Wk 6 Chapter 8 psychology

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On what assumption did Binet and Simon base their concept of "mental age"?

"Dull" children should perform as well as younger children on the tests, and "bright" children should perform as well as older children.

With respect to the brain bases of language, _____ area is located in the left frontal lobe.


A lesion in this part of the brain would MOST likely result in a disruption in speech.

Broca's area

The noted linguist _____ argued that for humans, the capacity for language acquisition is ______.

Chomsky; innate

_____ thinking involves expanding the number of possible solutions to a problem.


The first modern test of intelligence was developed in:


_____ refers to an inability to view a problem from a new perspective.

Functional fixedness

The idea that children acquire untaught words and grammar at a rate too extraordinary to be explained solely by learning principles is associated with _____.

Noam Chomsky

A child will master the past tense for a regular verb like push (i.e., pushed) before she will learn the past tense construction of an irregular verb like go (i.e., went). This phenomenon is BEST explained by the language acquisition theory of:

Noam Chomsky.

Children will master the past tense for a regular verb like push (i.e., pushed) before they will learn the past tense construction of an irregular verb like go (i.e., went). This phenomenon was BEST explained by:

Noam Chomsky.

What is the difference between receptive and productive language among babies?

Productive language is the babies' ability to produce words in a language, and receptive language refers to their ability to understand language spoken around them.

Making several minor household repairs, Alyssa uses a shoe as a hammer and a butter knife as a screwdriver. Which statement BEST characterizes Alyssa's problem solving?

She is not constrained by functional fixedness.

_____ refers to the rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language.



Telegraphic speech is an early speech stage in which a child speaks like an old-fashioned telegram, using mostly nouns and verbs (such as "go car").

J. McVicker Hunt tried to help children raised in a destitute Iranian orphanage by using language-fostering games and other environmental enrichments. Which summary BEST describes Hunt's results?

The infants' language development increased dramatically, and most of the children were adopted.

Which statement have critics of ape language research argued?

There is little evidence that apes can equal a 3-year-old's ability to order words with proper syntax.

How are the theories of Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg similar?

They both agree that multiple abilities can contribute to life success.

The _____ is the MOST widely used intelligence test for adults. It includes subtests for verbal comprehension and processing speed.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

In which part of the brain would a lesion MOST likely result in a disruption of language comprehension and expression?

Wernicke's area

_____ is the psychologist associated with experiments on chimpanzees that demonstrated their ability to display insight.

Wolfgang Kohler

While studying chimpanzees, _____ observed that animals have the ability to display insight.

Wolfgang Köhler

To solve a problem, sometimes we resort to trial and error. If we want a guaranteed solution, we may follow a(n) _____, which is a step-by-step procedure.


The hospital where Tom works has specific step-by-step procedures, or _____, for treating heart attack victims.


Stella was born deaf, but her parents are able to hear. Her parents also do not use sign language. When she was in middle school, she learned American Sign Language (ASL). To whom would she be MOST similar?

an adult immigrant who learned a new language

The correlation between the intelligence scores of identical twins raised together is:

approximately 0.85.

The SAT is intended to predict high school seniors' performance in college. The SAT is therefore a(n) _____ test.


The spontaneous utterance of a variety of sounds by infants is called _____.


_____ and Simon originally wanted to measure the intelligence of French schoolchildren to identify students with special needs in order to better educate them.


A mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, and people is called a _____.


A mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, and people is known as a(n):


When we use the acronym LGBTQ to refer to a category of people, we are using this word to denote a(n) _____.


We mentally group similar objects into categories called _____ that provide a great deal of information with little effort.


The tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions is called the _____ bias.


Because he mistakenly believes that older workers are not as motivated to work as hard as younger workers, Russell, a factory supervisor, is especially vigilant for signs of laziness among his senior employees. His supervision strategy BEST illustrates:

confirmation bias.

Social media sites are sometimes described as "echo chambers," or environments in which people rarely encounter beliefs contradicting their own, thereby reinforcing their existing views and preventing their consideration of alternative views. Social media sites may therefore encourage:

confirmation bias.

The tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions is called:

confirmation bias.

In one experiment described in the textbook, researchers reduced belief perseverance by encouraging participants to:

consider the opposite point of view.

Solving an algebra problem exemplifies _____ because such a problem generally has one right answer.

convergent thinking

A person who can effectively identify the best possible answers to multiple-choice test questions is using:

convergent thinking.

Prapti has expertise in mathematics, thinks in a novel way, seeks new experiences, and is intrinsically motivated. She is MOST likely high in what form of thinking?


Those who learn sign language as teens never become as fluent as children exposed to sign language from birth. This reflects a _____ period in language acquisition.


At a single point in time, researchers may test and compare the intelligence of members of different age groups. This BEST illustrates a:

cross-sectional study

As people age, they tend to gain vocabulary and knowledge, which are MOST clearly indicative of _____ intelligence.


Jazmine has chosen a birth control method that is said to have a 95 percent success rate rather than one that is said to have a 5 percent failure rate. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

cultural diversity.

Researchers studying chimpanzees in the wild report that they have found at least 39 customs that are specific to local chimpanzee groups. Some researchers believe that these differences in tool use, grooming, and courtship rituals can be accounted for by:

cultural diversity.

Being able to _____ emotions is NOT an ability of emotional intelligence.


The factors associated with creativity include:

expertise and a venturesome personality.

Meg is extremely creative when it comes to her development psychology course. Her written assignments always demonstrate not only knowledge on the subject matter but also a unique perspective on the topic, originality, humor, and excellent writing skills. Which quality does NOT help Meg be creative?

extrinsic motivation

Simone studies frequently in hopes of earning an A in her class at the end of the semester. She is trying to keep her grade point average as high as possible because she wants to go to graduate school. She is motivated by:

extrinsic motivation.

From which statistical tool that identifies clusters of related items did the belief of a general intelligence stem?

factor analysis

Most adults are more likely to choose a birth control method that is said to have a 95 percent success rate than one that is said to have a 5 percent failure rate. This BEST illustrates the impact of:


When an issue is presented in a specific way that affects our judgment and decision making, this is known as:


Which of the following is defined as the way in which an issue is posed?


Jazmine has chosen a birth control method that is said to have a 95 percent success rate rather than one that is said to have a 5 percent failure rate. This BEST illustrates the impact of:


Howard Gardner proposes that humans have multiple intelligences that are relatively independent of one another. Which type of intelligence is one of these intelligences?

intrapersonal (self) intelligence

Sam likes to play the drums. He enjoys it and does it for fun, and he plays with friends almost every weekend. He is motivated by:

intrinsic motivation

Fourteen-year-old Juliana enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from her parents to practice. She writes music and plays the piano several times a day. She tells her parents that she plays because she enjoys creating music. Juliana plays the piano because of:

intrinsic motivation.

An effortless, immediate, and automatic thought or feeling is known as a(n) _____.


Spoken, written, or signed words and the ways they are combined to communicate meaning constitute:


_____ is our spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning.


Over a long period of time, researchers may retest the same people at different points in time as they age. This BEST illustrates a(n) _____ study.


Researchers in Scotland have been following the development of a sample of 11-year-old children since 1932. What type of study are they conducting?


Over a long period of time, researchers may retest the same people at different points in time as they age. This BEST illustrates a:

longitudinal study.

During the earliest stage of speech development, infants:

make some speech sounds that do not occur in their parents' native language.

With respect to gender and intelligence:

men's self-estimated intelligence is higher than women's, but the IQ scores of women and men do not differ.

Imagine that on average, 6-year-olds can complete a particular block design puzzle in five minutes. It takes 6-year-old Bailey almost eight minutes to complete the task. In Binet's terms, Bailey's _____ age is _____ than 6.

mental; lower

On which task are men MOST likely to outperform women?

mentally rotating three-dimensional objects

Early theorists such as Spearman argued that g represented general intelligence. According to these theorists, individuals high in g probably excel at:

most, if not all, intellectual tasks.

Introductory psychology students were more likely to achieve a good midterm exam grade if, prior to the exam, they repeatedly practiced visual imagery that involved a _____.

process simulation

Because of an automobile accident, Karen suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Karen is MOST likely to experience difficulty:

producing words

Because of an automobile accident, Karen suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Karen is MOST likely to experience difficulty:

producing words.

what is the difference between receptive and productive language among babies?

productive language is the babies' ability to produce words in language, and receptive

When someone mentions "sports," Vic thinks immediately of football; he does not think of curling or lacrosse. Football is Vic's _____ of the category "sport."


In which choice is one of the characteristics of a good psychological test correctly defined?

reliability: The test yields consistent measurements.

Which researcher believes that creativity was composed of five main ingredients?

robert sternberg

Nancy is just learning to speak. She says words like "da-da," "kitty," and "ma-ma." This is not unusual because whatever the language, when children begin to speak, they tend to use mostly:


Framing choices in a way that encourages people to make decisions that support their personal well-being is referred to as


An African Grey parrot at a pet store has been trained to "count" objects. For example, if the trainer shows the parrot a tray of balls and asks him how many there are, he will answer correctly about 80 percent of the time. This parrot is displaying:

numerical skills.

Lee says things like "doggy," "mama," and "dada." He is in the:

one-word stage.

In studies, improved academic performance was more closely associated with visualizing effective studying rather than visualizing an A on the grade list, beaming with joy, and feeling proud. The latter is known as _____.

outcome simulation

Eyewitnesses are often quite certain they've identified a suspect in a lineup, but they are also quite often mistaken. This BEST illustrates:


Mary believes she can complete an entire term paper, which was supposed to take six weeks according to her class schedule, in only two days. So she begins the paper two days before the due date. Once she begins the term paper, she realizes that it will more likely take five days or more to complete. Her failure to accurately determine how long the assignment will take BEST illustrates:


At the beginning of the semester, Professor Benson asks his students what grade they think they will get at the end of the semester. He finds that the majority of students believe that they will earn an A. This BEST illustrates:


Prompt and clear feedback regarding one's performance on a psychology practice test is MOST likely to inhibit:


Researchers who are convinced that animals can think do NOT point to evidence that:

parrots demonstrate the ability to imitate language.

In the framing effect:

people's decision making can be influenced by the wording of a question or the context of a problem.

Jackie has an extremely low intelligence quotient (IQ) of 65. She lives at an assisted living center where she works part-time in the kitchen washing dishes. Jackie's ability to work effectively displays her _____ skills.


In which of the following conditions does a person with otherwise limited mental ability have an exceptional special skill, such as drawing?

savant syndrome

Research speculates that evidence exists of multiple intelligences and uses observations of people with this disorder to help support the claim.

savant syndrome

Although he is unable to speak coherently and has been diagnosed with autism, 18-year-old Andrew can produce intricate and detailed drawings of scenes he viewed only once. Andrew illustrates a condition known as:

savant syndrome.

Immortalized in the movie Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman's character performs mind-boggling feats of mathematical calculations yet cannot perform the simplest of tasks such as determining how much change he would receive when buying a candy bar. This is known as:

savant syndrome.

Sam does not do well in any of her classes, except math where she excels. Although she is performing at the first-grade level in all of her other classes, she is doing very well in college level algebra. This may be an example of:

savant syndrome.

When we estimate the likelihood of events based on the ease with which we retrieve them from memory, we are demonstrating:

the availability heuristic.

Ashley, a psychology major, remarks that she has become interested in the study of intelligence. Thus, Ashley is interested in:

the capacity to solve problems, adapt to the environment, and learn from experience.

Charles Spearman referred to the general capacity that may underlie all of a person's specific mental abilities as:

the g factor.

Most people with savant syndrome typically have low scores on most indexes of intelligence but score very high in one or two areas. This suggests that:

there are multiple intelligences in contrast to the idea that there is a global intelligence factor.

Sultan, a chimpanzee studied by Wolfgang Köhler, showed evidence for animal cognition. Sultan was given a short stick that could not reach a piece of fruit, but then he seemed to have an Aha! moment. He used the short stick:

to pull in a longer stick, which he used to reach the banana.

In testing thousands of different materials for use as light bulb filaments, Thomas Edison BEST illustrated a problem-solving approach known as:

trial and error.

According to Noam Chomsky, children have a(n) _____ to learn grammar rules.

built-in readiness

Stan is using complete sentences when he talks to his parents with phrases like "Mommy get food." He is about how old?

26 month

In the Iranian orphanage, the typical child could not sit up unassisted until at least age _____ or walk until at least age _____.

2; 4

By around _____ months of age, babies enter a babbling stage of language development.


Researchers estimate that individuals learn about _____ words between their first birthday and high school graduation.


There are over _____ languages worldwide.


Approximately _____ percent of the population has an IQ score between 85 and 115.


People diagnosed with mild intellectual disability have an intelligence just below:


Approximately 95 percent of the human population has an IQ score between _____ and _____.

70; 130

Marla has a 4-month-old baby boy. She wonders how much her baby understands when she speaks to him. What would you tell her?

Her baby can recognize speech sounds and read lips to determine where the sound is coming from.

_____ refers to the extent to which differences among people are attributed to genes.


Which statement BEST describes the relationship between imagery and performance?

Performing a task and imagining doing a task uses similar areas of the brain.

What do twin and adoption studies tell us about intelligence?

Racial and ethnic groups do not differ in intelligence scores

Which statement is NOT a possible factor for understanding racial and ethnic differences in intelligence scores?

Racial and ethnic groups do not differ in intelligence scores.

Which researcher believes that creativity was composed of five main ingredients?

Robert Sternberg

Crystallized intelligence refers MOST directly to a person's:

accumulated knowledge and verbal skills.

An aptitude test measures a person's capacity to learn, whereas a(n) _____ test measures what a person has already learned.


Which three intelligences does Robert Sternberg's theory of triarchic intelligence include?

analytical, creative, and practical

Nadiene was not exposed to spoken or signed language until after 7 years of age due to abuse and neglect. We know that her ability to master:

any language is lost.

A(n) _____ test measures a person's capacity to learn, whereas an achievement test measures what a person has already learned.


An _____ test measures a person's capacity to learn, whereas an _____ test measures what a person has already learned.

aptitude; achievement

The vocal sounds NOT included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage toward the end of the _____ stage of language development.


Four-month-old Susan is starting to say things like "ah-goo" and "da-da-da-da." Susan is in the:

babbling stage.

A potential source of irrationality is _____, our tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence.

belief perseverance

Dr. Archie has been studying monkeys' ability to classify photographs of different kinds of animals. After the monkeys became competent at this classifying task, Dr. Archie found that some of their frontal lobe neurons fired in response to new images of animals. This suggests that the monkeys:

can form concepts.

Dr. Zane has been studying monkeys' ability to classify photographs of cats and dogs. After the monkeys became competent at this task, Dr. Zane found that specific frontal lobe neurons fired in response to new "catlike" or "doglike" images. This suggests that the monkeys:

can form concepts.

Research suggests that humans can MOST easily master the grammar of a second language during:


Köhler studied insight by observing:

chimpanzees obtaining bananas.

Psychologists refer to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating as:


Lance is solving the anagram MAHLTGIRO. He tries to create words using common combinations of the anagram's letters, such as TH. Lance is using a(n):


The practical problem Alfred Binet wanted to solve when he developed his intelligence test was to:

identify children with learning difficulties.

The best example of a category of objects, events, ideas, and people is called a(n):


The ability to understand language is called:

receptive language.

A _____ test gives consistent scores no matter when an individual takes the test.


This researcher views intelligence as eight or nine independent abilities that come in different packages.

Howard Gardner

Who is MOST likely to be criticized for extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of talents?

Howard Gardner

The portion of variance among people's test scores on traditional measures of intelligence that can be attributed to genetic differences is often estimated as 50 percent. What does this mean?

If you study a large group, then 50 percent of the variation in intelligence scores can be attributed to genetic differences.

A concept is:

a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, and people.

When people suddenly have the realization that they solved a problem, it is called:


By the age of _____ months, an infant's typical babbling has changed so that a trained ear can identify the language of the household.


At _____, most children are in the one-word stage of language development.

12 months

A performance score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) that is higher than all but 2 percent of all scores earns an intelligence score of:


The concept of social intelligence was proposed as far back as the _____ by ______.

1920s; Thorndike

Ape language appears to be less complex than human adult language. In addition, ape vocabularies and sentences are simpler, much like those of a _____-year-old child.


Approximately what proportion of the population as a whole may be described as intellectually disabled?

2 in 100 persons

Rico is a Border collie that has a(n) _____-word (human) vocabulary for objects. Researchers assume that he can infer that an unfamiliar sound refers to an object he's never seen before.


At about _____ months of age, the two-word stage of language development typically begins.


When people suddenly have the realization that they solved a problem, it is called:


Mental practice has been used to try to improve academic performance. In Shelley Taylor's study, for 5 minutes a day, students were asked to visualize themselves studying effectively (e.g., reading chapters, going over notes). These students had average scores that were _____ points higher compared with students who were asked to visualize themselves seeing their A on the grade list.


A midterm test in a psychology course is an example of a(n) _____ test.

A midterm test in a psychology course is an example of a(n) _____ test.

What do twin and adoption studies tell us about intelligence?

Both genetic factors and the environment affect intelligence.

Amos Tversky.

Amos Tversky was a cognitive psychologist who showed how the use of heuristics can lead to flawed decision making; his work was not related to language acquisition.

Frank loses a contact lens in his kitchen; he searches for it by examining each linoleum tile in turn to see if the lens is contained within the square. Gemma loses a lens in her kitchen; she looks for it near the base of the fridge and around the stove because these are the two appliances she remembers using when she was last in the kitchen. In this scenario:

Gemma is using a heuristic and Frank is using an algorithm.

_____, the sudden awareness of a problem's solution, is aptly represented by a light bulb over a thinker's head.


Your instructor has just asked the class, "What is intelligence?" Which statement embodies the spirit of psychology's simplest answer?

Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure.

Based on findings from a Swedish study, what effect on intelligence does adoption into wealthier, better-educated families have on infants from poor backgrounds?

It raises intelligence test scores by nearly 5 points.

The widely used American revision of Alfred Binet's original intelligence test was developed by _____.

Lewis Terman

Which researcher is known for a longitudinal study of individuals who had IQ scores higher than 135 as children?

Lewis Terman

The widely used American revision of Alfred Binet's original intelligence test was developed by:

Lewis Terman.

Which statement is NOT a criticism of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

Low ability in one area is balanced by high ability in another.

Which statement is true regarding gender/sex differences in intellectual abilities?

Males' mental abilities vary more than those of females.

_____ maintains that the human capacity for developing language is natural and quick because people come equipped with an inherent language acquisition device.

Yes! The correct answer is:

Dr. Pennington conducted a test comparing Black and White participants in a measure of information processing. Each group was given the same information and task. What is the MOST likely result of the experiment?

You cannot determine individual differences through this experiment.

Charles Spearman expressed the belief that intelligence was BEST characterized as:

a general ability.

Charles Spearman noted that people who score highly in one area of mental ability tend to score highly in other areas as well. These observations combined with work in factor analysis led to his proposing that _____ is the key to understanding human mental abilities.

a general intelligence factor

Carol Dweck's research indicates that ______ is MOST advantageous for future learning.

a growth mindset

Carol Dweck describes the belief that intelligence is changeable and potentially improved with practice and training as:

a growth mindset.

A heuristic is:

a problem-solving strategy that is usually successful.

At _____ months, most children are in the one-word stage.

about 12

A test designed to assess whether newly graduated medical students should be granted the legal right to practice medicine would MOST likely be considered a(n) _____ test.


A good time to teach children another language is during:

early childhood

In very stressful or embarrassing situations, Sanura is able to maintain her poise and to help others feel comfortable. Sanura's ability BEST illustrates the value of:

emotional intelligence.

In terms of gender differences in intellectual abilities, white and black infants have scored _____ on an infant intelligence measure.

equally well

Alessa achieved an intelligence test score of 100 on a current version of the Stanford-Binet test. This indicates that relative to other adults her age, her intellectual abilities are _____ average.


Research indicates that individuals with a(n) _____ mindset tend to flourish when challenged in school.


The extent to which differences in intelligence among a group of people are attributable to genetic factors is known as the _____ of intelligence.


Twin and adoption studies are helpful for assessing the proportion of variation among individuals in intelligence scores that can be attributed to genetics; that is, such studies are helpful for assessing the _____ of intelligence.


To solve a problem, people often make use of a simple thinking strategy. This strategy allows them to make judgments and solve problems efficiently by following a(n):


When we suddenly have the realization that we have solved a problem, it is called a(n):


When people suddenly have the realization that they solved a problem, it is called:


Factor analysis has been used to assess whether:

intelligence is a single trait or a collection of distinct abilities.

Stephanie says things like "me go," "mama bye," and "dada go." She is in the:

stage of telegraphic speech.

What factors determine if a test is a "good" measurement tool?

standardization, reliability, and validity

The American revision of Binet's original intelligence test was called the _____-Binet.


A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative viewpoint is called _____.

stereotype threat

A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative viewpoint is called:

stereotype threat.

David enjoys watching from the window in his apartment. He is interested in all of the activity going on outside, especially the cars. His mother hears him say "go car." This is an example of:

telegraphic speech.

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