World Geography Chapter 7

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Why are Ontario and Quebec called the heartland of Canada?

3/5 Canadians live there, Ontario is the largest province in terms of population Quebec in land area.

First Nations

A group of Canada's Native American people


A person of mixed French-Canadian and Native American ancestry.


A political unit

parlimentary government

A system where legislative and executive functions are combined in a legislature called a parliament

How did the French and Indian War change Canada?

Conflicts between Britain and France happened making the British government split Canada into 2 provinces (political units) in 1791.

Which industries drive Canada's economy?

Farming, logging,mining, farming, manufacturing, and fishing are some of the industries that drive Canada's economy.

What economic activities take place in British Columbia?

Logging, mining, and hydroelectric-power production, severe industry. (Vancouver is Canada's largest part and has a prosperous shipping trade.)

What are the major economic activities of the Atlantic Provinces?

Logging, mining,fishing are the major economic activities of the Atlantic Provinces.

Which provinces make up the Prairie Provinces?

Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta


Public land set aside for native peoples by the government

What is Canada's workforce like?

Split between 52% men 48% women

Why are Canada and the United States close trading partners?

The 2 nations share the longest open border in the world and the same language. (English)

How is Canada's federal government different from the federal government of the United States?

The U.S has 3 branches while Canada has 2 branches.

Dominion of Canada

The loose confederation of Ontario (Upper Canada), Quebec (Lower Canada), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, created by the British North America Act in 1867

Why is the population of the Atlantic Provinces so small?

The small population is due largely to the provinces' rugged terrain and severe weather.

How have Canada's urban areas changed?

They've grown. About 80% live in urban areas.

How is upper Canada different from lower Canada?

Upper Canada - Speaks mainly English, practices Protestantism Lower Canada - Speaks mainly French, and Christian

Where did nearly all growth in Canada's industry and urban areas take place?

Within 100 miles from the U.S border.

In which region is the majority of the population located?

Within 100 miles of the U.S border

What mineral resources spurred development in Canada?

gold, silver, copper ,zinc

Prarie Provinces

in Canada, the provinces west of Ontario and Quebec-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta


political union

Prime Minister

the head of a government; the majority party's leader in parliament

Atlantic Provinces

the provinces in Eastern Canada-Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland

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