WW1 50 questions
What id the Sussex's pledge?
no u boat attacks and britain must lift blockade
What was the Zimmermann note?
sent to German ambassador in Mexico from Germany foreign secretary (intercepted by British) for Mexico to declare war on the U.S. and Germany would ally with them. Mexico would get back it lost land.
Who was Marshal Ferdinand Foch?
(French) overall commander
How many Americans died during ww1?
126,000 dead
What speech did Woodrow Wilson give on Jan 18, 1918?
14 pts
How much money would Germany have to pay back after the war?
32 billion $
How many Germans died because of disease and famine caused by the blockade?
750,000 ppl
What was big bertha?
A huge cannon
When did the U.S. declare war on Germany?
April 6, 1917
What sparked world war 1?
Assassination of franz Ferdinand
When did Germny invade Belgium?
August 3, 1914
Was Germany blamed for war and why was this bad?
Blaming Germany - hated treaty (soon Hitler would rise against it)
What did the British blockade do?
Britain blockaded the European coast "Germany" no contraband (weapons) all must be rerouted to Britain
Who were the Allies?
British, French, Russians
Who was the president of Britain?
David Lloyd George
Why did the senate not ratify the treaty of Versailles? (3 reasons)
Did not recognize the Monroe doctrine / Could not withdraw from the league/ Congress must approve all actions
What was planes shooting each other in the air called?
Dog fights
What was another name for the U.S. troops?
Doughboys, yanks
Who did Wilson send to Europe to avoid war?
Edward House
What was the Espionage and Sedition act?
Fine, imprisonment speak out against or interfere with the war effort
Who murdered Franz Ferdinand?
Gavrilo Princip
Who was the commander of the U.S. troops in Europe?
General John J Pershings
Who were the Central powers?
German, Italy, Austria/Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Describe the x-mas truce
Germans had been in a battle with British and French. All of a sudden Germans put small xmas trees with candles outside of trenches and sang
What was another name for ww1?
Great war
Who appealed to Wilson because of Southeast Asia beginning to rebel?
Ho Chi Minh
What colonies went to the allies?
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine
What was the Selective Service Act?
It authorized the federal government to raise a national army numbering in the hundreds of thousands with which to fight a modern war. The Act was canceled with the end of the war on November, 1918.
What is the Schlieffen Plan?
It was a plan to hold off Russia and defeat France. Have one front in Russia and the other in the west.
What was the convoy system?
It was set up to defeat U-Boat and protect merchant ships (Germany seized or tried to sink ships bringing U.S. troops to Europe)
When does Germany resume unrestricted submarine warfare?
January 31, 1917
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
June 28, 1919
What was Wilson's last point?
League of nations
What were the 4 background causes that led to ww1?
Nationalism, alliances, imperialism, military power
What was the U.S. position?
In 1922 what did the USSR lose? (land)
Poland, Rumania, Baltics, Finland
What is the use of posters, movies, newspapers to "dehumanize and demonize" the enemy?
What was the War Industries Board?
Regulates production of industry -hiring-govt. contracts
What did the Bolshevik Revolution against czar Nicholas lead to ?
Russia leaving the war and signing a compromise with Germany
What was Eugene Debs position on the war?
Socialist, the war was caused by capitalism and imperialism
What lands were given to Czechoslovakia?
Was William Jennings Bryan a Pacifist? t/f
What was the treaty that Russia signed with Germany?
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Were William Borah and Hiram Johnson against the league? (t/f)
Describe Trench warfare
Two sides built trenches and had area in the middle which was called no mans land. Not very effective. 3 ½ ys of fighting like this
What was the U.S.'s position of Russia leaving the war and why?
U.S. and Britain pleaded with Russia not to sign a treaty with Germany. Germans can now bring the rest of their troops to the Western Front
Who was Captain Edward Rickenbacker?
U.S. pilot who shot down 22 German planes
Who was the president of Italy?
Vittorio Orlando
Who was the president of U.S.?
Were blacks allowed in the military and if they were, were they integrated?
Yes, segregated and some were generals