World Music Japan & Tibet
"Three instruments" Japanese chamber music played on the koto, shamisen, and shakuhachi, often with a vocal accompaniment
"gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts."
Tantric Buddhism
(Tibet) Use of symbols, ritual objects and yoga in quest for enlightenment.
Less is Best
8th Century importation of Buddhism (Zen Buddhism) believes in what principle?
A Confucian-derived ritual court ensemble from Japan. "Elegant Music"
A Japanese free reed musical instrument based on Chinese sheng.
A Japanese transverse fue made of bamboo used in gagaku.
A double reed Japanese flute used as one of two main melodic instruments in Japanese gagaku music
Dung chen
A long metal trumpet with low tones blown durring Tibetan ritual.
Tokugawa (Edo) Period
A period of peace & stability in which social order was based on traditional confucian order. Broke down Isolationism. (1600-1876)
A samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period (1185-1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege.
Yatsuhashi Kengo
Blind koto player & composer (1614-1685) He changed the limited selection of six pieces to a brand new style of koto music. He changed the Tsukushi goto tunings, which were based on tunings used in gagaku, and with this change a new style of koto was born.
Scholars/officials (samurai), farmers, artisans, merchants
Four Social Classes of Tokugawa period in order of importance.
Indigenous animistic spirituality of Japan and the people of Japan. Means "spiritual"
Japanese 13-stringed zither.
Japanese IN scale
Japanese Yo scale.
Japanese big drum. A drum ensemble.
Japanese gagaku performances could be described as _________
Narrator/singer and shamisen player
Popular music theatre form developed for Japan's middle class in 17th-18th century.
Puppet theatre with a Chobo. Characterized by elaborate plots and favored by rising merchant class.
Dalai Lama
Spiritual and political leader of Tibet
Dung chen
Symbolized Elephant Power
Kang Dung
Symbolized morality.
Dung Har
Symbolized the sea (far away)
The military nobility of pre-industrial Japan during the Tokugawa Period.
Kang dung
Trumpet made of human bone.
Death without Dying
Using chanting to alter the state of consciousness and address and conquer the fear of death.
Vertically held Japanese bamboo flute
a three-stringed, Japanese lute
Dung Har
trumpet made of conch shell.