05 - LINKED LIST & 07 - Linked stack & 08 - Linked Queue
(adj.) side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time
most famous methods in Linked Queue are
- isFull - isEmpty - enqueue - inqueue - firsOne - isOne - isTwo
most famous methods in Linked stack are
- isFull - isEmpty - push - pop - peak - toString
- toString mention the code for the Linked stack
@Override public String toString(){ String str = ""; for (Node k = top ; k!=null ; k=k.next){ str += k.element+" - "; } return str; }
Types of linked lists
Singly, Singly circular and Doubly linked list
self-referential ( A node is called a self-referential object, because it contains a pointer to a variable of the same type. )
a text that makes reference to itself
- isEmpty
boolean isEmpty(){ return (front == null && rear == null); }
isEmpty mention the code for the Linked stack
boolean isEmpty(){ return top == null ; }
- isFull
boolean isFull(){ return false ; }
- isFull mention the code for the Linked stack
boolean isFull(){ return false; } // it's always false because the linked stack can't be full
- isOne
boolean isOne(){ return front == rear; }
- isTwo
boolean isTwo(){ return front.next == rear; // or we can use Size == 2 ; }
- dequeue
int deQueue(){ int x=0; if (!isEmpty()){ x = front.element; front = front.next; size--; } else{ System.out.println("There is no data "); } if (front == null){ rear = null; } return x; } // if the front = null the rear have to equal null too
- firsOne
int firstOne(){ if(!isEmpty()){ return front.element; } else{ System.out.println("it's Empty "); } return -1; }
- peak mention the code for the Linked stack
int peak(){ if (!isEmpty()){ return top.element; } System.out.println("it's Empty"); return -1 ; } why it's have a return value
- pop
int pop(){ int popedValue = -1; if (!isEmpty()){ popedValue = top.element ; top.next = top; size--; } else { System.out.println("this stack is Empty"); } return popedValue; } why it's have a return value ?
what's the purpose of Date structure
organza the information inside the memories
the top of a mountain
traverse ( We must begin from the head of the list and traverse the list sequentially to access the nodes in the list. )
to pass over, across, or through
A Circular Linked List is a special type of Linked List
Circular Linked List supports traversing from the end of the list to the beginning by making the last node point back to the head of the list
If the list is empty, then the head has the value NULL.?
In the singly linked list the traversal is allowed only one way and there is no going back.?
We must begin from the head of the list and traverse the list sequentially to access the nodes in the list.?
- enqueue
void enQueue(int e){ Node n = new Node(e); if(!isEmpty()){ rear.next = n ; rear = rear.next ; // or rear=n; } else { front = n ;rear = n; } size++; }
push mention the code for the Linked stack
void push(int e){ Node n = new Node(e); n.next=top; top = n ; size++ ; }