World War I

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What caused WWI - Alliance?

Alliances formed intensified the dangers of militarism and increased the countries involved

Second Battle of the Marne

Allies defeat Germans outside of Paris;Victory mainly due to Americans joining the war

Triple Entente

An alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.

Why is World War I described as a war of attrition?

Attrition, which means "the process of wearing down," is associated with World War I because the two sides would wear each other's defenses down with machine guns and artillery, and then rush the enemy trenches and try to capture them. Ex. trench warfare

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Civilian ships sunk, with US on board Germans policy 90 ships sunk by 1915 Lusitania May 7, 1915 US profit from war Pres. Wilson bargains with Germans, ends unrestricted warfare until 1917 Cultural ties Economic ties Zimmerman note

What caused WWI - Imperialism?

Competing for land and resources, rose tensions between nations

What countries appeared as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?

Countries that appeared because of the Treaty of Versailles were Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary.

What countries disappeared as a result of WWI?

Countries that disappeared due to WWI were Austria-Hungary, Prussia, the Ottoman Empire, and Serbia.

Somme 1916

During this battle of the First World War, Allied forces attempted to take entrenched German positions from July to mid-November of 1916. Neither side was able to make any real gains despite massive casualties: 500,000 Germans, 400,000 British, and 200,000 French.

What forces opposed the Communist government?

Forces that opposed the Communist government included those loyal to the czar, liberals, and anti-Leninist socialists.

US entry to WWI

Gave the Allies a huge morale boost Troops arrive in force in summer of 1918 German war weary American fresh for the fight

Who has the greatest steel production?


Triple Alliance (Central Powers)

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Who has the largest navel power?

Great Britain had the strongest navy. The Triple Entente still had naval power over the Triple Alliance.

Gallipoli (1915)

In the First World War, a combined force of French, British, Australian and New Zealand troops tried to invade the Gallipoli Peninsula, in the first large-scale amphibious attack in history, and seize it from the Turks. After seven months of fighting, the Allies had lost 200,000 soldiers. Defeated, they withdrew.

How was the concept of freedom of speech compromised in democratic countries during World War I?

Many countries denied the right of freedom of speech by censoring newspapers, arresting protestors as traitors, and occasionally even suspending publication.

What made World War I more devastating than any previous war?

New technology such as machine guns, poison gas, aircrafts, and high explosives as well as diseases such as trench foot both caused lots of human suffering on both sides.

WWI and Women

Notes and observations: Many women took over jobs men had This allowed african american women more rights Women were given more rights Claim statement: The war gave women the ability to own jobs and gave them more freedom and rights.

What caused WWI - Militarism?

Policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war


The Germans signed an armistice on November 11, 1918 to end the fighting. An armistice is an agreement from both sides on a war to stop fighting.

What prompted the Germans to call for the Kaiser's abdication?

The Kaiser's abdication was caused by the Allies being unwilling to make peace with the German government. Reforms for a liberal government came too late for the tired and angry German people.

Why was it believed that the war world would come to a close by the end of 1914?

WWI began July 28, 1914. People believed the war would come close to an end by 1914 because no previous war had never lasted more than a few weeks.

How did WWI come to an end?

WWI came to an end when the German government signed an armistice on November 11, 1918 due to a number of mutinies and civilians taking over a number of civilian and military offices. This led to Emperor William II giving in to public pressure and left Germany. After his departure, the new German government signs an armistice to end WWI. By the end of 1917, the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia and immediately set about negotiating peace with Germany. In 1918, the infusion of American troops and resources into the western front finally tipped the scale in the Allies' favor. Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies on November 11, 1918.

In the early 20th century formed alliances because

safety by numbers, military resources

Christmas Truce of 1914

the first Xmas of WWI, some U.K. and Germany troops stopped fighting and exchanged gifts & pleasantries with one another- a soccer match broke out at one point. It was one moment of sanity along the Western Front, albeit brief.

In the early 20th century formed alliances but

were kept a secret

Russian Civil War

1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies. Red vs. White Army.


A battle in WWI. Is considered some of the bloodiest fighting in WWI and the German offense was stopped; offensive battle on the western front initiated by Germany in which they hoped to crush France and taken them out of the war, however France was in a very good defensive position and French held it for 10 months. Nearly a million killed. French drew reserve troops from the Somme to help defend. No territory was gained; Battle in WWI that ended in massive casualties and had little direct result

How was a final settlement of WWI established?

After the Germans surrendered, 27 victorious nations from the Allied nations met in Paris to make a final settlement of WWI.

Battle of Tannenberg (1914)

German victories in the East were accomplished early in the war against Russia. At Battle of Tannenberg and at Masurian Lakes - big German victories. Captured 225,000 Russians. BUT, in the long run this was small consolation because the front in West became immobile as a result and led to the TRENCH WARFARE that would be one of the tragic hallmarks of WW I. Description Russia had less supplies/weapons Germany pushed Russia back Marshlands Cavalry was scary Germans didn't have as many soldiers Germans arrived at front by train, Russians unaware Germans fought 2 front war Germans spread out forces Encircled Russians Outcome Germans won by huge majority Germans had to spread focus between Eastern and Western Front Germans stuck in 2 front war

Why would nation form the group of alliances?

In 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia. France felt threatened by this alliance. Britain was also concerned by the growth in the German Navy and in 1904 the two countries signed the Entente Cordiale (friendly understanding). The objective of the alliance was to encourage co-operation against the perceived threat of Germany. Three years later, Russia, who feared the growth in the German Army, joined Britain and France to form the Triple Entente. In contrast to the Triple Alliance, the terms of the Entente did not require each country to go to war on behalf of the others but stated that they had a "moral obligation" to support each other. The Russian government was also concerned about the possibility of Austria-Hungary increasing the size of its empire. It therefore made promises to help Serbia if it was attacked by members of the Triple Alliance.

What caused WWI - Nationalism?

Pride in or devotion to one's country

How did Russia move from a Czarist regime to a Communist regime?

Russia moved from a Czarist to Communist regime after Nicholas II was forced to abandon the throne by the Duma (a legislative body) and give power to the provisional government, headed by Aleksandr Kerensky. The provisional government's unwillingness to abandon the war caused them to lose popularity. The provisional government was also challenged by the Soviets, challenged by Lenin. They gained the support of the workers, peasants, and lower classes. This government faced a challenge to its authority--the soviets. The soviets, largely made of socialists, represented the more radical interests of the lower classes. One group--the came to play a crucial role. Bolsheviks was under the leadership of VI Lenin. They gained support from the soldiers, workers and peasants and by the end of October 1917, Bosheviks made up a slightly majority in the Petrograd and Moscow soviets. The number of party members grown from 50k to 240k. The Slosheviks were in a position to claim power. During the night of November 6, the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace, which was where the Provisional government was located. The government collapsed with little bloodshed.

Russian Revolution

Russian unrest Poorly trained troops fighting Famine Lack of arms Bolshevik Revolution November 1917

What factors drove these changes?

Self determination and the Treaty of Versailles helped countries at the Paris Peace Conference to divide old countries and empires among different ethnic groups.

What are the factors and events that caused the Russian Revolution?

Some factors and events that caused the Russian Revolution included 1) their defeat to Japan in 1905 2) Czar Nicholas II's insistence of taking charge of the army despite his lack of training 3) Russia's inability to produce the weapons needed for the army 4) the lack of food that caused a large famine.

What factors helped the Communists win the Russian civil war?

Some of the reasons that allowed the Communists to win the Russian civil war was 1) because the Red Army was a well disciplined fighting force while the White Army was disorganized and undisciplined2) and the organizational genius of Leon Trotsky, who reinstated the draft and insisted on rig id discipline. Soldiers who deserted or refused to obey orders were executed on the spot. 3) The red army had access to the industrial parts of Russia 4) Communists had a single minded sense of purpose 5) Russian secret police aimed to destroy all who opposed the new regime 6) Foreign armies on russian soil enabled communists to appeal to the powerful force of Russian patriotism

Zimmerman Telegram

Telegram asking Mexico to attack the US Germans will support Mexico Mexico declines US finds out and joins the war on Allies

On what issues did the French, British , and Americans disagree in the peace negotiations?

The Americans, British, and French all had different ideas on how they wanted peace. The US wanted to create a world peace organization, the League of Nations, to prevent future wars. The British and French wanted to punish Germany for their actions. Wanted Rhinelands to act as a buffer state between France and Germany Germany pays for cost of war Limited military

Summarize the events that led up to the Armenian Genocide?

The Armenians, an ethnic group located in eastern Turkey had been pressing the Ottoman government for rights and protections. However, the Ottomans accused the Armenians of supporting the Russians in war in 1915. This led to the Ottomans using these allegations and starting a genocide of the Armenians. They arrested all Armenian people and sent them to their deaths or to labor camps.

Why was it difficult to achieve the peace that the Bolsheviks had promised?

The Bolsheviks had promised peace, which was difficult to achieve because of the Russian civil war. Many people opposed the new Communist government, such as those loyal to the tsar, liberals, and anti-Leninist socialists. They were also joined by the Allies, who showed concern about the Communist's takeover of Russia.

What types of people the Bolsheviks try to appeal to?

The Bolsheviks were trying to appeal to the peasants, soldiers, and factory workers

Battle of the Marne, 1914

The German army made a strong advance toward Paris in September of 1914. A coalition of French and British soldiers met the German army at the Marne River in mid-September and fought a battle for position. The British and French were able to push the German army back and prevented Paris from falling to Germany. Description German Army almost at Paris French desperate at repelling Germans Located at Marne river north of Paris Schifflen Plan - Germans have to fight 2 front war Russia had lots of troops, long time to mobilize Germans went through Belgium to go around French defenses on border Outcome Allies win b/c of 6000 French reinforcements Victory ends Schifflen Plan

Who had the largest army?

The Triple Alliance had the largest army,

What effect did the US entry into WWI have on the allied forces?

The US entry into the war gave the Allied Forces a huge morale boost, giving them the energy to complete and win the war. How about more practical things? They also supplied fresh troops and supplies to help the Allies in the war.

How might the formation of these groups provide security?

The triple entente allowed them to surround the triple alliance so that they would have to fight the war on both fronts.

How did the war on the Eastern Front differ from war on the Western Front?

The war on the Western Front was a stalemate between the Germans and France, neither being able to take much ground besides a meager 3 miles per year in any one direction. However, on the Eastern Front, lines covered a great distance and were marked by mobility. [Describe movement] Battle of Tannerberg between Germans and Russians.

Why did the war widen to become a world conflict?

The war widened and became a global conflict because of the Western Front. As the war went on, each side hoped that their new allies would give them the resources and money to give them an advantage over the enemy.

How was the Russian military unprepared for World War I?

Their loss to Japan in 1905 caused Russia to be militarily and technologically unprepared for WWI. On top of that, the Russian industry failed to produce the weapons needed for Russia's army.

Why did Germany had such a large army?

There was a differing devotion to militarism in different countries, even though Germany didn't have the largest population, one of their values was their military so they had a large army.

How might the formation of these groups raise the risk of a disaster?

These individual countries were willing to use war to preserve their power and the power of their allies. What would have been war between 2 countries now expand to many different countries at war with each other.

What was the impact of Total War?

Total war is warfare that includes any and all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets, mobilizes all of the resources of society to fight the war, and gives priority to warfare over non-combatant needs. Increased Govt Powers Planned Economies. The warring countries' economies began to struggle, which led to the government setting up planned economies. Price Fixing. Free market capitalist systems were put aside and the government set up price, wage, and rent controls as well as rationing food and supplies. Breakthroughs. Some of the results of total war was that there were many scientific and technological breakthroughs in mechanized warfare. Manipulation of Public Opinion. Both military and civilian casualties resulted from a war that had many fronts, which helped weaken the patriotic enthusiasm that marked the early stages of war. With pressures of war, even democratic states expanded their police powers and fed the population propaganda to stop internal dissent. SocietalOpportunities for Women. The war also created new opportunities and roles for women, as they took up jobs that men would usually do while the men were at war. Refugees. Finally, millions of civilians would be displaced and turned into refugees as a result of the war turning their homes into warzones.

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