World History 112 Final Study Guid

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How did black voting patterns begin to change after the first election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

Blacks began to shift to the Democratic Party.

Which of the following was a reason for blacks to move over to the Democratic Party during the 1936 election?

Blacks felt that Roosevelt had been doing more for them than any other president.

After the Civil War, how did Congress react to repeated southern attempts to stop blacks from exercising political power?

They passed the Fifteenth Amendment.

What is true about black migration (known as the "Great Migration") between 1910 and 1940?

About 1.75 million blacks left the South, doubling the population of blacks outside that region.

Which new states led the production of cotton, in what was called the "Black Belt"?

Alabama and Mississippi

Which of the following is not a correct statement about the effort to colonize free African Americans?

All blacks supported colonization, and looked forward to moving to Africa.

How did the slave trade change in the early 1800s after the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade?

All trading of slaves was completely abolished in 1808.

What were some of the results of antebellum (1800-1860) racial segregation?

Blacks lived in segregated communities in northern cities.

What is not true about Du Bois's and Washington's approaches to improving the condition of black men?

Du Bois and Washington actually did not differ greatly regarding tactics for racial improvement.

How did Du Bois's background shape his views, just as Washington's shaped his?

Du Bois was born free in the North, encountered little racism during his early years, and was intelligent and obtain a superior education.

What was true about the NAACP publication, The Crisis?

Edited by Du Bois, it generally contained strident language denouncing racism and demanding that blacks stand up for their rights.

What statement is not true about racism in the early 1800s?

Educated people were beginning to believe that blacks were not inferior.

What was not a result of Nat Turner's Rebellion?

Garrison and other abolitionists took the blame for the uprising.

What was Charles Hamilton Houston's legal focus?

He tried to force the South to equalize facilities, especially in education.

Which of the following best characterizes Lincoln's ideas about race and slavery during the 1858 elections?

He was a racist, and although he opposed slavery, he was not for the social equality of blacks and whites.

What benefits did Marcus Garvey and his ideas bring to many black people?

His organization brought direct economic benefits, providing a minimum income to all members, regardless of class or race.

What was not a part of the terms of the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation?

It allowed slaves to leave the country to obtain freedom if they wished.

What was the significance of the Guinn v. United States case in 1915?

It overturned the grandfather clause in Oklahoma.

Which of the following is true about the Denmark Vesey Conspiracy in 1822?

It reinforced white beliefs that the free black population was a dangerous influence.

From where did the term "Jim Crow" come?

It was an 1840s northern black-face minstrel show.

What 1787 compromise was made over the Atlantic slave trade in the Constitution?

It was immediately abolished, although southerners were allowed to keep the slaves they had.

Where was the largest free black urban population in the period between 1820 and 1860?


What political party did blacks generally support in the early twentieth century?


How did whites justify racism in the 1830s and 1840s?

Scientists argued that racial differences were permanent, and indicated people's status in the world.

What was A. Philip Randolph's proposed 1942 March on Washington Movement designed to do?

Stop discrimination against blacks in wartime industries and the military.

What reason did white southerners not use to justify the sexual exploitation of black women?

That black women were better at producing strong babies when mixed with white men.

What did the Niagara Movement demand in 1905?

That blacks should protest vigorously for their rights, better schools, housing, and an end to racial prejudice.

What was the result of Washington's scheming to destroy the NAACP?

The NAACP eventually triumphed, in goals and tactics.

What was the result of the 1954 Brown case?

The court declared that separate educations for blacks and whites were not equal, therefore overturning the Plessy case.

Why did Houston and Thurgood Marshall focus on gaining blacks access to professional and graduate schools?

The inequalities were very obvious; almost no graduate facilities existed for blacks in the South.

What was not a reaction by southern whites to implementing the Brown decision?

They began a policy of massive, organized violent resistance.

World War I was supposed to be a war "to make the world safe for democracy." How did Americans apply these ideals to the treatment of blacks?

They didn't Americans continued to hold onto racism, and reacted violently against blacks.

How did women's suffragists feel about the Fourteenth Amendment?

They felt betrayed and angry, since the Fourteenth Amendment included only men.

Why did many oppose the land bill Thaddeus Stevens introduced in Congress in late 1865?

They felt that property rights of Southerners were more important than granting land to blacks.

How did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 strengthen previous laws?

They law would punish (by fines or imprisonment) ordinary citizens who failed to help capture runaways.

What was the reaction of many white southerners to Harry Truman's interest in African-American rights?

They left the Democratic Party to form the "Dixiecrat" Party, which favored white supremacy.

What did southerners mean when they said they wanted to "redeem" their states?

They wanted to not only remove blacks and Republicans from political office, but from wielding any political power or hold any office.

What statement is true about black service during the War of 1812?

They were considered an "internal foe" by some white Americans.

Put Put these states in the order in which they abolished all slavery (from earliest to latest) after the American Revolution. 1. New Jersey 2. Vermont 3. Connecticut 4. Pennsylvania

Vermont Pennsylvania Connecticut New Jersey

Why was there so much violence in the South after Reconstruction?

White Southerners were frustrated by their loss during the Civil War, and resented blacks acquiring freedom and status.

How did Woodrow Wilson act toward black people when he became president?

Wilson held southern views about race; he segregated federal offices to avoid friction between the races.

What happened during the New York City Draft Riot of 1863?

Working-class Irishmen, angry over suspected black attempts to take jobs, engaged in violence and destruction for four days, lynching blacks and burning black-affiliated businesses.

What was the World War II "Double V" campaign?

a slogan adopted by African Americans to work for victory in the war and victory over racism at home

What was social Darwinism?

a theory that applied Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" to human society; Europeans were biologically superior to Africans

How did William Lloyd Garrison change the nature of the antislavery movement?

called for the immediate abolition of slavery, along with a commitment to racial justice.

What did FDR's Executive Order 8022 do?

ended discrimination by race in the armed forces

For what proposal is Garvey best remembered?

establishing the Black Star Line, a group of steamships that were supposed to help blacks get back to Africa

Which was the first war to see integrated American troop units in conflict?

the Korean War

What was not a prominent feature of the period in American Histoy called "The Nadir, 1877-1919?

the loss of the African American women's right to vote under the 19th Amendment.

What was not a reason why some people were critical of Washington's approach with the Tuskegee Institute?


What percentage of slaves from the upper South moved into the Southwest as the cotton trade opened up?

Fifty percent between 1820 and 1860.

How did Andrew Johnson's becoming president affect blacks?

Johnson felt that blacks should not vote or have a role in government, and were vastly inferior to whites. He destroyed many of their hopes.

What did Abraham Lincoln initially think was the appropriate long-term solution to slavery?

Lincoln wanted to compensate masters for their slaves and then send the slaves out of the United States.

What is true about school desegregation under Brown by 1960?

Only 17 school systems had been desegregated

Which of the following cases involved a young woman who had been denied admission to a law school because she was black?

Sipuel v. Oklahoma State Board of Regents

The Wilmot Proviso, if it had been passed, would have

prohibited slavery in any lands acquired from Mexico, to reserve them specifically for whites.

What did the Supreme Court decide in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case regarding Scott's rights?

Black people (not just slaves) had no rights in America and therefore could not even bring a lawsuit.

Who were the carpetbaggers and the scalawags?

Carpetbaggers were Republicans from the North; scalawags were white southerners who supported the Republicans

What did the Supreme Court decide in Sweatt v. Painter?

Equality in educational facilities included a lot of intangibles. The justices were basically saying that Sweatt had to be admitted to the main law school, not simply give space for him in the basement of the university.

Which of the following was not an effect of Gabriel's Rebellion 1800 in Virginia?

Fearing for their lives, more whites began to liberate their slaves.

What distinguished Paul Cuffee from other Post- Revolutionary war Black leaders?

He actively engaged in sending African Americans back to Africa.

Why did Andrew Johnson veto the Freedmen's Bureau Bill?

He felt it would increase the federal bureaucracy too much.

How did Booker T. Washington react to the new Niagara Movement?

He paid newspaper reporters to criticize Du Bois.

How did Booker T. Washington feel about the NAACP?

He sent in aides and supporters to disrupt meetings, and attack Du Bois publicly.

How was Lincoln changing his opinion of blacks shortly before he was assassinated?

He thought that not only should all blacks be free, but also that they should enjoy the same political and social rights as whites.

What types of political activities was Washington supporting behind the scenes?

He tried to get the grandfather clause overturned in the courts

How did David Walker's the Colored Citizens of the World influence the antislavery movement?

His aggressive style and tone in the pamphlet made others adopt a similar tone.

How did Lincoln change the nature of the war with the Emancipation Proclamation?

It became a war to free the slaves. The North gained the moral advantage

What did Truman's Executive Order 9981 do?

It forbid discrimination by race or gender in defense industries.

What did the case of State of Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada involve?

It forced states to provide equal facilities to blacks for legal education within their borders.

How did the Cold War influence African Americans' struggle for rights?

It made racism and segregation less acceptable as the United States struggled for control and influence among African and Asian nations.

Regarding slavery, what was the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It repealed the Missouri Compromise line, with the possibility that slavery would be allowed in areas it never had before.

Which of the following is not true of Special Field Order #15?

It set aside some land between Charleston and Jacksonville for former slave use.

What did the Fourteenth Amendment not do?

It unpardoned many of the people Johnson had pardoned.

What does the Preston Brooks-Charles Sumner incident tell us about the United States in 1856?

Slavery was becoming such a divisive issue that members of Congress, where all issues should be debated peacefully, were engaging in physical violence.

What does the story of Margaret Garner tell us about fugitive slaves?

Some despised slavery so much that they were willing to kill their children rather than have them grow up as slaves.

Which former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction?

South Carolina

How was the rebirth of Klan at Stonemountain GA in the 1920s different from the Reconstruction Klan?

The Klan of the 1920s expanded their hate targets to include Catholics, Jews, and immigrants as well as blacks.

What is true about segregation in the North?

The North had laws against discrimination of blacks, enforcement was often overlooked and was considered de facto segregation.

What was the Republicans' position on slavery during the 1860 presidential election?

The Republicans would ignore the issue of slavery, since it was so troublesome.

What was a result of John Brown's raid?

The raid pushed the country toward civil war by intensifying feelings on both sides.

What was not true about the cases of Gaines v. Canada, Sweatt v. Painter, and McLauren v. Oklahoma that led to the overturning of the Plessy Rule in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case?

They all concentrated on K-12 public school education like the Brown Case.

What types of laws did Indiana, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin pass regarding black citizens in their states?

They banned all blacks from the state in their constitutions.

What happened to Circular 13 and Special Field Order # 15 after the assassintion of Lincoln?

They were both revoked. Land that had been given to blacks was returned to white owners.

What methods did the NAACP use to try to gain black civil and political rights?

They worked within the court and legislative system, chipping away at discrimination, racism, and the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.

Which modern film about slavery best expresses the domestic shift of African labor into the southwest?

Twelve Years A Slave

What organization did Marcus Garvey form in Jamaica in 1914?

Universal Negro Improvement Association

What was not a belief of Booker T. Washington about opportunities for blacks?

Washington believed that blacks should work for the right to vote while they worked for economic success.

Which of the following was not an element of Booker T. Washington's famous speech at the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition in 1895?

Washington felt that blacks should work first for freedom of speech and the press, and other rights would follow.

What type of political influence did Booker T. Washington have?

Washington had tremendous influence for a black man at the time. President Teddy Roosevelt respected and consulted him on political appointments.

What provoked the 1906 race riot in Atlanta, Georgia?

Whites were embracing stereotypical views of blacks as criminals, and especially of black men as rapists of white women.

What was the first concern of many African Americans once they achieved freedom at the end of the Civil War?

reuniting with lost family members

What event heightened sectional tensions between the North and the South, leading to increased militancy on both sides - as the North came out against slavery and the South for it?

the Missouri Compromise

What famous Atlantic world revolution was an influence on slaves planning uprisings in the United States?

the revolution in Haiti, led by Toussaint Louverture

What was W.E.B. DuBois' "talented tenth" theory for racial uplift?

the top ten percent of black society; leaders like Du Bois felt that this group should lead blacks to greater social and political equality

What were the goals of the 1820s American Colonization Society?

to gradually free slaves, through purchasing them and sending them to Africa

What was Lincoln's initial aim of the Civil War when it began in 1861?

to preserve the Union, without regard to ending slavery

Before the Industrial Revolution could have much of an effect in America, what had to be greatly improved?


Most white northerners in the period 1820-1860

wanted nothing to do with blacks, and had the same kind of racist ideas as southerners.

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