World History Test Review

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The Reign of Terror set up revolutionary courts to prosecute

enemies of the republic

Dissenting groups



fast falling blade. A form of punishment in France, used to behead criminals

Liberty and Law: creates single legal system

1. Eliminated feudal and church courts 2. Eliminated inequalities and legal privileges 3. Civil rights to Protestant and Jews 4. Catholic Landholdings broken and sold to wealth (Elites benefit)

What triggers the revolution?

1. King's principal ministers, Charles de Calonne and Lomenie de Brienne proposed stamp duty and direct tax on produce of land to meet the deficit 2. King summons Assembly of Notables. They insisted that new taxes must be approved by Estates General and the king had no legal authority to arrest/imprison arbitrarily

St. Helena

- Owned by the British - Napoleon was exiled here and died here - Located in the South Atlantic Ocean - Second oldest foreign territory the British own

Peninsular Wars

1. British forces learned to concentrate gunfire on French attacks. Sieged French barracks 2. Spanish wears down France thru guerrilla warfare 3. Even though Napoleon took charge of army, he only had temporary victories 4. Encourages resistance from other places b/c it shows Napoleon isn't invincible

Republic during Reign of Terror

1. Brought dictatorship, centralization, suspension of liberties and war 2. Faces opposition from foreigns and home

What happened in the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?

- to pay France's debts assembly takes Church lands to sell - Officials and Priest elect by property owners and paid by state - Pope loses all power over French Church--peasants oppose further revolutionary change

Significance of Guillotine

introduced as faster and more humane form of execution. Symbolized revolutionary fervor.

Battle of Waterloo

-Marked the final defeat of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte on June 18 of 1815 -after the battle Napoleon was exiled for the second time -Belgium

Congress of Vienna

-September 1814 to June 1815 -met in Austria -Austria was the host; Prince Metternich -Great Britain France Russia and Prussia had head seats -France was under the control of Bourbons -they were looking for a balance of power and peace in Europe -had over 200 representatives

Napoleon Francis Joseph Charles Bonaparte

-The only son of Napoleon Bonaparte with his second wife Maria Louise of Austria -died in Vienna, body is buried in France, however some intestines are in Austria -crowned king of Rome -never actually ruled France but was briefly Emperor of the French and is referred to as Napoleon the second


-married to Napoleon -A French Empress -she was a rich woman who is six years older -her original name was Rose -her first husband died by guillotine -never had children with Napoleon, also said he was slow and awkward with women



What was the role of the Directory?



1. Egalitarian leaders of Third Estate; Most radical and ruthless of the political clubs formed in the French Revolution that takes leadership 2. HQ in Paris, but membership thru out France. Members were professionals, gov't officeholders and lawyers. As movement grew, artisans joined. 3. Claimed themselves as spokesmen for the people/nation

Reign of Terror

1. 1792-1794 2. Reforms met w/ resistance and country divides. Threat of dramatic change creates international tension 2. War! End of Bourbon monarchy and beginning of the republic 3. Centralized gov't mobilized the country's resources to fight foreign enemies and counterrevolutionaries. 4. The terror: destroy traitors and anything to do with the old regime. Saves republic, but collapses in 1794


1. 1794-1799 2. France remains republic, bu gov't drifts. 3. Continues to fight w/ Europe 4. Corrupted and divided. State taken over by Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleonic Period

1. 1799-1815 2. Began as republic, then became empire. Ended at Waterloo 3. End: Bourbons restored, but revolution and reactions continue b/c the people are fighting for Enlightenment ideals and don't want to go back to the past

1789: Louis Summons Estates General. How was it organized?

1. 3 orders elected own representative and voted as a body. 2. 3rd estate representative elected thru local assemblies, chosen by artisans and shopkeepers 3. Local assemblies made cahiers des doleances 4. Delegates mostly represented outlook of elite 5. Doubling the Third

Napoleon's Passions

1. Accumulate knowledge of Enlightenment 2. Imperial glory: Arc de Triomphe imitate Arc of Constantine; restored ruins

Invincibility of Napoleon

1. After Napoleon, the alliance split. Tried again, but Napoleon's military superiority defeated them 2. Well timed and directed; Conscript army was loyal and well supplied. Generals were promoted by talent. 3. Battle of Austerlitz: French beat Austria and Russia. Russia and Austria withdrew and then Britain was forced to make peace

Reforms to economy and gov't

1. After selling Church lands, poor couldn't afford them (deepens rich vs poor gap) 2. Abolished guilds to encourage growth of economy 3. Abolished local aristocratic power, reorganized local gov'ts and divided France into 83 equal departments to defend individual liberty

Napoleon's concordat w/ pope

1. Agreed to put end to hostility between French state and Catholic Church. Napoleon thought this would bring peace. 2. Pope had right to depose French bishops and discipline French clergy. Vatican agreed to forgo claims to Church lands taken by the revolution (middle class) 3. Supported conservatives, but didn't revoke religious freedom

Toussaint's Constitution

1. Allegiant to France, but denies French right to interfere w/ Saint Domingue affairs 2. Abolished slavery (1 yr. later, Convention abolishes slavery) 3. reorganized military 4. establishes Christianity as State religion (rejected Vodoun)

France declares war against Austria and Prussia in 1792

1. Allied armies of Austria and Prussia crossed frontier and threatened to capture Paris 2. Many believed military disasters were evidence of king's treason. 3. Parisian crowds organized by radicals attacked the royal palace. The king is imprisoned and reign of terror begins

Louis XVI's weak administration

1. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (physiocrat) and Jacques Necker (Swiss Protestant banker) were appointed as finance ministers for Louis 2. Wanted to improve life of poor, abolish torture, and shift taxation onto richer ppl. Louis gets opposition from traditionalists. Provincial parlements stopped him 3. Wife, Marie Antoinette gave patronage among her friends and reshuffled alliances at Versailles

What are the reasons for different social classes to be against the monarchy?

1. Aristocrats and colonies resent monarchial control over their freedoms 2. Middle class saw the system of official privilege as unjust 3. Peasants resented demands of gov't 4. Tensions between country and city dweller (rich vs poor, slave vs free)

Story of Napoleon's promotion to leader

1. Arrested for Jacobin association after the Terror. He was useful to Directory when he put down uprising led to promotion. 2. Victories in Italy forced Austria to withdraw, stuck in Egypt when Nelson defeats French fleet. Escapes when Directory calls for him 3. Participates in coup w/ Sieyes, then becomes consul

3 Popular revolts during moderate stage

1. Bastille 2. The Great Fear 3. October Days

Napoleon loses respect for revolution as he gains power

1. Becomes first consul 2. New constitution 3. Centralizes authority

1793: Britain, Holland, Spain and Austria against France

1. Britain feared French threat to Britain's growing global power 2. Coalition against France was united by desire to contain France only 3. France drafted 14 armies and hastily went to battle under leadership of inexperienced officers. Though lacking training, they were organized, mobile, flexible and courageous. 4. France preserved homeland, then occupied Low Countries, Rhineland, part of Spain, Switzerland, and Savoy. Then occupied parts of Italy and broke the coalition

Failure of Napoleon's Continental System

1. Britain retained control of seas, and the British naval blockade of the Continent countered Napoleon's system. France struggled to transport goods overland to avoid British blockade. British developed trade w/ S America 2. Internal tariffs. Europe divided into economic camps, and fought over what the Continent could produce and manufacture 3. System hurt Continent more than Britain. Stagnant trade in ports and unemployment in manufacturing cause public to lose faith in Napoleon

The Haitian Revolution on Saint Domingue

1. British and Spanish invaded, thinking they could take the island 2. French gov't tried to make allies by making free men of color citizens when they were almost collapsing in war. 3. New French Republic dispatched officials to the island w/ troops. They faced Spanish, British, Saint Domingue planters and slaves in rebellion. Local French officials promised freedom to slaves who joined French. 4. Emancipation and war brings new leaders 5. Jean Jacques Dessalines declares independence of Haiti

Causes of French First Republic in 1792

1. Changes in popular politics (common people) 2. Crisis of leadership 3. International polarization

Factors in the coming of the Revolution

1. Class Tension 2. Inefficient tax system 3. Weak administrative structure

Gradual Defeat of Napoleon and return to War!

1. Continental System 2. Rome-like 3. Enemies change strategy 4. Spanish Invasion 5. Russian "alliance"

What happens to the convention during this time?

1. Convention drafted new democratic constitution based on male suffrage, but was suspended by wart 2. Convention prolonged itself and increasingly delegated its responsibilities to the Committee of Public Safety.

Casualties of the Terror

1. Death sentences, extra judicial killings, incarceration, pacification of Vendee and Rhone Valley 2. Most victims were peasants or laborers accused of hoarding or treason 3. Anyone threatening republic was at risk

Problems w/ Directory

1. Discontent from radicals and conservatives 2. Repressed radical movements to abolish private property and parliamentary gov't (e.g. Babeuf ) 3. First free elections held in France as a republic returned monarchists to councils of gov't. Politicians voting to execute Louis were threatened, so the Directory annulled election results 4. Inflation and revolt calls for Napoleon

Jean Paul Marat

1. Educated as a physician 2. Opposed all of his colleagues' assumptions, including admiration for GBR. He thought it was corrupt and despotic 3. Persecuted by powerful factions in assembly who feared his radicalism. Forced to take refuge in unsanitary sewers and dungeons. 4. Editor of The Friend of the People

Reforms of the National Convention

1. Ends monarchy. Declared France a republic 2. Placed king on trial, condemned him to death (narrow margin), and killed as "Citizen Louis Capet" by guillotine. 3. Confiscated property of enemies of revolution, breaking up large estates and selling them to less wealthy citizens 4. Canceled policy of compensating nobles for lost privileges 5. Repealed primogeniture, so property equally divided among direct heirs 6. Abolished slavery in French colonies 7. Rooted out Christianity from everyday life. Adopted new calendar, beginning w/ birth of republic (11/22/1792), dividing months to eliminate Catholic Sunday 8. Reorganized armies w/ success

Educational System

1. Established lycees in towns to train civil servants and army officers. Established school in Paris to train teachers. 2. Military/technical school was under state control. New military academy 3. Established financing for engineer and teacher schools to students based on exams who they become elites of country 4. Founded national university to supervise educational system; sponsored academies 5. Intends to abolish privilege and create jobs by talent 6. Embraced social and physical sciences from Enlightenment 7. Centralized, meritocratic and served the state

What is Bonaparte's new constitution?

1. Establishes universal white male suffrage and 2 legislative bodies 2. Indirect elections w/ limited power for legislative bodies 3. Napoleon asks to be consul for life, but Senate refuses. Bonaparte's Council of State offered him the title that was approved by plebiscite

Legacy of RoT

1. Everyday life changed 2. Reversed decentralization and democracy 3. Erodes strength of traditional institutions 4. Divided France by revolutionaries vs counterrevolutionaries but forged new bonds thru war and sacrifice. 5. Marseillaise strengthened French national identity

What does the attack on Bastille show?

1. Express support of National Assembly 2. Express anger (more radical than Enlightenment language) at king's soldiers b/c they feared the soldiers might try to restore order by force

Napoleon's army vs Hatians

1. Fighting continues in Saint Domingue, fueled by Bonaparte's decree to reestablish slavery 2. Yellow fever kills French troops and generals, extremely violent war 3. French army collapsed, and Napoleon abandoned this ambition. Sold Louisiana to Thomas Jefferson

The Three Estates

1. First estate was clergy 2. Second estate was nobility 3. Third estate was everyone else (largest; wealthy businessmen to peasants) *This hierarchy seems "artificial". Nobility was accessible to those who could afford it

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

1. Forced bishops and priests to swear allegiance to state, which paid their salaries 2. Wanted to make Catholic Church of France a national institution, free from Rome

What are the kinds of Political clubs?

1. Formal: elites debate issues facing country and influence decision in assembly 2. Other clubs: People who couldn't participate in formal clubs could read newspapers and discuss

Toussaint Breda/Toussaint L'Ouverture

1. Former slave 2. Allied w/ French army, victorious over French planters, British and Spanish 3. Broke power of rival general in mulatto (mixed) and slave armies. Becomes statesman of the revolution 4. Sets up constitution 5. Becomes governor for life

Significance of the Great Fear

1. Gets rid of feudalism to stop rural disorder. Assembly tried abolishing all forms of privilege. 2. Eliminated Church tithe on harvest, corvee, nobility's' hunting privileges and tax monopolies and exemptions. Then, assembly abolished sale of offices

What does the conservative gov't do?

1. Grants suffrage to all adult male citizens who were literate 2. indirect elections: citizens voted for electors, who chose legislative body (wealthy has authority) 3. Included bill of rights and declaration of duties of the citizen

The Great Fear

1. In countryside, peasants feared monarchical/aristocratic counterrevolution. Rumors that king's armies, Austrians and Prussians were invading. 2. Organized militias attacked manor houses to look for grain or destroy records of manorial dues 3. Deputies at Versailles thought administration of rural France collapsed

Committee of Public Safety's Crisis

1. Inflation 2. Military victories convince people that committee's demands for soldiers and the terror weren't justified. No allies 3. Ninth of Thermidor

Social Tensions between classes

1. Jealousy of more successful people in class 2. Price of offices rose, so harder to buy nobility. Tension btwn ordinary and rich members in 3rd Estate 3. Less wealthy nobles resent wealthier ones 4. Unsatisfied social groups attack gov't and economy that weren't serving their interests


1. Local officials replaced by deputies on mission replaced by national agents 2. Women's political clubs shut down saying they were dangerous

Ineffective Leadership

1. Louis XVI was forced to support things he didn't agree with 2. Marie Antoinette urged Louis to escape to France and rally counterrevolution (caught @ Varennes)

Leaders of the Reign of Terror

1. Marat 2. Danton 3. Robespierre

Georges Jacques Danton

1. Member of Committee of Public Safety, popular politician, helped organize the Terror 2. Became merciful and compromised, but his opponents in the convention sent him to the guillotine

Maximilien Robespierre

1. Member of Committee of Public Safety. Most famous leader; trained as lawyer 2. Popular in Jacobin club b/c of eloquence and belief that leaders should respect the will of the ppl 3. Made the terror larger. Known as "the Incorruptible", and represented ruthlessness being justified by necessary to revolution

Napoleon's Legacy

1. Military hero image inspired young men from elite that admired military honor 2. In small principalities (Germany/Naples), reforms helped provide less corrupt administration, better tax structure and customary privilege 3. reorganized the state. Even Austria/Prussia administrators instituted similar reforms. 4. Catholic peasants in Spain fought him 5. Vassal states contributed a lot to military (taxes, drafting) 6. Italians, Germans, Dutch paid economic and human cost

What lands were Napoleon's Empire?

1. Napoleon creates new empire w/ allied states 2. New states were presented as France's gift of independence to patriots in Europe, but were rly military buffer against Austria 3. Empire was ringed by allied kingdoms w/ Napoleon's brothers or trusted generals holding the throne

What did Napoleon do to gain support?

1. Napoleon made allies w/out regard to past 2. Admitted back exiles 3. Made concordat w/ pope 4. Early military successes Married Beauharnais 5. Creates modern state but linked to the past

Invasion of Spain

1. Napoleon overthrew Spanish king and put his bro on throne and imposed reforms. Weakens Spain's hold in Atlantic and the Spanish crown never the same again 2. Presence of British forces 3. Determined resistance of Spanish ppl b/c of interference w/ church 4. Peninsular Wars

Battle of Waterloo

1. Napoleon return to France, but allies restored Bourbon dynasty w/ Louis XVIII. Napoleon was supported by countrymen and Louis fled 2. Allies were meeting in Vienna for peace treaty, when they heard of the escape. 3. Dispatched an army and in 3 days, britain and Prussia win

State authority vs revolution

1. Napoleon uses revolutionary principles for legitimacy , but is authoritarian 2. French and local authorities create electoral districts, expand suffrage, wrote constitutions, but not usually applied 3. Newly elected representative bodies were dismissed when uncooperative

National Assembly's reform on Church

1. National Assembly confiscated all Church lands for issuing assignats to resolve inflation 2. Civil Constitution of the Clergy

How do common people get involved with politics?

1. Newspapers w/out censorship 2. Political Clubs 3. Awareness of fluctuating prices (urban demonstrations and unrest)

Relationship between nobles and top of third estate

1. Nobles: Wealth was proprietary and involved w/ trade, commerce and industry. They depended on talent and economic power from wealthy Third estate groups. 2. 3rd Estate: Invested in secure proprietary holdings. Many became nobles when they gained wealth

Why were peasants angry?

1. Obligations: unproportioned fees, taxes and the corvee. Hunting privileges of nobles 2. Price increase during 18th century gives peasantry and laborer hardships 3. Poor harvests make bread prices high. Most income spent on bread 4. reduced demand for manufactured goods leads to unemployment

Relationship between Caribbean and France

1. Occupied role in French economy b/c of sugar trade 2. Free ppl of color from Saint Domingue sent delegation to Paris, saying they had property and European ancestry. Colonial authorities refused brutally 3. Competition btwn European powers for these islands were intense 4. French National Assembly didn't discuss slavery in colonies. Didn't want to evoke property rights, lose sugar islands to British or Spanish if there were revolt or deal w/ rights for free men of color

Napoleon's Empire based on Rome and ruled from Paris

1. Origins of symbols in empire were Roman. Used flashy style of Roman emperors (Not roman republic) 2. Divorced Josephine to ensure himself as succession of Habsburg Empire. Married princess Marie Louise 3. Consequence: lost support from revolutionaries, Enlightenment thinkers and liberals

October Days

1. Parisian women were angry b/c of bread prices and rumors of king's unwillingness to cooperate w/ the assembly 2. Marched to Versailles and assembly, demanding to be heard. Broke thru gates to palace, and called for Louis to return to Paris from Versailles 3. Louis returns to Paris w/ National Guard

Consequences to the end of the Terror

1. Royalists attacked Jacobins 2. Repealed price controls and bad winter causes misery; measures in Terror were gradually repealed 3. National Convention adopts a conservative constitution 4. Directory has executive authority


1. Peasants thought local areas were being invaded 2. the committee redeployed its forces to defeat the counter revolutions and launch campaigns of pacification by torching lands and killing opposition and innocents

Consequences of reforms to religion

1. People resented privileged status of Church and its monastic land holdings 2. Civil Constitution of the Clergy sparked resistance in rural France b/c parish churches provided poor relief and other services 3. Pope threatens excommunication of priests who sign the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, so allegiance to France would equal damnationREVOLT

How does the Enlightenment change public debate? Who?

1. Political theories of enlightened writers appealed to nobles and middle class 2. Voltaire: attacked noble privileges 3. Locke and Montesquieu: defense of private property and limited sovereignty 4. Montesquieu: noble lawyers and officeholders of parlements supported checks and balances against despotism.

Who benefits from new educational system?

1. Powerful new elite become military officers or civil servants 2. The state strengthens as they direct opinions

Napoleon consolidates and repudiates revolution...

1. Presents himself as son of revolution, but borrowed from different regimes 2. Remade revolutionary politics, new kinds of warfare and legacy of French glory

Declaration of the RIghts of Man and of the Citizen

1. Property is a natural right, along w/ liberty, security and resistance to oppression. 2. Declared freedom of speech, religious toleration and liberty of the press sacrosanct. 3. All citizens should be treated equal before the law. No one to be imprisoned or punished w/out due process of law. 4. Sovereignty is in the people, who could depose officers of gov't if they use arbitrary power

Renewed Attacks

1. Prussia, Russia, Austria, Sweden and Britain renewed attacks. Citizens of German states saw this as war of liberation, and most fighting took place there 2. Allies won @ battle of Leipzig, Low Countries, Spain, crosses into France 3. Napoleon retreats to Paris and urges resistance

Enemies change strategy

1. Prussian army defeated at Jena, and forced out of war. New generation of younger Prussian officers reformed military and state thru training of commanders. Truly loyal army of citizens 2. Napoleon's "invincibility" made him take greater risks w/ France's military and money.

Public involvement in beginning of revolution

1. Public attention was high b/c of interest in political reform and economic crisis than increased price of bread. People believed aristocracy and king wanted to punish 3rd estate by encouraging high prices 2. Rumors that king's troops would march into Paris. Electors feared Parisian poor who had been threatening violence 3. Electors led a provisional municipal gov't and militia of volunteers to maintain order. Attack Bastille to obtain arms

Reforms on traditional institutions

1. Replaced traditional institutions by patriotic organizations insisting on loyalty to nation. Met every day of week and offered apprenticeship in politics 2. Army becomes leading national institution

Why those reforms?

1. Response to crisis and political pressure from common people and leaders. 2. Prices rose, and gov't imposed maxes in Paris, small militias. Sans-culottes attacked hoarders and profiteers

Rights of religious minorities during Revolution

1. Revolution gave full civil rights to Protestants, but they were challenged by Catholics 2. Revolution gave civil rights to Jews, sparking protest in E France 3. Abolished serfdom and banned slavery in continental France (not colonial)

Disruption of alliance w/ Russia

1. Russia (agricultural) suffered economically when it couldn't trade grain w/ Britain. Tsar Alexander I starts trade w/ Britain and ignoring Paris 2. Napoleon takes Grande Armee to Russia 3. Battle of Borodino left losses from both sides. Russian permitted Napoleon to occupy Moscow afterwards. Russian supporters torched Moscow before their entry, only leaving Kremlin palaces for French troops 4. Russian winter made army suffer from cold and starvation. Retreat was slowed. Cossacks harassed the army. Only a few soldiers crossed back into Germany

Goals of the convention regarding the revolution

1. Seize control of revolution 2. Prosecute all the revolution enemies. "to make terror the order of the day"

Marie Guoz

1. Self-educated daughter of a butcher. Became intellectual and playwright. Called herself Olympe de Gouges 2. Addressed public w/ speeches, pamphlets, newspapers

Napoleon Bonaparte

1. Son of Corsican nobleman; attended military school. In revolution he became general w/out purchase of office by 24 2. Declared temporary consul (15 yrs.). Strong and popular leader that wasn't king. Sieyes says it is end of revolutionary period.

The inefficient tax system in France

1. Taxation differed by social class and varies from diff. regions. Special exemption 2. Financial system breaks down completely by increased expenses from American Revolution and previous debts under Louis XIV

What comes out of the Revolutionary period?

1. The nation 2. Freed people from tradition. 3. France questioned role of women in public life, separation of church and state and the right of minorities. 4. Haitian slave revolt in colonies causes ppl to question liberties of African slaves 5. "total wars" creates debt and violence

Doubling the Third

1. Third estate didn't tolerate first and second joining. Wanted 3 orders to vote as individuals, insisting that third estate should have as many as first and second 2. King opposes, but then changed position. This made him lose support from Third Estate

Tennis Court Oath and the National Assembly

1. Third locked out of the Estates General meeting, and went to tennis court. They bound themselves to oath not to separate until they drafted a constitution for France 2. Mirabeau and Sieyes were leaders 3. By claiming authority to remake gov't for the people, they asserted themselves as highest sovereign power in nation. 4. Louis allows this by ordering all delegates to join the National Assembly

Administrative modernization: New practices of state

1. Titles by talent, ends nobility's monopoly, new branches hired 2. Prefects built roads, bridges, dikes, hospital, prisons 3. Reorganized universities and built observatories 4. Tariffs eliminated, feudal dues abolished, new tax districts form. New taxes collected to support new state

Napoleon vs Toussaint

1. Toussaint admired Napoleon 2. Saint Domingue was center of Bonaparte's vision of an expanded empire in the New World, where he could regain territories lost under Old Regime and gain from trade (Louisiana, Mississippi and Caribbean). Bonaparte dispatches troops to control island. 3. Toussaint was captured and shipped to prison in E France, then died

Criminal Code

1. Treat citizens as equals before the law and outlawed arbitrary arrest/imprisonment 2. Reinstates brutal measures the revolution had abolished

Napoleon's Exile (2x)

1. Tsar Alexander I and King Frederick William III entered Paris and Napoleon resigned and was sent to exile in Elba 2. Battle of Waterloo 4. Napoleon exiled to St. Helena until death

Significant defeats

1. Wagram: Russian soldiers and Austrian weaponry cuase France to lose, but win eventually 2. Eylau 3. Trafalgar: Nelson breaks French naval power in mediterranean 4. Losses in Caribbean

Edmund Burke

1. Whig politician who had sympathized w/ American revolution, but saw French Revolution as social chaos 2. Wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France

Everyday life of French people after RoT

1. Worker's trousers replaced breeches (badge of middle class and nobility) 2. Red cap (symbolizing freedom from slavery) replaced wigs 3. Men and women addressed each other as citizen/citizeness 4. Ceremonies were designed to dramatize the break from Old Regime and celebrate new. Committee of Public Safety made them informative/hollow

Rights of women during Revolution

1. Working women wanted to participate in guilds. Also wanted laws on marriage/divorce, poor relief and education reformed. 2. Wollstonecraft wrote that reforming education required equal womanhood. 3. Women in politics

How does Napoleon centralize authority?

1. fair system of taxation 2. efficient tax collection and fiscal management stop inflation; relied on resources from conquered areas 3. Replaced elected officials and local self gov't w/ centrally appointed prefect and sub prefects

Mountain Party

1. party of radicals allied w/ Parisian artisans 2. Eliminated moderates from the convention

Support and Opposition for Women's rights

1. regime supported female figures as symbols for liberty, prudence and bounty of nature 2. When revolution became radical, some ppl saw political activity by women's organizations as threat to public order 3. Revolutionaries shut down women's political clubs, but ordinary women still used new legislation on marriage/inheritance to claim relief from abusive husbands or absent fathers

Support for Revolution

1. thinkers, poets, philosophers and patriots (from Britain, Low Countries, W Germany, and Italy) 2. William Wordsworth 3. Johann Gottfried Herder declared revolution as most important historical moment since reformation

Physiocrats' Opinion on economy

1. urged gov't to simplify tax system and stop mercantilism 2. Wanted to end price control of grain, which led to an unbalanced supply and demand

Influence of Guoz

1. women joined clubs, demonstrations and debates 2. Women artisans' organization used the revolution to assert rights to produce and sell goods 3. Market women were central to circulation new and demonstrations

Opposition to Revolution

1. émigré plotted against the gov't 2. Britain's conservative cause strengthened by Edmund Burke 3. Austria and Prussia were 1st to express concern. Declared that order and rights of France were matter of common interest to all sovereigns of Europe. Leaders of French assembly pronounced their declaration as insult to national sovereignty

The Napoleonic Code

7 legal codes developed on commercial law, civil law, and procedures, crime and punishment.

Estates General

: a general assembly representing the French estates of the realm: the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the common people (Third Estate).

Hundred days

A Period that starts in March, 1815when Napoleon arrived in Paris after escaping from Elba -includes Neapolitan War and the seventh coalition -Austria, Prussia, Great Britain

Duke of Wellington, Belgium

A combined force led by ___________ defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in modern-day __________.

Why did Louis XVI accept the National Assembly?

A mob of women marched to Versailles and forced the King to accept the National Assembly in Paris.

Tennis Court Oath

A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution


A shrewd lawyer and politician

Coup d'etat

A sudden overthrow of the government

What countries were included in Napoleon's Grand Empire?

A union of all German states except Austria and Prussia

What is the Reign of Terror.

A year when the Committee of Public Safety took control of the government. To defend france form domestic threat, the Committee adopted policies that became known as the Reign of Terror.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

According to this, bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and paid by the state.

European leaders threatened to use force to restore Louis XVI to the monarchy because

Afraid the revolution would spread to their countries


After the Reign of Terror, the Council of Elders selected five men to serve on an executive committee called what?

Where was Napoleon born?

An island called Corsica on the Italian coast


Ancient fortress where guns and ammunition were stored. Served as prison, but not used much. Symbolized royal authority.

National Convention

Became governing body of France from 1792-1795. Elected during September Massacres; More radical than national assembly

Promotion within Napoleon's government and military was based on



Blend of Christian and W/C African traditions

The Directory

Board of five men chosen by legislative body. Has executive authority; lasted longer than other revolutionary gov'ts

What groups in France in 1791 opposed the new order?

Catholic priests, lower class and radicals

Napoleon's unified law system

Civil Code

What is the most important of Napoleon's seven law (or legal) codes?

Civil Code

What was the impact of the Constitution of 1791?

Constitution of 1791 establishes Legislative Assembly (who are responsible for making the laws) and a limited monarchy.

Napoleon's strategy to weaken Britain economically was known as

Continental System

Napoleon's birthplace


Upper legislative house under the Constitution of 1795

Council of Elders

Napoleon's military force was called the

Coup d' état

What name did the National Assembly give to its charter of basic liberties?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.


Defeated Napoleon's superior Grand Army by retreating to their own villages and countryside.

Olympe de Gouges

Demanded equal political rights for women from the new French National Assembly.

What were the change made by the National Convention ("Republic of Virtue" rules)?

Democratic republic of good citizens, "citizen", slavery abolished, enacted price limits, enacted policy of dechristianization; churches closed; cathedral of Notre Dame - "temple of reason"

What was meant by "man and the citizen"?

Distinction between passive vs active citizens, Which men can be trusted to participate in politics?

Napolean Bonaparte

Dominated friends in European history from 1799 to 1875, once said "I am the revolution." ,thought religion was a convenience, crowned himself Emperor Napoleon the first of France, rapid decline of Empire

Napoleon's leadership abilities were foreshadowed in his

Early military successes

What was the immediate cause of the French Revolution?

Economic problems and long-range problems

French parliament under Louis XVI



Exiled nobles who fled France for royal courts in other countries wanted counterrevolution

Marat's Death

Exposure to infection gave him skin disease. Baths gave him relief. At height of crisis he was stabbed by Charlotte Corday (young royalist). He becomes revolutionary martyr.


France's chief tax


France's chief tax

Marquis de Condorcet

French aristocratic Enlightenment thinker; pro-woman

Constitution of 1791

French constitution created by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. It retained the monarchy, but sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. (Louis is prisoner)


French middle class; saw themselves as superior to common people, and had sim. values to the nobility

Minister of Justice for the Paris Commune

Georges Danton

Napoleon's allies against Britain

allied states

The two dissenting groups within the National Convention were the

Girondins and the Mountain

What is the difference between Girondins and the Mountain?

Girondins wanted the king alive. Mountains, more radical, wanted execution. However, both groups were members of the Jacobin club.


Government overthrown by Napoleon's coup d'etat

The Paris Bastille was

an armory and prison

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen proclaimed all of the following

an end to tax exemption, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press

Why was the government of the Directory unpopular?

Had enemies and Royalists and Radicalists were unhappy

In what ways did Napoleon destroy the gains of the revolution?

He destroyed revolutionary ideals

What were the consequences of Napoleon's invasion of Russia?

He left his military and paris was captured and he was exiled

How did Napoleon win the support of the French people?

He took part in the cop d' état

First estate

Highest class- made up of the clergy


In France, the Third Estate, comprised of commoners, paid 100% of the chief tax, or __________.


In its attempts to create a new order th at reflected its belief in reason, the National Convention pursued this policy, going so far as to adopt a new calendar.

Temple of Reason

In its policy of dechristianization, the National Convention designated the cathedral of Notre Dame a ___________.


In the Treaty of Fountainbleu, Napoleon Bonaparte was banished to the island of Elbain April 1814, he was given the title Emperor of Elba😂 , he escaped in Feb. 1815 -it's near Corsica, Sicily, and Sardinia on the Italian coast

The great powers adopted a principle of intervention what does intervention mean



Island off the coast of Tuscany, where Napoleon was first exiled.

St. Helena

Island to which Napoleon was exiled after his final defeat.

The newly elected National Convention key functions were

It drafted a new constitution and served the governing body

In what ways was the French revolutionary army different from previous armies?

It was created by a people's government and they were people's wars not wars between rulers

How did the French Revolution compare to the American Revolution?

It was more complex, more violent and more radical

Louis XVI

King of France in early years of the French Revolution


Large network of political groups throughout France


Last leader of the Committe for Public Safety

Legislative Assembly

Lawmaking body established by the Constitution of 1791

Why is the Estates General summoned?

Long term grievances and short term hardships in France. Bread riots. Fears of revolution from below

Parisian women

Louis XVI was forced to accept the National Assembly's decrees because thousands of armed __________ descended on the palace and captured him and his family.

Second estate

Made up of the Nobility in France

Third estate

Majority of France's people consisted of the middle class, working class and peasants

Consitution of the Clergy

Mandated that clergy were to be elected by the people

Who was the Committee of Public Safety's leader?

Maximilien Robespierre

The Directory was eventually toppled by

Napoleon Bonaparte

Continental System

Napoleon's plan to weaken the British economy

Attack of Bastille

Parisians attacked a nearly empty royal prison to get arms. When governor of Bastille prison opens fire, attackers respond more violently and conquer the prison. The governor's body was dragged to the city hall and then beheaded.

What dramatic event took place on July 14, 1789, which saved the Third Estate from the King's forces?

Parisians stormed the Bastille

State the immediate cause of the French Revolution

Near collapse of government finances

What event brought an end to Louis XVI's control in France?

Parisians stormed the Bastille

Catholic Church

One of Napoleon's first moves after the coup d'etat was to make peace with the oldest enemy of the revolution, the ____________.

Reign of Terror

Period where close to 40,000 people were killed.

Significance of attack on Bastille

Persuaded king and nobles to agree to creation of National Assembly

National Convention

Radical legislative body in France

Paris Commune

Radical political group made up largely of the sans-culottes

Anne-Louise-Germaine de Stael

Prominent critic of Napoleon's rule


Promotion within Napoleon's new bureaucracy was based on _______ only, not rank or birth.

Napoleon's agreement with the Catholic Church did all of the following

Recognize catholicism as the majority religion of France, make those who had purchased church land his supporters and restore some stability to France

Napoleon's agreement with the Catholic Church

Recognized Catholicism as the Majority religion of France

San culottes

Referred to common people "without breeches"; anti-aristocratic pride, meaning a man of the people who wore full length trousers rather than aristocratic breeches

National Assembly

Representative body that declared an intention to put an end to absolutism in France by writing a constitution that made the nation the sovereign authority in the land `

Reign of Terror

Revolutionary courts held quick trials to punish anyone against the revolution. Many people were tried and executed.

Ninth of Thermidor

Robespierre was silenced while trying to speak during convention. He was guillotined w/ 21 other "conspirators"

During its rule, the government of the Directory was opposed by

Royalists and radicals

What was the largest state to oppose Napoleon

Russian Empire

What steps did the National Convention take to try to dechristianize France?

Saint was removed from street names, churches were pillaged or closed, priests married, new calendar was adopted, sunday and church holidays were eliminated

Paris Commune

Seized political power from the Legislative Assembly.


She was Creole from Martinique, and influential mistress. Gave napoleon political legitimacy and access among revolutionary elite in early career, but then abandoned republicanism to crown himself Emperor Napoleon I

Significance of the October Days

Shows Louis' inability to resist changes/revolt


Site of Napoleon's final defeat


Storming of this began the French Revolution

What were the two main factors that led to the defeat of Napoleon?

Survival of Great Britain and Nationalism

The National Assembly took what action to control the catholic church?

THey sold the lands of the church for money

What is the Tennis Court Oath?

The 3rd Estate vote to call themselves the National Assembly and vote for representative government. Locked out, they meet in an indoor tennis court where they vow to remain until they write a Constitution.


The Bourbon monarchy was restored to France when _________ ascended the throne.


The Civil or Napoleonic Code preserved most of the gains of the revoltion. However, the rights of ________ were severely curtailed.

Tennis Court Oath

The French National Assembly swore the ________

What two far-reaching events took place in 1789/

The French Revolution and the beginning of a new United States

Three ways Napoleon changed the world

The Napoleonic code, the invasion of Spain, and the Louisiana purchase

What caused social unrest in France

The Peasants owned more land than nobility


The ___________, or middle class, included merchants, bankers, and industrialists.

In what ways did Napoleon preserve the gains of the revolution?

The civil code preserved the equality of citizens.

Describe the Three Estates of French society before the revolution.

The clergy owned 10% of the land & paid no taxes Nobility owned 25% of the land & paid no taxes Commoners owned 65% of the land and paid all taxes


The five-man executive committee that ruled France as a republic after Robespierre's execution


Those men who owned or rented property of a certain calue and were thus qualified to vote for members of the legislative assemblies.


Used by the revolutionaries to execute opponents

Napoleonic Code

The most important of the seven legal codes established by Napoleon

How did the Reign of Terror End?

The republic's powerful army had defeated most of their enemies by summer of 1794. The National Convention condemned Robespierre to death, which caused radicalism to fall.

Who defeated the Directory?

The successful and popular general Napoleon Bonaparte topped the Directory in a coup d'etat, a sudden overthrow of the government .

What were two major reasons that help explain the rapid decline of Napoleon's grand empire?

The survival of Great Britain and the force of nationalism, his downfall came in 1812 with the invasion of Russia

no breeches

The term sans-culottes, which directly translates to ________, implied that the members of this political group were ordinary patriots without fine clothes.

French Empire, dependant states, allied states

These are the three major parts of Napoleon's Grand Empire

What is the role of the Committee of Public Safety?

They are given power to defend France from threats and set up courts to prosecutor enemies of the republic.

What did the National Assembly do in response to peasant revolts and fear of foreign troops?

They destroyed the relics of feudalism or aristocratic privilege

How did most members of the Third Estate want to fix France's financial problems?

They wanted to set up a constitutional government

Social Commoners

Third Estate

Declaration of the Rights of Man

This was the document written by the National Assembly that identified the natural rights of the French citizens as well as their other liberties

Goals of the Congress

To keep peace and stability in Europe, to restore monarchs the power, to keep the country from too much power, and to balance territorial gains

Why did the National Convention form the Committee of Public Safety?

To meet the crisis of the invasion

What was the purpose of revolutionary courts set up during the Reign of Terror?

To prosecute enemies of the republic


Tradition, social stability, favorite obedience to political authority and organized religion


Trying to make your country bigger and have more territory owned and ruled by that country

Legislative Assembly

Under the Constitution of 1791, the ________ would make the laws.

Where was Rebellion repressed?

Vendee, Lyons, BOrdeaux and Marseilles

Prefect/sub prefect

answered directly to Council of State in Paris; a high government official w/ more power than elected representative. Responsible for public order and for ensuring that the policy of the central government was effectively carried out throughout the country

Committee of Public Safety

Was given broad powers to defend France from threats.

Prussia and Austria

When Louis XVI began to lose power, which two countries threatened to use force to restore his power?

September Massacres

When enemy troops were advancing. Rumors flew that prisoners in Paris were plotting to help them. The prisoners were dragged before courts, then killed. More than 1000 "enemies" killed in 1 week.


When the Estates-General convened in May, 1789, it was the intention of Louis XVI to raise _______.

Napoleon's civil code treated women

as less equal than men

Napoleon's Civil Code treated women

as less than equal to men

3rd Estate

Which of France's estates was NOT exempt from the taille?

Marie Antoinette

Wife of King Louis XVI


Working class men and women who pushed radical action

Napoleon Bonaparte, Directory

_________'s coup d'etat overthrew the ____________ to establish his consulate.

Maximilien Robespierre, Danton

___________ was the brutal head of the Committee of Public Safety after __________.



National Assembly

a French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people


a secondary school, especially in France, maintained by the government.

coup d'etat

a sudden overthrow of the government

Promotion within Napoleon's new bureaucracy was

based on ability rather than rank or birth

The threat of foreign intervention to restore Louis XVI caused the French Revolution to

become more radical

Merchants, bankers, industrialists, professionals


Individuals qualified to vote


The Reign of Terror set up revolutionary courts to prosecute

counterrevolutionaries and traitors

Sudden overthrow of a government

coup d' état

Marie Antoinette

daughter of Maria Theresa brother of Joseph II Wife of Louis XVI she was hated by the Revolutionaries, put on trial and executed using the guillotine

The Paris Commune demonstrated, then seized power for all of the following reasons

defeats in war with Austria, economic shortages, and anger with the monarchy

The Committee of Public Safety was originally set up to

defend France against foreign armies

Olympe de Gouges

demanded equal political rights for women from the new French National Assembly


divergence of political attitudes to ideological extremes.

Committee of Public Safety

formed the executive government in France during the Reign of Terror


fortress in Paris used as a prison

The constitution of 1791 limited Louis XVI's authority by

giving the Legislative Assembly the power to make laws

Assembly of Notables

group of high-ranking nobles, ecclesiastics, and state functionaries having deliberative powers, convened by the King of France on extraordinary occasions to consult on matters of state.

Passive Citizen

guaranteed rights under law

the allied states joined Napoleon's struggle because they

had been defeated by Napoleon and forced to take his side

Maximilien Robespierre

head of the Committee for Public Safety


island off the coast of Tuscany, where Napoleon was first exiled

Jacobin Club

large network of political groups throughout France

Legislative Assembly

lawmaking body established by the Constitution of 1791

Cashier des doleances

list of grievances that furthered expectation for reform

Vincent Oge

member of delegation to Paris and leader of rebellion. Publicly executed him and allies on the wheel and decapitation. Radical deputies (e.g. Robespierre) was against this, but couldn't change assembly's policy


members of elite who took advantage of opportunities in new regime


money issued by the National Assembly in France from 1789 to 1796, during the French Revolution. The assignats were issued after the confiscation of church properties in 1790 because the government was bankrupt

Unique cultural identity of a people



nobles, clergy, and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces.


notebooks listing grievances or problems

Significance of Haitian Revolution

o Only successful slave revolution and very radical o Suggested emancipatory ideas applied to non-Europeans and slaves o Contributed to British decision to end slavery in 1838

The second estate did all of the following

own from 25 to 30% of land, hold high positions in government and the military, and did not pay taxes

Active Citizen

paid certain amount of $ in taxes and could vote and hold office; ½ of adult males qualified. Could only vote for electors, whose property ownership qualified them to hold office


people who voted (in this case, for the representatives of the third estate)

Continental system

policy banning British goods from Europe. Goal was to starve Britain's trade and force surrender

Napoleonic Code

preserved most of the rights of the people gained by the revolution

Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes

radical clergy member, says third estate is everything in pamphlet

Paris Commune

radical political group made up of the sans-culottes

Aristocratic privileges

relics of feudalism

Because it could not govern effectively, the directory had to

rely upon the military to enforce its authority

National agents

reported directly to committee


requirement to maintain public roads

After the defeat of Napoleon, the aim of the peace talks at the congress of vienna was to

restore European monarchs to power

The Russian's defeated Napoleon's Grand Army by

retreating and burning their own villages and countryside

"without breeches," members of the Paris Commune


During most of the French revolution Napoleon was

serving in the French military

The National Assembly's Constitution of 1791

set up a limited monarchy


site of Napoleon's final defeat

Napoleon's Continental System was designed to

stop British trade with Europe

deputies on mission

task was to draft troops and generate patriotic fervor

Napoleon's government after 1799

the consulate

what caused the collapse of Napoleon's Grand Empire

the drain of Napoleon's many wars

Many aristocrats and bourgeoisie were attracted to _________, some criticized the absolutist system

the ideas of the National Assembly


the legislative body consisting of representatives of the three estates


the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate passed to the eldest son.


the right to vote


top of the 3rd estate, the middle class


vote by the people of country to decide on an issue by confirming or rejecting the legitimacy of a certain form of government or action. Plebiscites allowed head of state to bypass legislative bodies who would disagree and allow local official to tamper w/ ballot boxes

The Declaration of the rights of Woman and the Citizen by Guoz

women had same rights as men, including resistance to authority, participation in gov't and naming the fathers of illegitimate children

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