WMU Aphasia

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Interview Assessment:

1. Tell me what happened to you 2. Tell me everything you see happening in this picture "cookie theft". 3. Show me some things around the room. 4. Follow commands 5. Now I'd like for you to answer some questions about yourself. 6. Repeat some things I say. 7. I'm going to show you some things and I want you to tell me what they are. 8. I'm going to write some words on the board and I want you to read them aloud 9.Please write somethings on the board for me. 10. Happy Birthday song.

The Corpus Callosum is

A large bundle of axons connecting the two hemispheres, and is not involved in programming motor speech.

What is strong evidence for innate left-hemisphere lateralization of language.

A larger left planum temporal in fetuses and newborns. The larger planum temporal that has been found in fetal brains is evidence of a genetic predisposition of left hemisphere lateralization for language. The increase in myelination in the left hemisphere occurs after exposure to language during infancy, and has been purported to be an environmental influence.

A dysarthria is

A neurologic speech disorder

Primary neuronal loss

A primary neurological loss is the immediate necrotic degeneration of neurons directly affected by neurological injury.

The supplementary motor area

According to lesion studies, a unilateral lesion of the supplementary motor area leads to difficulty in initiating any movement. Another role of the supplementary motor area is to program non-novel movement sequences.

The Geschwind model of language:

Although the Geschwind model does not account for all new types of aphasia or explain all features of aphasia, it can be used with a high degree of accuracy to predict what symptoms will occur with a particular lesion.

The area of the brain generally responsible for the planning and control of motor movements is the

Anterior part of the brain. Motor planning and execution generally take place in the anterior part of the brain bilaterally, and the motor planning and execution for language take place in the left anterior parts of the brain.

The temporal lobe is the primary site of _____ in the brain

Auditory processing is performed within the temporal lobes of the brain

A site for a lower motor neuron lesion include

Axons of a cranial nerve, a cell body in the anterior horn of the spinal cord, muscle fibers, and the neuromuscular junction.

Damage to the cerebellum may cause what type of speech problem

Because it is involved in coordinating motor movements, damage to the cerebellum may result in dysarthria

Thalamic Aphasia

Borderline Highly variable auditory comprehension Good repetition

Posterior Capsular Putaminal Aphasia

Borderline Poor Auditory Comprehension Poor repetition

Anterior Capsular Putaminal Aphasia

Borderline Fluent Relatively good auditory comprehension Good repetition

Which of the following structures is largely responsible for the sequencing of motor patterns used for speech

Broca's area sequences motor patterns into speech movements

A lesion at a particular level of the spinal cord

Can impure function at the level of the lesion and below. Injuries of the spinal cord may produce partial or complete loss of function at the level of the lesion and below. Function includes both motor performance and sensation, and what is lost is dependent upon the extent and location of damage.

The spinal cord is part of which nervous system

Central Nervous System

A neural impulse is transmitted across the synaptic cleft primarily through _____ means.

Chemical. The transmission of a neural impulse across the synaptic juncture is primarily a chemical process, although it is occasionally a chemical and electrical process

Which muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve

Cranial nerve 12 innervates both the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue. The hypoglossus, intrinsic muscles of the tongue, genioglossus, and the styloglossus.

Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves do not have ventral and dorsal roots, but may be wither sensory or motor, or have a mixed function.

The processes specialized to receive the impulses moving toward the cell are the

Dendrites conduct impulses toward the neuron while axons conduct the impulses away

Which of the following is a term for "the brain"

Encephalon is a synonym for the brain

The connectivity of the hemispheres via the corpus callosum does not appear to be important to normal development. True or False

False. Callosal dysgenesis, or the absence of the rostral corpus callosum, is associated with developmental delay.

Anomic Aphasia

Fluent Good auditory comprehension Good repetition

Conduction Aphasia

Fluent Good auditory comprehension Poor repetition

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

Fluent Poor auditory comprehension Good repetition


Fluent Poor auditory comprehension Poor repetition

Functions of the cerebellum include

Helping to guide rapid, alternating, receptive movements, assisting in maintenance of posture, inhibiting sensory and motor impulses, and modulating neural function. The cerebellum uses visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular, and motor feedback to effect synergy in movement.

In adults, regeneration of neurons and return to function is possible

If a peripheral nerve is not severed, axons can sprout Schwann cells produce trophic factors to support the sprouting

How does degeneration of the CNS differ from that of the PNS?

In the CNS, unlike in the PNS, neurons have a trophic effect on each other, and when the input to a group of neurons is inactive, the whole group of neurons is likely to atrophy.

What is not a likely effect of damage to the angular gyrus?

Inability to thread a needle requires fine motor skills, a function of the pre central gyrus or primary motor cortex

Which of the following is true of the clinicopathologic method used in neurology?

It is the method of establishing a link between the site of a lesion and the function that is lost or modified.

Characteristics of the extrapyramidal system include

Its effect on neurons is largely inhibitory, it is involved in stereotypical movements, it has most of its influence in midline (axial) muscles than in distal muscles, and it has a large role in maintaining muscle tone. The extrapyramidal tract may assist in the smooth movement of muscles of voluntary movement, but its control is largely subconscious.

Functions of the basal ganglia include

Maintenance of ongoing movement, initiation of movement, the execution of learned motor plans, and influencing movements related to posture. The basal ganglia is involved in voluntary eye movements, but not in reflexive movements.

The brainstem consists of the

Midbrain, pons, and medulla

What is true in regards to cerebral dominance?

Most right handed people show a right ear advantage in dichotic listening tasks. Eighty percent of those who are right-handed show a right ear preference in dichotic listening tasks, which has been associated with left-hemisphere laterally for language.

A mylineated axon conducts neural impulses faster than an unmyelinated axon

Myelin sheaths allow for faster propagation of nerve impulses

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

Non-fluent Good auditory comprehension Good repetition

Broca's Aphasia

Non-fluent Good auditory comprehension Poor Repetition Skills

Mixed Aphasia

Non-fluent Poor-fair auditory comprehension Poor repetition


Non-fluent Very poor auditory comprehension Poor repetition

The thalamus integrates all types of sensation in the nervous system except

Olfaction is the only classical sensory system not integrated in the thalamus

How many axons are there per neuron


In which lobe of the brain can the primary sensory cortex be found

Parietal lobe

The term cephalic can be used in place of which anatomical directional term


The Circle of Willis consists of

The anterior commuincating, anterior cerebral, internal carotid, posterior communicating, posterior cerebral, and basilar arteries

____ is the anatomical connection between Broca's area and Wernicke's area

The arcuate fasciculus connects Broca's and Wernicke's area.

The auditory brainstem response tests the integrity of the auditory cortex.

The auditory brainstem response tests the integrity of the function of the middle ear, cochlea, and auditory brainstem, including brainstem pathways and nuclei.

Which part of the neuron is critical to communication within the nervous system

The axon and dendrites are critical to neuronal communication

The central nervous system consists of

The brain and spinal cord

What is the function of the choroid plexus

The choroid plexus is responsible for manufacturing cerebrospinal fluid

The ____ produces cerebral spinal fluid

The choroid plexus produces cerebrospinal fluid. it is formed by fusion of pia mater with ependyma, the cellular membrane lining ventricles.

The five regions of the spinal cord consist of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and _____ regions

The coccygeal is the lowest, fifth region of the spinal cord

The cerebral hemispheres are connected by the

The corpus callosum is a band of white matter than connects the two hemispheres of the brain

The cortex is organized horizontally into how many layers

The cortex is divided into six horizontal layers, each containing different cell types

The concept of localization of function refers to

The fact that specific behavioral functions appear to be associated with clearly localized sites within the brain

Nonroutine processes that require planning, analysis, feedback, and self-regulation are dependent on which portion of the brain?

The frontal association areas are vital to successful "executive functioning." Appropriate and well-developed executive functioning allows us to carry out non routine processes that require planning, analysis, feedback, self-regulation, etc. Our ability to participate successfully in school, work, family, and social settings is dependent on these frontal associations

The enfolding of the cortex of the brain during development forms the

The gyri are formed by the enfolding of the cortex during brain development

What are the areas involved in the programming of motor speech

The insula, pars opercularis, Broca's area, and ventral premotor cortex.

Which hemisphere of the brain contains the major neurologic mechanisms for speech and language

The left hemisphere contains the major neurologic mechanisms for speech and language.

Which hemisphere is the "dominant" hemisphere in most persons, meaning that it is the hemisphere from which language functions are controlled?

The left hemisphere has been demonstrated to be the dominant hemisphere in most people, controlling language function

The area that Broca considered to be the fifth lobe of the brain and that contains the most primitive portions of the brain is the

The limbic system or limbic lobe, was named by Broca, who considered it to the fifth lobe. It contains the rhinencephalon, the most primitive portion of the brain, devoted to smell

The lateral surface of the brain is supplied by the ___ artery.

The middle cerebral artery supplies most of the lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres

The amount of motor cortical representation (or space) given to any particular body part means

The more precise the movements of a particular body part, the greater the area of cortical representation

The primary visual cortex is found in which lobe of the brain

The occipital lobe

The presence of ______ is what gives white matter its white appearance and name

The pearly white myelin cover on myelinated axons is what lends white matter its appearance and name

The peripheral nervous system includes

The peripheral ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves

Which of the following structures are considered to be part of the perisylvian cortex

The perisylvian cortex contains Broca's and Wernicke's areas, and the supramarginal and angular gyro, in addition to the tracts that connect the centers of language.

The area of the brain in which the major neurologic components for understanding and producing language are found

The perisylvian zone the area containing Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and the supra marginal and angular gyro; therefore it is the area containing all of the major neurologic components for both understanding and producing speech

The meningeal layer that is nearest to the brain is the

The pia mater is the dura that closely adheres to the surface of the brain.

The ___ of Broca's area is involved with motor control of speech

The posterior portion of Broca's area (pars opercularias) is involved in syntactic and phonological processing and the motor control of speech.

The pre central gyrus makes up the primary motor cortex

The pre central gyrus makes up the primary motor cortex

The corticonuclear tract is part of which system

The pyramidal system. The Pyramidal system is for control of voluntary movement of the speech musculature.

Which of the following is a correct sequence of some of the structures used for comprehending and executing a verbal command to move the right arm?

The sequence is to first process the verbal information in Wernicke's area on the left hemisphere, and then the impulse is sent to the left supra marginal gyrus, which is involved in matching movement memories to verbal commands. The information travels through the left arcuate fasiculus to the left premotor area, then through the anterior callosal fibers to the right premotor area, then to the right pre central gyrus, and finally to the pyramidal tract.

Which of the following is not crucial to information processing and communication processing in the brain?

The shape of the brain

The extrapyramidal system includes

The sub thalamic nucleus, the tectospinal tract, basal ganglia, and the red nucleus.

The site of contact between a bouton and the nerve, muscle, or gland with which it is in contact is known as

The synapse

What is the role of the thalamus in language production

The thalamic reticular neurons can either facilitate or block neural transmission to cortical cells, damage to the connection of cortical-thalamic neurons can result in memory impairment leading to naming deficits, a less functional thalamus will disrupt cortical function through the thalamic/cortical relay circuits.

The primary auditory cortex is found in

The transverse gyrus of Heschl, or Heschl's gyrus, forms the primary auditory cortex

Which of these groups of cranial nerves can be found in a dissection of the medulla

The vagus, glossopharyngeal, and spinal accessory are located in the medulla

Subcortical brain regions likely play a role in language production. True or False

True. The thalamic nuclei act as a two-way relay between cortical structures, and are theorized to be a gating mechanism to regulate lexical and semantic access. Patients with thalamic lesions have difficulty with naming.

The corticospinal, corticonuclear, and corticopontine tracts make up the pyramidal system. True or false

True. These tracts are also called the corticifugal pathways. The corticspinal tract is responsible for skilled voluntary movement, the corticonuclear (corticobulbar) tract controls the cranial nerves, and the corticopontine tract communicates between the cortex and cerebellum.

Structures lying at the base of the brain may be anatomically described as being

Ventral (toward the front) is also sometimes used to describe structures at the base of the brain.

An image of an object in the left half of the visual field

Will be picked up by the photoreceptors in both eyes. Each eye processes information received from both visual fields. The left visual field is picked up by the temporal fibers of the right retina and the nasal fibers of the left.

The Circle of Willis

allows blood to flow across the midline of the brain in the event of an arterial occlusion.

Ventricular system contains

four structures, the ventricles, containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain. Lateral ventricles left and right, third, and fourth ventricle.

Nerve cells are called


Neuroglia are

non-neuronal cells that maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support and protection for neurons in the brain and peripheral nervous system.

Schwann cells are found in the

peripheral nervous system

The four lobes of each hemisphere of the brain are

the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital

Ependyma is

the thin epithelium-like lining of the ventricular system of the brain and the spinal cord. Ependyma is one of the four types of neuroglia in the central nervous system (CNS).

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