated at the bottom of the occupation hierarchy Women earn less than men even when they do the same jobs

Women and labor force segregation?

Society depends on this reproduction work Women periodically leave the labor market to have children Women are penalized, not rewarded for this work Spotty work history can place women at a disadvantage in the workplace and long-term finances

Women and reproduction?

Congress: 18.3% of 535 seats Statewide Elective: 22.7% of 317 positions State Legislatures: 23.6% of 7,382 seats Governors: 5 Mayors: 17.6% of 252 mayors

Women in Elected Office 2012/2013

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