World War 2

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"lightning warfare"; all-mechanized force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines.

Paratroopers and Gliders First (D-Day)

24,000 Paratroopers and Glider Infantry; Launched the night before; Supposed to secure important targets bridges roads etc; Mis-dropped; High Casualties.

What did American Indians contribute to the war effort

25,000 served in the armed forced, most in racially integrated units. Because the Navajo were one of the few that had not been studied but the German anthropologists, their language was unknown to the Axis armies. More than 300 Navajo were "code talkers" who served in radio combat-communication teams in the Pacific theatre.

How did racial hatred animate both sides in the Pacific war and fuel a "war without mercy"

Americans often characterized Japanese soldiers as vermin. In turn, the Japanese viewed Americans as racial mongrels and called them demons

How was the evidence of genocide- systematic racial murder- irrefulable

At Auschwitz and Treblinka, the SS organized the extermination of up to 6 million Jews and 1 million Poles, Gypsies, and others who failed to fit the Nazi visions of the German master race. Prisoners arrived by forced marches and cattle trains. Those who were not worked or starved to death were herded into gas chambers and then incinerated in huge crematoriums.


At Munich in 1938, France and Great Britain gave the Sudetenland to Hitler in exchange for peace.

How did Political rather than military need govern the final great action of the European air war

British and U.S bombers in Feb. 1945 staged a terror raids on the nonindustrial city of Dresden, paced with refugees, filled with great art, and undefended by the Germans; a firestorm fueled by incendiary bombs and rubble from blasted buildings killed tens of thousands of civilians without military justification

How did the number of working women increase

By July 1944, fully 19 million women held paid jobs, up to 6 million in four years. Women's share of govt. jobs increased from 19% to 38% and their share of manufacturing jobs from 22% to 33%.

What "New Economic Policies" did Stalin launch in Russia

Collectivized farms: all farms put under state control; property taken to sell; "Five Year Plans": Rapid industrialization

At the beginning pf 1945, How did the Allies sense victory

Conferring from Feb. 4 to 11, in the Ukrainian town f Yalta, FDR, Stalin, and Churchill debated plans for the postwar world.

African-American troops training

Despite the bravery of African Americans in all of America's previous wars, despite the argument made by the NAACP and others that "a Jim Crow army cannot fight for a free world," the armed forces of the United States remained strictly segregated.

Henry J. Kaiser

He was a shipbuilder who became famous and a national hero because of his contributions to the war effort. His experienced in paving roads and building dams allowed him to tackle the challenged of building large ships

Enrico Fermi

He was an atomic scientist who migrated to the U.S to escape the growing repression of Italy in 1938. He and his family moved to Los Alamos, a science city that the govt. built in northern New Mexico, where isolation was supposed to ensure secrecy and help the U.S win the race with Nazi Germany to develop atomic weapons. The 1st controlled nuclear reaction under squash court of University of Chicago occurred under his direction. Became known as "Father of the atomic bomb."

Final Solution

Hitler's genocide program to rid Europe of Jews. (later included gypsies, Poles, Russians, homosexuals, mentally disabled and the incurably ill).

How did The punishments for Germany after WWI cripple Germany's economy:

Hyperinflation made German money worthless Germans could not buy food, goods, or services - or find employment; People became desperate Poor conditions made Germany's post-WWI government (a democracy) very unpopular.

What was the reaction in the U.S to the conflicts occurring in Europe in the late 1930s

In 1937 Roosevelt warned of the possibility of US intervention.

Battle of the Bulge results

In the end the casualties were staggering on both sides, and most Nazi leaders realized that the war was lost. VE Day (Victory in Europe) May 8, 1945.

How did the treaty of Versailles lead to WWII

Italy and Japan thought that it failed to recognize their stature as world powers. Many Germans were convinced that Germany had been betrayed rather then defeated in 1918.

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Japanese nationalists believed that Japan should expel the French, British, Dutch, and Americans from Asia and create this sphere in which Japan would give the orders and other Asian people would comply.

What other families beside the Fermis gave Los Alamos a multinational flavor

Niels Bohr had fled Denmark to escape Nazi invasion. Edward Teller was a Hungarian who had studied in Germany. Hans Bethe had left Germany, and Stanislaus Ulam was the only member of his family to survive Nazi conquest of Poland.

Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a great power, but at great cost:

One of the most ruthless regimes in history The "Great Purge": secret police killed military officers and party members who opposed Stalin

How did the treatment of mainland Japanese Americans also contrast with the situation of German Americans and Italian Americans

Only tiny fractions of their total populations were being interned or had their movements restricted.

Victory in Europe

Strategic Bombing; Americans and British pushing from the West; Russians Pushing from the East April 1945 Soviet Troops capture Berlin; April 25 Soviet and American troops meet up at the Elbe River; April 30, 1945 Hitler and his mistress commit suicide.; VE Day - May 8, 1945 Germany Surrenders.

Convoy System

The Allies responded by grouping ships crossing the Atlantic into convoys. Convoys were protected by warships and sailed without notice in order to keep German spies guessing. "Loose lips sink ships"

How did central Mediterranean remain the focus of U.S and British action for the next year.

The British proposed strikes in southern Europe. U.S army chief of Staff George Marshall and FDR agreed first to the action in North Africa and then to invade Italy in 1943. In July and August. Allied forced ld by Montgomery and Patton overran Sicily

What was the result of the battle of the bulge

The German thrust literally ran out of gas beyond the town of Bastogne. The battle of the Bulge never seriously threatened the outcome of the war.

Pearl Harbor

The Japanese attack on December 7, 1941 in Hawaii. Six Japanese aircraft carriers launched 351 planes in 2 unopposed bombing strikes on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii killing 2,403 people. FDR declared war on Japan the following day.

How was Hitler's Germany the most repressive in suppressing political dissents

The Nazi concentration camp was a device for political terrorism. Hitler decreed that opponents should disappear into "night and fog." The concentration camps would evolve into forced labor camps and then into hellish extermination camps.

how was the momentum of war one reason to use the atomic bomb

The U.S and Britain had already adopted wholesale destruction of German and Japanese cities as a military tactic. Use of the atomic bomb looked like a variation on fire bombing, not the start of a new era of potential mass destruction. In this context, some historians argue, Pres. Truman's choice was natural and expected.

The "Eastern Front"

The USSR's military was unprepared and defeated badly in 1941. Over time, Russia's sheer size, climate (especially winter), and supplies from the USA gave Russia the advantage.

Robert Oppenheimer

The physicist who directed the young scientists at Los Alamos in designing a nuclear fission bomb. After the first testing of the bomb,, he was so astonished he quotes from Hindu scriptures as he tried to comprehend the results: "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

How were the servicemen regarded when they attacked the Mexican zoot-suiters

They were portrayed in local news publications as heroes fighting against what was referred to as a Mexican crime wave.

Operation Overlord

U.S and British invasion of France in June 1944 during WW 2.

what were the results of the pres. election of 1944

Voters gave Roosevelt 432 electoral vote to 99, but the narrowing gap in the popular vote- 54% for FDR and 46% for Dewey- made the Rep.s eager of 1948.

Ever since industrializing in the late 1800s, How did Japan need to conquer new territory for more resources:

Won Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars for influence in Asia; Conquered/colonized Korea in 1910; Invaded Manchuria and other parts of China in 1930s; During the 1930s, the military took control of the government.

What did L.A pass on June 9 to try to end the Zoot suit riots

a resolution that banned the wearing of zoot suits on Los Angeles streets.


a system for the detection of objects under water and for measuring the water's depth by emitting sound pulses and detecting or measuring their return after being reflected. This was used by the Allies and Axis during the battle of the Atlantic.

fifth column

any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within.

Depth Charge

explosives set to go off at a certain depth. They were usually rolled off of the back of a destroyer and allowed to sink to the appropriate depth. The concussion caused by the explosion would often cave in the sides of the submarine causing it to sink, usually with all hands.

In June 1941, having failed to knock Britain out of the war, what did Hitler do

he invaded the Soviet Union. (Officially the USSR). From June until December 1941, more than 3 million Germans, Italians, and Romanians pushed Eastward, encircling and capturing entire soviet armies. Before desperate Soviet counterattacks and a bitter winter stopped the German tanks, the Axis powers had reached the outskirts of Moscow, and they expected to finish the job in the spring.

How did Richmond, VA change after it was chosen as the site for the first Kaiser shipyard which was chosen on deliver 30 of the 40 cargo ships requested by the pres. to Great Britain in 15 months

in 1943, almost 100m000 men and women were employed at the Kaiser shipyards in Richmond, but this put a strain on living conditions

When did the Manhattan project move from theory to practice

in 1943. Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer directed the young scientists at Los Alamos in designing a nuclear fission bomb. Engineers in other new science cities tried 2 approaches to producing the fissionable material.

When did heavy bombing in Japan begin

in early 1944. A fire-bomb raid on Tokyo on the night of march 9,1945 killed 124,000 people and left 1 million homeless. Overall, conventional bombing destroyed 42% of Japan's industrial capacity. By the time the U.S captured the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa in fierce fighting (April-June 1945) and neared the Japanese home islands, Japan's position was hopeless.

How did the Japanese react to the hardships in the internment camps

in many ways. Several thousand second-generation Japanese Americans renounced their citizenship in disgust. But many others demonstrated their loyalty by cooperating with the authorities, finding sponsors who would help them move to other parts of the country, or joining the 442nd regimental Combat Team, the most decorated American unit in the European War.

What did the "Nuremberg laws" in Germany do

it denied civil rights to Jews and the campaign against them intensified. The Nazi govt. began expropriating Jewish property and excluded Jews from most employment.

How did the fed. govt. try to keep civilians of al ages committed to the war

it encouraged scrap drives and backyard victory gardens. The govt. also managed news about the fighting. Censors screened soldiers' letters. Early in the war, they blocked publication of most photographs o war casualties, although magazines such as "Life" were

What was the worst zoot-suit rioting

it occurred on the night of June 7, when thousands of servicemen and citizens prowled the streets of downtown Los Angeles, attacking zoot-suiters as well as members of minority groups who were not wearing zoot suits.

What did the collapse of France in June 1940 do to Americans

it scared Americans into rearming. In the summer of 1940, Congress voted to expand the army to 2 million men, build 19,000 new war planes, and add 150 ships to the navy, Sept. brought the nation't first peacetime draft.

What did the Postdam Declaration do for the U.S and Japan

it summarized U.S policy and gave Japan an opening for surrender.

Despite it being canceled, why was the March on Washington important

it was the first major step towards the fight for Civil Rights for African Americans in the late 50s and early 60s.

cash and carry

nations could buy US arms as long as they paid cash and transported the goods on their ships.

Which scientists were excluded from Los Alamos

scientists from the Soviet Union, which was bearing the worst of the fighting against Germany but was excluded from the secret of the atomic bomb.

Axis Powers

the opponents of the U.S and its allies in WW2. Germany, Italy, and Japan.

What happened on the eastern front by the end of 1944

the red army had entered the Balkans and reach central Poland. With the end in sight , the Soviets had suffered nearly 20 million casualties and sustained the heaviest burden in turning back Nazi tyranny.

How were the nominees for the pres. election of 1944

the reps. nominated gov. Thomas Dewey of NY, who had made his reputation as a crime-fighting district attorney the Dem.s renominated FDR for a 4th term. Missouri Senator Harry S. Truman, a tough investigator of American military preparedness replaced liberal New Dealer Henry Wallace as FDR's running mate, which appeased Southern Dem.s

How did economic crisis and political stability lead to WWII

they fueled the rise of right-wing dictatorships that offered territorial expansion by military conquest as the way to redress old rivalries, dominate trade, and gain access to war materials.

Why did Japanese war planners never seriously consider an actual invasion of the U.S or expect a decisive victory

they hoped that attacks on American Pacific bases would shock the U.S into letting Japan have its war in Asia or at least win time to create impenetrable defenses in the central pacific.

What happened when the Allies secured their beachheads on D-Day

they landed 500,000 men and 100,000 vehicles within 2 weeks. However, the German defenders kept the Allies along a narrow coastal strip.

As Soviet soldiers reconquered western Russia and Ukraine, what did they do

they marched in 13 million pairs of American-made boots and traveled in 51,0000 jeeps and 374,000 dodge trucks made available from U.S lend-lease assistance.

How did Allied aircraft begin to stop the U-boat submarines

they tracked them with radar, spotted them with searchlights as they maneuvered on the surface, and attacked them with depth. By spring of 1943, American shipyards were also launching ships faster than the Germans could sink them

What was the most FDR could coax from Stalin at the end of the war

vague pledges to allow participation of non-Communists in coalition govt.s in eastern Europe.m Stalin also agreed to join a new international organization, the United Nations.

How did the war have mixed effects on children

"Latchkey children" of working mothers often had to fend for themselves, but middle-class kids whose mothers stayed home could treat the war as an interminable scout project, with salvage drives and campaigns to sell war bonds. Between the end of the school day and suppertime, children listened as Captain Midnight, Jack Armstrong, and Hop Harrigan (America's ace of the airways) fought the Nazis and Japanese on the radio.

What were the most successful films which dramatized the courage of the Allies

"Mrs. Miniver" (1942) showed the British army transcending class differenced in their battle with the Nazis. "So Proudly We Hail" (1943) celebrated the heroism of navy nurses in the Pacific theater.

Who were the primary targets of FDR's Executive Order 9066

112,000 Japanese Americans in CA and parts of Washington, Oregon, and Arizona. Japanese immigrants and their children in Western states had experiences forty years of hostility and racial prejudice.

What happened in the Manhattan Project

1939 Einstein Letter to FDR: Powers of atomic technology; 1941 FDR agreed to allow project to begin; Based in several universities:Columbia, Univ .of Chicago, Univ. of California at Berkeley. General Leslie Groves - directed the project

(post war) Nuremberg Trials

22 Nazi leaders were tried by an International Military Tribunal for "crimes against humanity". 12 were later executed. The court ruled "I was simply following orders" not an acceptable defense.

The Invasion (Normandy)

6939 Ships; 1213 Warships; 4126 Transport Ships 8 Different Navies;Landings Start at 6:30 a.m. June 6th: 175,000 Troops come ashore.

What were the American losses in Pearl Harbor

8 battleships, 11 other warships, and nearly all military aircraft damaged or destroyed; and 2,403 people killed. Fortunately, dockyards, dry-docks, and oil storage tanks remained intact because the Japanese admiral had refused to order a 3rd attack. And the American carriers, at sea on patrol, were unharmed.

By 1945, how had the U.S military expanded

8.3 million men and women wee on active duty in the army and army airfocres and 3.4 million in the navy and marine corps, totals exceeded only by the Soviet Union. In total, some 350,000 women and 16 million men served i the armed forced; 292,000 died in battle, 100,000 survives prisoner of war camps, and 671,000 returned wounded.


A battle in June 1942 in which the Japanese struck at the island of Midway, 1,500 miles north west of Honolulu. Their goal was to destroy American carrier forces. However, U.S forces were aware of the plan for a diversionary invasion of the Aleutian Islands. On June 4, Navy bombers found the Jap. fleet and sank or crippled 3 aircrafts carriers in 5 minutes. This battle ended Japanese efforts to expand into the Pacific.

The "Fascists" in Italy

A conservative, nationalist party which promised to restore Italy to the glories of the ancient Roman Empire; With approval from Italy's king, Fascists seized power in 1922; Benito Mussolini, the Fascists' leader, became dictator.

How were tensions simultaneously rise between Mexican americans and Anglos

Ad the Mexican community in LA swelled to an estimated 400,000 newspapers published anti-Mexican articles. On June 6, 1943, off duty sailors and soldiers attacked Latinos on down town streets and invaded Mexican-American neighborhoods. The attacks dragged on for a week of sporadic violence against black people and Filipinos as well as Latinos.

As men and women migrated in search of work, how did they also cross or collide with traditional boundries of race and religion

Af-Am migration out of the South accelerated in the early 1940s. Many of the immigrants headed for well-established black neighborhoods in Northern cities. Others created new Af-Am neighborhoods in Western cities. White southerners and black Northerners with different ideas of racial etiquette found themselves side-by-side in West Coast Shipyards. In the Midwest, black migrants from the South and white migrants from Appalachia competed for the same high-waged jobs and scarce apartments.

What decision was made at theTehran Conference (1943)

Agreement to open a second battle front in Europe. Soviet agreement to enter war against Japan afterGermany is defeated. Inconclusive discussion about demilitarization and occupation of Germany.

Spanish Civil War

Aided by Hitler and Mussolini, the Nationalists (fascists) in Spain waged a civil war against Spain's democratic government (1936 - 1939). Germany assisted with the Condor Legion infamous for their bombing of Guernica in April 1937.

How did the war marked the takeoff of what Americans would later call the Sunbelt in the South and West

Albuquerque, New Mexico more than doubled in population during the 1940s. War-boom cities, such as San Diego and Mobile, bustled with activity and hummed with tension. Factories operated 3 shifts, movies ran around the clock, and workers filled the streets after midnight.

How did the men and women racing to perfect the atomic bomb know that victory was far from certain.

Allied defeat in a few battles could have resulted in stand-off or axis victory. Not until 1944 did American economic power allow the U.S and its allies to feel confident of victory. A new weapon might end the war more quickly or make the difference between victory and defeat.


Allows the US to "lend" materials to countries at war. Authorized the President to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security.

how had industries reluctantly began to convert from consumer goods to defense production in 1940 and 1941

Although corporations hated to give ip the market for toasters and automobiles just as Americans had more money, the last passenger for the duration of the war rolled off the assembly line in Fed. 1942. existing factories retooled to make war equipment, and huge new facilities turned out thousands of planes and ships

How did the Nazi empire collapse in spring of 1945

American and British divisions crossed the Rhine in March and enveloped Germany's industrial core. The soviets drove through eastern Germany towards Berlin. On April 25, American and Red Army troops met on the Elbe River.

Who did American and British landings in North Africa in 1942 and Italy in 1943 not please

American policymakers and the Soviet Union. U.S leaders wanted to justify massive mobilization with a war-winning campaign and to strike across Europe to occupy the heart of Germany. Stalin needed a full-scale invasion of western Europe to divert German force from the eastern front.

What ideas did Many Germans find appealing in the Nazi Party

Anti-communist; Regain national pride for Germany; Undo the Treaty of Versailles; Get revenge against "traitors" who made Germany lose WWI. Hitler was appointed Chancellor (president) in 1933.

What happened after Poland was defeated by end of Septermber

April 1940 Hitler attacked Denmark and Norway; Germany attacked France (May 1940)

How did Mexican-American workers make special contributions to the war efforts

As defense factories and the military absorbed workers, western farms and railroads faces a acute shortage of workers. In 1942, the U.S ad Mexico negotiated the Bracero program, under which Mexican government recruited workers to come to the U.S on 6-12 month contracts. Although Bracero workers still faced discrimination, the UlS govt. tried to improve working conditions because it wanted to keep public opinion in Latin America favorable to the Allied cause.

El Almein

Battle between October 23 and November, 5 1942, in which Gen. Bernard Montgomery, with twice Rommel's German and Italian manpower and tans, forced the enemy to retreat and lifted the danger to the Middle East.

How did the Battle of the Atlantic force the British to reduce their reliance on the Atlantic supply lines

Between 1939 and 1944, planning and rationing cut Britain' need fro imports in half. The British also organized protected convoys. Grouping the merchant ships into convoys with armed escorts "hardened" the targets and made them more difficult to find in a the wide ocean. FDR's destroyer deal of 1940 and the U.S naval escorts in the western Atlantic in 1941 thus contributed directly to Britain's survival.

During 1943 and 1944 how did submarined choke off food oil, and raw materials bound for Japan and island bases

By 1945, imports to Japan were 1/8 of the 1940 level.

How was British ground fighting in 1942 centered in North Africs

By October 1942, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's German and Italian forces were within striking distance of the Suez Cala. At El Alamein between October 23 and November 5, 1942, however, General Bernard Montgomery, with twice Rommel's manpower and tanks, forced the enemy to retreat and lifted the danger to the Middle East.

Battle of the Bulge

December 1944- Allies are approaching the Rhine River; Germans are on the Defensive; Hitler launches his last great counterattack; The Battle begins. This battle was the largest battle in Western Europe.

How did the Allies deal with the Convoys

Desperate to keep supplies from reaching Great Britain, the German Kriegsmarine responded by grouping U-Boats together in Wolf Packs.

Destroyer on a Depth Charge Run

Destroyers were well suited for Anti-Submarine warfare. Equipped with sonar and depth charges, a destroyer could find the U-Boats and sink them.

Factors for the Rise of Fascist States: Treaty of Versailles

Dissatisfaction with the terms of WWI peace treaties contributed to the rise of fascism; Italy didn't receive territory it was promised; Germany was subjected to harsh reparation terms and lost territory; New states established with the breakup of empires caused friction over borders

How did African Americans find economic advancement throughout war jobs

Early in the mobilization, labor leader A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters worked with Walter White of NAACP to plan a "Negro March on Washington" to protest racial discrimination by the fed. government.

Stalingrad* (1942-43)

Ends German advance, massive losses for both sides. Turning point in war. 1.2 million Russians died, 850,000 Germans died. 1st major victory for the Allies.

to head off a major embarrassment, what did Roosevelt issue in June 1941

Executing Order 8802, barring racial discrimination in defense contracts and creating the fair employment practices committee; the order coined a phrase that reverberated powerfully throughout the coming decades "No discrimination on grounds of race, color, creed, or national origin.

What happened when the Allied leaders met again 10 months after the meeting in Casblanca

FDR and Churchill met with China's Jiang in Cairo and them flew to meet Stalin in Tehran. At Tehran, the U.S and Britain promised to invade France within the next 6 months.

Why was the march on Washington canceled

FDR gave the African Americans a compromise by passing the executing order 8802, banning discrimination in the armed forces.

What were some arguments made in the pres. election of 1944

FDR supporters argued that the nation couldn't afford to switch leaders in the middle of a war, but Dewey's vigor and relative youth pointed up the Pres.'s failing health and energy

Jan 1941 FDR's State of the Union Address:

FDR's 4 freedoms; Freedom of speech; Freedom of religion; Freedom from want; Freedom from fear.

The Holocaust: Stages

First step - Identification Second step - Internment Third step - Destruction

How was the war a powerful force for the assimilation of the N.As

Forty thousand moved to off-reservation jobs; they were a key labor force for military supply depots throughout the west. The average cash income of Indian households tripled during the war. Many stayed in cities at its end.

Korematsu v. United States, (1944)

Fred Korematsu was arrested and convicted for not reporting to an assembly center in May 1942 The court ruled during WWII, that the internment of Japanese Americans such as Fred Korematsu was legal because the posed a potential threat to the United States.

The North African campaign

From 1940 to 1943, the Allies and Axis battled in North Africa, About 240,000 Germans and Italians surrendered.

In 1940 and 1941, what were the Germans doing to the supplies and resources being sent to different countries

From bases in France, they intercepted shipments of oil from Nigeria, beef from Argentina, minerals from Brazil and weapons from the U.S. Through the end of 1941, German "tonnage warfare" sank merchant vessels faster than they could be replaced.

How did Washington divide the responsibilities in the Pacific theater

General Douglas MacArthur operated in the islands that stretched between Australia and the Philippines. Admiral Chaster Nimitz commanded in the central Pacific. The Allied planned to isolate Japan from its southern conquests.

Breaking Out (Normandy)

General Patton Given Command of 3rd Army just after D-Day; U.S. 3rd Army spearheads Normandy Breakout; Paris Liberated August 25, 1944; British and Canadian Forces Liberate Belgium (August 1944).

What lessons were learned from the Holocaust for today

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

War at Sea

German Naval strategy much the same as World War I: Reliance on the U-Boat, Cut England's commerce, Starve England into Submission.

Nuremberg Laws (1935)

German laws which denied civil rights to Jews and the campaigned against them intensified. denied German Jews citizenship basic rights and forced to wear yellow stars. Kristallnacht: Night of Broken Glass- Jewish shops and synagogues destroyed across Germany.

How did Germany reply to FDR's "shoot on sight" policy and the order to escort British convoys within 400 miles of Britain

German submarines torpedoed and damaged the destroyer "Kerny" on October 17 and sank the destroyer "Reuben James" with the loss of more than 100 lives on October 30. The U.S was approaching outright naval war with Germany

What happened at Kasserine Pass in the Atlas of Tunisia in Feb. 1943

German tanks counterattacked U.S divisions. Learning quickly from this tactical defeat, Allied troops forced the Axis in Africa to surrender in May. Eisenhower had already demonstrated his ability to handle the politics of military leadership, skills he perfected commanding a multinational army for the next 2 half years.

What happened at Stalingrad (present day Volgograd), an industrial center on the western bank of the Volga River in September and October 1942

German, Italian, and Romanian soldiers fought their war house by house into the city. The Red Army delivered a counterstroke on November 18 that cut off 330,000 Axis soldiers. Airlifts kept the Germans fighting for 2 more month, but hey surrendered in Feb. 1943.

What decision was made at the Yalta Conference (1945)

Germany to be disarmed & divided into 4 zones of occupation. Veto power to be given to Big 5 nations at U. N. Soviet Union to get 3 seats in UN General Assembly. In exchange for entering war against Japan 2-3 months after Germany surrenders.

Despite the popular desire for revenge against Japan, why did the U.S decide to defeat Germany first

Germany war far stronger than Japan. Defeat of Japan would not assure the defeat of Germany, especially if it crushed the Soviet Union or starved Britain into submission. In contrast, a strategy that helped the Soviets and British survive and then destroyed German military power would doom Jaan

How did the U.S stop the Japanese in June 1942 when they struck struck the island of Midway, 1,500 miles northwest of Honolulu in hopes of destroying American carrier forces

Having cracked Japanese radio codes, U.S forces were aware of the lan for a diversionary invasion of the Aleutian Islands. On the morning of June 4, U.S Navy dive bombers found the Japanese fleet and sank or crippled 3 aircraft carriers in 5 minutes; another Japanese carrier sank later in the day. The battle of Midway ended Japanese efforts to expand in the Pacific.

By contrast, how did Hawaii treat Japanese Americans differently

Hawaii's long history a multiethnic society made residents and officials disinclined to loos for a racial scapegoat. Less than 1% of Hawaii's Japanese American population of 160,000 was interned. The treatment of mainland Japanese Americans also contrasted with the situation of German Americans ad Italian Americans

What happened to Hitler when the Nazi empire collapsed

He committed suicide on April 30 in his concrete bunker deep under devastated Berlin, which surrendered to the Soviets on May 2.

A. Philip Randolph

He was a labor leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters who worked with Walter White of the NAACP to plan a "Negro March on Washington" to protest racial discrimination by the fed. govt.

What was the significance of the Battle of brittain

Hitler's 1st defeat - war shifts to the east; Brit. becomes 1st line of defense - will defend its empire; U.S. aid becomes vital - the "Atlantic lifeline"

How did the strategy to defeat Germany first recognize that the Eastern Front held the key to Allied hopes

In 1941, Germany had seized control of 45% of the Soviet population, 47% of its grain production and more than 6-% of its coal, steel, and aluminum industries. Hitler next sought to destroy Soviet capacity to wage war. He targeted southern Russia, an area rich in grain and oil. The German thrust was also designed to eliminate the British from the Middle East

The Invasion of Italy

In 1943, U.S. troops invaded Italy's new government surrendered to the Allies.

The German advance (1941-1942)

In June 1941, more than 3 million Axis troops crossed the Soviet border.

How did German submarines (known as U-boats) opperate as far as the Carribean and the Carolinas in 1942.

In June. U-Boats sank 144 ships; drowned sailors washed up on Carolina beaches. Only the extesnion of the convoy system to American waters forced the subs back toward Britain.

How did white resitane to black coworkers remain strong.

In Mobile,New Orleans, and Jachsombille, agree,emts between shipyards and segregated unions blocked skilled black workers from high- wage jobs. Attempts to overturn discrimination could lead to violence. When the Alabama Dry Dock Company integrated its work force in May 1943, white workers rioted.

In December 1941, how was the war the U.S plunged into a truly gobal war that was being fought on 6 distinct fronts.

In North Africa, the British battled Italian and German armies that were trying to seize the Suez Canal. On the eastern front, Soviet armies held defensive positions. In China, Japan controlled the most productive provinces, but could not crush Chinese resistance, which was supported by supplies airlifted from British India. In Southeast Asia, Japanese troops attacked the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies, New Guinea, Malaya, and Burma. In the central Pacific, the Japanese fleet faced the U.S Navy.

What was just one example of the country's racially charged hostilities

In the spring of 1943, more than 20,000 white workers at a Detroit plant that produced engines for bombers and PT boats walked off the job in protest over the promotion of a small handful of black workers — a protest hardly emblematic of a nation seamlessly joining together to battle a common enemy.

What advances did the Japanese make against the British

In the spring, Japan pushed the British out of Burma and overwhelmed Filipino and U.S defensive fortress on the Bataan peninsula. On May 6, the last American bastion, the island fortress of Correigidor in Manila Bay, surrendered.

Robert Watson-Watt

Invented radar which the RAF used for early detection to intercept German planes heading for London.

In its attacks on Japan, what did the the USAAF use

It abandoned its policy of precision bombing, and used a mix of incendiaries and high explosives to burn Japanese cities to the ground.

How was the war's domestic impacts as profound as its international consequences.

It highlighted racial inequalities, gave women new opportunities, and fostered growth in the South and West. By devastating the nation's commercial rivals, compelling workers to retrain and factories to modernize, WWII left the U.S dominant in the world economy.

How did WWII increase the size of the fed. govt, and its relationship with the military, businesses, and science.

It increased the size and scope of the fed. govt. and built an alliance among the armed forces, big business, and science that helped shape postwar America.

What was the result of the nuclear bombing in Japan

Japan ceased hostilities on August 14 and surrendered formally on Sept. 2. The world had wondered ever since of the U.S might've defeated Japan without resorting to atomic bombs, but recent research shows that the bombs were the shock that allowed the Emperor and peace advocated to overcome military leaders who wanted to fight to the death.

What happened when war erupted between Japan and China in 1937

Japan took many of the key cities and killed tens of thousands of civilians in the "rape of Nanking" but failed to dislodge the govt. of Jiang Jieshi and settled into a war of attrition.

How were Japan's chances of defeating the U.S and Great Britain

Japan's conquest reached their limit after 6 months, but in early 1942, it was far from clear that that would be so. In Europe, Allied fortuned went from bad to worse in the first half of 1942. Decisive turning points did not come until November 1942, a year after the U.S had entered the war.

What happened to the Japanese a the end of April in 1942

Japanese in coastal areas were given a week to organize their affairs and report to assembly centers, where they were housed before being moved to 10 internment camps in isolated locations in theWestern interior. Here they were housed in tar-paper barracks hemmed in by barbed-wire fenced, and guarded by military police.


Japanese pilots who were part of suicide missions which confirmed American fears that the Japanese would fight to the death.

D-Day invasion

June 6,1944, the day of the first paratroop drops and amphibious landings on the coast of Normandy, France in the first stage of Operation OVERLORD during WW 2. In order to force Germany to fight a two front war the Allies needed to invade France. A turning point in WWII.

What decision was made at the Cairo Conference (1943)

Korea to be independent at war's end and Taiwan to be returned to China from Japan.


Lebensraum - the German need for more land. Anschluss Hitler's union with Austria; Sudetenland - region in Czechoslovakia populated by ethnic Germans

Factors for the Rise of Fascist States

Major economic instability weakened European political life; Uncontrollable inflation wiped out savings and created mass unemployment;

By the mid-1920s, what was the result of the many unsuccessful revolts that occurred across Germany:

Many revolts were led by workers and the German Communist Party; Anti-communists also popular A small conservative nationalist group, the "National Socialist German Worker's Party" (the NDSP) tried to overthrow the German government in 1923: Party called the "Nazi" Party for short Its leader, WWI veteran Adolf Hitler, was thrown in prison for several years

How did Americans not know how to respond to the growing number of working women.

Many worked that their employment would undermined families. The fed. govt. assisted female entry into the labor force by funding day-care programs that served 600,000 children. Employment recruitment posters showed strong, handsome women with rilled up sleeves and wrenches in hand.

What occured during the zoot suit riots

Many zoot-suiters were beaten by servicemen and stripped of their zoot suits on the spot. The servicemen sometimes urinated on the zoot suits or burned them in the streets.

How did most Americans feel in 1939 about intervention in the war in Europe

Most Americans wanted to avoid foreign quarrels. People who opposed intervention in the European conflicts considered themselves realists. Drawing their lessons from 1914-1918, they assumed that the same situation applied in 1939. For more than 2 years after the invasion of Poland, strong isolationist sentiment shaped public debate and limited Pres. Roosevelt's ability to help Britain and its allies.


Nazi teachers began to apply the "principles" of racial science by measuring skull size and nose length and recording students' eye color and hair to determine whether students belonged to the "Aryan race."


Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, 8/23/1939 USSR and Germany will not fight each other Both agree to split Poland; September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland

What caused U.S neutrality to fail

Neutrality Act 1939 - "cash and carry "; Selective Service and Training Act (1940) first peacetime draft in the U.S.; FDR said America would be the "Arsenal of Democracy"; Late 1940 - Britain was out of money.

Despite the discrimination in jobs, how did Af-Ams triumph

Nevertheless, Af-Am membership in labor unions doubled, and wartime prosperity raised the average black income from 41% pf the white average to 61% by 1950.

How did some industries adjust to allow women to work

New aircraft companies, which compounded labor shortages by stubborn "white only" hiring, developed new power tools and production techniques to accommodate the smaller average size of women workers, increasing efficiency for everyone along the production line.

Neutrality Act (1939)

No Americans sailing on ships of belligerent nations; No American loans to belligerent nations. These acts did NOT distinguish between aggressor (ex: Germany) and victim (ex: Poland).

What were some major battles in the war in Europe

North Africa campaign, 1940-1943 (operation "Torch"); Invasion of Italy, 1943: Italy surrenders; German Invasion of Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)

When Lenin took power, What radical changes did he make to Russia:

Officially changed the name of the Bolshevik Party to the Communist Party; Most private property was abolished and divided amongst the people; Large industries and companies were taken over by the government (nationalized); Created an organization called ComIntern (Communist International) to spread revolution worldwide

Japanese-American Internment

On February 19, 1942, just two months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. it authorized the War Department to designate "military areas" that excluded people considered to be a danger to the United States. But, the order actually had a specific target: 110,000 Japanese Americans living along the West Coast of the United States.

In What battle did the first check to Japanese expansion come

On Mau 7-8, 1942, in the battle of Coral Sea, where U.S aircraft carriers halted a Japanese advance toward Australia. In June. the Japansese struck the island of Midway, 1,500 miles northwest of Honolulu.

In early August which 2 of the 3 nuclear bombs did the U.S drop on Japan

One August 6 at Hiroshima the first bomb killed at least 80 thousand people and poisoned thousands more with radiation. A second bomb 3 days later at Nagasaki took another 40 thousand lives


Over 300,000 Allied soldiers are evacuated to Britain Gave Britain hope to stand alone against Germany

What fueled the first bomb tested at the Trinity site, 100 miles from Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945

Plutonium from Hanford. The explosion astonished even the physicists; Oppenheimer quoted from Hindu scriptures as he tried to comprehend the results: "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

Once in power, How did Mussolini take totalitarian control of Italy:

Political opponents jailed or killed; Created large public works programs; Teachers, journalists had to take oath of support to the Fascist party; Ordered Italian military to attack parts of Greece and invade Ethiopia; Signed a treaty of cooperation with Hitler's Germany in the 1930s.

How was domestic politics one reason to use the atomic bomb

Pres. Roosevelt and his chief military advisers had spent billions on the secret atomic bomb project without the knowledge of Congress or the American public. The managers of the Manhattan Project many have believed that only proof of its value would quiet critics and justify the hugs cost.

What happened at the Wannsee Conference, January, 1942 in Germany

Reinhard Heydrich detailed the plan to exterminate 11,000,000 Jews using concentration camps. Hitler's genocide program to rid Europe of Jews. (later included gypsies, Poles, Russians, homosexuals, mentally disabled and the incurably ill).

How was Stalin a good example of the cult of persinality

Renamed numerous towns and cities He accepted grandiloquent titles ( "Father of Nations," "Brilliant Genius of Humanity," and "Great Architect of Communism,"

What did FDR do in July 1941 after Japan occupies French Indochina

Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the U.S, blocked petroleum shipments, and began to build up U.S forces in the Philippines. Both militarily and economically, it looked in Tokyo as if 1942 was Japan's last chance for victory

How did FDR soon begin an undeclared war in the North Atlantic

Roosevelt instructed the navy to report sightings of German submarines to the British. In Sept., the U.S destroyer "Breer" clashed with a German submarine. Roosevelt proclaimed a "shoot on sight" policy for German subs and told the navy to escort British convoys within 400 miles of Britain.

Double V Campaign

Segregation: Its impact at the Alabama Dry Dock shipyard. On Tuesday morning, May 25, 1943, tensions explode at the Alabama Dry Dock shipyard. African-American Troops Training

When does Japan surrender in the war

September 2, 1945. The Emperor in the first radio broadcast told Japanese people that Japan was surrendering. First time ever Japanese people actually heard their Emperor speak . Unconditional except Emperor was allowed to stay

Dorie Miller

Serving in a noncombat role in the Navy, he responded heroically when the battleship West Virginia was attacked at Pearl Harbor. African Americans were not given combat roles or weaponry training, so his adept ability to shoot down enemy planes was all the more remarkable. First African American awarded the U.S. Navy Cross.

What was given to the USSR in the Yalta Conference

So. Sakhalin Is., concessions in Manchuria for ports, joint control of Manchuria RR, and Central Kuril Is. Eastern Polish borders to be set to the advantage of the Soviets. U. S. S. R. to pledge to hold free elections in Europe. War crimes trials to be held after the war.

how was atomic diplomacy one reason to use the atomic bomb

Some historians believe that Truman used atomic weapons to overawe the Soviet Union and induce it to more cautiously in expanding its influence in Europe and East Asia. Truman and his advisers were certainly aware of how the bomb might influence the Soviet leadership

What were some reasons why women went to work

Some women worked out of patriotism. Manu other, however, needed to support their families and already had years of experience in the work force.

How did the superficial harmony between Britain, the U,S and Soviets barely survive the end of the war

Stalin and his generals scoffed at the small scale of early U.S efforts. FDR's idea of self-determination for all peoples seemed naive to Churchill, who wanted the major powers to carve out realistic spheres of influence in Europe. It was irrelevant to Stalin, who wanted control of eastern Europe.

Atlantic charter

Statement of common principles and war aims developed by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime minister Winston Churchill. Provided a political umbrella for American involvement. FDR and Churchill meet - strengthen alliance plan WWII goals; Established a blueprint for postwar world.

Although German offensive opened with stunning success, how did every day's advance stretch the supply line

Tanks ran out of fuel and spare parts. The horses that pulled German supply wagons does fro lack of food.

How did the defeat of Germany reveal appalling evidence of the evil at the heart of the Nazi ideology of racial superiority

The "final solution" to what Hitler thought of as the "Jewish problem" went far beyond slave labor. The elite SS, Hitler's personal army within the Nazi party, in 1942 set out to eliminate all of Europe's Jew's.

Navajo Code Talkers

The Code used by them created messages by first translating Navajo words into English, then using the first letter of each English word to decipher the meaning. Because different Navajo words might be translated into different English words for the same letter, the code was especially difficult to decipher

How did Govt. officials ave a harder time controlling hollywood

The Office of War information wanted propaganda in feature films, bit not so heavy-handed that it drove viewers from theaters. War films revealed the nation's racial attitudes often drawing distinctions between "good" and "bad" Germans but uniformly portraying Japanese as subhuman and repulsive.

Island Hopping

The Pacific campaigns of 1944 that were the American naval versions of Blitzkrieg. Planes from American carriers controlled the air, allowing the navy and land forced to isolate and capture the most strategically located Japanese-held islands which bypassing the rest.

Proclaiming the start of a thousand year Reich (empire), how did Hitler combine historic German interest in eastward expansion with a long tradition of German racial superiority.

The Slabs of eastern Europe were to be pushed aside to provide more territory for a growing German population, and the Jews, who were prominent in German business and professional life, were to be driven from the country.

How did the western powers "give away" eastern Europe at the Yalta conference

The Soviet Union gained little that it did not already control. In East Asia as well, the Soviets could seize the territories that the agreements granted them

What was the Reaction in the US to Japan taking parts of China and Asia

The United States condemned Japan's actions US passed Neutrality Acts to prevent the nation from getting involved in foreign conflicts

What was the effects of the atomic bombings

The explosion created a supersonic shock wave which was responsible for destroying most of the buildings in the blast zone. The heat of the blast, estimated at 3000 to 4000 degrees Celsius. "Shadows" were left behind where objects shielded a surface from the heat.

Coral Sea

The first check to Japanese expansion on May 7-8. 1942, where U.S aircraft halter a Japanese advance toward Australia.

Battle of the Atlantic

The long struggle between German submarined and the British and U.S navies in the North Atlantic from 1940 to 1943

How did the roots of WWII begin in the aftereffects of WWI

The peace settlement after the war created a set of small new nations in Eastern Europe that were vulnerable to aggression from large neighborhood such as Germany and the Soviet Union. Italy and Japan thought they the Treaty of Versailles failed to recognize their stature as world powers. Many Germans were convinced that Germany had been betrayed rather then defeated in 1918.

Rosie the Riveter

The strong, competent woman dressed in overalls and bandanna-- who was introduced as a symbol of patriotic womanhood. The accoutrements of war work were incorporated into the revised image of the feminine ideal.

The Holocaust

The systematic murder of millions of European Jews and others deemed undesirable by Nazi Germany. Soviet troops could scarcely believe what they say as they overran the death camps and freed the few survivors.

How had FDR's New Deal run out of steam in 1938

The war reinvigorated his political fortunes by focusing national energies on foreign policy, over which presidents have the greatest power. After the 1942 election left congress in the hans of rep.s, conservative lawmakers ignores the proposals that the war emergency housing be used to improve the national's permanent housing stock, abolished the National Resourced Planning Board curtailed rural electrification, and crippled the Farm Security Administration.

What did the British take in the Pacific

They moved from India to retake Burma. The Americans advanced along the islands of the southern Pacific to retake the Philippines.

What was the result of networks of bootleg tailors who continued to manufacture Zoot suits after it was prohibited duet to the war effort

This exacerbated racial tensions, as Mexican American youths wearing the zoot suits were seen as un-American because they were deliberately ignoring the rationing regulations.

how did blacks encounter discriminination on and off the base

Towns adjacent to army posts were sometimes of limits to blacks. At some Southern bases,`German prisoners of war watched movies from the first rows along with white GIs while Af-Ams soldiers watched from the back. Military courts were quick to judge and hash to punish when black HIs were the accused.

How was military necessity one reason to use the atomic bomb

Truman later argued that the use of atomic bombs was necessary to avoid an invasion of Japan that would've cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Military planners expected Japanese soldiers to put up the same kind of suicidal resistance in the defense of the home islands as they had to American landings at the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

Harry S. Truman

U.S President who took over after FDR died in April 12, 1945. He was a shrewd politician with limited experience. He was FDR's vice president. He didn't trust the Soviets.

Operation Fortitude: The Army That Wasn't

U.S. Fourth Army; Deception of German Reconnaissance Aircraft; Wanted the Germans to believe the invasion would be elsewhere; Fortitude South: Pas de Calais; Fortitude North: Norway Balloons and Plywood; General Patton is in charge.

How did Bases for Destroyers cause the U.S to move towards intervention

US transferred 50 destroyers to Britain in exchange for land rights in British possessions

What decision was made in the Potsdam declaration (1945)

Unconditional surrender of Japan or fact prompt and utter destruction. - Set up of a council to administer Germany/ - Set up of machinery to negotiate peace treaties. - Transfer of German people out of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland into Germany. - Stalin's announcement that there will be no elections in Eastern Europe.

America First Committee

Was formed by famed aviator Charles Lindberg and others to keep the U.S out of the war. After war broke out in Europe, the committee waged a campaign against American entry.

As the American military planners had feared, how had the Italian campaign soaked up Allied resources

Week after Week. the experience of GIs on the line was the same. Despite months of Bitter fighting, the Allied controlled only 2/3 of Italy when the war there ended on May 1, 1945.

Communism vs Fascism

While communism is a system based around a theory of economic equality and advocates for a classless society, fascism is a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.

How did the hordes of war workers find housing scarce in the booming towns

Workers in Seattle's shipyards and Boeing plants scrounged for living space in offices, tents, chicken coops,a and rooming houses where "hot beds" rented in shifts. The situation was similar in small towns

Remembering the Holocaust

Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day; The stelae sculpture aims to represent a supposedly ordered system that has lost touch with human reason; The Sculpture of Love and Anguish- Holocaust Memorial of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation;Krakow Deportation monument;

What did the war effort give Americans

a common purpose that softened the divisions of region, class, and national origin while calling attention to continuing inequalities of race.

Casablanca Conference

a meeting between the Allied leaders in January 1943. Roosevelt and Churchill demanded the "unconditional surrender" of Italy, Germany, and Japan; the phrase meant no deals that kept the enemy govt.s or leaders in power.

Tehran Conference

a meeting between the U.S, Britain, and Stalin 10 months after the Casablanca conference. The U.S and Britain promised to invade France within 6 months.

What jobs did women do on the Kaiser shipyards

a quarter of the shipbuilders were the women and they worked in a variety of jobs from welding to nearly every shipyard craft. The shipyards also brought people of different backgrounds and races to work together on building ships to win the war


a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. The Nazis used propaganda to promote their anti-Semitic ideas. One such book was the children's book, The Poisonous Mushroom.

What did Kaiser's competitive advantages include

a well trained and motivated workforce, job education and training, a health plan for workers, and kaiser sponsored nursery schools that kept productivity and morals high at the shipyards. Another advantage was the implemented system of pre-fabrication which allowed complex tasks to be broken down to smaller, simpler, and easier to earn ones.

Japanese Internment Camps

after bombing of Pearl Harbor, many Japanese Americans were the target of discrimination. the War Relocation Authority was created to relocate Japanese Americans- most lost everything in the relocation and had to start over when the war ended.

What did the U.S apply mass production technology to

aircraft production, at a time when Japan was still building warplanes one at a time and Germany in small batches.

Despite the obstacles how did blacks succeed in the military

all black units, such as the 76st Tank Battalion and the 99th Pursuit Squadron, earned distinguished records. More broadly, the war experience helped to invigorate postwar efforts to achieve equal rights, as had also been true after W1

The War Manpower Commission

allocated workers among vital industries and the military. charged with planning to balance the labor needs of agriculture, industry and the armed forces.

bracero program

allowed Mexicans to take temporary agricultural work in the U.S. More than 4.5 million Mexican nationals were legally contracted for work in the U.S.

How were the results of war production staggering

an estimated 40% of the world's military production was coming from the u.S by 1944. The productivity of U.S workers increased 30% between 1945. Surging farm income pulled agriculture out of its long slump. The rich got richer, but overall per capita income doubled, and the poorest quarter of America made up some of the ground lost during the Great Dep.

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team

an infantry regiment in the United States Army comprised of Americans of Japanese ancestry. They fought in Italy and France during World War II against the German Army of Hitler's Third Reich. They earned a reputation for being a crack infantry unit and the regiment and its men received considerable battle honors and individual medals of valor.

Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of

an official all-embracing ideology and propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that controls the state, personality cults, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism.

What did the outbreak of war trigger against the Japanese citizens in the U.S

anti-Japanese hysteria and gave officials an excuse to take action against both enemy aliens (immigrants who retained Japanese citizenship_ and their American-born children.

What did Af-Ams contribute to the war effort

approximately 1 million Af-Ams also served in the armed forced during WW2. As it had since the civil war, the army organized black soldiers in segregated units and often assigned them to the more menial jobs, excluding them from combat until manpower shortages forced changes in this policy

cult of personality

arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.

Speaking to congress the following day after pearl harbor, what did Roosevelt proclaim December 7th, 1941

as "a date which will live in infamy." He asked for, and got, a declaration of war against the Japanese. Hitler and Mussolini declared war on the U.S on December 11.

How did Americans feel the bits of the first payroll deduction for income taxes

as the government secured revenues and soaked ip come of the high wages that would have pushed inflation. By 1945 the fed. budget was $98 billion, eleven times as large as in 1939, and the national debt increased more than sixfold.

Executive Order 9066 (1942)

authorized the secretary of war to define restricted areas and remove civilian residents who were threats to national securities

How did the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union catch the URRS off guard

because the Nazis and Soviets had signed a nonaggression pact in 1939, and the USSR had helped dismember Poland.

How did Kaiser contribute to the allies wining the war

between 1941-1945, the Richmond shipyards built 747 ships for the war effort (30 days per ship). The Kaiser shipyards led the nation in quality.

Richland, Washington

burgeoned into a sprawling metropolis that supported the creation of plutonium at the Hanford Engineer Works. Oak Ridge, Tn, new Knoxville, was built around gaseous diffusion plants.

How did the experience of war accelerate the fight for full civil rights for N.As

congress made Indians citizens in 1924, but several states continued to deny them the vote. Activists organized the National Congress of American Indians in 1944 and began efforts that led the U.S Supreme Court in 1948 to require states tog grant voting rights.

By slowing price increases, what did the OPA help do

convince Americans to buy the war bonds that financed half the war spending.

How did Americans put their lives on fast foward

couples who had postponed marriage because of the depression doubled afford to marry as the economy picked up. Altogether, the war years brought 1.2 million "extra" marriages, compared to the rate of the period 1929-1939.

Office of Scientific Research and Development (O.S.R.D.)

created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during World War II.S1- Section - eventually the Manhattan Project.

From where did the emotional appeal of neutrality in the U. come from

disillusionment with the American crusade in WW1, which had failed to make the world safe for democracy. Many opponents of intervention wanted the U.S to protect its traditional spheres of interest in Latin American and the Pacific. Like George Washington, whose farewell Address, they quoted, they wanted to avoid becoming entangled in the perpetual quarrels of the European nations.

Striking from a central position against scattered enemies, how did Hitler choose the targets and timing of each new front

east to smash Poland in Sept. 1939; north to capture Denmark and Norway in April and May 1940; west to defeat the Netherlands, Belgium, and France in May and June 1940; South into the Balkans, enlisting Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria as allied and conquering Yugoslavia and Greece in April and May 1941. He also launched the Battle of Britain in the second half of 1940, sending bombers in an unsuccessful effort to pound Britain into submission.

Where did most defense contracts go to

established industrial states as Michigan, NY, and Ohio.

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)

fed. agency established in 1941 to curb racial discrimination in war production jobs and govt. employment.

What did Germany form with Italy in 1936 and with Japan in 1940

formed the Rome-Berlin Axis in October 1936 and the Tripartite Pact with Japan in 1940, leading to the term Axis Powers to describe the aggressor nations. Political dissidents in all 3 nations were suppressed, but Hitler's Germany was the most repressive.

The Office Price Administration (OPA)

fought inflation with price controls and rationing that began with tired, sugar, and coffee and eventually included meat, butter, gasoline, and shoes. Consumers used ration cards and ration stamps to obtain scarce products. Directed the rationing of goods on home front.

How did Noninterventionists spanned the political spectrum

from left0leaning labor unions to such ultraconservative business tycoons as Henry Ford, from radicals who wanted the European nations to fight themselves into exhaustion to admirers of Hitler and Mussolini. Any move to intervene in Europe ha to take these different views into account, meaning that FDR had to move the U.S slowly and carefully to the side of Britain.

Daily Life on the Home Front

he government understood the need to maintain morale. It encouraged citizens to participate in the war effort. One popular idea was the victory garden, a home vegetable garden planted to add to the home food supply and replace farm produce sent to feed the soldiers

Because 85% of the American people agreed that the nation should fight only if directly attacked what did FDR

he had to chip away at neutrality. In October 1939, lawmakers reluctantly passed the Neutrality Act of 1939 allowing arms sales to belligerent nations on a "cash and carry" basis. In control of the Atlantic, France and Britain were the only expected customers.

How did Roosevelt want to treat Japan

he wanted to restrain the Japanese with bluff and intimidation so that the U.S could focus on Germany. FDR also recognized the possibility of a two-front war. Because he U.S cracked Japanese codes, it know by November than Japanese military action was imminent but expected the blow to come in Southern Asia.

How experienced was HarryTruman to be President after FDR died of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945

he was a shrewd politician, but his experience was limited; FDR had not even told him about the Manhattan project. Deeply distrustful of the Soviets, Truman first ventured into personal international diplomacy in July 1945 at a British-Soviet-American conference in Postdam near Berlin.

Vannevar Bush

he was at the center if the scientific enterprise and former dean at the MA Institute of Technology. As head of the newly established Office of Scientific Research and Development, he guided spending on research and development that drafted previous scientific work and set the pattern of massive fed. support for science that continued the war.

How did the Philippine campaign also destroy the offensive capacity of the Japanese fleet

in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the U.S military sank 4 Japanese battleships, 4 carriers, and 10 cruisers. The Japanese home islands were left with no defensive screen against an expected invasion.

where did the final shove into war come for the U.S

in the Pacific rather than the Atlantic. In 1940, as part of its rearmament program, the U.S decided to build a "2-ocean navy." This decision antagonized Japan. Japan had achieved roughly70% of U.S naval strength by late 1941. However. America's buildup promised to reduce that ratio to only 30% by 1944. Furthermore, the U.S was gradually restricting Japan's vital imports of steel, iron ore, and aluminum.

The War Production Board

invested $17 billion for new factories and managed $181 billion in war-supply contracts, favoring bog corporations with experienced in large-scale production. directed conversion of industries from peacetime work to war needs, allocated scarce materials, established priorities in the distribution of materials and services, and prohibited nonessential production.

What did the "led-lease" program that FDR proposed in Jan. 1941 do

it allowed Britain to "borrow" military equipment for the duration of the war. Roosevelt compared the program to lending a garden hose to a neighbor whose house has caught fire. Senator Robert Taft of Ohio countered that it was more like lending chewing gum- you wouldn't want it back after it was used. Behind the scheme was Britain's inability to go on paying for American goods.

What did the need to fight a global war bring to the federal government

it brought huge expansions of the fed. govt. The War Manpower Commission allocated workers among vital industries and the military. The War Production board invested $17 billion for new factories and managed $181 billion in war-supply contracts, favoring bog corporations with experienced in large-scale production.

How did MacArthur use a version of the bypass strategy in the Solomon islands and New Guinea

leapfrogging over Japanese strong points. The invasion of the Philippines repeated the approach by landing on Leyte, in the middle of the island chain

Yalta Conference

meeting of U.S President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin held in February 1945 to plan the final stages of WW 2 and postwar programs.

How did WW 2 change the lives of most Americans

millions of men and women served in the armed forces and millions more worked in defense factories. The number of civilian employees of the federal government quadrupled to 3.8 million. Meanwhile, youngsters saved tin foil, collected metal, an followed the freedom fighting stories of Wonder Woman in the comics

What were the Detroit riots sparked by

minor altercations amid aggressive white resistance to black labor flocking to the city's factories during America's ramped-up war effort, the Detroit riots (June 20-22) killed 34 people — 25 African Americans, nine whites — wounded hundreds more and damaged and destroyed property worth millions.


occurred in Late spring, 1940. In order for Germany to successfully invade Great Britain it launches a series of massive air raids against population centers in great Britain. July 10 - start of 3-month air war; ends Oct 30 after 57-day Blitz on London; Brit. lose 832 fighters; Ger. lose 668 plus 600 bombers;

What happened after a group of sailors stated that they had been attacked by a group of Mexican American zoot-suiters on June 3, 1943

on June 4 a number of uniformed sailors chartered cabs and proceeded to the Mexican American community, seeking out the zoot-suiters. What occurred that evening and in the following days was a series of conflicts primarily between servicemen and zoot-suiters

Executive Order 8802

passed in June 1941 barring racial discrimination in defense contracts and creating the Fair Employment Practices Committee.

in response to the zoot-suit rioting, what did the police do

police arrested hundreds of Mexican American youths, many of whom had already been attacked by servicemen. In contrast, very few sailors and soldiers were arrested during the riots.


pose a huge threat to Britain's ability to import food, weapons, and medical supplies

How did war inexorably penetrate everyday life

residents in war-production cities had to cope with throngs of new workers, many of whom were unattached males- young men waiting for their draft call and older men without their families. Military and defense officials worries about sexually transmitted diseases and pressured cities to shit down their vice districts.

Zoot Suits

riots which occurred in L.A against members of the Mexican-American community who wore Zoot suits.

What do Historians think was Roosevelt's goal in the North Atlantic

some think that his goal was to support Britain short of war. Others believe that he accepted the inevitability of war but hesitated to outpace public opinion. In this second interpretation, FDR wanted to eliminate Hitler without going to war if possible, with war if necessary.

Potsdam Declaration (1945)

statement issued by the U.S during a meeting of U.S president Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin in which the U.S declared its intention to democratize the Japanese political system and reintroduce Japan into the international community.

What were some Japanese military advancements during the war

striking the Philippines a few hours after Hawaii, they gained another tactical surprise, destroying most American air power on the ground and isolating U.S forced. Between Feb. 27 and March 1, Japan brushed aside a combined American. British, Dutch, and Australian fleet in the battle of Java Sea, and a numerically inferior Japanese force had seized Singapore.

How did Hitler strike a last bow on Dec. 6, 1944

stripping the eastern front of armored units, he launched 25 divisions against thinly held U.S positions in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium. He hope to split U.S and British forces by capturing Belgian port of Antwep. Taking advantage of snow and fog that grounded Allied aircraft, the Germans drove a 50 mile bulge into U.S lines.

How did tension between white and black residents explode

tensions exploded in at least 50 cities in 1943 alone. In June 1943, an argument over the use of Detroit's Belle Isle Park set off 3 days of violence: 25 black people and 9 white people died in the most serious racial riot of the war.

What did Japanese nationalists believe

that Japan should expel the French, British. Dutch, and Americans from Asia and create a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, in which Japan gave the others and other Asian people complied.

What did Truman make clear about Japan in the Postdam Declaration

that the U.S expected to dominate the occupation of Japan. Its goal was to democratize the Japanese political system and reintroduce Japan into the international community- a policy that succeeded.

What did opinion polls in the fall of 1941 show

that the most voters still hoped to avoid war. President Roosevelt's challenge was to lead the U.S toward rearmament and support for Great Britain and China without alarming a reluctant public.

The investigation committee's in CA report indicate about the Zoot suite riots

that there were several factors involved but that racism was the central cause of the riots and that it was exacerbated by the response of the Los Angeles Police Department as well as by biased and inflammatory media coverage.

What did med and women assume about working women

that women would want to return to the o=home after victory; they were to work when the nation needed them and quit when the need was past.

Meeting in Casablanca in Jan. 1943, what did FDR and Churchill demand

the "unconditional surrender" of Italy, Germany, and Japan; the phrase meant no deals that kept the enemy govt.s or leaders in power.

Who did American and British landings in North Africa in 1942 and Italy in 1943 satisfy

the British desire to secure western influence in the Mediterranean and Middle east

What were the reactions of some groups to the lend lease program

the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies argued the administration's position. In opposition, the America First Committee claimed that lend-lease would allow the pres. to declare a "defense article" Congress finally passed the measure in March 1941, giving Great Britain an unlimited line of credit.

Benito Mussolini

the Fascists' leader, became the Italian dictator. He aligned with Hitler and Japan to form the Axis powers during WW 2.

What did Hitler name himself in Germany in 1934

the German Führer, or absolute leader.

On the eastern front, how had the climatic battle of the German-Soviet war erupt on July 5, 1943

the Germans sent 3,000 tanks against the Kursk Salients. Soviet generals had prepared a defense in depth with 3,000 tanks of their own. When the attack finally stalled, it marked the last great German offensive until Dec. 1944.

What happened in Italy as Sicily fell in 1943

the Italian king and army forced Mussolini from power and began to negotiate peace with Britain and America (But not the USSR). In Sept., the Allies announced an armistice with Italy, and Eisenhower's troops landed south of Naples. Germany responded by occupying the rest of Italy.

Instead of attacking Southern Asia as the U.S predicted, what did the Japanese do on December 7th

the Japanese fleet sailed 4,000-mile loop through the empty North Pacific, avoiding merchant shipping and American patrols. Before the dawn on December 7, 6 Japanese aircraft carriers launched 351 planes in 2 unopposed bombing strikes on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

What did the U.S do in the same month as the peacetime drafts

the U.S concluded a "destroyer deal" with Britain, trading 50 old destroyers for the use of bases on British territories in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and Newfoundland.

How was 1943 the year in which the Allies gained the edge in quality of equipment, capacity for war production, and military sophistication

the U.S poured men and equipment into Britain The Soviets recruited, rearmed, and upgraded new armies, despite enormous losses in 1941 and 1942 and rebuilt munitions factories beyond German reach,

Eastern Front

the area of military operations in WW 2 located east of Germany in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

How did the nation have a different, but also mixed reaction to women who joined the armed forces

the armed services tries not to change established gender roles. Many of the women in uniform hammered at typewriters, worked switchboards, inventoried supplies. Others, however, worked close to combat zones as photographers, code analysts, and nurses.

What did Italian aggression lead to

the conquest of Ethiopia in 1935 and intervention in Spain in support of General Francisco Franco's right-wing rebels.

How did the war's impact on families gradual

the draft started with single men, then called ip married men without children, and finally tapped fathers in 1943. Left at home were millions of "service wives," whose compensation from the govt. was over $50 per month.

What was the biggest scientific effort

the drive to produce an atomic bomb. As early as 1939, Albert Einstein had written FDR about the possibility of such a weapon and the danger of falling behind the germans.

Manhattan Project

the effort, using the code name Manhattan Engineer District, to develop an atomic bomb under the management of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers during WW2. On Dec. 2, 1942, scientists manipulated graphite rids inserted in a stack of uranium ingots until they were certain they could trigger and control a self-sustaining nuclear reaction.

What did Enrico Fermi describe in his writing "The First Reactor"

the first controlled nuclear chain reaction- the critical experiment from which atomic weapons and atomic power would soon develop.

What did Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill agree in the Atlantic Charter

the first priority was to defeat Germany; Japan was secondary. Echoing Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt also insisted on a commitment to oppose territorial change by conquest, to support self-govt. and promote freedom of the seas

What did most of the sessions at Postdam debate

the future of Germany. The leaders endorsed the exclusion of ethnic Germans from eastern Europe and moved the borders of Poland 100 miles west into historically German territory...

Despite Japan's emperor being (Hirohito), who was the person with the true power.

the military leader of Japan, Hideki Tojo.Military rule was based on absolute loyalty to the military and emperor, and strong Japanese nationalism. Japan saw the United States and European powers as rivals for control of the Pacific and Asia.

what were the Detroit race riots

the most deadly riot in 1943 which occurred over the period of 3 days in Detroit in late June.

Although the U.S supreme court sanctioned the removals in Korematsu vs. the U.S (1944), what happened

the nation officials recognized its liability with the Japanese Claims act of 1948, for many internees has lost property that they had been powerless to protect. The national acknowledged its broader moral responsibility in 1988, when congress approved redress payments to each of the 60,000 surviving evacuees.

In the last months of 1944, ow did massive air strikes finally reduce German war production

the new American P-51 escort fighter helped B-17 bombers overfly Germany in relative safety after mid-1944. Thousand-bomber raids on railroads and old facilities began to cripple the German economy. The raids also forced Germany to devote 2.5 million workers to air defense and damage repair

As draft calls took men off the assembly line, how did women challenge the composition of the industrial work force

the war gave them new job opportunities that were emboddied in the image o Rosie the Riviter. The actue shortage of welders and oother skilled workers opened thousands of journeyman possitions to women, work that was far more lucrative than waiting tables of sewing in a cloting factories. New aircraft companies which compounded labor sho

What happened on D-Day

the western Allies landed on the coast of Normandy in northwestern France. 6 divisions went ashore from hundreds of attack transports carrying 4,000 landing craft. Dozens of warships and 12,000 aircraft provided support. One British and 2 American airborne divisions dripped behind German positions. When the sun set on the "longest day", the Allies had a tenuous toehold in France

What was the greatest departure from expected gender roles

the work of the 1,074 members of the Women's Air force Service Pilots (WASPS), a civilian auxiliary of the U.S Army Air Forces. From 1942-1944 they ferried military aircraft across the U.S, towered targets of antiaircraft practices, and testes new planes. Nevertheless, WASPS were not allowed to carry male passengers, and the unit was dissolved when the supply of male pilots caught with the demand.

In January 1943, what did the U.S War department complete

the world's largest office building, the pentagon. The building housed 23,000 workers along 17.5 miles of corridors. The gray walls of the Pentagon symbolized an American government that was outgrowing its prewar roots.

When Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, How did weaatern Journalists covering the 3-week conquest of Poland

they coined the term Blizkrieg, or "lightning war," to describe the German tactics. Armored divisions with tanks and motorized infantry punched quick holed in defensive positions and raced forward 30 or 40 miles per day.

What happened after U.S troops finally broke throughGerman lines around the town of St. Lô in operation overlord

they drew a ring around the Germans that slowly closed on the town of Falaise. The Germans lost a quarter of a million troops. The German command chose to regroup closer to Germany rather than fight in France. The Allied liberated Paris on August 25.

What decision was made at the Casablanca Conference (1943)

to accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.

With Japan's army still down in China, what did the Americans then plan

to bomb Japan into submission.

What was the most important American goal for the postwar world

to enlist the USSR on finishing off the Pacific war. Americans hoped that a Soviet attack on Manchuria would tie down enough Japanese troops to reduce U.S casualties in invading Japan. Stalin repeated his intent to declare war on Japan within 3 months of victory in Europe, in return for a free hand in Manchuria.

Why did Fermi emigrate to the U.S

to escape the growing repression of Facist Italy in 1938. When the U.S entered WWII, he, other atomic scientists, and their families moved to Los Alamos, a science city that the govt. built in northern New Mexico, where isolation was supposed to ensure secrecy and help the U.S win the race with Nazi Germany to develop atomic weapons.

What did the Postdam Declaration fail to do

to guarantee that Emperor Hirohito would not be tries as a war criminal. The Japanese response was so cautious that Americans read it as rejection.

What did Secretary of State James Byrnes now urge Truman to do after the Postdam Declaration.

to use the new atomic bomb, tested just weeks earlier: Japan's ferocious defense of Okinawa and suicide missions by thousands of Kamikaze pilots had confirmed American fears that the Japanese would fight to the death. In contrast, the bomb offered a quick end to the conflict, and it might intimidate Stalin. In short, a decision not to use atomic weapons was never a serious alternative.

What happened at The Bombing of Dresden

was a military bombing by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and the United States Army Air Force (USAAF) as part of the allied forces between 13 February and 15 February 1945 in the Second World War. In four raids, 1,300 heavy bombers dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city

What was the big campaign issue in the presidential election of 1940

whether FDR's unprecedented try for a 3rd term represented arrogance or legitimacy concern for continuity in a time of peril. The voters gave Roosevelt 55% of their votes to defeat his Republican opponent, Wendell Wilkie. The pres. pledged that no Am.s would fight in a foreign war, but if the U.S were attacked, he said private;y, the war would no longer be "foreign"

What does Isolationism explain

why the U.S accepted only a few thousand Jewish refugees. Anti-Semitism at the State Department also contributed to tight enforcement of immigration quotas, and polls showed that the public supported restricted immigration.

How had the U.S entered the ground war in Europe

with Operation TORCH. Against little opposition, British and American troops under General Dwight Eisenhower landed in French Morocco and Algeria on Nov. 8, 1942. The puppet french govt. in place there, which had collaborated with the Nazis now switched sides, giving the Allies footholds in North Africa.

Office of War Information

worked with the media to create posters and ads that stirred patriotism.

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