Writing Dynamics Part 1 Final Review

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In a screenplay, what is the proper way to indicate that dialogue is happening off-screen?


In screenplay formatting, how do you indicate a voice-over?


How many research questions are best for a research paper?


What is the proper order of steps for selecting a topic for a research paper?

1. select a broad topic, 2. narrow the topic, 3. write a research question

The total of all quotations in one paper should not be more than of the paper, by word count.


Select the true statement about the proper use of a hyphen.

A hyphen joins two or more words together.

How does having a research question help you develop a research essay?

A research question helps you focus your paper on information and answers to controversy related to the topic you are studying.

The king of fables (the one we usually think of when we hear the word fable) is .


Why is reading aloud a good proofreading technique?

Doing so helps you notice run-on sentences, awkward transitions, and other grammatical and organizational issues.

True or False: A nonessential participial phrase in the middle of a sentence does not require commas.


True or False: An important rule for writing research papers is to always use three main ideas, each with three supporting ideas.


True or False: Anthropomorphism is an ancient practice, but humans don't do it anymore.


True or False: Electronic and online sources do not need to be cited.


True or False: Facts can be copyrighted by the discoverer.


True or False: Free-verse poetry isn't considered to be real poetry.


True or False: Spellcheck is all you need to use in order to make sure that all of the words in your research paper are spelled correctly.


True or False: You should never use anyone else's words or ideas in any of your writing in any way. Any such use is always plagiarism.


Which of the following sentences is written in first-person point of view?

I picked up the candlestick and cupped my hand around the flame; I did not wish for it to blow out.

In a screenplay, what indicates if a scene takes place indoors or outdoors?

INT. or EXT.

How do writers typically cover broad topics vs. narrow topics in a research paper?

If a topic is narrow, writers cover it in-depth. If a topic is broad, writers will cover it only in a shallow way.

When proofreading, you should check for subject/verb agreement. What is that?

If the subject is plural, then the verb should be, as well.

What is the main way in which a screenplay is different from a stage play?

In a screenplay, the directions focus mainly on the view of the camera.

Select the best practice for incorporating your thesis into your concluding paragraph.

Make sure the restatement looks and sounds different from the thesis.

What does MLA stand for?

Modern Language Association

Which of these two techniques works best for being able to spot errors while proofreading?

Print your draft and proofread the paper version.

Which of the following sentences is written in third-person point of view?

She ambled along, heedless of the ghostly dogs which followed her every step.

Select the sentence that properly uses a comma and quotation marks in dialogue.

She said, "It's all in the details."

What is the screenplay formatting rule for indicating a sound?

The name of the sound is in all caps

How do writers avoid a dangling participle?

They do so by following this rule: participles and participial phrases must be placed as close to the nouns or pronouns they modify as possible, and those nouns or pronouns must be clearly stated.

Free-verse poetry follows a pattern of . . .

Trick question. There is no pattern. It's free verse.

True or False: A participial phrase is set off with commas when it comes at the beginning of a sentence.


True or False: Fables are told primarily to teach a moral.


True or False: Free verse may have rhyming words or lines.


True or False: It is important for a storyboard to include additional markings to show the camera angles or directions of camera movements.


True or False: Research papers require abundant references to professional sources. That is, your research paper will be generously populated with the voices of the published experts.


True or False: Semicolons connect related, independent clauses.


True or False: The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a "poor man's copyright." There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.


True or False: The skills you develop from reading free-verse poetry can help you love the scriptures even more.


True or False: The three main parts of a research paper are as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Conclusion


True or False: This course will teach you the intricacies of point of view.


True or False: When you remove the parenthetical material from a sentence, the remaining words must form a complete sentence on their own.


Which entity regulates copyright in the United States?

US government

What are good ways to use Wikipedia when doing research for a research paper?

Use it to identify key words to use in searching a database and to check for good sources at the bottom of the article.

What is the first step in actually writing the draft for your research paper?

Write a section for each of your main points.

Which of the following sentences is written in second-person point of view?

You heave the bag up over your shoulder and let it tumble down to the raging waters beneath. You're thrilled that you'll never have to worry about the Gamemaker again.

What is a good example of conflict as it pertains to writing a fable?

a character wants something, but there is an obstacle preventing them from getting it

At the end of every fable is . . .

a moral, usually in one sentence.

A participial phrase consists of what parts?

a participle plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s)

What is a professional journal?

a publication that supports the development and promotion of a field of human endeavor

What is a library database?

a searchable electronic index of published, reliable resources

As related to films, what is a storyboard?

a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production

Which of these is not included in the creation of free-verse poetry?

a specific rhyming scheme

What is one of the best tools a student can use to replace repeated words?

a thesaurus

In a screenplay, what is the spectacle?

all visual elements of production, such as scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, makeup, stage/scene movement and dance

What is a working outline?

an informal list of topics and subtopics which you are thinking of covering in your paper

Anthropomorphism means . . .

ascribing human traits to nonhuman things.

What type of sentence is best used as the first sentence in an essay's introductory paragraph?


How should a source be cited when there is no known author?

begin the citation with the title of the work

Which outline component is described as follows: "All the information contained in Heading 1 should have the same significance as the information contained in Heading 2."


What three items are typically printed on a copyrighted work in order to inform the public that the work is copyrighted?

copyright symbol, name of copyright owner, year of first publication

Select the three main mechanisms for protecting intellectual property.

copyright, patent, trademark

A fable will not include . . .

detailed backstory for every character.

What is a secondary source?

documents that interpret primary sources, such as textbooks, articles, and reference books

What is copyright?

exclusive legal right to distribute your intellectual property

What is a primary source?

firsthand accounts (of events) created by individuals during that period of time or several years later

What do animals in fables represent?

human traits, like foolishness or cunning

What are the two parts of citing sources?

in-text citations and the works-cited page

In a screenplay, how is dialogue formatted?

left justified at 2.5 inches, and shouldn't go longer than 3 inches

Which words work well as transition or signal words when you are going to state information that opposes your thesis?

on the other hand, in contrast, although, however

How long should the moral of a fable be?

one sentence

Parallelism is when each heading and subheading preserves .

parallel structure

What are the four main components of effective outlines as taught in this lesson?

parallelism, coordination, subordination, division

What is free-verse poetry?

poetry free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm

Which type of participle ends in -ing?


What is the best practice for avoiding plagiarism?

providing sources when using words and ideas from another person or organization, including mentioning the people who came up with them, especially in your research writing

Which of these is least commonly used in stories?

second person

When proofreading, look for sentence fragments. What are those?

sections of a sentence that are not grammatically complete sentences

What is NaNoWriMo?

short for National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo is an awesome thirty-day adventure for any writer

As an element of a screenplay, what is the business?

small movements and actions that do not require the actor to move from place to place

A fable is a short, fictional story. It usually involves .

talking animals

What point of view is the following passage written in? Javert was enjoying himself. The meshes of his net were stoutly knotted. He was sure of success; all he had to do now was to close his hand. Accompanied as he was, the very idea of resistance was impossible, however vigorous, energetic, and desperate Jean Valjean might be. Javert advanced slowly, sounding, searching on his way all the nooks of the street like so many pockets of thieves. When he reached the centre of the web he found the fly no longer there. His exasperation can be imagined.

third person

Which of the following situations would NOT be proper usage of an apostrophe?

to combine two nouns into a compound noun

When must you cite a source?

whenever you summarize, paraphrase or quote another author's material, or use one of their ideas

Plagiarism is when you use the and of others as if they were your own.

words, ideas

Does Ensign Peak Academy have a plagiarism policy?


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