What is AWS?

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Choosing the right Region (what to consider)

*Latency *Pricing *Service Availability * Data Compliance

AWS responsibility (Security)

*Protecting and securing AWS Regions, Availability Zones, and data centers, down to the physical security of the buildings *Managing the hardware, software, and networking components that run AWS services, such as the physical servers, host operating systems, virtualization layers, and AWS networking components

Root user 2 sets of credentials

*email and password used to create the account (access to AWS Management Console) *Access Key (allows you to make programmatic requests from AWS CLI or AWS API

6 Advantages of Cloud Computing

1)Pay as you go, 2)Benefit from massive economies of scale (lower cost), 3)Stop guessing cap. needs, 4)Increase speed and agility, 5)Realize cost savings (reallocate funds), 6)Go global in minutes

EC2 instance lifecycle

1)Pending, 2)Running, 3)Rebooting, 4)Stopping, 5)Terminated


A container is a standardized unit that packages your code and its dependencies, has it's own independent environment, can go from on premise to cloud and also development to production

EC2 Instance

A virtual server in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) for running applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure.


AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

Where can API calls be made?

AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs

API Call

All actions taken in AWS

2 AWS Container Orchestration Services

Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)


Amazon Machine Image: 1st setting configured when launching an EC2 instance

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud-based service where apps can be ran on virtual servers.

Virtual Machine

An virtual emulation of a computer system.


Availability Zones host data centers *You want at least 2 AZs incase 1 goes down

Hardware specs include...

CPU, memory, network, and storage

VMs vs Containers

Containers share the same operating system and kernel as the host that they exist on. But virtual machines contain their own operating system. Each virtual machine must maintain a copy of an operating system, which results in a degree of wasted resources.


Delay btween a request for data and the response

Container Instance

EC2 Instance w/ a container agent


Elastic Container Service: end to end container orchestration service that assists you in starting up new containers, uses a task definition


Elastic Kubernetes Service: amazon service that allows you to run Kubernetes w/out having to install, operate, or manage own Kubernetes control plane

What to define to create an EC2 instance

Hardware specs, Logical configurations

What to consider when managing your compute @ large scale (w/ containers)

How to place ur containers on ur instances, what happens if ur container fails, what happens if ur instance fails, how to monitor deployments of ur containers

4 Main Factors when choosing a region

Latency, Price, Service availability, and Compliance

What main actions can be performed when Amazon ECS container instances are up and running?

Launching/stopping containers, Getting cluster state, Scaling in/out, Schedule placement of containers across cluster, Assign permissions, Meet availability requirements

3 Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models

On-premises, Cloud, and Hybrid

Relationship btwn Regions, AZs, and Data Centers

Regions are grouping of AZs, AZs host 1 or more discrete data centers


Running code (in preferred language) to make API calls, open source

Amazon EC2

Service that provides secure and resizable virtual servers on AWS

AWS Root User

Single sign-in ID w/ complete access to AWS services in the account

Relationship btwn AMIs and EC2 instances

The AMI is how you model and define your instance, EC2 instance is the entity you interact w/

Customer responsibility (Security)

The customers' level of responsibility depends on the AWS service. Some services require the customer to perform all the necessary security configuration and management tasks. Other more abstracted services require customers to only manage the data and control access to their resources. Using the two categories of AWS services, customers can determine their level of responsibility for each AWS service that they use.

Supported MFA device types

Virtual MFA, Hardware TOTP token, FIDO security keys

3 Compute options

Virtual Machines (instances), Containers, Serverless


Worldwide geographical locations where AWS data centers are located *Each AWS Region has a geographical name and Region code *Contain AZs (availability zones)


a computer program/device that provides resources, data, services or programs to other computers (clients) over a network

Amazon CloudFront

a worldwide network of edge locations that delivers content

Instance Type: remaining letters before period

additional attributes


an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications

Edge Location

global locations where content is cached


high speed storage btwn RAM and CPU, temp stores frequently accessed data

Instance Type: First position

instance family

Instance Type: after period

instance size

Logical configurations include...

networking location, firewall rules, authentication, and the operating system of choice

Benefits of Cloud computing

pay as you go

AWS Root User best practices

pick a strong password, Enable MFA, Don't share password or access keys, Create IAM user for admin task and everyday tasks

Key things that can be done on Amazon EC2

provision/launch EC2 instances in seconds, stop/shut down EC2 instances in when finished running a workld, pay/hr or sec for each instance type (min of 60 sec)

Multi-factor authentication

requires at least 2 or more methods to verify ID

Advantage of using AMIs


3 categories of info MFA pulls from

something you know (username and password or pin), something you have (1-time passcode), something you are (biometrics)


specifies the object/s that the policy statement covers

Difference btwn stop and stop-hibernate

stop=data from instance memory (RAM) is lost, stop-hibernate= save contents from instance memory (RAM) to the EBS root volume

Instance Type: 2nd position

the generation of instance


the type of action that will be allowed or denied


version of the policy language, specifies language syntax rules

IAM policy contains...

version, statement, effect, action, resource

AWS Management Console

web-based interface for accessing and managing AWS services


will the policy allow or deny access

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