World Civilizations; Chapter 18

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This revolutionary group fought for and won Algeria's independence.


Independent India's first prime minister

Jawaharlal Nehru

This was formed to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values.

Negritude movement

Independent Algeria's first prime minister and first president, he was overthrown after only two years.

Ahmed Ben Bella

This nation was once France's principle colony. In the early 1990s, civil war began after the ruling government rejected elections won by Islamic militants.


This former Portuguese colony became a battleground in the Cold War when the Soviet Union and the United States took sides in its civil war.


This Egyptian president signed the Camp David Accords and recognized Israel as a legitimate state, enraging many Arabs.

Anwar Sadat

Which of the following make up the Transcaucasian Republics?

Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan

Which Burmese nationalist's army leader was killed by political rivals?

Aung San

Which Burmese pro-democratic leader won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 while under house arrest?

Aung San Suu Kyi

This is a name given to a 1917 letter from a British foreign secretary who seemed to make promises to both Zionists and Palestinians.

Balfour Declaration

New name for East Pakistan after it declared independence


Woman twice elected prime minister after General Zia's death

Benazir Bhutto

This former Belian colony was named Zaire after its independence, but took this name back again in 1997.


India's national political party

Congress Party

Which president of the Philippines left office after overseeing the ratification of a constitution and a shortening of military bases leases?


Who imposed an authoritarian regime in the Philippines and stole millions of dollars from the treasury before being forced into exile?

Ferdinand Marcos

As a British colony, this nation was called the Gold Coast.


Which imperialist nation colonized Burma (Myanmar), Malaysia, and Singapore?

Great Britain

This Egyptian president took office after the assassination of Anwar Sadat by Muslim extremists in 1981; he kept the peace with Israel.

Hosni Mubarak

Woman elected as India's prime minister in 1966

Indira Gandhi

He became the first president of independent Kenya.

Jomo Keyatta

Small region at the northern point of India next to Pakistan causing conflict between India's Muslims and Hindus


This first prime minister and later president-for-life of Ghana worked to promote African unity until he was overthrown in 1966.

Kwame Nkrumah

This secret society was made up mostly of Kikuyu farmers determined to win back the lands seized by British settlers in Kenya.

Mau Mau

In 1978, this Israeli prime minister signed the Camp David Accords and agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.

Menachem Begin

This dictator of Zaire seized power in a bloodless coup in 1965 and was himself easily overthrown by opposition forces in 1997.

Mobutu Sese Seko

Launched a nonviolent campaign of Indian non-cooperation with the British

Mohandas Gandhi

Leader of the Muslim League

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Organization founded in 1906 in India to protect Muslim interests

Muslim League

In the 1970s and 1980s, this group's military wing conducted a violent campaign against Israel, which, in turn, bombed Palestinian towns thought to be the group's strongholds.


New nation created by division of India


Which of the following countries wanted access to the Indian Ocean through Afghanistan?


This resulted in Israel's 1967 annexation of the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and the West Bank.

Six-Day War

Small island nation off the southwest coast of India that has been the site of a civil war between Tamils and other groups

Sri Lanka

This occurred in 1956 when Egyptian president Gamal Nasser seized control of certain French and British business interests in Egypt.

Suez Crisis

Who put down an attempted coup in Indonesia and then seized power for himself? Then turned Indonesia into a police state and frequently imposed martial law?


Who proclaimed Indonesia's independence and named himself its first president?


Which imperialist nation colonized Indonesia?

The Netherlands

Which imperialist nation colonized the Philippines?

The United States

This Palestinian leader took part in reaching the Oslo peace agreement.

Yasir Arafat

This Israeli prime minister signed the Oslo peace agreement and was assassinated in 1995 by a Jewish extremist.

Yitzhak Rabin

In the late 1980s, Palestinians began this "uprising," a campaign of civil disobedience that succeeded in putting international pressure on Israel.


What is the name of the group that fought against the Soviet-supported government in Afghanistan?


Term given to the division of India into separate Hindu and Muslim nations


Which of the following regions attempted to gain independence from Azerbaijan?

the Nagorno-Karabagh region

What is the name of the group that took control of Afghanistan in 1998?

the Taliban

What caused the emergence of nine independent nation states in Central Asia?

the collapse of the Soviet Union

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