World History 2 Midterm Review

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The basic administrative unit in Mughal India was the pargana which comprised of: _____

100 Villages

The New Sciences were allowed to flourish in Northern Europe, especially in the Netherlands and England mainly because of: _____

A certain liberty of investigation that other areas lacked

Some slave-ship captains favored the "tight packing" method, deliberately overcrowding their human cargo on a Middle Passage voyage on the assumption that: _____

A few more captives might survive than on a ship that was less crowded

Losses to the Spanish empire came in the mid-seventeenth century, beginning with: ______

Abolishment of slavery, people who once owned slaves had to look somewhere else for their labor

Some signs of economic stress were already present toward the end of Qianlong's reign, and chief among these was the problem of: _____

Absentee landlordism

In addition to being a monument to his beloved wife, the Taj Mahal is also an architectural allegory for: _____

Allah's judgement in paradise on the day of the resurrection

In "chattel" slavery, the slave is, in legal terms: _____

An item of moveable personal property

The Mughals gave India one of its most prolific eras in terms of profusion and synthesis of literary genre, with _____ remaining the chief languages of literature in Islamic India

Arabic and Persian

Akbar's religious policies were viewed, by his fellow Muslims: _____

As proof that he actually became a non-believer

The rise of the Ottomans in the fourteenth century came at the expense of _____

Byzantium empire

From the middle of the seventeenth century, the pueblos de Indios were fully functional, self-administering units, with councils (_____), churches, schools, communal lands, and family parcels


By the time of Aurangzeb's death, the Marathas had set up their own administrative system, and were: _____

Carrying off Shah Jahan's fabled Peacock Throne

Recent scholarship suggests that a key formative element in the development of culture and identity of Africans in the Americas lay in the influence of the: _____

Central African Creoles from Kongo and Ndongo

The Janissaries were recruited from the _____ population of the empire


As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" _____ many of the farmers

Classified and taxes as serfs

The Ottomans benefited from the trade of a new commodity, _____, which was produced in Ethiopia and Yemen


What made a uniform tax on agriculture difficult to enforce?

Differences in regional soil conditions, climate, and productivity

Spain fought to retain control over _____ until 1648, when it recognized its independence


Louis XIV sent salaried, itinerant intendants around the provinces to: _____

Ensure that governmental activities functioned properly

The purpose of the Spanish Inquisition, appointed in 1481, was to: _____

Ferret out any people whose beliefs were contrary to Church teachings

The demand for slave labor reached new heights in Brazil when: _____

Gold was discovered in Minas Gerais in 1690

Humanism was an intellectual movement focused on human culture, in such fields as philosophy, philology, and literature, and based on the corpus of _____ texts

Greek and Roman

The alliance between the Ottomans and the _____ horrified Western Europe in 1534 because it indicated that the Ottoman Empire was a player in European politics


Philip II was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1575 and sue for peace for the Ottomans in 1580 because: _____

He had failed to suppress a ruinously expensive rebellion in the Netherlands

The participation of Virginia settlers _____ was an indication that the British would not follow the same policy in the New World as their Spanish counterparts

House of Burgesses

Publication of Denis Diderot's Encyclopédie was difficult because: _____

It was banned as subversive by the Catholic Church and the French monarchy

In an address to the National Assembly on October 10, 1789, Dr. Joseph Ignance Guillotin argued that: _____

It would be best to abolish capital punishment altogether

Had it not been for _____, the French government, on the verge of Revolution in 1789, would have been well-financed

It's debt, used to finance the Seven Years' and American Revolutionary Wars

The huge commitment of Chinese troops against the forces of the Japanese leader Hideyoshi during his attempted invasion of _____ from 1592 to 1598 weakened the Ming dynasty and led to the rise of the Machus


The US Constitution seemed to embody many of the ideals of the Enlightenment, what are they?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the face that all "men were "self-evident"

African rulers sold slaves to the Europeans as: _____


The Ottomans defeated the _____ and took control of western Arabia, including the pilgrimage city of Mecca, in 1517


The Mughals appointed members of the new _____ elite to positions in the provincial governments and state ministries


Isaac Newton's _____ Principles of Natural Philosophy, published in 1687, was the towering achievement of the New Sciences


Fury resulted from a 1791 decision by the white settler Provincial Assembly in Saint-Domingue to: _____

Not grant citizen rights to mulattos whose parents were free

Succession in the Mughal empire was complicated due to the fact: _____

Of foreign invasions

For the English, the acquisition of Bombay (Mumbai) from the _____ in the 1660s gave the British East India Company a superb harbor


According to the infamous "_______ edict" in 1645, all males, regardless of ethnicity, were required on pain of death to adopt the Manchu hairstyle of a shaved forehead and long pigtail in the back


The Ottoman army carried all wages, gunpowder, weapons, and the majority of its food in its wagons and barges because ______

Soldiers were not permitted to provision themselves from the belongings of villagers

What gave the Spanish a military advantage over their Native American opponents?

Superior weapons

After Hernán Cortés arrived at the city of _____, he soon captured the emperor Moctezuma II who was forced to swear allegiance to Emperor Charles V


The Gunpowder empires, named for their reliance on cannons and small arms in their military campaigns, included all of the following except: _____

The Habsburgs

Between 250,000 and 1 million Tainos were killed when the Spanish came due to: _____

The Native Americans lack of immunity to smallpox

A major consequence of the America Civil War was _____

The Reconstruction of Southern reference in America; and the Jim Crow Laws

Martin Luther protested _____ in 1517 with 95 theses addressed to his archbishop

The Sale of Indulgence

The Central objective of the "Glorious Revolution" in England was the: _____

The offering of a joint monarchy to the Protestant William III and Mary II

Even though he was outnumbered, Babur was able to defeat the Lodi ruler at Panipat because: _____

The resourcefulness of its commander, Babur, demonstrated in his use of field fortifications and his instinctive sense of the value of the firepower of gunpowder

What was the reason for Morocco's invasion of Songhay in 1591?

To seize control of and revive the trans-Saharan trade in salt and gold

The Atlantic system of the "_____" trade connected the American colonies with Africa and Europe


The Baroque artistic aesthetic could best be described as: _____

Voluptuous and Dramatic

Mercantilist economic theory dictates that: _____

Wealth could be acquired but not created

In Brazil, black freedmen and mulattoes: _____

Were equal in percentage of the population to Creoles

When the Moriscos were driven out of Spain in the early seventeenth century, they: _____

Were forced to leave all their possessions behind in Spain

What were the Bourbon reforms in the Spanish colonies?

curb contraband commerce, regain control over transatlantic trade, curtail the church's power, modernize state finances to fill depleted royal coffers, and establish tighter political and administrative control within the empire

The main goal of Gustavus II Adolphus' intervention in the Thirty Years' War was the consolidation of _____ power in the region

his predominance in the region

The Columbian Exchange characterized the transfer of ___(three things)___ between the Americans and the rest of the world

plants, animals, diseases

The Stamp Act of 1765 paid for: _____

the upkeep of the standing troops, many of which were quartered in the colonies for the

By the mid-16th century, the conquistadors shifted from looting Native American empires and towns to exploiting native labor in _____ and in agriculture

working silver, gold, and mercury mines

Akbar's four principal ministries are: _____

1. Army and Military Matter 2. Taxation and Revenue 3. Legal and Religious Affairs 4. Royal Household

The position of the military aristocracy in Japan was: _____

Absolute and unquestioned, in all matters of life and death

As part of the Catholic Reformation, the Council of Trent ended _____

Payment for indulgences and phased out other church practices that were said to be corrupt

The system devised under the Tokugawa Nakuru ("_____", referring to the shogun's official status as the emperor's mobile deputy) was called rankin korai, the "rule of alternate attendance"

Tent Government

Slaveowners constantly faced: _____

The constant prospect of slave insurrection

One of the results of the revolutions of 1848 was: _____

The election of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte as president of France

Among the causes espoused by the Paris Commune of 1871 was: _____

The separation of church and state

Descartes concluded that a person, including himself, was composed of two radically different substances, a material substance that can be understood with the senses and another that consisted of: _____

The thinking mind

Among most of the countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that: _____

its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 led to the forced migration of Native Americans to: _____

The Trail of Tears

What caused the European immigrant population to rise in Brazil during the late seventeenth century

The capture of Jamaica by the British in 1655

Agriculture in the New World was _____ during the sixteenth century

Peripheral to the economy of the Spanish empire

The conclusion that porcelain was the single most important commodity in the unfolding world commercial revolution between 1500 and 1800 is supported by which of the following: _____

The depiction of Muhammad's face on many of them, in spite of Islamic prohibitions

Patriotic feelings were roused in France in April 1792, when: _____

The government declared war on Austria

The main impulse for the revivalist movement known as the "Great Awakening" of the 1730s and 1740s was: _____

The imposition of Catholic doctrine on Anglican churches in Massachusetts and Virginia

One of the indicators of the success of Portuguese settlements on the Brazilian coast was: _____

The intermarriage of settlers with surrounding indigenous chieftain families

After another doubling of its population by 1800, China moved toward what some historical demographers have called a high-level equilibrium trap, a condition in which: _____

The land has reached its maximum potential for feeding a population, and the surplus population begins to starve

The Popes found Jesuit practices in China like _____ problematic.

The use of tea and rice in the Eucharist, instead of bread and wine

The rulers of Benin did what with the Portuguese (how did they work or not work with them?)

They exported slaves into Portugal with restrictions

What greatly helped the Portuguese trade with West Africans for cloth and metal that were in demand in Europe?

They had large amounts of German silver

In the seventeenth century, the process of manumission was: _____

They process by which slaves are legally given freedom

In contrast to their counterparts in West Africa, the Fur and Funj federations between Lake Chad and the Nile _____

Were fully converted to Islam, from the royal clans down to the commoners

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