What, of this Goldfish, Would You Wish?

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moments of suspense

Not knowing if Sergei will use his last wish on Yoni to bring him back to life

example of dialogue

Sergei and the goldfish talking about his last wish

How is indirect characterization used? Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions.

Sergei doesn't like. In this instant Sergei understands the boy didn't come for television, what he came for, specifically, is to snatch Sergei's fish, to steal it away. Before the mind of Sergei Goralick really understands, he seems to have taken the burner off the stove and hit the boy in the head.

What is the climax of the story?

The climax is when Sergei kills Yoni and has to decide whether he will use his last wish or not.

health, money, bigger apartments and to shed some pounds

The first neighborhood that Yonatan visited and interviewed people they were kindly folk that wished:

What is the end of the story ?

The goldfish grants Sergei his 3rd wish to bring back Yoni from being dead. The goldfish now is free to go and Sergei is all alone.

that all Nazis left living in the world be held accountable for their crimes

What did the Holocaust survivor with a number on his arm wish for?

that he could put the goldfish on a shelf and talk to him about anything like sports, politics.. anything not be alone.

What did the Russian in Bethlehem wish for?

that he were a girl, just for a night

What did the cocky, broad-shouldered lady-killer wish?

for a child

What did the wizened old lady wish for ?

I can restore him and bring him back to life. I will bring him back to before he knocks on the door. He wanted Sergei to use his last wish so he could be set free.

What does the goldfish say when the kid is killed after being hit on the had by Sergei ?

That Sergei has a nice strong face, and he has to have him for a movie picture.

What does the kid (Yonatan) tell Sergei when he finally slows down?

he could get his sleep and get up when its still dark. He could take his little boat out into the sea and fish until he's done fishing. by himself in silence.

What was Sergei reason for moving to Jaffa?

to make his sister lung cancer go away

What was Sergei's first wish ?

5 years ago on Sveta's boy. to help his brain develop

What was Sergei's second wish?


When Sergei got to Israel and then moved to :

how is flashback used in the story ?

When Yonatan came to the door, and the fish is gone because Sergei had used his last wish

he would edit the answers to make them more interesting

When Yonatan would interview people what would he do with their answers?

Etgar Keret ( Israeli writer)

Who wrote "What, of this Goldfish, Would You Wish?"

because Sergei would have to let the goldfish go. His magic goldfish and friend

Why didn't Sergei want to use up his third wish?

to the unemployed to the ultrareligious , to the Arabs and Ethiopians and American expats

Yonatan knew if his project was going to have any weight, he would have to interview everyone:

to a bank or cellular phone company

Yonatan said he would make up a slogan about the 3 wishes and sell it to who?

What is the beginning of story?

Yonaton has an idea about videoing asking them a question about " if you found a goldfish that granted you 3 wishes what would you wish for?"

What are the characters ?

Yonaton, Sergei, and the Goldfish

Tel Aviv, Israel

location of documentary filming or setting the story

what is the type of conflict?

man vs. man/ Sergei and Yoni

It was genius and cheap; no prep or plotting just natural

what did Yonatan think of his idea of the documentary ?

Sergei finds the kid is in his house and already running his camera without permission. He is telling Sergei that his face is full of feeling and it's tender

what does the author mean when he says the kid is slippery?

clean up the blood and tie the kid to a rock and dump him in the sea

what was Sergei plan after he killed the kid with the earring?

He would have to sneak past the wall

what would Yonatan need to do if plan on shooting in Hebron?

No because the he was saying all kinds of things, fast things; his Hebrew isn't good.

when the kid(Yonatan) with the earring knocks on Sergei's door does Sergei understand him ?

How is direct characterization used ?

-His name was Munir; he was fat with a big white mustache. Super photogenic.

What is the plot ?

A magic Goldfish grants a last wish to Sergei and brings a dead man back to life.

What is the purpose of Yonaton's documentary ?

A testament to the massive rift between our dreams and the often compromised reality in which we live

What is the theme of the story?

Be careful what you wish for

Why is Sergi so upset when Yonaton barges into his home?

He is scared because he thinks its the KBG (Russian secret service) but then starts thinking that Yoni wants to steal his magic fish.

What is the setting of the story?

Israel/ Tel Aviv

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