World History Module 10

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Determine the correct order for individuals from Tokugawa society from the highest (top) to lowest (bottom) rank in the Japanese social pyramid

1- emperor 2-shogun 3-diamyas 4-Samurai 5-Peasant 6-Merchant

Which statement characterizes the Spanish colonization of the modern-day United States?

The region had sparsely populated provinces centered on missions.

Which economic activity was common in New France?

fur trapping

1. Creation of plantation agriculture 2. Need for an inexpensive labor force 3. Lack of Native American immunity to European diseases 4. Racially mixed populations 5. Creation of negative racial opinions 6. Introduction of different cultural influences 7. Destruction of African tribal societies

1. Causes of African Slavery 2. Causes of African Slavery 3. Causes of African Slavery 4. Effects of African Slavery 5. Effects of African Slavery 6. Effects of African Slavery 7. Effects of African Slavery

1. Sailed west across the Atlantic in search of an alternate trade route to Asia and its riches. 2. Lands that are controlled by another nation. 3. Spaniard that landed on the shores of Mexico and conquered the Aztecs. 4. Spanish explorers who followed Cortes 5. Spaniard who marched a small force into South America and conquered the Incas. 6. Incan ruler kidnapped by Pizarro's men. 7. Mixed Spanish and Native American population resulting from mixed relationships amongst Spanish settlers and native women. 8. System of forced labor

1. Christopher Columbus 2. Colonies 3. Hernando Cortes 4. Conquistadors 5. Francisco Pizarro 6. Atahualpa 7. Mestizo 8. Encomienda

1. The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas 2. An economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources, such as money, for profit. 3. A partnership of investors who bought shares of stock in the company. 4. A country's power mainly depended on its wealth. 5. When a nation sells more goods than it buys.

1. Columbian Exchange 2. Capitalism 3. Joint-stock Company 4. Mercantilism 5. Favorable Balance of Trade

1. Tobacco 2. Tomato 3. Turkey 4. Pig 5. Rice 6. Horse 7. Sheep

1. New 2. New 3. New 4. Old 5. Old 6. Old 7. Old

1. The base of France's colonial empire in North America. 2. The first English settlement named after their King. 3. The group that founded a second English colony in Plymouth, MA while escaping religious persecution. 4. The group that sought religious freedom from England's Anglican Church by establishing a second colony in Massachusetts. 5. The Dutch holdings in North America. 6. The war between the British and French over land claims in the Ohio Valley. 7. Native American ruler who led an attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts (also known as King Philip.)

1. New France 2. Jamestown 3. Pilgrims 4. Puritans 5. New Netherland 6. French and Indian War 7. Metacom

1. Region of Louisiana 2. Site of modern-day Quebec 3. Site of modern-day Montreal 4. Harbor of modern-day New York City

1. Sieur de La Salle 2. Samuel de Champlain 3. Jacques Cartier 4. Giovanni da Verrazzano

1. The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas. 2. A system of labor by which a person could work to pay off the cost of coming to the Americas. 3. The transatlantic trading network for transporting Africans to the Americas. 4. The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America.

1. The Atlantic Slave Trade 2. Indentured servitude 3. Triangular trade 4. Middle Passage

1. Pacific Ocean 2. Caribbean Islands 3. Philippine Islands 4. Modern-day Brazil

1. Vasco Nunez de Balboa 2. Christopher Columbus 3. Ferdinand Magellan 4. Pedro Alvares Cabral

Which of the following were weaknesses of the Aztec Empire that Hernando Cortes used to his advantage in defeating Montezuma II? Select the three correct answers.

1/3 was correct weaponry number of soldiers defensive position 2/3 correct immunity to disease weaponry material wealth

Which statement explains the long-term consequence of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Brazil became a Portuguese-speaking colony.

Why did the establishment of some English colonies require the creation of joint-stock companies?

Colonies were risky and individuals were unwilling to invest all of their money in them.

How did European colonization help create capitalist economies?

Colonization increased the world's money supply and products to buy.

Which statement about the treatment of enslaved Africans by Muslims and Europeans is accurate?

Enslaved Africans had the ability to gain their freedom in Muslim society, while Europeans treated them as property.

How did Western cultures affect Southeast Asia between the 16th and 19th centuries?

European colonization was largely limited to port cities and had little impact inland.

Which statement characterizes the impact of English contact with Native American populations?

European diseases killed more Native Americans than warfare with English settlers.

Which statement describes the condition of the Islamic world during the 18th century?

Europeans colonized territories previously controlled by the Mughal and Ottoman empires.

Which of the following was a major cause of the French and Indian war?

France and Britain claimed the same territory in the Ohio Valley.

How did Akbar create an effective government for the Mughal Empire?

He promoted Muslims and Hindus based on their ability regardless of their religion

Which of the following groups experienced a significant increase in economic power with the rise of capitalist economies?


How did Tokugawa leyasu pacify Japan after years of internal divisions and warfare?

NOT - He defeated his enemies at the decisive Battle of Edo.

Which economic activity was profitable for Spain and often the most hazardous for its workers?

NOT - Mining

List the events in chronological order.

NOT- The Netherlands establish a headquarters for the Dutch East India Company in Java. Spain claims the Philippines as a colony. Christopher Columbus lands in the New World Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas. Vasco de Gama discovers a sea route to India. Portugal captures Goa and establishes the port as its trading capital.

Why did English colonists rely on enslaved Africans as a labor force rather than enslaving Native Americans? Select three correct answers.

Narrowed it down to: Africans had immunities to many European diseases. Africans were readily available. Africans had strong kinship ties with their tribes. Africans were distinguishable by the color of their skin.

Why did English colonists enslave few Native Americans in the southern colonies and in the Caribbean?

Native Americans often died from English contact because they had little immunity to disease.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect the lives of Europeans?

New sources of food improved their diet and caused a population increase.

How did Native American relationships with the French and with the English differ?

The English viewed the Native Americans as enemies, while the French established good trading partnerships with the Native Americans.

How was the Jamestown settlement different from the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies?

The Jamestown settlers emigrated from England for economic reasons, while the Pilgrims and Puritans were fleeing religious persecution.

Why did the language Urdu develop from Persian, Arabic, and Hindi?

The Mughal military needed a language understood by soldiers from different nations.

Why was Portugal the first western European nation to travel to India by sea?

The Portuguese royal family invested large sums of money in naval exploration

How did the Spanish and Portuguese conquests of South America differ?

The Spanish conquered civilizations rich in gold while the Portuguese discovered few riches.

Which statement characterizes the Spanish exploration of Mexico?

The Spanish had discovered a civilization that was richer in gold than theirs

Which statement characterizes Tokugawa society?

The shogun controlled the government.

Which of the following was a characteristic of the Ottoman Empire that led to its downfall?

There were many nationalities within its borders that wanted to rule themselves.

How did the Sultans of Delhi regard the native population of India?

They considered the Hindus to be a defeated people.

Which of the following reasons primarily motivated the Netherlands to colonize Southeast Asia?

They expected to make large profits sending spices back to Europe.

Why did both China and Japan become isolationist?

They feared the loss of their national identities to the influences of European culture.

How did the perception of the institution of slavery change in the American colonies?

Throughout history the color of a slave's skin was often insignificant, while in the colonies race determined slavery.

Which of the following items did European slave traders exchange for enslaved Africans?


Which of the following describes the status of women during the Ming Dynasty?

Women were expected to care for their children and maintain the household.

How did Akbar demonstrate his tolerance for other religions? Select the three correct answers.

by allowing his Indian wives to worship Hinduism by eliminating the tax on non-Muslims by allowing all faiths to practice their religions

Where did Christopher Columbus expect to land?

in the islands of East Asia

Which of the following resulted directly from the voyages of Christopher Columbus?

increased tension between Portugal and Spain

In which area did enslaved Africans have the most significant impact in the New World?


Which economic activity relied on the majority of Brazil's enslaved Africans?

plantation farming

Which jobs were available to women during the Ming Dynasty? Select the three correct answers.

textile workers, farmers, midwives

Which achievement is associated with the Tokugawa Shogunate?

the development of kabuki theater

Which of the following was a result of ending the encomienda system?

the reliance on African slave labor.

Which statement describes the Middle Passage?

the segment of the triangular trade route that brought enslaved Africans to the New World

Which of the following motivated 15th-century European monarchs to find a sea route to East Asia?

to eliminate the high cost of trading with Italian merchants

Why do Sikh men wear turbans?

to show their belief in social equality

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