Wonder Study Questions Part 4 Test Friday September 25th

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What are the four things Jack mentions in the section titled Four Things?

1. you get used to his face 2. he's funny and cool 3. he's smart 4. He's a good friend

Who does Jack blame for their friendship ending?


Why did Jack change his mind about meeting August in the end?

Because Jack felt bad for August because even his brother Jaime "who is a pretty decent kid" was mean to August.

Why do people assume Jack's family is rich?

Because Jack goes to private school they think that his family is rich, but his mom is a social worker and his dad is a teacher.

Why didn't Jack sit with August the first day?

Because Jack had been spending the whole morning with Jack and wanted some "normal time"

Why did Veronica make the kids leave the ice cream shop?

Because Jack reacted in a rude way to August's face and she was afraid of what Jamie was going to say.

In the section titled In science, how does Jack feel after realizing what he had done?

He feels like he is going to puke.

Why doesn't Jack want to go meet August

Jack doesn't want to because August is "deformed"

In the section titled Partners, what happened when Julian insulted August?

Jack punched Julian and knocked a baby tooth out

What do jacks parents think about Julian's family?

Jacks family thinks they aren't very good people.

Who has more support Jack or Julian?;

Julian had more support

What rumors are Julian spreading?

Julian is saying that Jack has emotional problems That Jack would have gotten expelled if his parents didn't ask for him not to be. That August has special needs That August is bringing Jack down.

What did Jack name his sled?


In the section titled Season's Greetings, what did we learn about Julian's family?

That Julian's mom photoshopped Augusts face out of the class picture and gave it to some of the other moms.

What are some of the things Jack likes about August?

That he's funny, cool, smart, fun to hang out with, he's a good friend.

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