060 SWD part 3/1 quiz - by Laura

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Mr. Simon is a special educator teacher who serves as a consultant to general education teachers in inclusion classrooms. Janine is a student with a learning disability related to reading comprehension. Her classroom teachers ask Mr. Simon for strategies to help Janine understand content-area reading assignments. Which of the following suggestions by Mr. Simon would likely be most effective for the teachers to use with Janine? a. "Arrange for Janine to copy the chapter notes of a classmate who has good note-taking skills" b. "Ask Janine to write down unfamiliar words as she reads the text, and then have her look up the words after reading" c. "Arrange for Janine to tape record class discussions of the text to refer to when studying" d. "Tell Janine the purpose for reading a chapter, and then provide Janine with a graphic organizer to use while reading"

"Tell Janine the purpose for reading a chapter, and then provide Janine with a graphic organizer to use while reading"

A special educator decides that a student with learning disability related to math is ready to begin learning basic number facts. Which of the following would be an appropriate component of such instruction? a. a practice schedule consisting of two 15-minute session per day b. a focus on the memorization of number facts during daily math lessons c. intensive, hour-long drill-and-practice sessions two or three times a week d. nightly homework assignments of computations that reinforce specific number facts

A practice schedule consisting of two 15-minute session per day

The special education teacher's response is likely to be most effective for prompting Jared's mother to: a. develop a positive outlook about Jared's future. b. activate her coping mechanisms so that she can provide support to Jared c. explore other educational options for Jared d. collaborate with professionals to develop a plan for Jared's transition

Activate her coping mechanisms so that she can provide support to Jared

In providing services to a student with a disability, a psychologist would initially be responsible for: a. preparing and implementing transition plans b. serving as the facilitator of the student's IEP team c. administering and interpreting the results of standardized tests d. supporting the student's family by providing information and counseling about the student's disability

Administering and interpreting the results of standardized tests

After finishing a social studies unit, a general education teacher permits each student to create a final project in whatever format the students may choose to give an oral rapport, put on a skit, write a journal entry, or create a poster. For students with special needs, the greatest benefit of this practice is that it: a. avoids comparisons of their work with that of their peers without disabilities b. allows them to use their strongest communication mode to demonstrate what they have learned c. allows them to work across content areas d. makes it easier for the teacher to use effort rather than quality as the basis for grading their work

Allows them to use their strongest communication mode to demonstrate what they have learned

Monique is a student in an inclusion class who has cognitive deficits due to a traumatic brain injury from a car accident that took place two years ago. Which of the following information must be included in Monique's IEP? a. an account of Monique's injury and subsequent medical treatment she received b. a description of the extent to which Monique will participate in general education classes and extracurricular activities c. the results of a self-assessment completed by Monique identifying her likes and dislikes. related to school d. a list of specific instructional methods that have been proven to be effective with students who have injuries similar to Monique's

An account of Monique's injury and subsequent medical treatment she received

The school psychologist would most likely be responsible for providing which of the following types of information to the CSE: a. an in-depth analysis of Victor's intellectual abilities b. a report on Victor's current academic performance c. an explanation of goals related to Victor's future d. a description of Victor's social skills with classmates

An in-depth analysis of Victor's intellectual abilities

During the meeting, Victor's parents report, "Victor is good at math in everyday situations such grocery shopping or playing board games with his friends. He really likes his math teacher, but he says he hates it when his teacher calls on him to work out a problem on the board in front of the class. Victor says his mind freezes so that he can't do the problem. He often complains of a stomachache on days when he has a math class." In light of this additional information provided by his parents, the CSE can best accommodate Victor's needs by: a. developing a system for rewarding Victor when he does well on a math test b. arranging for Victor to receive instruction from a resource room teacher in math test- taking strategies c. placing Victor in a lower-grade-level math program to strengthen his skills d. adjusting math homework assignments for Victor to limit the number of problems he is required to complete

Arranging for Victor to receive instruction from a resource room teacher in math test- taking strategies

Ms. Salinas is a special education teacher in an inclusion setting. She is preparing for a CSE meeting for Adam, a student with mild mental retardation. During the next school year, Adam will be making a transition to a new school. Ms. Salinas wishes to encourage Adam and his parents to participate actively in the CSE meeting. Which of the following strategies would likely be most effective for Ms. Salinas to encourage parent participation? a. suggesting that before the meeting they talk to the parents of other students who have made similar transitions b. asking them to bring a list of their hopes and concerns to the meeting for discussion c. sending them copies of the policies and procedures that are typically followed in this type of meeting d. giving them a list of everyone who will be attending the meeting, along with a description of their credentials

Asking them to bring a list of their hopes and concerns to the meeting for discussion

Which of the following would be the most important question for a special educator to consider when deciding whether to begin teaching basic arithmetic facts to a student with mild mental retardation? a. Has the student expressed an interest in learning basic number facts? b. Can the student use objects or pencil marks to demonstrate the meaning of the operations represented? c. Does the student understand the practical value of being able to perform mental computations? d. Is the student ever likely to be able to learn to use a calculator to perform such operations?

Can the student use objects or pencil marks to demonstrate the meaning of the operations represented?

Ms. Rodriguez is a general education teacher who teaches in an inclusion classroom. A special educator co-teaches with her for two hours each day, and a paraprofessional assist her throughout the school day. During one of their weekly team meetings, Ms. Rodriguez expresses concerns about a student with autism. She states that the student's behavior is becoming increasingly disruptive and distracting to others. The most appropriate first step for the team to take in addressing Ms. Rodriguez's concerns would be to: a. brainstorm a list of behavioral techniques that she could use with the student b. reevaluate the student's placement in her inclusion class c. clarify the problem by asking her to share several examples of the student's behavior d. evaluate any modifications that she has already used with the student

Clarify the problem by asking her to share several examples of the student's behavior

During the CSE meeting, the special educator and the general education teacher brainstorm classroom modifications to address Victor's difficulties as described in the interview. The special educator asks Victor which of their suggestions might be most helpful to him. By asking this question, the special educator is demonstrating the importance of: a. ensuring that Victor is educated in the least restrictive environment b. providing Victor with Needed supplementary aids and services c. collaborating with Victor in planning his instructional program d. ensuring that Victor has procedural due process in placement decisions

Collaborating with Victor in planning his instructional program

While attempting to complete a math worksheet, a student with visual-perceptual disability keeps losing her place and mixing up information contained in different problems. The teacher's best response for meeting this student's needs would be to: a. have the student copy each problem onto a clean piece of notebook paper before she begins working on it b. create a cover sheet with a window in it that the student can use to view one problem at a time c. seat the students next to the teacher's desk to enable the teacher to monitor her as she works d. tell the student to work from the top left and to draw a large check, are above each problem after solving it

Create a cover sheet with a window in it that the student can use to view one problem at a time

Mari is a student with mild mental retardation in an inclusion class. Mari's special education general education teachers are concerned that the concepts in an upcoming social studies unit will be especially challenging for Mari. In planning the unit, Mari's teachers can most effectively address their concerns by: a. limiting the number of new concepts, they introduce to the whole class during each social studies lesson b. scheduling the special education teacher to work with Mari individually on separate activities during social studies lessons c. modifying social studies lessons to support Mari's participation based on her individual learning goals d. grouping students of similar academic ability together for social studies lessons

Modifying social studies lessons to support Mari's participation based on her individual learning goals

Mr. Perez is a special educator who provides consultation to general education teachers in inclusion classrooms. He visits each inclusion classroom on a weekly basis. During visits to Ms. Olson's classroom, Mr. Perez notices several instances in which she does not include students with disabilities in the class activities. Instead, she provides them with alternative tasks. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for Mr. Perez to take first in this situation? a. Request a meeting with the school principal and report the results of his observations in Ms. Olson's classroom in an objective manner b. Provide Ms. Olson with a list of activities that she count use with all students in her class c. Discuss his observations with Ms. Olson and demonstrate some effective instructional techniques that she could use with her class d. Recommend that the students with disabilities in Ms. Olson's class be assigned to a different teacher

Discuss his observations with Ms. Olson and demonstrate some effective instructional techniques that she could use with her class

General and special educators most typically use portfolios as an assessment strategy to: a. record observations of student's behaviors b. document student's performance over time c. determine the reasons for the errors students make in their academic work d. measure the progress students make in achieving developmental milestones

Document student's performance over time

According to the Family Educational Rights and privacy Act (FERPA), the parents of a student with a disability have the right to review which of the following types of information maintained by the school about their child? a. employment records related to the student's work at a school job b. counseling records kept by a school psychologist who is working with the student c. education records related to the student's behavior in school d. health records kept by a school nurse about conversations with the student

Education records related to the student's behavior in school

Mr. Diego is a special educator who teaches Nicholas, a student with learning disability. During a parent-teacher conference, Nicholas's parents express concern that they cannot afford to buy him books, games, and other materials to support his learning at home. Ms. Diego's most appropriate initial response to their concern would be to: a. state that the school is providing adequately for Nicholas's academic needs b. provide then with a list of Web sites that offer free educational materials that they could obtain for Nicholas c. encourage them to take Nicholas to the local public library on a regular basis d. emphasize that Nicholas needs their support and encouragement more than he needs material thins

Encourage them to take Nicholas to the local public library on a regular basis

The CSE is planning a triennial evaluation for a student who is classified as having a learning disability. The CSE must decide whether the student should be declassified or should continue to receive special education services. To assist the CSE in making this decision, the triennial evaluation should provide information that will answer which of the following questions? a. Does the student have good social relationship with age-and grade level peers in the general education program? b. What academic challenges will the student face during the next major transition between educational levels? c. Have the student's achievement and skill levels improved to the extent that the student could be successful in the general education program? d. What effect is placement in the special education program having on the student's overall attitude toward school?

Have the student's achievement and skill levels improved to the extent that the student could be successful in the general education program?

Special educator and a general education teacher would like to implement sustained silent reading in their inclusion classroom. They are aware that several of their students with disabilities do not like to read on their own for enjoyment. Which of the following strategies would likely be most effective for encouraging the students with disabilities to participate in this activity? a. providing students with disabilities with a list of popular books available in the school's library media center b. having students with disabilities discuss their books in pairs after sustained silent reading c. assisting students with disabilities in choosing books of interest at their independent reading levels d. rewarding students with disabilities

Having students with disabilities discuss their books in pairs after sustained silent reading

An aide is assigned to a classroom that includes Fatima, a student with learning disability. One of the aide's responsibilities is to support Fatima during in-class assignments. Which of the following would likely be the most effective and productive way for the special educator to make use of the aide in this regard? a. having the aide be responsible for ensuring that Fatima has all the materials and information she needs to perform the assigned work b. involving the aide in a discussion of Fatima's learning goals and in providing guidance that promotes her achievement of those goals c. employing the aide as a monitor to ensure that Fatima remains largely on task for the duration of each independent work period d. asking the aide to create alternative related activities and to substitute them for in-class work with which Fatima is having unusual difficulty

Having the aide be responsible for ensuring that Fatima has all the materials and information she needs to perform the assigned work

Luisa is a student with special needs in an inclusion classroom. She often calls out responses and interrupts the special educator and general educator teachers during lessons. In an effort to decrease this behavior, the special education teacher suggests that both teachers use planned ignoring with Luisa. While using this technique, Luisa's teachers should expect that: a. her inappropriate behaviors will likely increase initially b. she will demonstrate improved behavior not only in the classroom but in other settings as well c. she will rapidly discontinue her inappropriate behaviors d. she will likely demonstrate improved behavior for only one of her two teachers

Her inappropriate behaviors will likely increase initially

Which of the following procedures would likely be the most effective approach to establishing classroom rules in an inclusive setting? a. Create classroom rules for each student based on each student's individual needs b. Give students a list of specific rules along with consequences for not following those rules c. Hold a class discussion to identify a few general rules and then post them in the classroom d. Formulate classroom rules as they are needed to address student behaviors

Hold a class discussion to identify a few general rules and then post them in the classroom

Joey is a student with ADHD. His teacher is concerned because Joey frequently loses focus during instruction so .. he does not understand the concepts that are presented. As a result, he often performs poorly on assignments and tests. Which of the following accommodations would likely be most beneficial for Joey? a. incorporating hands - on instructional activities b. developing less challenging learning activities for him. c. providing him with additional time to complete his work d. assisting him in organizing an assignment notebook

Incorporating hands - on instructional activities

A student with disabilities has learned to tell time to the hour and to the half-hour using both analog and digital clocks. In helping the student to apply this knowledge to daily living situations, it would be most effective for the special educator to have the student: a. match flashcards showing analog and digital times b. wear an analog or digital watch at school and at home c. count by 5s to tell time to the quarter-hour d. indicate when it is time for lunch or other specific activities

Indicate when it is time for lunch or other specific activities

Ms. Dupre is a special educator in a resource room who teaches Stefan, a student with learning disability. She would like to help Stefan improve his oral reading fluency. Which of the following questions would be most important for Ms. Dupre to ask herself when selecting passage for this purpose? a. Does the passage relate to topics in Stefan's general education classes? b. Is the passage written at Stefan's independent reading level? c. Will Stefan be familiar with the genre of the passage? d. Is the topic of the passage likely to be of interest to Stefan?

Is the passage written at Stefan's independent reading level?

The language deficits that children raised in neglectful home environments often experience have been most closely linked to: a. lack of health care b. stressful interactions with adults c. poor nutrition d. limited amounts of stimulation

Limited amounts of stimulation

Jimmy and Lydia Ingram are the legal guardians of Henry, a student with moderate cognitive delays. The Ingrams would like to review the report of Henry's recent psychological evaluation, but his special education teacher is concerned that some of the information and conclusions in the report would be upsetting for them. In this situation, it is the special education teacher's legal responsibility to respond to the Ingrams' request by: a. giving them a written summary of information contained in the report b. discussing with them the key findings included in the report c. making the full report available for them to read d. referring them to the psychologist who conducted the evaluation

Making the full report available for them to read

Jim is a student with moderate learning disability who is fully integrated into an inclusion classroom. His teacher notices that he often socializes during quiet work times. This behavior affects Jim's in-class work because many of the assignments he hands in are incomplete. Which of the following strategies should his teacher use first in an effort to improve the completeness of Jim's in-class work? a. Meet with Jim to discuss his work habits and decide together on a positive reinforcer him to receive when he finishes his work within a predetermined amount of time b. Arrange for Jim to work individual assignments in a resource room rather than in the inclusion classroom c. Establish with Jim a consistent consequence that will result from off-task behavior and that will be discontinued once his work habits improve d. Instruct Jim to take home any assignments that he does not finish during the school day as additional homework

Meet with Jim to discuss his work habits and decide together on a positive reinforcer him to receive when he finishes his work within a predetermined amount of time

One month into the school year, a special educator becomes aware that a student with a disability has not yet received the assistive technology device that is specified in the student's IEP. In this situation, the special educator should first: a. ask the CSE to revise the student's IEP to provide alternative accommodations for the student b. contact the student's parents to discuss the legal actions they can take to ensure that their child receives the assistive technology device specified in the IEP c. notify the chairperson of the CSE that the student has not yet received the assistive technology device specified in the IEP d. inform the superintendent that the school district is not providing an instructional accommodation that is specified for a student in an IEP

Notify the chairperson of the CSE that the student has not yet received the assistive technology device specified in the IEP

Paraprofessionals working in special education are likely to be most effective in promoting student achievement when they are given the opportunity to: a. participate in collaborative planning with teachers b. manage the instructional environment of the resource room c. schedule conferences for teachers and parents/guardians d. assist in the provision of related services to students

Participate in collaborative planning with teachers

A collaborative team of professionals can most effectively create a learning environment for students with disabilities that promotes the achievement of goals and objectives by: a. preparing individual written reports outlining a student's performance and meeting to discuss the content of each report prior to a formal team meeting b. observing each other's teaching techniques and practices and providing each other with appropriate and constructive feedback c. placing students into homogeneous groups based on need and scheduling students to work individually with the appropriate specialist d. planning together to address goals and design instruction with the student's individual needs in mind

Planning together to address goals and design instruction with the student's individual needs in mind

When seeking to obtain permission from parents to conduct an initial evaluation of their child, educators are legally required to: a. ask the parent to participate in selection the individuals who will conduct the assessment b. present the parents with evidence of the steps already taken to support their child's learning c. provide the parents with relevant information translated, if necessary, into their. native language d. show the parents samples of the instruments that will be used to assess their child

Provide the parents with relevant information translated, if necessary, into their. native language

Mr. Washington, a special educator in a resource room, provides instruction to students in various academic subjects. Several of his students have IEP goals related to social skills. Mr. Washington would like to integrate the development of self-determination and self-advocacy skills into the academic curricula. Which of the following strategies would likely be most effective for this purpose? a. providing opportunities for students to make structured choices regarding instructional activities b. grouping students for instructional activities based upon the student's interests c. having students make journal entries describing their opinions about instructional activities d. asking students to evaluate their peers' performance during instructional activities

Providing opportunities for students to make structured choices regarding instructional activities

A student with special needs persistently complains that class mates are being mean to her. She makes this charge indiscriminately in many kinds of situations, including when someone is using the computer she wants to use, or when someone is reading the book she wants to reed, or when someone picks up her pencil by mistake. Of the following, the most important social skill area to focus on with this student would be: a. recognizing and acknowledging other's motives b. speaking up for herself in conflict situations c. distinguishing between what she wants and what she needs d. respecting the boundaries between her things and those of others

Recognizing and acknowledging other's motives

Lisa is a student with autism and a learning disability. She receives instruction from a special educator in a resource room for two hours each day and spends the rest of the school day in the general education setting. Her special educator has been working with Lisa on greeting other people appropriately. To help Lisa generalize this skill, it would be most effective for her general educators to: a. meet with the special educator on a monthly basis to discuss her progress in reaching IEP goals b. reinforce her use of greetings in their classrooms c. ask her parents/guardians if she is using this skill at home and in the community d. vary the ways in which they greet her and other students in their classrooms

Reinforce her use of greetings in their classrooms

A special education teacher is contacted by a university researcher who wants to conduct a study about the attitudes of students with disabilities toward school. The researcher would like to conduct 20-minute interviews with ten students. After meeting with the researcher and reviewing the interview protocol, the teacher is satisfied that study is safe, ethical, and respectful of students' privacy. Which of the following would be the most appropriate step for the teacher to take next in supporting this research study? a. informing the principal about the researcher's request and providing the principal with a complete description of the study. b. drafting a list of students who would likely be suitable participants in the study c. sending a note to students' parents/guardians describing the study and inviting their children to participate in it d. inviting the researcher to visit the inclusion classrooms to meet the students

Sending a note to students' parents/guardians describing the study and inviting their children to participate in it

A special educator in a self-contained classroom gives students 30 min. each day to play board or card games with one another. Incorporating these activities on a daily basis is likely to be most effective for helping students develop: a. social-interaction skills b. self-advocacy skills c. critical-thinking skills d. time-management skills

Social-interaction skills

When planning a life skills curriculum for students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds, a special educator interviews students' families about their food preparation and eating customs. The primary benefit of this practice is that it will help ensure that: a. parent/guardians encourage their children to practice life skills at home b. the educator allots enough time in the schedule to teach each specific skill c. students learning skills in school that are consistent with their cultural practices d. families take an active role in planning their children's education

Students learning skills in school that are consistent with their cultural practices

Ms. Murray is a special educator in a resource room. After receiving written permission from the parents, she video-tapes several of her instructional sessions with students. Then she writes reflections on her teaching practices in a personal journal. During the past several weeks, Ms. Murray has noticed that she has been giving limited positive feedback to students in the form of encouragement and praise. Ms. Murray should be aware that her behavior will most likely affect her students in which of the following ways? a. Students may have more difficulty making the transition between the general education classroom and the resource room b. Students may exhibit greater self-reliance and may learn to use self-management skills to succeed in school. c. Students may enhance their understanding to use nonverbal communication d. Students may experience increased difficulties with learning and behavior in the resource room.

Students may exhibit greater self-reliance and may learn to use self-management skills to succeed in school.

A student who is an English Language learner is referred to the CSE for nondiscriminatory evaluation. Assessment results reveal that her general intellectual functioning is significantly below average. When planning the student's individual program, the CSE could most appropriately use these assessment results to: a. design an instructional program that emphasize key elements of the student's culture and ethnicity b. analyze the impact of the student's disability on her potential to attain English proficiency comparable to that of her grade-level peers c. develop realistic goals based on the typical performance of students with similar assessment results d. suggest specific instructional and assessment modifications to address both her limited English proficiency and her disability

Suggest specific instructional and assessment modifications to address both her limited English proficiency and her disability

A special educator working with students who have behavioral disorders makes a point of responding to problems in the classroom with actions that demonstrate self-control. Which of the following describes the primary advantage of the educator acting in a self-controlled way? a. The educator is able to show students that they should not respond emotionally to stress b. The students will be unable to determine how they could provoke the educator's anger c. The educator is able to give students a model they can emulate when they are in stressful situations d. The students will be unable to offer the educator any reasonable excuses for having negative attitudes

The educator is able to give students a model they can emulate when they are in stressful situations

Use the information below to answer the question that follows: A special education teacher and a general education teacher co-teach in an inclusion classroom. Several months into the school year, they each take a co-teaching survey. An excerpt of the survey is shown. Co-Teaching Survey Directions: Respond to each statement by using the following scale Always (1) Often (2) Sometimes (3) Never (4) 1. All of our students benefit from being taught by our team. 1234 2. Students in our classroom with disabilities receive the services they need 1234 3. Our team receives adequate support and training 1234 4. Our team has sufficient time for planning 1234 5. We share responsibility for all classroom activities 1234 6. I find it easy to communicate with my co-teacher 1234 7. I have been encouraged to try new instruction strategies in the classroom. 1234 Two teachers could use the results of this survey most effectively for which of the following purposes? a. to engage in self-evaluation and reflection b. to assess the impact of their team's collaboration on students' progress toward individual goals c. to provide administrators with information for planning professional development activities d.

To engage in self-evaluation and reflection

Jonathan is a student with behavioral disorder. During class discussions, he often becomes upset when he does not agree with other students' opinions, and he turns his back on whoever is speaking. Which of the following would be the most appropriate strategy for Jonathan's special educator to use in addressing this situation? a. Speak with Jonathan privately about his feeling and how his actions may affect others b. Ask Jonathan to turn around during the discussion, apologize to the class, and then look at the speaker c. Assign Jonathan to a desk in the back of the classroom so that his behavior during class discussions has a minimal effect on peers d. Work independently with Jonathan to increase his ability to maintain eye contact during class discussions

Work independently with Jonathan to increase his ability to maintain eye contact during class discussions

Eric is a student with an emotional/behavioral disorder who is currently placed in a self- contained classroom. In this setting, he has been successfully using new strategies to reduce his emotional outbursts. At Eric's upcoming IEP meeting, his special educator would like to advocate for Eric's placement in an inclusive setting where he can apply these strategies. Which of the following actions would likely be most effective for the special educator to take in preparing for this meeting? a. writing a summary that compares Eric's behavior to that of other students within his current classroom placement b. writing a letter to Eric's parents informing them about the proposed change in placement c. surveying other teachers to obtain their opinions about Eric's possible change in placement d. gathering evidence that demonstrates Eric's improved behavior in his current classroom placement

Writing a letter to Eric's parents informing them about the proposed change in placement

A special educator providing phonics instruction to students with mild cognitive delays. Which of the following list of words be most appropriate for the teacher to include when introducing students to consonant blends? a. fly, cry, play b. dollar, kitten, butter c. king, ring, sing d. write, comb, ghost

fly, cry, play

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