World History Ch. 8 Secs. 3-5

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Alexius I

-Alexius I was the Byzantine Emperor who asked for help from Pope Urban II, starting the Crusades. -Because the Seljuk Turks had taken over much of the Byzantine Empire, the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help him fight the Turks. Pope Urban agreed and at the Council of Clermont in 1095, called for a crusade. -Alexius I is important because he asked for help from Urban II which made him start the Crusades.


-An epidemic is an outbreak of a rapidly spreading disease. -From 1347-1351, an epidemic of the bubonic plague killed 30-60% of Europe's population. It spread so rapidly because it was spread by fleas on rats, which came in and out of ports. Having the bubonic plague made people have fevers, headaches, nausea, severe body pains, gland swelling, and hallucinations. After the epidemic, production decreased, inflation increased, and the Church in the west was split. -An epidemic is important because it spreads fast and can kill many people.


-An inquisition is a Church court set up to try people accused of heresy. -After the Spanish Reconquista, Ferdinand and Isabella wanted religious and political unity among the people of Spain. To do this, they launched a crusade. Jews and Muslims would have to convert to Christianity and if they were found practicing their religion, then they would be turned over to the secular authorities to be punished. Many people were burned at the stake and by 1492, Spain had expelled all Jews. More than 150,000 people either fled, were killed, or were exiled. -The Spanish Inquisition is important because it made Spain completely Christian and brought religious unity among the people.

Dante Alighieri

-Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet and the author of the Divine Comedy. -In the early 1300s, Dante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy. The Divine Comedy was an epic poem which told about someone who travelled to Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. That person also has conversations with people from history, talking to them about how they ended up in Heaven or Hell. This showed how the actions in life determine fate in the afterlife. -Dante Alighieri is important because he wrote an epic poem which is considered a famous piece of Medieval literature and is still talked about today.

Ferdinand and Isabella

-Ferdinand and Isabella were the King and Queen of Spain who launched the Spanish Inquisition. -In 1496, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon married, uniting both kingdoms to conquer Spain, which had been taken over by the Moors. By 1492, Grenda fell to Ferdinand and Isabella, and the Reconquista was complete. After the Spanish Reconquista, Ferdinand and Isabella wanted religious and political unity among the people of Spain. To do this, they launched a crusade. Jews and Muslims would have to convert to Christianity and if they were found practicing their religion, then they would be turned over to the secular authorities to be punished. Overall, more than 150,000 people either fled Spain, were killed, or were exiled. -Ferdinand and Isabella are important because they conquered Spain, launched the Spanish Inquisition, and brought religious unity among the people.


-Inflation is the economic cycle that involves a rapid rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available. -After the Black Death, there was economic instability. There was no production and workers, and survivors needed money to survive, so there were high wages. This increased inflation. -Inflation is important because it happens many times throughout history and was one of the effects of the Black Death.

Joan of Arc

-Joan of Arc was a 17 year old peasant woman who received visions that said God sent her to save France. -In 1429 (during the Hundred Years' War), Joan of Arc had visions that God sent her to save France. So, she persuaded the king to let her control the army. She boosted morales and won battles, but was captured by the English and burnt at the stake. She was viewed as a witch and eventually a martyr. Later she was canonized by the Catholic Church. -Joan of Arc is important because she won battles for the French and is a martyr for the Catholic Church.

Pope Urban II

-Pope Urban II was the Pope who called the Crusades. -Because the Seljuk Turks had taken over much of the Byzantine Empire, the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help him fight the Turks. Pope Urban agreed and at the Council of Clermont in 1095, called for a crusade. Pope Urban along with the knights fighting had mixed motives. Pope Urban wanted to increase his power in Europe, along with heal the great Schism in 1054. -Pope Urban II is important because he was the one who called the Crusades and agreed to help the Byzantine Empire instead of leave it to be taken over.


-Saladin was a Great Muslim General who defeated the Christians in taking Jerusalem and is known as one of the greatest general of all time. -Before the 3rd Crusade, also known as the Kings' Crusade, Jerusalem was captured by the Great Muslim General Saladin. The Christians tried to retake it during the 3rd Crusade but failed. After negotiation however, Saladin reopened Jerusalem to the public so followers of other religions to go to the Holy City. -Saladin is important because he is considered one of the greatest generals of all time and was the one who captured Jerusalem from the Christians, sparking the 3rd Crusade.


-Scholasticism is, in medieval Europe, the school of thought that used logic and reason to support Christian belief. -At that time, there was a conflict between faith and reason for Christians. To solve this, they used scholasticism, which used reason to support everyday language of ordinary people beliefs. The writings of philosophers like Avveroes and the Jewish rabbi Maimonides influence the most famous scholastic, Thomas Aquinas. Thomas Aquinas created the 5 proofs for God's existence, which showed that these reasons, supported by logic, are able to support ideas of faith. -Scholasticism is important because it was able to resolve the faith and reason conflict, and combine theology with philosophy.

1st Crusade

-The 1st Crusade was a crusade from 1095-1099 that captured the Holy Land and was effective. -The Crusades were a series of wars from the 1000s through 1200s in which European Christians tried to win control of the Holy Land from Muslims. During the 1st Crusade, Christian knights invaded the Holy Land, captured Jerusalem in 1099, and set up Latin Crusader States. The knights also massacred Muslims and Jews living in Jerusalem. -The 1st Crusade is important because it was the most effective out of all of the crusades.

2nd Crusade

-The 2nd Crusade was crusade from 1145-1149 which was unsuccessful. -The Crusades were a series of wars from the 1000s through 1200s in which European Christians tried to win control of the Holy Land from Muslims. During the 2nd Crusade, the crusader state of Edessa fell to the Muslims. The Christians re-invaded, but was unsuccessful. -The 2nd Crusade is important because it was the start of where everything started to collapse in the Crusades.

3rd Crusade

-The 3rd Crusade was a crusade from 1189-1192 which is known as the Kings Crusade. -The Crusades were a series of wars from the 1000s through 1200s in which European Christians tried to win control of the Holy Land from Muslims. The 3rd Crusade is known as the Kings Crusade because the Kings of Europe ll fought together. After the Muslims retook Jerusalem in 1887, King Philip II, Richard the Lionheart, and fredrick Barbarossa all became involved and fought. The Great Muslim General Saladin defeated the Christian armies and the crusade was overall unsuccessful. Saladin opened up the Holy Land to the public though. -The 3rd Crusade is important because the Kings of Europe fought in it and it was a continuation of what happened in the 2nd Crusade.

4th Crusade

-The 4th Crusade was a crusade from 1202-1214 which was Christians fighting Christians instead of Christians fighting Muslims. -The Crusades were a series of wars from the 1000s through 1200s in which European Christians tried to win control of the Holy Land from Muslims. During the 4th Crusade, the crusaders captured and looted Constantinople instead of their original goal. The 4th Crusade was crusaders and merchant fighting the Byzantine Empire, and ended up leaving the Muslims to capturing the crusader states, the last Christian outpost being the city of Acre in 1291. Fighting Constantinople also made it weak which ended up leading to them being taken over by the Turks and Constantinople being renamed to Istanbul. -The 4th Crusade is important because it was the final main crusade which accomplished anything substantial and ended up in the sacking of Constantinople instead of the Muslims.

Black Death

-The Black Death was an epidemic of the bubonic plague from 1347-1351 that ravaged Europe in the 1300s. -The bubonic plague was spread by fleas on rats, and a Mongol Horde carried it from China into Western Asia. Rats went from the Silk Road, to Western Asian ports, into European ports. 30-60% of Europe's population died because of the Black Death and reduced the world's population to 350 million. Having the bubonic plague made people have fevers, headaches, nausea, severe body pains, gland swelling, and hallucinations. People avoided family members and neighbors because they didn't want to get sick.Because of the Black Death, there was economic instability, people had religious doubts, and the Western Schism happened. -The Black Death is important because it killed huge portions of the world's population and had many bad effects.

Council of Clermont

-The Council of Clermont was a council in 1095 where Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade. -Because the Seljuk Turks had taken over much of the Byzantine Empire, the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help him fight the Turks. Pope Urban agreed and at the Council of Clermont in 1095, called for a crusade to free the Holy Land. Everybody was shouting "God wills it" and by 1096, thousands of knights were on their way to the Holy Land. -The Council of Clermont is important because it was where Pope Urban II called for the crusades to free the Holy Land.

Council of Constance

-The Council of Constance was a Church council that ended the crisis of the Western Schism. -During the Black Death, the Pope lived in luxury, secluded from everybody else in his own castle. So, there were multiple pope elected by different factions because of limited leadership. Finally, at the Council of Constance in 1417, the crisis was ended by electing a compromise pope and moving the papacy from Avignon back to Rome. -The Council of Constance is important because it ended the crisis of the Western Schism and the corruption in the Church, and allowed it to continue to what it is today.

Holy Land

-The Holy Land is Jerusalem and other places in Palestine where Christians believe Jesus had lived and preached. -From the 1050s to 1071, the Seljuk Turks overtook a large portion of the Byzantine Empire, along with the Holy Land, which consists of Jerusalem and other places in Palestine where Jesus preached. This prevented Christian pilgrims from traveling to the Holy Land and even led to the point where Pope Urban II started a crusade to free it. -the Holy Land is important because controlling it was a major cause and goal for the Crusades and is very important to many different religions.

Hundred Years' War

-The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts between France and England that lasted from 1337 to 1453. -The Hundred Years' War started in 1337 when King Edward III of England claimed the throne of France. This sparked a war between England and France, and England won early on because of the longbow. The French used crossbows, while the English used longbows. The longbow could shoot 3 arrows before the crossbow could shoot one. in 1429, Joan of Arc had visions that God sent her to save France. So, she persuaded the king to let her control the army. She boosted morales and won battles, but was captured by the English and burnt at the stake. However, a turning point in the war started to form when the French used cannons t demolish English castles. After the Hundred Years' War, the power of the monarch and the Parliament increased, England began to look overseas for an empire, commoners used longbows and cannons (so there was no use of knights), and monarch created armies instead of having knights and lords fight for them. -The Hundred Years' War is important because it was a long lasting war between France and England which developed new technologies and had many good effects.


-The Reconquista is, during the 1400s, the campaign by European Christians to drive the Muslims from present-day Spain. -The Spanish Reconquista was from 700-1500. After the Europeans were defeated at Acre, the Moors conquered most of present-day Spain in the 700s. Because of this, many tiny Christian Kingdoms expanded their borders to take over the Muslim lands. This is known as the Reconquista. The Christian success lasted from 1085-1300, where they conquered Toledo, pushed south, and controlled everything but Grenda by 1300. In 1496, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon married, uniting both kingdoms to conquer Spain. By 1492, Grenda fell to Ferdinand and Isabella, and the Reconquista was complete. -The Reconquista is important because it brought back Spain and limited the Muslim control, which eventually led into the Spanish Inquisition.

Western Schism

-The Western Schism was a point in Church history where there were many popes and new reforms started to come about. -During the Black Death, the Pope lived in luxury, secluded from everybody else in his own castle. So, there were multiple pope elected by different factions because of limited leadership. Finally, at the Council of Constance in 1417, the crisis was ended by electing a compromise pope and moving the papacy back to Rome. Reformers then came later like Wycliffe and Hus and tried to fix the corrupted Church. -The Western Schism is important because it was a smaller split between the Wester Church and was a time of corruption.

Cannon and Longbow

-The longbow is a six-foot-long bow that could rapidly fire arrows with enough force to pierce most armor, and the canon is -Early on in the Hundred Years' War, England won early on because they used longbows while the French used crossbows. The longbow could shoot 3 arrows before the crossbow could shoot one. But later, there was a turning point in the war. The French used cannons to demolish English Castles. -The longbow and cannon are important because they were key weapons used in the Hundred Years' War and created turning points in the War.

Thomas Aquinas

-Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican scholastic who is very famous and known for his writings about scholasticism. -At that time, there was a conflict between faith and reason for Christians. To solve this, they used scholasticism, which used reason to support everyday language of ordinary people beliefs. The most famous scholastic is Thomas Aquinas who said that faith and reason exist in harmony and support each other in his most famous work, Summa theologica. Thomas Aquinas also created the 5 proofs for God's existence, which showed that these reasons, supported by logic, are able to support ideas of faith. -Thomas Aquinas is important because he is the most famous scholastic, and was able to combine the Christian theology with Greek philosophy.


-Vernacular is the everyday language of ordinary people. -Although Latin was the writing language of scholars and churchmen, new writings appeared in vernacular, which was the everyday language for the people, like French and Italian. It was much simpler than Latin, and Medieval literature like the Song of Roland, Canterbury Tales, and Divine Comedy were written in vernacular. -vernacular is important because it was the everyday language at the time and was used to write new epics.

Wycliffe and Hus

-Wycliffe and Hus were reformers who attempted to reform the Church, but were persecuted. -During the Black Death, the Pope lived in luxury, secluded from everybody else in his own castle. So, there were multiple pope elected by different factions because of limited leadership. Finally, at the Council of Constance in 1417, the crisis was ended by electing a compromise pope and moving the papacy from Avignon back to Rome. Because of all this, reformers like Wycliffe and Hus attacked corruption in the Church and said that the Bible is the only source of religious authority and papal supremacy in secular affairs should be limited. The gained many followers and the Church responded by persecuting the reformers and their followers. -Wycliffe and Hus are important because they tried to reform the corrupted Church and their ideas lived on to the point of the Reformation.

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