Windows 5 knowledge check
What is the keyboard shortcut used to paste a copied hyperlink on a OneNote page?
Ctrl + V
The most basic way to take a screenshot is to press this key on your keyboard.
Fn + Print Screen
When using the Snipping Tool, which mode choice enables you to capture an image of the entire computer screen?
Full-screen Snip
What is the name of the circled area in this screenshot?
Navigation pane
The Snipping Tool saves snips in this default file type:
You can paste a screenshot from the Clipboard into this application to save it in another graphic file format.
A graphic file you create of what you see on your screen is called a
Screenshot or screen capture.
True or False: After capturing a snip, you can use the Snipping Tool to email it to someone.
In OneNote, an inserted picture appears
at the insertion point on a page.
When you have shared a OneNote notebook, how do others view it?
by using OneNote Online
In OneNote, this is the name for the unit that functions as a divider.
Which of the following is a reason you might take a screenshot?
to show your instructor you have completed a certain exercise
True or False: In OneNote, you cna use the navigation pane to add a new section