Whole test questions

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what are 3 types of norm-referenced scores

-age/grade equivalent (taking student performance and relate to age/grade of other students that performed similarly) -percentile (compare to percentage of students in "norm" group that scored lower, higher, or equal to students specific raw score) -standard (compare students score to the mean...with respect to standard deviation)

key strategies to promote emergent literacy

-facilitate development of oral language (though pretend play, singing songs, rhymes, telling stories/acting them out) -encourage early reading (opportunities to explore reading and writing, read aloud, play games for phonics and phonological dev) -encourage writing (drawing, scribbling, tell/write stories, tactile opportunities to trace letters)

what are norm-referenced scores

-scores that make comparisons across large numbers of students -used when making decisions on student placement (in K-12 schools or college) and grade advancement. (i.e. SAT, ACT and GRE).

stages of reading

1-being read to 2-letter recognition 3-sounding out letters (phonics) 4-sight words 5-grammar and punctuation understanding 6-comprehension increases 7-frequent regular reading to maintain and improve skills

3 auditory strategies for emergent reading

1-choral reading (all students read out loud together like a chorus) 2-repeated reading (student reads same text over and over to improve fluency and comprehension) 3-audio assisted reading-students follow along as more advanced reader or tape reads text (improves fluency and accuracy)

3 official strategies to help emergent readers

1-lap reading (students must see text as experienced reader traces words as they read) 2-shared reading (adult reads large book to a group of emergent readers) 3-guided reading (small group instruction each kid has own book, they follow along as teacher reads, and are encouraged to read on own, too)

5 stages of oral language skills

1-phonological skills - sounds of a word 2-vocabulary - the understanding of different words 3-grammar (syntax) - understanding of grammar rules and the order of words for the language 4-morphological skills - understanding the word parts and forms 5-pragmatics - understanding the social rules of communication

what are the 6 steps to qualifying for SPED services?

1-recognize a need 2-intervention through Response to Intervention (RTI) 3-referral 4-evaluation (usually done by psychologist) 5-recommendation for services 6-develop an IEP

how are standardized assessment results misused?

1-sole evaluation of school or teacher 2-giving students a grade based on standardized assessments 3-using S.T. results to determine classroom instruction and modify curriculum

how many categories under IDEA for services?


role playing

2 or more students have set roles and tasks to complete

Mr. Yaki gives his students a test where scores can range from 0 to 10. The scores result in a normal distribution. Given this information, what was probably the most common score on the test?


A ____ plan, which is reviewed annually. This plan will allow for the appropriate accommodations and modifications necessary to ensure that the student receives a fair and appropriate education. In short, this exists to support students who may otherwise slip through the cracks.


Which learning hypothesis states that anxiety, no motivation and low confidence have a negative effect on learning?

Affective Filter Hypothesis

When a test yields clear and systematic differences among the results of the test-takers based on groups of test-takers (i.e. gender, race and ethnicity).


cultural bias

Cultural bias is the extent to which a test offends or penalizes some students based on their ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic status.


Individualized Education Plan; document drawn up and agreed upon by teachers, parents, specialists, and (if possible)the student describing assessment results, present levels of achievement, specific goals for school year, support/accommodations to achieve these goals

Who should lead the implementation of a new reading program?

Leadership Team

What does LRE mean?

Least Restrictive environment- student will be educated in the same classroom with his or her peers to the maximum amount possible.

The four main genres in literature are:

Poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction

_______ is a multi-tiered early intervention approach designed to support struggling learners in both academic and behavioral areas.

RTI--response to intervention- process that involves constant progress monitoring, data-based decision making, and universal screening

What is formative assessment?

The methods through which a teacher monitors and checks student understanding continuously

does drawing help writing development

YES- drawing and scribbling are key stages of writing development

Which of the following is a true statement about the changes in young adult literature over the past 50 years?

Young adult literature has become more diverse and harder to define

What is an ecological assessment?

a comprehensive process where data is collected about how a child functions in different environments and settings through observations, interviews, and student records

High-stakes testing involves the use of _____. a-take home assignments b-a single test to make major decisions c-multiple tests to make major decisions d-teacher generated tests

a single test to make major decisions

Section 504 is part of the: a-Rehabilitation Act of 1973 b-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act c-Individualized Education Plan d-504 Plan

a-Rehabilition act of 1973

What are tier 2 words?

advanced words that are commonly used across content areas

standard score

aka--z score--compare scores to mean of norm referenced scores; how many standard deviations above or below the mean

who qualifies for a 504 plan?

anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

oral prompts

ask open ended questions to which students orally respond


assess the consistency of scores of an assessment from one time to another. The construct to be measured does not change - only the time at which the assessment is administered changes. (test at beginning of year + end of year)


average scores

When reading a book about the civil war, which of the following lists would be considered forms of textual evidence? a-notes, graphs, quotes, summaries b-facts, expert testimony, anecdotes, statistics, graphs c-facts, anecdotes, questions, reflection d-survey, questions, notes, questions

b-facts, expert testimony, anecdotes, statistics, graphs

What are tier 1 words?

basic words that do not need instruction

This simple act is often the first step in learning to read:

being read to

When the shape of a distribution has a large rounded peak tapering away at each end, it is called a _____.

bell curve (normal distribution)

What is best practice for RTI for reading instruction? a-give all students same reading instruction in tier 1 and differentiate in tier 2 b-give all students differentiated screening; differentiate based on results, not tiers c-give all students assessment-based differentiated reading instruction in Tier 1 d-give all students the same reading instruction in tiers 1 and 2, differentiate in tier 3

c- give all students assessment-based differentiated reading instruction in tier 1

what are tier 2 words?

colorful, descriptive words that are used across content areas. They are more advanced than tier one words and may require instruction

parallel forms of reliability

comparing two different assessments that were constructed using same content (teacher creates 100 test questions and makes 50 of them for type 1 and other 50 for type 2)

Oral fluency contributes to, but is not sufficient for, _____. a-memorizing a text b-comprehending a text c-speaking fluently d-answering a question

comprehending a text

A vocabulary assessment that contains all the words that have been taught throughout the year?

comprehensive vocab assessment

A _____ is an attribute (such as self-esteem, motivation and language proficiency) that is inferred from consistent behavior.


what are tier 3 words?

content-specific words that are taught to help students understand new information

A test question uses a single meaning word in a sentence and asks students which definition is being used in this example. Which type of vocabulary assessment is being used?

context independent

Vocab assessment that has test questions which use a multiple meaning words in a sentence and asks students which definition is being used in this example.


Section 504 has a more _____ set of qualifying criteria than IDEA. a-restricting b-narrow c-exclusive d- broad

d- broad

Taylor has been diagnosed with a learning disability, this means that she _____. a-always gets assigned a tutor to stay ahead of the classwork b-will need an IEP in order to correctly identify his or her disability c-automatically needs an IEP d-doesn't necessarily need an IEP if she is able to keep up with the classwork e-he or she is always correctly diagnosed as needing an IEP.

d-doesn't necessarily need an IEP if she is able to keep up with the classwork

Which of the following is NOT often included as part of a basal reading program? a--memorizing key concepts b--writing assignments c-worksheets d-reading complex texts

d-reading complex texts

inter-rater reliability

degree of agreement among raters. It gives a score of how much homogeneity, or consensus, there is in the ratings given by judges.

What is terminal drop?

drastic decline in cognitive abilities 1 to 5 years before death

A field that studies and applies theories and concepts from all of psychology in educational settings?

educational psychology

oral summary (text retelling)

educator reads story and students will orally summarize the story

Assessing Content-specific vocab words by tracking during a learning experience.

embedded vocabulary assessment

time from infancy to early childhood where children become familiar with language and conventions of print; cannot read/write independently

emergent literacy stage

In order for a memory to be successfully used, it must go through three stages. What is the correct order of these three stages?

encoding, then storage, then retrieval

Which informational report examines the success of past or current decision making?


Turning a spelling assignment into a process where a student is rewarded for completed tasks with prizes or other virtual rewards is an example of:


A cloze assessment that assesses _____ measures whether students understand parts of speech and sentence structure.

grammar skills

Which of the following types of poems consists of three lines and seventeen syllables?


What is variability

how varied scores are;; the spread of scores

What are two examples of ways to assess a reader's current reading rate and level of ability?

identify points of errors; time the reader

Which type of cooperative learning involves breaking students into temporary groups for the purposes of a single exercise?

informal cooperative

A teacher includes three test items that assess the same concept. This teacher is attempting to assess _____ reliability of the instrument.

internal consistency

high stakes testing

involves making major decisions based on the results of a single assessment; schools are evaluated and given funding based on results

school phobia

irrational and persistent fear of going to school

Which kinds of poems focus on romance? a- idyll poems b-ballad poems c-epithet poems d-lay poems

lay poems

what is the blooms taxonomy?

list of cognitive skills used by teachers to determine the level of thinking thier students have achieved -remembering -understanding -applying -analyzing -evaluating -creating

What is the definition of 'gist'?

main point or essence

standard deviation

measures average deviation from mean in standard units

_____________ is not learning by our own experiences, but by watching someone else behave and noting the consequences of that behavior.

observational learning

Among instructional strategies for student comprehension of nonfiction text, which is most useful for promoting critical thinking?

open ended responses *they require the student to analyze the facts from the text and make judgement*

ability to communicate through speaking.

oral language skills

Which of the following is NOT considered a statistic of summary?


What is a normal distribution

patterns of score results where most scores fall in the mid-range

picture prompts or picture cued description

provide picture and students orally describe what is happening in the picture/scenery in picture

what are 3 types of assessment results

raw scores criterion-referenced norm-referenced

what are the 3 areas cloze readability tests assess?

reading comprehension, grammar skills and vocabulary skills

A parent is confused by her child's score on two exams testing knowledge of musical terminology. On the first test, the child scored a 90. On the second test, the score was 30. What aspect of the test is the parent questioning?


_________ ensures the consistency of scores or observations of student performance.


How is reliability measured?

reliability coefficient...with numerical index ranging from 0 to 1. 1 indicating HIGH reliability and 0 indicating LOW. reliability coefficient of .80 or higher is good or acceptable

Which of the following best describes the learning method employed by basal reading programs?

repetition and memorization

What is median?

score in the middle where half scores are higher and half are lower *used when there are outliers that affect mean

Vocabulary assessment that contains words from a selected section of the unit like a chapter or scene?

selective vocab assessment

Which of the following is not a main principle of the IDEA? a-Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making. b-Appropriate Evaluation c-Free Appropriate Public Education. d-Procedural Safeguards. e-Standardized Evaluation

standardized evaluation

oral interview

teacher asks questions to enter a dialogue with student

what are criterion referenced scores

tell what a student is capable of knowing/knowledge they possess -assess what skills students have learned from classroom instruction -compares the students score to the objective or standard NOT to other students---need to get an 80% or higher to pass

A school wants to determine if an assessment has reliability over time. They administer the same assessment at the beginning of a school year and at the end. The school is assessing _____ reliability.


Sam is a top-down processor. In selecting a restaurant for date night, he will likely consider all of the following, EXCEPT _____. a- his previous success in taking dates to restaurant row on 3rd street b-his belief italian is more romantic c-the eclectic menu offerings d-his want for a 2nd date e-ambiance of the restaurant

the eclectic menu offerings

On the AP test, the poems given for analysis are often called 'complex.' What best describes the mood of a 'complex' poem?

the mood changes at some point in the poem


the most common score or answer *used when data is not numerical (can't use mean or median)

what are raw scores?

the number of items correctly answered on assessment

What is an environmental factor in educational assessments?

things in the environment that affect students on tests

internal consistency reliability

used to assess consistency of scores across items within a single test. Ex. teacher would include multiple questions on one topic and see how students did (high internal consistency would be students answered similarly; low would be they had inconsistent answers)

what is the cloze readability test

useful tool for assessing students reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary skills by using fill in the blank

A student complains that only 10 questions on a 100-question test were taken from the material assigned to study for the test. The student is questioning the test's _____.


What are 3 different learning styles?

visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

adaptive testing

when the questions at end of test depend on how you did on questions in beginning, different question paths based on how you do (ex. GRE)

discrete vocabulary assessment?

words are taught and tested in isolation

Please describe discrete vocabulary assessment?

words taught and tested in isolation

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