World Civ Exam 1

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The Mediterranean society formed on the island of Crete around 2000 BC and was a big maritime society. Palace of Knossos. Linear-A language. Ended by a volcano in 1450 BC.


The capital of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta. Early rulers were interred in the nearby pyramids.

oracle bones

The earliest known Chinese writing is found on these from ritual activity of the Shang period.


The first human expression of art came with the development of cities in the Sumer region of Mesopotamia.

Mandate of Heaven

god gives the chosen king a right to rule. if king acts unjust a new ruler must replace him.

Sea people

group of naval invaders in the 12th and 13th centuries that attacked coastal towns.


land between the rivers (Tigris and Euphrates)

Semetic languages

languages of middle-eastern origin: Akkadian, Babylonian, Aramaic, and Hebrew.


made of copper and tin. One of the earliest metals to be used for weapons.


mobile lifestyle based on keeping flocks and herds


pictures and other written symbols that stand for ideas, things, or sounds


pre-historic monument in Ireland, built during the Neolithic period.


the Hebrew letters for the name of God that God revealed to Moses; I am who I am


the leaders or governors of nomes in ancient Egypt


the process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans


first developed by nomadic pastoralists, a great neolithic military technology

Zhou Dynasty

(1050BC-500BC) -Longest dynasty in China -advanced material -Chinese character script -Mandate of heaven


(Old Testament) son of David and king of Israel noted for his wisdom (10th century BC)


(Old Testament) the 2nd king of the Israelites


-1100-700 BC -North Levant -colonization, trade, navigation -purple dye, lumber, and glass -first alphabet


-In 1600 BC inhabited cities in mainland Greece. -Linear B Language. -Extremely wealthy (gold) -The greek in Homer's Iliad


-Israelite raises in Egypt's royal house -Rescues Israelites from slavery and leads them to Caanan


-Israelite's journey from Egypt to Caanan -ten commandments established -theology established

Shang Dynasty

-one of the first Chinese dynasties, ruled from 1700 to 1122 B.C.E. -First to produce silk -Oracle bones -Human sacrifices


A city located in present-day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians. It became a major commercial center and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by the expanding Roman Republic.


A civilization along the Indus River established around 7,000 BC

sargon of akkad

A conqueror from Akkad, north of Sumer, who took over all of Mesopotamia and created the world's first empire.


A form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge shaped stylus and clay tablets.

Fertile Crescent

A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates where the first civilizations began.


A large language family of hundreds of languages, including English.


A legendary Sumerian king who was the hero of an epic collection of mythic stories


A rectangular tiered temple used for sacrifices and religious purposes.


A strong territorial state in Antolia. First to use iron. Ended by sea people.

Which two gods became most prominent during Egypt's Middle Kingdom?

Amun and Ra


An ancient city in Upper Egypt that became the capital of the New Kingdom


Babylonian king who codified the laws of Sumer and Mesopotamia


Banpo, Stonehenge, and Newgrange are all examples of sites from the Neolithic era.

Egyptian and Mesopotamian religious practice had each of the following in common EXCEPT:

Belief in an afterlife


Belief in many gods

The first compound metal used by humans, this alloy of copper and tin revolutionized the production of tools and weapons in Eurasia around 3500 BCE.



Capital of Israel and a holy city for Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

battle of kadesh

Chariot battle between Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittites. Caused the first peace treaty.

Which of the following marks an innovation that helped people advance from Paleolithic culture to Neolithic culture? Advanced stone tools with wooden handle and haft attachments Written languages Cultivation of crops The ability to create art Domestication of animals Larger, more permanent settlements

Cultivation of crops, Domestication of animals, Advanced stone tools with wooden handle and haft attachments, Larger, more permanent settlements


Egyptian King who is believed to have brought 2 Egyptian Kingdoms together.


Egyptian goddess of truth and justice


Egyptian hieroglyphs are deciphered now thanks to 18th century French scholars and the Greek script on the Rosetta Stone.


Egyptian pharaoh who ruled from age 7 to 17. brought back polytheism to Egypt. King Tut.


First female pharaoh


First five books of the Hebrew Bible

Specialization of Labor

Focusing work effort on a particular product or a single task


Founder of Judaism who led his family from Ur to Canaan in obedience to God's command.


Hammurabi's law code is notable because of its application of equal justice to all persons regardless of social class.

An important New Kingdom female Pharaoh who presided over the largest physical territory in Egypt's history was:


Which of the following do historians generally consider to be true about Sargon of Akaad? He created the first multi-city 'territorial state' in Mesopotamia He invented the horse-drawn chariot He was a lower-Egypt pharaoh who briefly exerted influence over both lower and upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom period He invaded southern Mesopotamia in ~2350 BCE, ending the period of the independent city-states in Mesopotamia Feedback

He created the first multi-city 'territorial state' in Mesopotamia, He invaded southern Mesopotamia in ~2350 BCE, ending the period of the independent city-states in Mesopotamia

Which of the following are true about Akhenaten? He moved the capital of Egypt to the newly constructed city of Akhetaten He tried to force Egypt to become monotheistic, against the wishes of the Egyptian populace. He was a pharaoh of Egypt's New Kingdom Akhenaten was not his original royal name as Pharaoh He greatly enlarged Egypt's territory by conquering the Mitannians and Hittites to the north

He was a pharaoh of Egypt's New Kingdom, Akhenaten was not his original royal name as Pharaoh, He tried to force Egypt to become monotheistic, against the wishes of the Egyptian populace., He moved the capital of Egypt to the newly constructed city of Akhetaten


Historians have been able to learn much about the Indus Valley civilization from deciphering the inscriptions on box seals found at the Harappa site.

The earliest settlements and cities in East Asia (modern China) were located on the banks of which river?

Huang He (Yellow)

Which of the following are true about the Shang state in East Asia? Human sacrifice was widely practiced They were the first to smelt iron for tools and weapons They were the first to develop silk textiles Their kings were called 'Pharaohs'

Human sacrifice was widely practiced, They were the first to develop silk textiles

The Middle Kingdom of Egypt ended with the

Invasion of the semitic Hyksos tribe in ~1700 BCE

Which of the following is/are true about the Zhou dynasty in China? All decisions for each region were managed from the king's court at Haojing It was an egalitarian and socially integrated society It quickly centralized its authority by crushing resistance from local lords At 550 years, it was the longest running of any dynasty in Chinese history It extended its geographical power gradually as regional lords joined a hierarchical system under Zhou rule The 'Mandate of Heaven' became its governing principle

It extended its geographical power gradually as regional lords joined a hierarchical system under Zhou rule, The 'Mandate of Heaven' became its governing principle, At 550 years, it was the longest running of any dynasty in Chinese history

Which of the following correctly describes Cuneiform? It was the chief method of communication for Neolithic peoples It was the world's first writing, developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia It marks the transition between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages It made agriculture possible by allowing grains to be cultivated in larger plots.

It was the world's first writing, developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia


King of the gods

old babylon

Large empire with the famous ruler, Hammurabi who ruled from 1792-1750 BC who was responsible for creating the 285 laws. They were the strongest during their time and took over many lands including some of Assyria for some time.


Largest city of the Indus Valley civilization. It was centrally located in the extensive floodplain of the Indus River. Little is known about the political institutions of Indus Valley communities, but the large-scale implies central planning.

One leading theory of the end of Egypt's 'Old Kingdom' is that it collapsed politically in ~2200 BCE because

Local nomarchs asserted their authority above the Pharaoh's centralized control


Mesopotamian city-state; world's first empire created by Sargon

The 'Fertile Crescent' is located in:

Modern day Iraq, Syria, and the Levant region


Modern day Turkey

The largest city in the Harrapan civilization of the Indus Valley was



New Stone Age


Old Stone Age

Rameses II

One of the greatest pharoahs of New Kingdom Egypt. Pharoah of the Exodus.


Only relatively recently have archaeologists begun to believe the Xia dynasty may have actually been real, rather than purely mythological.

nomadic pastoralism

People constantly moving herds of animals from pasture to pasture. more mobile than transhumants.


People during the Paleolithic period lived in small, nomadic 'forager' or 'hunter-gatherer' groups.


People who as early as 2000 BC began to explore and settle islands of the Pacific Ocean basin.

The worship of more than one god, this was form of religion practiced by most ancient civilizations throughout the world.


The Semitic tribal warlord from middle Mesopotamia who conquered and united the Sumerian cities of southern Mesopotamia into the first 'Territorial State' in ~2350 BCE was:

Sargon of Akkad


Savior sent by God

Archaeologists believe the Harrapa civilization of the Indus Valley had a complex trade system in place because:

Similar artifacts are found in widely geographically dispersed ruin sites

Which of the following was an innovation or development of the Amorite or 'Old' Babylonian kingdom? Detailed astronomical observations, including predictions of planetary motion The first known example of narrative literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh The first known system of written laws The first smelting of iron A sexigesimal numbering system

The first known system of written laws, A sexigesimal numbering system, Detailed astronomical observations, including predictions of planetary motion, The first known example of narrative literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh

Agricultural Revolution

The time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering


The world's first civilization, founded in Mesopotamia, which existed for over 3,000 years.

Egypt's hieroglyphs are considered by many to be an advancement over Mesopotamian writing for which of the following reasons? They had a purely alphabetic language of only a few letters that could be put together to make any word They devoloped a form of paper made from reeds found along the Nile river It included spiritual matters and poetry rather than just business and political matters They had symbols that stood for sounds as well as words

They developed a form of paper made from reeds found along the Nile river, They had symbols that stood for sounds as well as words

Which of the following statements are true about the Hittite people?

They fought the Egyptians to a draw at the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 BCE., They rose to power very quickly in the 17th century BCE in the region of Anatolia., They were the first to smelt iron for tools and weapons around 1300 BCE., They sacked Babylon in approximately 1600 BCE.

What was Old Kingdom Egypt's view on laws?

They had no written laws, and saw no need for them because the goddess Ma'at told the pharaoh how to ensure justice and order in their society.

According to the prevailing view among historians, which of the following is true about the Austronesian people? They traveled to remote Pacific islands from coastal China starting as early as the Shang period. Their double-hulled outrigger canoes could navigate over vast expanses of open ocean. They were pushed westward by an expanding Hittite empire and settled in what is modern day country of Austria in Europe. They built an impressive city in Australia called Rapa Nui in which over 20,000 people lived.

They traveled to remote Pacific islands from coastal China starting as early as the Shang period., Their double-hulled outrigger canoes could navigate over vast expanses of open ocean.

Xia Dynasty

This was the earliest known dynasty. There is no written evidence of this early time period, but artifacts have been found. The people of this time were farmers and made pottery.


When Babylon was attacked by the Hittites, the Kassites started ruling the Amorites. Assimilated into their culture.


early ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with Aten, the sun god.

Huang He

Yellow River

The Sumerians on the Mesopotamian plain built large stepped towers called _____________ on which they performed a variety of religious rituals including human sacrifice.



a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.

transhumant pastoralism

a form of pastoralism in which herd animals are moved seasonally to different areas throughout the year


a group of nomadic invaders who attacked middle kingdom Egypt with chariots and ruled lower Egypt.

rosetta stone

a huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing.


a valuable cloth, originally made only in China (Shang) from threads spun by caterpillars called silkworms


an ancient Minoan city on the island of Crete

Ban po

ancient Neolithic site in East Asia near Xian

Which of the following was a crucial development of the late Neolithic-era nomadic and transhumant pastoralist cultures of the Eurasian steppe-lands? Formal government bureaucracies Written language Bronze metallurgy Horse-drawn chariots The first human expression of art

bronze metallurgy, horse-drawn chariots

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