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_________________ work is preformed when the line is hot, (operating at nominal voltage)


de-energized work involves __________ against both normal and abnormal sources of energy

Shotgun Stick

(grip all) stick - the most widely used hot stick. Features an easy-to-control gripping mechanism

Second Point of Contact

" the point where current leaves the body during simultaneous contact between two or more items of different potential." If an employee is working on an exposed energized phase, everything else of different potential within reach is a second point of contact. ex: guy-wires, ground wires, crossarm...Most electrical accidents involve a second point of contact.

What is a shotgun stick and what is it used for

The shotgun (or grip all) stick has an easy to control griping finger on the hot end of the stick. It is used for a variety of tasks, including installing ground clamps.

Tie Stick

Used for tying and untying conductors, and for installing and removing armor rods and preformed ties.

Pole Guard

Plastic protective equipment used to cover a pole being set between energized conductors, or simply to eliminate a second point of contact

100 - 700 mA or 10-70%

____________ of an amp can cause ventricular fibrillation of the heart


a ____________ is a piece of conductor used to complete an electrical circuit. Some are permanent connections not he line; other are temporary additions used during lnework


Make sure it is clearly visible from the __________that someone would approach the operating device

Rubber Gloves

One of lineworker's best safety tools. use rubber gloves of circuits of 50 volts and more and anytime there is an electric potential. Gloves must be of a class that exceeds the maximum phase to phase voltage on the line.

Rubber Sleeves

Used with rubber gloves to protect a lineworker's arms from electrical current. OSHA requires their use except in the following condition: The mineworker is insulated from the energized parts that are not being worked on This insulation protects the employee's upper arm from contacting other energized parts.

Static Charge

Warm winds blowing across the surface of conductors can create __________.

Construction, Maintenance Work, Repair

What are the three categories most electrical line work falls into

hot sticking, rubber gloving, and barehanding

What are the three common work process for working on energized lines. These processes allow linework to be done without interrupting service to a utility's customers.

Ensure the safety of all employee and the public Minimize the negative impact of the electrical system Minimize the number of customers who will be out of service

What are the three main objectives when clearing lines and equipment?

Bracket Grounding and Equipotential Zone Grounding

What are the two grounding procedures

Energized and De-energized

What are the two methods for working on a power delivery system

#2 AWG copper

All grounding cables must have a current carrying capacity equal to or greater than___________


equipment designed to store electricity may retain a charge long after being disconnected. Two common culprits are line capacitors and underground cables. Long one head transmission lines can also have a capacitance effect. Expect them to hold an electrical potential until tested and grounded


introduces enormously high levels of voltage into a work site - up to 100 million volts. It travels at one third the speed of light. Stop linework in these conditions

Field operator

is any employee in the field who is physically operating the apparatus or device used to disconnect the lines or equipment. This is done at the direction of the system operator . This employee can be a trouble man , switchman, situation operator , etc

non-visual clearance point

is any type of enclosed equipment. Even when the contacts are open, they are not visible from the outside of the enclosure.

Single-Blade disconnect

many type of disconnects are used as cleanse points - both line and substation clearance. some are designed to interrupt fault current while others need a special tool to interrupt the current when opening


use of hot sticks, rubber gloves, plastic cover ups are example of what

Open Jumper

used on both primary and secondary circuits, open jumpers, open loops, and open taps are common visual clearance points. Take a current reading before opening any jumper. If it is high it is not safe to disconnect until the current has been dropped


OSHA requires that a tag have an unlocking strength of at least ___________ lbs

Air Switch

Gang operated. Maybe operated by a manual hook, handle, or motor. Must visually confirm all contacts are fully opened or closed

pg. 20

look at pg 20 clearance procedure

When can you encroach on the MAD

-You are insulated from the energized part( with rubber gloves and sleeves -The energized part is insulted ( with rubber or plastic cover-up equipment) You are isolated from any object at a different potential ( such as during live-line barehand work).

Clearance Holder, System Operator, and Field operator

A clearance normally involves three roles. They are _____________


A______________ is complete when conductors connect a source to a load and then loop back to the source


According to OSHA a ________ person is trained and competent at: Distinguishing exposed live parts from other parts of electrical equipment Determining the nominal voltage of exposed live parts Observing the MAD the correspond to the voltages and maintaining those distances Using special precautionary techniques, ppe, and insulated tools Recognizing electrical hazards and knowing how to control or avoid them

only your employer

According to OSHA who can qualify you to work either energized or de-energized

Temporary Jumpers

Conductive devices installed on a circuit for short periods of time. Also known as macks or red heads, or mechanical jumpers. They have connectors on each end. Some can be installed while using rubber gloves, others require hot sticks.


Current will divide and take _____ available path to objects of different potential

Factors that go into deciding to work energized or not

Employee safety, Utility demands, customer expectations, construction standards, Equipment availability, weather conditions, qualifications of personnel

What are some Hot Stick attachments

For tying Conductors to Insulators formed wire tool, rotary blade, and mechanical hand For replacing insulators- adjustable insulator fork, pin puller, cotter key installer, cotter key remover -For disconnecting switches use hooks to operate and disconnect switches


If available use clearance points that _________

hold off clearance, working clearance, lockout/tagout, line clearance

In the industry, a clearance is done by opening devices in the path of the normal flow of energy. This is also known as :

operating handle

Install the tag as close to the ____________ or point of operation as possible. Ensure that the tg cannot be accidentally dislodged fro its position for any reason.


Insulate means that the worker is separated by a dielectric substance, such as rubber gloves and sleeves, hot sticks, and rubber or plastic cover-up equipment. This insulation shields workers against current flow. Its often thought of as protecting workers from the things they can touch with their hands

Rotary Blade Head

Is a Hot Stick attachment used for tying conductors to insulators


Isolate means employing tested and certified equipment to create physical separation between the worker and any object under the worker's feet. For example, an insulated aerial lift or insulated platform helps to isolate the worker's feet from objects of different potential. Isolation separates the worker from the earth, like a bird flying through the air.

Mechanical Hand

It is a Hot Stick attachment used for tying conductors to insulators


Less than __________ amp of current can cause serious injury


Most utilities include locking the switch as part of the______ process


New construction of poles and substations, storm restoration, and connecting a new housing development are typically performed using the _________ work method

Disconnecting means

OSHA clearance point =

Construction and General industry

OSHA has two categories for electrical linework. What are they


OSHA state that the ______ must clearly prohibit the operation of the clearance points and clearly indicate that employees are at work on the cleared line or equipment


OSHA state wait _________ minutes before installing grounds on a disconnected capacitor


OSHA states ________ devices used as a clearance point must be tagged. This includes physical switches and automatic or remote-control switches

protective equipment

OSHA states that all employees exposed to electrical hazards must use approved ___________


OSHA states that the tag should be large enough to be ________ and easily read, and contain clear information about the purpose of the tag, who attached it, and why.

Line Hose

Rubber protective equipment designed to cover overhead conductors, jumpers, and guy-wires. Comes in lengths of 3-6 ft. Connects with other rubber equipment.

disconnect, test, properly ground

Saying a line is de-energized means that certain specific steps have been taken to remove voltage from that line. Lines and equipment are not de-energized until all of the following steps have been completed

Line Stick

Supporting device used to provide insulation for ropes, blocks, and strap hoists.

second point of contact

The ___________ is defined as "the point at which current leaves the body during simultaneous contact between two or more objects of different potential.


The available fault current for a specific location on a specific circuit is determined by qualified __________. it is based on the impedance of the system the size of the substation transformer the size and types of generators How far or close the work location is to the source


The following things occur when a circuit is experiencing a __________ the load has been bypassed an excessively high amount of current is flowing through the circuit to the location of the fault, usually thousands of amps The excessive current flow will expose the weakest point in the circuit


The human body is an excellent conductor of electricity. It is _____________ water and the nervous system uses electrical signals to make the body function

Universal Stick

The idustry trend is toward universal sticks, which are made of modern materials, fit a variety of tools, and can be end-to-end.

Insulate and Isolate

The only way to completely prevent current flow through the lineworker

Accidental Energizing

These are examples of _________________ switch accidentally falls closed generator backed energized lines contacting de-energized lines

What is a Link Stick and what is it used for

These sticks are typically short, and provide insulation when using ropes, blocks, and strap hoist.

maintenance work and repair

What types of lifework fall under General Industry Regulations

Insulate, Isolate, and Protect against second point of contact

When performing energized work, lineworkers follow three principles:

How is the minimum approach distance applied to working on energized lines

When working on energized lines, the MAD is constantly observed. The MAD is best defined as the closest distance that a qualified employee can approach an exposed object with a difference of potential w/o the use of approved and rated protective equipment.


_____ refers to building new facilities. This may include building new transmission line, extending distribution lines, installing underground lines and equipment to feed a new housing development, or similar activities

Automated Switches

_______ are operated with either a motor-driven gear mechanism or a stored energy operator. Osha requires automatically or remotely switches that are used be tagged at the point of control


_______ occurs when nearby energy source - such as an energized transmission line - electrifies a disconnected and de-energized conductor or conductive object.


_______ the lines and equipment from all normal sources of energy: all connections have been opened, locked, tagged. At this point the line is ______ but not yet de-energized


_________ is different from maintenance because it typically involves an emergency situation. Examples are restoring power, repairing storm damage, car poles

Clearance Holder

_________ is responsible for accomplishing the work in the field (crew leader). A clearance is issued to the clearance holder, and cannot end until the clearance holder releases the clearance

Fault Current

_________ is the amount of current that a given system can deliver in the event of a short circuit (fault)


_________ the lines and equipment for the presence of voltage. This must occur before any grounding components are connected to the lines or equipment. If it indicates that the line is still hot, stop!


__________ requires all devises that are used as clearance points - scubas as switches, disconnects, and jumpers - to be opened in order to disconnect the sources of energy.

System Operator

__________ works at the utility's operation center and has a system wide perspective and control of the system in real time. This person gives permission for the clearance to occur, can operate devices remotely, and release the line or apparatus to the clearance holder so that work can be preformed


___________ is the preferred method for protecting the line worker.

Bracket Grounding

___________ is used to trip out the circuit as quickly as possible

clearance point

___________ refers to any device used to disconnect a line or piece of equipment from a normal source of energy - switches, disconnects, jumpers, connectors, terminals, and other devices.


___________ refers to the formal condition of a line, line section, or piece of equipment that has been disconnected (cleared) rom all normal sources of energy.


___________ tend to focus on maintenance and repair. However, contractors may perform maintenance and repair when they cannot handle the work load.

Properly Ground

___________ the supply conductors (phases). Grounding provides a low resistance path to the best available ground, in case the line or equipment becomes accidentally energized

Maintenance work

____________ is preformed on existing lines or equipment. Task may include replacing conductors, changing out aging poles and structural members, or replacing apparatus such as regulators, capacitors, reclosers, and more


_____________ refers to connecting any conductive item within the work space to the same potential as the grounded phases.


_________________ is the point at which all supply conductors have been tested to verify the absence of nominal voltage, and then shunted together through the grounding process so that all supply conductors share the same potential as earth

Flying bells

also known as a span open, this type of clearance point can be installed at various locations to minimize the number of customer who will be out of power

Protection against second point of contact

arrange the insulation and isolation of the workers and tools so that anything that has a difference of potential than the item being worked on cannot be reached from the work position


create physical separation from any object of different potential. Ex: diving board, bucket,

one third

it only takes ________ of an amp to put your heat into v-fib. that is less than the current of one light bulb


line ____________ are widely used as clearance points. In addition to the line recloser being open, most companies require a separate clearance point in the form of a visual open. ie jumpers, disconnects, air switches

Minimize the time it takes to trip the circuit Limit the current flow and the voltage drop across the lineworker's body

protective grounding and bonding are effective if they meet the following two objectives

visual clearance point

provides a clear visual gap between the source and load terminal of a device. Although no required by OSHA, a visual clearance point is recommend

read pg 29

read pg 29


the grounding components used on transmission lines must be ________ enough to handle the increased fault current.

power from the same circuit or line power from a different circuit or line power flow from a foreign source ( generator, solar)

to clear lines and equipment, an operator must account for all sources of energy that could energize the line or equipment that needs to be cleared

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