World History-USSR: Stalin, Cold War, Russian Revolution

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What happens to Trotsky?

He was exiled and then murdered with an ice pick.


He was the first president during WWII(Pearl Harbor)

How did Satlin consolidate power?

He took out the enemies purged leaders so he stayed in power without anyone challenging him. -used propaganda to brain wash people to think he was a great leader

What was Lenin's vision for Russia?

He wanted a socialist utopia. He believed that socialist revolutionary parties should be small, run only by 'professional revolutionaries' to take back power for working class. Wanted Russia run by working class not elitists


Second leader of the Soviet Union who created a personality cult to keep his people loyal

Explain the problem with the 5 Year Plans.

The industrialization under the first 5 year plan was too aggressive. The goals and quotas of the workers and factories were unrealistic. There was no food and many were hungry. Accountants lied when reporting their numbers because they did not want to be sent to prison or killed. The Five Year Plan tried to move and meet quotas too fast. Workers could not keep up.


commanded Bolshevik Red Army, revolutionary leader Leader of the Russian red army who lost a power struggle to Stalin

Life of Russian Serf characteristics

-Lasted on average 35 years -Lived in small, dark, dank cottages -often shared their homes with chickens and other farm animals -remote villages without schools or communication with the rest of the world. -Family units were grouped together in "communes" -4-80 households that worked together to farm the land

How did founders of UN seek to make it more effective than League of Nations?

-One of the main reasons for the failure of the Leage of Nations was the fact that some countries weren't represented, especially the Soviet Union. -Having the Soviet Union join the United Nations was important if it were to do any better. -Needed strength of USSR

why was it important for USSR to join United Nations beyond keeping the peace?

-The USA needed Soviet Union's support in the war against Japan. -The Soviet Union agreed to enter the war three months after they defeated Germany but not without some concessions.

What two groups did the Socialists split into?

1. Menesheviks 2. Bolsheviks

What main events lead to the Russian Revolution of 1905?

1. Russo-Japanese War 1904-5): being defeated shocked russians 2. Bloody Sunday (1905): innocent ppl killed outraged country 3. Minority discontent 4. Tsar regime was oppressive no freedom given to people, poor govt leadership

What two groups emerged as a political movement grew to change Russia's government?

1. Socialists 2. Liberal Reformers

Social Structure under Tsar Rule

1.Tsar 2.Bureaucracy (his buddies) 3.Nobles: owned land 4.Serfs: worked the land

What year did Russia change to USSR?


Lend-Lease Act

1941 law Congress passes that allowed the US to loan weapons and war supplies to Britain and USSR

What was the biggest concern for the USSR after WWII? What happened at Yalta in 1945?

1945? Russia wanted to control Eastern Europe now that Hitler was gone. Stalin wanted full control. Stalin told the US and the allies this at Yalta. But, the US and England did not like Stalin's behavior at the conference and that


A government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power.

Absolute Monarchy

A government in which the king or queen has absolute power. Russia prior to 1917

Provisional Government

A temporary government the leaders of Duma set up

What happened to Germany? What were the countries trying to address? Were they effective?

After WWII, Germany was supposed to be divided into 4 sections after the war. France, US, USSR, Britain, Each country would govern section. USSR was not in agreement with free elections and things became tense.

How did the American revolution differ from the Russian Revolution?

American expanded on English ideas and Russian and French Revolutions used violence and terror to control people.

Liberal Reformers

Believed that they could put in place western constitutional practices and the rule of law to solve Russia's problems and correct the injustices of the past. Their ideology was based on the ideas of the Enlightenment.

What changed after Bloody Sunday?

Bloody Sunday" - permanently altered the attitudes of the people toward the tsar and his government. The centuries-old VIEW OF THE TSAR AS BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR OF THE PEOPLE WAS DESTROYED. Uprisings by workers, students, liberals soldiers and peasants alike broke out. "We can no longer live like this" declared a headline of a leading newspaper.

Prior to 1917, what type of government did Russia have?

Empire with an emperor with absolute power

What were the positive aspects of Stalin's rule? How was he successful?

Even though he was mean and killed many people, Stalin did unite people and they loved him. He did industrialize Russia and he gave people someone to look to for all their answers. People were sad when he died becuase they believed in him and did not know the bad side of his rule.

Menesheviks believed

Everyone should participate in government Patient, gradual approach to change Socialism not yet possible but hoped to organize workers towards it

Tehran Conference

First Meeting of big Three Allied war conference where later Cold War tensions first appeared. stalin, FDR, and churchill met in Tehran, Iran, talked about UN, dividing of germany November 1943

What did the Tsar do to try to quiet those who were revolting?

Gave in! "October Manifesto" Allowed Parliament (Duma) More freedoms (speech, person, assembly, union)


Hoped to create a classless society that would end the exploitation and suffering of the peasants and workers. - included dismantling the capitalist economic system by taking the "means of production" (land, factories, etc.) from the owners and placing them in the hands of the state.

Russian Revolution

In 1917, two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and setting into motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Soviet Union. While the two revolutionary events took place within a few short months, social unrest in Russia had been simmering for decades.

Cult of Personality

In communist and other systems, the excessive adulation of a single leader. God-like worship of a leader

How is individualism viewed in the USSR?

Individualism is seen as bad in USSR, everyone needs to work for the collective good of the country.

Bloody Sunday

January 1905 in St. Petersburg, 150,000 workers, their wives, and children peacefully marched to the tsar's Winter Palace to bring a petition of economic grievances to him. Tsar's troops fire on peaceful demonstrators and this sparks a fury to finally overthrow the tsar and the regime.

Why were the peasants demonstrating on Bloody Sunday?

Peasants wanted to stop the misuse of land, Socialist Revolutionaries wanting to base their government on the heels of the peasants,


Led by Lenin Government led by small, elite core Argued for secret, well trained organization of militant revolutionaries THEN masses could join

What did Lenin think of Stalin?

Lenin Admired Stalin because he was a man of action. Stalin was a good example of the proletariat class that Lenin wanted to create a movement with. He wanted the peasants to rule Russia, not the elitists.

What year did the Tsar step down in Russia?

March 1917

Characteristics of a Tsar

No political parties permitted No constitution No legislature No freedom of speech, assembly, or worship Tsar's secret police stamped out any public dissent or opposition Many Russians regarded the Tsar as a representative of God and a force for good.

Was the Tsar successful at making things better?

No. Peasants had grown in awareness. Had been mobilized by intellectuals! For the next decade, resentment among the working class festered. And every time the Duma was critical of the Czar, he immmediately disbanded it. In the end, the attempsts at reform were too little too late. Revolutionaries hatched radical plots. Some hoped to lead discontented peasants to overthrow the Czarist regime. Marxists tried to ignite revolution among the proletariat - the growing class of factory, and railroad workers, miners and urban wage earners. A revolution, they believed would occur when the time was ripe The Romanov dynasty would soon come to an end.

Who were the White Forces?

Non Communists: Monarchists and those who wanted a moe democratic govt.

How does Stalin respond to WWII?

Not good. He signed an alliance treaty with Germany and Hitler and he ended up getting tricked when Hitler attacked Russia. He blamed his prisoners the Nazi's took and called them traitors and made bad decisions himself. But, then he formed an alliance with the West had the military leaders of the USSR make more decisions and he turned things around and the Nazi's retreated the USSR.

President Truman

President of U.S. at end of WWII after FDR died. Attended Potsdam Conference

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII

What happens to religion in USSR under Communism? Why?

Religion goes away under Communisim because Marx did not believe in God. Atheism was the belief and thinking of your leader as a God was what was expected.


Russian Parliament

Stalin vs. Lenin Rule

Stalin wanted USSR to be the most industrialized country in the world. Lenin was more of a revolutionary.

How was Stalin portrayed to the Russian people?

Stalin was portrayed as a Secular God. He was portrayed as the man who saved the USSR and the man who gave people food. He was the Savior of the Russian people.

How did nuclear weapons contribute to emergence of super powers?

Superpowers are countries that dominate the world. When the US and the USSR collected the most nuclear weapons, they were viewed as the most threatening and powerful to other countries. They has super powered weapons and were therefore the most in control of the world.

Yalta Conference

The 2nd meeting of the Big Three in southern Russia

Who were the Red forces?

The Communists-Lenin followers

What is the gulag? What kind of offenses could get you sent to the gulag?

The Gulag was a concentration camp. People who were 10 minutes late to work or had stolen potatoes were sent to these camps. They were killed by either working too hard or they were murdered.

Describe collective farming.

The Kulaks (prosperous peasants) were kicked off their land and sent to Siberia. Then the peasant farmers were placed on the new government land and ordered to work. Collective farms formed verses individually owned farms. The goal was to improve productivity but it failed. Many of the Kulaks destoryed their equipment and killed their livestock as a revolt against Stalin overtaking them.


The Russian term for ruler or king; taken from the Roman word caesar. Viewed as GOD-LIKE

Tsar Nicholas II

The Tsar of Russia, was overthrown in October of1917 during the Russian Revolution.

How did nuclear weapons contribute to end of war?

The United States drops an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Though the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan marked the end of World War II, many historians argue that it also ignited the Cold War.

How did the 3 WWII conferences set the stage for the cold war?

The conference did not solve any of the issues that they were supposed to solve. The allies and the Soviets were too different in how Governments should run Allies did not trust Soviets Ideologies between east and west were too different Could not agree on what to do with Germany and Eastern Europe.

Who was caught up in Stalin's purges?

The educated classes, scholars and teachers were purged. Close friend of Lenin were purged. Even 57 out of 85 military elite were purged. Anyone who threatened Stalin's god like status was purged.

Russian Famine 1921-1923

The famine resulted from combined effects of economic disturbance—which had already started during World War I, and continued through the disturbances of the Russian Revolution—and Russian Civil War with its policy of War Communism, especially prodrazvyorstka, exacerbated by rail systems that could not distribute food efficiently.

Potsdam Conference

The third meeting of the Big Three; this time including Truman July 1945

What was good about Russia entering WW1?

The war brought unity to the country

What Happened to the demonstrators on Bloody Sunday?

Tsar's army killed many of the peaceful demonstrators. Mass uprisings in many cities across country

Big Three

US , Soviet Union , and Great Britain


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Created by Lenin in 1922.

Non-Aggression Pact

between Germany and the Soviet Union, Germany broke the pact by invading Poland orchestrated with Soviet Union by Hitler in 1939 to avoid war on two fronts

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union, came to power in the turmoil of 1917, -the major leader of the Bolsheviks, became that due to his engaging personality, and great organizer. - In the early 1900s he had fled to western Europe to avoid arrest by the Czar. -He maintained contacts with Bolsheviks. -The Germans believed that Lenin and his supporters would stir unrest in Russia and hurt the Russian war effort against Germany -They arranged Lenin's return to Russia after many years of exile. Traveling in a sealed railway boxcar, Lenin reached Petrograd in April 1917,

Russo-Japanese War

War between Japan and Russia over Manchuria. Japan won → threat now

Russian Civil War

War broke out between communist forces and anti-communist forces. The Communists won in 1922


a member of the peasant class tied to the land and subject to the will of the landowner

socialist realism

an artistic style that praised soviet life and communist values


government control over every aspect of public and private life

How did Lenin change Russian society?

moved to nationalize all industry and agriculture state became sole employer all resources of country were placed under government control The power of the state was nearly absolute

United Nations

organization founded in 1945 to promote peace World organization formed to prevent war

What was BAD about Russia and WW1?

poor leadership world's largest army but not most powerful (lack of industrialization) Strained Russian resources Transportation weak By 1915, many soldiers had no rifles and no ammunition, used broomsticks to train, picked up guns from DEAD. In 1915 alone, Russian casualties reached 2 million

Cold War

the power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II 1945-1991 No actual fighting

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