Worldly Wise Unit 1

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A subterfuge is a comment that is not intended to be heard.

A subterfuge is a scheme that is deceptive.

An arcane theory is one that not many people understand.


An expedient is a means to accomplish an end.


Incremental changes are those made gradually.


Peripheral matters are those that are not central.


Persons who convenes come together in a group.


To exude confidence is to exhibit it in abundance.


To gesticulate is to say or express something by making gestures.


To reiterate a concern is to express it over and over.


To vacillate it to keep changing ones mind.


An imperturbable person is one who gets upset easily.

Doesn't get upset

Correct uses of gesticulate

He gesticulated so much when he talked that i paid more attention to his arms than to his story It does not work in: The baby wriggled and laughed when we __________ her tummy Secretary Braun said she had _____________ several ideas in her mind that might help us solve the problem

Levity is a state of perfect balance.

Levity is a lack of seriousness.

Correct uses of exude

Moisture from the body is exuded through the pores of the skin The producer exuded such charm that it was hard to refuse his offer It does not work in: As soon as Tom _________ the speed limit, he was stopped by the highway patrol

Correct uses of apocryphal

We dismissed these accounts of UFO contacts with humans as apocryphal It does not work in: A nuclear war would be the most _____________ event in human history I never know when she's being _____________ and when shes telling the truth a human cant be apocryphal


adj. Calm and assured


adj. Of dubious authenticity or origin, spurious. Not sure if it is serious. Spurious is we definitely know its fake Apocryphal is we're not sure, seems pretty sketchy


adj. Understood by only a few; mysterious


adj. Useful for some purpose; convenient. n. A means employed to bring about a certain result. if the word convenient works, its probably convenient

Many of uncle sayed's stories are _____________ but we enjoy hearing them


The high priests possessed ______________ knowledge denied to ordinary Romans


To mortify someone is to cause that persons death.

cause that persons humiliation

Using the internet is a very ____________ way to shop


The newest engine _____________ very little carbon dioxide


I felt that the most _____________ thing was to say nothing at all about the matter


A successful speaker ____________ confidence on the platform


Correct uses of expedient

guessing is the unprepared person's expedient for coping with test in view of the heavy rains, it may be expedient to delay the spring planting nations sometimes do what is politically expedient without regard to morality

Correct uses of vacillate

my little sister vacillated between between a party at home and a trip to the ice skating rink for her birthday It does not work in: Dr. Shin _____________ the baby against a variety of diseases Ayesha ______________ the drink until the ingredients were combined

We never found out what cause the ______________ noise in the cellar



n. Adeceptive scheme or strategy.


n. An increase, addition, or gain, often by regular, consecutive amounts.


n. Excessive frivolity; a lack of seriousness; joking.


n. One who tells stories with skill and wit.


n. The area around the edges; the outermost part.

An apocryphal event is one of earth-shaking significance.

one that is spurious.

The ________________ signature on the document made the lease invalid


correct uses of convene

the manager convened so many meetings that little actual work got done all the teachers convened after school to discuss whether to introduce spanish in grade four It doesnt work in: I ______________ robert's message to the members of his family


v. To embarrass or humiliate.


v. To flow out slowly; to ooze or emit.


v. To motion energetically with the body or limbs.


v. To move back and forth from lack of balance; waver. To alternate indecisively between opinions or courses of action.


v. To say over again; to repeat.


v. To summon or cause to assemble.

Juan will _____________ for hours over whether to stay or go


Charlotte's determination to take part in the event slowly began to __________


Correct uses of mortify

when i went to pay the check, i was mortified to discover that i had no money the mortified professor realized too late that she had given her students the wrong exam It does not work in: Fortunately, the dog was not __________ when the car struck it

A reconteur is a person who is skilled at deceiving others.

who is skilled at telling a story.

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