(002) Intelligence and Homeland Security Final Exam

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The production of analysis should stand out on its own merits by adding value to include:

Ability of the community to tailor products to specific policy maker's needs Timeliness of intelligence products Objectivity of the analysis

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) collection sources such as Social Media are subject to __________.

Accesibility Deception Credibility


Activities designed to obtain deliver, communicate, or transmit information relating to the national defense with the intent or reason to believe such information will be used to harm the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation or transnational entity.

Covert Influence

Activities in which a foreign government hides its involvement, including the use of agents of influence, covert media relationships, cyber influence activities, front organizations, organized crime groups, or clandestine funds for political action.

Overt Influence

Activities that a foreign government conducts openly or has clear ties to, including the use of strategic communications, public diplomacy, financial support, and some forms of propaganda.

Current Intelligence

Addresses day-to-day events

Strategic Warning

Advance notice on issues that would pose a threat to national security

Artificial Intelligence

Advancing computational capabilities that benefit the economy, yet those advances also enable new military capabilities for our adversaries.

Metaphors for Thinking about Analysis

Affects how one views the analytical process and expectations of outcomes

Timothy McVeigh

Alfred P. Murrah federal building

Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

An American-based single-issue movement that protests animal abuse. Responsible for committing acts of violence such as arson and vandalism.

Worldwide Intelligence Review (WIRe)

An electronically disseminated analytical product as a successor to the CIAs Senior Executive Intelligence Brief and the National Intelligence Daily.

Scientific and Technical Intelligence

An examination of the technical development, characteristics, performance, and capabilities of foreign technologies, including weapon systems and subsystems

Priorities process

An expression of areas of interest and their relative importance to one another

Finished intelligence is accomplished by the end of which step in the cycle?

Analysis and production

What phase in the intelligence cycle includes the integration, evaluation, and analysis of all available data, and the preparation of intelligence products?

Analysis and production

Analysts' Mindset

Analysts as a group exhibit a set of behaviors that can affect their work.

On the Ground Knowledge

Analysts have varying degrees of direct knowledge about the nations they write, and want to be perceived as experienced


At this stage, the information is often referred to as raw intelligence, because it hasn't been thoroughly examined and evaluated yet.

Baji Bombing

Australia's 9/11


Based on the elements of denial (denying an adversary's attempt to attack our interests) and punishment (inflicting unacceptable costs to the attacker in reply for having conducted the attack).

John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo

Began a series of sniper shootings that would paralyze the National Capitol Region for almost three weeks until October 22, 2002. Thirteen people were shot, ten of whom died from their wounds.

Husband and wife, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik

Began shooting at coworkers of one of the shooters at an event in the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. Fourteen people were killed; twenty-two were wounded

The Department of State __________ provides the Secretary of State with timely, objective analysis of global developments as well as real-time insights from all-source intelligence.

Bureau of Intelligence and Research

The primary mission of the __________ is to collect, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the president and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to the national security.


What agency has the largest number of All-Source Intelligence Analysts?


What agency is the HUMINT manager within the Intelligence Community?


Which National Intelligence Agency is the primary collector of HUMINT?


Which intelligence agency was created by the National Security Act of 1947?


The composition of SIGINT Includes __________.


Economics in regard to transnational issues can be subdivided into the following issues (Choose all that apply)

-U.S. economic competitiveness overseas -U.S. trading relations -foreign economic espionage and possible countermeasures -the intelligence community's ability to forecast major international economic shifts that may have serious consequences for the U.S. economy

Access to Classified Information, as stated in EO _____, is a person may have access to classified information.


Executive Order __________ created a program to allow for both sharing and safeguarding information with nonfederal entities.


The U.S. Intelligence Community is a coalition of __________ agencies and organizations.


Eric Rudolph

1996 Centennial Olympic Park

Nidal Hasan

2009 Fort Hood Shooting

Amir, Yigal

A Jewish extremist who assassinated Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995.


A Shia political party based in Lebanon; it is designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization. It is an effective social services agency, a government within a government, and often perpetrates acts of terror and war in the service of Iran.


A Sunni political party particularly effective in the Gaza Strip, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, pioneer in the use of suicide bombings during Intifadas (uprisings in Palestinian Territories and Israel). Currently it works jointly with the Fatah party in the Palestinian Territories.

Presidents Daily Brief

A daily summary of high-level, all-source information and analysis on national security issues produced for the president and key cabinet members and advisers


A foreign government's deliberate use of false or misleading information intentionally directed at another government's decisionmakers and decision-making processes to mislead the target, force it to waste resources, or influence a decision in favor of a foreign government's interests.


A general term for collection

Muslim Brotherhood

A group founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al Banna to return purity to the practice of Islam and to create a single Muslim nation, originally through education and reform.


A mission to acquire information about a target, sometimes meaning a one-time endeavor

Jonathan Pollard

A naval intelligence employee that passed sensitive U.S. intelligence to Israel in the 1980's

Aryan Nations

A racial supremacist hate group founded in the mid-1970s by Richard Butler. Originally based in Idaho, the group is organized around Christian Identity mysticism.

Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

A single-issue movement that protests environmental degradation and pollution.

Who serves as the military advisor to the NSC?

Chairman of the JCS

A major issue surrounding health-related crisis is tracking official foreign government statements against other intelligence to determine both the extent of the health problem and the openness of the government involved. This has been a point of contention with __________ over SARS.


In December 2015, the cyber breach of the Office of Personnel Management came from __________.



Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence

Department of the Treasury

Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) foreign financial information and, in consultation with the Department of State, foreign economic information

Department of State

Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) information relevant to United States foreign policy and national security concerns

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

Collect, analyze, produce, or, through tasking and coordination, provide defense and defense-related intelligence for the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders, other Defense components, and non-Defense agencies.

According to Lowenthal, __________ produces information and not intelligence.


What phase of the intelligence cycle is usually the costliest where budgets and resources come in to play in precise terms?


What type of counterintelligence activity refers to gaining information about an opponent's intelligence gathering capabilities that may be aimed at one's own country?


Identify the type(s) of Counterintelligence activities:

Collection Offensive Defensive Answer: All the above

Analytically driven collection

Collectors act in response to investigative needs and not more independently or opportunistically.

North Korea

Conducted cyber theft against financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, potentially stealing hundreds of millions of dollars, probably to fund government priorities, such as its nuclear and missile programs.

Ahmad Rahami

Conducted two bombings and attempted additional bombings in various locations in New York City and New Jersey.

Directorate of Strategic Operational Planning (DSOP)

Conducts global strategic operational planning for USG CT activities integrating all instruments of national power

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (IG) is confirmed by the Senate, and is responsible to the DNI and __________ .


The Internet of Things

Connecting billions of new devices to the Internet, but it also broadens the attack potential of cyber actors against networks and information.


Continues to target critical infrastructure, including underwater cables and industrial control systems, in the United States and in allied and partner countries.

What activity by United States government is intended to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological capabilities to other nations?

Counter proliferation

What activities are concerned with identifying and countering the threat to security posed by hostile intelligence organizations or by individuals engaged in espionage or sabotage or subversion or terrorism?


What term refers to actions taken to detect and counteract foreign intelligence activity that adversely affects U.S. national security interest?


__________ are actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks.


Warning intelligence includes the identification or forecasting of events such as a __________ .


What term describes the interventions by one nation-state in the affairs of another?

Covert Action

The executive branch has tended to focus its oversight on issues related to espionage and __________ .

Covert action

The Edward Snowden leaks exposed US programs to conduct which of the following?


The __________ is responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of drug-related intelligence.


The __________ is the only element of the U.S. Intelligence Community statutorily charged with delivering intelligence to state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector partners, and developing intelligence from those partners for the Department and the IC.

DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis

The __________ director serves as principal adviser to the secretary of defense and to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on matters of military intelligence, and also chairs the Military Intelligence Board.


Responsibility for MASINT is shared by the __________ and __________.


The 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act gives the _____ authority to conduct an "accountability review" of an intelligence community element.


Who is responsible to protect the sources and methods of U.S. Intelligence?


The Senate Intelligence Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over the following (Choose all that apply);


What type of counterintelligence activity refers thwarting efforts by hostile intelligence services to penetrate one's service?



Deliberate disclosures of information to the media.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is associated with the __________ .

Department of Justice

Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Designated the Functional Manager for Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Designated the Functional Manager for Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Director of NSA

Designated the Functional Manager for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

Electro-Optical (EO)

Detects the magnitude and color of emitted or reflected light and records the information in the form of pixels.

The Under Secretary for I&A for the Department of Homeland Security serves as DHS' chief intelligence officer and is responsible to both the Secretary of Homeland Security and the __________.

Director of National Intelligence

The __________ serves as the head of the Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.

Director of National Intelligence

Select the areas regarding Chinese Espionage major targets:

Economic Military equipment Reconnaissance of Critical Infrastructure Attacks on critics and dissidents


Egypt, Russia, the UAE, and Turkey are likely to continue financial and military support to their respective proxies.

Ali Mohammed

Embassy bombing

Executive Order 13691

Encourage the private sector to share cyber threat information

Executive Order 12333 defines counterintelligence as "information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect" against __________ and other activities carried out by foreign states or non-sate actors.


What intelligence activity is directed towards the acquisition of information through clandestine operations?


Presidential Policy Directive 20

Establishes principles and processes for the use of cyber operations


Examine and evaluate all the information collected, add context as needed, and integrate it into complete products.

United States intelligence activities are governed by __________

Executive Order 12333

The Pakistan western border region with Afghanistan is referred as __________ .


The Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) are led by the __________ .


Which agency is primarily responsible for investigating domestic terrorist attacks?


Domestic telephones can be tapped, but only after intelligence agents have obtained what type of warrant from what special federal court?


An employee being accorded the privilege of a security clearance automatically gains access to all intelligence information available.


Most of the Directors of Central Intelligence (DCIs) were professional intelligence officers and had wartime intelligence experience before taking that position.


National Intelligence Estimates are short-term intelligence products, focusing on events of the past day or two on issues that are being dealt with at present or next few days.


Since World War II, most U.S. presidents have had significant exposure to national intelligence before taking office.


Terrorist groups typically operate from large, easily identifiable infrastructures and rely on extensive communications networks.


The National Security Council staff reports directly to the Director of Homeland Security


The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) is a collaborative effort among SLTT and federal agencies, led by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the __________.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

What phase in the intelligence process assesses the degree to which the finished intelligence addresses the needs of the intelligence consumer and will determine if further collection and analysis is required?


__________ intelligence is delivered to policymakers, military leaders, and other senior government leaders who then make decisions based on the information.



Foreign use of false or misleading information, and targets a wide audience rather than a specific group.

Kahane, Rabbi Meir

Founder and leader of the Jewish Defense League

What intelligence source provides Imagery and geospatial data produced through an integration of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geographic information?


Indications and Warning (I&W)

Giving policy makers advance warning of significant events (usually military)


Graphic and compelling

What is the term refers to spies that would threaten to reveal classified information in open court as a means of avoiding prosecution?


In terms of collection, financial intelligence will be primarily SIGINT or __________, and some OSINT as well


One of the most obvious areas of contention of intelligence collection between the DNI and DCI are control of covert action and __________.


There has been a marked increase in hostile foreign intelligence activity against the United States and its allies, particularly from Russia, and against the United States from China on a very large scale involving both __________ and cyber.


Genome editing

Has the potential to cure diseases and modify human performance, which presents new ethical and security issues.

Pakistan and North Korea

Have nuclear weapons


Have significant oil deposits

Competitive analysis

Having the same issue addressed by several different analytical groups, with the goal of having disparate points of view to hear on an issue.

Hasan Nasrallah

Hizballah's Secretary General

What term is referred to when authorizers may approve a program but find that it is not given sufficient funds, or any funds from appropriators?

Hollow budget authority

What committees are the primary authorizers of the intelligence budget? (Choose all that apply)

House Permanent Select Committee Senate Select Committee

The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is designated as the Functional Manager for __________.

Human Intelligence

What Intelligence source provide representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media?


Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

Imagery and geospatial data produced through an integration of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geographic information.

Multispectral or hyperspectral imagery

Images are not photographic per se but are built by reflections from several bands across the range of light.


Images static and video may overwhelm Processing & Exploitation


In 2013, a hacker conducted an intrusion into the industrial control system of a US dam, and in 2014, actors conducted a data deletion attack against the network of a US-based casino.


Includes a variety of communications, including a presumed extensive presence on the World Wide Web and the Dark Web.


Individuals avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking


Information whose unauthorized disclosure "could be expected to cause damage to the national security."


Information whose unauthorized disclosure "could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security"


Information whose unauthorized disclosure "could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security."

The __________ established procedures by which intelligence community employees may report a complaint or urgent concern.

Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act

Soon after the release of the 9/11 Commission report, Congress passed which of the following in response:

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

Since the inception of the National Security Act of 1947, the __________ radically changed the top management structure of the intelligence community.

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA)

All-source Intelligence refers to __________.

Intelligence based on as many collection sources as possible to compensate for the shortcomings of each and to profit from their combined strength.

Activity-based intelligence (ABI)

Intelligence collection based on observed behaviors that are more likely to indicate that an activity of interest is taking place in that location.

Intelligence collection derives directly from analysis.

Intelligence collection derives directly from analysis.

The Intelligence Oversight Act requires that;

Intelligence committees be kept fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities carried out by or on behalf of the United States, including any significant anticipated activity. Notification is not a necessary precondition for beginning an activity Timely reports on any illegal activity or significant intelligence failure Answer: all the above

DIA/J2 Executive Highlights

Intelligence highlights produced primarily for the Depart of Defense (DoD) policy makers.

The term ISR stands for __________.

Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

Export Control

International efforts to control the sale of software.

In 2016, the DNI added the following to the list of cyber concerns (Choose all that apply);

Internet of Things Artificial Intelligence

What nation continues to be the foremost state sponsor of terrorism to include the Lebanese Hizballah group?


What non-state actor had pretensions to be a state and behaved like a "quasi-state," in that it occupied territory and conducted both military operations and terrorist attacks.

Islamic State (ISIL, ISIS, or Daesh)


Islamic fundamentalist group operating in Somalia; conducts many of its attacks in neighboring Kenya.

Priority creep

Issues customarily do not receive significant attention until after they have begun moving up to the higher priority levels, at which point they must compete with the issues already as high priority.

According to Lowenthal, the former Soviet Union was a uniquely difficult target for intelligence collection and analysis because;

It was a very large nation to hide capabilities. Large areas of the Soviet Union were subject to adverse weather disrupting overhead collection. The Soviet Union was a closed and heavily policed society. Answer: All the above

__________ members are state, local, tribal, and territorial first responders and public safety professionals from around the country, working side-by-side with federal intelligence analysts from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to research, produce, and disseminate counterterrorism intelligence.



Leads the world in applying surveillance systems and censorship to monitor its population and repress dissent, particularly among ethnic minorities, such as the Uyghurs.

According to the DHS Homeland Threat Assessment, The government of Iran and its proxy, __________ have demonstrated the intent to conduct an array of operations in the Homeland.

Lebanese Hizballah (LH)

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Led the Al Qaeda Organization for Holy War in Iraq against foreign interests, Shi'a organizations, and "apostate" Iraqis.

0 out of 4 points Connections among various terrorist groups indicates why so much emphasis is put on __________, that is, establishing connections between various people to get a sense of their broader social networks.

Link Analysis


Local concern for the United States

_________ are terrorists that act on their own whom may be motivated by various radical ideas but are not controlled by a terrorist group.

Lone Wolves

What collection discipline focuses primarily but not exclusively on weapons capabilities and industrial activities?


Major components of the British Intelligence Agencies include:


Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Makes it illegal to access a computer network without permission


May encounter communications silence, use of secure lines, spoofing of phony traffic

Collection Disclipline

Means of collecting intelligence

Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah

Member of al-Qa'ida's leadership council, the "majlis al-shura." , and an experienced financial officer, facilitator, and operational planner for al-Qa'ida


Military targets tend to communicate in regular patterns

What term assumes that other leaders, states and groups share motivations or goals similar to those most familiar with analysts?

Mirror imaging

Choose any of the following that may be possible motives for espionage:

Money and / or greed Ideology Compromise and / or coercion Ego

An intelligence activity to keep track of activities in foreign countries is referred as __________.


Traffic Analysis

Monitoring changes in communications , which has more to do with the volume and pattern of communications than it does with the content.


More readily available

What term refers to bringing together different types of technical collection, most often imagery and signals?


What organization from ODNI is the head of U.S. counterintelligence and is responsible for developing counterintelligence plans and policies?


Information Sharing

NCTC ensures that other agencies with CT missions have access to and receive intelligence needed to accomplish assigned activities.

Strategic Operational Planning

NCTC has the statutory responsibility to conduct strategic operational planning for CT activities across the USG, integrating all instruments of national power - diplomatic, financial, military, intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement within and among the agencies.

Identity Management

NCTC has the statutory responsibility to serve as the central and shared knowledge bank on known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts and support.

___ is the nation's primary source of geospatial intelligence for the Department of Defense and the U.S. Intelligence Community in support of U.S. national security and defense, as well as disaster relief.


The __________ is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America's intelligence satellites.


Which agency builds and maintains the IC's satellite fleet?


Which agency is the primary collector of Signal's Intelligence (SIGINT) and provides much of the cryptological expertise for DoD and the other agencies in the IC?


During the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, what intelligence organization created a publicly accessible website showing where the outbreaks were, transportation networks, and so on, to help governments and nongovernmental organizations put their efforts where they were most needed?

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

The organization responsible for producing National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) is the

National Intelligence Council (NIC)

Who is responsible for intelligence integration for collection and analysis?

National Intelligence Managers (NIMs)

The __________ allow policymakers and the IC to identify countries or non-state actors of interest or activities that are of interest and then to give them relative levels of importance.

National Intelligence Priorities Framework

The current priority system is based on the __________.

National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

The __________ provides the IC with the mission direction of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) for the next four to five years.

National Intelligence Strategy

What is the most commonly used activity to support covert actions?

National interest National security National defense Answer: All the above

According to the DHS Homeland Threat Assessment, While Russia and China are the most capable nation-state cyber adversaries, Iranian and __________ cyber actors also pose a threat to U.S. systems, networks, and information.

North Korea

NCTC is aligned under the __________ .


Which agency was created by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004?


Much of the intelligence about health and environmental issues can be carried out by means of __________.


What intelligence source is derived from publicly available information appearing in print or electronic form including radio, television, newspapers, and internet?


Which administration ruled that inspectors general need permission for access to wiretaps, grand jury information, and other data.


What type of counterintelligence activity refers to having identified an opponent's efforts against one's own system, trying to manipulate these attacks either by turning the opponent's agents into double agents or by feeding them false information that they report home?


The U.S. Department of Energy __________ is a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Rajneesh attacks


Policy makers can be a source of politicization in a variety of ways such as (choose all that apply):

Overtly - by telling intelligence officers the outcome the policy makers prefers or expects. Covertly - by giving strong signals that have the same result Inadvertently - by not understanding that questions are being interpreted as a request for a certain outcome

In 2011, the United States conducted a clandestine military operation overseas to kill Osama Bin Laden without informing the __________ government.


What term describes the waging of war via surragate forces, placing them somewhat beyond the norms of accepted international law.?

Paramilitary operations

The first phase of the intelligence cycle is:

Planning and Direction

According to the Seven Step intelligence Cycle, who has the job of setting requirements?

Policy makers


Policymakers including the president, presidential advisors, the National Security Council, and other major departments and agencies determine what issues need to be addressed and set intelligence priorities. The IC's issue coordinators interact with these officials to identify core concerns and information requirements.


Possible efforts to influence the 2016 US election, and assessed that only their senior-most officials could have authorized the 2016 US election-focused data thefts and disclosures, based on the scope and sensitivity of the targets.

The term __________ regarding Alternative Analysis refers to analysts that can fasten on one line of analysis, especially for issues that are examined and reexamined over the years, and not open to other possible hypothesis or alternatives.

Premature closure

The Information Security Oversight Office reports annually to the __________ on security classification system.



President Bashar al-Asad will stall meaningful negotiations and rely on the support of Russia and Iran.

North Korea

Previously conducted cyber-attacks against US commercial entities - specifically, Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2014, and remains capable of launching disruptive or destructive cyber attacks to support its political objectives.


Primarily responsible for investigating domestic terrorist attacks.


Primary collector of HUMINT.

The __________ meets irregularly and is made of the NSC members (less the president) and is presided over by the national security advisor.

Principals Committee

"Jaded" Analysts"

Proceeds from false assumption that each incident is much like others

Infrared imagery (IR)

Produces an image based on the heat reflected by the surfaces being recorded.

Directorate of Operations Support (DOS)

Provides intelligence and administrative support to internal and external customers on terrorism and CT issues pertaining to the Homeland and the rest of the world

Directorate of Terrorist Identities (DTI)

Provides screening support to our watchlisting partners, and isolates leads on previously undetected terrorist links.

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Publicly available information appearing in print or electronic form, including radio, television, newspapers, journals, the Internet, commercial databases, videos, graphics, and drawings.

Zero-day Vulnerabilities

Refer to flaws in hardware or software that can be exploited by an attacker.

Trend Analysis

Referred to as second-phase reporting, provides information on an event or series of events

Machine Learning

Refers to computers being able to be taught without being programmed to do so.

Artificial Intelligence

Refers to the ability of machines to do tasks or solve problems as humans do.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Refers to the interconnection interconnection of all sorts of disparate machines and devices that have electronics, sensors, software, WiFi capability, and so on, allowing them all to be connected and accessed.

Swarm Ball

Refers to the tendency of all collectors or collection agencies to collect on an issue that is deemed to be important, whether or not they bring anything useful to the table or can offer an appropriate type of collection.


Relatively inexpensive


Remain core to the economy and the military, yet new national security risks might arise from next-generation chips because of technology plateaus and investments by other states.

Current Intelligence

Reports and analysis on issues that may not extend more than a week or two in the future is most often seen and requested by policy makers

National Intelligence Estimates (NIE)

Represent the considered opinion of the entire Intelligence Community (IC).

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)

Representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media.

"Jaded" Analysts can be characterized by:

Representing intellectual dishonesty


Requires a great deal of Processing and Exploitation


Requires more time to acquire and validate sources


Responsible for multiple cyber attacks between April and July 2020 against Israeli water facilities that caused unspecified short-term effects, according to press reporting.


Responsible for research and development, acquisition, launch, deployment, and operation of overhead systems and related data processing facilities to collect intelligence and information to support national and departmental missions and other United States Government needs


Responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of drug-related intelligence


Responsible for uniting the intelligence agencies.

Cyber activities directed by the Chinese government targeting the U.S. include (Choose all that apply);

Retaliation against groups publishing adverse information about China Economic espionage against high-tech firms Reconnaissance in control systems for U.S. critical infrastructure Military espionage against new weapons systems

Edward Snowden

Revealed that the United States collected intelligence against various European Allies

According to the DHS Homeland Threat Assessment, What nation state is the likely primary covert influence actor and purveyor of disinformation and misinformation within the Homeland?


Aldrich Ames

Russia used to spy against the United States

The Global Hawk UAV can be configured to carry Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) and Communications Intelligence (COMINT) payloads. This enhances the utility of the UAV, as it allows collection synergy between GEOINT and __________ on a single platform that can be targeted or retargeted during flight.


What Intelligence source is the interception of signals between people, machines, or combination of both?


What collection discipline can also refer to the pickup of data relayed by weapons during tests, which is sometimes called telemetry intelligence (TELINT)?


Chinese espionage puts special emphasis on __________ targets.

Science and Technology

Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT)

Scientific and technical intelligence information used to locate, identify, or describe distinctive characteristics of specific targets.

Approximately 75 - 80 percent of intelligence agencies and their budgets remain under the direct control of the __________.

Secretary of Defense

Who is responsible for designating a group as an FTO?

Secretary of State

Radar imagery

Sends out pulses of radio waves that reflect back to the sensor in varying degrees of brightness, depending on the amount of reflected energy.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Senior leader of the terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

Controlled Unclassified Information

Sensitive but not classified and to create uniform standards for handling unclassified information

Tallinn Manual on International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare

Sets forth definitions of various legal issues regarding cyberspace

Commercial encryption

Several companies elected to go to an encryption standard that does not have a key that can be shared with the U.S. government, and difficult to break.


Sherman Kent

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen

Shooting patrons inside Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Forty-nine people were killed; 53 were wounded.

The Director of the National Security Agency is designated as the Functional Manager for __________.

Signals Intelligence

The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services Computer Network Operations (CNO)

What term refers to agents that are sent to another nation to assume normal lives who then become active agents at some time later?

Sleeper Agents

Regional tension will persist as China completes construction at its expanded outposts in the __________ .

South China Sea

What country remained the primary focus of activities within the IC during the Cold War?

Soviet Union

George Blake

Spied because of idealogical devotion to the Soviet Union

President Truman's goal in creating the CIA and under the DCI was to have a central organization that could coordinate the disparate analysis coming from the __________ and the military.

State Department

The principal interest of the _________ is maintaining diplomatic relations as a means of furthering U.S. policy interests.

State Department

What term describes intelligence agencies that are in similar or analogous lines of work (collection or analysis) that tend to compete with one another?


Directorate of Intelligence (DI)

Supports CT policy, intelligence, military, law enforcement, and homeland security communities through strategic analysis and warning products.


Synthesizing collected data into a form that intelligence analysts can use.

In the aftermath of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, __________ eventually took over much of the country.


The Department of Homeland Security was formed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as part of a national effort to safeguard the United States against __________.


Which Federal agency is tasked with developing international allies in the fight against terrorism?

The Department of State


The Taliban is likely to make gains on the battlefield, and the Afghan Government will struggle to hold the Taliban at bay if the coalition withdraws support.

The first large-scale terrorist attack on American soil was which of the following?

The bombing of the World Trade Center

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

The leader of a Hindu-oriented cult based in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The group was responsible for poisoning the salad bars of 10 Oregon restaurants with Salmonella bacteria in 1984.

Asahara, Shoko

The spiritual leader of the Aum Shinrikyōcult.

Attributes that contribute to a failed state include; (Choose all that apply)

The state is no longer deemed legitimate by its own people Social factors or crises that lead to displacement of the population Largely independent security apparatus and suspensions of basic rights


The systematic observation of a targeted area or group, usually for an extended period of time

Denial and Deception

The targeted nation can use knowledge about the collection capabilities of an opponent to avoid collection, and the target can use the same knowledge to transmit information to a collector to be false.

Ramzi Ahmed Yousef

The terrorist mastermind responsible for the February 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City that killed six and wounded over a thousand.

Competitive vs. Collaborative Analysis

There is a need to bring together analysts of agencies or disciplines to work on major ongoing issues


To collect against acquisition of various types of WMD


To collect against groups that may have camps or staging areas


To collect and dissect the many public statements made by terrorist leaders and factions and, tracking various social media sites.


To include the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)—will also continue to use the Internet to organize, recruit, spread propaganda, raise funds, collect intelligence, inspire action by followers, and coordinate operations.

In democracies, oversight tends to be a responsibility shared by the executive and legislative powers.


Intelligence officers are not allowed to make policy recommendations based on their intelligence analysis.


Most of the collection, analysis and operations take place within the intelligence agencies and not at the DNI level.


The National Security Council (NSC) sets the policy and intelligence priorities.


The government has no way to prevent the media from reporting information that it has obtained, even if it has been classified.


What agency is the newest member of the Intelligence Community?

U.S. Space Force (USSF)


U.S. and allied troops are engaged there

Improper Safeguarding Procedures

Unauthorized Disclosure due to inadequate protection of information.

Threat Analysis

Under IRTPA, NCTC serves as the primary organization in the USG for analyzing and integrating all intelligence possessed or acquired by the USG pertaining to terrorism and CT except intelligence pertaining exclusively to domestic terrorism.

Ad hocs

Unexpected issues inevitably crop up with little or no warning to policy makers.

Targets of ALF


Formal Requirements

Using the intelligence process, policy makers should provide intelligence requirements and communicate them to intelligence managers

Warning Intelligence

Warning intelligence "sounds an alarm" for policymakers


Will continue to expand its global military, intelligence, security, commercial, and energy footprint and build partnerships with US allies and adversaries alike - most notably their growing strategic cooperation with China to achieve its objectives.


Will continue to struggle to fight ISIS and control Iranian-backed Shia militias.


Will present a continuing threat to US and allied interests in the region as it tries to erode US influence and support Shia populations abroad, entrench its influence and project power in neighboring states, deflect international pressure, and minimize threats to regime stability.


Will remain the top threat to US technological competitiveness as they target key technology sectors and proprietary commercial and military technology using a variety of tools, from public investment to espionage and theft, to advance its technological capabilities.

Data spills

Willful, negligent, or inadvertent disclosures of classified information or CUI across computer systems.

Use of language

Words in the analysis field have distinct and separate meanings that convey intelligence

USS Cole


The DNI presents The Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community to Congress __________.


Under the National Priorities Framework, intelligence requirements are reviewed __________ by the president and the NSC.


Intelligence products that tally up the number of forces, equipment and manpower in foreign militaries is referred as __________.

bean counting

There continues to be a constant struggle regarding the campaign against terrorist to balance __________ and national security.

civil liberties

Proliferation of WMD programs are by their nature __________ and usually difficult to penetrate or to collect against in detail


A long-range intelligence concern that has begun to receive more attention is the possible economic and political consequences of global __________, including droughts, flooding, more violent weather, resulting shifts of population, and the potential for either political or military intervention.

climate change

Once policy makers have established requirements and priorities, the necessary intelligence must be __________.


The intentional duplication of effort from some intelligence agencies stem from distinct intelligence needs of different senior policy makers and the concept of __________.

competitive analysis

In the United States, unlike many other countries, the law requires intelligence officials to obtain a __________ before performing collection activities against a possible spy.

court order

Secrecy is inherent not only in what the intelligence service is doing such as collection and __________ action, but also the information that others withhold from the IC.


The intelligence cycle is a process of collecting information and developing it into intelligence for use by IC customers. The steps in the process are direction, collection, processing, exploitation, and __________.


Research Intelligence includes research studies that support both current and __________ intelligence.


The essence of congressional oversight is the ability to gain access to information, usually held by the __________ .

executive branch

A __________ is one in which there has been a breakdown of the legitimacy of the government to maintain a level of control over its own territory.

failed state

Most leaks of intelligence and other national security information come from congress.


The ultimate impetus for the legislation of 2004 regarding intelligence reform was mostly driven by the __________.

flawed analysis of Iraq weapons of mass destruction

For both practical and political reasons, narcotics has become, in part, a __________ problem.

foreign policy

Most senior policy makers tend to think in blocks of time no longer than _____ years because of the tenure of a single administration.


Hack Back

he process of identifying attacks on a system and, if possible, identifying the origin of the attacks.

Bin Laden primarily relied on __________ to communicate that helped lead to his safe house in Pakistan.

human couriers

The 9-11 Commission identified the need for greater __________ as a key component in the prevention of future terrorism incidents.

information sharing

The terrorist attacks and subsequent 9/11 commission investigations brought renewed focus on IT issues, and increased emphasis for the need of __________.

information sharing

Processing and exploitation are key steps in converting technically collected information into __________.


Estimates are not predictions of the future but are considered __________ as to the like course of events regarding an issue of importance to our nation.


The term __________ is to assume that present conditions will largely prevail near term.

linear analysis

A __________ acts on their own who may be motivated by various radical ideas but who are not controlled by terrorist groups.

lone wolf

Warning analysis involves the exploration of alternative futures and __________ / __________scenarios.

low probability / high impact

Stuxnet was __________ designed to attack a specific target, control systems for nuclear plants, especially those systems produced by Siemens, the German engineering firm.


I&W is primarily a __________ intelligence function with emphasis on surprise attack.


The consequences to cyber threats include;

physical consequences economic and security psychological Answer: All the above

Covert action decreases political costs because of __________ .

plausible deniability

The intelligence process refers to the steps or stages in intelligence, from __________ perceiving a need for information to the intelligence community's delivery of an analytical intelligence product to them.

policy makers

The National Security Council (NSC) consists of the __________.

president and vice president secretaries of state and defense secretary of energy Answer: all the above

Many intelligence professionals believe that there is too large of a disparity between the funding and focus given to the Collection phase over the __________ phase.

processing and exploitation

The __________ phase are key steps in converting technically collected information into intelligence.

processing and exploitation

The process of dissemination, or the process of moving intelligence from __________ to consumers.


The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) reviews the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF) __________.


In 2013, one of the issues confronting U.S. policy makers with regard to possible intervention in Syria was that international laws precluded aiding __________.


International law precludes assisting __________ fighting a recognized government, regardless of the nature of that government.


As a matter of organization, most intelligence services divide at least their analytical offices into __________ or issue-oriented offices.

regional and subject matter

The U.S. rebalance of the Pacific by the Obama administration focused on __________ .

regional stability

Military activities of nation states tend to __________.

self reveal

Leaks come from a variety of reasons such as (Choose all that apply);

show off special knowledge settle scores promote or stop a policy

TPEDs refers to tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination.


One of the issues facing the analytic components is that many of the analysts hired after 2001 have worked mostly on tactical issues such as __________.


The DEA's Office of National Security Intelligence was formally made part of the intelligence community specifically because of the link between drugs and __________.


The DEA's office of National Security Intelligence was formally made part of the intelligence community specifically because of __________.

the link between drugs and terrorism

The intelligence task with respect to health is largely one of __________ patterns of infection, but a large gap exists between intelligence and policy.


The large and interconnected international arms market provides opportunities to collect weapons-related intelligence at __________ or when weapons are deployed to other countries with lax security.

trade shows

The DCIA controls most of the all-source analysts within the IC, and day-to-day responsibilities for espionage and covert actions.


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