WLDF 420 Geese & swans : Anseriformes, Family, Tribe, Scientific Name, Common Name

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Anserini, Anser albifrons, Greater white-fronted Goose

"Geese" lacks bright eyering

Cygnini, Cygnus olor, Mute Swan


Anserini, Branta bernicla hrota, Atlantic Brant

smaller white neck slit

Cygnini, Cygnus columbianus, Whistling Tundra Swan

Bill: Tid bit of yellow

Cygnini,Cygnus cygnus, Whooper Swan

Bill: Yellow at base plus more

Cygnini, Cygnus bewickii, Bewick's Tundra Swan

Black: bill yellow only at base

Anhimidae, Crested Screamer

Family,CN (no tribe)

Anseranatidae, Magpie Goose

Family,CN (no tribe)

Anhimidae, Horned Screamer

Family,CN( not tribe) "Screamers"

Anserini, Bar-headed Goose

Tribe ,CN

Anserini,Greylag Goose

Tribe ,CN

Anserini,Swan Goose

Tribe ,CN

Cygnini, Black Swan

Tribe ,CN

Cygnini, Black-necked Swan

Tribe ,CN

Cygnini, Coscoroba Swan

Tribe ,CN

Tadornini, Common Shelduck

Tribe ,CN

Tadornini, Ruddy Shelduck

Tribe ,CN

Merganettini, Blue Duck

Tribe ,CN "Torrent Ducks"

Tadornini, Egyptian Goose

Tribe ,CN "True Shelducks/sheldgees" small brown patch on breast

Anserini,Bean Goose

Tribe ,CN black and yellow bill ( no pink )

Anserini,Lesser White-fronted Goose

Tribe ,CN bright yellow eye-ring, bright pink bill, smaller in size

Anserini,Pink-footed Goose

Tribe ,CN pink and black bill

Anserini, Branta hutchinsii minima, Cackling Goose

darker brown body and have/ don't have a white necklace smooth forehead ( not steep)

Anserini, Anser caerulescens caerulescens, Lesser Snow Goose

grinning black lips black primaries

Anserini, Anser caerulescens atlantica, Greater Snow Goose

lacks grinning black lips black primaries

Anserini, Branta canadensis maxima, Giant Canada Goose

larger overall body: longer, paler underparts esp. breast (white), black in the neck is shorter down the neck, white band on head

Anserini, Branta bernicla nigricans, Black Brant

larger white neck slit

Dendrocygnini, Dendrocygna autumnalis, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck

tribe onward "Whistling Ducks"

Anserini, Anser canagica, Emperor Goose

vortex-like plumage black stripe under neck follows to underside of lower mandible

Anserini, Branta hutchinsii leucopareia, Aleutian Cackling Goose

white cheek that just barely reaches eye level, Steep forehead white necklace at end of dark neck

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