World Geo. Chapter 12

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Scientists and environmentalists who focus on the Amazon rainforest usually want to protect

the rainforest and its biodiversity.

Which of the following is not part of the Amazon's many-layered ecosystem?

the rooftop


the thick layer of overlapping tree branches that make up the top layer of a forest


the variety of plants and animals living in one area. The term can also mean the great variety of all living things on Earth.

Which of the following is a way in which the native Amazonian people have been hurt by newcomers?

they have been driven off their land by newcomers. they have been killed by diseases newcomers brought. they have been killed and injured in land conflicts.

Which of the following is an example of sustainable development in a rainforest?

using resources in ways that do not harm the environment

sustainable development

using resources in ways that meet the needs of people today without hurting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This means finding ways to use resources without using them up.

One way consumers can help protect the rainforest is by purchasing

wood products made from wood that is harvested in a sustainable way.

carbon-oxygen cycle

the process by which carbon and oxygen cycle among plants, people and animals, and the environment

How does logging harm the Amazon rainforest?

Loggers often clear-cut whole patches of rainforest, which leads to deforestation.

Why is rubber tapping considered a sustainable activity?

Rubber tapping does not harm the tree that is tapped for sap.

Why did many poor families in Brazil settle in the Amazon rainforest?

The Brazilian government moved them there, and supplied them with food and money.

How should the resources of rainforest be used and preserved?

The resources of a rainforest should be used and preserved in a way that brings no harm to the rainforest or anything inside of it. There are many groups like the rubber tappers, environmentalist, Native Amazonians, Settlers, and cattle ranchers, all do a very good job in using and preserving the rainforest resources. For example, rubber tappers remove sap from a rubber tree in a way that does not bring any harm to the tree. This makes rubber tapping a sustainable activity. Sadly, there are groups like the Loggers that have no respect for the forest. For example, they use the trees from the forest to make furniture. In conclusion, every group should have respect for the rainforest.

Why is the Amazon a difficult place for settlers to farm in?

The soil is poor in nutrients.

How is the native Amazonian's lifestyle a sustainable way of life?

Their lifestyle does not cause long-term damage to the rainforest.

How do environmentalists want to protect the Amazon rainforest?

They want to restrict the development of the rainforest.

The Amazon is a tropical rainforest in South America. A tropical rainforest is

a broadleaf evergreen forest found in hot and wet regions near the equator.

tropical rainforest

a broadleaf evergreen forest found in wet and hot regions near the equator


a community of all the living things in an area and the environment in which they live

broadleaf evergreen forest

a vegetation zone of mainly tall trees that remain green all year; also refers to the type of vegetation in this zone

In the rainforest, many cattle graze throughout the Amazon


The term _____ describes the variety of plant and animal species living in a specific area.


land use conflict

disagreement over how to use a particular area of land

In the 1960s, land use conflicts arose between newcomers and rubber tappers when the government

encouraged deforestation so farmers and ranchers could use the land.

Ecotourism is a type of tourism that

focuses on not harming the land that people visit.

Land use conflict in the Amazon rainforest is often caused by different groups

having different ideas about how to use its land.

Loggers often argue that a benefit of logging in the Amazon rainforest is that it

improves Brazil's economy by increasing the number of jobs in the forest industry.

Many ranchers argue that a benefit of raising cattle in the Amazon is that it

makes good use of the rainforest land by raising food and earning income for Brazil.

indigenous peoples

natives of an area who have been conquered or dominated by others who came later

Rainforests are nicknamed "the lungs of the Earth" because their rich plant life

plays a major role in the carbon-oxygen cycle.


removing or clearing away the trees from a forest. Deforestation is often done to clear land for farming or ranching.

When shade-grown coffee is planted in the Amazon rainforest, this is an example of

sustainable development.

forest floor

the bottom layer, or ground, of a forest

lower story

the middle layer of a forest, consisting of shrubs and trees


the pattern of weather over a long period of time

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